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Last Thread - >>91755848

Stream - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nu0m8saCjBs
Short - https://youtu.be/kGPPtls-YqI
Karaoke Archive - >>91484690

Schedule - Listen for the words of future streams
Twitter - https://twitter.com/ceresfauna
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/@CeresFauna
Member VODs - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykcx9rP_92kQBKHyypOrew5a

>New to Fauna? Suggested and Unarchived Streams
Outer Wilds Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeLzFij5dykeI6Et74IZ5xwwu0Myqsvyx

>Love Fauna, need more?
Media - https://rentry.org/faumedia
Merch - https://rentry.org/faumerch

>Miss Fauna?
Stream status - https://imissfauna.com/
Ara Ara button - https://faunaraara.com/

Reminder to report, hide, and ignore grasshoppers and their bait, saplings.
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Fauna è il mio tutto! la amo...
>Is this what they mean by jungle fever?
What did Fauna mean by this?
>not even 2 posts
At the moment I still believe that Kronii hates Fauna.
Please prove me wrong tonight, Kronii.
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kiara is really attempting one last leeching like the shameless whore she is huh
She's gonna be emotional and spill the tea on stream.
Stpp seething already. Interviews are her "thing" and Fauna getting one is a good thing as a send off.
i think they're cute streams anon
No. She'll be a dead fish and ignore Fauna as much as possible.
Out of all things that are not happening, this one is happening the least
>Reminder to report, hide, and ignore grasshoppers and their bait, saplings.
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Just going to leave this here
I already do my part. It’s janny mcpockets that needs to get off his fat ass.
There's nothing that has indicated that Kronii isn't going out of her way to avoid Fauna for over 6 months now. This is an annoying case of the "rrat" being the obvious truth but people not believing it because /vt/ tends to be schizo and people don't watch streams.
>There's nothing that has indicated that Kronii isn't going out of her way to avoid Fauna for over 6 months now
wording it like that makes you sound insane.
There's plenty of things that indicated Kronii is going out of her was to avoid Fauna.
Also the Kronii fans have started shipping Kronii and Fauna fucking.
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It's a double negative, so a positive
There's nothing indicating that Kronii ISN'T going out of her way to avoid Fauna
We're agreeing
kronii fans don't even like kronii, they only like shipping her with anyone she ever interacted with
no anon, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
Ok, but comparing the chemistry Fauna and Kronii used to have to now Kronii not even mentioning Fauna by name or talking to her when she's graduating after nearly an entire year of avoiding her like the plague, it's obvious something is up. I don't know why we gotta try to act like a court here.
I've already given up on clock
I just want Fauna and Bae to still be cool with each other
Bae is only "cool" with management and homos now
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This but directly into my groin
>have started shipping Kronii and Fauna fucking.
Half the thread here were convinced they were fucking during that off collab and run of collabs they did last year.
Don't get the point of looping this again though
Smug fauna kicking my balls in...
Kronii took the "let's pretend to not be lovers" to the extreme
out brratcuck
Bae doign a sad karaoke and crying didn't tip you off
They talk a lot more behind the scenes then they let on
give me the ones you use for the other girls too so i can word filter you
>have started shipping
fucking newfag. I masturbated live to their off collab asmr.
>11 months ago
brrats aren't the smartest
I want her to be dismissive and condescending about it too
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they should have adapted to FST for this collab and not the other way around.
this collab isn't for Fauna, it's for trying to present unity
smug fauna agreeing to insult me and kick my balls in but she accidentally does it too hard and feels bad so she consoles me afterwards and pats my head...
Fauna is quitting, Cover cant force her to do shit. If this collab is happening it’s because Fauna wants it.
it's for the musical merch
>Cover cant force her to do shit
They literally can though. It's called "employment"
The only thing they can do is make sure she doesn’t break the NDA. They can’t force her to collab with anybody. You’re just grabbing at threads to justify your stupid headcanon that everyone in Promise hates Fauna.
They already released the merch from the musical and shilled it in the musical itself.
If you think it's headcanon at this point you're an ignorant moron
which collab, i've been busy at work and missed something I feel like
promise collab tonight, get excited
>Her employer can't force her to do stuff
Kronii and Fauna having beef is real. The rest of the promise having an issue with Fauna is pure dramatourist nonsense.
You haven't been paying attention
shut up retard
I know a lot more than you. Take your bullshit back to the catalog.
Nah, only Mumei is still on her side
Did you see their on-stream statements
The way her entire gen has completely ignored her since
Well gee, maybe it has something to do with the fact that they already knew they’re gonna have collabs with her later. You ever think about that dumbass?
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I'm just here for the Faumei action.
That makes absolutely no sense
it makes sense to anyone with a brain
Fauna has only 2 more weeks left and this is the first time they're going to do a thing together since the announcement. You're unironically blind if you can't notice that something is wrong there.
No it doesn't make sense, they don't have a communication budget, the fact that they're going to collab later does not prevent them from talking about or to Fauna
It’s not a timeloop because it’s not a real debate. It’s just telling catalogniggers to go back.
nothing is wrong retard
Frame dokooooo
Ok, then explain why have not a single one of them already collab'd with Fauna for whatever? Especially Kronii.
If it's on Fauna's channel she's talked about why she puts up frames later
wow we're at a point where they're literally plugging their ears and going lalalalala, kinda sad
That's like complaining about Gura only showing up to collab with Ame in the last few days. Stop being a retard.
Get your shitposting in right now I guess before tonight’s collab makes it outdated I guess.
>she's talked about why she puts up frames later
Because she's lazy?
>ennacuck raiding /uuu/
Thanks for making it even more obvious that there's someone who just wants to shitpost and doesn't actually care for her.
kronii is self explanatory, theyre having a collab today, next question
Go back numbertranny I'm tired of hearing about your boogeyman
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Okay but would you kiss a hooman
Gura didn't have an ongoing giant rrat of issues with her genmate at that point, so your comparison is actually even more retarded.
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i only kiss otomos
If they’re a biological woman sure
Even people on Twitter found it strange or straight up don't think Promise will ever show up to Minecraft Monday, the entire situation has been fucking weird.
So, their friend and workmate is quitting and the only thing they do is one 1hour collab and that's it? Wow, so caring, totally nothing wrong there.
anon i would do much more than kiss
Yes, and people already admit that KroFau is fucked up. But you’re trying to turn it in to a Fauna vs all of Promise thing which is pure dramafag fanfiction.
>Gura didn't have an ongoing giant rrat of issues with her genmate at that point
lmao, yeah amesame famously collabed weekly.
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I'm here for the whole collab but anything with Faumei is top tier
I would kiss a green kirin.
you havent been paying attention
Gura and Ame talked about UAPs recently
But I remember the same retarded posts being made about it
>hurr they hates each other
>durr why isn't she saying anything about her best friend graduating
So you all just gave up on the whole not biting obvious bait thing huh
It's not even new bait
Seems the dramabot has to recycle phrases now
Gura is absent from Hololive
Promise is not, they are here, talking to people and each other, just ignoring Fauna
holy kino
>2 Minecraft mondays with OPEN VC where not a single promise member decided to visit
>B-But they were le busy!!!
>Two members were even chatting on stream doing nothing at the same time even.
do you think playing league reactivated her dota autism?
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Holy Shit
It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen
You've made this claim but I haven't seen anyone on Twitter talk about this, link it.
Hey dipshit, look at this

