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speed board - Edition

>What is /fig/?
/fig/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss idol vtubers who play fighting games and (beat em ups), either from large companies, small ones, or indies, as well as to discuss fighting games about Hololive and other vtubers in general.

>So is this thread about fighting games or Idol showdown?
Neither: this is a thread about idols and fighting games.

>But what is an idol?
An idol is something unobtainable and moe that makes your kokoro go doki doki (WIP)

>Is {X} a fighting game?
Temporally we will define fighting games as games fighting idols play.

>Are beat em ups a fighting game?
No, but we will use the loophole above provide a home for them temporally as well since most of the fighting idols also play beat em ups. If the genre seems to have a revival at some point, we would recommend splitting this thread (again).

>I have no friends, can I ask for games here?
Just post a request in the GAME ANCHOR

>Idol Showdown stuff
IS patch notes: https://steamdb.info/app/1742020/patchnotes/
Beta builds: https://twitter.com/IdolShowdown/status/1660016297164390405 (embed) (embed) (embed)
Twitter Tech: https://pastebin.com/XQtD5D1y (embed) (embed) (embed)
Tiermaker: https://tiermaker.com/categories/video-games/updated-idol-showdown-characters-1434585

>HoloXBreak stuff

>Glossary of Fighting Terms

>Hololive Smash Clone fangame

>Fighting Idols
Seeking for a chuuba who plays fightan? check our well catered selection of seiso idols (and a few extra):

>Recent Fightan Streams
- Hanabi streets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VT6VDhSJGBU [Embed]
- More Hanabi streets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJXSrDgEEGc [Embed]
- Amayui streets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEZ-056Bb3U [Embed]
- Super Meche Asuka 120%: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DM5M6Mmo9fI [Embed]
- Nemu streets fighter zero 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RqgbxvuRao [Embed]
- Legendus watchalong
-Botan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8Ij3qcDrTk [Embed]
-Aki: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lg1b3h-EaFM [Embed]
- Azusa streets: https://youtu.be/PvCXythnZOk [Embed]
-Tomori: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlHKxRBJHP4 [Embed]
- Sourin streets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PP28I6x1WuM [Embed]
- Amaya streets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYORyYMpCus [Embed]

>How do I git gud? (Youtube videos)
https://pastebin.com/pnzsYe4C (embed) (embed)

>OFFICIAL GUIDE TO PLAYING FIGHTAN (Will be updated): https://rentry.org/vaqrg8r4

>Lost your motivation to play fighting games? Read this cute girls manga:

>"FT10 NOOB!" "My oshi can beat your oshi!"
Take that somewhere else, this thread is full of newbies who just want to play the funny idol game. Be nice.

>How do I git gud? (Youtube videos)
https://pastebin.com/pnzsYe4C (embed) (embed)
>OFFICIAL GUIDE TO PLAYING FIGHTAN (Will be updated): https://rentry.org/vaqrg8r4

>Lost your motivation to play fighting games? Read this cute girls manga:

>News for November 18th 2024
- Sophie returns to streaming, does shitty drama stream becomes low 3 view for a bit
- /fig/ forgets that the next slam will be strive
- New mods for soul calibur currently being messed with, expect something in december
- IDOL SHOWDOWN NETCODE UPDATE FINALLY. MAYBE IT WILL WORK THIS TIME? https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1742020/view/6373250901747957893
- MR in streets is bullshit
- figgers remember old fig head Yuni and how she went from low MR to masters
- Legendus event happens with various pro players and (male) vtubers. Botan and others watch as zangief wins it all
- Dev anon shows off a little of shiori and her tiny blades


And remember: No discords, no names, no fighting. Only idols and love. wao!

