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>Why these two?
Indo Birthday Global
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9/9 was 19 days ago, but that doesn't stop Anya from calling Reine every morning to say happy birthday!
(she has been doing it every day since September 1st, and will keep doing it until the 30th)
happy birthday reine
happy birthday weine
Those were succulent pengy titties, homie.
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Roboco unarchived karaoke soon https://youtu.be/abGqZlrk2nE
Anya continuing Granblue tomorrow on 3 PM JST https://youtu.be/d-YE9mOixkc
no Petra yet but here's a cute fanart she retweeted https://twitter.com/pineeeapple/status/1839532861826686986
I don't think Petra will stream for the next month either...
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>be me
>walk into my favorite coffee shop
>always full of hipsters writing novels on mcbooks
>wonder what they're writing as I walk past
>prob giving weird vibe staring at each seated novelist
>idc, autistic af
>stare at a hipster wearing suspenders over a button down
>prob writing a blog
>they're all writing blogs
>"why trainspotting is the gilgamesh of the modern era"
>"neckbeard is the new swastika"
>"toxicity in gaming is dangerous, hitler youth recruitment in wow"
>"diddly and our culture’s himpathy, why you only need to hear one side of every issue"
>"pure coffee diet changed my life"
>"vtubers are turning the frogs gay"
>snicker to myself as I walk past. what a box of tools
>there's one girl without a laptop
>she's just rawdogging the cafe ambience
>she's been watching me creep on the other hipsters
>Looking for someone?
>Oh, I thought you might be who I've been waiting for.
>think to myself, of course she's here for a date. fuck, I wish I could land a date with a girl like her.
>like a sexy business lady and a librarian in one, sharp and businesslike but also cozy and fluffy looking
>imagine sitting across from her and staring at her cute features, god I wish I was her date
>realize I'm staring
>remember that I'm wearing a dirty pair of sweatpants and a wrinkled tee shirt
>did she even say anything or did I imagine that?
>she looks confused
>haHaHa! that's so funny!
>I've confused my daydream with reality
>the short stack girl is looking at me like I'm crazy
>I am crazy. I'm talking out loud like I'm in a conversation
>I bring my hand to my ears as if I have bluetooth pods in my ears and say
>oops I've got to go now, I'm at the coffee shop
>yeah, sure I'll pick you up a coffee too
>what do you want? regular? large? any cream or sugar? ok, see you in ten!
>I make a motion like I'm taking the air pods out and stuffing them in my pocket
>she's still staring at me
>now she's putting a hand over her mouth and laughing
>I pretend not to notice. make a right turn and walk to the counter
>order the mocha I always get, and a large regular coffee
>committed to the fake phone call
>pick up my two cups and head towards the door, but as I'm walking away the cute girl pats the table in front of her
>sit down
>I start to explain that my "friend" is waiting for their cup, but she speaks with such a commanding tone that I nervously sit down across from her
>your aren't the one I was waiting for, but you'll do
>she holds both hands in a steeple in front of her chin and eyes me over the top of her glasses with a cheeky smile
>uh. um. hello
>Shhhh. she puts a finger in front of her lips and pulls a folder out of a bag next to her seat
>without breaking eye contact she takes a sheet of paper from the folder and sets it on top, the places a pen in my hand
>Sign here. she moves my hand to a line at the bottom of the page
>I start to read "This document authorizes the organization heretoafter referred to as..."
>You don't need to read it, just sign. she winks at me. I'm nervous, she's very attractive, it's been years since anyone this pretty has even paid attention to me.
>I start to sign, what's the worst that could happen? someone this pretty surely couldn't do any harm
>is this a marriage contract? I say out loud
>Something like that. her smile is gorgeous
>wait what? you mean...
>Shhhh! she puts a finger in front of her mouth and shushes me again. Not here, we'll talk details somewhere more, private. she winks again
>I sign the paper before I realize it
>O-K! she makes an odd gesture with one hand while putting the paper away with the other. she grabs the pen from my hand as well, I shiver a little when her hand touches mine. so soft.
