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Previous Thread: >>86342609
>read about thing /here/ a few days ago
>video pops up on phone on the same topic
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they also know the porn you watch
Wrong. If they did I would be in jail.
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I want to smoke weed with Saya and Eimi.
it's too niche for advertisers to possibly use
They're waiting for you to start your political career
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spoiler that shit man
I think some of the talents owe me sex
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I love Shiina!
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Phaser for this feel?
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Lumi is such a ruthless cutthroat bitch. I love her.
Sheer unmitigated Lawful Evil. Genuinely hot.
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saya isn't streaming today is she
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this image gives me such sadistic joy
Pico is like your little sister that follows you around when you're hanging out with your friends. Her GTA friends seem more chill than these Rust people.
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The logic breaks down a little cause you give her money to stick around rather than fuck off.
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I still can't get over her sounding exactly like my barber. I think I'm starting to find the barber cute or thinking about haircuts when I watch Pico
saya is gunna be my 13th reason
Nasa cute
i love her too
>13th reason
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The cutest
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I love sluts, there should be more of them
Lumi should do a footcam
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Your mom is a lying WHORE
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IS the light blue also a mythos?
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Stop letting mentally ill women with daddy issues affect your will to live
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who is your oshi?
what do you even do in rust, i can't understand these latest streams in the past week or two
No one
run around and kill zombies
why did you reply to yourself?
if they all went to the beach together who would come back with the sluttiest tan lines?
I shouldn't be so aroused by this but I am...
Light blue is Oumiya Emma’s new outfit

13 reasons why was a netflix show about a girl who killed herself and blamed a bunch of other people
Dizzy, Erina, Nasa and Shiina
followed by
Yuu, Uruka, Clara
Dizzy without question
Depends on the swimsuits?
That is... quite a change.
You need to actually wear something for tanlines.
they should record a song together and make this the cover
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Memory is live
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I want to FUCK Menace SO BAD
Why are you like this
narrowing it down to between Dizzy and Erina
hmmm my answer is
Memory is so freaking cute
I don't trust her around sharp objects...
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>My Melody frying pan
I can't believe you would just dox the fairy like that
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>memory cooking again
oh dear god
>Memory cooking
It's KINO time
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Who would sun their holes?
I'm kinda surprised she hasn't gone viral yet
She's improving.
what's viral about a woman in 2024 not being able to cook? That shirokumatyandaisuki1996 woman is more shocking
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Memory has the best orisong
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Smug aura
This poor pan has been abused.
top left got a roommate behind the model? I thought the showcase went viral but no one could fill in
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I love Runie
She a cutie
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>keeps saying pizza
>just putting all the shit in a bowl
The fuck is she even trying to make
I love momma runie's eternal pot of seafood gumbo.
Internet loves cursed food
kimchi cheese korean pancakes
What happened to women. Why can't they cook anymore?
That is not rust, at least the unmodded form of rust
The intended You hit rocks, trees and scrap metal with tools to make a base to make guns to fuck someone over & maybe trade in safe zones to fuck more people over and eventually raid people with explosives. You may skip the first few steps if you kill someone with a gun/base and steal their shit
>women can't cook
>men can't take initiative
>everyone can't forego satisfaction for future reward
It's called societal malaise. It happens every couple centuries.
pre-made meals proliferating.
I'm actually getting physically ill watching this
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owari da
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Hoochie mama I love Runie!
kek what an awful flip
It looks like a lasagna that exploded
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You'll eat it and like it Anon
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I'm back from meeting other people bros it didn't work out
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flipping a pancake with a spoon
Lumi should do a cooking stream
allaho akbarini!
That's a fucking huge patty, holy shit.
Didn't she do one with Uruka and Hime?
Did you die?
I can't even be mad at her. She's having a ball oblivious to the war crime level cooking she's doing.
the one with the chicken foot burger and the kettle chocolate milk noodle thingy?
sorry anon, but i did tell you that you just need to start treating people like complete garbage
If you work, you die
It looks... edible
The sickening crunch from when uruka ate those feet still haunts me
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no but it made me realize how socially unadjusted I am, I struggle to do small talk or just talk about normal things a lot of the time cause I don't watch TV or sports
Did she actually just bite into the chicken foot
*soft crunch*
I feel bad for Panko
That's gonna be the 100k celebration
it's not your fault for not being a pleb.
guys, what the fuck is wrong with chinese people
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Good morning. Runie soon
Good morning
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best horse
it's more that Chinese people will genuinely eat anything that has a theoretical nutritional value so we have them eating some of the milestone things you can imagine
There's lists for stuff you can talk about outside that. Look up "small talk topic list". Very useful if you're a wee bit spectral. I used to write my own Should do it again.
