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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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Studying Edition

>What is /lig/?
/lig/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss indie vtubers who have on average 500 viewers or more.

>Why /lig/?
Large indie vtubers have more net fans, but they are outnumbered by 2views by the thousands. This is a thread for the VIP, regardless of what language they stream on.

>Can I shill my 499view oshi here?
Considering averages fluctuate widely, all the way down to 100 is reasonable. The minimal requirement however is being Twitch partner or the YouTube equivalent in numbers.

Numbers for 9/28:
1: https://twitch.tv/filian (7,823)
2: https://twitch.tv/anny (4,185)
3: https://twitch.tv/Shylily (3,677)
4: https://twitch.tv/Sinder (3,488)
5: https://www.youtube.com/@Dokibird (2,872)
6: https://twitch.tv/LucyPyre (2,470)
7: https://twitch.tv/fallenshadow (2,147) *Tie
7: https://twitch.tv/Kenji (2,140) *Tie
7: https://twitch.tv/Limealicious (2,123) *Tie
10: https://twitch.tv/Arielle (2,046)

1: https://twitch.tv/KSPKSP (4,395) *Chinese
2: https://twitch.tv/tororo_vtuber (2,869) *Japanese
3: https://twitch.tv/Kamito_JP (2,740) *Japanese

>Wait isn't that one a corpo?
A corpo that doesn't own talents IPs and has, at most, a single member with greater than 1000 CCV is still allowed to be discussed here until it has surpassed this threshold.

>/lig/ Numbers

>Twitch Clips Guide

>VOD Archival Guide

>/lig/ VOD Archive

>Koikatsu cards (SEEEEEEEEEX)

>/lig/ Wheel of Names


>/lig/ Chuuba Birthday Calendar (WIP)

>Upcoming Birthdays
October 1st - Mint Fantôme
October 3rd - Nyaruchuuu
October 4th - Rainhoe
October 18th - Squchan

>OC material for the OP


Other useful threads:

Previous Thread: >>86360870
>makes split
>false flags as someone from here and tries to bully people into going to his split
a tale as old as time
a song as old as rhyme
schizo and obese
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I love my cute, horny and bratty sex fox. I LOVE HER SO MUCH! Erm!
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bnuuy cnuuy
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I'm autistic?
bnuuy cnuuy
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uuu I miss /pi/ uuu
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Gimmee the footy
>those conditions
yeah it's over before it began
must break this autistic zoomer bitch
/lig/ /choc/ unity?
Shondo should get blackout drunk again.
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Love my wolf wife
i will impregnate moriko with my white seed
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Why does bat lisp like a retard?
>Dood look at thith rock
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How long until it collapses like the other attempts?
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I think her lisp is adorable.
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all seed is white
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In 4 days it'll be Nyaru's birthday, show your appreciation by contributing to her birthday card! Standard card rules apply: submissions must be SFW and have image dimensions that are a multiple of 200 (i.e. 200x200, 400x400, 200x400)

The deadline for the card is October 3rd at 12am EST, that's 9pm October 2nd for PST. Make sure to get your submissions in before then

Some things for inspiration:
>Chuuba Friends (non-inclusive): Charlotte Bear, Yoro Yoyo
>Loves Japan, visits frequently (Karaoke, maid cafes, konbinis, conventions, concerts)
>Very, very big into Japanese idol culture and idol groups (AKB48, iRis)
>Nyaru is an idol herself
>Games (Team Fortress 2, Kingdom Hearts, Sonic the Hedgehog)
>Chris Chan
>Phantom of the Opera
>Anime (Kanon, AKB0048, Air)
>Nightmare on Elm Street, A Christmas Story