>Two tall women wearing black pant suits and reflective sunglasses walk into the cafe quickly and stand behind me. Both put their hands on my shoulders and I'm surprised by how strong their grips are, they lift me from my seat and I'm prodded out the door where a black van with tinted windows is waiting, I glance back at the table with both my coffees, the attractive lady smiles and waves at me.
>Good luck!
>I'm still looking back at her with a silly grin on my face as the van door slides shut
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I ain't reading all that homie
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>be me, an average uni student
>doing homework and stuffs in a 'stylish' coffee shop because the public library is closed for the day
>can't focus at all
>the whole damn place's filled with the sound of Macbook keyboards
>oh god, they're playing another Swift song, it's the sixth time in a row
>tired and defeated, I close my notebook and check my phone, my order isn't ready yet
>look across the room
>some guy just got hoodwinked by a really cute petite girl who made him sign some kinda paper
>he's being dragged outside by two women into a black Volga. Must've been a wanted criminal or something
>my thought wanders into those To Catch a Predator clips I've seen on YouTube
>I chuckle a bit
>that petite girl turns her gaze into me. I try to stop my laugh with small cough
>just as I start coughing, a waitress comes with a cup of coffee. Damn, about time
>"here is your order sir"
>I took a sip from the cup while watching the black Volga drove away, still chuckling silently
>suddenly starts feeling woozy, eyelids feel really heavy for some reason
>a black G-Wagen rolls up in front of the coffee shop
>the same two women came inside
>I look into the cup of coffee that I ordered
>it's not the americano I ordered. Motherf--
>body slams into the floor
>the last thing I see is that same girl from across the room, still watching me quietly with a smile across her face
>I heard the two women who lifted me and dragged me into the G-Wagen talking
>"but why take another one lah? Isn't one enough?"
>"just in case the first one's broken"
>one of them is sighing, or was it a silent laugh?
>I stopped caring after one of them sacked my head, my mind still thinking about that damn girl from the coffee shop
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ahh, the Nagashima Spa Land collab
holy hell, a cute femhomie
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no stuffs
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Best pokemon arc
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My boyfriend is alive! And cute singing to start my day with.
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early granblue as usual
commence the sleb
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nut in the sqrl
I want to do a lot more than just hug.
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bump pengbutt
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honk honk
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meri silent hill 2
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Ami unarchived karaoke https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BOk_Y59U0o
74 minutes in... should've woken up earlier
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gonna smooch this pengy
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knife is awake https://twitter.com/anyamelfissa/status/1840255185244893447
knife soon
Does Anyer sleep in a drawer or a rack
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Anya sleeps wherever she lays before falling asleep
could be the floor, the bed, the couch... I don't think there's a drawer big enough to fit her in
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T minus 15 minutes, gonna go get some snacks
Oh, it's a sheathe. I though she was in a slice of pizza.
Anya starting!
early mamamamamama
Cag cute!
Anya relearning the controls of the game every time she's streaming it also cute!
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what's the point of telling the story in the middle of the fight? players wouldn't see anything from the flashes or while focusing on the combat
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what even is this Gundam stuffs lmao
it's not just mid-fight voicelines and hints?
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not sure but guess it's okay as long it's flavour-text only
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>lost the battle
>immediately blames it on COM teammates
Anya is ready for the competitive FPS scene
so close yet so far
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"third time's the charm" really paid off huh
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Why evil woman hot?
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Anya so cute
Anyer wants to GSH
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the whole party got Vanilla Ice'd...
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>I don't know about Danchou's combo at all, I only remember Cagliostro's
Anya is toasted...
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from Armored Core to Shin Godzilla all in one stream
How far is she into the game anyway?
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this woman needs a good dicking to stop her from being so evil
not sure, she's done for today, right at the beginning of Chapter 9, I guess only a chapter away from the finale
Meri did it. She got the better ending for SH2
no more stuffs today
now watch as Petra puts up a surprise Twitter Space frame in 15 minutes

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