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▼Phase Connect Links
Official Website: https://phase-connect.com
Official Schedule: https://schedule.phase-connect.com
Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/PhaseConnect | https://twitter.com/PhaseConnectJP
Official Character References: https://rentry.org/pcgreferences
Official Twitch Archive Channels: https://rentry.org/pcgtwitcharchive
Unofficial Phase Connect Archives: https://rentry.org/pcgunofficialarchive
▼Lia 鈴香アシェリア (EN)
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▼Utatane Nasa 転寝ナサ (JP)
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▼Hakushika Iori 白鹿いおり (JP + EN)
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▼Fujikura Uruka 藤倉ウルカ (EN)
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▼Shisui Michiru 紫翠みちる (JP)
https://twitter.com/shisuimichiru | https://youtube.com/ShisuiMichiru | https://twitch.tv/michiru_shisui
▼Tenma Maemi 天満マエミ (EN + JP)
https://twitter.com/tenmamaemi | https://youtube.com/TenmaMaemi | https://twitch.tv/tenma
▼Pipkin Pippa ピップキン・ピッパ (EN)
https://twitter.com/pipkinpippa | https://youtube.com/PipkinPippa | https://twitch.tv/pippa
▼Kaneko Lumi 金子瑠美 (EN)
https://twitter.com/kaneko_lumi | https://youtube.com/KanekoLumi | https://twitch.tv/kanekolumi
▼Fuura Yuri ふうら百合 (EN) [Terminated]
Archive: https://youtube.com/@TheNationalFuuraYuriArchive
▼Dizzy Dokuro 髑髏ディズィー (EN)
https://twitter.com/dizzydokuro | https://youtube.com/@dizzydokuro | https://twitch.tv/dizzydokuro
▼Jelly Hoshiumi 星海ジェリー (EN)
https://twitter.com/jellyhoshiumi | https://youtube.com/@jellyhoshiumi | https://twitch.tv/jellyhoshiumi
▼Ember Amane 天音エンバー (EN)
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▼Remilia Nephys レミリア・ネフィス (EN)
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▼Chisaka Airi 千坂アイリ (EN)
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▼Amanogawa Shiina 天ノ川しいな (EN)
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▼Himemiya Rie 姫宮りえ (EN)
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▼Erina Makina エリナ・マキナ (EN)
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▼Komachi Panko 小町ぱんこ (EN)
https://twitter.com/komachipanko | https://youtube.com/KomachiPanko | https://twitch.tv/komachipanko
▼ Runie Ruse ルニ・ルーズ (EN)
https://twitter.com/RunieRuse | https://youtube.com/@RunieRuse | https://twitch.tv/RunieRuse
▼ Eimi Isami 勇エイミ (EN)
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▼ Muu Muyu むうむゆ (EN)
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▼ Hikanari Hina 光鳴ひな (EN)
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▼ Saya Sairroxs サヤ・サイロクサス (EN)
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▼ Gram Pico 倉夢ぴこ (JP)
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▼ Ayase Yuu 絢世ユウ (JP)
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▼ Kaminari Clara 歌美鳴クララ (EN + JP)
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Previous Thread: >>86351424
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i cannot find tenma sexy
Hime eats dogs and has saggy booba
that's Tenmama
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Hoochie mama I love Runie!
She does basically everything in her power not to be. Unless the withholding excites you, it's understandable.
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Perceive Her radiance.
Illuminate one and all in Her splendor.
Captivate those with Her light.
Obey only Her brilliance.

