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Amelia Watson and Dooby appreciation thread
This thread's for our girl, an adorable, dorky, wonderful angel!
Last thread: >>90029412
Today was a good day (~ ̄▽ ̄)~
Check Cytubemate project for 24/7 Ame vods: https://awat.420699.xyz/
Play Chiku Taku: https://watsonamelia.itch.io/chikutaku
Stream Chiku Taku: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYVweqOW31w
Ame links and info: https://rentry.org/Ameliur
Dooby's website for links and info: https://dooby3d.tv/
Backup rentry and additional info: https://rentry.org/Doob3D
Unofficial Archives: https://rentry.org/DoobyArchive
Doob's discord logs: https://rentry.co/doobcord
>Note that discussion about past-Ame is generally discouraged, the scope of this thread starts with Ame, moving forward from there.
>Respect for other Holos and the rules that govern their respective threads is also important, so only if and when on topic, focus on one persona and avoid blending references.
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Today was a doob day!
Have a doobday friends!
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You migrated right when I finished so I'm reposting it...
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Great edit.
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Come hang out: https://awat.420699.xyz/
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Alright boyos I'm off to bed, doobnight, dream of cute girls kissing and whatnot.
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Noticed I messed up part of the hair, fixed now.
I hope you remember what they said about what the most special part of their relationship. Remember when they said that no matter how much time goes on without the two speaking, they can return talking like nothings happened. They said that in a panel. Can anyone share that clip?
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I think I am owed a Rainforest cover.
Mori OWES me music.
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She gone, let her go......
Using this as a soapbox to say that I've been listening to some more of Mori's music and fuck you faggots for making me think she sucks this shit is good
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i literally showed support for it at every possible opportunity
not my fault g
Classic hallmark of autistic friendships
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You should've told me sooner, those Deadbeats had me fooled for 4 damn years.
>Plus Dooby said she visited Florida in her recent collab

They are
whatever you do, just don't listen to the guriname end of a life cover
you've been warned
I've mostly grown immune to it due to it playing during the offtimes on the Cytube. It hit hard during the 4th anni tho, especially when the news broke.
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not super on topic but I binged every holo A Way Out finale after we watched the amesame one on cytube so I may as well rank them for anyone else who loved that game
1. amesame
2. mikorone
3. takamori
(power gap)
4. ccgg
(MASSIVE power gap)
5. kroniirys
(GARGANTUAN power gap)
6. homos (only one of them was at fault but holy shit fuck that blue fag. couldn't get through it)
korosan is incapable of having a bad stream
it's honestly insanely cute (and sad) how much the game managed to hit mikorone despite it being in English. they're so sweet..
have a doobular night
NTA but this particular timestamp has to be in my top 5 funniest Holo moments of all time. Watching this live my stomach hurt from laughing
refer to them as stars or holopro, not holo. dont be a catalogshitter
don't shit the thread over trivial things onegai.
I am staying consistent with what I have always said. Nothing will stop me from doing that.
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I pray for bigger doobers someday
no thanks, they're perfect. But if you're talking about big ears, then yes
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Ame called it the HoloAquarium, not the HoloProAquarium or anything else. you're in the wrong thread to act autistic about this.
Just stop man, you aren't going to get rid of someone who has been using this thread for years, I'm not going anywhere and I will not change the things that I say. I am not shitting on the stars for the record, I am correcting an incorrect phrasing of things, because that kind of labelling is what catalogfags have been trying to do for years to shit on hololive.
Is she still Tumblr's favorite?
Literally everyone calls them homos.
dumb bitch
No, people who want to start fighting with others calls them homos, I will continue to call them the proper nomenclature of stars or holopro.
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No one is trying to get rid of you anon, I don't know where you got that from. But Ame has also been consistent, since debut, in treating the two branches with unity. Homos aren't my cup of tea but I didn't see why not to give them a chance there (possibly my first time opening a stream of theirs, by the by) because I follow Ame's principle. I'm sorry about what happens on the catalog but that isn't where we are right now.
