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>What is /corpo/?
The number of vtubers managed by an agency ("corpos") or representing a brand ("mascots") has been growing recently. However, not all discussions can sustain individual threads. This thread strives to create a place to discuss the talents and mascots of corpo™s that are currently not discussed in other threads.

>Can I shill my small corpo oshi who already has a thread?
If your oshi gets talked about in a thread constantly, you may want to focus there! It's fine otherwise.

>Are former corpo talents allowed?
Due to the increasing number of graduated or retired talents, ex-corpo talents are allowed but please try to respect their other identities.

>Other Corpo Threads
Phase Connect:>>>/vt//pcg/
EIEN Extended:>>>/vt//eiex/
V4Mirai + globie:>>>/vt//v4m/
Small JP vtubers:>>>/vt//indie/
V&U + KR vtubers:>>>/vt//vnug/
VReverie Extended:>>>/vt//vrex/
Tsunderia Extended:>>>/vt//tsunx/
VSPO! EN + Specialite:>>>/vt//fpspec/

Previous thread: >>90347323
first for acti love but decline
Acti unarchived karaoke
can we have a normal acti thread without all that drama shit today
what is the qrd on acti ive been seeing her everywhere and feel like im missing something...
she is a terminally here attention whore (affectionate)
Feel sorry for corpo you have to deal with this acti shill now
just outshill them
bake pkg and get rid of him
Ever since they introduced this spam filter, only the terminally online losers are posting non stop. Real fans left en masse. Even some bigger generals are much much slower.
>Inb4 thats actually good
No its not.
Acti, your hips and pantsu straps make me even more feral than normal in this color scheme.
Imagine: >>90230301
but she posts a picture cutting mid emo karaoke
Not me. I'm chilling eating turkey rn. You babysit him today
She probably doesn't even hit styro.
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attentionwhoring and faggots using the thread instead of youtube chat
She's deleted and remade this tweet 4 times now too yet this hasn't changed once
She will always remember based marko
Meanwhile you...?
he looks like a longboarder
uh oh melty
lil bro melty
Oh my god we are getting the entire /pkg/ troupe here huh (all 3 of them but they are very noisy)
Lord have mercy
its all from p*g schizo and her discord just ignore
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all true. I am the last kawaii fan in /pkg/.
After helping groom Bao into masturbating on Fansly last night, I am more confident than ever that this dream can be realized with Acti.
This is hotter than it should be
whos this
What is the point of this post? She has a male working on her music? Are you people really that gone mentally? Yeah dont answer that, every other thing is le cucking to you sad apes.
>on Fansly
She groomed you, anon
Stop I'll cum again.
Thats the funniest part with "groomers". Most of them get reverse groomed to do shit for those girls for free while they basically get nothing. Some of them get modded, but thats it.
you can't say that without posting proof, acti
acti should cuck me
because it's hot, dumb bitch
acti should fuck me
>Something special
>he doesnt know
Based burguerchad
I thought you guys said Acti is a good singer? Wtf is this?
she's drunk and having fun
we said good not great. still mogs like 70% of chuubas
It's just /pkg/ bringing their retarded thread always getting one guy'd /here/.
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>kawaii is dying
>acti thread
Everyone remembers notable first US vtuber concert holder Acti...
Why do Nene's boobs get to be front and center
>first US vtuber concert holder
genuinely nobody cares
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They paid the bills and kept the lights on
Charzu is positioned to suck on a tit
This will be the next OP but where's Ran
acti mogs
based acti groomers getting her blacklisted
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Ran... Ran had a hard life...
I don't have a ran image saved, imagine pic related is ran
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She jumped ship too soon. Back up anything you like from her channel and the kawaii company channel btw
she's with modman
Its your week to watch him, dont make me call my lawyer
nobody archived the spiderman amusement park vod where she was extremely gfe, the rest of the vods don't matter.
Imagine the hot and sweaty lesbian group sex
Acti please sing this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suXO7Yy_A-8
too many modmen, longboardmen and yimans involved
>where she was extremely gfe
I think you're only posting about that because I watched that stream live and liveposted about liking it. Going off the rough version from my memory I don't think she was GFE then but she did enjoy the arcade and I like when the girls are happy on stream.
