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/grün/ reporting in
I unno why this is pinned who gives a fuck but /HiRyS/ loves Kronii Bae Mumei and Fauna
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Mods can't even afford their own ads
Actual sad news
everyone is flocking to mr beast and interesting youtuber dies and left because the algo is rigged
/pol/ and /osrs/ on /vg/ here
I literally closed runescape to read threads here more closely
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yet they're allowing a bunch of bait threads to stay up.
Tanigou doesn't give a shit about streaming or gaming or whatever. He's always wanted his own idol company, his own AKB48. Streaming games just happened to be a convenient stepping stone for his goal
She has two months left in Holo actually
>She said it so it must be true
Damn shame. Her models tits were absolutely perfect. Not too big, not too small. On display but not outrageously so. Whoever did the rigging gave them an absolutely perfect amount of weight. They swayed with movement with just the right amount of delay, like they had some significant heft but still jiggled. Too many vtubers go nuts on the jiggle like you're slapping jello, but Chloes breasts moved like great soft orbs shifting behind cloth.
nice to see at least one good chuuba in a Chloe post!
>cause they are antis
Why the fuck is Hololive itself your oshi? Freak.
Yeah and that's why he sabotaged and let go of his best idol.
>idol work
why don't just hire random dancer to do the 3D work and the holo put the voice?
The one on the far right was already deleted once.
Even if she continues streaming the track record with every single Hololive graduation so far has been that the streams without the Hololive magic suck ass. She will be joining the ranks of pathetic has-beens like Kson, Dooby and Sakuna now.
dude chinese new year is not used in most of other countries, she stops after new year not before
Blood in the water
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/v4m/ reporting for duty
It won't be saturated for long when we keep this graduation pace in 2025
>Thinks all this shit stirring isn't a veiled way to anti the actual talents themselves
lmfao, nobody watches twitch you stupid fuck. call me when ironmouse has a million subs on youtube, its the only relevant platform
It depends on the collabs and the clips they generate. ReGloss took a while to establish their niches where some like Ao and Raden found it easy, while others like Kanade got her chance with HoloGTA
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I always hated chloe's saggy tits
In this case it was much more of a change in her direction (found a new passion she wants to pursue) plus her health issues making the workload harder to handle. She specifically praised Cover for being supportive of her
Chloe is my favorite vtuber design though...
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/lig/ checking in
This is sad and all but at least post sexy orca, she had one of the hottest models in hololive goddamn.

low test.
They're already wasting money on HoloEarth, a simple gacha game would be baby steps compared to that.
>Risu's NNN was also axed and she said they specifically don't want stuff like that anymore
Didn't know that since Risu usually relays important information in indonesian, all I heard about it from her in english was she didn't want to do it anymore not that cover is being a bipolar prude. I want to say cover should know that you can let some of your talents be the make viewers erect holo but above already mentions how retarded JP corps can be, anime is a great example of that with the frequent manga to anime censorship.
nobody mentioned "black company" until you showed up but any kind of criticism is too much for a holodrone like you it seems, even when more talents leave than ever.
chloe is going re-debut with a different skin and she will notice that she is earning less and she will graduate again the market will always be saturated thanks to these dumb whores
Ok, but the individual talents don't give a shit about any of that. Any one of them can graduate and be basically set for life streaming to a smaller audience on a more relaxed pace. If they're unhappy with Cover for any reason there's no real reason for them to stay, as more talents begin to realize this the more of them will leave over time.
Because in their mind, Cover can do no wrong and anyone who claims otherwise is an anti trying to deflect from Niji/Phase/literally anyone else.
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>Nijisanji only loses irrelevant bottom of the barrel shitters
>holo loses its biggest stars
Tell me more anon I could use the hope.
The worst part of graduations is all the retards coming out of nowhere to pitybait how "sad" and "heartbroken" they are when they probably never watched a single stream
I literally cannot separate Ao from Ange, they're just too similar.
Personally I blame Aqua for showing the JPs that you can quit your holojob, do less work, and still keep your fanbase and without a corporate cut too
wosemi pls…
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regloss only established a 'niche' when they were whipped until they begged for subs and endlessly shilled by everyone until they dragged themselves out of the shitter. no one cared about them, and all they have are pity subs to this day
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/eienx/ here. It's not the year for orcas.
I remember a while back, shareholders kept asking why they didn't release merch of graduated members. Yagoo was smart enough to tell them to fuck off but I guess they got too powerful and now we have affiliates.
Rosemi is still alive?
Based Sakana
Honestly out of everyone from her group I found her the less interesting.
Remember Umisea?
Literally who?
hello newfag
Or they could copy HoloParade where every holomem is SSR-rank, while the lower rarities are filled by their mascots.
because she didn't, the reason she stopped is because she ran out of ideas for NNN and the joke was getting stale, not because corporate stopped her
The other sex orca design...
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Anon, conclusion of regular activities is graduation
She is reset-ing her life topkek!
see also okayu's recent stuff, as a general rule cover only stops holos from doing stuff if youtube stars breathing down their necks
Is it not? Is an entirely new way to keep the character alive while letting the person behind it go not novel enough?
Please note: innovative does not necessarily mean good for the CONSUMER
Maybe because he actually watched and listened to the girls
Hard concepts to comprehend, I know
Bruh, those are like niji tier numbers, shit, those literally whos JP Niji probably make way more money than these girls in their first monetization streams.
Its not a full graduation if thrre is still afilliation.
Aqua and Coco had a full graduation
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Correct, good to see we are on the same page
>yet another holo graduation for 2024
Aqua is martin luther king confirmed
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/CBDCT/ here, don't care. Another whore gone is always a good thing especially after how you fags treated Gamma.
I think the word she's looking for is "negligible."
Pretty unexpected. She's not a particularly great person so she wont be missed by me.
Like the girls talking about Hololive going in a bad / weird way after their IPO? Did he listen to those girls?
Overworked? When there are holos like koyori who constantly streams despite doing a lot of offstream work.
Too soon to say. Going to need to see how she's doing in a year.
Or she can just be like Laplus and do what she wants. Laplus has throat problem too.
That's Orca's alt account for Chloe-focused posts, yeah
Is this what they call "karma"?
All that affiliation means is that she'll get merch on occasion, she's already confirmed she has no interest in coming back even for one time special events
At this rate, she'll be the only one left in Hololive then.
This orca dude a millionaire?
I'm sure koyori would call you a retard for using her against her genmate
2021/2022 cover begun to really push for the idol stuff when it comes to recordings and behind the scenes-work related to it. A lot of holos who debutes at that time or befor that seem to have problems with the way cover wants them to focus on idol related things. It might be better to dial this shit back for a bit or more members could get filtered. I dont really see this problem in newer gens who pretty much knew what they were getting into.
Dooki ruined vtubing
Everyone's definition of this is individual. Vtubing is full of menhera girls who aren't capable of working a 9-to-5, so they may very well be overworked, stretching their limits.
literally who?
Yeah, I just found it on X. It's him.
Is he cursed? His oshi keeps graduating.
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Literally Who?
Affiliation is just a way for them to not cull any ongoing projects the talent was already involved in. After those come out, the vtuber is dead. Don't expect the actual person to return.
didn't they figure this out with kson? when she first quit and rebirthed after taking account the lack of a cut for cover she was making the same money.
She had such a strong debut, then disappeared because of le ghost in da house and I completely lost interest on her.
I guess it's another en for December
it has nothing to do with idol
the permission thing is what fucked up the vtubers
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who should he go to next? surely a small indie to groom instead of another Holo
None of the girl, including graduated, has ever attacked Hololive directly or indirectly yet. Chloe mentioned just now that the management was very supportive and tried to help her.
Having different directions isn't something inherently wrong. There are girls who will be happy with that and girls who won't. It's sad, but those who can't cope with it will eventually leave - it can't be helped and it's neither side's fault. It's not like they were mistreated or intentionally pushed out
If that results in her staying for longer then its a good deal
eh, gen 0, 1, and 3 have no issues with the current direction of cover and those are all pre 2020 debuts
People like to state this a lot but there's only ever been 3 graduates over "differences in company direction", four if you count coco
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Why is every second hololive member fucked up in some way? Constant surgeries, throat issues, back issues, mental issue, etc etc etc

It's too high for statistical probability.
Bro, even Mikeneko after years of self sabotage still makes enough money to keep streaming. Short of like actually killing a man live on stream and probably not even then, it's almost impossible to "fail" as a streamer once you get big.

You can shrink, sure, but the ground floor of how many viewers you need to continue on as a full-time streamer is so low that it never really matters in the end.
the keyword is was, if Sakuna also follows that trend along with dooby then its literally a bad idea money wise.
probably someone from dev_is
singing is bad for your throat
the more you know
Rich and intelligence are not linked. Multiple studies showed this.
Koyori is older than chloe. Around 10 years. It's the same with Aqua. These younger ones just can't handle work.
/sumo/ here
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/brg/ reporting in, welcome to the battle royale
What changed in the last year or so at Cover to cause all these graduations?
Could someone smart please reply?
People said the same thing about Mori and yet look at her now
gal goomba. nice little Christmas present for cumbuds
Chloe won the lottery and got the best design in holox
Every former Hololive talent that quits and continues to rake in money just reinforces the trend. You can call it a fluke if it's just 1 or 2 talents, but if everyone is fine, than there's not much reason to be overly concerned.
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/nijien/ CHAD reporting in, I am here to laugh at holokekis
>has ever attacked Hololive directly or indirectly yet.
What are you, autistic? Of course they don't directly attack their employer. Not only are they Japanese, the act of publicly lambasting your employer will ensure nobody wants to touch you as an employee ever again, because they could be next. Demanding a public attack on your employer as a sign that things are going wrong is outright ludicrous.
>Chloe mentioned just now that the management was very supportive and tried to help her.
The management is not the company. The management is the tard-wranglers hired to keep the menhera girls in check.

