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Kamala thread, cringe edition
Crazy what a 180 turn this election took. I'm in PA and the state will go blue this year 100%. Picking that faggot billionaire's blood boy for VP was a huge mistake for Trump.
cool story, bro
Keep cringing. When she's in charge America will just get better every day.
And keep watching Fox News. As long as You People are stupid and ignorant you'll be easier to control. Absolutely no agenda you've pushed has done anything good for you or America, and since you don't know what's actually going on, you don't know how your actions are not having a positive effect.
How the fuck is Trump losing to this?
You're a retard if you think VP nominees have anyhting to do with it
This is who you voted for:






Your precious administration lied and gaslit you for years, and you fell for it.


And you retards call Trump weird? HAHAHAHAHA
You're retarded if you think the VP pick doesn't affect the campaign. I realize you're probably not even old enough to vote yet. Vance is horrible for Donnie, nobody likes him.
>How the fuck is Trump losing to this?
Because he's a cowardly nazi and he spent almost every day since 2015 proving he's a coward and a nazi.
Now, the nazi propaganda machine at Fox did a wonderful job covering for him. But because he's also a colossal moron and incredibly selfish and self-centered, he got soft and accustomed to that protection. They can't cover for his massive fuck ups any more.
Remember, this man is grossly incompetent and unfit to be in charge of anything. It was a massive pile of lies that got him elected to begin with. The lies did not work as well the second time around and they are even worse the third time around. His people and his propaganda machine were not finely tuned. They were playing entirely on the fact his opponent was a feeble doddering little old man. Since that old man isn't running any more they are fucked. They're taking too long re-tuning their propaganda engine and if you think calling her laugh stupid is gonna transfer millions of votes you clearly don't get it.
Donald and his Reich worked very hard to make Hillary look bad, because apparently the average American voter really hates private email servers even if its investigated twice and twice found to not be criminal.
That was it, that was their whole strategy. And it worked, cuz the average American is a moron.
He doesn't have that email server any more. He's got nothing. Not a damn thing, and since the average American is still a moron its pretty fucking sad he cannot scrounge up one piece of dirt to use against her. That how lazy and worthless the 21st century nazi is. If he can't come up with something as good as a private email server to use during his campaign, he should not be allowed back in the White House.
His daddy Vlad would have done a much better job. But America is mostly stupid right now. It doesn't take much to convert the average voter but then again the average politician is too stupid and lazy to figure out a good strategy anyway.
>posting youtube links on /wsg/
Too stupid to make your own webms, huh? Christ, they'll let any idiot on the internet these days.
>You're a retard if you think VP nominees have anyhting to do with it
I mean, James Carville says it matters and I'm guessing he knows more than you do. I still think Palin helped sink McCain. And Quayle did NOT help Bush against Clinton and Gore.
Just trying to show you what's been hidden from you. Democrats will literally hand your country, jobs, homes, and resources over to illegal immigrants.
They are literally trying to fuck your shit up, and based on the current prices of groceries, rent, and inflation, it's pretty damn obvious.

Then take a look at Trump's record:
- The dude said he would build a wall to help stop immigration. He built the wall like he promised, and he was way ahead of the game!

- He said he would create the Space Force, and guess what, he created the Space Force, an entire new military branch purely created to protect America's future.

The only thing the Democrats have created is literally mass inflation and a border crisis. Not to mention they handed over Afghanistan and kitted out the Taliban with 7 billion dollars of taxpayer's money in abandoned military gear.
Trump and the military adviser's plan was meant to leave a residual force in Afghanistan to oversee the withdrawal and ensure the Taliban did not retake the country.
Instead, Biden pulled the military out first with his tail between his legs. Countless dead, and thousands of US Citizens left behind, many of whom are still being held captive by the Taliban.

No offense but you are either really smart and a terrible liar, or really stupid and just passing on the garbage you heard from propaganda networks like Fox and Breitbart.
You People have been claiming democrats want to hand over America to illegals since the Nixon days. You've been lying for 50 years and we have evidence you are lying.
Donald Trump did not build the wall. He built like one tiny chunk of it, and it had no effect, and it cost a shit ton of money and mexico did not pay for it. The man lied. And you believe him because you are part of the nazi reich and you want to believe him. Not because he tells the truth. And the democrats repeatedly tried pushing legislation for border security. Your masters blocked it, because deep down inside they know its not an actual problem. Its an issue. They made it a political issue to score points with racists. The majority of American racists are pure cowards and Republicans know they can manipulate you people easily when you are constantly scared.

