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>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, is it okay to ask? Will I get real feedback?
Ask away! If no one responds, try asking again at a later time.

Open company auditions:
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
Niji (Open indefinitely): https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1780415989332816307

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Common Trolling techniques in /here/: https://pastebin.com/24DaTTvm
List with most /here/ aspies https://rentry.co/asplist

Previous thread: >>89953073
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Do your best /asp/ies
You first
Most of my regulars are starting to watch other people and not come to my streams, I really don't know what to do and I feel like shit...
I wonder if I should've been more parasocial.
My best isn't enough
You’re cute you’re cute you’re cute you’re cute
I know it.
Vtuberfeetfan on twitter needs vtubers for an advent calendar. I know they follow lots of aspies
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time to stream to the void!
I hope you notice me, you make me happy
I love you~
First for male vtubers being killed by ms13!
He would never say this to me
Some (but not all) /asp/ies: https://rentry.co/asplist
It's already in the OP but thank you. Now I just need the tierlist if it's still even updated?
Hint so they know!
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What the joose doin
Tierlist is kaput. The Rentry is the spiritual successor.
Astroturfing on /asp/ apparently
hi flandzen
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>mfw theres a random fucking dot that doesnt show up in CSP with 100% opacity on every layer
>it only shows up when i export to preivew
The rentry needs to be wiped too so I can finally disappear from /asp/'s memory and deny all association with this place
You do know you can request to be removed, right?
I miss Haru. I hope he's staying warm.
>the most talked aspies aren't even on the new list
Its only for people who want to be on
and everyone on that list agreed to be on there?
they either asked or were on the tierlist before it was nuked
shouldn't you remove the one ones then and only have the ones who asked to be added?
We're in the middle of that process.
Try this, maybe? :]
>save as under a different name
>merge all layers
>erase the dot
Hope it helps. It's only a quick fix, though.
Recently I got a Vgen but I have been kinda anxious putting it out there. I plan to start advertising it more seriously but I wanted to get advice, and I'd really appreciate some first impressions. Does it seem professional? Inviting? Any personal icks for you? TIA!

Simply I would not pay that much for someone without much of a public resume. It sounds good though.
I love you so much. You’ll always be my favorite.
Name please.
Looks fine to me, I would recommend doing some work for friends/acquaintances and posting that too. One thing I look for in commisioning someone is if they have been comissioned by someone I know or like or trust so I can cross-check whether or not they're a dick to deal with, late on delivery, bad communication, hidden fees, etc.
Subtle trolling if bait, if not bait give a hint
Hint is that she likes Mochinut
Hey alpin,