Other useful threads:


previous frontier: >>89505757
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when fig dies for good where will we talk about shimada streams, tsunx?
there is always lig
Why board fast?
game awards fuckery
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Oh the Gaywards, got it
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board wasn't fast, you guys just never look at page numbers
la creatura trying ghost face https://www.twitch.tv/dreammxy?sr=a
I dont know how to read numbers thats why i dont care about frame data, every +10 just like -5 to me when I OD DP
reminder about the 2v2 tournament https://x.com/PlusFramesGG/status/1858728764047282341
Anchor post for finding games. Idol showdown, Street fighter, Tekken, Fightcade. Anything goes, just keep in mind that not everyone has the game you own
I have no friends to play with
just force an anon here
fighting games sucks now
my friend had a question: where would one find sophie art, lewd or not.
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it's a free model
there must be some around if you look for the model name

alternatively, you go into her disc*rd I think there's an art channel there
could always gen some
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Coyo laughed and nearly cried from watching the Kemono Friends stage play.
I think IDS devs should announce gigi who makes the big punch or grabs
>Gigi before Gura
Bold move
if they put in gura they'd have to make a dragon install for gwar or there would be no point in another rush down character
What’s wrong with your face
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Who cares, rushdown is fun
>thinking there will be more playable characters
bosses maybe
It’s okay, 2XHolo will include every holo (delusional)
No, needs a DEV_IS girl.
I cant believe 2xko is actually going to come out before 2xholo
It’s been in development for longer I think
And has more then one person working on it
yeah but which one
only one I can think of is niko because she established the Tiger theme. Everyone else is just human
I'm still legit floored (happy) they picked Ina over Mori or Gura as the first EN even she did end up being low tier.

Even if you just go for only EN that's like 2 short of matching Melee's non-clone roster.
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2hu tekken with some other people: https://www.twitch.tv/reimmomo
>2hu rebranded as reimu but continues to use random ass vtuber models anyways
Is it normal to have headaches for hours after a long and stressful set?
no, drink more water and get better sleep.
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I been contemplating a new vision on how to approach streets due to all the pros complaining:
If the game is random and is all guesses, then you need to guess low risk most of the time. If this applies at so very high level it obviously applies in the lower tiers.
So I been trying something I decided to call: " small street fighter" instead going for high risk combos based on cool reads, I assume my opponent is random (which in my elo mostly is), has no logic and is a complete retard, so I stop trying to predict him and instead attempt whatever is least risky in every situation. This makes my game plan very predictable indeed but the other guy barely pays attention to what you do anyway before 1800s and much less in a first to two.
Focus on winning space, on small damage with lights, no jumping in or DI hoping for the big cash out, just chipping drive gauges and hoping he burns himself out at random.
Focusing not to win every match but a strategy to win most of the matches by playing it safe.
I now easily defeat with this anyone sub 1500 which i wasnt able to do, noobs play too risky, like basically high level plats, if you literally poke them twice while trying to approach they will jump on you even if it will kill them, they take huge risks all the time for no reason, you just need to wait

during stress blood goes towards your muscles in a flight or fight response and it drains your brain, causing headaches and making you basically a retard.
If you really want to get better, you need to work on controlling your emotions so more blood goes to your brain. Easy advise is to do this before every round: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKrfH43srg8&t=69s
swing your finger in front of you and move your eyes side to side following it, this will cause your brain to think you are moving forward (and "fighting" instead of "fleeing") which will no longer put blood on your feet.
Alternatively for a less weird alternative walk between sets so the blood returns so its place or simply rise your feet up between rounds (and your hands over your head, if you want to)
tldr: blood in limbs when scawed, raise limbs, move eyes, walk
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Grappler Chihaya
>grappler Chihaya
she should be a generic heavy character with slow buttons
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Zero taste
Thats just R.Mika
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jp cato: https://www.twitch.tv/kashi_neko
What makes a character fun to fight? Or at the very least not UNfun to fight?
personally, it depends on if I'm playing a zoner or not. People who play zoners tend to display some kind of superiority in their play style so its kind of annoying to play against
At the very least I can tell you that a character with an abusable move that requires specific knowledge or practice to beat is generally unfun to play against. I can't think of an example where when a character is fun to fight against it doesn't just mean that they're low tier and have shit movesets
define "fun"
Not obnoxious
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if a character is not even a little bit obnoxious to fight, the matchup is either 8-2 in your favor or the char is just dogshit (and the matchup is 8-2 either way)
but i can guess you're thinking about characters that force a certain playstyle on the opponent. Obvious case : zangief in sf2 or alpha3.
You're normally incentivized to attack and press your opponent in fighting games, with the timer and whatnot, but you can't against zangief because SPD and Lariat are just that good. So you're forced to push him away and decentivized to engage with a part of the gameplay you normally engage with.
The lesson here is: the more a character deviate from the average gameplay loop of a game, with non-standard tools and the like, the more you will hate it (not all characters feel as obnoxious game to game, see Daimon in 98 and now)
so, to make a character that is fun to fight, you need to make a game with characters all possessing a lot of very different options

