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Holofighter edition

This thread is for the discussion of vtuber wrasslin' feds, official vtuber streams of wrestling content, and the various fan projects they inspire.

HoloFightZ, the original fan project to bring Hololive to the squared circle.
>Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/holofightz
>Archive - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGgJUUcCCg5dzRkyG8-fNBw
>Archive Magnet Links - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13yW33SdapXW5GEuKu4uFFjM3bH-cr0dUSr0jLjhZQfE/edit#gid=0
>Music Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPVRBbmPJfj21iujCdCYLRW6LkzymhskT
>Website - https://holofightz.surai.xyz/
>Latest Stream - Stream 69
>Upcoming Stream - TBA

HFZ Dark, the DEFINITELY CANON story of the Holo fans, the Holostars, graduated Hololive talents, and the stories that bind them together.
>Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/hfzdark
>Archive - https://www.youtube.com/user/CaptainKaze/videos
>Latest Stream - LWR, HFZ Fire Pro
>Upcoming Stream - The Holiday Rumble soon

Clash of Chuubas, the tale of Anon as he navigates the world of indies and small corpo chuubas.
>Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/chuubaoverdrivechaos
>Archive - https://www.youtube.com/@cocvodarchive9119
>Latest Stream - CoC Season 2 Episode 15 (Finale)
>Upcoming Stream - some day

World Daipan Classic, the long-awaited fan project bringing Nijisanji to the squared circle.
>Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/worlddaipanclassic
>Latest Stream - Stream 12
>Upcoming Stream - postponed because of THE GREAT NIJI YAB

Extreme Chuuba Wrestling, an ongoing effort to bring smaller chuubas to the ring to settle the score.
>Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/dantedaedalusch
>Latest Stream - https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2262917981
>Upcoming Stream - until next stream

Squared Circuit, a kitchen sink project focused primarily on AI-adjacent vtubers and related things
>Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/squaredcircuit
>Latest Stream - Episode ¿
>Upcoming stream - Anniversary stream postponed

Lord of the Board 3
>Stats - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qpfkzU9NPo4ZwvU6dwpFP0LNDebDeAQ6ae6h5rGFnl8/edit#gid=0
>LotB1 VODs - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNZKr2HVEMwbDnrOir32Bx6yq7eLI2U8a
>LotB2 VODS - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNZKr2HVEMwYx6gk7VLsGtU-BH56wkU7H
>LotB2 VODS (with chat) - In production. Will happen when they happen.
>LotB3 VODS - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNZKr2HVEMwYa-Yybco4mrMiVvB88P4JJ

Official vtuber streams of wrestling-based vtuber content
>Wrestletuber - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9Pke9ykV2s
>V&Unfinished Business - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxD6QlQGhAU
>Turning FlaVRs into wrestlers - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPREi0330_g&ab_channel=JuwunCh
>Latest Chuuba Battle Tournament - [Archive Missing]
>Latest CXW - https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1824364262
>Latest HoloFighter - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otJPyL2x3Bs

Older Content, kept here for posterity and the odd chance that it might get updated or expanded
>HoloFC - https://www.twitch.tv/holofighting
>HFZ META - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSodFBC5MFatrObgl3Qh91Q/videos
>/vt/ Fight Night - No Archive Links.
>Guerilla Chuuba Wrestling - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xPPNQ1OYDk [Talent Graduated]
>MAG SMACKDOWN RAW - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4C_HVHuNmc [Talent Graduated]
>MythNight - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNq4d4vpe0I [Last Stream: Over 1 Year Ago]
>WrestleSanji - [VODs nuked; see the Selen Tatsuki archives]

Other Thread Projects
>HFZ/Dark/META/WDC/HoloFC stats - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m9JlKuHCtKrVO3_JKQy3FteyLUqKo3DABREb1Okh8tg/edit?usp=sharing
>Team /hfz/ Divegrass Archive - https://implyingrigged.info/wiki//hfz/

previous >>90999280 kwab
holy fucking KWABola
I blame ci poster
Fucking embarassing