I re-started working out about a month ago. I'm on 500mg of test-e and I've put on about 9lbs since, how much of this do you anticipate is glycogen/water versus genuine mass gain?
Thank you! Glad it atleast passes. Doing covers with others is something I've been trying to work on but unfortunately I have had some people not follow through for various reasons. IME a good majority of people are just too shy to sing.
If I was approached by someone who had vocals already recorded then I would definitely consider giving a hefty discount.
It’s either Camui posting about Rottie or Iriya posting about Fwofie again
Good, it's not me.
You could offer your services here for free for a few aspies. I know lots of people here are singers. It will show the community you are serious about delivering and justify the costs. Lots of art fags tend to draw people fannart for free in the threads and then post their links
There's a Fythol poster, Haru poster, and Runoxi poster too.
Alpin has a marshmallow. Use that.
No I'm not using your gay qna platform
ok Alpin
Iriya has liked Fythol and Runoxi is his latest
Haru is probably still Vita
Me is creature lover.
t. 7 skebs accepted, I’m mentally insane and in the right place.
vita seems to have moved on
Where the fuck did the Runoxi shit start?
I mean that sounds good to me. Should I just keep posting my link? I was going to hold a raffle but other then that I'm not sure how else to go about offering my services
Since when does Iriya like Runoxi?
Raffle and post your link. Probably get better singers for your samples.
iirc someone posted here a couple months back saying something along the lines of 'why didn't anyone tell me Runoxi was so cute' and people either saw him watching her or they assumed it was him posting.
You know what you did Iriya
Is someone not allowed to think someone is cute anymore without wanting to bang them?
What a coincidence, I also love the creature!
Only 5 skebs accepted though, I have to step it up...
Calling other girls cute in the threads while clearly being obsessed with another girl is practically cheating. No wonder Fwofie rejected you.
My skebs are probably cheaper than yours so don’t worry about it.
weird post
Who are you obsessing over now?
Name who you think is cute
Me :)
Creature. I wonder if she’ll let me get her some emotes.
She's back btw
We did it, we won
Ever wonder if just trucking forward isn't the right thing to do anymore? like somethings gotta change?
Yes, most people here are stagnating or even declining because all they do is go live.
That's not enough to grow, literally. You have to put your name out there whether its with clips or networking.
How will you change your trajectory?
Kyuu is pretty cute, I also think Megino is cute.
Make the changes you need to make anon. If you’re dissatisfied with your life, take control of it and chase what you want, because it won’t just magically happen. If you see something you can change for the better, don’t hesitate for a second to do so.
I'm trying some things but putting out clips every stream, uploading vods to youtube, trying to network with other aspies, but I'm in the middle of a rebrand too so.
I hope people are noticing the current changes I'm trying to make and are interested, but don't know for sure.
I always get super depressed after a stream... kill me, please. if I could trade my soul for five years of being a semi-popular vtuber (hell, doesn't even have to break triple digit CCV) I'd happily do thay for five years then DIE.
Use the rebrand as an event to gain further traction.
Are you talking about streaming or life?
I'm doing the rebrand slowly in little drips, so there should be a few chances for events, I'm hoping it reads like a wrestling heel turn.
Well I want to say I’m noticing but I only pay attention to a couple people here. But, if you’re one of them, I see you and I’m taking note and I appreciate you. :3
There's a lot of people here, so I wouldn't fault anyone for not paying attention to everyone
Good, the world would be a little darker without her.
I love you. I miss you so much. If I could, I would give you my world, but how can I if you won't take it from me?

Hi Shania
Shaniachan tell us which aspies you like!
I love male vtubers!
Hmm I’m not too experienced with that since the only people I’ve trained who are on test are trans, and their dose is usually lower/different, so I haven’t seen it first hand. I have an idea of the growth rates at least though theoretically. Depends heavily on factors like how much above maintenance you’ve been eating, and how much you currently weight to determine how much may be water weight, but test does goes crazy so like 5-7lbs could be lean mass within a month if you were training hard and eating properly. I’ve seen studies to that effect

Also I feel obligated to say drugs are bad mkay, I really only think it’s a choice people should make on their own after over a decade of hard training and reaching their physical limits. I never really recommend it
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Two years of streaming marked TONIGHT! I've gotten a bunch of plans ready, so come join and hang out for the anniversary party!
I like all aspies! Currently a big fan of codycatvt, pafu pafu and ineda the rape alien. Good solid trio.
Prove it
Hey all, on Monday I'll be wiping the rentry and starting fresh. Right now we've got almost 20 /asp/ies who will be on the new list, so don't feel scared to reach out to me at boop147 on Discord to let me know you'd like to be on the new one. Thank you to everyone thus far who has volunteered.

T. Janie
I'm watching a collab at the moment but congrats to Slushy on two years!
Janie love
I'm eating currently 500 above maintence using a high volume full body routine 3 days a week with an extra day for accessories and stretching.

