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Public Execution Edition

Thread for avant-garde/alternative/horror/weird indie Vtubers!

>VTuber list

>Question of the thread
How would your oshi like to go?

Previous Thread:
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Currently Streaming

Maime making Blood Necklaces

Pumpkin playing Powerwash Simulator
Kiki is LIVE playing Age of Empires 2
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>how would your oshi like to go?
Idk if she's mentioned it but drowning or any other kind of slow suffocation seems fitting for maime. Anything to preserve her pretty face and porcelain skin
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i hope zombee is doing ok
she was so excited to be in the community interacting with everyone and putting out some really cool projects
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If you had a video game based on your favorite /freak/ vtuber, what genre would you want it to be and what artstyle would you want it in?
In the style of Eluku99
Who's the lucky vtuber?
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Kiki Pyonpyon
Minori is playing FFX
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Everything from art, graphic, to model is self-made. Except for the obvious AI generated ones, but those are then edited too to look distinct
La creatividad
The only ones not by me are certain art like the eyecatch which I mentioned was from Must
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Couldn't stay up to catch the karaoke. Does anyone have the Pamu vod perchance?
Not in the usual place yet, but it'll probably be there soon
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https://www.twitch.tv/sinuuki Aussie zombie live playing POOLS
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https://www.twitch.tv/ecto undead rat playing games with friends
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A Trauma Center type of medical visual novel in the Ghost Trick style would be cute
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Gunai frens, eepy time for me
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goodnight friend!
Want to suck on what's left of her tongue
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It feels appropriate that Lilianne is now with us formally
Would die for this vampire
Sad that I slept through her karaoke. I need to take my frustrations out on this angel
What kind of frustrations Anon?
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Physical and emotional. Maybe even spiritual. That's why I'm targeting the angel to make her pay for every slight that the world has offended me with. God I would fuck Pamu up
That sounds lewd.
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its very lewd. Pamu would get the roughest rape and beatings from me. She would spend the entire day tied up in a dark room while I'm at work and would only get untied to be used like an object as well as being forced to clean up the mess afterwards. Eventually she'll begin to believe that she's actually just a Dutch wife that was purchased and will feel nothing but dread when she's not fulfilling her purpose by having her faced bashed in, her hair pulled hard enough to come out, her throat squeezed until she loses consciousness all while being used like a cumrag to relieve my pent up frustrations and lust.
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You okay there pal?
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I'm doing great! Thanks for asking
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What are these things in the Suwawa profiles? do they all have a monster form like kuzu lilianne?
I'm not sure but I hope they get full pics.
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omo playing beyond two souls
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https://www.twitch.tv/ha0nk Goofie the clown is a mug today and is playing Baldur's Gate 2
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Good afternoon /freak/!
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goodnight /freak/
good afternoon friend
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Gunai fren
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Giant para sex
i want to staple the omohole shut
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You gonna fill it first?
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Kiki learning about medieval warfare
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https://www.twitch.tv/mishymolly snale is live and doodling
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Aus Zombie chit-chatting
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playing Dead Space!
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Gunai frens
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goodnight friend!
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the zombie raided into the snail
Bunny bum
I love how recognizable Akira's droopy eyes are
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Any druggies?
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Gomi is unfortunately not with us anymore
Wait what
I mean she's not around as Gomi anymore
SHOULDVE WORDED IT DIFFERENTLY!! My heart sank and my stomach churned there!!
LOL I'm so sorry anon. I didn't realize how that looked until after I posted it
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New Ljot
What's the term for this kind of art?
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https://ljotswanhild.bandcamp.com/album/espresso-wanderweg-ep Check out her free newly released EP here!
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https://www.twitch.tv/maimemeow Maime is live and here to party + discuss her new merch!
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https://uwumarket.us/collections/maimemeow Maime's new merch featuring keychains, stickers, standees, T-Shirts, hoodies and sweatshirts!
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I am once again manifesting a ljot/cement tea collab
those digits, i kneel
the blessed ep
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Don't die /freak/
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Good morning /freak/!
Brilliant digits, fren!
Ganbare /freak/
I'm going to the gym
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ganbare gymanon!
Begging to be raped
How can I be so glorious incandescent?
File deleted.
Good luck gymanon! I'm about to do some boxing myself! Break a sweat!
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Just got back
Have fun, boxbro
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>>91237123 (me)
Would you look at that! Looks like we both stepped underneath the imageboard mistletoe by posting at the exact same second. Pucker up anon
Erm molly maybe you should get out of that ballpit I heard that, well..
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it was her. She was the one who did it and this art is her way of confessing
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I can't believe snel is a cold blooded criminal
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Chu <3
Two posts
Same second
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I love this vampire
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Spank the zombie
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Doing Spin the Wheel Trick or Treat Karaoke now!
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Spank the zombie rat
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goodnight /freak/!
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Gunai fren
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Awa is Live playing New Super Mario RPG
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If I ate my friend on stream would I get banned? I wouldn't have a live camera and the food itself wouldn't be obviously from a person so it should be fine right? It also wouldn't be deadly because he's just having parts removed medically and would be in the call with me while I do it.
Well, it's consensual, and it's ethically sourced.
I personally don't see a problem with it.
What parts are we talking?
Some parts aren't safe for consumption
Intestines. my friend has a sausage maker and plans to use them as casings. I did some research and realized if I don't cook it right I might catch something fatal though so I might have to scrap this idea lmao
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Sinuuki playing Hypnagogia: Boundless Dreams
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Gunai freak
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good morning /freak/!
goodnight friend!
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https://www.twitch.tv/cvnka binka is live
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How many chuubas have we sacrificed this year?
Fauna soon. We got a vegetarian option!
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and it was all worth it
What do you think she saw?
Kuzu doing that weird.. mouth thing that she can do. Very unsettling
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>Kuzu has that tongue
>Meanwhile Suwawa
Nice soles
only a guess
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gonna sleep for realsies now
Sounds like every suwawaverse character has a creepy side to them
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Its a natural part of life.
"The weak and ill-constituted shall perish; first principle of our philanthropy. And one shall help them to do so (by devouring them)"
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https://www.twitch.tv/misspeggyx This cute sow is live and going to be playing Silent Hill 2 Remake!
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https://www.twitch.tv/parasi This Parasi is live for Torture Tuesday!
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No. only eat.
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>Parasi's insecurities over the size of her tail caused her to buy a clip-on to make it appear bigger and gave the police a line to trace, leading to her eventual arrest
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the sow raided the ladybug who is playing Dead Space 2!
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playing Morrowind in her natural habitat
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Good afternoon /freak/!
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How /freak/y is your twitch recap?
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I got five out of ten /freak/s if I include youtube.

