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【 ???? ???? 】
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Previous Thread: >>86279065
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Sex with Koa!
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Trust the plan
Roca makes me happy.
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Sweaty sex wtih Poko
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I want to protect this smile
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Wuby cute
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I'm doing my part!
Koa status?
tabs >>>/vt///sig/
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I guess no Poko today.
We got a bit of singing at least.
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Thats brutal
Streams doko?
There's some other blue racoon debuting in few minutes so I'll cope with that.
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[REDACTED] = Good girl
is she cunny?
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Today was awful
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Sadly no, but at least she's against showering.
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Lisa: Meet 'n' Greet
At least the worst case scenario was avoided.
sheepfuckers look like that!?
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Seems that this event is a flop
>sudden collab
also who
some awkward weirdos there
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the bitrate on this stream kek
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grim >>86295965
wrong thread retard
dear lord, if you could just for once give roca a brea...
throw roca a bon...
could you just go easy on her for a bit. she may be your strongest soldier, but could ya space those toughest battles out a little wider and not all at once.
I don't trust the plan anymore
Lalabros, is it truly over?
guess who owns idol you utter fuckwit
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>be jamstone
>come home
>go to bedroom
>see Roca like that
What did she mean by this? I am confuse
It never even started
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Rin Blurryrose
still not idol you cocksucking troglodyte, kill yourself
Stop samefagging you are being ridiculous
last I checked Lyko doesn't own Idol
>Brave's hiring practices are unrelated to us
you seriously can't be this much of an imbecile
I trust Lani. I don't trust Brave though.
Really what the fuck is that quality Lisa?
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you must be a giga newnigger if you think this is anything idol hasn't already experienced multiple times since IdolEN debuted.
there's always a shitter in every company
Imagine a generation consisted entirely of Taigas.
Internet problems
You mean like E-Sekai?
You weren't around, but E-Sekai was the best small corpo generation ever for 6 months after debut. No one can take that away from them despite their eventual many fuck ups.
Male collaber
You shouldn't trust anyone
I trust Roca and Poko
I know there are other good girls out there but these two have worked hard to earn my trust
>there's always a shitter
I wish it was just her. Everyone in that generation is unredeemable save for Poma.
Kai is a whore she gets 0 trust
Lisa and Tonya could get there but they haven't won me over yet
She's not that bad. I dislike her content but I respect her consistency and unity.
lala hate taiga hate ruby hate coni hate pochi hate momo hate fuyo hate
You really don't use the thread when there are no streams huh
Wait a minute here. Why Ruby hate, faggot?
she is a con goer, is friends with elia and takes unexplained breaks often
is she done sucking homocock?
sex with retards
>is friends with elia
so is poko
Big fan of when they say or reference things like this and don't immediately start laughing or trying to brush it off
schizo hours
She does cosplay, of course she goes to cons.
elia already infected airi with her homocollaber aids, poko is next
Poko will not fall for Elia's bullshit
Trust her
Has Ruby ever homocollabed? Obviously she's very GFE and it seems like she really 'gets it' but I don't watch her that much.
why the fuck are you trying to convince retards to watch the same person as you
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Roca fucking killed it in her karaoke today. I'm so proud of her. She had such an energy to her
I like this guy's gifs
She didn't stop Lala
It was a great karaoke indeed.
Only got to catch a part of it so far, but she was killin' it.
It's amazing how much damage a bunch of 2 view homos can do
Why did that get deleted, it wasn't even dox
>we get freed from the entire y**o shitpost squad just in time for the ES shitposters to show up
Japaviel please debut Wyldfire and Momo2 already so we have something to talk about
I blame Momo.
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i want to talk about Momo 1,5 (forma de gooner)
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You're asking for pic related or the CEO of Brave Group overall, Keito Noguchi. But it seems like they are taking their sweet time to get things right given they delayed the debuts to October, they probably would've happened by now if not for that. [redacted] needs more news, it has been over a month now, not weeks at this point.
I'd much prefer delays over any potential issues, and I hope that they will clarify that that was the case when things finally happen, though I agree that radio silence isn't a good idea
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I think not
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I lurked during the stream, literally nothing happened but is understandable to lose some trust in her
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chink eyes
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I love when girls do it
you know what they say about japs who have facial hair
What do they say about japs who have facial hair?
I dunno but I'm sure they say something
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today i hate