And Biden made massive improvements to the economy across the board. You dont know that cuz you precious propaganda networks like Fox and Breitbart never report that. They reported the stock market is down, which is the rich people's economy. You know, those rich elites you pretend to hate but secretly support every day?
Know what else your propaganda networks did not report? The world stock market is down. And despite your refusal to believe so, America is actually part of the world. But they and you will continue to believe Joey somehow did something wrong to crash only Americas stock market, which isn't true, and he did not recover and create tens of millions of jobs, cuz you can't allow yourselves or the other nazis to believe it.
Please kill yourself or move to Canada when Harris wins this November.
Please do not storm the capitol building AGAIN when you lose. You couldn't overturn the election then and this year there will be more security.
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Taliban's based. Imagine losing so hard to sand niggers for 20 years. If you were in Afghanistan for any reason other than making big war bucks you deserve your fate. Here's hoping Iran turns Israel to glass next.
Hahaha, yeah that's what I thought. Just a long rant of complete bullshit with no sources whatsoever. You've been manipulated by Reddit bots haven't you? You're programmed bro.

"Biden bots shilling for democrats in an attempt to make Republicans look evil"
And by the way anytime we collect actual evidence of the election "being stolen" its always by You People.


Trump was the one who attempted to make fake votes appear and real votes disappear. We have him on audio. Every claim You People made about democrats stealing elections was either completely baseless, proven false.
You remember when your orange messiah repeatedly claimed he had physical evidence in both 2016 and 2020 that elections were fraudulent? No, of course not. Because you are children and not particularly smart children. Your attention spans are shorter than a newborn baby's. He never presented that evidence by the way. And You People still think he's a good president.

I always knew Reddit was a psyop
You can call them based if you want, but chances are they would behead you in the street for not adhering to one of their many ridiculous standards.
And thanks so much for proving my point. You cant think. You make generic attacks instead of debating, and you are simple on top of it.
Dude, I just gave you a bunch of sources proving that your current administration is robbing you blind, and Biden has been too old for a looong time, it's not a new thing. I'm saying it to help you because that same administration has literally helped the Taliban more than their own citizens.

Also yes, the manipulation on Reddit is very real and dangerous.
No, you didnt, and you lied about it on top of that.
You are a sick sad person. Luckily your sickness will not continue for another 4 years.
Stating the truth along with sources = sad and sick. Yeah, makes sense.

> Luckily your sickness will not continue for another 4 years.

Yeah because if the Dems win I don't think any of us will continue for another 4 years, lmao.
Trump is also too old. He's slowing down big time. I'm not as crazy commie as the other anon ITT, Trump's not a literal nazi, but 90% of what he says is the most ridiculous bullshit I've ever heard. He's entertaining, absolutely, but you know he doesn't give a single fuck about any of his supporters or their lives. If you think he does I don't know what to tell you, man, that's some crazy mental gymnastics.
>he doesn't give a single fuck about any of his supporters or their lives.

I don't know, maybe. But he's an option who isn't a career politician so I think he would be better in that case than most.

I can only base my opinions off of what he achieved versus what the current administration has achieved. As mentioned before, the Wall and Space Force are both impressive achievements that really served no other purpose than to help Americans. I don't think you can spin those things as something bad. Russia and China will militarize space eventually, Trump knew it would be good for us to beat them there.

So I'll take the guy who actually puts America first over the administration that hands things to the Taliban and illegal immigrants first.

You may find this thread interesting:

I know, it's Reddit, but it was years ago before it was totally full of bots.
Can you two fuckers go to /pol/ and continue this exciting discussion over there?
>he says in a /pol/ thread
The /fag/ general might be more your speed, champ.
you are in /wsg/ dumbo, nobody wants to listen to your pablum here
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Terminal TDS
What billionaire??
>cringe edition
There is no other edition when it comes to that NPC
Dems are just trolling everyone right? They are playing a game to see how incompetent, corrupt or unlikable a candidate can be while the majority still think they were fairly elected.
You know that guy dropped out right?
JD Vance has been great on the campaign trail though. Everything negative about him is either old clips, or slander
The wall didn't get finished because democrats blocked funding with made up excuses.
Democrats always add extra bullshit into their proposals. At the end of it all, it's democrats who are more than fine with a loose border and even say borders are not legitimate.
The world stock market is down because it's related to America's economy. And yes, right wing networks did report that the world stock market is down.
It's also just recently come out that almost a million jobs added has been wrongly reported.
Where can I get a Government Shill job? Must be paying real well spreading you bullshit.
Goes by "KAmala" for a while, then has everyone say "KaMAla" to sound like "Obama," and now she's back on the original. Make up your mind!
Is that what happened? Because I thought it was Ka-MA-la for years
The good news is Dan Quayle is no longer the dumbest motherfucker who ever served as the vice-president in this country
I'm not into politics but the way she speaks gives me the fucking creeps. I don't even know what it is about her voice but it makes my skin crawl
imagine there are million of boomers who actually watch this trash
we need immigrants to tell us about the horrors of communism, Americans are too dumb to figure this out on their own (their propaganda they are subjected to is too strong)
I'm more concerned about the horrors of having millions of illiterate retards entering my country
I am more worried about you not making a connection between communism and the hordes of unwashed retards entering your country. Looks like you might be one of them. Hicks should have nothing to complain about.
There are heads of state that support children getting chemically and surgically castrated if their faction gets to stay in power
Every time you call Trump a Nazi he gets stronger
I'm unironically a nazi and you should be too
The irony
If by "communism" you mean "jews", then yes I agree with you.

