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that dramatuber retard doesn't belong in the same image as the others
there are two ex corpo frauds there though
>The most professional and disciplined of all the dramatubers.
>Broke his biggest scoop yet, big enough to prompt Anycolor to crack down on whistleblowers
>Gets to host opening interviews in VT awards 2024.
"Naw he's negligible."
imagine being grouped in with a fucking AI. grim
half the people here are just straight up hololive fans though.
Mint stayed a few extra days so she could catch Holo's concert after hers was done.
Uh oh, roastie melty
Dookie and her Fagoon army are actively trying to destroy corpo vtubing. Fucking up NijiEN's reputation wasn't enough for them. Mint is an active accomplice.

What dookie fails to understand though is that she may win awards, she may win sponsors, she may win the sycophantic praise of countless braindead normies, but she will NEVER recreate the community and friendships she threw away over one delayed cover song.
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Call me when an indie does this.
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It appears my superiority has led to some controversy.
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I never understood why there's so many people in those events yet her viewership isn't as large
Actually, I know why
>the community and friendships she threw away
You already acknowledged her fans by saying "Dookie and her Fagoon army", so what community and friendships are you talking about? You don't actually think anyone would believe Elira's gang were her friends do you?
It's a shitposter anon.
Please don't take them seriously.
Call me when someone does this outside of Japan
I don't watch any of these.
Indies are flourishing, corpos are flourishing
In retrospect, it isn't surprising that a fagoon would've never understood the deep bond every Niji liver had with every other liver. They were a family. They all looked out for each other. It wasn't just about what each of them could get from the other, it was about uplifting the family as a whole. At least it was that way, before MEMEMEMEME dookieturd threw everyone's hard work and love under the bus.

And now she's trying to sow chaos in other corpos by worming into the ears of people ilke Ame and Fauna. Everything MUST be about her, because in her greed, she can't figure out why she can't ever fill the void left by the people she chose to sacrifice.
>oh look my oshi is a indie now
>indies are the best
I never liked those icky corpos anyway
Bro i was there. It was like anywhere else some people were friends some people were assholes. Honestly can't tell if this is some kind of bait because the premise is just so fantastical
West is prospering, Japan is burning.
I smell another Sunny/Mogu collab soon.
Half of those guys are part of a corporation.
That vtuber journalist
>lose all the awards to Holo despite being in their own turf
>cry non stop for days
>she will NEVER recreate the community and friendships she threw away over one delayed cover song
Whut? If anything they all stayed with her. I guess finana and rosemi maybe.
>have as many awards as talents leaving the company
Congratulations I guess.
Leaving Dooby out only exposes you for the SEAurchin that you are
didnt calli literally just sell her sololive out
The corpo run by a flounder is flourishing
Cry less Lucy.
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>corpos are floundering
Minus Hololive of course, they just keep on winning!
failed to sell out*
i cant name a single one of them besides doki
Does a video like this exist for her?
still a dramatuber, and was hush hush about shylily and gamersupps fucking Shondo over.
do not put my wife in your catalog bait collage you fucking dark black ass jungle monkey negro
He has more credibility than Nijisanji EN. A year ago I would of thought this would be a kind of troll post.
the entirety of EN (including hololive) loses to an AI chatbot
I don't want to be cruel but you could improve on Chibidoki
That just makes him more based, shondo and her GFE grift despite her 'extra curriculars' deserves it. Vapid whore

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