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Farewell kawaii Edition


>What is /corpo/?
The number of vtubers managed by an agency ("corpos") or representing a brand ("mascots") has been growing recently. However, not all discussions can sustain individual threads. This thread strives to create a place to discuss the talents and mascots of corpo™s that are currently not discussed in other threads.

>Can I shill my small corpo oshi who already has a thread?
If your oshi gets talked about in a thread constantly, you may want to focus there! It's fine otherwise.

>Are former corpo talents allowed?
Due to the increasing number of graduated or retired talents, ex-corpo talents are allowed but please try to respect their other identities.

>Other Corpo Threads
Phase Connect:>>>/vt//pcg/
EIEN Extended:>>>/vt//eiex/
V4Mirai + globie:>>>/vt//v4m/
Small JP vtubers:>>>/vt//indie/
V&U + KR vtubers:>>>/vt//vnug/
VReverie Extended:>>>/vt//vrex/
Tsunderia Extended:>>>/vt//tsunx/
VSPO! EN + Specialite:>>>/vt//fpspec/

Previous thread: >>90406010
first for unmedded acti manic sex
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kawaii graduation streams
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Charzu rape
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Roro Holocure
>yet another holo "graduation"
Seems like the dam broke with Aqua leaving. Last time I checked, all the red tape was kinda obviously stiffling talents but I haven't kept up with them.
Charzu was right to turn them down. She's too good for them.
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The final days....
chaezu should follow through what she said and graduate from vtubing, remember kawaii ride or die? Guess she forgot too.
2024 has been an outstanding year for corpo graduations. Here's to even more in 2025!
Hope Phase is next.
same but unlikely
I am still laughing at Mozzu's uncle thing
Sexiest dog of all time
ay dios miyoshino
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I would like to interject for a moment
Her model should be that of a monkey instead, hopping from branch to branch
You guys told me Mozzu is based but she seems like your average menhera pickme
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cool lore
she was before menace corrupted her
>christmas stream fiasco 2 years ago
>menhera rants in november last year
>they moved in together this year
I think you are coping bruh
I think that's the problem with this general overall. It has a couple of darlings that one or two fags hype up. Then you check them out and they are just mediocre.
oh you're just one of those MUH PARASOCIAL FUCKS types, nvm
yeah like acti
Menheras are funny for a day or two, I like my women stable.
you like men
Is that some weird cope? Or are you trying to ask me to fuck you in the ass?
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Hey, sometimes its nice to have a thread offshoot for general things.
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Nene Amano is pretty much all you need from vtubing, and you can balance her with having a successful, fulfilling life.
she's not even the best in her own gen
or even the second best
i can only see a phase girl graduating to get away from their fanbase rather than being unsatisfied with the company
their CEO is literally a sexpest on doing it so he can have his discord harem
I rather go back to the unhealthy imbalance where she streamed too often for me to have time to do anything but work my job, attend basic necessities, and watch her.
But she has to wear her manager glasses now. I understand.
It's sad how idiots think that "not being a burden on your audience" is "anti parasocial". Good chuba knows how to do some gfe here and there and only rely on the chat when she's vulnerable. Treating your audience like shit and then expecting their to care is just being delusional and predatory.
>wake up
>look in mirror
>see "sexpest"
Hey I remember this post, it's the classic homobeggar defense! You're a phasefag too?
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There's also an announcement inside the game. I'm so happy for her
Breastie goes in person or a video feed? If the latter very interesting because that was one of the things the kawaii girls brought up losing out on unless they would hire staff for a booth. I guess Konami staff could be doing it for her since it's a sponsor?
She's not there, but she was friends there. Also it's not her booth, it's Konami's, Konami staff is doing it
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Hyper Japan was kino. I even noticed people from that con become regulars in streams for a bit.
If I beat her will she cosplay dark magician girl and let me touch her breasties from the side??
I wonder the hyper Japan daranma is up to these days, did he find new ran? did he drop vtubers altogether? we'll never know...
