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▼Phase Connect Links
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▼Utatane Nasa 転寝ナサ (JP)
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▼Fujikura Uruka 藤倉ウルカ (EN)
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▼Shisui Michiru 紫翠みちる (JP)
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▼Tenma Maemi 天満マエミ (EN + JP)
https://twitter.com/tenmamaemi | https://youtube.com/TenmaMaemi | https://twitch.tv/tenma
▼Pipkin Pippa ピップキン・ピッパ (EN)
https://twitter.com/pipkinpippa | https://youtube.com/PipkinPippa | https://twitch.tv/pippa
▼Kaneko Lumi 金子瑠美 (EN)
https://twitter.com/kaneko_lumi | https://youtube.com/KanekoLumi | https://twitch.tv/kanekolumi
▼Fuura Yuri ふうら百合 (EN) [Terminated]
Archive: https://youtube.com/@TheNationalFuuraYuriArchive
▼Dizzy Dokuro 髑髏ディズィー (EN)
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▼Jelly Hoshiumi 星海ジェリー (EN)
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▼Ember Amane 天音エンバー (EN)
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▼Remilia Nephys レミリア・ネフィス (EN)
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▼Amanogawa Shiina 天ノ川しいな (EN)
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▼Himemiya Rie 姫宮りえ (EN)
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▼Erina Makina エリナ・マキナ (EN)
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▼Komachi Panko 小町ぱんこ (EN)
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▼ Runie Ruse ルニ・ルーズ (EN)
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Previous Thread: >>86332796
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Perceive Her radiance.
Illuminate one and all in Her splendor.
Captivate those with Her light.
Obey only Her brilliance.

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i like uruka
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Jesus Christ is #1 Phase ENEMY
Porn is #1 Phase Friend
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I want to smoke weed with Saya and Ember.
can i get QRD why she got graduated?
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Come and drawpile for Runie's Birthday.


13th October 00:00 PST

3 Regular canvases
1 NSFW canvas
Feel free to add more

>What do I draw?
Anything. Get rused.

>But I can't draw?
Stfu. Draw.

>But I don't wanna?
Stfu. Draw.

>I don't wanna make an account. Muh anonymity?
No need for verified emails. Still anonymous.

Runie Reference Sheet:
Runatic Reference Sheet:
Phase needs a motherly Latina hag
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has pippa shown any support to russia?
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Complete stillness... as far as they eye can see. Doesn't happen often anymore. Goodnight /pcg/.
will sakana marry dizzy?
Reminder that chinese people punch these dogs in the face and throw them against the wall until they can stand like that on command
You all ate paper until you were 12 right?
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Apparently battery acid can help with digestion or something. Perhaps Wemi is immune to acid now
sleep well, lil luvbug
never eaten it
nighty night sailbug
wow, 2 threads in a row I get to post this
Am gonna find your ass somehow nini
sweet dreams sailor
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I can't tell if she's going to die young or if she's just built up immunity to everything that could kill her at this point.
does anyone know what Erina's intro screen music is called?
You missed out
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Sleep well bug.
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well... it was flanked by these 2 other posts
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GOD I want to FUCK Uruka. So BAD.
paper and grass (taste like apple skin)
This girl is gonna fucking die
Opinions on phase friend bwc
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nini /pcg/...
neverending dead hours? sounds like a good time to post this
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9rGAA6eF10 (starts burning at 14m)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uC1LTZIVOu0 (starts burning at 18m)
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Stop being gay, we told you how already
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I know a phase girl that's just as big of fan as her audience!
Give me a week
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I like cody's lab
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what do?
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Ok that's it, if I keep going I'm going to end up like my oshi and fall asleep in my chair. I think this is nini for me.
sleep well, lil doremu...
Ok just dont fast during it or you'll mindbreak someone here
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Sleep well doremu
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Nini Airihead
loki my beloved...
>shitty plastic goggles
>for an open thermite fire
don't do this, active Thermite creates UV rays that damages your eyes as if you looking directly at the sun. You should wear proper protection such as a welding mask
>yeah but it's not the sun
The sun has space & the atmosphere to go through, this only has a few feet of air
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nini Airihead