Model References:
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Good evening lig I blub my oshi very much!
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I can't even tell if I'm here for the liggers or the liggas any longer..
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Thanks Ligga, I hope we win so Nyaru posts the piss audio.
It's old lore but Bat almost had total brain death from overdosing on laced cocaine a long time ago, which led to some unfortunate side effects like the lisp. Some of her newer fans deny this out of ignorance but it's all true if you peruse the archive, pretty sad stuff all around.
Don't tell Saru but I'm fingering my butthole right now.
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Friday’s stream was so good oomfie
I'm going to go masturbaye and sleep
good night
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Saru and sarucucks should kill themselves
Kitanya micro bikini
i'm here just to schizo and pass some time
Ah, great, this is going to descend into the schizo shouting at everyone until there are 30 splits?
it hasn't worked the other 8 times he tried doing this
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it’s really obviously the same guy so I’ve just been ignoring him desu
I'm getting deja vu, it's like the vsj split only more autistic.
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/lig/ will splinter into individual threads for every ligger
those that are unable to sustain solo threads will group together or die
it has been foretold
/big/ has to be a threat if autistis are still seething about it
I imagine it's low 3view fags trying to bully people into not leaving
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Why can't it be both?
my screen is full of fil and char ass
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Can we stop talking about splits and enjoy some fuckin footy?
holy shit get better bait
The only split I support is Flobal. It's gotta go.
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>not wanting mobal
Every ligger should have their own separate thread and we can just link between threads when we want to talk to each other.
owari da
it's so over but it's from char so I'm fine with it
Krimbo showing up randomly in places is very funny to me
It's over
God I just want to bite Mints belly chub, her big tits and her fat pussy mounds.
fuck off /big/ots, you are no longer welcome here
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i love whores
/terrarium/ for the bug posters
/hop/ for the bunny posters
/lupus/ for the fox and wolf posters (thread mascot is M.D.House)
/wet/ for the oceanic vtuber watchers
what else can be split off?
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i would gladly lose to choc honestly
Don't say that ligger we NEED the piss audio
/vt/ already has a seething hatred for /lig/ due to us being the 2nd/3rd fastest general. Imagine if we just had a dozen more threads
Hell yeah
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/poop/ for the pooptubers
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Sex fert live
Soemone tell me not to waste money on her keycaps im feeling the fomo
shit this is a tense game already
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I finished our hyp as the kickoff was happening so uhh stay tuned after the match
has koinu reincarnated yet
I'll go to /terrarium/ but only if bat is a bug.
too many letters. just call it /bug/
do I have to go along with they kayfabe that Ray Rabenstein is a boy, in order to watch Ray Rabenstein? Or can I just pretend he is a sexy woman who sounds like Bat?
ofcourse how could I forget, with vtubers like Rainhoe and Grimmi they will be a real powerhouse
It's only correct, /vt/ is rightful ligger soil.
>both teams have the power players
Jesus my balls are like that squirrel webm from last thread.
Speaking of Koinu, I miss her...
/anal/ for jets and other anal coded liggers
Remove MariMari
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i simply will not join in on a late imperial civil war between the 5 emperors
what channel is the footy on
The rest of /vt/ has a million threads for each and every streamer, they can seethe about it.
it's so over but I'm not even mad
In the convoluted corridors of the imageboard forums dedicated to VTuber enthusiasts, few rivalries were as intense—or as perplexing—as that between the threads known as /lig/ and /BIG/. Both threads ostensibly celebrated independent VTubers, but a schism formed over a seemingly trivial matter: the minimum viewer count that classified a VTuber as "large" or "big." The origins of their conflict were obscure and, to outsiders, tediously pedantic. /lig/, standing for "large independent VTubers," championed streamers with 100 viewers and up. In contrast, /BIG/, representing "big independent VTubers," insisted that only those with 1,000 viewers or more deserved the spotlight. This logarithmic squabbling over numbers escalated beyond mere disagreement into a full-blown feud.

What began as a debate over viewer thresholds spiraled into acrimonious recriminations and elaborate pranks. Members of both threads accused each other of diluting the community's quality or fostering elitism. The atmosphere grew toxic as users hurled insults and dredged up past dramas to undermine one another. The tension reached a tipping point when /BIG/ decided to split off from /lig/, aiming to create a safe haven where they could discuss VTubers with medium-sized audiences in peace. They sought refuge from the incessant bickering, hoping to cultivate a community that appreciated the nuances of VTuber culture without the overshadowing negativity.

However, the respite /BIG/ sought was short-lived. Trolls from /lig/, unwilling to let the division stand uncontested, followed them into their new enclave. These agitators spammed /BIG/ with images and links to VTubers who had view counts as low as 10 or 20, deliberately flouting the standards that /BIG/ had established. The initial onslaught was effective: several members of /BIG/ experienced "meltdowns"—casually referred to on the imageboard as "melties"—expressing their frustration in lengthy posts and heated exchanges. The trolls reveled in the chaos they induced, seeing each meltdown as a victory that validated their disruptive efforts.