1 plate of rice & beans with fried chicken sausage
leftovers with farofa
1 water bottle
Strawberry wafer
Might be that they don't usually grow it out well, all the long-bearded japs I've seen look like they came from a martial arts flick
NotGordo is Brazilian?
f a t f u c k
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this image is why she wanted to redebut
fat cunt
how can yuo make sausages out of chiken
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I'm noticing a patteln hele.
she should get eyelid surgery. It costs less than a redebut
by using chicken instead of other meat
Sausage is just meat inside of "Plastic"
new momo won't have chink eyes
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Momo should embrace it and redebut as a cute chink loli
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Embarrassing mistype
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It's okay. You just owe me sexual favors and I'll forgive you
take it out of the packaging first you fucking retard
i haven't seen porn of the rightmost one
literally who
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Will the Momo go back to making me cum?
Taiga live (stream in weaboonese)
Male collaber
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new pochi is erotic
I want Juna to peg me
Off-topic slut.
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They did announce they would do that delay in the follow up announcement when idol announced who would be leaving.
Yeah, just would like to have had more teasers and stuff, I'm sure we're going to start getting them once next month hits
I'm quite sure they'll do that starting this week or something. Not quite sure Wildfyre will get the same amount of advertising and support Voltail from V4Mirai did but I doubt Brave is just going to push the gen out with no marketing.
Surely they'll invest heavily, they have to show that them buying it was a good decision, and that would mean having numbers to the business guys, which means hyping up the debuts and stuff
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Do you want to play a game?
would fuck
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february next year
das crazy
if you kill yourself it won't bother you anymore
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Hang in there
Here to laugh at you.
t. ex jewbro
Laugh all you want, your foreskin's not coming back

It got privated :()
I-it doesn't grow back???
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No, stream still running, just disabled 3rd party rebroadcasts or whatever that thing is called.
right... youtube has so many specific configurations that do you no good
Ah yes, her scopolamine cusine... run fools, run if you don't want to be drugged and brutally raped to death.
Why, I mean the fuck is wrong with youtube and ASMRs? most aren't even lewd
Don't worry, she will be gentle with you
>it was just positive affirmations
yeah right this girl did dicksucking ASMR and called it gentle roleplay or some shit like that Kanna is a WHROE
there's a war being waged against vtubers by the tranny platforms
Someone has to be reporting Kanna's ASMR.
Why won't someone just tell Poko about some alternate website to do ASMR on
Fen flopped
Fenfags lost
Get fucked and never comeback threadshitters
twitch, kick, or you wanna get spicy then twitcasting, fansly, withny, rplay.
youtube is too shit now, they take down harmless ASMR but still have loads of vtubers of trannies spreading their assholes and jelqing fucking garbage
I'm pretty sure her videos only started being taken down after she got a bait thread on /vt/. What a coinkydink
probably SEA discords like usual
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i hope she flops hard and has to post feet pics in order to survive
me on the bottom
Meica05 stream
wuby doko...
she is not streaming until next week
Me on top
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Goodnight jewbros. Hope you have sweet dreams of your oshi.
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nini jewbro
sleep tight!
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ni ni
Ni ni get good rest
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thank god
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Nini bro
Can't wait for Katta to leave(and do fansly streams)
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>page 10
idol is dead
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Vintage /jidf/
too old
Did you get into the kai meet and greet?
Did you get into kai?
Kai got into me :3
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Today Roca will stream her final episode of Dark Souls. It's been half a year since she started this journey and what a wild ride it has been
I'll miss Harold and his stupid sexy moans when he's gone but I'm happy we got to experience it all with Roca and my fellow rockfuckers
Cheers lads
Time flies so fast. The day she started feels like yesterday.
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This thread is full of cuckolds lol
She should stick with karaoke, it's the only thing she's good at
Gwyn will plin his last plon.
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Every day with Roca is a blessing!
I hope she actually follows through on that dark souls cooking stream, that sounded like a fun idea
It sure does
6 months is a really long time to beat a singleplayer game but it was worth it in my opinion. I hope for her next game series she'll pick something shorter as a palate cleanser
I hope so too.
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I didn't think I'd enjoy it as much as I did. I'll miss dork souls when it's gone.
Time for Dark Souls 2 :)
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bless this beautiful rock
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I am a bit upset I missed out a meet and greet again, I hope she does more in the future
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>It's been half a year
I like 2 but she'll hate it.
Amazing bait, here's your (you)
Fen flopped
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2 more weeks
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luv me rock
her playthrough was so kino, probably the most fun DS playthrough ive seen by a chuuba.
i hope she plays DS3 + DLC too (and skips DS2)
she's at the end of her rope
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>16+ streams
eh at this point I'll take it
>last spooky games marathon
it's the end of an era...
I'm predicting that half the streams will get cancelled or moved and she'll find out why the month schedule thing doesn't work
Theoretically she spent the last month tying up loose ends so only the collabs can get fucked up unless she outright gets sick. But we'll see.
Someday redacted will return...
threadshit for a 1000 years...
getting her to stream is like pushing rope
Idol status?
healing (?)

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