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It's my 25th birthday. Post a pape and leave an advice.

A strong foundation in anything will have better longevity than a bag of secret tricks. Applies anywhere but this is especially true in combat sports. If you know a move like the back of your hand, then you will be able to execute it regardless of whether your opponent is aware of that move, you will always be able to force that move onto them. Compare this to something they don't know, then once it's found out, the main factor for its success - surprise - is nullified.
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The next natural step from self-improvement is to live for others or something bigger than yourself. This unironically destroyed any self-loathing I had for myself, if I were to be sad or cry, it would henceforth be for someone/thing else I care about.
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Women are acutely attuned to social dynamics, whether consciously or subconsciously. While this can be learned, gaming it is not as sustainable as having confidence and leadership skill gained from practice and experience. In other words, work on being the best version of yourself rather than exploiting the clever mechanisms that were theorized by seduction/PUA autists.
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You can train yourself to immediately get up from your phone alarm going off. Set a few random alarms within the same time-range (typically 10-15 mins) and go through the motions as if you were sleeping. Then when the alarm goes off, immediately get up and do the first thing you need to do (e.g. go to the bathroom). Do this a couple of times over a few days.
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In stressful situations, you will always default to your level of training. Knowing how to do something is never enough, you will need to put in the repetitions to burn it into your mind and body for it to become an automatic response.
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Method to reset sleep schedule:
>take a nap 6-7 hours after your current sleep time
>nap should be 2 hours max
>do not sleep the rest of the day nor take caffeine
>sleep at desired time
>wake at desired time
The nap's timing and duration is important as it's not close to your current sleep time for your body to consider it sleep and has enough duration to give you some fuel throughout the day without making you want to kys. You can alternatively just pull an all-nighter, but is much harder to do especially if you plan to do this on a weekend/rest day where there is not much activity to keep you distracted.
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Stop comparing yourself to other people. The life you have is the one you built yourself.
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We'd like to believe that we shouldn't and don't just each other based on things they can't change, but we humans have primal, animalistic tendencies which cause us to treat each other differently based on attributes like height, attractiveness, and race.
Just as it's foolish to play a game of poker and believe that your hand is just as good as everyone else's, when it may not be, you should know your hand in life. Know the strengths and weaknesses you were dealt.
Be prepared that people WILL treat you differently based on things you can't control and don't let others gaslight you into thinking it's all in your head.
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im in
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Take some time today to make a step towards the thing you've always wanted to do, no matter how small.
Keep pushing.
Do you have this in higher res?
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Hard to post advice that's general enough to apply to everyone.

Here is Gordan Ramseys method for making scrambled eggs.

1. Crack the eggs into a cold, non-stick pan. Add the butter.

2. Place the pan on medium heat and start stirring the eggs continuously with a spatula. The key is to keep the eggs moving.

3. Remove the pan from the heat every 30 seconds while continuing to stir. This helps control the temperature and prevents overcooking.

4.Repeat the process of placing the pan on and off the heat until the eggs are mostly cooked but still slightly runny.

5. Season with salt and pepper just before the eggs are fully set. Adding salt too early can make the eggs watery.

6. Optional: Stir in a splash of cream or milk for extra creaminess.
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actively looking for a relationship is usually a waste of time.
improve yourself and meet new people, keep your doors open untill you're sure you've found the one.
and once in a relationship, be always mindful that it might end someday, specially if you stop taking care of it.
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Stop looking at your phone/laptop/tv while laying in bed. Your bed is only for sleeping and sex, nothing else. Sleep hygiene is incredibly important, especially if you're on the computer a lot (you probably are if you're on 4chan)
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Brush your teeth twice a day
Save 10% of your earnings always
Jog 20 min every other day
Learn to cook at home
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Flush immediately after you've had a shit, rather than flushing after you've wiped. It'll stop the room from smelling, especially useful when using someone else's toilet.
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Let yourself be bad at things

Two reasons:

1) Doing a bad job will teach you the most important lesson, which is how to follow through and complete your activity or project. Once you've done it, even if you failed, you can learn to do it better. But if you abandon an attempt midway because it's not perfect or even any good, you'll only improve at starting things.

What looks like talent is often dedication and repetition. Assuming someone is naturally good at something dismisses the time and effort they put into it, and excuses you not to even try.