Still think it’s a company mandates collab?
Should have invited gg instead
>Two members were even chatting on stream doing nothing at the same time even.
Kronii and Fauna will never be on the same lane..
Yes, because the stream hasn't happened yet. Come back in 3 hours, dipshit
I wanted to see GG Meepo yeah
Ok I take it back, Promise doesn't hate Fauna, Fauna hates Promise if she's subjecting them to this.
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>Company mandated
You literally just want to seethe at nothing
If anything Fauna organized it because she saw saplings melting down and claiming all of Promise hates her when she knows that's not the case
promise ladiiies
Not high enough on the tierlist to be demure deer ladies.
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>Fauna talks about how hard it would be to organize a holo 5 stack during her first week, 3 years ago
>Full promise Dota collab to see her out
Fuck off
Fauna is so based for this
you tellin me I have to play dota and league to get an e-girlfriend?
Let's fucking UUUUUU
>if it's not League it's Dota
The future is looking grim
oh nice, so they're still friends, or at least professional enough to keep up the kayfabe for their gen mate.

My worries are momentarily alleviated.
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I love my heterosexual tradwife Fauna!
Green Woman I kneel
I'm so happy to see her playing it again
Which promise lady is the techies player?
Fauna, retweet the cow art before stream, you won't do it, no balls
Mumei, without a DOUBT, and she'd be happy about being the goddamn anchor
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Wait... what?
shes just like me...
I agree with >>91804446 my worries are now alleviated too for a bit. Didn't expect this frame at all, we are so fucking back.
I mean is he wrong?
What's the minimum threshhold that justifies a single-income household?
There is no reason to think there will be crying tonight, we are saved!
is matcha actually good or does it just taste like grass?
how so?
This is her last chance to make a full 5 stack, won't be able to do that soon anymore.
Who does Fauna lane with?
Kronii, and either let the world burn or finally kill the rrat.
kronii, theyre going to fix their bond in dota 2
It tastes like Fauna
well I was waiting for an answer but I guess that was too much to ask
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How about you suck my nuts instead.
Fauna already talked about this in a previous stream but she said, as Anti Mage, she's gonna afk farm in her lane for 40 minutes and let her teammates defend. Fauna hates them for real
Unironically the only people I've spoken to online and irl who play league are women. That said, the only Dota2 players I know were my old autistic high school friends
Kronii = Templar Assassin
Fauna = Enchantress
Bae = Hoodwink
Irys = Dark Willow
Mumei = Shadow Fiend
I see. So the secret to an e-girlfriend is to be good at adc in league of legends
yes actually. league is egirl central. women also play a lot of stuff like valorant but those women are more normie in my experience
yup that's an average dota/moba player I guess
Reminds me of a certain EG jobber that never won a major
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Raora said matcha tastes like shit and I believe her
I'm a sapling til death but I might have to take the Moom in this scenario
It tastes like chalky grass. Ain't bad
you're supposed to take all 3
Greed is the root of all evil
Now I kind of wish I didn't switch from windows
Its okay, because Fauna also picked Mumei
tag-teaming Mumei with Fauna and she shows you Moom's weak spots
Correct answer
gigi would learn dota 2 for ceres fauna hololive en
If Fauna is the skinniest, most anemic EN, who is the chunkiest?
Now they HAVE to communicate.
GG sounds spherical
i wish
somewhere between shiori and mori
Still Mori
She's so real for that