Healthy, sane individuals don't want to become vtubers.
Kronii showed their schedules. The image can be used in dictionaries as an antonym for "overworked".
If he wants risky option (with possible high return), DEV_IS's Riona (her design somewhat resembles Chloe, too)
If he wants safe option, go for someone like Lamy
You know that she can quit whenever she likes right?
There doesn't need to be a specific reason.
They owe literally everything they have to Cover and repaying them by bailing out of their obligations paints them in a very ugly light

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im still processing
Yeah this also makes a lot of things a pain to deal with i assume.
>only 3
You are right but its still 3, which is a lot for holo (not for niji kek)
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>Shylily wins the orca bowl
>Cloe redebuts in 2 more weeks as an indie
Total /lig/ger victory
sure but to hear the way people spin it it's like the entire roster hates cover's new direction now
They cancel all the personal projects without a good reason and no compensation for the losses.
For every new cover you see being released, at least 3 were cancelled beforehand after being initially approved by the company
many of those are cover stories, remember the sana backhort thing. are they all fake news? I dunno, probably not, but enough of it is that I generally half-assume it's not legit.
you mean her schedule
Idol stuff my ass where is all that idol stuff? They cut 3d lives, holofest was shit, they act like whores, where?
what do if he picks my oshi next?
Truth. And also the community for going ape shit about every little thing.
>Not only are they Japanese
That never stopped ex-Niji from throwing all sorts of shades at Niji
>Demanding a public attack on your employer as a sign that things are going wrong is outright ludicrous.
Not more ridiculous than assuming that Hololive was in the wrong even though the girls didn't say it and even thanked Hololive / the management
Are you japanese? Stop being a bootlicking faggot.
Respect their pronouns!
You know that people can just drive off of a bridge right? There doesn't need to be a specific reason.
Why is it weird to graduate 2-3 a year? The alternative is oversaturating your own company to the point your talents eat each other
>, remember the sana backhort thing.
No, elaborate.
Yeah cut back what's make Holo great and make them Niji2, great idea. Push Holostars too while you're at it.
I mean the average schedule of every Hololive member.
>Ten Haag out
>Sakamata in
Good trade
At this point I believe there's a bunch more girls waiting to leave and Cover is just staggering the graduations
godspeed anon
Hololive is not oversaturated at all.
ahh yes im so glad we got aqua and chloe out so we can have flowglow totally worth it
>That never stopped ex-Niji from throwing all sorts of shades at Niji
Oh, I get it. You're one of those console war types who just wants to fling shit at the *other side* and pretend like you're taking part in something meaningful; like you're part of something bigger than yourself.
this but unironically
Corpomonkeys wanted her to do corpo stuffs
Ogey Cover intern I almost chuckled. You and your talentless, leeching coworkers would be jobless if not for Aqua making this good-for-nothing company famous by pouring her time and talent into it. Sit the fuck down you ungrateful, lazy fuck.
Cover should stop this corporate bullshit talk to soften the impact of what it really is; a GRADUATION.
Honestly they look more scurrilous using any other term than the truly appropriate one.
>The alternative is oversaturating your own company

just stop debuting new ones
>graduation queue
Very grim.
Link to good chloe card?
No one cares about twitch shit, moron. It doesn't exist for normies.
/@/ here, i'm sad now
Idols' shelf life is around 2-4 years. Expect more graduations from Holo from now on especially from the mid-tier girls (top girls make too much to quit while bottom girls would lose too much)
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>Has one of the hottest bodies
>Has one of the nicest voices
>Is actually a great singer
>Is also a goofy idiot

Watch streams you retarded holodrone
Shareholders should be flayed and their skin displayed at holofes as a warning
some people have naturally weaker vocal chords. I fucked up mine doing something that really shouldn't have been that bad and have been in voice therapy for months.
pretty much everyone whos not interested in idol shit is queueing up to quit
Graduation is scaring the shareholders
If they can't guarantee their massive investments will even stay, then it's safer to go for quantity over quality
Same thing happened to the vidya game industry, music too I think
Has Chloe done membership ASMRs? I'll probably be membering and archiving now, I guess. Didn't think I'd have to do this a third time.
you have it backwards though, the ones who've quit so far are all the ones who have made bank and can afford to coast for the rest of their days
She's gonna come back just like how all the other girls 'graduated'. Only retarded Holodrones are sad about this because they're fans of the company instead of the girls themselves, no blue dorito, no watch.
>join hololive
>have to do idolshit 24/7, don't like it
>have to say it's because back horty to not tarnish hololive's reputation
twitch is a bubble normal people wouldn't recognize most of their top streams period let alone niche ones. The most recognizable ones are either famous for drama/lolcow shit or just do react content like Asmon.
Niji EN is a joke lol
Y'know, thinking about this guy was my first thought after seeing this announcement. I really wonder how he must be been feeling now. His first oshi was terminated and then he slowly moved on to another one just for her to graduate.
No, I prefer facts and proofs than making random assumptions and accusations.
Heck, if you think using ex-Nijis as examples is too "tribalistic" (only used them because /vt/ is likely used to them), I can bring up ex-Johnny and ex-AKB, too if you can recognize them.
Point is, being Japanese never stopped people from calling their ex-work place shit if there was something they truly were unhappy with (more so in the entertainment scene with the ex-something turning into indies). Don't see why Hololive would be an exception
>bald Chloe
It's too late to pretend now.
I honestly think there might be a graduation queue of sorts and Gura is likely there together with Shion and perhaps Ayame.
I can't be the only one surprised that the first one to drop from HoloX wasn't La+
Waiting to hear Gary Neville's opinion on this
Every Holos make bank, including the runts, anon. As long as someone remains in Holo for 2-3 years, she will likely make enough to coast for decades. Even RBC was able to buy a house in Tokyo Metropolitan, remember?
I know Niji EN is pretty bad but what about JP?
They they quit as frequently as Hololive?
La+ has the cunny buff
Don't forget Ina and Mio
Me too >>90447677
>Can't argue
I accept your concession
Ina is not considering graduation, ratman.
La+ will be the last girl standing
Didn't she debut like a year ago? Time sure flies...
What are you, 14?
they're not really pressured to work, are they?
especially if you're not popular, you could just stream every once in a while
>She also mentioned that the workload is overwhelming as she has been struggling with health issues and her health had deteriorated to the point where she required regular medical treatment and was constantly overwhelmed by the job. Her throat is also in a bad condition.
black company..........................
which means that any member can afford to graduate and retire meaning only the ones who are hardcore into the idol shit will stay on
>thread about a holo graduating
b-b-b-but the nijis!!!!!!!!1!!!11!!!
Mindroken holokekis lmfao
you gotta ask yourself one question chump
was going public worth it?
uh oh nijimelty
>issues with her throat

just stop the fake voice?
Mio is quitting?
phase connect
Anon you just saved that image why are you false flagging? kek
3 NijiJP graduations this year
10 of them left this year
>she's another 'likes Shadow for reasons I don't understand' "fan".
you can say the real reason anon, it's okay
>she's another "I wanted to get dicked by Shadow because his designs hot" fan
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uh oh holomelty
You're supposed to be over 18 to post here.
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/2hug/ reporting in, its a shame that this Stinky Orca is leaving. I await her indie chuuba redebut (whenever that will be).
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But the walled garden is perfect, no one wants to leave and everyone loves their unicorn audience, what gives?
old women wins again
Cover owes literally everything to the talents for actually making people like Hololive, Cover seems to be ruining that though lol
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No...she was so hot...
>Resort to ad-hominem, still can't provide any argument
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/Sakuna/ here. Come home, stinky.
You sound like you post on Reddit.
Go ahead, then.
>deteriorated to the point where she required regular medical treatment
You do know technically that can be like "man I have a headache after that meeting, I've gotta take a tylenol"? There is not much streaming does that would cause physical damage considering there have been many people streaming daily on twitch for like a decade and no they have not spontaneously combusted.

What I can buy however is if managers are fucking assholes and it gets aggravating and stressful dealing with them, although I think that's not quite what the girls experience, I think they're shielded from most arguments and bickering going on at Cover by their talent managers being the main interface to the company - but this also I think produces an atmosphere where working for Cover is like a black box where you put in suggestions and receive feedback into the ether and it percolates for a while and a mysterious "yes" or "no" comes back through that manager. EN for sure operates like that I think but I dunno if JP mostly does too.
>mistreat and exploit your talents
>surprised when they leave to get better treatment/pay/creative freedom as an indie
Cover is reaping what they sowed. In a year, no new talents will be applying and they'll be utterly irrelevant. And good riddance to the fucking parasites.
/ggg/ here. I’m going to goom to Chloe today out of respect
food analogy
This is a good one, there aren't that many of her and some of them aren't good by today's standards desu
Uh oh melty
the point is just because you can that doesnt mean you should
that might be the case, but when normal people want to watch streams they'll go to twitch not youtube. There the twitch bubble is telling them that ironlung is the vtuber of all time and they'll accept and spread it outside of twitch and that leads to her getting even more recognition by tourists.
nevermind the fact that a bunch of people have already written off hololive from the get go because of the "dark and scary idol culture"
I am same age as her I don't think I am old....
Shareholders should be publicly whipped for our entertainment.
thank you ame for ruining graduations with your shit affiliation thing
Shion yo
Shame to see her go
Sure buddy
>Debut on Nov 29, 2021
Today is her 3rd year anniversary.
Why? Mutual benefit is a beautiful thing, is it not?
I was wrong, not counting ex-ID members, there have been 5:
Chihiro Yuuki, Momo Azuchi, Suzuya Aki, Naruse Naru, Utako Suzuka
It sure feels like she just debuted...
>Sexiest model in Hololive is going away
Polka is the the soul of Hololive. As long as she stays, Hololive is still good in my book.
Did she even hint at a reincarnation? At least with Ame and Aqua it wasn't necessarily goodbye for long.
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black and white bros...
Kiara was sad already nervous during her spa trip
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>Went through her big sister figure Coco graduating
>Then her best friend and genmate Aqua graduated
>Now her biggest fangirl Chloe graduates
>Wife and fellow mesugaki Gura probably heading towards graduating
Shion has suffered enough
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if he does have IRL deathtouch then laplus or ollie hopefully.

otherwise I think he should go with someone fresh i.e one of the new dev_is girls, because that'll be at least a few more years barring some unforeseen termination drama.
Fuck sake
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And now I get to make fun of your whore leaving. Get fucked biatch.

Yes! I'm falseflagging and I am not a real poster! No consequences for my actions sounds good to me!
A big send off concert will do more for their new indie careers than just being able to collect some more paychecks on merch nobody will buy anymore.
Alright chat, what is the reincarnation?
This post will predict who will quit next:
5-9:Flow Glow Drama
>over an hour
>not even 600 replies
dead board confirmed
>Company goes public
>Talents start to leave
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Gura and Peko are the only recognizable ones left. It's over.
but she will not be able to interact with holos anymore and from an EOP perspective she's as good as dead, if you're really into her you might follow the roommate and her new indie "friends" perhaps.
Incorrect. The REAL answer is its gonna be Ina and shes gonna leave before EnReco 2 begins
shion yo....
Everyone is leaving to be indies.
Aqua persuaded them.
You said the same about Aqua. Who're gonna become the next "soul" after Polka graduates?
I'm glad pekora didn't give a single fuck about this graduation lazy bitch will be forgotten in 3 days just like ya'll did with mel
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/pcg/ reporting in. Never watched Chloe outside of clips, but her model was always a favorite
>but she will not be able to interact with holos
Why not?
Shion puts 0.1% effort into hololive. She is the biggest JP leech.
Sorry to hear that Holobros, especially if any of you had her as your oshi, I know it must be hahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA just kidding get FUCKING OWNED holofags
>Flow Glow Drama
Rate Negrodamus' prediction: >>66783417
mane-san forced her to take a bath
Honestly that's such a win-win scenario. Cover can keep selling their highly successful likeness and the ex-talents basically get passive income.
Like genuinely such a good deal I'm surprised Gura hasn't done it, since Cocer begging her to stay for essentially the same passive free merch/income deal is why she's still working as Gura, except she has to dance and stream from time to time still.
Guess I'll just feel bad for Marine / Matsuri when Shion finally graduates then
Isn’t she also narcoleptic or something like that?
>verification mot required
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Okay anons bets are open, who is the next holo graduation?
I bet on a Shion graduation soon
its not a win win as fans wont stick around to buy that merch, eventually reducing the fans buying any merch at all. its a death spiral
3/3, impressive grudgepost.
Don't think I didn't see you you fucking Zena.
Ina. Genuinely betting on Ina being next.
It's just a prediction bro, maybe the same thing that happened with gen 5 might happen again.
>the "biggest vtuber" in the west now is a Spanish = funny sick hag who gets astroturfed constantly