I almost had a moment like that last night myself. Or more like 5am. I shouldn't be drinking coffee so late at night.
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I worry about her alot. I can't imagine a world without her in it.
shut up retard, do you think this guy doesn't know it? there's always a retard like you prenteding they know best
>do you think this guy doesn't know it
he said in the video
>I hope this works
as he is stacking the cans in the fire pit .he doesn't know shit
>about to go to sleep
>read a thread about how dating is fucked and its impossible to find a wife
thanks for the reminder haha.......
But Anon knows! Anon knows everything! (Just don't ask him to prove it)
thoughts on pippa?
could she even handle childbirth?
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>prove it
Got anything else to say little bitch?
Yeah you said as if you were looking directly at the sun. Do you have any data that correlates the damage between thermite and the sun in terms of eye damage?
I'd give her a poke.
do you guys like maidcore?
You are moving goal posts, I accept your concession. As punishment for losing to me, draw your oshi giving birth
No I'm not, I was asking for clarification on what you said
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What do you want now? The same amount of UV emission from X amount of thermite Y meters away is as intense in the UV range as looking at the sun on a clear day otherwise he's wrong? You are a faggot.
Thats what he (You) said, yes
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Nasa own goal
heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :)
You also shouldn't look directly at burning magnesium https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEU_tblr5Ko
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*crushes your balls*
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woseposter just touched my balls, later losers ;)
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no shit sherlock
>no streams
Why are you here?
to see dick and ass
I'm watching phase friend ViV and her big titty friends
Thank you for bringing this peak to my attention

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I feel like a raw pig shouldn't have skin this loose unless the meat really isn't good anymore.
>putting elevating it onto potatoes cut like this so the grease soaks in as they release hot steam to keep the meat soft and flaky
Come on now.
>most of the boobs are hidden by super chats
I'm mostly in it for battlemaids desu.
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I am waiting for Pippa to come back
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Is that slut cutting that pig with a fucking plate?
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Crazy thought, but if your corpo has dead hours and your own channel lags a bit behind, you can always guerilla.
thanks doc
Give me a minute
>Dead hours myth
You have not seen every VOD, you gigantic fraud
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1 implying they aren't asleep/busy during deadhours
2 implying they have the capacity during deadhours to make passing (not good, just passing) stream content (bad content hurts the channel)
3 implying they accept the low dead hour boost over nothing at all
4 implying (from >>86345216 ) dead hours are anti vod and not pure FOMO
5 implying dead hour watchers actually likes the chuuba streaming
It's been more than a minute
/pcg/ can you tuck me in and kiss me on the forehead
I will not fuck you in and piss on your forehead
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*plap plap plap*
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>implying they aren't asleep
*tucks you in and makes out with you*
goodnight anon
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>or busy
True, girls should be allowed to take a break to spend with their boyfriends

Did you know nijisanjis objective was to create no dead hours back in the day. Famous takumi quote was something along the lines of anytime you are feeling bored I want there to be a liver who's streaming for you to watch.