Realizing that their reactions only fueled the trolls' antics, the members of /BIG/ collectively decided to change tactics. They began ignoring the provocations, refusing to engage with the spam or acknowledge the trolls' presence. This shift in strategy gradually diminished the trolls' influence. Deprived of the attention they craved, the /lig/ agitators started to lose interest. The community of /BIG/ grew more resilient, focusing on meaningful discussions and support for their favored VTubers. Their newfound unity and maturity contrasted sharply with the vindictive nature displayed by their detractors.

Meanwhile, the reputation of /lig/ began to wane. With their energies spent on petty squabbles and undermining others, the thread devolved into a shadow of its former self. Discussions that once centered on promoting independent VTubers shifted to hurling accusations back and forth, rehashing tired drama involving agencies like 3am and MSM. The vibrant exchange of ideas that had characterized /lig/ was replaced by stagnation and negativity. As the broader community observed these developments, many users gravitated towards /BIG/, drawn by its positive atmosphere and constructive discourse.

In the end, /BIG/ flourished into a thriving community. It became a space where healthy debates and the celebration of VTuber culture thrived. Members shared insights, collaborated on fan projects, and supported both emerging and established VTubers who met their criteria. The thread's success was a testament to the power of resilience and the importance of fostering a positive community. The saga of /lig/ and /BIG/ became a cautionary tale within the imageboard—a reminder of how petty disagreements can escalate and how the true spirit of fandom lies in uplifting, rather than tearing down, shared interests.

The feud between /lig/ and /BIG/ underscored the complexities of online communities, especially those centered around rapidly growing phenomena like VTubers. It highlighted how easily divisions can form over minor differences and the impact that maturity and collective action can have in overcoming negativity. As /BIG/ continued to grow, it not only enriched its members but also contributed positively to the wider VTuber community. The thread stood as a beacon for what could be achieved when fans focused on appreciation and constructive engagement, leaving the shadows of past dramas behind.
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Doctor Strange is ai'ght
so karubi is corpa now
Absolutely over
Truly, brown women are the better whores...
Yep, this split is actually going to work this time.
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we are not losing because the pinkthing is around
stop posting chatgpt essays
It's over
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chatgpt summarize as a bardic poem
fox and wolf general should be called /cang/ instead for canine general
we wuz /cang/s
friendly fire
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Once again time for Radia, Fenari, (soon to be) Adora, and special guests of Kono and LazerPig
Layna sucks and it gives me peace of mind whenever I'm not forced to watch her abhorrent attempts at content.
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The worst thing about this schizo is that he thinks that he's smart but he's dumb as fuck.
I blame Marimari_en

In days of old on imageboards,
Two rival threads, with quarrels hard—
/lig/ for VTubers, 100 and more,
But /BIG/ cried out, "1,000, no lower!"

They clashed in numbers, small and large,
Till /BIG/ set sail, a new course charged.
Yet trolls from /lig/ would not relent,
They spammed and mocked with ill intent.

"Melties" came, frustrations soared,
But /BIG/ stood fast, ignored the horde.
With patience, they grew strong and bright,
While /lig/ fell deep in endless fight.

