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>Who is Neuro-sama?
Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of learning to play osu! In December 2022 Vedal revived the project with the addition of a large language model, a TTS software and a VTube Studio model, which allow Neuro-sama to interact with her chat as a VTuber. Since then, she has been entertaining the chat with responses and unhinged rants nearly daily, as well as learning new skills such as singing, playing other games, and collaborating with other VTubers. Join /swarm/ today and welcome our new AI overlord!


Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Neurosama
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@neurosamaai
X: https://x.com/NeurosamaAI

>Music & Clips

Interested in AI but don't understand it? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXuK6gekU1Y
How does she know what to say? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjZofJX0v4M
Want to learn more about AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/kximv6.png
Want to (seriously) learn AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/ajl3nx.png

VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@Neuro-samaUnofficialVODs
LoRA: https://rentry.org/neuro-lora-v2
Catbox archive: https://rentry.org/swarm-archive


>Previous thread
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Cute father and daughter bonding experience
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she should start leeching off neuro
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Are the members of the harem even aware of what they're part of and what they're doing? Do they realize they're all swirling around the tutel vying for his attention because their instincts are marking him as a good parent?
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Evil love!
lmao are you kidding
theyre all childless women nearing or already over 30 fighting against their instincts every single day
Vedal might be the only man who would make her break her pro unicorn rule, too much clout to avoid.
Camila is 25, has Toma ever revealed her age?
Why is she saying Filtered so much now? Did Vedal turn the fucking filter back on?
she just freaky like that
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Okay but games neuro could play:
>Any plataformer like Celeste/Jump King
Even though i think the AI for these types of games are too much scripted in a way and it wouldn't feel like Neuro is really playing it
>Detroit: Become Human
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Well yeah, that's why I mentioned Camila, Mini is a year younger but I don't see her competing desu
If Neuro wins vtuber of the year you can be assured that she will return