I hope she enjoyed that game after the guy bought it for her on throne. What a strange situation that was where Ran was borrowing the game from her library and Sony made her delete the vods. Perhaps the most ephemeral stream of the year.
you can have the men for yourself gaybro, I'll take the women.
Is Acti SEA?
I watched it live, wasn't even a danmadachi but she was having so much fun and smiling it felt like a date and I just had to stay. "extremely gfe" is just buzzword but I genuinely enjoyed that stream.
she is half-morrocan french canadian
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gross almost as bad elia, almost.
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she is blessed by flayGOD
Yeah, by me
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Better. Reminder that Ran is just over the hill on Hiyo's wheatfield
that means it's true
she's not a burgerclap, she doesn't gaf about it. and she already has me as a caring father.
acti I love you please cut on stream for full emo immersion
you are a side bitch
Don't cut the body that i'm trying to fuck
>>90409158 (Me)
hey janny, I wasn't being racist, it's literally what she told us
finna bust a nut on that forehead and then she wiggles to get it off
KEKED loam
you reckon acti's mom terrible life decisions made her prefer white men?
get that ass deleted racist fuck
It must have passed unto her daughter kek
All this liveposting but she isn't even halfway to 3view
This place really is the same three faggots on cooldown huh
and your mom's one of 'em
god forbid the thread actually watches a vtuber in common and post about her. do you have a stream open?
one day someone will livepost your boring af stream, keep seething bitch
yes it's unironically the shill on 2+ devices and 1 other threadreading retard
>this is your brain on /pol/
That's not how you pronounce disciple...
so many acti posters I'm sure one of you can shill me her voicepacks
lemme guess, dissipuhl?
They should make a thread for her then
>staff told Acti to only keep member vods for 1 month
nigga NOBODY does this.
Ricorie confirmed black corpo
pay attention to the stream, retard
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this will always be our acti thread, pal
>Acti is deleting her hentai tags vods
acti cucked out
Acti termination soon!
boring, bring the next thread darling
Sayu in 4 hours.
How did you manage to find the only one who took more bbc than Acti?
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Why do you fags latch onto such shit chuubas?
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They usually aren't so bottom tier. Usually.
shit chuuba
I didn't know your mom was also a vtuber.
Since you clearly have better taste, please provide us with better examples
i like acti's cooking streams, have you guys successfully groomed her to not collab with males yet?
>acti feels good when she screams thinking of me
We did that day1 but a tranny snuck in
acti doesn't pander to incels
the two times that she has,she was duped by another participant into it. and talked about being uncomfortable about it after the collab portion of the stream
this doesn't feel right
is she okay
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did she just read my post?
stop reading the thread ya useless cunt
last week she did a tangentially male collab and ended up apologizing to us with 3d dogeza, we will see how this develops
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I already did, I don't even watch Nene, but she definitely deserves it more than the rest of the girls on that list
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post that image she used to have as her YT profile pic that had her hands visible
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Before my time if true
lmk when acti gets moaning-singing drunk
following the lori route I see
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yiman will vote for nene
actually no, but it usually only happens when somebody is having a menhera melty
then she shouldn't pander to 4chan of all places
Holofags are npcs my guy
Didnt even know the others did asmr on that list but I listened to clips of them all and none of them give a shit about technique or feel like nene does
Fauna rides off if the dorito she hasnt done any asmr since the start of the year and its half assed even with all the training and equipment they have access to
why is installing an adblocker so hard for women?
cute chubby fingers
I don't touch chinese spyware and I never had an issue with ublock and firefox
What does "fake emo" anon think about this karaoke so far?
As my mental health professor, Rita, taught me on stream the other day, "Irony poisoning is the process or altered state wherein one genuinely echoes provocative sentiments they once held ironically."