The absolute state. No wonder this board is dead.
fauna for en
laplus for jp
What exactly is the "new company direction" they all hate?
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The future of streaming is vtubers, the growth over the last few years has been astounding and its getting bigger in mainstream every single day, especially amongst kids/teens.
100% not gura, she will come back once in a while to collect superchat to buy milk for her newborn and condoms for her hubby
how was he able to get all three wrong? impressive
Too big.
Not everyone can be Marine or Suisei.
Anti-idol, anti-streaming direction
This guys >>90430982 said it was 0% for Chloe to grad several hours ago.
>posted in /#/
take a guess KEK
Plz Chloe, end your graduation stream by walking into the shower because it would be so fucking funny.
Gura fans hardly were ever actual vtubing fans, people cared about the shark loli image, i.e. merch, not to watch streams or concerts.
NTA but FBK has always and will always be for me
Riona has been under some high pressure from antis recently. Can't say anything without knowing how strong she is mentally, but it seems 50:50 on her right now
I don't like her but she's the hottest holo, I'm going to miss the art
nobody wants to work my g, the hags are used to it but them kids they just want to go to tiktok and earn gorillions by munching on glizzies and get boyfriends while they're at it
I'm gonna throw a curveball in and say Aki
They will not stay and buy merch, I know they wont. They like popular thing, and if affiliate happens she will no longer exist to be the popular thing, meaning they will all leave.
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>Sakamata got 445 akasupa on her stream
Too big, leads to a lot more work. It used to be just streaming and having meeting for them, nowadays there are a lot of official programs, sponsorships, and 3D performances.
People shitpost about the girls being lazy but most of them (except very few) tend to be swamped with streaming and having recordings / lessons
>implying you can’t have a boyfriend in Hololive
Very few clearly means Gura and Gura only btw
It's just a polite excuse. We know from Kronii that they don't do shit.
>found an unnamed pursuit that she wants to fully commit to
She's marrying one of her regular clients?
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jesus christ
Becoming like Suisei. Regloss is the first step to replace the oldschool holos.
I never understood the mentality.
>I'm leaving guys thanks for all your support over the years but i'm going to so other shit now bye!
>Thanks for all the goodbye donations, it'll really help me out when I want to fund my future activities and career unrelated to any of you.
Didn't they just debut earlier this month? How did she get antis?
They still don't understand that what made Hololive popular are games and comedy, not freaking idols.
We all know how Azki and Suisei were before they became regular streamers.
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how can one be so wrong?
Only Japs care about Shatqua.
She was huge but there aren't that many people here who watched her streams or her clips.
>Aqua quit to become an idol and have a sololive
>Regloss and flow glow are nothing like idols
>Biggest studio in Japan and instead of more 3D lives there is somehow less
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If the emergence of Dev_IS is anyting to go by, Hololive seems to be trying to become more idol-like, meaning a unified idol units with less emphasize on streaming. The current talents obviously really like centering a lot of their career in Hololive around their non-music content and ReGLOSS didn't have individual 3D debut streams. They all had one 3D debut stream as a unit. Maybe the current talents like the current arrangement of every talent having their own music career instead of having it be directly tied to their generation. Idk, I'm just guessing here, but Altare did complain about management being bad, so I'm trying not to assume the worst. Lets just hope that A-chan leaving didn't permanently fuck up Cover's management. Because Nodoka seems like a good successor so far.
I'll cry later when they clip the highlights
There's no way that's real. There's no way she would just admit that she only works 2 hours a day.
if you have watched any of her older streams, you can easily see why she is the most popular. she's by far the funniest holo and best entertainer in general.
I even forgot about how better than the other she was before her v2 model stream, I almost didn't watch it. but she's actually the best vtuber
Why isn't Regloss any good then?
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Real shit though, I'm surprised Ayame hasn't quit yet. I've been thinking she'd graduate for like 3 years now.
>unrelated to any of you
most of the people donating will keep donating to whatever her new account is
Evil investors.
So true! She's the cutest and funniest!
What's the rrat so far?
She was huge in superchats but her streams rarely hit 10k. She was a niche that she and the company thought had the potential to go mainstream but never did. She never put out that album she was working on.
past events have proven your comment wrong
She slapped Yagoo in front of Pekora
Why would she? She found out she doesn't really need to stream to keep doing what Cover wants her to do. Like some other talents also found out. The talents who like streaming a lot are the ones who you should be worried about. Or the talents that have creative differences with cover, like getting their projects rejected all the time.
God, I really hope this bitch is miserable. Every time she sees "booba", I hope she seethes so much she pisses herself.
Why is every graduation thread about Gura?
She was playing Liar's Bar with viewers. Turned out to be a bad idea since she was new (both as a Holo member and a streamer) and hadn't gotten time to bond with her fans yet (can't just rely on the "Who is your oshi" joke for hours after all). She said she was getting bored, so she switched to singing karaoke.
Anti has been latching on that and attacking her for, as they put it, being disrespectful (calling the game boring) and feeling bored interacting with fans. Her viewership suffered because of that, too (she is the clear runt of the group so far).
I think she can still be saved like Ao was, but whether she can hold that long is to be seen
Aqua was pretty relevant but yes
>The talents who like streaming a lot are the ones who you should be worried about.
So Koyori, Pekora, Miko and a bunch of the old guard.
stinky neetchan can't compete with real veteran idols, imagine being an mc for the dodgers and spilling your spaghetti all over unless you're a genius like peko
Nah its real
Not gonna lie, her model alone feels weird to me.
is there anything more pathetic than being a hololive anti on /vt/?
I don't think cover would ever reject these girls projects. Miko could straight up suggest a dick sucking stream and she'd get the thumbs up.
Incredibly smoothbrain take Anon. Nobody with TikTok brain would ever have enough of an attention span to watch a live-stream. Biboo is the only chuuba that's actually into the TikTok brainrot, and yet she's still regularly endurance streaming on a near daily basis.
Ao stood out though. Riona is like a pre-Geoguesser AZKi.
Only good thing about this hag is her design and it's just Nero but blue.
stop watching vtubers and go practice your 1cc
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That's crazy. Thanks for the link.
>dick sucking stream
surely you meant Pekora there
Her too, Koyori too.
stop talking to yourself, weirdo
I don't think Ao was ever in that much trouble, being a pervert is pretty much her character nowdays, just like Marine.
simp western indies
The only thing stinkier than Chloe herself is a Nijisister. At least I can actually sniff Chloe's stench happily, but all you Nijicucks just make me want to gag.
He fucking deserves it.
being an unpaid shill for cover after they made yet another girl graduate
Pekora already got her project(s) rejected before. Remember when she took the one week break in 2023? She openly said in mengen that she took it because she was being depressed, too
being a hololive fan? imagine licking boot of some jap company and ethots hiding behind an avatar with their bfs/hubbies while milking sad loners. Imagine defending that 24/7 for years and donatinf to them only so that they could coast through life? Wouldn't be me
Pekora's project getting rejected is why she still hates Miko
she *claims* to work 2 hours a day
it's probably much less
Oh no not the stinky one
because she had already graduated in every aspect, just need to formalize it
stinky nijisisters are HERE
not like this nijixisters
Honestly I feel like there would be much more impact if Mori quits rather than Gura.
Gura never streams but things are fine.
Ayame is younger than chloe, so is matsuri. So is Lap too.
It's not just for the shareholders. Affiliation allows the talent to make cameos, even if they aren't streaming anymore. I think it's good thing to have them to remain affiliated because it allows the graduated talents to still feel like they're always a part of Hololive in spirit, even when they aren't there. Before Ame's graduation, every graduation felt like a funeral. Ame also said that affiliation leaves the door open to coming to Hololive down the line if she wants to, so there's much less finality in the affiliation route. This is why the fans found Ame's departure so much easier to accept than Aqua's.
Management is infamously cautious
>in the wild
we don't live in the jungle like you anon. you need to come to the west to see western merch.
Fauna is next
>Too big, leads to a lot more work.
They literally only work 2 hours a day.
Plz don't be Mumei. Plz don't be Mumei. Plz don't be Mumei.

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>No one cares about twitch shit
Just because you can't afford watching twitch doesn't mean it's irrelevant islander kun.
The fuck you're talking about? Gura has been irrelevant for the past 2 years, nobody outside of a few deluded chumbuds will give a fuck when she graduates
He's a Sakuna whale now
I bet Matsuri wishes she was Miko.
So is this the same thing ame is doing?
No longer streaming and doing shit, but still theyll keep selling merch?
Suisei was a regular streamer from the very start
>biggest JP leech
Do you mean Ayame?
A Gura graduation would unironically be apocalyptic for Cover. After all the graduations we've seen this year from Cover, Gura leaving would be the worst press they ever dread at this point. If not even their queen, their mascot, their icon that even boomers can recognize is not happy with the current state of Cover, then what the fuck is Yagoo doing?
>>even the human behind the chuuba can come back if needed
You think they all get free time? they aren't coming back it's not happening.
So why isn’t Fubuki concerned about all the graduations lately?
Feels like karma desu. Feels good.
>Their roommates start posting at that exact moment
>chuubas severely underpaid and leaving
She is the mastermind.
isnt that like 50k dollars? and dont forget cuts. Not really that much
At least with Ame and Aqua, we knew they'd come back. We got lucky Mel was convinced to keep at it. I genuinely have zero clue what Chloe wants to do and if she's going to continue having a presence.
That was her homework time (signing postcards, making thumbnails, etc.). It didn't include streaming and having meeting (those happen at night) and didn't include irregular activities (i.e: lessons) either
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Fpbp, people fail to realize how Holos leaving will actually improve the quality of the remaining girls over time. Lazy and unmotivated Holos choose to leave, while hardworking and talented Holos decide to stay. New people can always be brought in to replace those who leave, and the bad eggs will naturally filter themselves out over time. I think anons just over focus on their emotional attachment to the individual characters who are leaving, while ignoring how it's actually a good thing for the collective. If the character you currently watch leaves, it just means that they didn't meet the lofty standards of Hololive's current brand and you should just switch to someone else that actually appreciates the privilege of being a Holo.
/ahoy/ here
RIP UMISEA and Holo witches
they really love hiding the truth, remember when yaggo told coco he'd invite her?
This is what chumkeks actually believe
Because the problem wasn't an ethical / moral issue.
Ahh yes. The woman who single-handedly racks up enough viewers to fill a stadium every time she streams is irrelevant. OMEGA KEKW! Cope and seethe Nijisister!
>Lazy and unmotivated Holos choose to leave,
this has to be bait
why is it then gura stays and ame left, it's literally the opposite, people stay because they assume they have their funds guaranteed
>lazy and unmotivated Holos choose to leave
>while hardworking and talented Holos decide to stay
do you really believe this
>as hololive doesnt fuck me over you can put your faith in me!
>t-they are japanese that's why
>w-why you're using ex-niji you console warfaggot, you can't use the fact that they are japanese to refute my headcanon
Least retarded anti falseflaggers
I think Gura tapped out years ago and everyone knows it. It would not be a surprise.
>I think anons just over focus on their emotional attachment to the individual characters who are leaving

Isn't this the whole fucking point? what else would be the reason to give them money
Gura can only leave when they manage to perfectly recreate her voice and mannerisms with AI.
Literally who?
Is this the one who had the orca hood that wore it on debut and then basically never again?
Bumping this epic thread
Somehow this is the Nijisisters fault!!!
Like other anons said, I think Mori ending her contract would be a way bigger deal, and I'm saying this as a sapling, I'm not even a deadbeat.
She is up there too, but Shion is in a league of her own.
It's exactly the opposite anon. When a company starts to crumble internally, the first employees to go are the most talented, the most motivated, because they are the ones that know they can afford to cut their losses and still land on their feet.