things like this make me sad she won't be doing any more special events like this
>fauna next to mumei
faumei bros we just keep winnning
She'd have to move to Japan anyway
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Oh nice, figured she'd be there but nice to have confirmation
>cucking the two other girls
We love Kronii in this house
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Ive personally cared about these 3 the most, and Goobs
nobody likes kronii
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I wonder what SNORyS would've looked like
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I only love Fauna
We only like white girls here
You probably need to be in Japan for that, don't think it's a coincidence given who they picked for the collab.
Even Kronii hates Kronii
based anon
>we will never get SNOCC
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A power to rival the Lamy council. Even more so if you add CC
i personally do not like kronii but i do want them to get along and not be mad
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Wait when did it change time
That first day of ENreco was magical. Not getting those 4 together more is a tragedy
Kronii made a mistake on her timetable
IRyS is an honorary white girl
I really took this outfit for granted. We will never have something even close to this SEX again
Well at least I can watch Raora Beebs
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How are you passing the time? Wait is too long and I rewatched the Biboo collab already
listening to gigi and playing space marine 2 on angel of death
Reading some manga
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I'm playing other MOBAs
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The dev of that tower game she played last week added a reference to her
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Cute! I hope she plays it again.
I pirated that game, it fucking sucks
watching the Raora Biboo collab
Are her vod archives staying after she graduates?
I'm in the middle of a playthrough right now..
Why? It's in early access.
Everything is staying
Yes. She's even going to make members only vods public so they don't get deleted when membership dies.
zoomerpilled game design with a huge amount of worthless traits and talents and cards and upgrades and combos but none of them really matter much
Watching Nerissa yap
No, I mean why pirate it. It's free since it's early access.
vods and membership streams will remain up and accessible
i thought it cost money
Because he's clearly lying and is only shitting on it for the fun of it.
I'm reading a really schizophrenic manga from a storytime thread on /a/
You *can* pay to like support development or something but it doesn't get you any more game.
Is it safe to forgive Kronii now? Or am I going to get bullied?
Wait till they actually acknowledge each other outside of the greeting.
Watching the raora beebs collab and laughing at how much of a dumbass bimbo raora is.
Watching Biboo and Raora
Holy fucking KWABOTY
>go to check the cute cat
Nice, good reference to the stream to
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... They end up in farthest lanes away from each other and don't engage in team fights when the other is present ...
Kronii will pick Void and chrono Fauna next to the tower
Kronii would probably have to propose to Fauna on stream for them to stop shitposting about her at this point. Just do your best to ignore it for now
what causes someone to lie about playing a game and shit on it just because fauna played it? you need help cuck
I know it literally doesn't matter but it will be kind of comically depressing when she gets to 997k on grad day or something
why would I lie about it
do the other girls know anything about dota?
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>Ceres Fauna has left
No...come back....
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Doing some reading
I always wondered what would happen if that shit occurred one day. Like the shipping goes far enough that one of the girls just straight up marries the other. Do people leave because the dream is dead? Or do they dream of the threesome?
Backing up my PC to move to Linux.
It isn't safe for you here wisp yet
Reading Husserl
you tell me, you're the one who got caught in the lie you embarrassing cuck lol
One time I was playing dota 2 with a friend and I wasn't paying attention to what he picked so I thought he was mid but he was actually laning top with me. Then after the game I messaged him and I was like "my lane partner was fucking horrible that game" and he was like "that was me". This is what's going to happen today.
I didn't lie, I just thought it cost money
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Did your friend forgive you? Or did you have to give sloppy toppy
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Oh deer...
nobody pirates free games you disingenuous faggot. you lost
there you go you weirdo
Just admit you made shit up man, you're on an anonymous imageboard
If it's a popular enough ship, like Okakoro or something, I doubt anyone would mind
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will they download the game in time
dw, I did too, I just happened to give it a second glance and noticed the warning saying it might never come out because it's early access
One time I played viper and my entire team left because I sucked
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look its even on my PC
i want to suck on nerissas tits