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sorry for your loss
If real, rip
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Shhh, my wife is sleeping, she had a hard day. Can you keep it down a little guys?
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Man that's fucked up
we really live in the ashes
requiesta in pace
That's fucked if real
which Phaser has the funniest responses to these kind of emotional blackmail supas?
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not cool if real. But nothing can surprise me in this day and age
rember hina?
*blows lightly on her face*
yaeh why?
Usually the one that traumadumps on chat the most as women tend to be hypocritical creatures
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WA-awwwww she looks so peaceful and cute in her hoodie.
Someone else do it, I can't
Airi's tits are magical bros
I can't stop staring at them
>remember Hina
>the girth and length of my penis expands

What the hell
What she up to?
I wonder what her membership #s look like.
sick or dead family member
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I love Shiina!
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Stay strong. I hope your sibling will be alright
should i buy a new motorcycle that i definetely dont have the money for?
Phase Connect
11 more days
I miss her soft voice and large breasts...
Do you already have a car? If so then no. If you have no other form of transportation then sure.
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I love Runie
She a cutie
only if it will make you feel better.
no not at all
can't tell if real or not with that attached image
based financially irresponsible anon. become the cavalier of finances
Worse than Cover at this point
yes, i have a car and a motorcycle, i was thinking of selling them and getting a new motorcycle
Btw I still like you pippa. I'll ask you out again, i'm going for lolcow status or something
do it
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>hlgg randomly bringing up Clara to shit on her
The fuck did she do to them
tactical creep incoming
You're gonna have to tell us, but /hlgg/ has basically been the invasion point for leftists. It never recovered from StarsEN, and the recent /lig/ hires have fucked it up pretty bad.
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>Bloons tonight
It's all monkeys all the way down, we're eating good
What is this romanian woman's expression meant to convey?
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are you one of those wicca new age mom
She made Creep tolerable
ain't clicking that shit nigga
my friend abandoned our plans for tonight to go drink with british people. what should i watch?
Oh shit it's at a different time too
Yeah I can actually be awake for it
Ame's last Myth collab, unless now is night for you, then Wemi
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I'm bloonin and ready.
I hate that I've gotten to the point that I understand why this guy in the pic is sperging out
too much reading
damn monkeyniggas go hard
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global is so much worse than I remember
People who play Bloons TD6 on a higher level take the game REALLY seriously, usually because they play in team competitive mode.
I'm ready for the Panko cooking stream
probably panko, she's doing a cooking stream tonight if you're in EU
Chinchilling status?
I hate that it took me a second to realize she was saying bacon
Opening that thread is a coin toss. If the schizo is awake it's ogre if not it's fine.
why my sound extension breaks every other day
Who would win in a schizo fight vt or vg?
It's become even more timezone variant than pcg now. I shudder at what the exodus of teamates will do to NA evening, usually the only tolerable time
I'm 90% sure the gacha cancer from that place also post here.
Long before phase was in the picture, some schizo would occasionally hard spam her PL in global and say she was gonna join and "fix hololive". It was always an antipost of some random HoloEN accompanied with a picture of Clara PL and her stream link.
Most hate is probably from anons who only know her from that old spam raid.
can't wait, it's always such a blast, some of her best streams
Yeah sometimes you see bots break on vg and start posting random vtuber shit
go drink with french people to piss him off
Wemi is farming goslings today
>the schizo
Honestly that one guy is more entertainment than anything at this point. It's the people that hate 4chan and its users that fuck shit up collectively
I wanna breastfeed Muyu and Wemi and change their diapers.
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love me wem, simple as
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No contribution. None whatsoever.
Im just going to wait for Anon and his oshi to have a daughter so i could be his son-in-law
Nice stashe
It's not because he runs on scripts. The Lumischizo here adjusts his angle based on the happening of the day (Lumi in china cuckpost about the reflection) that guy doesn't, it's the same script.
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I posted a very old and obscure pippa reference on /bag/ once, and 4 people immediately recognized it.
Not true, you posted kani
The hotwife poosting is funny.
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gacha gamer
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Only because it doesn't even come across as malicious, he just seems like he's having a laugh.
I know somebody who posts in /fgg/ and I think I know somebody who posts here that also posts in /forza/, myself not included in either of those because that goes without saying.
when he started people used to clash with him every day and he'd always get banned
Drawing Phase girls until i learn how to draw day 7, for real this time:
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Do not like
It loads really slow but it is NOT a drawing.
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Sounds like they are having a blast.
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That was evil...
What the fuck is this new Jerry timeslot. I'm going to miss this blue bitch live in the VODmines.
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this guy traced elbow pasta... for shame...
That was more because the schizo was here 12hrs a day looping shit. Half the time it felt like that guy would set the schizo off.
Cumskins eat shit like this everyday
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Oh boy another 3 am stream.
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i enjoyed skinwalking both him and the schizo
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Problem yuros?
6 pm for me, which is pretty nice
>>86363459 (me)
For context not a single anon /here/ knew what it was when i posted it a week ago, so all the more shocking a bunch of /bag/ fags picked up on it instantly.
Her normal timeslot was 3 AM in America for the longest time
>Pico is live
>475 ccv