The last people clinging to the corpse of a dead company are the ones who can't afford to leave, the least capable ones that know that if they lose their current job they are fucked.
if this was true pink haachama and her penguin friend would be long gone
Lui and Chloe were my favorites from HoloX for very different reasons and it really genuinely sucks losing the orca. She was this spinning coin that could end on the most sexy creature or turn on a dime and be absolutely joyfully cute.

God, man. At least hint you're going to still be vtubing as an indie.
>being forced to work until their health deteriorates and causes them serious issues
>Overwhelming workloads
>Company direction is souring the mood with multiple talents
Yeah no ethics or moral concerns here.
why are we pretending that even netting half of that, 25k USD, for a couple hours of “work”, is not a lot, mr saudi oil baron larper?
Its just nice lie that they tell you now but one day you will find out that Santa is not real either.
>condoms for the hubby
Is this why Gura has been such a bitch? Is she getting cucked for real?
>conclude her release of new merchandise
>she will continue her affiliation as a talent of hololive production
So like Ame. I don't fully understand what this means. I hope they still get paid if Hololive continues to sell their merchandise.
Sakuna is almost at 1M subs already btw. The talents made themselves successful. Not just Cover you fake fan. If the talents leaving is all it takes for you to abandon them, then you were never a fan of the talents. You were only a fan of Cover.
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>Holos quitting
>liggers opening Fansly and doing porn streams on them
We are entering a new phase of vutbing where major corpos will quiting their corpo for going indie and Fansly NSFW streams are normalized
Fubuki has no ethics or morals.
>God, man. At least hint you're going to still be vtubing as an indie.
If Aqua didn't do that I doubt anyone else would.
I do not trust that skinwalker
>Ignores that Chloe said the management was very supportive and lowered her workloads
>Ignores that Marine said they could've gone Shion's route and doesn't even have to work at all
Working hard is an option, not mandatory. They weren't forced to.
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Why was it that both Aqua and Ame and now Chloe would rather stream regularly as a ligger than stream for Cover? Very sus
Something wicked is going on in there bros
>First Ame now Chloe
It's so fucking over.
Women are herd animals. Expect an exponential amount of notgraduations over the next year.
>We are entering a new phase of vutbing
You're just a newfag
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>Computerized Numerical Control in S yier
Very based.
that bitch is hideous
Only chuubas who have no qualms with prostitution.
"Overwhelming workloads" to these spoiled bitches is really just working more than 2 hours per day.
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Suck it to all the doubters who insisted it was a hiatus and to 'watch streams'
It's basically graduations but Hololive can still use their images in stuffs (advertisements, merchs, etc.) and they still get their cuts. Also open the door for possible temporary returns on special events if they want to
>My voice is dying from all the work I'm doing
>Let me follow this up with a flawless performance of all my songs
Please just keep singing for us, you seductive stinker.
>Overwhelming workloads
W-W-Watch streams.
Reminder to download her MMD before it gets taken down
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Miko thread present, wtf is Cover doing man...
>and they still get their cuts.
This has yet to be proven true
Kronii is a freeloader, obviously the more famous a vtuber is the less freetime they get.
consoom maccas
Miko leaving would unironically be a nuclear bomb on cover
>RIP Holo witches
Ah fuck I forgot about this. Will they replace her now or what?
I want Gura to become my Senzawa next
don't shitpost with Rosemi ever again, swine
How many Hololive graduations and anything else of that sort have we had now this year?
They didn't voice their character in the anime to begin with if that's what you're asking
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oh no no no…
>Watch streams-fags were the ones which never watched any streams
Absolute cinema.
>She's gonna come back just like how all the other girls 'graduated'.
Well... yeah? That's the point of graduation.
You leave school, then you reappear in life using the skills and connections you gained in school. You don't just disappear, never to be seen by anyone ever again.
a negligible amount
Why else would they want to accept affiliate status instead of just graduate? There must be some benefits for the talents or they could've just gone the Aqua / Coco's way and not letting Cover sell their merchs without getting shit on by fans at all
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>go on finish the tier list, it's okay because someone is only prolonging it because they love how needy they are right now in front of all these people right puppy? such a shy little thing you are it's adorable, despite all the other reason's you're trying to come up with cutie
Unless she has tons of money saved that wont last long and if she does does extra 25k really matter at that point?
Yes but her character exists in merch/manga/etc. They'd have to write her out of the project and write some other girl in. I mean it's possible but...
>A-chan, Mel, Gamma, Aqua, Chloe, Ame
Reminder anyone celebrating this news is a NijiEN anti.
saying she will be back at as indie would hurt her graduation money sent-off.
There is a reason Aqua pretended to be gone forever only to reappear with essentially a costume change 5 weeks later
There’s always Koyori
so 3 graduations
got it
Cover has shifted all of their talents onto idol work over the past streaming model. This was due to the perms system having bloated severely and the financial difficulties observed across the board amongst the viewer and at Cover, thus Cover doesn't see their streaming model recovering to the revenue numbers from a few years ago. At the rate that Cover is bleeding money, they appear to be heading toward bankruptcy fairly soon. In the event that Cover shuts down, it is not yet known if that the talents will be able to retain their character models for if they are forced to go their separate way, or if another company will purchase Cover. Either way we will likely see more of the talents leaving the company in the future, some once their next contract negotiation comes up.
If Miko left Cover, it would mean Cover has majorly fucked up and is either going bankrupt (monetarily, ethically) or will be soon after her graduation. Same with Sui and Peko, they've all got too much fame and too many plans associated with their characters and Cover to throw them away easily.
Doesn't mean Chloe's departure isn't justified or that it hurts less though
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>not delivering payments
was it something related to this? i remember people talking about Cover corp not paying their staff and whatnot
if vtubers got bulls to pay, then they're fucked because of that
I'm sadly at work but wasn't Koyori following Chloe to elaborate? Have we gotten more information?
You got me, anon
What yhe hell are you talking about? The affiliate thing exists so that they don't need to do that.
And Miko already got her projects rejected by Cover multiple times before. HoloGTA was rejected by Cover, Miko's been wanting to do it for years but still rejected it until niji did NijiGTA first. Cover also rejected Miko's sololive back in 2021-2022 and said she still needs to have good music views. But weirdly Cover still granted Pekora her sololive eventhough Pekora's music views are way worst than Miko, and Cover even granted an entire year for her. Pekora clearly sucked management's cock to get it.
>There is a reason Aqua pretended to be gone forever only to reappear with essentially a costume change 5 weeks later
But...she didn't do that? She literally kept telling people to stop pretending like she's dying.
So Cover is just as dumb as other tech companies that banked on Covid?
Yeah, because we didn't just see report showed that Cover pays their talents $350K a year on average (and that was with homos and IDs dragging the average down so realistically, a mid-tier member like Chloe would've gotten way more)
I think it’s time for everyone to reevaluate their oshi and what their staying power is. if your oshi is not mikomet, fubuking, pecola, etc., hololive blue chips if you will, they might not be worth spending your time and money on
Goodbye beautiful 3d model
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my heart is with him
That won't matter if the talents don't get paid at all. You hear plenty of menial workers out there in sweatshops assuming they get paid regularly and appropriately but the reality is often very very different. They could pay them the first year then withhold all the money to fuck the chuubas over missing their bills.
>Look at that subtle falseflagging
>A tasteful bait on it
>Oh my god it even has a FWMC pic
>the graduation queue is real
I guess that's true, but if they ever need to voice her it'd be awkward. Idk if my oshi graduated I wouldn't still buy/ consume stuff Cover decides to push with her corpse.
So joining for the Holo buff and then going indie for 100% revenue profit after your simps follow you is the new meta?
And the Holodrones tried to bury this and the Ina yab amidst all the talents jumping ship. How much longer are they going to let them get away with this shit?
bai bai stinky orca
They are probably gonna bin the whole project
They wouldn't be going indie if they weren't stuck with a black company
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she isnt being forced, she is leaving instead, thats her choice
They take down the MMDs for graduates? Do you have Mel, Aqua, and Ame, then?
Yeah, they sure were risking jail time by lying on official reports
(And let's ignore that even the runts like RBC managed to buy a house in Tokyo Metropolitan area)
As soon as Aqua left to still huge numbers, that was the dam bursting for Hololive. Some people are naturally going to filter out with time, but taking the IPO and full idol autism route is going to speed shit up for a lot of the girls.
Another wasted model
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Why hasn't Gura left yet then?
>>90452898 #
To line suit pockets of course. What greater joy is there for a bootlicker?
B-but everyone in niji en are irrelevant bottom of the barrel shitters?
I don't get it
>That won't matter if the talents don't get paid at all
Sounds good. Still need to build your Holo fanbase for 2-3+ years, though (that'd put them in line with average normal idols' shelf life, too)
There's obviously not going to be any new content that requires the actual talent if they need more recordings.
They can still skinwalk the model for a 3D live if they have recordings of her singing.
>Cover is bleeding money, they appear to be heading toward bankruptcy fairly soon
Cover literally got in trouble for not paying their staff
it's all HoloEarth fault
I've seen Hololive themed motorcycle once and never seen anything related to vtuber ever again
sounds very sketchy
does it include every deduction including taxes, overhead and their cut from them? feels like overinflated bs
also plenty of companies that severely underpay their employees don't really get anyone jailed, that's just how the system works
Literally fucking who?