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PixelLink is burning down next
VNU first
God I wish? Tomomi and Zebi deserve better models and rigging.
Tomomi has exactly the model that she wants.
tomo's model is great
zebi really needs better rigging
You'll probably get your wish sooner rather than later.
It feels like I am a bothering to Acti and it kinda makes me sad ngl
If you feel like you're bothering a chuuba, it's always true, even if she says it isn't so. DNI for a month.
Stop being a faggot, acti will think it's me posting this shit
>a bothering
Acti made this ESL post btw
you are but its her job so dont care about
reminder that acti has admitted to self posting during her school recess (which is right about now)
my zoomer wife can't wait 15 minutes to unblock posting from her phone
What happens in 2 months? She'll give birth?
NDA expires and then she can talk about how apparently even seeing fans of those former bullies in her timeline is enough to give her a panic attack
Sounds like time for a grifting sob story
>school recess
What? Is this negress in 4th grade?
the twitter crowd is going to eat it up, anyone else with half a brain is going to laugh at it because like... I can't even take the mental image of Raki bullying anyone seriously
is it true mozzu went menhera because her uncle called her fat?
>he thinks those types are not the worst
You probably think Spica is an angel
God adorable but deadly girls are the hottest
she posted it because she thought it was funny but mites thought she was going menhera so they replied with NOOOO YOUR SO CUTE AND BEAUTIFUL QUEEN
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she hasn't eaten since yesterday and she keeps talking about her new gun
I should've put money on this shit
>s-she was only joking
She fits the college bully archetype more than basically any other chuuba
mozzu fat lol
stop she's gonna write again
I just saw her wife Naki pictures, damn
>have the easiest job in the world
>still live like a failure
I don't mean to anti her it's just about chubas in general like what the fuck is wrong with them. I'd have so much time for myself and getting my life together if my job was playing vidya for 2-3 hours
oh fuck off, responding to mails and getting a few clips together is 2 hours tops
>complete loser irl
>becomes a chud
She is just following the trend to a T
acti needs to try this grift
her current one is shit
seething femanon or male vtuber?
That's pretty much obvious. At least 50% of their viewers are much 'better' and capable (in every sense) and worth more to society than all of these girls. But they sound and act cute and they're the ones using the models, so we find it amusing and quirky. Hence why the ""girlfailure"" (ridiculously endearing) term exists afterall.
Are you a Euro?
If you get a new gun and you DONT constantly talk about it to everyone who will listen, then there's something very wrong with you
you need to be 18 to post here
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Good Skye news
> ""girlfailure""
So you're saying, there's a split between "capable" viewers and neets. Also there's another split between "real" girlfailures and fakes.....
These are the same thing.....
mozzupires should oshihen to acti
nogunz faggot
>look guyz i just got a new toy today wanna hear me ramble about it for HOURS
lol grow up mitecuck
Yes that's how people act when they get a new gun, sorry that it's demoralizing for you to hear. Maybe you can find a new angle to anti from soon though
You are just mentally underdeveloped, as expected from a faggot with no taste in chubas. Give it a couple of years and maybe you will be able to sit with us at the adult table.
Talk about something you don't know anything about and then cope when you get it wrong kek
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anon this is not a normal gun enthusiast we are talking about
nah i can confirm last time i got a gun i just stashed it in my car. idk what's the big deal but running around and gloating about it seems pretty childish
holy menhera batman
>They aren't many people who are able what I can do
Sounds like normal self defense thoughts to me.
Be careful what you wish for. Losing Mozzu like that would also permanently scar Menace.
I only tangentially care about menace for her relationship with mozzu
it's the /vrt/ schizo, he hates mozzu
>turbodepressed and hypermenhera menace
don't threaten me with a good time
Don't talk shit about my choco princess.
She's a good girl and she's doing her best.
they went back, you're welcome
That's a bit rude. I think she should just quit and focus on her health or something.
let's be real, she's just pitybaiting as usual

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