The point of the post you were quoting was
>lmoa keked by yellow rice djs
just use brave or vivaldi
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I'll use any browser that will let me use my own homepage natively
what are these 3?
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thread darling Yuno

I should make a pamphlet full of the buzzwords to help you discern the difference in posts by the wildlife and human beings
I found out the first one, but the other 2 are still kinda elusive. The 2nd is the same as the 1st?
Spica cooking for thanksgiving
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her thanksgiving gang
cute onahole
spica's favorite game
Who jumped from EIEN?
She could have friends outside of Eien, yknow
which model did he offer to Charzu?
>friends outside of EIEN
kek nice one
Bro, did you put your own text on this wtf.....
bro this is the PETA version, did you not play this as kid?
Is that yimans corpo? I wont feel sorry for any of them when they get raped
why the fuck is echo following this creep, twice? isn't being molested by discord groomers enough?
Spica did a super long moe moe kyun
it was cute
>blaise ex-shinryu
>skye ex-shinryu is said to reappear in a another corpo
bro this doesn't look cooked
What discord groomers you retarded fuck? And hopefully it's just work
more PETA facts
Spica wants more turkeys dead
we pardon a few every year so it evens out
unlocked the vegan levels
is this her meds talking? I didn't notice more antis in general today
she's in love with her anti
imagine how good it would feel to cut right now
Spica didn't take up the pledge
to be a vegetable
Acti you still don't know shit about this board, why are you trying to take everything to heart?
I broke her
I liked acti more when she didn't take her meds
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Shiki, for the love of Christ, why are you retweeting Kakashi getting his nipples sucked?
down the road, not across the street
Spica switch to live2d and put on her maid outfit
what the fuck is Acti talking about
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Acti love!!! anti hate!!!
>No guerrilla yesterday
>No after-stream zatsu today
>Last 7 hours stream was the day before she got her meds
Is this actually it
at least change your writing style before samefagging
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Spica serving turkeys in PlateUp now
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fuck I was doubletiming acti and spica wtf do I do now
based Acti raided Spica
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acti shill is pathetic and cringe
Acti emo karaoke, audio only [f3P1jKUnfYQ]

just 30mb too big for catbox
good for acti

grim for acti
From the way she was talking beforehand I thought she was going to raid Kiki
heaven and hell enjoyer
I thought she would raid pkg
acti has a weird perception of this thread
she's her /here/tuber senpai so she should do that next time
Yeah I'm honestly a bit surprised they haven't interacted at all yet
vote for the turkey sauce
yall are funny, good night! (๑•́ 3 •̀๑)
what about cute?
does this mean we are good now? can I expect a voice tweet on your alt now?
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you reckon mozzu is ending it all once her manic period ends in a couple of months
it's the tomomi antis...
sentenno is lacking
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It's time
Echo laughed at that tweet btw, based
acti "white is superior"
do you have the timestamp?
turkey restaurant but people ordered burgers baka
ok master, go comm more pedo smut of the girls and show to your family on thanksgiving dinner
The gun is the boring part, she owns a gun so what
The funny part was her uncle calling her fat
she loves attentionwhoring of course she won't kill herself
funny part was how she posted that thinking it's funny but the mites are all yesmen simps so they all immediately went on the "noooo you're so hecking cute and fit, you're not fat!!!!" mode instead of laughing with her
Nah, writing that stuff out usually helps to relieve the thoughts from repeating over and over again.
They HATE Thanksgiving...
The silent majority of people who highly respect Charlotte Suzu are very silent about it
Spica cooking for lonely people now
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acti can you post something on your alt I'm testing something
Thanks for letting us know the @
what is this low commitment anting
Why did Skye change her last name to Senfort? Was she distancing herself from Blaise after Eien shut down?
it worked
it's over for you, I'm never sleeping through a post for you to delete it before I wake up anymore
next time you hornypost at 3am I'll be there
Charzu has spent this entire stream pretty much going over all the (sometimes) dumb rules she had to abide by under production kawaii
The rules are written dumbly but I like them mostly. Koshita had the right idea. He wanted seiso waifus and so do I.
As in she laughed at the roast... Also theres probably no thanksgiving in germany
Eh, ranting/malding while playing video games is pretty fun stuff. Not sure why he had to specifically outlaw that
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big spica fan ratsukare raided
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is that specifically while playing games?
also is picrel real? charzu's voice filters me hard
I prefer when the girls are just being themselves so I can watch the ones I like and avoid the ones I don't like instead of supporting someone just to find out that everything I liked about them was an act because of corpo rules
Different strokes. I understand liking down to earth and genuineness. I appreciate those qualities. But I am also here for a show, a performance, an experience, and a delusion. The fantasy is the thing for me about vtubers.
If not for that I would be watching men in their 40s talking about WWII not anime women being cute.
Women are better under oppressive rules someone post the jpeg
not the good ones
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>allowing a menhera to randomly wake you up whenever she feels like venting
This is the line where genius and retardation meet
Shee is my ideal woman
Non and Sara are talking about ghost fucking
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Weaming time!
Yep... You fucked up
and now raided by Yuki and Yuna
5 star turkey restaurant!
wild family gathering stories
Spica just raided Sayu!
Spica also raided Lumin which is superbased
I never fell asleep
I knew what I was gwtting into
go to bed so i can spam you
>didn't raid her senpais...
/unity/ denied...
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It's ex-Prism face posting day
Am I the groomer? Or am I the groomed...
we can groom each other
At least Acti’s fans have notifications, mites used for need to camp the freechat
You did wake me up this time
kek she'll fuck with you, and not sexually
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All I need is her to fuck with me sexually one time and this would've been worth it
trimmed a lot of dead air, nearly an hour less. could have done more but i wanted to finish before going to bed
Not exactly the best fleshpost material
looks good enough to me
anon, it's over. your username...
luckily, she hasnt caught me
can these whores just get out of vtubing for good
The feminine urge to not be a vtuber
i hate women and i hate men for allowing them
when anon stopped being anon :3
okay bye for real lmao this was fun
I look forward to the /pkg/ schizo namedropping him in any irrelevant thread for the next nine months
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to pomudex users,
happy thanksgiving! and thank you as always for your channel submissions and site feedback. it means a lot to see people contribute to the roster and use this goofy experiment as a resource

