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Dark fantasy thread
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Take a look at the other images in the thread then look at this again.
AI was a mistake.
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who comes up with this shit lmaoo
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Love this aesthetic, here's a boost
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my kind of thread
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I like this one, thanks
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AI has destroyed this board.
it destroyed the internet not just this board.
Get with the times. It takes much less time and effort to create realistic images now.
yeah but they all just look nice until you look a little closer at it. That's bad. I don't particularly care how long a piece of artwork takes to make. Sorry to hear your standards are low enough to be dickriding for ugly amalgamated slop.

The thing is, AI is 'trained' on actual quality art of all kinds that took actual people time and effort and training to create, and that 'trained' AI is then used to produce inferior quality art en masse as quickly as absolutely possible with little more than a few keywords and/or some clicks of a mouse - which means AI is nothing more than a system designed to give lazy people a little dopamine hit and make them feel like they achieved, and contributed, something of any value and merit to the world in their lifetime.

On some level AI is now literally a computer-coded representation of the little machine that spits out a food pellet as a reward whenever the mouse in the lab cage presses the correct button sequence.

But if you actually want to be an artist, fine, by all means go for it, and all success to you in your artistic endeavors if you do, but ffs do it by picking up a camera, or some paintbrushes, or a sculpters hammer and chisel, or go learn photoshop and illustrator to an insane level (other art programs are also available), and take the time to properly learn and develop and enjoy your chosen craft; because simply sitting on your ass in front of a computer screen feeding keyword prompts into a random program or website so that it'll quickly spit out 10 variations of some idealised robot vomit conglomerated interpretation of all of the quality artistry that it's been 'fed' with is not only NOT art, but it devalues all of the time and effort and skills of all of the actual hardworking artists out there, some of whom have probably spent a lifetime honing their skills and producing some truly outstanding work in the process - only to see some people now fapping themselves absolutely silly over a bunch of lazy, barely average, computer-generated tat.
>>8082575 #
Stop complaining. Out with the old, in with the new. AI is the future. It's going to be okay, you will adapt.

>>8082619 #
It's not life or death. Quit seething. Let go of your jimmies. Seek unrustlement.

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