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If I have to be awake, at least there's Memory and Runie to wake up too.
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I heard Sakana Spaghetti. Please don't do it Memory-chan.
try this
Too many things to fit into a single post
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Nasa own goal.
>Emperor rises up for 2 generations
>Famine & civil war time for 2 generations
>Goverment rises up for 1/2 generation
>Emperor rises up for 2 generations
>repeat line 2
That is their entire history and commies replaced the emperor phase except instead of the famine happened early and without the civil war. They will eat anything and "take" (steal) anything not nailed down. I think chinks have a name for someone from the famine time still kicking, "grabhags" because they are stuck in their ways of never knowing if something will be there so they will take anything they can
Unimportant poll
>Emperor rises up for 2 generations
>150 million perish
>Famine & civil war time for 2 generations
>150 million perish
>Goverment rises up for 1/2 generation
>150 million perish
>Emperor rises up for 2 generations
>150 million perish
>repeat line 2
She needs better lighting. That corner of her desk is dark and makes the food look more cursed than it really is
[memory news] she was literally too weak to push the button to call someone to the front desk at her hotel but she was too shy to call someone
Since we are including death numbers, You forgot
>Famine & civil war time for 2 generations
>150 million perish
>65 million were consumed
>Victor founded a new line of emperors
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Reject Chinese barbarism, embrace Eurochad tax evasion
How are these women so malnourished?
memory might be the biggest girlfailure in phase JP by a mile
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But I want all three...
women are much weaker than you expect
It's a close competition between her and Wemi
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With Wemi there's an element of kayfabe but there is a shit ton of damning empirical evidence when it comes to Memory
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Lay off the gumbo fatty
Sex with Runie Ruse?
Nope I'm not into old women
It'd smell like malt liquor, cheap cigars and and shea butter.
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Evil Woman tries the Lemon Woman coffee
So weak they can't push a button?
Runie is TASTEFULLY bodacious.
Memory, Nasa and Loki went to tokyo game show together this weekend
She has really nice boobs, ill give her that
any good announcements?
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I want to hug an shorter woman and hold her close to me and breathe in her hair
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Sure why not
We, the Tony Charchere Memorial Louisiana vTuber League, do not claim Runie Ruse.
Wait that's now?
>was awake the whole time
Not worth putting on the clown costume
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Imagine dousing her in gasoline and lighting her on fire
Mari news: Pippa is her second favorite furry
>So-AAAAH, what I mean-
>--the Emperor's Hakiiiiiii--
>Is pro-AAAH
>Tied to th--YAAA
>that was good
>so as I was saying the Emperor's Haki is probably an expression of the world soul look I've got it drawn right here
Seriously Clio another 13 hour stream?
>shea butter.
Every black woman I've fucked.
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>Lemon coffee
>No citrus flavor or undertones
wow lumi that's the lemon woman haha that's the meme
The Tales coffee experience twists the taste buds
Looms focus on your tourism
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Runie wants to hit it
Runemama or Clio? I get the impression they look similar.
Lumi is straight
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So is spaghetti until it gets wet.
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[Runie News] She thinks Lumis' bean is too small
So fucking soft....
Nothing really, just the ongoing churn of remasters (Suikoden I & II, El Shaddai, Lunar). Ubisoft drama stole a lot of the attention from western coverage.
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Good morning, /pcg/.
Phasers are the best livers.
I'm two cups in
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Lumi’s beans are too small for Runie
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Glad Memory is hanging with the girls
no more beans talk, yesterday was enough
Nasa’s a good senpai
>Size queen Runie
Runatics got puny dicks
Infinite beans?
How many girls are there?
Is Runie drunk yet?