You can see where that got them.
Are there any people with black characters on Pico's GTA server? The nips tend to avoid making those from other RP servers I saw
I'm crying why isn't the multiplication using signed integers
pico is a whore
Did you know that with 27 talents, each one would only need to stream for ~6 hours a week for there to be no dead hours.
That's only 15% of a real workweek.
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>imagined laying on her lap and looking up
You ever get sick of posting this is every thread?
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Need to be coddled by Dizzler
I wonder if it's the euro with the really girly hands
The only thing I look forward to in life is next stream.
I'm 19 am I young enough to get a nursing handjob from Dizzy
Only if your piece is tiny.
stop being younger than me for fuck sake
i am used to being the youngest when it come to interacting on here and it is weird for me
age quicker God dammit
It's somewhere between 14 and 15 centimeters
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Phayser for this feel?
What's the matter oji-saaaan~~
Is time flying by while you do nothing but get olllllder making you feel bad?
9.5 maybe I've never measured it
how the fuck do you lose weight if you work 11-12 hours a day 5 days a week?
i- i am only 25 at the end of the year
>Is time flying by while you do nothing but get olllllder making you feel bad?
Stop eating
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you might wanna
because that is less than 4 inches in girth
and the average for that is 4.5-7 inches
Have you tried starvation?
How do you not lose weight doing that?
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nigga you're older than me too by a year or so
of course you're not the youngest when you're over 20
people start lurking from middle school
Mcdonalds & coke
Meal prep for the week on your off days
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>imagine being younger than 30
If you ever feel bad about wasting your time, I'm 40 next month and wasted way more time. You can still get your shit together.
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Imagine being young
i am trying
you can also try too
Which phaser is most likely to goon to 8 hr long JAVs and eat lunch and dinner while watching jap cuties get pounded during intermissions from edging?
I am, fighting through the apathy.
this is almost at 2k
Pippa, unironically. She's got yellow fever on par with most of us.
this is fake news
>You can still get your shit together.
why? being a eurofag, it's actually pretty common to meet anons at uni or clubs. it's a pretty nice instant connection when meeting a /k/ommando or a /a/ fujo
I'd take a picture but I already jerked off today and I can't really get it up
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i'm starting to miss lumi a bit now
i don't want a picture
just measure it yourself
Did Uruka specifically request her mini 3d model to have the ugly face?
>Breaking kayfabe
Someone didn't get the memo.
You're not supposed to admit that or she'll start to think we value her.
Where are all the phaser? hello? 27 phasers?
It sounds like something she'd do. She's the only one who thinks it's peak comedy
>next stream still 4 hours away
maybe they weren't the best livers after all..
next stream is in an hour
So... Decently adequate livers? Semi alright livers? Good at a bargain bin price livers? Better than Wish.com livers?
It's faster and paints a better picture than me giving you measurements ok you don't have to make it sexual
Erina is alive thank God
JP will never count
Jaws is such a good movie bros
and you will never not be a faggot
dogs can already do that via sex
you will never be a woman
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Was the dog stream any good?
you win, no blow job?
Her steam name at one point was "putin's discord kitten"
of course not
still enjoy them though
Kaleido is gonna make it. I will raff in your face when Yuu passes the euphies
>Supporting any side in the newest regularly scheduled Slavic rape war
The Eternal Slav is a savage that can only be tamed through threats by his betters.
>gruppa rirra
what did he mean by this?
You know there wouldn't be any dead hours if fishman hired Clio
Honestly if muumi ever manages to medicate them into this level of productivity with absolutely nothing else changing it'd make Phase effectively win 2nd place from Nijishoujo with ease.
Clio sucks, and she's a paid propaganist for American history
Tranny hag connect
Lumi live reading manga
he needs to hire more SEAs like Jerry to fill the gap. There's got to be a few more Biboo-like hidden gems that he can dig up.
also a cromwell h8r but doesnt even hint at him letting the j's back cementing ingerlands downfall
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>hidden gem
Oh my god I never realized that's what they were going for with Biboo, considering she was barely known in her PL. Very clever Yagoo
what was the point of this again?
If you're sad about no streams, just remember Dizzy also cancelled today's stream because of Ame.
that yaaaaaaaay always makes me laugh
feels like my soul's draining every time though
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I mean outside of Myth EN largely follows the formula of mixing together big names and Literal Whos.
but I don't have an oshi?
why do you have that saved on your device?
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played with my dog for a couple hours, who can i watch now?
Yes, I just never put the phrase "hidden gem" and Biboo together. Now that I notice it I see it was clearly deliberate.
but she totally just had her mic muted guys
Go play with your dog some more
is he dead?
believe all women
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too tired. need to fill up this dead time.