Also apparently I didn't send a single chat in Para's stream all year. Bnnuy never even knew I was there...
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making her food dance
I'm shy in most chat's to be honest, I have to really feel comfortable with a streamer to chat consistently. Thankfully all of /our/ streamers are really nice so I don't feel as afraid.
I feel you. Kadi, Must and Melodi are all people I'm friends with outside of streaming so it makes sense I would have sent so many chats.
Denpa makes sense since I'm super bipolar and always worried how I'll be perceived by others, especially through text. I feel comfortable in her chat since she's very open about having the same condition.
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I'm so sorry everyone. I swear if the list were 10 streamers long it would be nothing but /freak/s in the latter half
is there an archive of pamu's streams anywhere? I am a newfriend and her yt does not have that many archives on it
You belong.mp4
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https://www.twitch.tv/pumpkinsynth Pumpkin playing Astro Bot
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The aussie bnuy is so inspirational
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Kiki zatsu with new model and finger tracking
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>maime will never carry your eggs
Why even molt?
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goodnight /freak/!
Nini fren
Yoo based wishy enjoyer!
Also don't worry about it. Part of the fun of these sorts of things is seeing what people are into outside of our own niche. My non-vtuber youtube account ended up being almost all video game challenge channels for example.
Awa is Live
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uhhh sex?
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not very /freak/y... but its the second year this bnuy has been at the top!
fun fact
Vedal rhymes with beetle
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Is Pamu a lewdtuber
She's done a few lewd streams, but its not her main focus.
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She is a straight up AVtuber
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I love this little buttslut~
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not that new of a friend, but same question here. Been watching vods from past two months and got curious to see some from earlier this year
There's one in the discord
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https://www.twitch.tv/sinuuki Aussie zombie playing Life is Strange Remastered
I have some that I can upload somewhere
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https://x.com/CinaHakoniwa/status/1866713940765622542 wow!
Akira and AwA also got one, kinda tempting