Thanks for the second opinion
Which ones though?
Gotcha yeah 5-7lb is reasonable guess then
Gymbros will love you when they can egoboost themselves by being a guru but outside the gym they’re some of the most fair weather people you’ll meet and Alpin is no exception based on my experience with him
Damn tell us how you really feel brother
I want to suck his toes, sorry
Anyone getting Christmas art?
More like anyone getting Christmas FART and the answer is YES BRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP
Iriya fucked the menhera out of her
You’re being too parasocial now. Viewers come and go keep streaming and other people will watch you.
I got Christmas art of some cute girls.
for my oshi
I'm hoping a few skeb requests get accepted but otherwise nah.
No, I'm making it myself
I had not even thought about it, but it sounds like a very cute idea to draw some /asp/ies in a Christmas collage..
I actually came here ask a question about doing drip story stuff like this through twitter and I see people posting my tweet lol I guess the system works?
Brilliantly done if true
I couldn't prove it otherwise, but just found it funny.
Thinking about moving away from Twitch. Are there ANY platforms out there that I may get new viewers somewhere?
the only other platforms that actually have people watching is Kick and Youtube.
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Believe it or not YouTube isn’t completely ass at suggesting your videos to others
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You will be recommended in suggested videos and off feeds regularly
I would like to spend a lot of money on my oshi for Christmas.
What do you think would be less creepy, a lot of skebs or a single expensive throne gift?
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Just a reminder to aspies using YouTube… Shill your videos in appropriate places (e.g., Discords, reddits, etc.). Make Shorts and link them to the vods, videos, or other relevant/similar Shorts on your channel. Many Shorts viewers won’t click on the links, but some will. Also, use hashtags. Three in the description seems to help. I try using a blend of popular ones and less popular ones. Finally, remember that Shorts descriptions are awful; if you can be bothered, pin a comment for viewers to read. They like to scroll down, so giving them something to read can help them to stay on your Shorts longer than they might otherwise. Good for the algos.
If they get skebs occasionally, then it could seem like multiple people put in skeb requests, so that could be a bit less creepy. But I would choose whichever you think they'd appreciate more.
I have awoken and i really want to throw up
YouTube says hashtags does very little for discovery unless it’s directly in the title.
I've been posting my vods every stream and posting shorts every stream and its kind of hit or miss, but I had a few vods pop off because of a popular game, few shorts popped off too but I tend to post quantity over quality so.
If Youtube tells you anything, the opposite will always be true.
its good to load up on hashtags when you can, but honestly an eye catching title is best, and then making sure you have that title some how in the description and tags, helps the algorith,
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I love watching Milk gorge attempt to miserably gorge herself on stream. Is this a win guys?
Thank you friends for visiting, I hope your evenings are well and your streams good!
Whoah, love the art style in this one, you look extra cute, who is the artist?
Thank you! I havent posted it anywhere else yet lol, here's the artist https://skeb.jp/@KarumeYak1
That seems crazy cheap, did you pay extra?
no friend! I cruise for cheap skebs fairly frequently, and I get some good ones! I dont think I've gotten anything done thats over $50
I don't remember making this post, and yet it feels like I posted this.
goddamn aspies, you all need to see this vid
I forgot I have to start preparing for my multiple celebrations in two weeks, maybe its not worth getting affiliated, too much stress
Fuck you, watch THIS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRwKfIiimfA
tf is this shit
something I stumbled on and want aspies to see.
why does karaoke frankie macdonald only have 5 subs
i can never tell if a japanese lady is 14 or 41
sorry for being racist everyone
they stop aging after 14 and then instantly turn old at 65
The fact that this could be one of like 8 aspies is the funniest bit
I'm glad he is finally streaming again, he fills my heart like no one else
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glad I could help, but I'm not streaming. I think you're confused.
Name him sis!
they are 1 minute apart so I choose to believe this
I hit up the artist specially because of this piece, I hope they accept, I don’t know how long it takes for skeb artists to get back.
My heart chose you.
Haru's gonna graduate soon, I can feel it.
Don't worry, anon. It gets better, even if it doesn't seem that way right now. Life has a way of sorting things out.
Don't lie to him, it doesn't get any better.
Oh I meant it in a good way!
Who do you think it’s always those three fags
There are more than three confirmed vagueposters
post a list of vagueposters so I they can be shamed
diaryposters are bottom of the barrel with the crustaceans
Even for us this is quite the quiet night huh?
All of the Australians disappeared.
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I love Omo