You are retarded.
Cloe will leave, nothing will change, that's all to it
>The graduation queue was for Hololive and not Niji

Wait, so what about her RL idol group? Is she going to continue that? If she is, should >we be worried for not!Matsuri, too?
Just think it'd be funny if, for all the talks about "le idol works bad", she is actually graduating to focus fully on her idol group
hololive antis have now been replaced by literal schizos
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/lcg/ here
Why is always you?
You keep saying this shit but never suggest how or why.
What Ina yab
It's the pre-tax payment, but everything else Cover-related is already deducted (i.e: Cover's cuts).
>overinflated bs
Lamy said on stream that her annual income was between $800K to $1.6M. If anything, $350k+ actually sounds too low (again, probably because homo and IDs were dragging the average down)
Once again, I will never be able to understand how someone can throw away the hololive golden ticket so easily no matter the reason.
Tripling down on idol shit despite it being obvious that everyone hates idol shit
I wouldn't be a diehard Hololive consoomer in this day and age.
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Way ahead of you. I didn't check your link, but I'm sure I've gotten the right one.
/vt/ is not remotely anywhere like 'everyone'
something about visas
are there any legal ramifications forced by a contract especially with NDA to say that you earn more than you actually do?
Serioudly, fuck all the horseshit coming out at such an insane rate for Hololive now. No idea what's changed, but the general worn-down feeling seems to have permiated even the longest, strongest members because they keeo pushing all this horseshit non-stop.
they got plenty of cash on hand
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You only really have yourself to blame for buying all this junk
nobody gives a fuck about the pile of dogshit that is holo earth but they keep pushing it and draining money and resources for its development
Top earner = death huh
No they didn't, they didn't pay some contractor artists revisions fee because of miscommunication with middleman then the court rule that they still need to pay them, that's it.
Cover is in a state of collapse. You'll be lucky to watch four new streams in a month soon from any given talent. Or in the case of Gura, four streams in a year.
I don't understand moonrunes so I don't really care about moonrune chuubas
I think Sony should buy out Cover Corp. That huge influx of cash would allow the talents to keep doing what they love, while taking some pressure off of Yagoo.
Same can easily be said for DA BOOOOOOOIZ, yet they still exist. Also, it has some useful features, unlike the aforementioned jomos.
Ok so Cover didn't pay them got it
If that could happen to some random contractor, then that very well could also happen with the talents
3 years of milking cash cows is enough to be set for life, or a good part of it, if you have even a modicum of sense. also she’s not retiring, she’ll be back in 2 weeks after final stream, guaranteed
They'll turn hololive into another concord
Are gooba and moom waiting in line? I guess Fauna might too Idol stuff was always her worst part.
Is this published?
Bro, they can't even pay their staff. I think they got in trouble with the government for that actually not that long ago
There's a fine line between fandom and mental illness.
The entire vtuber industry is in a state of collapse
Well too bad they were born in the wrong timeline, the opposing ideology to that is winning atm
The people on this board making fun of people like these are the same people that called others jealous nijisisters for calling their ugly Myth watches grossly overpriced
I mean, that's exactly my point.
Some of the girls can go months without streaming without any single issue. And then come back like if nothing happened.
That's why I'll never understand the overwork meme or the different direction meme. If you feel overworked then just don't stream and return after feeling rested and keep milking people for all they're worth.
There's no point in retiring. You're kicking yourself out just because. Losing a guaranteed incomparable revenue source just for funsies.
>still no 1k
She's wasn't even in top 5
Elaborate on Fauna idol stuff
>"going public won't change anything so being a schizo"
lmao even
>cover is totally bankrupt and they can't even pay their employees bro
no one believes you
Stop crabbing lol
Indies, Phase and Vshojo are fine
Only Niji and Holo are in flames at the moment
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Every single fucking holo i like ends up leaving
i hate this year so much
Fauna can't dance and sing...
I doubt their contracts force them to go out of their way to lie about their income, but you do you. Contracts can force them not to specify how much they make (which was likely why Lamy's income was a range instead of specific number), but "bring it up on your own and lie about it"? Yeah, unlikely
So how is Yagoo fucking up so bad that everyone wants to graduate/do a meme graduation now?
look at the first non-sticky thread
He does almost nothing but Chloe getting hypnotised and being lewd.
Nope. Most people are in complete denial and believe that Ame saved hololive from future graduations.
>>Every single fucking holo i like ends up leaving
So you’re saying >we should sacrifice you to a volcano to stop these graduations?
Only indie is rising and that's only due to market oversaturation
Also the fact that indies were all 2views until recently
Wait, they already put out an ANOTHER GENERATION?
Not even, Chloe technically graduates in 2025
It could very well be part of their kayfabe and they don't actually earn that much. If you're working for some entertainment industry, sometimes you'd be forced to say or do certain things as part of the contract, not because it has any legal significance.
Perfect. Chloe is actually why i have a hypnosis fetish now.
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kek couple that with the Nikkei crabbing for months.
Ame is still up possibly because the affiliate thing but better safe then sorry.
Aqua and Mel is gone but i have Aqua:
Well theoretically, the creation of this "meme graduation" encourages more graduation.

>"Wait, I can leave Hololive, AND still get Holo money from merch and concerts if I want to? AND continue as an indie?"
when before it was
>"I'm leaving Holo and I'm completely on my own now"

Obviously this new method encourages more graduation.
So Mori constantly yapping about how the Holo bar is super high and only the best of the best talent are allowed to join was a lie?
She was literally SC #2 in 2023
It less about cover being bankrupt and more of cover not paying their staff bro. Do you think big corpos who underpays their staff are almost always bankrupt? fuck no some are even earning billions.
Not the sex ones please
Please for the love of God can /vt/ move the fuck on from Hololive already.

It's like 2hu faggots ignoring that Comiket is an entire world.

Or /jp/ refusing to acknowledge they're just coomers and make real otaku look bad.

Liking Hololive makes you a secondary vtuber fan.
>get Holo money from merch and concerts
This isn't a thing. New merch won't be made and they will not be part of any concerts.
>2 makes it a herd
based retard
Thank you
Instead of just letting them stream they are forced to do a lot of other holo homework. Voicerecordings, voicepacks, all the concert shit, Events.
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fuck it, anything to keep gamers whole
Or you and that other fag are splitting hairs about a rm post on a twitter handle.
Mori can't leave even if she wanted when she's got Universal's lock and chain around her balls.
I mean
Fauna can draw
That's a talent most people don't have
Then again, most people have at least one unique skill.
Wonder if I could be recruited to be in holostar for the ability to speak Chinese fluently
According to your headcanon they aren't paying them deliberately which isn't true because they don't know there is revision fee because the middleman don't tell them
You can stop pretending to be retarded now
Shouldn't they have known what they signed up for though

It's an idol company
>Blud thinks black companies who don't/underpays their staff isn't real
Is there some kind of clause saying they cant join other agencies if they take this meme graduation? If thats the case it obvious why hololive is doing this
Can I make you a few suggestions?
Never understand the appeal of concert as vtubers but I think the others listed is a good market to explore
>Unless she's a very good singer
If anything Cover doesn't use her enough. She probably has one of the best voices and range in Hololive. If anything she probably wants to sing more without streaming.
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Imagine going from being a cozy streamer to a small debuting company to having the responsibility to feed 600 employees and hundreds of greedy investors.
The talents would have to agreed to that by contract, otherwise it would be illegal
Here's the keyword here, I never said that, who knows they could be? But I never implied that at all in my previous posts
Try again
You are making up shit. That's not what Mori said. If anything, she said otherwise.
She said that Holo puts emphasis on a girl's ability to get along with other members and not being "catty". That no matter how skilled or talented a girl is - even if they are the most amazing dancer or singer or gamer, if they cannot pass the "vibe" check, they won't be getting in Hololive.
the kpop fans of /music/
>and hundreds of greedy investors.
Yeah greedy investors like fubuki herself
The IP of their character is still owned by Cover. This isn't a buyout deal several other chuubas have taken this year were the person behind the chuuba actually owns the character IP after graduation.
haha Mio's tarot meme
so funny
yes but can dooby join an agency for example or is this forbidden by Ame's affiliation contract
Anycolor and Cover are making Japanese companies look very bad here especially internationally
/mu/ is a shit board that never got any good music appearing on it
>please care about muh /lig/gers
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/1999/ ambassador reporting in!!
I don't know who the hell she was, I was just passing and see the sticky.
hope she get well soon or my condolences for her loss.
Chloe was into Hololive for the idol route. If anything she wants to sing more and stream less.
>Vtubing is only Hololive, Nijisanji and Twitch whores
Mental illness, please stop being willingly retarded.
Says the retard lol
Keep licking their boots for free my friend
is umisea cursed?
I'm pretty sure she graduates specifically to focus on her IRL idol group.
As for Matsuri, I don't think she's gonna follow suit, because she seems to take both jobs much easier. As funny as it sounds, for original holo-menhera, I think she's much more well-adjusted.
She made ALL the money she could ever need, it is now time for IRL vanity projects. And she definitely can make money from selling her face to fashion/cosmetics/perfume brands.
>get forced to work 2 hours of work a day
don't suggest calli, bitch has a anti curse field on and the graduation curse is just going to land on (you)r oshi
That's not what they signed up for.
I literally only argue for hololive due to the amount of spite I have toward nijitroons
Oh ya making them look bad compared to woman moment EIEN, woman moment Vdere, irrelevent Pixel Link and Specialite, nobodies from brave affiliates, Grift ground zero Phase Connect and fellow japan disaster Kawaii
at the end of the day fubuki is still japanese and believes it is a persons duty to work themselves to death for their corporate overlords
That's not what I'm talking about at all. You're thinking of something else
She posted it with the phrasing I wrote on X.
>comparing literal whos to companies with big investments
Have fun with your negative profits and debt, investors!
They literally only work for 2 hours a day. If they can't bring themselves to stream after that I have no sympathy for them.
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/pcgia/ here
>muh indies
But she now has her rm idol group for that. If it takes off, people will know her as herself instead of "Sakamata Chloe".
When she can't cope with being in two idol groups at the same time, it's understandable that she'd leave one (and not the one with her sister) if she already has enough money to live comfortably for decades.
If Holo didn't go full idol she probably would've stayed
"They have always been bad"
The smear campaign already started huh.
Assuming you are a nijeet, nijisanji and every gender mixing agency has both yuri and yaoi, literally double as faggy
Don't care about her, I was going to suggest people like Noel or Matsuri.
Without breaking the rules of this board, let me phrase it like this.
Dooby is a character being played by [redacted] and owned by [redacted]. [redacted] can do whatever [redacted] wants with Dooby.
Ame is a character being played by [redacted] and owned by Cover. Cover can do with Ame whatever Cover wants because they own the Ame IP. [redacted] can not do anything with Ame unless Cover gives [redacted] the explicit permission to do so.
It feels like a domino effect is happening where the girls just suddenly realized that they actually CAN just leave and farm money as indies.
>use holo to cultivate dedicated fanbase
>go indie and take (portion of) fanbase with you
>get all the earnings while being able to do what you want
This is 100% benefitial to any vtuber and there is NOTHING a corpo can do against being "used" like this. The only reason it hasn't become commonplace until now is because the vtubers themselves were brainwashed into thinking it doesn't work or that they "need" Hololive.
It's a cynical thing and I don't like it, but it's very obvious that there's nothing to circumvent this process. The only way to prevent this would be if the going-indie stunt doesn't work out (and by that I mean truly doesn't work out, not just "hurr you became a low 4view"). And everyone knows it too, which is no doubt why people mocked kikeson et al. for their fall-offs so much.