At least she has them well trained
I'm brewing another
>they're getting her into super pretentious coffee makers now
It's like a recursion of autism
Runie won’t even look at you unless your dick is 8 inches or bigger
They've got big heads
My dick and my hair are like my only strong points.
An aero press is hardly pretentious
I'm glad we got a burgeoning coffee autist in with Runie.
It just feels right.
Okay Colress
Lumi has an espresso machine
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Sakana can protect Runie from the Chinese government right?
Some people seethe at anything other than a piece of shit mrcoffee drip
I had an aero press I bought back in 2013, I loved it but eventually it got damaged, they raised the price so I'm refusing to buy another one.
When you finish the third the orc will frown
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>brewing another
Aside from Eimi being a slovenly bitch, can we talk about homebrew? I have gallons of wine (not cum) that I'd share.
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We've got our best agent on the case as we speak
Can you brew a Skittles mead?
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Thank god
I'm starting to think Lumi might not be evil and it's all just a joke.
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I don’t want to use tik tok…
>You will never have Runie cutely wake you up
>join memory cooking stream one hour late
>already burned
I'll have to watch it from the beginning later.
Kek sounds kino
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Runie reports the Lumi coffee is rich but not bitter, and slightly nutty. No citrus or tangy flavors
I want to see a timelapse of the pink hotplate's deterioratation after a year
That wouldn't be mead. Also, I don't think yeast likes that slop.
Nobody here actually watches Lumi, they just post as if they do.
She is tapoing my penis
It honestly sounds decent and I don't like coffee. Personally would want to try that and Hina's.
Those lemon squeezing noises... I'll brb...
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she squeezed the lemon
Runie coaxing out all the lemon juices.
Runie just squeezed Lumi between her thighs
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I want to watch the new season of Oshi no Ko with Memory.
I watch Kaneko Lumi all the time on BiliBili. I follow her on Weibo, WeChat, Xiaohongshu, and stream all her songs on QQ Music. Big fan!
Runie is the only talent that makes me cringe sometimes.
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Runie's impressions just make me miss her even more.
the suggestions she was talking about
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Shooting my gloo
It's like I can hear her voice...
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should've gloo'd lumi in place now she's gone huh
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>turn on memory
>Absolutely burnt crispy thing in a pan
It's absolute kino
Would you put lemon juice in your coffee peeceegee
Sure. I don't have any lemons right now though.
I'd try it
Yes, and Runie kinda sold me on the coffee.
I'd have to check if the shipping cost is not completely ridiculous anymore though.
What is memory's mascot thing?
Hime camp RP
Sounds interesting, frankly. I don't have fresh or I'd try it right now.
He may stream
yeah, coffee with lemon is good for headaches
Lemon juice neutralizes some of the benefits of green tea. Not sure about coffee. Why debuff it?
Do you think Lumi has the same preference in men as Runie?
hime rape
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Clara would drink coffee with butter to make sure her food slipped through faster so she wouldn't gain weight.
No, black.
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There are more similarities in taste profile between black tea and coffee, than green tea and coffee. It's pretty common to put lemon in black tea, so I can see how it could work.
Your type?
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Hime-tan looks extra breedable this morning
Hime is pretty cute sometimes.
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Runie loves those.
No, Runies.
I'd trade Lumi for yap dollar anyday.
Ponytails are so attractive.
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>phase tabletop game
many have tried, all have failed.
You keep typing "runie" but we all know you mean yourself, stop projecting. it's 2024 no one cares anymore about your preferences, anon
Bitos awake, thread filled with violent and horny posts
Her outfit reveal is tonight? Holy shit, this month flew by.
IF anyone could do it, it would be Runie.
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Hasn't Pippa mentioned doing one as well? Surely between the two of them they could come up with something, that or I'm just coping.
>no u
Okay nice cope I guess.
Lumi has too. Pippa would never follow through with it but maybe Lumi would.
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Is DnD really that fun?
yeah, me
[Hime News]
She eats her steak correctly
It's as fun as the people playing make it. With a good group it's the most fun you'll ever have.
Pippa said during the first Mouseguard bookclub stream that she's given up on it. The current talent pool at Phase simply doesn't have enough people who will organize and be committed enough to it. I agree with her, but I'm open to being proven wrong.
yep, it's a unique experience
lumi wants to but she's also said it'd never actually work

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