Im not usually a nunbernigger, but this is like 10 times her usual numbers, whats going on?
No, my membership was about to lapse anyway.
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c-c-cope... we have cool euro friendly chuubas like uhhh.... Lumi, Panko and Ember
GTA drug
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Your Yuro friendly hours are my comfy morning hours
Appereantly the Japanese enjoy her a lot talking and flirting with males on stream. Picofags are the same as Cuckpipis, Cuckpainikis and LiaCucks. NTR Connect.
I used to have a cheap electronic keyboard and this song or something with the same name programmed into it. It was the first song, so it would always play when I turned on demo mode. Very old memory I shouldn't still have.
yes, yes, How could I forgot...
Clara is also in if you wake up at 6am or something
And you don't seem to understand.
Dude, vay
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Clara stream too late at night for me. I might be able to watch an hour before falling asleep.
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A shame, you seemed an honest man
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Today I learned that the roman empire was actually in Italy, and not in South Africa like I always pictured reading stories.

Huh, how come they speak wop instead of Latin then?
Ea sports it's in the game
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Hey /pcg/ I have no proof but I think phase JP will have a live event around the end of this year/January 2025
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Anon it's been 2000 years. Languages evolve very rapidly, especially if it wasn't written down and re-taught like dead words from 200 years ago. Italian, Spanish, and French are all very similar to Latin.
Mass graduation coming, Phase Connect shall fail, all the girls will grow distant and make up rrats on stream how abuse they were to each other. Lia will even kill herself on stream
At its peak, Roman Empire was everywhere.
very cute, maybe funny too
Tenmama was sexy. Clara is annoying though.
Jelly news: Jelly is grinding on monkeys
Clara is just a baby forgive her
was the latin of back then even similar to the latin that the pope speaks
in the end it's all just weird noises you make with your mouth
She's fun
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clara is annoying, tenma is mean
mean + annoying = sex???
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>Out shopping a few days ago
>See this thing
>Bought it because it reminds me too much of da Panko
I don't even have a dog. It even has her sharp smile. It sits with the other vtuber stuff I have. Fastest I ever acquired Phase merch.
>cuckposting is funny
Where the fuck do you trannies come from
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I wish Airi would stream later or different timeslot but nothing I can do about it.
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Tenma is peak hotwife.
The city itself is in italy, but the empire at it's peak controlled almost all of western europe(spain, france, germany, england), north africa, and western asia.
insert a fleshlight
/hlgg/, evidently.
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Please no
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Me on the right
Tell Tenma to stop it instead.
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Get fucked eurotrash. She's returning home
