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We'll Always Remember Our Roots Edition

>What is /BIG/?
/BIG/ is a thread to find, share, and discuss the biggest indie vtubers who have on average 1000 viewers or more.

>Can I shill my 999 CCV oshi here?
No. 4views or higher only.

>Wait isn't that one a corpo?
Yes. Go talk about Corpo Vtubers in their appropriate threads.

Other useful threads:

Previous Thread: >>86311160
French Woman Love
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asian filian...
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I bless this thread with wolf tits
Saru is starting to play at vanquish for the first time
Our Queen.
Awesome, that game is a blast from the past.
Filian is based
cringe snowflake reddit thread
post vei feet
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I have to go to bed. But if this thread manages to reach bump limit before I wake up. Someone can use this for the next OP.
you have your own thread
go back
Yeah, sure. Good pic. Have a good rest dude.
>propose to saru
>pull out the ring
>she answers with "wooow that rings so OP"
French Autism
Too many literal whos in yours
Does anyone know how long Vanquish is?
under 8 hours iirc
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>so based she now has 3 threads
Is this the right place to talk about my favorite chuubas like Filian, Vei, Lucy, and Kaneko Lumi?
sure but only if you post lemon tits, thems the rules.
based on what?
yellow Vei is always welcome
Lucy good, Lucy cute.
I wish that one day I could get saru to visit me irl and I can show her how real firefight are and we can drive around in military viacgles and shoot people while she goes brrrrrrrrrrr pew pew pew
Sure, why not? Just don't be a sperg about it.
Genuinely what do you even like about her? She's stupid, stubborn, full of herself, has no self awareness, and edits her cosplay photos.
fge. can't be explained.
>game: you're too far forward!
>saru: don't worry I know what I'm doing NO I DON'T AAH AAAH IM TOO FAR FORWARD
bigger is better
Shes all those but she's also cute, knows how to make you feel like the most important person in the world, plays good games, finishes games, is very consistent. She understands vtuber viewers and tries to accommodate them without it being pandering, she has a good voice and model
frog girl experience?
That sounds very nise, anon
french but yes
>and edits her cosplay photos.
All cosplayers do
French woman makes my pp go hard
I don't like the recent trend of people sexualizing saru when they don't even know her personality
She's a goofball
I hate it when they send unironic bf applications when they don't even watch her
At least sees those people seperately from her regulars and doesn't just blanket shit on everyone who loves her like some other vtubers.
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Yeah, that's pretty annoying
do we have an inventory or list of /big/gas?
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Why is there a bunch of corpos in there?
where my goose niggas at
Is it weird to really like Saru's voice?
Because the real reason for the split is getting rid of 3view spam.
No. Being attracted to accents is varied and normal.
No, that's like the thing she gets the most complements about
Not at all. I particularly like her autistic verbal tics.
Hyoon is a vtuber now?
this is definitely out of date/incomplete, missing Bao, Juniper 'Dominos' Actias, Rainhoe, dyarikku, lilypichu
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wait this list doesn't even have Our Queen, suspicious...
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Is this a new General?
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she's in there
i'll be honest, if we're doing this we might as well follow the op rules and remove the corpos from there
whoops I can't read
it started out as a troll split with another name but some people feel genuine about it being a 4view indie thread.
Vei is infiniteView
also some numbers are way off
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it was created as a troll post but enough people started posting here unironically so it's still going
we'll see if it will survive long enough or not
how do you track afreeca's ccv for isegye people?
>if we're doing this we might as well follow the op rules and remove the corpos from there
yeah that's a good idea
That's it I'm hanging around here for a while I cannot with the sister thread right now
Come on in, fren. You are always welcomed.
has been for quite a while actually
I for one wish you the best in your endeavor. I just hope the sisters calm down eventually.
t. liggerman
It might take some time before their autism cools off
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what the fuck
Neuro is conquering the world
I don't even get what the problem is. Not like discussing 4views is suddenly forbidden there. Oh well, don't want to metapost too much. Have fun with your thread
just the usual shitters shitting on cooldown with whatever's at hand
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I guess. Anyways: Anny is live!
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What do we call our chuubas in this thread? Big Liggers or /Big/gers?
I have to remember to let saru know about big so she doesn't get sad thinking no one talked about her today
call them burgers
Oops forgot the link. Thanks
Big indies? More like boring indies keep up the good work splizo
*rapes you*
No problem fren
sorry you can't post bat here
What's with the recent trend of indies dropping the Yuri pandering? Oli, saru, shondo, inis,..
I like this name
It got boring, same as with lore. Vtubing is no longer this hot new thing.
twitch has almost no unicorns
Wierd that unicorns are ok with getting cucked by a girl but shit themselves when they talk to a guy
It got overused, which led it to become stale.
Saru realized she's unironically straight.
most unicorns are muslim
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I wish Giri would cook me something
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vei stream imminent
I will carry Giri's baby
How do you know?
i feel it in my bones
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Vei Sense
I like Deme but there's somethig about her that makes me not want to watch her.
I don't understand.
maybe because she's boring? that's it for me at least
For me it's that she screams for no reason all the time
women can't drive
but she's flying
brown, she's the flagship indie of the Philippines
not at the end she wasn't
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Our Queen has arrived.
what's on the agenda today
You guys didn't seriously get bullied out of /lig/ by the /wvt/fags did you?
just got tired of all the shit
it's the orange
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fat bitch
I prefer slower thread
I got tired of all the schizo babble. I don't even know what is happening there most of the time. Half of the shit is unreadable.
I would understand your point but you can't really do slow on /vt/ because you go 2 minutes without a post and you're already on page 6-7.
works for /vsj+/
Works for literally most of the generals on this board
it's only 15 minutes to page 10 at the absolute worst
20 during holo/niji meltdowns
30-40 during normal speed active hours
40-60 during sea hours
>saru playing vanquish
I love it when chuubas play games that no one else streams
>Oh shit, oh fuck me *burps* - Vei
Same, more Vtubers should do that more often.
that's our queen
filian would never
Yue leik ze cokain.fr, /big/?
I'm still holding out for a chuuba to play La-Mulana
This is what Filian sounds like when trying to suck cock
yeah, mine
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Saru showing what my cock would look like in her hand
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Never gonna happen, it takes way too long to finish without help. Who do you want to play it?
>Pic and filename
True, why would anyone do that to their car?
To make strangers laugh.
I'd say Tenma considering she essentially 100% both Fez and Tunic
To impress girls like saru
Alright, I guess.
I played Tunic recently and it felt like a baby game. I also got Amid Evil mixed with La-Mulana in my brain which made me wonder why you made that comparison kek.
>I played Tunic recently and it felt like a baby game.
Huh? The combat is decently challenging and the puzzles are really well put together
that shit filtered me because I couldn't figure out where to go without running into shit that I probably shouldn't have been
Filian shat her pants
I guess the bosses are hard and also those lizard guys who shieldpoke you are really annoying but most of the combat is pretty manageable
that's hot
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I should probably watch the new Lucy Pyre debut.
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/BIG/gers should be called big guys
Big guys who are bigots
and we just draw bane masks on everything
we're big boys
so lig has dr manhattan and we have Bane?
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Same, but I just don't have the time
was it any good?
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i just made this one based on >>86353706 while removing some corpos on it. i just went manually on each of these on twitch tracker and looked their 3 months ccv, while on youtube i used playboard's ccv. i couldn't find a way to see afreecatv's numbers. also idk how you guys want to deal with stuff like isegye, geex+ and mythic.
I liked it
I think you replied to the wrong person. But good job dude.
what did you like about it?
The model is neat
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my aim
good work
lucer live
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Just buy an aimbot
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Wife is live let's go!
true her model is hot
speaking of the devil, look who's live
your wife is hot
I love the noise Saru makes
Squ is live