That is all
What are the signs a bottom feeder is attaching themselves to you because you have something that they want?
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Streaming some Grand Poo World 2 as part of my Kaizothon
He knows I love OL's and yet this conversation is not happening with me, its so over bros I thought we where tight
They aren't genuinely interested in the things you do or you as an individual. They love bomb you and are very pushy with either collabing or doing something together that involves showing everyone that you two are right. What's this bottom feeder doing?
Weird post
disgusting loser
I think I have two of these
He should get with Kyou since they're both disgusting
I just got affiliate. Now what?
Feeling a bit overwhelmed with all the things to set up from goals to badges to emotes to channel points when I started doing this for fun with 0 knowledge on twitch and it's meta.
People have subscribed to me and I feel a little bad about the low quality I bring to the stream and my overall lack of understanding.
Let us who you are so I can get the founders!
Like most problems in life this can be solved with simple planning, instead of facing this issue in your minds eye, open up a note pad and write down a to-do list, once you've jotted down each thing you can then plan accordingly.
Too anxious to shill myself, specially here. But I do think I have to get over that.
I play mostly the same competitive games and I imagine simply plastering my stream over discords of those games would bring me a worthy amount of views.
There's literally no point to turn on affiliate that early, you won't be making any money and all the clutter is only fun if you already know what you're doing.
Guess I screwed myself by not understanding what I was getting into.
I'm willing to put the effort though and people randomly bought me a ton of subs so the motivation is there too.
I mean at that point I think the ads are just annoying and basically pointless cause you won't be making anything from 5 viewers but everyone has them so don't think about it much.
I genuinely thought 90% of web users had ad block anyway.
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live now with a quick LoL Guerilla, fooling around with my jank ass FBT to
They keep pushing for collabs but I get bad vibes from it. With my other vtuber friends I feel like the most important part of the collab are with the people, spending time with vtubers that we like. With this person it’s like they feel the most important part of the collab is the game, like a group of vtubers doing a certain challenge will attract more viewers, and they don’t really seem to consider that everyone else wouldn’t be having any fun doing these challenges.
inseminating pafu
Alright fair enough, I'm too shy too. Congrats on affiliate!
Sex with:
Ran through
Literally retarded
Ran through
Lesbian Misandrist
Ran through
Tell me why I'm wrong
because youve never talked to a woman in your life
Nigger Lava literally has sex with women
There is no such thing as a lesbian.
>Nigger Lava
I thought she was Latinx
switched over to factorio
If Haru quits I think I'm done with VTubers as a whole.
What's the gimmick here? Boy in hoodie plays games?
>200 viewers
>no one chatting
What's special about him? I've never been able to get into him.
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Over the bend, entirely quackers
You like me best when I'm eating crackers
He's high energy for long periods of time, entertaining, I like his choices in games. The most important of all thought is he was very helpful and caring when I messaged him when I was going through a rough spot. I normally don't like to do that but he sometimes says during his streams to message him if you ever want to talk.
there is none
Maybe I'll give him another try again sometime soon.
I chose you.... pikachu..........
Please do. I'm remorseful I didn't do anything to help him before everything he's been through lately after what he's done for me.
unless you count alcoholism as a gimmick lol
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Pikachu is basic as is Eevee
Raichu and Vaporeon is where it's at
why is CRC still crabbing L? are they lost in the sauce
Calling that crabbing is like saying Weird Al writes diss tracks
Are spanish speaking vtubers allowed here? C:
there are way too many
Not in Trump’s America.
Envia tu link porfa :)
Solo si me dices cosas bonitas al oído mi rey >3>
I’m pretty sure my other viewers have realized by now that I treat her differently and that I’m really into her. I think the only thing left is to just outright tell her I like her, and face the inevitable fallout of whether she says she likes me too or not.
>the only thing left
You haven't even considered your options and you're going nuclear. Interesting.
Ya tú sabes
What other options are there other than to keep flirting with her until eventually she gets tired and starts dating some random guy in real life.
Do you prefer overlay or no overlay?
I want to lay over your body baby.
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hola :3
Self replying to cringe larp is at least triple the normal level of cringe
Should I err on overdesigned or underdesigned
All the most popular and all corpo vtubers are overdetailed messes
Under. Embrace parsimony. Iterate as needed.
See thats the thing everyone here always says to be minimalist but every single other vtuber viewer disagrees
You overdesign if you want the model to carry itself. You underdesign if you expect to carry the model. The truth is that most high end indie models hit a sweet spot towards the middle where the artwork is professionally done and most parts are functional.
>most parts are functional
If you're male, do not go into this thread.
a good design hits somewhere in the middle.
Yes, that's why I said it retard
I really care about insecure SEAfags. If anything, making them seethe and cry in the cuckchair makes me want to become a male vtuber even more. My ultimate goal is convincing some bigger, gfe heavy females to collab with me and cuck their entire audience live.
"if you're male" has never been the start of any post I'm willing to listen to. Take your meds.
>she's not on the list
banger friend experience
Why is it so hard to retain raiders?