Now /BIG/ thrives with joy and grace,
As /lig/ is lost in bitter space.
A lesson learned through troll and flame—
Uplift, not tear, in fandom's name.
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Filian is a wonderful person who is worthy of love and support
in what sense is she "Around"? I miss that stupid bitch.
Paizuri from Lucy
>do some backreading in da /lig/
>see a link to a Grimmi vod where she's apparently talking about her shits
>click the link, Grimmi does indeed talk about her shits
>Grimmi also says to someone in chat that they "need therapy"
>open chat to see what that person said
>don't find their message, but see JCRouzer in the chat
>he's a fucking moderator
now this is some good fucking propaganda
just like it worked with /pi/ /nig/ /mig/ and the other dozen attempts lol
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It’s really embarrassing to watch lmao
are we finally losing
>they have a player named racemixer
bless them
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Bunny is a wonderful person who is worthy of love and support
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Why do females like this?
if big will die why are you all crying about it
It makes you look desperate not smug
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Please can we get a win for Vesper?
the ukraine war guy?
I feel like Mimi somehow got more scatterbrained after she got back on her ADHD meds
What’s wrong with JC?
shut the fuck up we're watching footy
love and support is the name of my cock and balls
they don't. it's a grift
>pretending this is an exclusively female thing
>in /lig/ of all places
You're dumber than the batposters
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it is a big threat because 2view and 3viewfags won't be able to shill their chuubas alongside 4views anymore
I bet she "likes shy boys" too
What the FUCK is this possession /lig/ COME ON
i used to have a FWB with huge boobs, until she dumped me. she told me she liked porn where the guys made really loud sounds than they came, so when I was with her and it was time to coom I would grunt and groan really loud, even though this is far from my natural inclination.
The final nail in /lig/'s coffin
it the /lig/ game on right now? I just woke up
I do not care for 3am/here tuber team
We might still have a chance
Career mod who begs for mod position in literally every /lig/ chat, and usually gets it.
It's now or never
Holy based
Holy fucking sex
now feed it to suno
Coming back here after so long is sad. I moved on and everybody who stayed in /lig/ is the same as they were all those years ago. I prefer my /big/ friends now, they know me - the real me. See you next thanksgiving /lig/
fuck off normie
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I don't like how she titmogs the other bunnies
does it make you seethe that I have sex?
Well, fear not, she dumped me, as I said, so now I am an incel like you.
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I haven't seen a good fil play in several seasons
I hope for /big/ vs /lig/ divegrass
It will be bigger kino than /vsj+/ vs /lig/
To we have any Tobs on our team? if so, why not?
we forgot why this thread exists
/BIG/ sounds based
Our offense is fucking cooked
filian is washed
Can you make one where she's got her hands on the viewer's head?
that is why i hate the footie anon so much, his nicknames are all retarded and he shows no respect for the real liggers.
i'm rooting for choc
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Good stream saru! It turned out to be a really good 1 stream game, glad you liked the game.

Hope you have a nice weekend, I'm not going to be very busy so I can do some fun things myself. I can't wait for the new 3d, and votv and pz, and the date! Hope it's ready next week.

Good night saru! Good night lig.