Holo and niji refugees are pure cancer
Clara's Romanian?
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She's busy, but I'll tell her
>...not in South Africa like I always pictured reading stories.
Anon do you even know where South Africa is?
Why are we so gay?
now why would you think the historically 100% melanin filled South Africa have a white empire?
I blame women
In the right amounts and maybe a few other ingredients sprinkled in, then it makes a playful tease to chase around the office.
Too much time on /vt/
Oh shit are you a literal retard?
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Maybe he’s black
Clara knows how to turn it on and off. A real performer. But you go on and be annoyed.
You mean yourself and other such tourists hellbent on shitting up this thread every day?
Do schools in African countries teach the Roman Empire as being comprised of black people? Like a sort of "Black Jesus" thing, but for history?
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Are you? I do notice some posters acting up. Are there really that many of you?
Better question though. Why are you hanging out on a board dedicated to so many cringe women? Why not the few male vtuber generals?
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>african countries
We wuz kangs. Roe mans n sheit.
This is my kami-oshi. There are many like her, but this one is mine. Maemi is my best friend. She is my life. I must master her sleep schedule. It is my business to throw bricks at Raiders.
Unlike western niggers africa is not actually a woke country, probably the least woke country on the planet right now ironically.
LOL Pretty cute wrapping paper, SAKANA *hint hint*
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Das rite mayn, yt always keepin a nigga down
If anyone is going to make a phase fangame, please refrain from using godot, because… jfc…
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africa is a country?
>I must master her sleep schedule.
Enjoy your early-onset dementia.
I must throw bricks true. I must make better comments than the greys who want feet. I will. Maemi and myself know that what counts is not the beers in your life, but the life in your beers.
yeah i saw
What should I use instead?
[Tenma news] She's dying.
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Jelly hates me
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I love Wemi so much, bros.
>Africa is chudcore!
Tenma's pussy wants to get wet!
wemi cute…
He is racis, pleas un'erstan
The real test of your love is, would you eat the wemi spaghetti and tell her it's delicious
They're not even people
Theo is fighting with tenma
Gamemaker studio, unreal, Unity, fucking scratch is a better option
Thanks Nasa
Theo is ruining the stream...
Theo is literally bullying Tenma
>that near normal voice
Always nice to hear.
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That's what you get for not letting me outside bitch.
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>eating Wemi's cooking and telling her it's the best
>cuddling through a massive power outage
>bandaging her feet whenever she steps on glass
>taking care of her whenever she gets another cold
>doing everything you can to put out the fire whenever she tries to airfry seaweed
wait we suddenly like tenma now? isn’t she a gypsy whore?
Stop dragging Nasa down, fucker.
We've always liked her. Troll/tourist/anti
>not knowing (You) baiting anti ritual
>Theo is actually Theodore