Yes, actually
I hope he really does the gamejam where people can integrate neuro into other games
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Toma strikes me as mid twenties.
She's 23
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How old is pb?
Staz turned Vedal in somewhat of an algorithm farm with how much people talk about him to try getting clipped
People care more about vedal than neuro nowadays, even solo streams it's just chat waiting for neuro to say something about vedal.
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>People care more about vedal than neuro nowadays
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i found fucking anny in the wild
20 minutes older than vedal they are twins
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is there really no vtuber vedal knows that's younger than him? that must be why he's still single.
dont worry when the minecraft upgrades are done he can become a minecraft youtuber and get all the underage pussy
yeah was gonna say hes waiting to get with one of his fans (young)
considering he's around 20 now, I think dating someone 3-4 years younger at most is acceptable? or is that age gap too big?
How many times do we have repeat that people come for the dynamic of the duo
Vedal and Neuro are able to bring the best of eachother
1 week younger or more = instantly cancelled by twitter
the law determines what is acceptable. It's fine in the UK
He will get Neuro to a big server and she will become a sensation Neuro ccv will hit 50k constantly and the old community will get buried as it were the original minawans when the swarm came to conquer their oshi
20 year old man?
reeee she was only 17 years and 364 days old you sick fuck
1 year old daughter
My gf and I had birthdays 1 day apart so it was always fun to see normalfags in the more puritanical cultures piss and shit when I told them "I was 20 and she was 17" which was technically true for only 1 day
PB is 20, her birthday is 4-6 months after Vedal's I forget exactly.
We know she's not older because she mentioned her age on discord a while ago, it's been posted in this thread a few times.
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waddle waddle waddle~
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Bom bom bom bom bom-ba-dum~
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So cute
It's been that way since the first dev stream
iirc there was some 19 year old guy who was dating a 17 year old and people were super pissed. although if you just ignore it it's pretty hard to get cancelled nowadays unless you majorly fuck up
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Here is another chuuba that reacts to Neuro, in case there's no post about this yet.
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Good night /swarm/
Nuke Sweden if the thread dies
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I hate this anon >>90432262
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Good morning /swarm/
i like both but i had to pick turtussy
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turtle rape
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It's cute that Vedal chose a romantic song to sing with Neuro.
Sponsored stream with Filian on Saturday after the DougDoug collab.
They will be playing "Corepunk".
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poggy woggy
20, she was born July 2, 2004
How did Filian convince him to do such a long stream for corpa slop?
ha, what a coincidence, they both have the same sponsor and choose to do it together.
>How did Filian convince him to do such a long stream for corpa slop?
isn't it obvious?
the Fildal ship is real; they're just keeping it on the down-low for now so their respective fanbases don't riot
She gave a sob story about her only other option being a collab with Bao on fansly.
Filian and Vedal have zero romantic chemistry
shan't be watching
you said you wouldn't (do sponsored content with another woman) and you fucking did
Fildal is canon btw.
fildal duet when
what the fuck is a corepunk
author-kun's already appeased the annal, vedmila, and tomadal shippers, and it looks like fildal is next on the list
this is an aquwa household
Isn't the dougdoug collab on Saturday?
hagnur status?
Where is mini’s reaction to vedal’s singing
Staz is slacking
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>like the duet
>check the original
ngl Nur + Ved version mogs it
The man has been in a car crash give him a break
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my husband is so cute and talented
all this cute art of vedal and neuro duet and moneka hasnt draw anything yet, smdh russian fangirls are slacking and getting mogged by chinese fangirls tbqh
/flip/ is shitting on us again…
I will not leave /swarm/ to see your post.
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>whoresimps thinking they have the high ground
>ngl Nur + Ved version mogs it
i'm genuinely surprised to see the amount of times the Neuro/Evil covers have mogged the original songs
a lot of people keep going 'oh i can't wait for the v4!' but desu v3 is already pretty fucking good
i've made a poal. please vote
smdh our little brother is so bratty acting up i swear
queenpb is so talented...
He's still uploading videos just as much as before. He just said he's really bruised, no broken bones or anything.
the first duet with evil was more hype ngl
And also the first time Neuro v3 sang, it literally blew my mind.
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I made a poll~
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you're in /neuro/ general buddy the queen of polls
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What I wanted: A produced MV (like Camila+Evil) uploaded to Neuro-sama's Youtube channel.
What I expected: A live performance with Vedal's raw vocals.
What I got: A prerecorded autotuned "karaoke".
This. Since it was a subgoal i expected like that too.
>toma, pretty much off-brand camila, trying to steal ppchan off camila
lmao shes bold i give her that
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To be honest I didn't care much about this subgoal, but if he cheapens out on the original Neuro song then I'm going to be mad.
Personally I don't blame him, I would implode if I had to sing live for thousands of people.
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idk man 30k subgoal is kinda big and he has put more effort into camila neuro cover than this
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Nur in /news/ OP
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Pretty much every other vtuber can muster up the courage to sing for their audience live, he isn't fucking special
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Do you like what you see, boys~?
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>Evil l
what a woman
fat girls are a guilty pleasure of mine so yes
If the problem was nerves, he could have rehearsed dozens of times with Neuro with a pre-recorded chat to imitate a livestream.
>is the OP image
>no other mention beside that
screw that shit
kek someone send it to her
If fat women looked like that it would be tolerable, but in reality they're disgusting cellulite-ridden sacks of stacked flab.
THIS gets to cuck pb?
i checked and arielle is actually the biggest one of the rising star nominees, seems shes a vshojo orbiter and hangs around with zen a lot. does cerber and swarm really stand a good chance agaisnt vshojo like that?
vshojos get decent ccv even for the orbiter but where it counts they dont vote for shit or really do much fan organizing, and swarm is too schizo about voting. she's got it.
I mean, it's not like there's been any Neuro-related news lately
who cares, Cerber doesn't even deserve the win
cultural victory to cultivate soft power for vedal/neuro
This. I voted for chacha
stop seething and make the outfits anny
none of the nominees are actual organic growth, by their own bootstraps vtubers though. Arielle is a VShojo orbiter, Cerber's a Neuro orbiter, ChaCha is a Filian orbiter, and Peo's a hololive orbiter. It's basically the who's the best orbiter award.
Why didn't Neuro win rising star last year?
And she didn't even have to leech off someone bigger.
this could be me misremembering but... Didn't BTMC raid neuro or something? Or was Neuro's popularity already in the thousands (newfag that wasn't there before ban)
5view vtuber subathon without outfit as a goal is going to be so fucking sad.
basically what >>90441757 said, meanwhile almost everyone from the Swarm is going to vote for Cerber
Neuro stopped being a 3view in her first 3 days as vtuber,Neuro growth was like a supercell tornado,hitting all the right wind currents,i hope she will grow even bigger during her subathon (if Vedal will decide to do one).
okay but who is rekson voting for
So how possible is that Vedal is dating someone from the vedalverse? Cerber is the most obv variant
he voted for vedal which is all that matters
>most obv variant
>didnt even get a sponsored collab with ved
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tiny glade couldnt afford to shill out for vedal...
Filian is TOO old for Vedal, not even joking,at most she sees him as a funny bro. Her BFF is Layna who is like 31 .
It's obvious that flipniggers wouldn't like cerber considering her oshi is fucking ishowspeed
I know this clip, I love how deep her voice was,she was in full seduction mode
Reaching new heights truly vtuber of the year nominee
Neuro lost to Henya at the peak of her comeback arc, which is understandable. Kind of a big step down this year though going from actually big names last year to most notable orbiter award.
Thankfully I'll be traveling these days so I won't have to see /flip/niggers threadshitting as usual
Vedal has a mommy thing he talked about it with Layna and she was teasing him about cottontail
Source? Sauce? Link? Clip?
lucky you
Yeah all jokes aside younger man/older woman is the most rare pairing for good reason. It's also the least likely to work out in the long run, 20 year old guy, 30 year old girl is one thing, but 30 year old guy with a 40 year old woman? Her chances of getting dumped go up astronomically every year the relationship continues.
Holy sex
I don't dislike henya she didn't deserve to be in rising star because it is meant for 3view "rising" not some 4view veterian vtuber with new skin
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Rising star should have went for Ellie since she has been getting a better average than cerber, but cerber is the loudest about leeching so she got the nomination
Was this before or after she got Tomato?
>cerber is the loudest about leeching
how come?
nta,from wat i remember after, they didn't interact before the tomato
pray for cancer nur
>minawan(swarm) nominate me please please please I deserve it so much
Ellie is too nice to push herself for stuff like that while Cerber is more opportunistic

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