2) You don't have to turn everything you do into a product or a profession, you can just enjoy the act. Sing off-key and paint like a child, F-rank a video game, write terrible poetry.

'Amateur' isn't an insult, it comes from the Latin word for lover (amator). An amateur does something because they want to, and that's reason enough.
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Get comfortable with the idea of letting stuff go, and try to turn it into an art form, because once you get to the end, letting go in style is quite a nice way to leave.
Great advice
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Shit costs money. Deal with it.
Don't stress about not having enough money. You can't take it with you. On your death bed, the only thing you can think about is the legacy you're leaving behind and hoping that you'll live on in the memories of your loved ones. The last thing you're thinking about is money.
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Write down your thoughts on paper, good or bad, especially if it seems like an idea just popped into your head for something. Whether that be for personal relationships, work, starting a business, etc.
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Some of them most important life lessons I've learned for you all.
1. Actively seek and pursue difficulty and challenges.
2. Don't be afraid of looking like a fool, ask dumb questions no matter how stupid. It's better to look dumb for 5 minutes than to stay dumb for longer.
3. Fear is inevitable. Being a coward is a choice. Accept your fears and face them. Nothing of value was ever discovered without discomfort.
4. Learn to become comfortable with silence. It's a powerful skill that can be useful in getting more information, holding attention when needed, and even a weapon.
5. Learn active listening skills and let others talk about themselves. Most people only want to talk about themselves and listen only to reply, not to understand. Most my most important relationships started because of this.
Two good books on active listening:
>How To Win Friends & Influence People, by Dale Carnegie
>It's Not All About Me, by Robert Dreeke
6. Learn to cook. Boxed foods are mostly garbage and filler with poor nutritional value. Learn to cook with real meats and vegetables and you'll be better off. Additionally, most people never bother to learn to cook now so makes you more attractive as a partner.
7. Exercise regularly both mentally and physically. Meditate instead of masturbating for the 3rd time today. Go for a walk, ride a bike, or read a book instead of playing another game.
8. Consistency is the key to success in most things in life. 5-10 minutes a day is always better than 2 hours on Sunday.
9. Your first day at something new will always be your worst day at it as long as you don't give up.
Is this why they are slaughtered by the thousands by Ted Bundy and the like? If they were so attuned, why are they taken for fools by psychopaths?
> If they were so attuned, why are they taken for fools by psychopaths?

Because despite all the claims of feminists and their simps for the past however many decades, women are not actually some all-knowing, all-seeing, wholly infallible, totally perfect group of beings that are above being taken advantage of.

So women (and men for that matter) might have all the social attunement and intuition in the world, but an intelligent sociopath or psychopath who comes across as being very charming and very safe and approachable when they need to be (like when they've decided to test if you're actually gonna be their next victim or not) can totally manipulate and start to blindside almost all of that attunement and intuition in the right person/victim inside of just a few minutes of apparently casual conversation.
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oops, forgot the pape...
fapping to porn every single day might not be the best idea out there
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Lessons for Anon(s)
1. Learn to cook, yeah I know someone else already said it. Seriously, knowing how to cook for yourself is one of the best skills out there. It opens the door to other sets of self reliant skills that only benefit yourself.
2. You pay the life debt in your 30's for what you did in your 20's. You pay the life debt in your 40's for what you did in your 30's and 20's. So on and so forth. This is why old people tell you to take care of yourself. The debt builds and pays its due. Exercise, eat better, stop drinking/drugs and for gods sake get some better sleep.
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Trying not to be awkward is what makes you awkward. Control your anxiety before you form new regrets.
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forgot pape
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hydrate, don't be reckless with credit cards, love yourself. I'm 29 and still figuring shit out anon.
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High School

Unless you're planning to keep a strong academic record, don’t overwork yourself or waste time on tasks that nowadays you can easily summarize with AI.
Try to surround yourself with useful people; there’s no point in wasting time doing part of the work that isn’t your responsibility.

