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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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what if the reason why Gura is streaming more than usual...

Is because she finally has the motivation to stream?

crazy idea.
Whatever. Call me when she streans sfter valentines day
no good faith discussion here
she returned because there was no one else to carry holoen after fauna left.
Women are only motivated by one thing, and she already had plenty of it without needing to stream. Unless Yagoo threatened to cut off her allowance.
call me when she resumes DMC4
It's a team effort
>hear me out /vt/
>Is because she finally has the motivation to stream
No, we must create multiple rrats and spam the catalog with every single one.
And if she does?
He already has one Ayame and doesn't want to let gura set an example for the en girls the way Ayame does for JP.
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>"no spoilers"
>"2-year project"
>"you will enjoy it"
>"I'm going insane"
>"80% done"
the project is really huge
>"this project means a lot to me"
she is heavily involved in this project
>"MV news"
is an abbreviation for music video
>"there's new music coming"
pretty straightforward. perhaps an EP or a full album
>"2025 is going to be quite the year"
this is the part in which it's exclaimed, "sololive!!!!," as she was not required to wait until 2025 to release it if it's an EP

She has been preparing for her sololive, If it wasn't obvious enough. Seethe about it.
NIce... so there was an actual reason. Good to know. I can now enjoy Gura without anxiety.
>She has been preparing for her sololive
if she does he gets to watch Gura regularly again if she doesn't he gets to shitpost about it again till next year. Its a win win.
If she streams regularly after Valentine's I will say she's back for real. But considering she went MIA after the 14th for the past two years, this is unlikely.
She was in Japan in 2023, like literally the myth 3D debut announcements were made on an offcollab on Mori's house on Valentine's.
I feel her. Nimis debut also reignited a spark in me
you sound like an incel
Biboo needs to challenge her on Valentine's Day. The resulting conflict will bring Biboo back.
You call him, anon, jeez. He even wrote it down for you!
streaming is NOT fun
it's NOT motivational
NOTHING NICE can ever happen
This but unironically. This is what it boils down to. Nothing ever improves.
time to die
Don't care
It was clearly fauna and I'm shocked no one else realizes it.
Fauna drained Gura's motivation to stream? What a bitch
ok but what about the amount of sex she owes for not streaming until now?
She is paying it all to me
Actions speak louder than words, and her actions across both her past life and as Gura show that she doesn't like streaming much. If she keeps streaming consistently for multiple months, I'll be willing to say things have actually changed and she's okay with streaming now.
and 2024?
nta but I'll believe it if she makes it past vday and doesn't fuck off until it's time to shill fes
speedrunning her yearly stream quota

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