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>I will continue to call them the proper nomenclature of stars or holopro.
The collab was cute enough, despite knowing how quiet dooby is in big groups.
This thread is basically unusable now when she collabs tho, which is a shame.
I also sadly doubt its gonna get much better with time seeing as though those people are just using dooby as an excuse to cause drama.
oh wait, he's mad that I called them an insult? i didn't mean it in a bad way. didn't even realize that's what he took issue with, i thought the problem was me writing "holo" at the start, not "homos" at the bottom
They'll get bored eventually, they always do.
or will get another toy
also, i don't know what the proper pairing name for regis and magni was, and I really do not care to learn it.
Everyone on tumblr that watches vtubers also has a twitter and posts there instead. I did stumble across a weird architect dooby rp blog on tumblr
It's both
nah once the novelty of collabing with a xholo wears off raiders will stop caring,
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sex with ame (male)
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I can't believe i had to watch my wife get drugged at a college party and end up in a yaoi marriage in the same stream. What a night. (It was lots of fun)
Wrong thread?
no idea but nice tits and thigh window
doobnight everyone
Someone got lost and intended to post in /fig/. Most likely some hispanic person.
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Tonight convinced me to buy a ticket for the concert but man are the hotels around the Tabernacle expensive for that night lol. 5 hour drive too so I'm almost considering buying a plane ticket to ATL
>most likely some hispanic person
you make it sound like you also aren't some hisapnic person
>Killer instinct
Kinda based ngl
Nope, white as fuck, reflective in the summer even
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man, I wish there was a thread for shoot'em up chuubas. or shoot'em up chuubas in general
if you mean fps you want /vspo/
if you want actual guns you want /tactical/
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it's all so tiring
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so how was the collab
hit ctrl + F, type "collab", read 'pinions
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I really liked it. After awhile dooby starts to come out of her shell and interact more and the high energy girls slow down a bit to match with the others. And dooby had fun and that's the most important part.
This is where I call it for tonight though. Doobnight bros.
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I liked it a lot. Was a bit overwhelming at first but everyone got on the same wavelength eventually and it ended up being a lot of fun
i'm a big indie supporter but i really didn't like the number of times that filian randomly targeted dooby with a question or comment that ended up awkward and not in a funny way. thankfully the dynamic got better as dooby started clapping back with some quips, but they should've talked way more pre-stream so we could skip the build-up.
the one in particular that sticks out in my mind is when fil asked her *twice* if dooby thought she was dumb, to which she justly replied "i don't know, i don't know you well enough yet"
>train operator
>blonde green eyes
wait, there's actually huge kino potential here I just realized. dooby the train conductor and doki the western-style robber?
i hope dooby realizes this and does something with it
All I’ll say is: it’s so sad how many teamates are still stuck in the past kek
not now bvtm
I mean, she was asking everyone questions like that. I don't think she had anything but good intentions with it, cause as you said doob started clapping back. Filian doing that I think made doob be more involved in the conversations. Even if there were a few semi awkward silences, but it's their first time collating, that's bound to happen.
Burned out one week in btw
Hope she doesn't collab with this group frequently
bubba foreskin
Doki was just as loud and annoying as fillian and bao was basically barely there.
bao was goslinging internally
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retard believes everything he sees on the catalog lol
sure was a day
can someone make soundposts?
Doki gets that way a lot in collabs. Just be thankful they're probably not gonna be super frequent
I want to watch dooby, but there is no way I'm going to watch Filian. Hoping they don't collab frequently/ever again.
How long of a soundpost do you want from these? I could try tomorrow but since I'm on mobile RN it'd be a bit hard
why does it get hard when you're on mobile?
well the bijou clip is just an AMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEE moment so that's self-explanatory
Planet Zoo has an entire kino LARP section where she's a tour guide, so likely that entire section would do if possible. If it's too big, you can trim to your liking
Well I don't have as much storage space on my phone unfortunately. In order to make a webm id have to download the stream, clip the part you want, convert it to a webm without sound and to an mp3 the upload the mp3 to catbox.