Im sorry im sleepy
>remaking the thread on a streamless dimeless weekend
divegrass soon
Why the fuck is the board so fast
Bait threads go brrrrrr
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DBC liv, first match is stack vs stack, then /hfz/ vs /myth/ after

gigadimes matchup
I fucking hate stack bros
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/hfz/ is up
Stackbros, what the fuck happened?
Is this a shoot or a work?
too many own goals
It's me working my shoot inside the zombie
where is this from
she does live shows?
from Mori's 3D showcase
drawgods win
Drawgods never doubted
nice to see some divegrass without the 10 obligatory phase threads
only 1 phase thread this time
https://youtu.be/k8zLHYbE9Xs?t=210 thanks
along with the red hair model hf\ keeps getting my hopes up stack went vtuber or something
so we just gonna bump post until next week?
'fraid so
Don't kid yourself, the thread is dying before hitting a 100 posts
you got games all week
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>>so we just gonna bump post until next week?
Yeah, I’ll show you a “bump”, jabroni
hfz should do a womans caw tournament
Nice try, CitrusGlaze
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I miss CBTler
more like
streams next week?
What’s a stream? We only KWAB here.
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>Upcoming Stream - TBA
>Upcoming Stream - The Holiday Rumble soon
>Upcoming Stream - some day
>Upcoming Stream - postponed because of THE GREAT NIJI YAB
>Upcoming Stream - until next stream
>Upcoming stream - Anniversary stream postponed
>LotB2 VODS (with chat) - In production. Will happen when they happen.
Did not read
U r a jobber
I read it
Nice KWAB technique, /hfz/
oh yeah let's rev up those yab machines
But it’s not Saturday…
Activate the big meaty yabs
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Up you go
Nothing ever happens
im tapping out
huh what you mean
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This is it, the Final KWAB of /hfz/…
It’ll be real in FIVE
finna kwab
yup any second now
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DarkOP here, probably won't be able to stream until after christmas when it comes to weekends due to IRL matters, so i will try to sneak in some weekday morning streams during the next couple of weeks at some point. i'll keep you posted. for reference they'd probably start at about 8 AM Central, about 2 hours earlier than the usual start time.
It's over...
Anyone down to KWAB now?
Don't mind if I do
I guess it's time for Citrus...
No…anything but that..!
I guess it's time for Gura...
The ultimate /hfz/ x Nasfaq bet is between Gura or CoC(k)OP, as to which will stream wrasslin’ first.
>payoff, never ever
Wrong. The ultimate /hfz/ x NasFAQ bet is between Gura or ShootOP
anon... no... nexas kwabbed hard...
CoCOP these SVP girls are good, get on it STAT
so i guess that nexas fed is now dead?
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it was never alive to begin with
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hmm nyo
Umm, actually, nyes
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Heard theres a mod to unlock the DLC for 2k24, any leads?
So you don't know
i'll cream your oshi
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ci hate
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If there was a new fed, who would you want it to feature?
Ci and Stack in a HIAC for 3000 matches
But for real, anything would work at this point.
bros is ci graduating
>a serious announcement
She’s just revealing her new plan to take over the chuuba hemisphere.
says hapi right there bro
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>/hfz/ still has no lore
>he doesn't know
The real “lore” was the 5 hour tables matches we had along the way.
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nice soundposts
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I wish for streams
>wish granted
>OP announces a big stream
>it's a graduation stream
/hfz/ affiliate...
>OP wins the lottery and can stream all day, every day
>the entire chuuba world collapses in a hyperyab thought only to exist in legend
>all that remains to commemorate it is HFZ and the multiverse
>a FUCKING tables match is all that remains of /youroshi/
We have a divegrass match today, don't die yet
divegrass on a week day?
Yes. This isn't VTLel, nothing is sacred on 4cc
they dont understand prime times
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Dyivegrass on a FUCKING Tyuesdyay?
is it on the vt cytube or the main one?
Gotta get it done before Christmas, anon.
What a ho ho whore
4cc tube
DBC liv (our match isn't soon though)
die harder
Die softer?
Our group now
stack teams are the phase teams of this cup
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Please nominate your choices for KWABOTY 2024.
still riku
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>Error: Duplicate file exists. here.
I fucking love Stack, bros.
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now what
Now pie
kwabbing time
I hate stack
why would you do that
I ate Stack
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Okay, who’s working the board into a shoot with this here? >>91297662
So you dont know?
so you don't know?
huh what you mean
lia liker lingo mind
ok how you know?
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Say goodbye to your rumble win.
*dodges nimbly*
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>*dodges nimbACK
Nice try, jabroni
if /hfz/ wins a game of divegrass, does that count as ci wins?
Nyo, only the squared circle counts
afraid so
its over
Nashbros, what did he mean by this?
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>116 minutes until the Final CiWAB
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Stop jobbing
Try and stop me, bitch
*whistles for Ankimo*
ci bros... what do we do now?
>Ci really was planning to take over the world
Is Ci graduating or something
So you don't know?
No I don't, tell me.
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December 13th Friday
7th Birthday 3D LIVE!!!!!
Ci's doing a sololive.
Cute kingu
Okay how you know?
get this antidime thread off the air before it drags into the fridayCHAD timeslot
Dead thread dead fed
Be the change
You could be the next big superstar of streaming!
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stop speaking german

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