No doubt Cover overworking the girls for idolshit is a contributing factor but I truly don't think it's the sole driver behind their decision to leave.
I don't really know if there's a solution to this issue either.
your argument would make sense IF only for the fact that literal every single fucking piece of content outside the walled garden is repulsive, empty of any thoughts and dead end
This is an industry where Hololive holds uncontested supremacy monopoly with literal no other competitor in the scene worldwide
There is Hololive or Fansly whores, no in between
Give me some better alternatives, then.
It's like the senior developer working for FAANG quitting at early 30s and switched to being a freelancer. It's actually more common than you might think
nta but vshojo and phase has been consistent
Can't think of anyone relevant that doesn't fit these three criteria except phase
And phase doesn't differ too much from the latter
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That's the least suitable word to describe them
Niji EN was actually good pre ethyria
some western indies are good
JP indies are good
Vspo is good
And of course, holo is still good. Just watch everything.
Which of your whores is going to graduate next, I wonder?
that only happens for terminations, graduations are fair game
Only in the short term while people are saviorfagging. Once that ends there's no longer a corporation to continually advertise you with other talents, events and products. Especially to anyone outside jp.
>That's why I'll never understand the overwork meme. If you feel overworked then just don't stream
oh yes it's definitely the streaming part that's overworking them, yup. not the dance lesson ,vocal lessons, recording sessions, studio time, endless japanese corporate paperwork bullshit, it's streaming.

I know that they been going this route start with Ame for people who want to quit cause they want to continue selling their merchs and sock peppet collabs
but will people still buy their merchs?
like would you buy Ame merchs now?
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but why? i don't get it?
/ag/ reporting,
Save the Whales!
Different attitude, I suppose. Sakamata seems like she really likes to be in a spotlight, so she would have an intense FOMO is she declined big group projects like Hoshimatic or Holowitches and just coasted instead.
they have far fewer graduations than livers and organs, they don't fall prey into Japanese black company culture
I don't think anyone has ever graduated out of phase, just one termination, and a couple of reshuffling from vshojo into mythic
Consistently shit, yeah.
always has been, always will be
>Blud thinks black companies who don't/underpays their staff isn't real
I genuinely wonder how you can come up with this conclusion, a retard thinking process is fascinating
Maybe next time you should've done your reps first before going with your "what if" scenario so you don't make yourself look stupid
They make more money while in Hololive versus becoming indie. look at dooby and her dwindling viewers. CVoco and Aqua both admitting they made more when in Holo
If being consistently shit means not losing my investment money then you do you
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Good riddance
What the fuck are you schizos talking about? Is this something your SEA dox discord decided is a thing and you're now repeating it like it's a fact?
Take your schizo med, drama tourist
He's asking if a talent's voice and self person is not Cover IP. Regardless, it depends on the contract, although it can be argued that certain elements within that contract could be illegal
damn how come everyone is leaving now?
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Nothing personal kid.
The cull is starting. Cover knows about the over saturation for years but they still keep getting new hires. They can't just keep expanding without removing anyone anymore.
>Maybe next time
Roru strawmanning now that you've been caught lying as to what people had said
>my investment money
Didn’t realize I walked into /biz/.
If you call electing a guy who thinks video games cause mass shootings "winning".
Idol switch occurred between gen3 and gen4. Everyone past gen4, signed up for exactly this.
She showers for 30min but BEFORE gym?
You can clearly see how different the streamers are between Veibae (I know she quit already) and kson/Kirsche and Jelly
Meanwhile everyone in holo is consistently good, bland perhaps according to some
what>>90456207 said
Just look at Aqua. Marine and the rest talked about how she had it all figured out before leaving and most streams she did so far had technical difficulties.
She streamed as a job for five years and she still has no basic computer skills.
You can't imagine the amount of babysitting hololive provides them with 24/7 IT and activity support.
Poorfags out, this hobby is for spenders not beggars
They're in the stock market now
Meaning outsider retards and legit number schizos get to have an undisclosed amount of influence over cover's direction
>investing in Phase Connect
My sides.
better than the guy who thinks video games turns cause trans, amiright?
I don’t get this meme
/pol/troons go back
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What, no one here knows the actual reason she is leaving? that sucks.
I’ll miss Bakamata.
The other side thinks they cause rape, so which did you pick?
if it wasnt for /ggg/, i would never think about gura. and i already dont come to 4chan daily. gura is gone.
We got him back, but is it worth the price?
only hololive JP, vspo JP, and karubi matter
Anon, it's been 14 months since ReGLOSS.
>western indies
You can't be serious.
>this is what Chumkeks actually believe
>board has only had bait , falseflag, and drama threads for a year
>why doesn't anyone know anything?

Gee I fucking wonder why
It’s because I got off to her before bed yesterday
She saw it and felt so disgusted that she quit her job
I'm sorry bros…
The other side wants to censor and ban every opinion they disagree with and infect innocuous media with their blatant propaganda, I'd take some guy shitposting over a group of people that pretends to be good people but are in fact bootlickers of censorship and corpos
Cover gotten good at... covering things?
it's also over for him.
Are metalfags still a quarter of population or has that shifted in the past decade?
The meaning of affiliate really should be stickied since most dont seem to understand this (or english is too hard).
Piss off
what do you think we are, psychics? We only know what they choose to tell us, and if you reject the "goals don't overlap anymore" and "health issues" explanation she gave, then all that is left is shitposts and rrats
Shut up poorfag
Your cock should be repossessed and sent to the silver mines for this crime.
Your lack of self-awareness would be amusing were it not so tragic.
That faggot was probably talking about ddoxfags' rrat about her rm idol group
NTA and offtopic but how many holomems are actually tech savvy enough to be able to stream on their own without mane-chan tardwrangling them?
Only ones that come to mind are CC, Botan and Luna
Kanata is losing another behind-the-scene lesbian girlfriend…
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>Vtubing will die when Gura leaves
No, it won't.

And you can argue she's already left. She won't stream consistently ever again for more than 2 weeks (and those 2 weeks will also be some big event like an EN debut or EN graduation)
That post applies to you the most anon.
Go back to /pol/, pinko.
>they literally just flat-out admitted that the "affiliate" tag is just a PR smoke screen to hide the sadness and negativity that comes with a graduation
Jesus christ it really is like everyone suspected. They are panicking because graduations are being SPAMMED left and right.
They don't need to be. They can just hire someone to do it for them. They already have the money. And if they get streaming going again, they can continue to pay them.
wow whats happening to hololive? so many graduations this year lol
She literally went over her reasons for leaving. You would know if you just watched the stream.
Why did it have to be the sex design that graduates?
Would've said Korone, but Okayu found out this year during their offcollab that she was playing all her old console games through OBS with massive input lag.
What's tragic is that you faggots can't stay in your designated board
it’s hilariously vile that the only time she likes to stream is to take attention away from new kouhai who need all the boost they can get
you forgot the most important one:
>they can still make merch.
You need to watch streams for that
wait, is this true? Then I can understand what she meant with that IRL reason.
Its really funny because this is the exact same thing people have been saying about Ayame for years.
Sorry if I don't want Hololive or vtubing to be infected with your garbage anon. I hope you seek help for your mental illness
She made my oshi cry. Again. Was she just in for the money ? Should my oshi graduate next so she doesn't have to do a sobbing 30 minutes stream everytime someone wants out and screws off with her pile of money ?
That's so unfair. The ones who stay have to carry the legacy of the ones who leave. Will Hololive lose all its members and crumble ? Yagoo, do something.
The malediction continues... The last gen with 5 members is now 0... Sora, Azki, Roboco, Suisei, or Miko...
Iroha won't go unless her oshi Suisei goes.
See? Ame graduated for real. All her “maybe… someday…” was all bullshit.
This board is also surprisingly filled with pinko
Oh Mel was guilty of that too, she only just recently figured that out as well. Color me surprised that Korone was nearly as ill-informed as Mel on games
this was always the endpoint of vtubers. just look at Gura.
More like Cover puts their foot down and forces her to because it brings new eyes and attention back to the branch.
Re_Gloss and Dev_Is are a separate "branch" so that the JP managers don't have more work on their plate. Consider them to be like EN is to JP, they're a separate thing with a harder focus on intergeneration co operation and idol activities rather than streaming. The investors want all other generations to make streaming secondary to idol work, like with the _ branches. Chloe's community isn't there for her idol side, but her cute girl failure side
They won't release new merch for affiliates. The character is kept alive just so they can keep being part of shit like holowitches.
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NTA, but that's just what ddoxfags and JP ddoxfags said before. There hadn't been any real confirmation (of course)
>dont pay talents you hate
>they leave
it's not actually an issue.
i hate that bitch
>offtopic but how many holomems are actually tech savvy
i have not bought a single one of these things
are you adding McMiko to this collage
Damn I could really go for some nacho fries right now.
Oh, sorry, anon, no she left because cover is a black corpo that doesn't pay their talents! She also couldn't accept one China policy so she had to go! And she absolutely hates idolshit! Hololive is doomed, you should watch PhaseConnect!
Is this more to your liking, brownoid?
Nobody has said anything like that before. Which SEA facebook group did you get this from?
>3rd girl in a row to state Cover is going in a bad direction
>Fox girl still quiet
So is FBK no longer the canary in the mine?
im kinda happy for this, when chloe debuted she stole a lot of noel artists, hopefully they will come back lol
why is nerissa culvers on there
Just woke up, the speculation last night was true? Damn...
>watch stream to find the reason
I'm not in the habit of listening to someone read TOS guidelines.
Fubuki probably has Elira level privilege since she's an OG and can't see the forest for the trees since she got hers
Nice meltdown, fake doxxfag. She is not part of any idol group.
Fubuki is the canary in the literal sense.
The coal miners leaving claim that their arms hurt and they aren't getting treated well by the boss