I feel liked to.
Tenma is drinking again...
>Pancho: I'm cooking American breakfast!
>Pancho's people:
lied* to even.
Who is the biggest size queen in Phase Connect?
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Panko's architecture stream in 5 minutes.

you posted her
Uruka. Until you push it in.
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Panko is North Italian, not Sardinian
CEO is a retarded leftoid, turned his game engine into a political platform, now it’s going to die (not like it was thriving anyway)
Clara, not even close
Making out with Jelly at the local children's playground.
It’s not an anti post but sometimes it gets a bunch of (You)s from antis thinking it’s serious
girls I would marry and green card

girls I would lock in my dungeon and impregnate over and over

girls I would impregnate once then ghost
bro I was using that shit... that's annoying
not getting Wemi a green card is cruel
girls you will actually impregnate
>not knowing
Not caring. Fuck your board culture
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>Not putting Hime in the rape dungeon
I will rape every phase talent. I don't discriminate.
>not even close
>...to right
You don't even watch her
There are historical examples. It can happen very quickly that language changes such that if you time traveled into the future for example, you'd no longer be able to fully understand it. What kind of timescales are we talking about? Thousands of years, tens of thousands?

No. Historical examples show extreme changes over time periods of only 300-500 years.

If you were fluent in english and traveled 1000 years into the future, you'd likely no longer understand english speakers anymore.
Your mom
Her tiny cow holes can't take such things
Why? What's wrong with the engine? Did the license change or something?
I would rape every phase girl. I think there's maybe four that I wouldn't marry
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girls I would marry and euro pass:

girls I would lock in my dungeon and impregnate over and over:

girls I would impregnate once then ghost:
This is haram.
Hime is very difficult to rape, she gets into it too easily.
Pippa scratches and bites, even after 8 kids she'll still go for the kill
protip; any girl who has a loli model gets off on it, I need not explain
Full image?
That's annoying but looking it up it doesn't seem to matter if you don't use twitter. I don't care what the CEO or his gay discord says or tweets, he still gets 0 dollars from you using it and the engine hasn't changed. If you like it more than Unity use it.
Nothing wrong with being gay anon, you go girl
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I would marry Lumi.
[thinly veiled racist comment about the current state of UK demographics]
Using a game engine makes you gay? Huh...you learn something new everyday.
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please start Panko
The typical brit looks inbred anyway, nothing of worth is being lost.
That bad huh?
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real tenma smiles weirdly
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Eimi is a prime rape dungeon pick
Too late.
Making a phase deck builder.
And I'm using Wokot.
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>the mod is actually seeking the people's githubs out and blocking them on there too
okay that's fucked I take back most of what I said
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what the tenma doin?
I have married Lumi.
Just a reminder that [Phase talent] hates her fans and she only views her fans as a source of income. Just look at [piece of Phase Connect content streamer was involved in]. You can just tell the disdain she has for her audience, you can hear it in her voice. I know most people are massive simps and probably wrote me off as an anti the second they saw me mention [Phase talent]'s name in a negative context, but if you're still with me and you're a fan of [Phase talent] please do yourself a favor and drop her like I did because you deserve so much better, like [content creator name]
Tenma reveals the utter depths of her LUNACY on stream as she MURDERS a man in cold blood for being a cold blooded lizard!
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A cyberlive anniversary collab would be the craziest thing ever
why is [Phase Talent] such a pickme?
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who would want that
Anon, that's retarded on the level of thinking the ming dynasty was in Australia.
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and by [Phase Talent] I of course mean Kaneko "lemon whore" Lumi
Just a reminder that Anonymous hates his fans and he only views his fans as a source of (You)s. Just look at >>86366962 . You can just tell the disdain he has for his audience, you can hear it in his voice. I know most people are massive simps and probably wrote me off as an anti the second they saw me mention Anonymous's name in a negative context, but if you're still with me and you're a fan of Anonymous please do yourself a favor and drop him like I did because you deserve so much better, like (Me)
>emma is white now
Huh. Who is the purple oni and who is the blue cat?
That's your criticism when cosanguination is legal for the migrants?
Me. It would be extremely awkward.
my cock is out but panko’s not streaming?
Roca should phase in.
[G]irls I would marry and green card

[G]irls I would lock in my dungeon and impregnate over and over
Though some would enjoy the former in play, and some want children, knocking any one of them up one after the other is irresponsible. For the healthiest children you wait for the mother to recover her nutrients, this take about four years.

[G]irls I would impregnate once then ghost
Terrible weak thing to do.
panko died on her way to the kitchen
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>menace didn't phase in with mozu
Grim. We need more zoomers.
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>Marrying Pippa and opening an animal rescue with her
Tenma is streaming a video of a man that is just straight up jorking it right now, like he's just stroking that shit
sorry I saw her walk by and got horny
you can have her back when I finish
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panklo manklo
I'm not even a capipi and this hurts to think about.
Is she even good for anything beside singing?
Everyone shut the fuck up.
Pancho is on the telly.
Panko de la Manko
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It's time
I'm surprised most of you tards didn't give up on her now that you've seen her in real life.

>puzzles mention
Menace is busy in Mozu's sex dungeon
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jelly spotted
>Turning your home into a giant animal toilet and spending thousands to keep some elderly diseased ferret alive for one more week.