>watch a friend get raided by her friend
>both friend and her friend are extremely cute girls with extremely cute voices
>both girls have their own simps
>logic dictates that there should be a big overlap in their two audiences
>raiders disperse within five minutes of arriving
I don’t get it.
>>raiders disperse within five minutes of arriving
Its not complicated. There are thousands of reasons why raiders wouldn't just sit around after a raid.

1) "cute girl vtuber on the internet" is so vague that you'd have to be a fool to think that alone is enough overlap to do it for a viewerbase already dedicated to one chuuba. Otherwise corpos could generate infinite viewers by just raiding around in a circle

2) raids after long streams often have exhausted viewers with fried attention spans. Their streamer logs off and so do they.

3) just because I watch something on one channel doesn't mean I want to watch it on another channel
How well do you think collabs really work? I feel like I need to network with people who I don’t overlap audiences with because whenever I collab people get split up between the people streaming and me and they end up being my worst viewed streams.
It could be that her stream before was long so everyone wanted to go so their own things, or that it was late at night. There are also different archetypes of "cute girl", so maybe they fit less than you think.
I had that happen to me the other day, though. A decent raid from a friend who isn't directly an /asp/ie, but I don't think I got a single follower off of it. Sometimes it's unlucky.
Interestingly it's probably easier to retain male to male raiders because they usually just look for vibes. Viewers of females are often very parasocial or straight up groomers uninterested in others.
I've only had one viewer from someone else's chat stay in my chat after a collab and it was a vtuber. I look at my follows after collabs and nobody follows.
Your collabs don't do anything because you're not actually introducing real different audiences. You're co-streaming with a friend who has the same viewers. You're likely co-streaming something you could have streamed alone and been more entertaining doing it.
I choo choo chose you. Why won't you dm me back? I am beginning to get impatient, kitten, and you won't like me when I'm upset. I will give you a ring. You will be my bride. I will take you out for boba tea. The whole world (me) could be yours. I miss you so much. But also if you don't dm me back asap I will have my concubines ruin your life. You have been warned. Also I love you.
shut the fuck up r*bel
Hi Shania
I saw you periodically popping into my stream. I hope you stream today.
Yeah you’re definitely not wrong there
I'll make a rentry with only /asp/ies who don't ask to be on it so there's a complete accounting
I did not want to make this public. We could have done this in private like adults, but my kitten has run away. Blame her for these posts. Berate her for them until she comes back to me.