If fubuki leaves, its the canary dying from toxic gas form the mine, and the whole thing is about to explode.
She doesn't leave when a yellow flag pops up. She'll leave when its straight red. Or should I say, black.
what are some of the biggest indie?
I guess there is Ui but she got a lucky break with her meme song going viral
she's gonna die nanora
we did it 1000 replies
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I went to go check if someone just graduated last night when I saw this before going to bed. Relieved that there were no graduations, I went to sleep. I wake up to see this news now.
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It's over, the demon won...
"I like the new direction, fuck dem hoes that don't"
Well shit....... friendly reminder to treat yourself today. Take it easy.
>Nobody has said anything like that before
Look at /hlg/ archive
Heck, look at the comment section in that group's introduction vid. They were all months old at least (and in JP while I'm at it)
>Which SEA facebook group
No need for projection, anon
no, retard, a lot of Hololive is also bad.
Because that worked out sooo well for kizuna right?
Where did you see "bad direction" in Chloe's stream?
lol, managers are probably even more clueless about tech.
Such as?
I'm from /jp/ so I know you're full of shit. All of this shit was invented by your SEA doxx group.
Fubuki is a bootlicker and a big shareholder, she only cares about how much money the corpo is making.
>the Holobrony finally realizes.
japs are mentally ill
Are you saying that some SEAfags went as far as translating their comments into Japanese and commented in their vids months ago for this?
But Chloe’s oshi is still there… why…
baby orca in the oven
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and the whisky too. They are trying to give obesity, cancer and liver failure to their fans.
Go post a link to that video on /hlg/ right now. You can't get banned so you have no reason to not do it.
Breathable air could be a market, stop breathing today to own the future investors.
>Sakamata Chloe Graduation
Who? fuckmeat for ghosts?
I thought they are done with anything related to Taiwan
don't give ideas to Nestle.
Another one bites the dust
He should have taken the incel pill
Is Chloe's oshi Shion or something?
Yes, I am ghosts.
yes? how do you not know this
I won't be posting a full link, but here, their OG SYHXU8EE4wc for you to listen and check yourself
This year has been wild
Because I don't follow Shion / Chloe 24/7 like what most folk do and only know that Chloe's oshi is Shion because of fanart I see on here.
Why are you posting a video that has nothing to do with Chloe?
Now imagine those deadweight middle managers and investors you are feeding also make your job harder, restrict what you can do and blocking your projects.
>Lost A-chan, Aqua, Ame, and now Chloe
>Dooby basically beelined it straight to the "top" indie girls crowd
>All of the girls minus A-chan have at least hinted that Cover is doing something in the background so fucky they're willing to quit over it
>GG, Biboo, Kobo and even Bae are all fighting to be the "new Gura"
Have you never seen total recall?
nah ayame cute
cover is going to shit, what the fuck is happening?
Any of it didn't happen, it was all in arnie's head
More than likely full throttle on active girls doing their own concerts instead of skinwalker allegations
Add to that more corpo sponsorships which means the girls opinions on the product/service comes second to the paycheck for Cover
It's what Steve Jobs used to call Toner Heads.
Quads of truth
Just woke up, can't believe Chloe is graduating before laplus and gura. It's no real loss to me though, Chloe never really did much. She was probably the most popular girl on debut, but she never lived up to it.
the irony of steve jobs calling other people useless
Bro even just being a low 4 view is more money than most people will ever make, there is no failstate here, they've got it made.
>Fighting to be the next gura
....but they actually stream tho
If the Hoyos are not lying and they actually are not millionaires with the amount of viewers they have, then the optimal play for almost everyone is to use Hoyo to get popular and then leave the slave contract and get to keep all the money to themselves.
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Queue is real...
Why are nijisisters so boastful when they had it worse
That sounds like the exact opposite.
That sounds like "I'm sticking to this shit until they announce my death on stream"
Wtf is /1999/?
it should have been La+
Yeah, I wonder why. Not taking a longer holiday for this. Only brought it up because multiple other anons mentioned it and the other guy (you?) kept asking for verification that it wasn't just some SEAfags group
based. threaten them with suicide.
I meant to say their personality is shifting to "fill" in the Gura style of personality. You see it most in the more recent of biboo streams
give it some time
It's not that much money, but it's a good amount for how little effort they have to put in.
No, she says it's over once she's done everything she wants to do. Same as Marine.
>>All of the girls minus A-chan have at least hinted that Cover is doing something in the background so fucky they're willing to quit over it
Meanwhile Lui, Marine, Koyori, Suisei, Lamy and several others praised and / or justified Cover / Hololive time over time, but I guess their opinions don't count
How so? I just thought that you're being dishonest and pretending to be retarded but turns out you're actually retarded that you don't even know what happen on that case yet you use for your argument, so yeah sorry that you're actually retarded.
She's not part of that group you stupid SEAtard.
I KNEW this was some trash you learned from your SEAbook group.
>>All of the girls minus A-chan have at least hinted that Cover is doing something in the background so fucky they're willing to quit over it
Tourist. Piss off.
Is that wrong, then? Aiming to be the best shouldn't be a bad thing last I checked (even more so when said "best" has been basically vacating her spot for months)
hey guys, I'm getting hungry, what should I eat (has to be in my fridge)
except all those girls are way different than gura. Gura is lower energy, more chilled out, than those girls Biboo is high gamer energy, Gigi is loud and stupid energy, Bae is loud australian thats actually kind of smart. I dont know much about kobo but she collabs with guys and is a brat, not like gura at all
Nta but do keep in mind people (and shitters) will easily discard this and say they're just bootlickers and or being paid extra to placate the fans.
Family of 4
botan has no future outside of cover
thanks 4chan, making me quote the wrong post
Then all Cover has to do is not let her do the last thing she wants to do.
Morning BLT and and nice cold orange juice
Ghosts, probably
Yeah, just like not!Matsuri isn't, too
Whatever, I'm not going to entertain you anymore. You sound like a retard who is in denial (why, though?) and assuming everything came from the "SEAbook group" boogeyman even when provided with freaking JP comments. Keep going.
you are comparing the worst singer of EN to one of the "good"
Are you saying A-chan said something or what?
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Sounds more like "f the affiliate thing". She will have proper graduation.
I'm not saying they're direct ports of Gura, i'm saying they want to take her "spot"
Realistically, the closest "Gura" out there (personality wise) is probably that indie slime girl that streams with her mom, or Girl_DM
NTA and don't know what he meant, but plenty of girls (both popular and less-popular) praised Cover / Hololive and enjoy their growth despite difficulties it brings
People make it out to be a controversial opinion but reincarnations are not the same vtuber, even if the actress is the same.
For a recent example, Amelia Watson the vtuber is the gestalt sum of the actress' personality, the character she played, the audience involved narrative that shaped her as she went along, and the interactions between her and the other vtubers in Hololive.
Dooby has the same actress, but the character will be/is different, even slightly, the people she will interact with will be/are different, her community will be different, and even her content will be different.
I've learned that this is true enlightenment when it comes to vtubing.
I have never cared about roommates and doxxfaggotry or tenseis ever since. Hell, I don't give a shit about what happens company side either, when people start talking about Cover my eyes glaze over. I'm just here for HOLOLIVE.
I don't care about graduations (that much) either, it's more like being sad that a show I liked ends and never gets anymore episodes, it's not like I don't have other shows to watch. Just like I'll still have Hololive's CGDCT to enjoy in the future.
Granted, if I was more of a gachikoi sort of watcher that was legit parasocial (imo there's nothing wrong with being so with the talent I'd be more affected, I understand that, but as is this shit is just entertainment for me.
>holo has been increasingly moving away from streaming activities
>more japan tv slop variety shows
>more voicepacks
>more merch
>more recording for bullshit things the fans never get to see
>holoearth containing ZERO hololive references to both fans and talents
It's never been more over. Time to go back to pre-2010s eroge. Those girls will never betray me. They will never abandon me. I should've never listened to my zoomer friends. Vtubers were destined to fail.
I’ve done nothing but read and talk about this graduation for 5 hours…
>My justification for ditching Gura when she leaves - "Loyal" Chumbud
I'm saying none of them hinted at anything. Ame and Aqua were both two of the most socially awkward members and ones the least interested in the idol/singing/dancing side of things and just wanna play games, and hence likely left as concerts and other events became more frequent. Not sure about why Chloe would leave though. Sad stuff.
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>Her throat is also in a bad condition.
Matsuri is part of it and Chloe isn't. What's the point of repeating such an obvious lie?
If you truly believe this it must be because you learned it from your SEA dox group where everyone believes the same shit but doesn't have the brains to actually recognize different voices.
You didn't provide any JP comments.
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The way things used to be
non-corpo --> 0 - 200 ccv
corpo --> 10,000+ ccv

The way things are now
non-corpo --> 0 - 10,000 ccv
corpo --> 5000+ ccv

Basically the advantage corpos had in the market has been eroded. These days the big advantage corpos can offer people is various 3D concerts and events, but not everyone is into that stuff. Showing their weakness in modern times: it used to be the case that corpos would wall off their precious talents from access by outsiders, but these days things are actually reversed. If the corpo wants to keep people employed they have to allow them outside collabs.

there's also a huge rush to graduate in general, because the first graduations get the biggest boost upon leaving. Whereas the 10th and 11th barely get any boost
I mean grandma is already in the retirement age
she can just live on 401k pension after
>>more recording for bullshit things the fans never get to see
I never understood this part. Who gets to see it then?
This is some pretty interesting pro-indie delusional cope. Is this a new thing people do now?
The people who are really crazy about 3D shows are the japanese. The western market doesn't care that much, they just want streams. Often when the girls take huge extended vacations to record a single 3D show, they are doing more harm to themselves than good. In the western market at least
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>Botan actually dies on stream
Having to work 9-5 for two days every two months or so was too much for them.
You'd probably hear the cocking of the gun and then the gunshot.
Actual indies have to rely on corpo to get fame at the start
Pillowdear doesn't count, she targeted on a niche market
Good riddance. Nobody cares about her after she became a cumdump for pro SF players.
>Forced homo collabs incoming. Yagoo WILL save his boys even if he has to nuke the girls to do it.
I thought haato was going to grad since years ago
but shes still around
This exactly. Most of the big indies started out as corpo vtubers and retained a part of their audience, that's it. The few exceptions are just that, exceptions, and indies have about a one-in-a-million chance of being one of those.
ngl I've never seen a Gura stream, nor am I subbed to her
I was contrarian in year one because of how popular she got and never bothered to sub especially ever since her "semi retirement"
>Also this is more of an affiliation as she can supposedly come back, and she mentioned that even she doesn't really understand the terms and conditions.
Okay this is bad. This means she doesn't have her own legal representation reading the new terms and advising her on what they mean and what she should do. Typical of a corpo that is only out for themselves.
As far as I know, there can be permission problems or copyright holder fallout if even things like how a product is presented incorrectly. So let's say a girl needs to record an advert collab with some food company, and the food company doesn't like the outcome, they can just veto it and all the time spent scripting, drafting, and recording the advert is wasted.
The girl wastes her time. They waste time they could have spent streaming. They waste time they could have spent practicing singing or dancing. They waste time they could have been handling real life shit.
There's also a lot more shit that could happen like a middle manager suddenly just deciding that a project isn't worth pursuing even if a talent is paying entirely out of pocket to fund something. Hololive has become too corpo.
>non-corpo --> 0 - 10,000 ccv
>corpo --> 5000+ ccv
lmao even
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im gonna miss chloe mostly because she's sexy as fuck

>huge tits
>white hair
The fans still get to see 3D shows.
Dev_is is a fucking failure of a project, if this is the case then the future of HL is very grim
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why do the sexiest holos always leave first
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>Still subbed to her PL (that was colonized by gaijin cock before Hololive)

We're reclaiming her JPbros
Man, I feel like Botan has been depressed ever since her loss.
Hopefully she recovers soon.
You should've realized that the moment they started to sell you merch like any modestly youtuber does these days.
Is chloe's asmr archived anywhere? I want to have a quick fap before she leaves..
The coomers gravitate towards them but then scared the talent away
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>Pillowdear doesn't count
she's too strong...
Bad takes are just part of the recording process. I don't think that's what the phrase "more recording for bullshit things the fans never get to see" meant.
nya poka
Because they're spoiled by their model and think they can just cruise off of it. A lot of the hardest working holos have or had ugly janky models..
About time
I'm gonna miss that model. It's one of the best tit models I've seen in a long time and I enjoyed how much of a gremlin she was.
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At first I thought it was just a jp thing (which technically is) but now they are direct about it with all branches.
look at Mint Fantome. Back in the day she was one of the top indies on youtube....with 200 ccv.
These days she is once again one of the top indies on youtube...with 4000 ccv.