>trump is a LE NAZI
lmao I fucking wish. Too bad nazi trump only lives in your head and in reality he is a pathetic jew worshipper who loves fags and blacks
>mass inflation
That would be trump, nigga's an absolute CHONKER
Funny how the nazi is defending communism... really makes you think
It's like a zoom call between a middle manager and a new hire. Cringe and concerning that these two people clearly don't work well or even like each other.
This thread is like watching a snuff film. I can't see any more.
interesting choice of words
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Could be worse.
Americans are so brainwashed on the term nazi
I wish Trump were a nazi but he's a kike worshipper
you know how you keep saying you're a woman but it doesn't actually become true?
yeah this is like that
encode them into webms, retard
gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8
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>Palin helped sink McCain
You're a zoomer. Palin was unironically the only thing keeping McCain's nonexistent campaign going. All this "Palin is to blame" shit was made up by McCain and his NeoCon cronies after the fact.
Was it Kamala or Pelosi that was inciting violence during the BLM riots telling people to 'protest'? Can't seem to find it.
What protests?
I remember posting shit like this when I was 17. You'll remember this too when you're older. Embarrassing memories.
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Why does this have the MrBeast font?
How come more people aren't freaking out about picrel?

I feel like right wingers are supposed to be anti pedo/conspiracy types right? Why are you cool with this?
>How the fuck is Trump losing to this?
why do you think this, npc-anon? is it because the tv told you it?
>why aren't people made about billionaire hanging out with millionaire

because this exists:

Nobody cared about Epstein being best friends with Hillary Clintons husband during her 2 failed presidential campaigns.
because we see through concern troll attempts like your post. why do leftists highlight his relationship with trump despite eptstein having a closer relationship to clinton? the story could even be about epstein and some democrat but the news would choose pictures of trump with epstein.
we just see through you.
Calling everyone you hate a tranny is weird and is why your party isn't taken seriously
What does it matter? Protesting isn't unconstitutional or wrong.
I just checked and a Clinton hasn't held office in a decade. However Trump is running for pres and had Epstein killed while he was president.
Let's say you got sick from eating bad sushi. Would you have eaten the sushi if you knew it was bad? No, but you did eat it. That's the logic you are using here, and its beyond terrible.
Its always the tactic of a leftist to, instead of addressing the issues at hand, pivot to something else. Can you admit that kamala makes a lot of blunders? That she cackles ridiculously and has no actual policies? If so then enjoy the thread, if you dont believe these things you are free to rebut what is posted here. I stead, you try to pivot to insulting the other candidate, which is irrelevant.
What the fuck is tokfu??
epstein's relationship with the clinton white house doesn't go away. it shows his entrenchment with the democrat system at the time when the democrat party as it is today was being formed. he also had lasting ties with the usual trump haters. it's really trump vs a system.
trump barred epstein from his estate and helped with the investigation against him. this has been known.
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Bill Clinton's wife actually ran for president in 2016
This but Trump and republicans.
So did Donald Trump who was a close friend of Jeffrey.
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found this on snapchat today, seemed out of pocket for a random "influencer" to me
>t. 67 year old american
"The choice in November couldn't be more obvious" lmao what the fuck is wrong with americans seriously
I wouldn't vote for Kamala, and I wouldn't vote for trump. I thought then Kennedy's or Clinton's or Bushes were ever good people. I think it's all fucked up. I just thought it was weird how whe. Epstein was killed everyone was deep in the sauce trying to get more info on what the truth was. And how when pictures came out of Epstein and some celebrity or politician it was a big deal. Now there a plethora of pics of trump and Epstein and no one says diddly. I want to say it's hypocritical but maybe you guys did t care about Epstein to begin with (doubt)