yes, for 4 hours.
Are there any capipis left after this bombshell
Capipis are a perfectly renewable resource. Just don't over-harvest too fast and you'll get a new crop in no time.
what game do you want your favorite talent to play?
i believe all women are whores
of course. vote for what to watch on the next watchalong
Do you miss Pippa? Join the watchalong to help dull the pain!
■ cytu be/r/imisspippa
■ (replace the [space] with a DOT)
>When? Sunday Night!
■ 9pm Eastern
■ Pippa's normal stream time
>WHAT? TBD, vote below
■ Anime
■ Movies
■ Documentaries
>Suggestions -
■ Want to have a say in what to watch next? Suggestions go here:
■ https://poal.me/y68e3n
>NOTE: Capipis and non capipis are welcome.
■ No matter who your oshi is, if you just want to relax and watch something retarded, you are welcome to join us.
Alien Isolation
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One day someone will play disaster report 4
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Tenma or Lumi
she will die
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i remember watching that stream and i was shocked because i never expected that screach from Dizzy
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She saved us from dead hours...
What does she say, I cant listen to the soundpost right now
She said poopoo peepee_____________________
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>Open Pico stream
>Hear her giggle
>Mood instantly better
I love her so much
Tenma would enjoy it I think
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welll jigged
When I hear "Ai!" over the BGM I'm instantly happy.
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>nearly 4 hours
are the jiggas ogey
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I have no clue who that is
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The JIGG was left alone for long patches for time. Too many JIGGS one after another do that to JIGGers.
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i don't llike his ugly man face
i don't like his penis
i do like how flat he is. very refreshing after finding out pippa lied to us
Pico playing one of the Resident Evil games in VR would be hilarious. Muyu playing God Hand would be awesome too.
I want to get Loki drunk and date rape her.
I can’t believe Dizzy would do this to Pico…
I want to see Jelly on Diablo 2
Nice of Loki-sama to use the English voices for the games she plays
memory cooking stream tonight boys, don't forget
holy fuck dizzy
i forgot how much she can screech
Impossible on several levels.
For one, she's a god. For two, she drinks like a slav. For three, she'd be DTF anyway. Lastly, you'd probably be raped.
fuck you puddingfag
Based. I've sadly missed a bunch of her streams lately. I feel bad not showing up. Memory is such a cute hyper dork.
Violin is the one thing she has going for her and she can't even teach it.
Looking at all the 1 and 2 views on twitch made me realize it's actually insanely easy to become a semi-popular vtuber.
>Ugly voices
>Retards immediately scaring off potential viewers with divisive tags
Women have it too easy
why the fuck does clicking the download button for soundposts only work 50% of the time for name? it keeps removing the %
that's a really cool story man
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Phase girl for this feel?
Thanks bro
It’s true you know.
go watch on youtube then
>now imagining her noises in bed....
What the fuck is that TGS thing al lthe JP girls are playing?

She showed her thighs during one of the streams and it's absolutely A tier
I still kind of feel bad for the dinoman ignoring her
Hime, it’s always Hime.
he caught a whiff
So... is Hina okay?
>Lastly, you'd probably be raped.
by a hot older woman? i wish
How do we manipulate Uruka into selling her body?
she should have washed her crusty pussy
god i wish that were me
get her closer to panpiano
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Goodnight /pcg/
All she is good for is being a fucktoy.
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Just watch vods. I just rewatched her class of 09 stream. Her "I'm not like that" did not age well.
You don't actually need her.
AF should lick it clean better next time
Missed the pippa 3d debut
how was it?
She killed herself
No she isn’t, i roofied her drink at the rave, she’s currently locked up in the rape dungeon.
i didn't watch it either
but apparently its shit
i think she does a good job catering to en and jp fans
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Same. It's lonely without her.
Stale setup
is that your actual dog? post more pics if yes please thanks
Yeah that's Hime.
sucks i can rarely catch her live due to timing(i'm mainly a vod watcher)
I should have an answer to this but I don't...
Is this depression or I really have so little personality? Probably the latter.
On work PC so can't do soundposts rn, got the catbox link?
but she is yellow
with twitch all you need is to make yourself clipper bait, same way people are making games solely for streamers, just get a shitty bouncy model and make every stream just the setup for clipper bait
the easier you can make it to clickbait with the better, no matter how dead your chat gets
If this bitch really cared about mexican colonizers she would have married a whitey from spain. What a retard lol
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I keep waking up at 5am for no reason...
>tried to sleep for 3 hours now
Kill me
these are always Hime
lmao she's not even that brown, I bet she's from a pure bred spanish family larping as mestizo
dated a columbian chick that did the same and later found out she was 80% italian
Thanks anon, you also got the catbox
for >>86348013 by any chance?
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yes, it's my dog. here she is not dead.