Kitten, if you're reading this, I would literally kill myself to be with you. That's how much you mean to me. I would chop off my own dick if it meant we could finally make love in person (not on discord)
Bizarre larp
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Damn straight
Day 274 of trying to convince imbred to become a vtuber. He still refuses. End entry.
I thought flower was the new thread darling.
don't worry, I'll help
I’m thinking I should update my model, I use vroid and I think the model is on its way to being eye catching but needs something to make it stand out from the other vroid models. What would you suggest for tutorials for modeling/texturing?
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The fuck is this? I'm not clicking a random server posted here
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cat loving
some faggot has been trying to become a community leader for a few days
lmao community
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Its very interesting to see you put less and less effort. A grandiose entrance, then less produced posts filled with saltiness, then now literally just a link drop devoid of any value. You are failing and you know it with this shitty behaviour, I hope to get my "it was THEIR FAULT!" Post in some months to get full bingo with this.
Next time do something that you truly care about; and even when it becomes bothersome learn to have proper discipline instead of letting it slowly rot onto nothingness. Sadly this one you are already, """silently""", giving up on.
weird post
posting random discord links is weirder.
Don't cater to people who inherently hate you.
>another random viewer trying to make himself the leader of a community of aspies while contributing nothing at all
what's contribution here anyway
If you have to ask you can't be told.
yeah its random you fuckin dweeb
No, its literally the exact server they've been posting for weeks. There's nothing random about it.
what is random is a completely unknown viewer peddling his server because he wants to groom people
The only ones who complain about gatekeeping are the people the gate was meant to keep out.
>Ran through
>Body count is 2 and most likely not to change anytime soon

people always seem to wanna raid someone like them or someone doing something similar to them and I understand the mindset but it's fundamentally flawed. if I just spent 2 hours, nevermind 7 or 8, watching someone I'm not gonna start watching what will, in my eyes, be a Great Value version of that. The only chance you have of getting me to stick around after a raid (assuming the raid target isn't another streamer I already like anyway) is for it to be something notably different yet still within my wheelhouse. Just as an example, if it's 11 at night and I just watched some high-energy streamer playing an action game, a chill art stream would be a very welcome reprieve.
id only accept an /asp/ server hosted by charley, must, 3rd, poly, basil, fwofie and grace
and flower
The dude is a tar pit
gates can be opened
this is plain stonewalling
always has been
Meh, his server was fine, the only drama it ever had was because of C&C
didn't help anons kept demanding a name as though it's not obvious where we are and what's done here
Well shit, guess that makes sense now.
asking for a name is completely understandable, a name means a lot to people
for example people avoid shania's server because it was made by him
On behalf of the threads; sorry we make you out as some bad guy to be condemned.
We've got our damage and we don't trust easy because of problematic people, but feel free to stick around.
qrd on this? There are enough literal schizos and groomers in this thread so I don't see how people are going to trust some random no-name without a reputation
Don’t speak for me fuckface.
guy opened up a server on a whim
wants it be a vc-only thing that doesn't cut in to the threads function
can't make out a member list outside of the entry channel or if you manually check who shares what servers with you
at best I think it's just getting people to vocalize or webcam their vtubers with others
pretty basic
Redeems are fun, free chat emotes are fun, and 99% of the viewers on twitch watch streamers that have affiliate on and run ads so there's extremely little to lose even if you're a literal 1view
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Not saying you shouldn't join that other server, but reminder that there is an OFFICIAL /asp/ discord server, and it's OPEN!

why not join both!
this right here is why I don't click on any random server posted here, there could be a schizo behind them
look buddy, if I'm a schizo then so is everyone else
why would someone who isn't even a vtuber or even trying to become one make an /asp/ server and shill it for weeks?
why didn't ur mom swallow
Ask jignx
ice cream
ice cream SUCKS

gelato is better
but can you get it from the convenience store?
wasn't it someone who tried but couldn't hack it?
though really this isn't for everyone
suppose the experience could count for something
don't think the guy needs to do much of anything
seems he's just hosting the server with a simple vetting process
not interested personally, but I can see the appeal, if just on a surface level
so he is trying to groom some naive chuubas?
It's a tale as old as time
messaged him earlier asking him about his intentions with the server and posting and you >>90080404 kinda summed up the response
kinda sucks with how he phrases things but is otherwise chills

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