I want her to call me a good buy while I suck on Fauna's tits
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+1 hour thanks IRyS
I just love when Fauna tweeted that, the schizos immediately btfo.
this is more humiliating than you getting caught out. utterly mindbroken
Why do these women only download games on the day they’re gonna play them?
IRyS is stupid and female pls understan
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I'm assuming that is Dota2 she's downloading, and this simply amuses because it means one of two things. Either:
>option a
They didn't settle on the game to play together until shortly before Fauna put the frame up
>option b
They had known the game for a while but IRyS was silly and didn't think to download it until now
IRyS and Raora should have a Bimbo-off
My oshi is such a fucking idiot, I love her
She does this every time
irys downloads the game when she wakes up
It's definitely B
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With IRyS, either of those are equally plausible.
You missed Kiara AND Shiori's threads
Kronii talked about playing a Moba "soon" yesterday so she for sure knew
pfft. noveliets wish shiori was fat
Raora's voice makes her sound extra thick for some reason.
>5am stream on Thursday
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I wish Fauna was fat
>bunch of meaningless buzzwords
go back to /v/
there was only one buzzword in that post
Kronii airlines
Fat people are disgusting. The smell, the cottage cheese thighs, the way they pound food. Fucking nasty.
my chubby gf smells fine
Ceres Fauna? More like Ceres SEX
It’s definitely B, Irys did the same during Ame Valve collab and realized that the game stop downloading so she was late to the collab.
You are living the good life, grats anon
fat bitches are pigs
I want a fat gf too
No thanks. Her dainty, fragile self is a bigger turn on
>the way they pound food
anon... that's hot
I keep watching debut era streams and it's amazing how much she's changed.
Debut Fauna is cute and a little mischievous, but she's a far cry from our present day confident unhinged dork.
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IRyS is lucky she's as sex as she is
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My oshi is neither a stick nor a pig. She's respectably thick.
quit posting your trash
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Holy bimboRyS
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Correction needed.
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The Tower defense game Fauna played added a reference to her in the new update.
as any leech would
yup >>91809529
Does IRyS suffer from intellectual disability
IRyS switched to SSD, we are saved.
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Please forgive her.
every game needs a dedicated fauna reference.
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this dumbo, I swear
Mori irys or gigi and cici
Sometimes I'm still baffled by how tech illiterate the staff (and the girls) are.
Does dota have a forced tutorial before you can play with friends?
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Last time I played, no, it doesn't
I tried it several years ago but I had to do some basic controls tutorials first before even getting to a regular bot match with regular rules.
Ahh, we never got the FaunRyS switch sports rematch
There's still time...
She can still change her mind and cancel the graduation btw
i doubt it
No, she can't.
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Cuckfeet falseflagging again, cringe
She can, but she won't.
That would look super bad for everyone involved
Not really. Pretty sure people would be happy that she changed her mind. But, really, she would never because whatever disagreement it was probably wouldn't change.
I don't think you can correct mental retardation
it'd look good for the company, saplings would be happy, but her credibility would probably be damaged a bit
>t. too young to even understand what employment is like
Why are you acting like this is a regular job.
If she just said "ok I'm staying" people would be happy but some would ask what the fuck was that all about.
If Cover put out a statement that they naked dogezad begging her to stay, and giving her everything she wanted, everyone would cheer.
Post wageslip child
>just dox yourself
>her fans love her
>shes staying
>fans are happy
this is the only shit that matters to me, assuming she would also be happy
Fauna can sex it out of her.
Concession accepted. Stick to reddit kid
I don't want to post my wageslip because too many people would be jealous of my massive salary, incredible benefits, and the obviously paninis in my pants. All true statements btw.
Will the others have their pov?
The girls I can understand but the staff... they have an enitre software development team
That I can agree with, yeah. Like everyone would rather she stay, but the credibility would take a hit. Would make everyone second guess future graduations as well, but if she stayed because of actual changes happening, really cool
Anon, stop being silly
Mori is telling people to subscribe to Fauna and the JP bros as well
Mori told people to get Fauna to 1M subs
Mori is being a real one despite not being able to collab directly with her.
Cringe samefag. Still no wageslip kid, beat it
I'm gonna blame you for Raora's stream dropping too, shitpost at any other time.
>Fauna is a pillar of Hololive
bijou called raora mamma irl, what a brat
Kill yourself
kill yourself
kill yourself
kill yourself
Kill yourself
love this punctual kirin
kill yourself
>This OP