Cina is Live!
I'd appreciate that, anon
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I rarely ever go on /vt/ but I used to almost religiously watch Akina back in the day, at least 5+ years ago, things happened, I forgot about her. Though now it seems like...everything wiped and she is normal? Does any anon know what happened, if anything I remember her gradually ramping up her own self harm with plans to even go 3D and stuff...but now it's just normal esque talking streams, regular vtuber cutesy stuff and whatnot, sort of disappointing even if there is a silver lining with her being seemingly more happy.
Heard about how she was kicked out, raped and all of the regular vtuber shenanigans but if anyone to quit being upfront about harapans and everything else is honestly really fucking strange.
Not only that, but it seems like even the free stuff from half a decade ago has been wiped from the internet, I'm talking publically available youtube and or downloadable things
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https://www.twitch.tv/cvnka binka live
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_7DrFu4C2c Mai-chan playing The Glitch Prison
Gunai frens~!
Chu <3
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>I can do some Rs. Grrrr for example
What do you think they feel like?
She got corrected by Youtube (banned three times) and left her abusive ex, which probably upped her confidence. Shes even made a collab with an irl S&M hostess club this year
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has she really softened up that much? I know her youtube is way more normal than before probably because she doesnt want to get banned again but her DLsite stuff is still pretty extreme. Not that I have the best memory of things
playing Parking Garage Rally Circuit
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Cute that binka had no idea mall of america was a thing
She didn't know it even existed or didn't know it was in Minnesota? Because I remember kid me being shocked to learn it was in Minnesota
She has a futanari castration(?) voice pack on dlsite iirc
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https://www.twitch.tv/cvnka/clip/SpeedyCourageousWrenchFUNgineer-VXf9069whgXaiXD4 The Joker serving as Cv's navigator. I love the AI TTS program she has linked to her stream
I remember her being totally upfront about it and having links to a lot of things. Now I have to dig for basically anything. It is just surprising since she was the most upfront about ryona, with how it was littered in every content
She was like
>there's no way there's some kind of mega mall in minnesota
Which I think is a fair reaction, but midwest people love to shop apparently.
I had a similar reaction because I assumed that nothing went on in Minnesota other than the occasional football game. After getting older I can't imagine the Mall of America being anywhere else
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https://gofile.io/d/6BZL1I I had less than I remembered, I think they're tucked away in a corner somewhere. There's also a few karaoke vods if you're interested.
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Karaokes I'd love to see. Somebody shared the emo karaoke awhile ago, which I'm thankful for. Btw affiliate celebration stream is on her channel in the "videos" tab
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https://gofile.io/d/Yp0Ec0 here you are
Last year was pretty eventful with how she was treated. From the abuse, the hospital stay, not being able to get medical support because her disability license expired.
She kinda changed after that. Even her voice doesnt sound as weak and frail as before.
bless you, anon
You'd think it would make people happy to see her grow but...doesn't that defeat her own original point to begin with? Sure it would be fun to see her dreams come true but then she wouldn't be unique, now she just has a few wacky visuals and themes without anything to follow up on it.
The only real thing I remember was some countdown fundraiser thing and she just cried and screamed for an hour in a stream from it in full body tracking when it expired. Dunno what that was though
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https://www.twitch.tv/misspeggyx Peggy is live and going to be playing Silent Hill 2 Remake
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https://www.twitch.tv/parasi This Parasi is live!
Freaky deaky
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omo playing hitman absolution
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Cvnka raided Comdost who just raided Parasi. An indirect Chu

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