pic related
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sourin later: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJUZoQ3M8l4
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ayumi streetin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5Jv3UiOCew
Geif is such a problem now, that everyone has to lab defensive counter-play
Videl team practice soon
Strive thing happenin
Oh boy
Whoa, you said exactly what I said, but in fewer words. But I did conclude differently. The idea you said would be fun, from my experience, would actually make every character in that game not fun to fight
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it's kind of interesting how strong he is currently considering how easy devs would nerf a grappler if they see them win once
ren playing central fiction https://www.twitch.tv/ren_kisaragi__?sr=a
Cute boy
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you concluded differently because you did not have the same argument.
from my experience, Footsies is a fun game - for about five minutes
Well, okay, footsies is lame, but there’s a consensus that the rivals games have no characters that aren’t unfun to fight, and the character design is universally predicated on breaking the “rules” of the game with some stupid bullshit, so that’s where I’m coming at it from.
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Coyo getting molested by other Vtubers again.
where is this ones clothes

Lost in the hydrangeas.

jp streets: https://www.twitch.tv/sorano_rano
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Finally, Coyo sex!
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so how are you all ranking in your respective games
I’m not doing ranked because I know myself and I know how bad my mental will get.
i play old games where no one's on ranked and you just play lobbies :)
red in tekken but that was at release
silver 2 in street fighter
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B4 at uni2
IDS ranked doesnt exist
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I actually wonder why they haven't implimented some kind of ranking system. They have MR as a concept but thats as far as it goes
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not enough people to do proper rankeds anyway
what they should do is organize more tournaments
I fucking love rewriting code
have you tried writing it right the first time
See I did but then the requirements changed
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He back
this pink creature is playing guilty gear
when will we get an xrd or even +r tuber though
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I forgot my pic
>Momoko Nuihara【NEXAS】
didnt we went against these guys in either divegrass or lotb
the children HATE old game, they want NEW game
you're probably thinking of /suuji/. /brg/ made it to the top 24 like we did though in vtl7
pink or purple, you decide https://www.twitch.tv/moondogs_celestial
oh that's videl and ren
interesting group
Speaking of specialite, the third player from there apparently practices on twitch
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>gold 1
Checked the other girl and she happens to be training right now. Looks like she's at Platinum
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>learning ken
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>white towa
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She's streaming https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LN8MvW-J-sU&feature=youtu.be
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ren streets: https://www.twitch.tv/ren_kisaragi__?sr=a
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>page 10
botan sfl watchalong with Naruo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXrK3sdqHJU
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I feel like I always catch ren's streams when she's just chilling
this is the second time i have been tricked into believing these are her massive boobs
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i heard dogura got into some hot shit because he made a joke about the SFL
the japanese have no chill
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the japanese are autistic about critiques and criticism all the time because they treat it like you killed their mom
>lost 10 games ina row
And now we're back to the matchmaking actively wanting me to have nothing good in this world
you should stop at the first two loses usually
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jp streets: https://www.twitch.tv/sorano_rano
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isnt this towa's coach for Ed
But it was my first games of the day...
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Do warm ups, dont start ranked until you win at least a set. Winning at anything pumps out testosterone on males which also gives you the aggression to keep winning. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13722091-the-winner-effect