If any of you missed it. Yesterday Filian commissioned Squ to draw some Sex Ed artwork with Squ, Layna and Filian in it
She really is, new model is somehow even hotter than previous ones.
Filian commissioned lewds of her self?
The corruption is working
sex ed artwork?
I want to creampie this woman so badly.
>Yesterday Filian commissioned Squ to draw some Sex Ed artwork with Squ, Layna and Filian in it
that's hot
>flesh stream
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giri's schedule, bunch of cooking streams this week
Well, it was a YLYL punishment. They brainstormed a bit and it looks like it's going to be Layna and Squ teaching Filian. So I guess short skirts, pantyhose and thigs. Hot teacher on school girl action
nise, live me some giri
today I am thankful for /big/ girls and the /big/ boys who appreciate them. I will jerk off to bao’s /big/ ass to celebrate
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there's actually few enough 4views to make a real schedule collage and/or teamup actually
Fuck that sounds hot, hopefully it comes out soon.
god I need her to look at me like this
Holy Sexo.
Lesbianism is a cope. I've never met a lesbian who doesn't own a dildo. They delude themselves into thinking they hate dick when in reality all women love cock. Just not anons
I think it more has to do with the fact that they have vaginas, which are designed to take dick-like objects more than them not liking dick. Also, men are more than just their dicks, anon.
I hope so, too but I don't know how fast Squ is with commissions.
I was wondering when Squ was going to make Filian art.
I don’t understand the arrangement. Is she going to do it for free or is Filian paying?
I was hoping for some shibari art of Filian but I'm more than okay with this, too