I'd probably wanna download the stream in 1080 which would be a few gigabytes.
thanks for the explanation, but I was trying and obviously failing to make a dick joke
Actually, there are no real indie streamers on Twitch, everyone has to belong to some streamer circle.
Don't expect Dooby to perform like Amelia.
Oh sorry tis the tism
wait, this has been a thing the whole time?
kek the pebbles were mentioning doob in the live chat
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doob night!
I've been getting Dooby clips on my YouTube shorts page. She can really dance
By the way, it's been quite a while since she made her debut.
Did you find out what she wanted to do?
Have functioning internet I think.
don't question yagoo's plans
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yeah, she wants to be my wife
ive watched the lil dooby dance to APT an embarassing amount of times
I'd fuck filian tbhdesu
extremely gay
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What up my doobs, Splicemate here. My archiving autism demanded I save the other POVs even though we have Doki's VOD on YT. Bao one is uploaded and Filian's should be finishing soon. It looks like there's about 1 minute of extra conversation between Bao, Doki, and Dooby before what we hear in Doki's POV if you want to check that out, otherwise Bao and Doki's POVs are very similar. Filian's POV has the game audio higher and her own voice is probably louder too but visually it's the most entertaining, I think. Here's the extra minute of talking with Dooby from Bao's POV if you want to hear it https://youtu.be/IW9qxNngh_Y?t=135

Do you use yt-dlp when you're on your PC to download streams? If you do, you can use the --download sections command to just get a specific time frame you want. Something like... yt-dlp https://www.youtube.com/live/4ogOQ5EnJn0 --download-sections "*2:09:33-2:12:18" would get the whole RP section. You'd need ffmpeg though, according to the github page.
Oh interesting I never actually tried getting specific parts that'll be handy
>her own voice is probably louder too
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Do you want the cope answer or the truth?
>the truth
>on an opinion-based question
Quick question.
I'm a bit of a tourist but do any of doobers like anal? I've been considering using a monthly commission slot on dooby tail pulling anal.
>tail pulling
I mean do you want to know what I actually think or will I give you the answer you want to see
Oh, I meant in comparison to how loud she sounds in the other two POVs, likely because they lowered her audio on their end. It's funny how Doki went "OMG you're so loud!" when she joined. Also I forgot to mention that while Bao turned off alerts during the collab, Filian did not and that might be annoying if you watch her POV.

I liked it. Everyone was kind and respectful, even with all the ribbing/banter. Dooby was quiet a lot as expected but Filian would randomly ask a question or say something to Dooby when she noticed Dooby was quiet for a while, which was nice. Doki was the most chill and relaxed in the group, casually bantering with Filian and chatting with Bao and Dooby about whatever. Bao was also sort of quiet, you could tell she was on her best behavior and the only ones who brought up anything "lewd" were Filian and Doki(?). Overall, everyone seemed to be on the same page and just wanted to have fun. Very natural interactions and plenty of funny moments. Doki's VOD has a comment with a fuckton of timestamps if you want to glance at those.
>chat being retarded
I mean...they're pebbles, what did you expect?
Am I really going to have take conversation involving Bao and Filian seriously now?
I can see why Doki has the penis in fan arts with how she handled Dooby.
both bao and filian are actually very good in their own ways
I know they can be somewhat divisive in their content but they're actually some of the best people to start integrating in the big indie scene
... only if it's relevant to the thread? are you asking if they'll collab again or what?
also, the whale didn't do anything wrong. there's not much to talk about there
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so after today whats the new eta on her coming back to hololive?
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it's true, when she debuted as an indie none of us expected THIS (that she'd collab with other people eventually)
you retarded?