Times have changed. The corpo advantage is disappearing
All Holo models are janky. Ugly is a matter of opinion and I still say none of them are sexy by themselves and the fanart does the heavy work.
>non-corpo --> 0 - 10,000 ccv
Yeah, and she is an ex-corpo, not a true indie. It's like saying Dooby represents indies when majority of her fans are holofags
Even Fillian would've been better example
Number monkey not being brain damaged for 5 minutes, impossible
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they really made a poor's man chloe model before the real graduates huh... Now it all makes sense.
Not a number monkey. If he was one, he would get his numbers straight.
That's a phasecuck falseflagging as /lig/ger
>number monkey
>getting numbers straight
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Baaased and you lil bro won't do shit
I hate this design, everything about it feels off and unbalanced. I don't think I've hated a design this much since kiara.
The ceiling for non-corpo vtubers has been erased. It used to be unthinkable a non-corpo vtuber could ever reach as high as 1k. These days the sky is the limit, they can get to 10k if they want
Her face looks wonky
I really loved her(
At this point it really looks like cover decided to go full in niji mode with quantity over quality and they have an actual graduation schedule of releasing their top talents like every 2-3 month...who's next? it will be definitely someone from gen 0...
I wish Lulu got more views then.
Why are her arms so skinny
Go to /lig/, post that, and we shall see what you get
this makes me chuckle
>Indie can't reach high numbers!
>no true indie fallacy
In this context they count because we're specifically talking about why someone might choose to graduate, it's just no longer true that leaving your corpo necessarily decimates your audience.
In contrast you have Vshojo forcing their talents to talk to a lawyer before signing them so they can explain their contracts to them so they understand them.
That's a honorary Holo
Kiara's model accomplishes something impossible.
A girl with large boobs and a short miniskirt who is not attractive whatsoever
i fucking hate this, also
>Towards a More Inclusive and Diverse Production
...is this happening because of some DEI bullshit?
>does fleshie garbage
She can fuck off
Is she okay?
>the most successful leech
That's because Kiara is repulsive overall.
That's what /big/ is for
Mio got pregnant and had a baby. I'm the father, if you must know.
Botan has been in a doom and loom mode for a while now, hopefully with Nene back she can cheer up more.
it never was true, but on the flip side you have Rica and quinn. Just because you graduate from a corpo is no gurantee that you'll bring the audience over
>They love their fans and their character.
Marine absolutely doesn't.
Any 2view tuber tries to sell shit and gets paid promotions, Hololive having grown the way it did was going to be an obvious target.
I see a lot of people say shit like this but I don't trust any of these opinions because most of them are because of the halo effect. If she had a different, popular design, people would be praising her work ethic instead.
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I only watched her around her debut but man, this got to me. The everyday live I take for granted WILL come crumbling down, I was just looking the other way and pretending it wouldn't, the illusion has been broken. Now I'm just depressed, what's the point of anything?
>>Lost A-chan, Aqua, Ame, and now Chloe
You left out Mel
Are you going to follow her PL?
cope and seethe
I'd say she loves maximizing her profit via hilarious antics FOR her fans, but yea
She definitely would pepper spray the most attractive Marine-fan
>These days she is once again one of the top indies on youtube...with 4000 ccv.
And the best HoloJP member easily pulls in 40k ccv
The males never succeed outside of corpos
Meanwhile their total view drops from collabing with females are significant
Shoto is an indie and he's doing pretty well
Yet somehow their salary is about the same, if you take into account Company taxes and all that.
mostly only if they were in a corpo and left
working your talents to death like they're fucking salarymen is going to end cover.
they think more work = more good, but when these girls literally live and die by the health of their voice/throat that policy is going to push a lot of girls to quit earlier.
combine that with the fact that the work they want them to do isn't streaming? chloe isn't the last who's going to leave for the exact same reasons
I've only watched her 5-10 times at most and that was because I had no one else to watch, so no.
thanks for the good times stinky orca
>Whoreca gone
Good. I've been saying since day 1 she's a blight on her gen and now they can heal.
Hopefully Raora is next.
The Hololive Dream is Collapsing

>holoearth containing ZERO hololive references to both fans and talents
That's because all the cosmetics that do have hololive references are locked behind maximum FOMO
2 hours a day
4 days a month
Literally slavery
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>not elizabeth
who do holotrannies get stickies?
they fucking have like 1000 talents, who cares
I have no idea whats going on
The only actual blight that left is Sana
I don't hate her
It's just that her model is fucking hideous
Elizabeth doesn't have Ren Zotto shaped nipples.
>Hopefully Raora is next.
this but fuwamoco
phaseseethe about it
I set them up, you knock them down fellow VShobro!
her personality sucked too.
I'm glad she got axed because it was a quick lesson to cover that nepotism doesn't pay. Imagine if something like the Clique existed in Hololive
I remember her.
>majority of your income comes from atreaming
>Btw you have mandatory idol lessons that take you away from that
I cant wait for fauna to escape from hilolive
I always wonder what a coombait version of fuwamoco would be
Is this Aqua?
Pomu and Selen got stickies, retard.
No, it's Sakuna
the amount of dropoff once Ame quit proves its really "Gura/Ame in Hololive" board
None of this shit bothers me at all. I get bombarded by ads daily, this is just pissing into the ocean. At least here, I get to feel like I'm supporting my oshi. Maybe I'll change my mind if they start pushing NFTs or something.
Forget not watching streams you're not even a fucking threadreader, you subhuman. Others besides Holos have gotten stickies before. Which discord did you come from? Let me guess, bvtm?
If shit talking black companies makes me a Vshobro then just call me Ironmouse. Total ブラック企業 death.
>nepotism doesn't pay
Screw streams, this is the future of vtubers
>Listens to her for the first time
>Hear that laugh
Man, Hololive really screwed up.
I like honda, taco bell, and culvers alreadt
He was a Luxiem-adjacent. I've yet to see any indie male not related whatsoever to Holo / Niji / VSpo (not a member, or ex-member, or publicly friend with) being successful
I wonder how many girls need to graduate before Cover realizes that the direction they're going is making the girls quit.
>nepotism doesn't pay
Gamers is literally Fubuki's nepotism gen
Yeah, but, compared to Niji, even the worst Holo is big, lmao.
Did chloe have any good juicy members content? if someone scrapes all of the members streams I would look into downloading it if it had anything
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>Every single ex-holo was/is a male collaber
So are all of you going to be okay with it? Pretend it's a one off thing? Or justify ditching them?
I would say at max 3 more
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unlike indies who never take sponsorships or advertise products or sell merch
you retards do understand that for streamers there is far far more money in sponsored streams and deals than there is in subs or tips right?
the entirety of gamers was a nepo gen
He probably left her out because she was TERMINATED.
I don't think so, for Mio maybe, but Koro-san and Okayu do great by themselves.
>begging for hololive leaks
>on 4chan of all places
Back to Discord, tourist
holy shit where do you newfags come from???
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/vsj+/ here. Thinking about how Loutlot said that there were some people prepared to join VShojo JP but couldn't yet for reasons he could not state. And how the 4 JP members we just got were all 2views that couldn't possibly have been who he was talking about with that statement. And how there were multiple hints of there being 5 JP's instead of the 4 that debuted.
see >>90449039
She did not sign anything, she means if she asks if she can comeback
Maybe but his choice of wording was poor if that was the case.
Whether terminated or graduated, we LOST Mel just as much as we lost the others
Chloe was kind of a problem child wasn't she?
>A literal nobody graduates
Wake me up when something real happens.
Nepotism isn't inherently bad. It just means getting a job thanks to connection with those with influence / power in the company.
Yeah but pushing cancer, obesity, alcoholism and Chinese spyware to people who support you ain't ethical and is just greed. Surely they can find better sponsors.
Damn, I can't believe I missed the meltdown when this happened.
It's bad for us audience if they scraped the more suitable ones
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When will we get Nijisanji "affiliates"
GEEGA was right
>four if you count coco
Not even. "Coco's" issue obviously wasn't the direction of Hololive, but Vtubing itself.
There are no carpet munchers.
>corporations are greedy for sponsorship
Many such cases
When at least 10-20% of Hololive graduates in a year
3 girls a year in good terms (technically 2 since Chloe is leaving next year) is sad but not policy-breaking, especially when many girls are still happy with their growth
Who? Lol.
But Mio WAS nepo-hired, anon. Fubuki managed to snag her in because she (Mio) was too late to sign up for Gen 2 and she wasn't waiting for Gen 3 to arrive.
Yeah but if you're terminated it usually means you left on BAD TERMS! This is why she (mel) isn't thought of fondly unlike members who graduated and leave on GOOD TERMS.
It's not even pure nepotism. It got them the audition, but they still have to pass it.
Fuck off tourist
5bros here is how we can still win!
Anyone gaining any remote bit of hope from this "affiliate status" that they'll be back or something are the same people who unironically believe a company keeps your name on file when you fail a job interview.
Mel didn't really leave on bad terms. Both she and Cover seem to be amicable enough. Cover showed regrets (but it was something they had to do) and Mel admitted fault even in her rm.
Holo members and fans definitely think of her as fondly as anyone else
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Viva la revolución
>Graduation: Good terms.
>Termination: Bad terms.
Mel may have made a mistake and got to say goodbye to everyone but the point still stands.
>unlike indies who never take sponsorships
Doki literally got sponsored by NIKKE last month but you carry on.
They are too lazy to crop it out please understand
Nepotism almost inevitably means you are getting the wrong person for the job.
Imagine in a country of 320 million people, the best possible person to run the country *just happens to be* the previous president's son. Wow what a coincidence!
It's not a good sign, it means you aren't picking people for competence but for associations.
>sorry teehee we’re suddenly gutting you over a minor offense but we wuv you
if /lig/ wasnt a dying rotting shithole i would be more excited for hololive graduations
Gamers are literally the best generation though.
Dying? that thread is almost as fast as Global sometimes
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That 5th portal has been the bane of my existence since this image was fully revealed. That and the big gap inbetween the 4 of them that seems perfect to slot someone in the center.
then what is she doing here!?
Counter-argument: People try going the indie route for a while, retain some followers, realize doing it all on your own kinda sucks, come back. Hasn't happened yet, but I wouldn't rule it out. We'll see.

Meanwhile Filian routinely dedicates 3+ hours to playing boring games she was paid to play.
Funny you said this, but my company does keep a shortlist of failed, but impressive enough applicants to contact if we have a position open within 5 months (no idea who initially decided that duration).
Having most positions filled even before the recruitment posted and interviews happened probably plays a part in that, but I'm not part of HR
they're getting carried by a schizo, and making a new split every other week
The "new direction" could be experimental or the whims of a new senior manager. If the experiment fails for the guy in charge get kicked out, they could potentially revert. I don't think it's likely to happen, but it wouldn't be impossible for there to be at least 1 returning member in the future. People leave and return to companies in the real world too.
but why would chloe then choose affiliation over graduation?
yeah, full of schizos
2 people went through the same portal in the animation

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