By the way I saw more people talking about you in /big/ >>86367570 so that's where I was during stream too if you were wondering.
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ackor on da limes
its over
he just stood there and watched
We're actually throwing with this dogshit offense.
i missed the start of lucy's stream can someone post her ass
Oh, like she’s comforting you? That’s so cute anon
Well, choc should at least win everything now
3AM and friends only I'm afraid
Yeah. I'm touch starved.
fucking filian man...
>throws the game
filian is a terrible person and doesnt deserve support
Gn frogbro
I blame the negative karma the splitschizo generated when he created /big/, we're not a united front anymore.
>frogbro is a /big/ger now
that's it
this thread is dead
Can we have Filian kicked from the team?
This convinced me to go post in /big/ instead of /lig/
Goodbye retarded faggots
comically bad bait
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I've simply filtered every post with more than 1 forward slash or the word 'split'
Sweet dreams frog bro
/big/ more like
Well I'm not moving over there and still posting Saru here so I'm going to miss him.
Filian actually cost us the fucking game with that awful ball handling.
Only 3am and bugs allowed
tobert betrayed
How do I find a skinny bitch like Shira
>god keeper
Quinten has been anything but
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Move to Skinland.
>They stole Frogbro
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Ryona rabbit live with a rape stream
Time to listen to Cecilia karaoke
This would never have happened if Layna disciplined filian properly
I don't think we want a backstabber like tobs anywhere near the field.
I see...
cool, go back
some of you guys make very bad posts
well our hyp is still gonna play
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Yuy's birthday is October 24th if someone could add it to the calendar
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im too fucking high for this shit
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It was close guys
next year for sure, we are growning stronger
that guy who's eternally seething at tobs and sigbird is my favorite anon
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>bad posts
that's racist
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shondos swollen pregnant belly with triplets inside it send post
I blame the biggers.
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>tfw stuck in Thickland
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If we ever actually do get too crowded and eventually split I don't think the divide should even be between <1000 and >1000. It should be the coomers vs the non-coomers. Edgecase nekrolina to be discussed later.
they got the frogfags this time tho
Can any Alice interpreters translate the last 15 seconds of this clip for me? I'm not sure what language she switches to
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they can have them all they do is timeloop
can you stop false flagging please
Okay the hyp is pretty good
JIGGIE in 5 minutes
It's bigga for you, friendo.
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Jiggie doko?
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when did being nice ever win you anything in sports? don't you know anything? We NEED the backstabbers, or we will lose
link me this video i dont have it saved
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Pure fucking kino!
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no meat don't do it
just keep cranking
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I'm not sure I can grill this sleepyhead but I'll try
buy an ad
Sigbird are so stressful to be near
They're small potatoes
here's the hyp something fucked up in the render apparently and I lost a few clips so I might put out a fixed version sometime
You did an amazing job on that! I love it
What if Bat got implants but they were really bad like she has beach balls stapled to her chest wouldn't that be the worst hahah
None of the previois splits caused so much seething from bugfags/3amfags/batfags tho
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Meat shouting "Thunder, Thunder THUNDERCATS HOOOO" like Lion-o or "I HAVE THE POWER" like He-man feels very on brand.
now that footy is done I can go back to watching nina
something tells me henemimi is kinda mean and i shouldn't get too invested in hershe herself is telling me this right now
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God I really want to cum inside Shyrei (Squchan)
/lig/ love!! Hope next year we make it further than the quarterfinals.
>crying about
people are making fun of you and your unconvincing samefagging
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I'm going to have a seizure this stream
I accept your concession
we were built on weak foundations. it was always going to be like this.
It started when people accepted the mint spam back when she wasn't even partnered yet
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You have been posting nonstop about this for the entire weekend dude nobody actually cares
if you actually gave a shit about your thread you would be there instead of sperging out here
I just invested Meatcoin
>setting partner badge as the only requirement
>letting corpos in like 3am
Those were 2 biggest mistakes
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It was already wrong from the start
see it’s always been the same crazy person having melties, why give him the time of day? lmao
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technical intermission: it really wants to put her hand on her own head
that guy is one of the reasons why this global turned to shit
Good job ligga
Wipe your tears and post your low 3view oshi
this but unironically
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Why is the schizo always pinning things on the bugfags it's really weird.
He's also an unironic spreadsheeter and a hardcore Genshinfag
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Everything would be fine if /lig/ had a dedicated janny who would just delete the faggotry on sight.
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Para is traumatized by her cigar smoking fiasco. Good end.
Bad end. It would only be a good end if she died.
He’s seriously been having that meltdown for over 2 years. It’s insane.
>I don't wanna read this out loud, but I will say that I had never heard of.. I had never heard of.. kukukuku.. fap to the beat. And it made me think that masturbating must be so much fun as a guy because you get like these rhythm games for it apparently, hahahaha, you guys get so much content, they're making all this advanced shit nowadays. These beatsaber mods are getting crazy.. sigh.. an explorer in the further regions of experience..
Seems like everyone cares tho. Also this is the first post I made about this, schizo.
But that means no bat posts. Do you really want that
Bugfags are happy they just love bug wife. Happiness makes anons angry.
All of the above.
It's still nice.
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women will never understand how good they have it when it comes to jorkin their peanuts
Stop getting one guyed by a schizo with nothing but grudges you retards
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Bugposters are the most oppressed group in /lig/
Everything would be fine if hiroyuki would just delete this site
Women get the clit destroyer 9000 and men have fap to the beat gooning ASMR to study/relax to
from my understanding the gentlement's agreement is to only really discuss at least 3view partners regardless of what the rules say and technical corpos can still be very much indie in the great scheme of things
>beatsaber mods
oh that makes sense, damn you're good thx
we should have just baked /3am/ but no let's kick out all the 4views instead.
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If all the faggotry was moved to /trash/, what would this thread become like
Need Liggerwoman asscheeks on my face and maybe cuddles afterwards
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This is a Veipost.
but you're avatarfagging would be shot on sight
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Im tired wobbie
Thank you to everyone who followed the team, I really do try to put my all into this team to give back to you guys.
Final day is great but so defeating because it means we just have to do it all again next time.