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thanks splicemate
cunny update: UOOOOOOOOOOOHH
live posting a debut of someone who has nothing to do with ame/dooby
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just confirming I did in fact stay up to 5 in the morning
my body is going to crumble tomorrow and I have work to do
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top 5 favorite ame game all time 11/10 she loved it
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e-sex with whores
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>>90018395 kill yourself numberpagpag shitskin
I told you it was those seaniggers. Ame analrape mindbroke them, they have the butthurt still to this day
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Fan artists can do whatever they want, but this trend of connecting the former talent and Dooby so openly is disturbing.
i like how the snake gets a mouthful like a dummy
I need my fix of doobinium
It's funny seeing people who never watched Ame react to her first collab as Dooby. In her Dooby debut stream she said herself that she's not good at collabs. The Portal 2 collab with Nerissa sticks out to me alot. They seem like they would have chemistry together but they just didn't.
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I thought we'd be over with tourist by now
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I'll take a look at the defenses of our perimiter, I'll fix it, don't you worry.
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Fuck you Jimmy
top future collab partners
1. Pippa
2. Ironmouse
3. Shylily
4. Neuro-sama
5. Melody
I don't think Pippa would go near a former holo. She idolizes hololive too much.
don't meet your heroes. everyone who collabed with dooby was disappointed in her
filian was thinking the whole time: this talentless hack is the one who was out-earning me????
she tried so hard to squeeze any content out of dooby but she's just boring as fuck
someones really upset that there weren't any yabs in the collab
she herself said she would wait multiple years before considering collabing with doob since she unironically wants to improve herself and give her time to grow so it doesnt look like anyone is leeching. which... says a lot about how her and her fanbase act.
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Gmornin, after sleeping on it I stand by my opinion that I had last night where I wish that Dooby will never collab or interact with Filian ever again, will give Bao another shot if it was a 1 on 1, and will fully accept Dokibird collabs.
Speaking of Dokibird, theres a large chance that Dooby is in Wrestletuber 2025 so if people have the 2k game that they will be using (probably 2k24 as I they wont be releasing 2k25 for a while) they should submit a Dooby wrestler.
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I kinda agree, I bet Filian doesn't mean harm but her voice and humor is the complete opposite of what I want to watch. Mixing something so obnoxiously loud with someone quiet doesn't work.
If they ever 1 on 1 I will just skip, but Doob rarely collabs anyways.
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doobmorning, and a reminder not to reply to retards, also they reply to themselves so ignore any replying to them as well.

Just assume every retard and the retard replying to them are the same retard.
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cute sharkie
doobmorning retardberts
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My wife's wife is very cute.
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So are chumbuds really using this thread as a refuge or something
THIS thread of all places to escape shitposting?
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i think its like 1 or 2 chumbies, and whenever i go into /ggg/ its literally only schizos talking to each other even during dead hours. in this thread theres at least people proving themselves to be real fans.
I will take chumbuds refugees over schizo discord raiders any day
Believe it or not. This is the nicest "big thread" out there.
In general, >we are not hostile
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I'm hostile
Fuck you, Henry.
>I wish that Dooby will never collab or interact with Filian ever again
Speak for yourself. I hope that Filian and her collab again. In fact, I hope she collabs with Filian and Kirsche next time, and they all react to troon meltdowns on tiktok, and make ACK jokes the whole time.
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Making fun with dox info and being friends with doxfags is a weird way of showing that
new doob game just dropped
Honestly I really kinda lost a bit of respect for her for collabing with those shitty vile people. I just hope that this was a one off and won't happen again. Do better, Dooby.
Go back
Did something happen with gura?
>shitty vile people
You don't say...
But dooby is an ind-... Oh I see.
can the retarded raiders leave already
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You just know he already had some page-long fanfiction typed out for the epic yab he imagined in his brown head and is now forced to discard to post that limp dick shit instead.
thanks for bumping the thread during dead hours, I guess
I've been a teammate since day one, retard. Kys
She can collab with whoever she wants faggot
same I also have been a teammmate from day 1 and I hate dooby honestly
every time
trains and a mystery, fund it
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they didnt see the ping from BVTMs dicksword server telling them to stop the raid. unfortunate!