I'm here to update that unfortunately the server went offline; not sure what happened ~18 hours ago. I've got the script running again on a temp setup for now. until I'm home next week, the data will be a little slower (every 30 minutes instead of every 10). sorry for any waiting room confusion earlier and latency while I resolve this.
You just know her next stream will be fully unmasked
wow we get holiday support? Thanks man, but don't worry too much about it.
acti wants tributes but she wont give me shit to masturbate
why are women so cruel
>he didnt save the audios (despite being fake moaning)
You can masturbate to ruru and recycle the tributes. Ez.
all fleshposters will burn in hell inshallah
any experienced person with audio editing.
i installed audacity for straight audio editing to cut out dead air from acti's karaoke so it could fit into catbox as m4a/wav, but the export ended up bigger than the original by about 25%. what do you use for better results, if there are?
Didn't make it into lucid fuck my chungus life
you could try messing around with ffmpeg, and if you're dedicated enough, use chatgpt to help you write some python based converting/compression software.

I did that so I could convert huge ass VODs into H265 format to cut their size in half
sayu please, it's the middle of the night. i cant watch you
Where is she from that she always streams at this hour?
t. never watched her but curious
im pretty sure she lives in california but has a vampire schedule. also frequently travels to japan, dunno if she lives there for periods of time
That doesn't make any sense: a shorter file with the same codec and compression ratio would pretty much have to be smaller barring adding things like huge cover art or weird options or something.
Since it was a YT video, was it Opus originally? You can't compare Opus and MP3, since Opus is a more advanced codec.
If you're outputting to MP3, look at the recommended settings on HA, you might just need to compress it more aggressively at the expense of sound quality:
you probably just used a higher bitrate than necessary
wav will be huge regardless
mp3 has no place in 2024, stick with opus(oga, ogg) or aac(m4a, mp4) and opus is technically more bit-efficient
sayu got her fanbase in a cute little streamer game by getting enough referral codes.
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Why does a low 2view like Roro need four (4) mods?
if yuno yuno
another holo graduation...
is the age of corpo vtubing over?
this time for real
two more weeks
At this point, Elia should just sell her bottled tears.
is she crying again?
Sexo legs
make a .bat with
>ffmpeg -ss 01:00:05.635 -to 01:05:25.530 -i %1 -vn -c:a copy %1.aac
or whatever the relevant audio format is

that cuts out 5 minutes 20 of audio in like half a second. do it for all the bits you want to keep and you can combine them all easily. it would be pretty quick for gathering just the songs

however this method would be tedious and probably slow if you're trying to say edit up the way she speaks where there could be hundreds of little pauses you want to get rid of, like most vtuber clippers do
When is she not? That’s how she gets $80,0000. Pity baiting.
That's not a lot
fuck off elia
I used to be a fan of her and thought her content was really interesting but her constant pity-baiting turned me off.
>her content was really interesting
was it though
Why lie
I did enjoy her before her Twitch era. Especially in collabs. But now it’s just “Sorry this may not be good enough don’t expect much. Everyone hates me.” Followed by a crying emoji.
anon she's always been like this
she was like this while she was in kawaii too
>she's always been like this
I remember there were like 2 weeks were she was the thread darling over pkg
then she realized crying made people open their wallets
I actually preferred her when she was in Kawaii. Now she is a clout chaser.
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my sister is very sexy and rapeable
>Followed by a crying emoji.
>Not an anime girl gif
Confirmed for not even hatestalking. How lazy!
Collabs? I had a pretty bad impression of her based on what I would read. Then she was to join a very cool collab and I'd watch her for the first time. She didn't show at all and the group had to find someone else in a rush, because of her lack of respect for others and self-serving ego. So I believed everything I read from then on.

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