I guess I'll say it too, kill yourself.
Kill yourself
fauna !!
Kill yourself
Well, have fun guys, I'm forced to VOD later.
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>mfw this intro
kill yourself
The fact that a pillar is leaving is pretty bad isn't it?
Kill yourself
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Kill yourself
Final Fanatsy Fauna
She used it before for Promise dungeon.
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You know what, Mori is pretty Kakkoii
I'm sure mori is devastated she will have one less person to leech off of, not that she cared until now
>Fauna and Kronii together
Kronii, I'm about to kneel so hard. I want to believe in you!

I thought I recognised it!
Between IRyS and Mumei, I’m astonished this collab actually started on time
It's so surreal to me that I can communicate on this website with an actual sub human. I can't imagine how miserable your life must be.
I mean technically it hasn't started yet
Really missed Fauna
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I already knelt. They agreed to this, and it doesn't look like it's a merch shill stream since it's dota. Like... they did this because they love her. That's the only reason anyone would play Dota with someone - love.
Not nearly as miserable as taking advantage of my more successful peers my whole life like mori
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kill yourself
Kill yourself

Will kronii and fauna have sex during the match?
theyre wearing their hoodies
Giving him attention is totally genius
>good promise members in the center
unalive yourself
almost certainly
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>seiso nephilim
I'm so excited I haven't eaten but now I'm hungry but I don't want to miss anything
Fauna made them play DOTA because the pure anger at being forced to play a MOBA will save them from crying on stream.
1 more 5 stack dota stream with gigi and nerissa please

This is how Fauna won me over
Kronii is already malding about it and the game hasn't even started.
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>500 hours in Dota
Interaction confirmed
>They're talking
Kronii...my knees are bending on their own...
i missed mumei's voice so much
someone kick out the kronii cucks
theyre talking... its happening....
You don't know how bad I needed this stream bros.
uhhh you guys told me this was gonna be awkward...?
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daily reminder Kronii and Fauna live together
feels like mumei has rejected a league invitation before
I swear she used to sound different, her mic situation makes her sound less sleepy
P...promise seems normal...
Yeah with me, as my sex slaves.
princess irys
The rrats are dying in real time
I'm enjoying this too much but they haven't started lol
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So, what's the schizos gunna latch onto now?
Same, they're so cute together
>fauna wants mumei to play her favourite character
Yep, 100% confirmed fucking
She sounds SO pleased with herself
Something something having the others pair up in top and bottom while she isolates herself in mid, idk this is my first time attempting rratmancy
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Oh my god my heart just skipped a beat. I misread it.
>first and last time we play dota
Fuck you bae. GG is even playing league with fauna off stream.
Fauna love getting Double Penetrated
This is adorable
are they actually playing vs people? this is gonna turn into another streamsnipe stomp isn't it?
Fauna is about to revive d2g from the grave
Someone bake
Dota has bots?
we're off to an amazing start
It's just bots, still going to be funny
shitty ones I think.
Fauna said they are playing against beginners bot

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