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Stop replying or I will rape you. Unless that's what you want.
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>Raped by feral Gura's shark cocks
Don't threaten me with a good time chumbro
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i'm gonna get a fractal north xl case it looks neat
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nyooo don't do that pleasee
I have a torrent and broke the glass side panel like a retard when I put my GPU in and can't find any replacements that would ship worldwide.
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>he didnt get THE amelia watson PC case (sponsored and made by hyte)
messed up-uh
that case sucks
Unfortunately I will not fuck around with watercooling and that case can't fit my big-ass Noctua fan.
>Noc tuah
are you 12
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No I just am rotted critically
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i'm sticking with my big ass noctua fan block until I have to upgrade to AM5 fuck watercooling
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I had to miss the collab due to eating dinner with my family. Did I really miss anything worth watching the whole VOD for or would it be better for me to just watch clips?
doob gets more talkative after the first match so skip it if you want. filian also quiets up a bit after that.
otherwise it was an alright collab imo. bao was basically nonexistent though.
Bao said after the stream that she was really nervous and tried to read the room
its hard to read the room when one person is the equivalent of an air horn
fair. doob was silent, doki was laughing a lot and filian was trying to make a new joke every 2 seconds after the last one fell flat. i dont know how youd try and make yourself compliment all that.
both holodrones and dragoons have demonstrated that they can end entire vtuber careers if you piss them off.
there's no equivalent fanbase unity/autism in the indie world.
go back
double jump is cool and all but holy shit that dodge with the head was sick
mostly a big shouting match between filian and doki with some sprinkles of doob and bao
some good stuff like doob's yaoi marriage and rare 144p doob
>what is this? pickme speech?
probably dooby's hardest roast the entire collab but doki repeated the joke louder so we didn't associate it with her.
It was mediocre. Filian is annoying as fuck and Bao is a whore.
she could've roasted her harder
Filian always tries to put her collab partners over
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It was very fun. Specially after the first game (they played 3). By the third one, Dooby was roasting Fillian all the time
Speak for yourself, I heard it just fine. I also liked her callback to it later.
Understandable, I would spill my spaghetti around Dooby so hard
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Knowing Bao she might've been thinking horny thoughts too which I totally would around her
Remember when this was a place for teamates and people who liked hololive?
Now you get called a "holodrone" and people try to convince you that Bao and Filian are actually cool and nice collab partners
Falseflag king.jpg
be gone shit-stirrer
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all this talk about the collab when im more concerned about the concert. someone PLEASE record doki and minto double teaming doobs butt with their tongues. thank you.
I'm not sure if they'd be into that but they'd probably be happy to spitroast doob with strap-ons
it seems i am delegated with the task to be the lone doobutt cleaner...
I wanna smooch that stupid cute face of hers.
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when will people realize teamates/hololive is offtopic when talking about dooby?
Le samefag
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9800x3D isn't gonna need an AIO cooler unless you're overclocking it, dawg
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I think Dooby
>I think
stop right there, criminal scum
Trying out mp4 now?
i didn't make the clip. i just shamelessly stole it.
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They're cute
Cute dorks
Very interesting how you can see how different introverts could be. Dooby being a shy introvert and Doki being a non-shy introvert
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I'm happy they get along, seems like they were in a discord call for some time alone before Bao joined
Don’t care for the one on the left
Keep it just these two next time
Their energies don't really match, but I guess I'll have to get used to it
My wife and her friend
meh, could be worse
I really want to see these 3 collabing. I'm very happy they invited her to their concert
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im liking the jiggle
Absolutely based
Got the 3 sizes for the model?
me on the bottom
Me on the right
i'd like to see a 1 on 1 with these 2

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