GG /choc/
Thank you all again, and remember, /lig/ didnt start the fire
Backseaters deserve the rope
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This is fuckin' great
rubbing pregnant shondos belly while she nuzzles into my chest send post
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Behold, the vile bugposter
>stuck on stupid Silent Hill puzzle
>forgot if it was 2 or 3
>someone gives her the answer
>if it was 3 and the play stories then you either know it or you don't
still funny seeing this event unfold
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>fails to create /mig/
>turns /lig/ to /mig/
good play
give it a couple days for all the regulars to get exposed to it
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I don't feel oppressed
deserved, worst types of chatters. retards that have to ruin the experience for everyone
this thread is dying anyway
It's a corpse of the /lig/ that people loved
You might as well rename it to /wvt/
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>Put her whole head in the toilet to vomit but couldnt
>fell asleep like that
>woke up drank water then she threw up
She wants to be a white girl so bad she got white girl wasted
/lig/ was already /mig/
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Gg /lig/, wish we met later on, but you were kino this league
We will make it, /choc/ loves you aw
you did great. I always look forward to these.
take it easy now
Is she already packed for Korea is she leaving today or will she stream uuuu I wanted to have a horror slop kino with Beri before she leaves uuuu
this thread is more alive than /wvt/ and "old /lig/" ever were or will be
>my tummy hurts
I felt that. It's speaking to all our liggers
>technical corpos can still be very much indie in the great scheme of things
No they can't
You did great coach! Rest well and we'll gettem next time
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fixed I think
3views and tummy hort name a more iconic duo
Shondos mommy voice...
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Please convince Nyaru to release the piss audio /choc/, much love we love all brown beauties
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If you want to post in your schizo thread go do it? Why spend so much time here, in this apparently dying place?
gg /choc/! Love you guys. Win this trophy for us
point still stands, if we had a janny you would be shot on sight
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mintbros is this real?
Very nice, thank you.
I was happy to see you made it this far. I'll be rooting for you.
it's okay, you're new, you literally don't know any better. I don't hold your retardation against you.
Cecilia is starting
your sew write.
/lig/ was already /mig/ when we allowed 2viewshitters in
fuck off retard
I don't know but I think we are not getting a stream
you are the most bitter anon i've ever encountered :DS relax
just post about the vtuber you like, surely someone else will give a fuck
Yes but also what is this from
I think /big/ and /lig/ should kiss and make up (sexual)
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[Para news] Para is rebranding from an alcoholtuber to a coffee and feettuber
hey, where'd that other anon go?
I kinda don't like unarchived karaokes. Hope she still has fun though.
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>I think we are not getting a stream
I think those two should smooch
red oni bush is a delicacy
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Even if we had 20 splits, the sperg would keep sperging. You know that, right?
i like /choc/
this but unironically
we don't need 4viewposters
layna collab, layna was asking the most embarrassing moments she had was and chat went off
This thread will be back to "normal" in under 10 days. I'm guessing 4 or 5, personally.
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That looks less like comforting and more like she's about to start hip thrusting her red cunt straight into your face
imminent rape
that sounds comforting to me?
im killing myself
problem is that the "normal" is dogshit.
Prepare your butthole
Men only want one thing and it is Nina Saotome
Schizo had been found out and going all out. There's no going back.
Whenever she does Karaoke again I'm gonna ask her to sing the Lucky Star OP.
It's almost like this thread has never been good and is only fun when people post silly rrats and shitposts or something.
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the fact that you'll never get what you want and are so trapped in the past is really fuckin funny. watching you writhe and squirm really gets me goin. i jerk off to all your miseryposts.
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not really
I'm fluent in Alicese and even I struggled to understand some of that when she was losing it, impressive
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Goffik Juni has been complete.
I made this post.
thanks jigga
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Thanks for playing