No thanks.
The animals at the rescue? All her kids.
>thinking pippa could actually care for an animal
reminder that it's 9 o'clock in Italy right now this is NOT breakfast she is cooking DINNER
Non-debatable Phase Connect facts, best design in each gen:
OriginS - Michiru
Invaders - Lumi
Alias - Panko
Euphoria - Saya
Kaleido - Yuu
They could've been getting busy with Lia while Pippa rubs her mold cave on the cuck chair.
Missed opportunity.
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do you guys think the real end game is shinobu rather than crab once crab dies of old age(please)
Gloves? I'm out
??? if anything, it's the opposite
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I need that tenma whore clip
Man, Runie was really seething hard during the final Bayo stream yesterday.
Breakfast for dinner is good though
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Wear a mask you dumb panda
Crab is just a phase, they are gonna break up way before she dies
What tenma whore clip?
A reminder that Bird Prisoner has not been seen or even mentioned since Pippa moved.
well that and English breakfast might as well be dinner
please for the love of god let this be real
I love my mole wife
Those masquerade ones would work since they don't obscure your mouth
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Runie pushed through and proved herself a true gamer
she just called a flower a whore
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Panko wearing gloves is really sexy
What's so great/lewd about that?
i would only marry loki. i have no time to deal with others after achieving my goal.
it would make for a good soundpost
Tenma is in Heaven right now
Purple Oni is Ayane Hylo Hades from Mythos
[Tenma News] she pisses the bed every morning
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Why on earth would thinking that she's midcute turn people off?
>Game: "I have a drink, piss myself, then get out of bed"
>Tenma: "Yeah! He gets it!"
I've always thought the one where she says "Thank you, Anon", would make a really good soundpost.
Alcoholic fox
Not one of you would green card Muyu? My disgust is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
Dear diary, today anon was not a faggot.
wowwee not every woman is a super sexy bitch
I'm fairly sure she mentioned somewhere that he escaped.
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are you guys excited for jelly on the telly early today
diaper correction
no jelly for me
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Finally Jelly for me
I like Jelly at 9
This you?
Wish I had one.
>Newfags in panko's chat getting introduced to her brb screen

Which Phase girl could win the Mortal Kombat tournament?
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Get earraped bozo
Saya's been posting shorts and everything, this is unprecedented levels of work ethic
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How old is Panc?
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Thank God, I was worried she was going to graduate
now she just needs to stream
Did Sakana kill her and replace her with a doppelganger?
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Can confirm. She squirts pints during the morning sex.
He doesn't know...
Isn't youtube really pissy with guns even fake ones being shown on stream?
somewhere between 26-29, based on tv shows she said she watched
Didn't know she had a new model. neat. It reminds me of shuten from fate
Chocolate syrup
Chocolate bars
graham crackers
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Panko no!
She's risking her channel being terminated.
Don't give in to scalpers.
Emulate or buy one directly from Japan.
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Look out, panko has a gun (real)
I would greencard Muyu, Remilia, Jelly and Erina too if they wanted. No strings attached.
>Girl that comes off as a cute autist looks like a cute autist
>People would for some reason be upset over this
Which Phaser would be the worst roommate?
Channels about guns exist so why would there be a problem?
Oh no
Pippa. Remi.
Shiina, Dizzy and Runie, because I'd be hard all the time and it'd be pretty hard to function.
Thought they had a new overhaul on their terms regarding guns recently
Videos are fine, but not livestreams. Youtube doesn't want to be host to a live shooting.
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I am investing in saya coin
I will be let down as always but I've always been gullible
I'm ready to be tricked again
the place would stink like bleach 24/7
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based investor
She just cancelled a stream yesterday.
>guys ff16 today!
>got "family" coming over so maybe later
>oh sorry guys stream is cancelled
Hickock45 talked about that pretty recently.
You're specifically no longer allowed to take sponsorships from firearms manufacturers or firearm accessory manufacturers.
I want to bite Panko's fingies
She started with 300ish so I assume the waiting room was raided
Can Pippa be house trained?
Pippa would obviously be absolutely filthy but for any gaynons in the thread Tenma would be worse because she will 100% diddle you while she is drunk
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Chances Panko starts a fire?
Pippa or Remi
I see, thanks anon
The video of that fat little shit is so cute
>sleep hort
Considering how most of >us look, a 2/10 isn't really bad enough to repeal someone.
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