same. i can only watch her on the weekends, during the week she usually streams while i am at work.
not the video but here's the audio
Would she enjoy poe
All of her shit opsec, following everyone she met at twitchcon on Twitter. Then just saying this on stream, and all the chat members like "who?" and "dino guy?" Why is she so fucking retarded? Is pipkun right, and she wants people to see her dox herself?
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cute dog
it's obvious that she doesn't care about it anymore
What are Lumi’s thoughts on Xi Jinping
the schizo in me is theorizing this as her building up to bringing the PL back again, why else would she really suddenly break her opsec like this?
Lumi likes autocrats
my schizo rrat is that she wants to graduate after seeing amelia leave holo, because pippa is really easily influenced
what are her thoughts on atistocats?
Which is why I don't buy her not trying the weed. Whenever she feels like specifying this much it's probably BS.
Pankers. Do your thing.
Pipkun should do more of these.
Why would she leave now when her channel is bigger than ever
This is never going to happen and has been brought up countless times
yeah anytime she's mentions some strange detail, you have to believe the complete opposite of what she says. I just don't get why she went with HinaBobesity of all people. Mari seems okay though
you're thinking logically though -- gotta put yourself in the pink rabbit mindset
she talks about it, idk if she will ever stream it
Just wait until Gura dips too.
there might be a Filian x Lumi collab tomorrow
not set in stone yet
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Is there a way to listen to just the audio without installing an extension
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A panko poster lifted today
Just for the record, this is what homemade 3D chibis should look like.
audio of what?
typing out the URL
Wao look at her go!
I'd rather kill myself then watch more filian even when my oshi is lumi. I hate this gay time line
What’s the most fucked up porn Pipkun’s ever drawn?
she wasn't sure what the stream for monday will be and said that it might be with Lumi
Just copypaste the link in filename but replace %2F with /
i don't see how it's immoral
Can't for the life of me just copy the filename
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make it TWO!
i think you might be lying
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Swoley ringo nation, our time is now
today is rest day for me
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anything for the manko
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rate my org /pcg/
What platform are you on?
I'm listening to her karaoke now, she cute
looks like it'll last forever and have no behind the scenes drama
I got recommended a Menace ASMR recently so I decided to listen to it and holy shit I had no idea she was so good at it. It really fucked me up.
Okay got the filename using inspect elements but it's giving me a 404, I'll investigate further when I'm watching the regloss live recap
i think filian might be retarded
Fuyo's asmr is also really good
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Cyberlive is Tsunderia's evil twin.
Skeletal instead of chubby.
Teetotalers instead of drunks.
Manipulative instead of codependent.
I will check her out when I get home. Thanks, anon.
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I don't jack off to lolicon, I just think brat tubers are cute and feel an instinctive need to protect them
Do it manually. It's just 6 symbols and a file format.
Has this guy been doxed? I bet his life is fucking hilarious. I'm going to guess he's a trust fund kid?
I feel the same but I also jack off to them.
What did we learn this thread?
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Fair, I just like big titties I guess
I appreciate large breasts as well. But given the choice between two identical women, one with a flat chest and one with huge knockers, I'd choose the flat chested girl every time.
I shouldn't start drinking at 8am

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