They didn't talk about it on stream. I think Squ might do it for free
JAV debut when
Nice thread you got there, NERDS.
Thanks :)
nice post you have there NERD
That’s really nice of squ damn
Saru is cumming on stream right now.
vei bae vei bae vei bae vei bae vei bae
>family, I have to go read a children's book to my husband
>brother: but you said you'd make me bacon today!!
And somehow shondo is the child
Whore, I'm still not going to post on this thread though.
fat vei fat vei fat vei fat vei fat vei
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It's a boy's job to learn how to cook meat.
filian called squ at 1 am asking for porn and shes going through with it?
Saru is playing this game like such a gay
Cover taking ass
brother, it's 12pm
Why wouldn't she? She's a nsfw artist
It's 7pm actually
Like a gay cover taking what?
Thread channel: https://www.twitch.tv/hoothouselivestream
I like this idea
its such short notice and unexpected lol
what if Rainhoe had a second channel called outhouselivestream
pi did that
need something bigger than chickens
oh like dashducks
Bad choice because if it gets mentioned in the op the threads going to get filtered for a lot of sarufags
I also like this idea, let's go with this instead.
Vei is a dexfag
the only downside is fleshies doing their educational programs every now and then, but it's not like anyone actually cares and they're okay people anyway
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It's not like Filian gave Squ a tight deadline. Also Squ said before that she is interested in making art of Filian.
Squ prepares well for collabs, she made a joke banner for her twitter and we use it on /flip/ for the anchor post. It's fair to assume she is going to bless us again.
Is this a good or bad thing?
... You really think she's doing it out of kindness?
That's fine.
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Has she streamed at her normal schedule even once since moving?
I don't think she has. Moving sucks ass tho.
aethel and nyanners are so so so so disappointing as streamers [haven't streamed in 8 days].
seriously considering giving up on them
No but it's not surprising
>expecting vtuber to stream at 6am
Pink cat pregnant pls understand
Pink Cat Pregnant
I'm not concentrating on the words but shondos voice has become so erotic lately
How so? Provide an example, please.
she might for a while.
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There was never a chance of her doing that
Those lazy women wake up at 1pm on average
>San Francisco is gone
>that was for the good of all Americans
Good line
is that the street shitting city?
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It's the "all non-violent crime is legal" city also the gay as fuck city.
Oli never has advertised herself as bi or lesbian though?
Shondo should also masturbate while doing ASMR
Need those squishy cunny noises
let's not.
One day vtubers will make merch that you can wear in public
Not today but one day
One can only hope.
If you don't wear your oshi merch in public, you truly don't love your oshi
I hope not
but they already do
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laimu's laimus
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Next OP
From lig with love
Holy boobers
4 u
/big/ derangement syndrome.
Limes in 10 years
Yes? Why wouldn’t it be out of kindness?
Then it will be next next op
How are my fellow /big/germen doing?
tired and horny, I blame frog.
Jorking it to Laimu
Saru kisses...
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Good stream saru! It turned out to be a really good 1 stream game, glad you liked the game.

Hope you have a nice weekend, I'm not going to be very busy so I can do some fun things myself. I can't wait for the new 3d, and votv and pz, and the date! Hope it's ready next week.

Good night saru! Good night big.
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she's gone
Watching footy
gn frog bro
Half mast and looking to get torqued. Any /big/tches online?
GN Sarubro
I don't know how Isegye works but agencies like GeeX+, Mythic, UTA etc. which exist almost entirely on the backend and have no unified branding (e.g. VShojo, 3AM) are not "corpo" to me

Example, Giri is in GeeX+ but you probably don't identify her as being "part of the group" with Trash Taste.
Bao and Shoto are signed to UTA, but you probably don't think of them as being "in a group" with Zen and Mouse.

The more companies that come up operating like VSJ and 3AM, the more the defining factor will be the forward-facing branding.
It's that feature alone which makes a lot of people assume V-Dere or Vchiban are corpos (the difference here being talent run/owned)
now put them on a wheel so we can figure out who to jerk off to
night frogbrother
Froggyloch narrowly makes the cut to be a /big/ guy
They're currently on a train to Chicago
They'll stream from the train if the signal is good enough
Limes has a calming voice
this the one that sounds like a cartoon character?
good parents is their priority now
lucy is seriously trying to psycheval a chatbot
Somebody should do that to her
Can we exclude Layna? I'm very irritated by her inclusion in any thread. I'm already livid enough having to witness her content.
I wish Limes would milk me
what's wrong with it?
The content features Layna, and I don't like Layna one bit
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this is precisely the problem with number based limits, hard cuts will make certain chuubas on topic and off topic on basically a daily basis, for /big/ to find any stability it will need number tracking 10 times as hard as lig has currently.

The twitch partner mark is definitive and irrevocable, numbers vary even from site to site.
Lig doesnt have a low limit because it wants to, its because it is the only limit that can be used.

Many moons ago i prophesized this day myself and I warned about it, saying the new limit should be superpartner. Turns out such things now exist and it is 300 unique paid subs and it leads to a 70/30, but did not came with a cool badge so it was worthless.
If you want a better metric, instead of numbers, make /super/ and keep track of subs which at least only change once a month
It can be /oil/ and it can focus on high earners.
It will be different enough from lig to make it worth existing and it can reveal interesting information: after all, I would want to know what the fuck a chuuba with 400 viewers but 300 unique subs is doing when there are people out there with 15k viewers and not even close to that
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If /big/ stays for long enough to become real thread I reserve the right to breed Silver in here
Ok, cool.

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