If you're planning to pursue a major that requires math, start studying it as soon as possible. Do exercises and understand as much theory as you can. There are tons of YouTube channels and many people willing to teach you for free.
Try to attend as many classes as you can, and notice which classmates tend to sit in the front and take notes—especially in the first few months.
If you can make friends with people who are ahead of you in your program, it's crucial. There are usually study groups or extracurriculars like dance, photography, or board games. Take advantage of any social spaces.
If you’re not sure where to start, here are some useful channels:

Traductor de Ingeniería
Math Sorcer (Books)
Pablo Borsoi - Mate Tutoriales
Professor Leonard
Andy Math
Stefan Hugtenburg (CS)
The Organic Chemistry Tutor
-If your car starts to get stuck in the snow or mud, straighten your wheels before you step on the gas. It's amazing how much extra resistance comes from having the wheels turned.

-If you're having a problem in your life, job number one should always be processing your true feelings about it. Dig deep for the anxiety, anger, shame, or whatever else is building and allow it to land completely. Put it into words, even. It hurts, but self-deception can really hold you back from making positive changes.
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1) 70% of the population is crazy due to the elite fueling societal expectations.
2) Secret societies control every head of every nation, and we were all born into this.
3) Never make decisions in life based on societal expectations, or for social approval.
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Turning 26 soon.

-You can alter your entire personality, outlook, and ethos at any time you wish and become a different person. You can ego-death yourself whenever you so choose into being a better (or worse) person. I did it by remembering what my priorities were and realizing how different the path to achieve them was from the path I was taking

-It's okay to feel bad when you lose someone you cared about. It's okay to feel consumed by vengeful feelings for that person. It's okay to not know why they left you. It's even okay to act on your anger against them. Sometimes people do shitty things for selfish reasons. What really matters is that you come out of that relationship with introspection and knowledge about yourself and what happened, and have some peace when its all over

-You're probably still pretty young. Stop freaking out and saying "its over."

-"Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end."; Fernando Sabino

I'm gonna be figuring myself out for a long while. Ease up, anons.
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Don't take advice from people on the internet.
When you think about it, it's obvious. These are just random ass people with no credibility
That includes YouTubers, or people you think are 'based' online.
There is an extremely high chance you have no idea what their personal life is *reaally* like.
They are almost definitely leaving something out of the story.
They are probably just some coomer compulsively touching themselves while writing bog standard 'general advice' because they just need to post a reply for attention.
How do I actively pursue challenges and difficulties? Whenever I try something difficult that I don't understand (coding, math, strategy games, etc.) my brain and body immediately want to ignore the problem.

The sad part is that I believe that I am gifted in logic and creativity but this weird comfort zone thingy keeps me away from truly putting effort into things. I catch myself going the path of least resistance. It is ruining my life too...

I genuinely cannot imagine a life where I'm always uncomfortable because I try to challenge myself. I know it's absolutely pathetic but its not something rational I can just think away. Its like a shadow, it's always with me. Like a demon of sloth or something.
Something I heard about procrastination/complacency was that doing something more difficult than the thing you’re avoiding will require your brain into making it much less daunting or overwhelming - it’s why you might clean your house or do something else that may be productive but easier than the big task. Do something difficult.
Cold showers/plunge have all sorts of physiological benefits and I feel great after stepping out. But what I’m most interested in is gritting your teeth through the first couple of seconds, especially if it’s straight out of bed. Overcoming that hesitation when you’re standing naked right before you go in. Mastering the skill of forcing yourself to do something you really don’t want to do. Or something like the horse pose- hold out for as long as you’re mentally capable.
I can’t say it’s cured my procrastination but I’m a lot more inclined to take on challenging situations and do a much better job of staying on top of my work than I used to. Unironically David Goggins helped me “embrace the suck”. His podcast with Huberman talks about this part of your brain that gets bigger the more sucky things you do, increasing your threshold of pain. Yours is probably small. There’s only one way to make it bigger.

As for my piece of advice, don’t put off the the little things, do them as soon as they come up and forget about them. That 15 minutes of discomfort beats the weeks or months of stress from it hanging around your neck.
Also Not don’t have my pc atm, I’ll come back to this to contribute a pape
Hiking off the back of your advice, there's this tendency people have in tumultuous situations. They have the urge to throw out high risk options. It applies to fighting, fighting games, game theory, and life as a whole. The truth is that, the only consistent way forward is consistency. You have to do the hard thing, and think up a way forward. That's how you win over any circumstance. Risks only cause more holes in whatever boat you're trying to steer. It's what's always made humans dangerous, our ability to think.

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