On a different note, any of you had tried anything I said here before? any results?
I need to see if this stuff works in everyone or just on me.
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huh, guess huntress was right about the guilty queer community
technicals is a clout chasing retard
He’s right more often than he’s not
im ready to believe anything bad about the guilty gear community anyway
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to the surprise of no one
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2hu tekken: https://www.twitch.tv/reimmomo
shimada is doing a discord horror watchalong now
shimada is a racist now
she is for the streets (derogatory)
What? How?
she bought a wheel and is playing driving games
>Sophie online
the autism...
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what happened to yesterday's stream? there's no vod, was planning on finishing it since i fell asleep
maybe she deleted it her self? Or someone reported it?
I mean...I GUESS?
I have before. But I also later forgot what the advice was
uoooh: https://www.twitch.tv/rururiri16
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raikou looking ass playing streets https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xX06uSMWjTU
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feels like its been a while since I've seen someone try luke
Cute tiger
my hands are too cold for fightan
this is how I die
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Okay, throws use modified hitboxes now, give more control to the attacking player. Did a lot of bugfixing and tweaking in the process, including patching a previously uncaught source of huge lag. It feels the same but better now.
what do you mean give more control to the attacking player? like easier to mash out of it?
No, code-wise. Before, offsets were controlled by a global lookup table referenced from the thrown player’s end. Now that lives where the rest of the throw logic does, in the throwing player’s local variables, and that gives much finer control over what happens and when.
Button live with sfl
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It is Fighter Friday!
Super Meche is playing Seifuku Densetsu Pretty Fighter X!
>page 10
>ah she is playing viewers, let me try join
>5000 viewers
what the hell
vspo actually pulls in numbers
think they are right behind niji in terms of viewership
daylight savings has truly forsaken me
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this shit looks bootleg as fuck
What’s this?
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straight up looks like those fake fighting games in anime
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fight outside the waffle house
>meche oshi is migo
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its the low
Ah, the hwitches
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so these models exist
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unphantomably based
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ticc leggs
she will get stronger
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well once you are a pro player in one game its easier to become a pro player in another
I seen her play fall guys 4 years ago it was terrifying
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>fall guys
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how covered are her legs really
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figgers for this feel
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Should I give up on Dizzy
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Everything is just pure anger each game and now my throat hurts from yelling...
tako dont tell me you actually yell out loud when youre mad at vidya
I dont even know what she does now
did they not make her simpler?
Playing as Dizzy is so wack bro. Like what are these slow ass normals and shit 6P
Tekken's not good for the mental...
i don't think it's tekken that's the issue at that point
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If you don't like the feel of whatever your character's doing, there is no shame in dropping them
>Like what are these slow ass normals and shit 6P
anon? you're playing a setplay zoner?
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I get mad too I get it but yelling to that point is kinda crazy
nta but they gutted her specials, she now has bootleg michael sword and a gimmicky as FUCK unblockable that does 70% but it requires meter and like 10s startup and it's ass to use and ass to play against
a wonder of character design, impressive after seeing that ABA and Johnny were fine
That’s what you get for playing strive
hop on xrd
where else will I play goldlewis
The Dizzy vs Potemkin match up is suffering
fuck you mean streets sophie: https://www.twitch.tv/afterschoolsophie
Fuck it not watching anything rn. Who does she main
so she's playing with a broken leg basically
huntress also streets: https://www.twitch.tv/huntress
sophie dropping shit like crazy, its been so long
cute voice
You can pause now
one day sophie will play a good street fighter character
you know
is gran turismo a fighting game
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bitches be like this but mention modern and suddenly they got all em "principles"
I have the same problem
you should give up on guilty gear already
we need an ms paint to explain it
shimada, masters are 12% of the player base, not 0.3
>Huntress can't even get to an hour and a half of SF6 gameplay before moving to something else
is it over
since when did sophie have a diamond cammy
extremely early fig, back when she was trying to take everything to master
>batatvideogames raids shimada

bat hates us
she can never play fighting games because she'd go full LTG and get herself banned
typical brazilian behavior
>the /cure/ general is active discussing updates and builds
>Both x real and IS are dead as fuck

Somehow we backed the wrong horse twice
Fuck phones
holocure only exists when an update happens
we exist for the weirdos who want to talk about fightan in general after the IDS devs decided to take 100 years to make an update
I don't get these kinds of racing games. Do people want to have their oil changed in a video game?
some people are just autistic about their driving sims
you know monster hunter? it's like that but for cars.
Monster hunting game with carcass dismantling and equipment maintenance mini games when
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church with killer insinct https://www.twitch.tv/church_hb
sometimes when I watch KI I feel like frames are being skipped but I think thats just the speed of the game
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la creatura mk: https://www.twitch.tv/dreammxy
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church moved over to moron kombat
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hanabi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7Gm6ul8BGY
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Scrims later, tournament tomorrow
More Miko SoulCal
finally some good fucking food
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Pink one!

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