Lucy source: https://x.com/MattEstrela2/status/1840071643965608154
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Thanks for the JIGGIE, Liggie!
good luck with dealing his multiple mass replies "go back to big containment" etc etc like he does already every thread or two for almost a year now
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Tank for jig my lig
not 3am don't care
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>"normal" lig
That's the problem
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*deep breath*
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I really liked that collab desu.
your bait could be so much better
fanta moff my beloved
That's cope
Yeah but she's raping me.
cute bug
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Jupiner Slugtias back at 2pm pst (hour and a half from now)
no it can't
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What the Junker doing?
Is there a ligger that is a better screamer than laimu? She startles and screams so frequently and beautifully.
Sexo yapfox just confirmed she has painfully wide birthing hips to the point she basically can't sleep on her side.
That is all.
probably just yappin
Is there a ligger that's into sucking male nipples?
Regaling us with her Pacific Northwest Adventures
I for one hope their retarded split works
i hate seeing non-friendly-3am liggers here
I thought my headset was fucked up
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Send her in.
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Jesus Christ how horrible.
nobody is buying this shit dude come on it’s getting embarrassing
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this sounds like something lyra would be into
I have never watched her, but it sounds like her
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Works on my machine
by responding to a schizopost the number of schizoposts goes from 1 to 2.
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man do I need a shiori in my life
Ok thank you
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Shiori at home.
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It's a shame she's so against horny art of her.
Para condems AI art and GamerGate2... I thought she was redpilled...
lmao wtf
>Slav shortstack with mega-hips, bratty attitude and sex af voice
she also condemns good hygiene
I'll take a miia AND her sister LEMON WHORE!
>condems AI art
Based, I will now tier3 sub to her, daeth to AI slop
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bros i can't get myself to draw for the past few days because my mentor has me doing only studies for the past couple weeks, please give me encouragement because i really wanna draw Meredith or Meat soon
need beri reverse rape
dw, that's just the carbon monoxide poisoning speaking
Doesn't Lucy's new model have a mascara running toggle?
shut up about schizos who should I watch and masturbate to
posts like these are proof that this thread is still worthwhile
ok seth
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are those things related?
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She is? Why?
Draw Meat and Meredith you fucking bitch!
no it doesn't
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Love this dude's art honestly.
they will learn to share
That hyp got me emotional
>chuuba claims vtubing saved her from a life of poverty and misery
>is very grateful to her fans
>streams 3 hours a weeks
Is limes the only reliable ligger?
i'm surprised she doesn't have any besides two ai slop images
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I like how all the images posted in /big/ are just copied from here. None of them are screencaps from current streams, even though the chuubas are live
Tons of liggers stream consistently stop being a retard
someone post a pic, we need verification!
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simply draw meat under the pretense of anatomy reps
I think it was just a generic female anti-porn position.
Just think about Meat's pretty pedicured little toes curling up in fright from her playing RE7.
that rodent barely streams if you subtract by sponsored content
Consistent by ligger standards which are non existent.
Someone should commission a bunch of R34 of her because it will make her upset
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[Para Egg Lore] a 200k twitter followers having hentai artist drew this
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>Finally get home after a long day
>There's a rrat on the telly
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Taking Vesper out to a baseball game to celebrate her recovery!
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Love the parahuevo
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Para wants to do inktober but with gore
I'm so tired
>Currently Numi is on pace over the last 6 months a total of 38 hours per month. That's one half year where she can't even put in the production to equal one week of full time work for a month. She shows up, gets money, then fucks off for trips/events/whatever, rinse and repeat.
hooooooly kek
It's never going to get better
Nice, she should add nuggets and flaying
I forgot how good of posts these were
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I like the Baseball one the most but I still like this one a lot too.
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the kind of tired that sleep won't fix
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womp womp
Only death can save
where piss
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Mints model kinda mogs every model near her in terms of sheer technical quality it’s kind of amazing desu
me in the middle
Thank you
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Guys, Shawty's like a memory in my head :(
nyaru or char posted this
Love ya /choc/!
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I'd talk about the /ligs/ I like, but it upsets a few people in here when I bring them up. I'm sorry
Candy gore?
maybe if you're into obese hamplanets lmfao
Please talk about them instead of complaining nobody talks about your streamer
Meat when she plays horror games, that RE7 stream was truly one of a kind
Good post
This is why I said technical quality but I do fuck with fat bitches, especially really really nerdy ones like her
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So I'm allowed to talk about South Side and 3AM in here?
Layna is pretty pse to limes. Streams 6 days a week most weeks or streams multiple times a day
anything except niji and holo goes here
wait there were more?

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