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File: thumb-1920-644400.jpg (388 KB, 1920x1268)
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Giant monsters. I love them. You love them. Show me what you got. Bonus points for anything with miregoji.
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File: Ohrai godzilla70.png (2.44 MB, 1491x1075)
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Nice. Something other than Godzilla.
Seems like almost all of my non-Godzilla shit is too small.
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The most terrifying Kaiju of them all.
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File: The 7th Voyage of Sinbad.jpg (238 KB, 1920x1080)
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Ah shit 3.5 on IMDB but it has Robert Forster in it. I may have to watch this...
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I have some that are not movies, give me afew minutes to find them.
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OK continuing on ...
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and that's all I have that's not Godzilla.
Good shit. Thanks.
No problem. If you really want Godzilla papes I can do those later.
I would love some more godzilla ones pls
I'm on a hunt for good images of miregoji from G2K. I'd appreciate any you might have.
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File: tomoyuki tanaka.png (1.6 MB, 1898x1230)
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>I must scream, but I have no mouth.
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File: Godzilla 1.jpg (361 KB, 2880x1620)
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So, did you watch it?
Yeah. It's Korean. Pretty low budget but they did pretty good with what they had. It's got some decent US actors in it. It's a kid's movie. It was nothing I'd recommend or watch again.
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