For sure Clinton is sussy for his Epstein shit, and for sure trump is too. That's all im saying
I didnt ask
Buddy, if there was anything concrete about Trump doing shit on Epstein's Island, there would have been pictures released and everything by now and you know it.
Mind your business euromutt, go open your door for more muslims
>Talks alot
>Says nothing
Has a literal fucking boom mic to record their totally natural and nonstaged visit to the gas station.
Fucking kek
epstein's donations heavily lean democrat. the circle of socialites that trump and epstein shared in was overwhelmingly democrat. epstein knew trump because trump hung around democrats at that time. even after his conviction epstein still hung around hollywood democrat types.
So does that excuse Clinton and his photos too? Or is it because he's a Democrat it matters, but Trump is excused. Doesn't it all seem a little coincidental?
Its just that the democrat party openly promotes sexual deviency to the point where theyre advocating transexualism for kids on prime time television. This very much lends itself to suspicion of pedophilia.
I highly doubt trump is some sexual prude, but the direction the democrats are going is too much for even the zestiest of womanizers
You're trying way too hard to not sound like a shill and it's backfiring.
no, it's because despite all the character assassination and attempts to problematize anything that trump does, by the majority of the media, powerful people in the doj, and politicians, they haven't found anything. it's not the same because, on the other hand, democrat personalities are actively defended and any scandal involving them are memory holed.
it would seem coincidental if you're willfully ignorant.
Ok arlington
That's her job
Yes, he dropped out and now one of the cowards who was hiding behind him like the puppet master is at the helm. The "border czar" who has ushered millions of illegal immigrants into the country to steal homes, jobs, and resources.

Coming soon to a town near you:

"Venezuelan Migrant Gang Takes Over Apartment Complex In Aurora Colorado"
Pelosi gets grilled for her kingmaking efforts
that congresswoman is fricking HOT
There are tens of millions of boomers who eagerly eat up this MSM slop on a nightly basis. Let that sink in.
You do realize that everybody now knows that Epstein was a known foreign intelligence operative for many years and he was protected from prosecution only because he had leverage and influence over the ones who had to make the final decision to have him arrested. From Reagan to Obama, Epstein was protected and above the paygrade of anybody who could make the call to greenlight his arrest, including the president. It was not until the Trump administration that the DOJ and FBI were finally given the greenlight to arrest the spy, which means Epstein had no leverage over Trump like he had over prior presidents [like Bill Clinton oval office dress photo found at Epsteins house]
And the beef between Trump and Epstein goes way back many years and it isn't really all about Trump kicking Epstein out over him trying to get with some girl. Their fallout actually happened over the auction of a mansion that Epstein intended to flip and so he told the "inner circle" of his plan, including Trump, so that they would leave the auction alone but instead, Trump swooped in and outbid Epstein last minute and flipped the mansion for himself. Epstein made threats that he would expose Trump as a financial fraud and conman, and shortly thereafter, Epstein was arrested the first time. That means his accuser would've been protected from Epstein by somebody else and Epstein went to prison and was publicly humiliated with the egg shaped penis questioning among otherthings. That tells you Trump had more influence and power over authority than Epstein did.
It's not a secret that Trump was part of the club at one point but that doesn't mean the club controls him and we know they don't because they hate him and are trying to stop him from becoming president but he is resisting them and still trying to become president instead of stopping and living his life.
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I'm an American and I get to vote in this election, unlike a lot of you. I'm voting Kamala. Ha ha ha!
It's going to be very funny when Trump is immortalized forever as the first person running for president to ever lose to a woman
Kinda makes him based if true, cant imagine how feared he must be to upperhand someone like epstein
What a sideshow!
I stopped reading at "Nazi" because this faggot obviously can't tell the difference
what a shitty clip. 4 videos looped while the text is either repeating itself or saying some retarded shit
>a large pile of trash has accumulated indicating declining living conditions
sounds like histrionics with a grain of truth. cops say nothing is wrong, city councilors hyping shit on SC. Truth is probably somewhere in the middle. Just get the swat team together and Raid 2 this bitch
>How the fuck is Trump losing to this?
because leftoids are in a cult so deep that nothing can bring them back
>when she's in charge America will just get better every day
Just a note, Harris is the current sitting Vice President. She's been in charge for over three years.
huh? she looks like your average well-groomed middle aged woman.
biden's mic was muted though.
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why are there bots in this thread?
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>Trump is running for pres and had Epstein killed while he was president.
Hillary is Much more likely to have someone Killed!
--- The Clinton's or there 'team' has killed several 'friends' & associates... ('accidentally' died or fake suicide), BS!

You blame Trump?

- I think you're just lying for effect!
Post more Kammiesssssssssssss
bots like npcs or actual bots?
truth hurts, huh?
Orc children are so ugly. Kids are supposed to be cute. Then they are so stupid the couldn't even synch the ending which was one word with help from the old orc.
Genocide these waste of genes this very moment
Lol. These two are such low energy, lame, boring and ugly.
How can people put them on a pedestal as the don't have any qualities above average; let alone being great at anything.

Yet these same people would try to bitch or insult you for the smallest things.

It's almost as if her supports have no substance or soul. They are miserable hate filled robots obsessed with conformity, like the borg
No AI to pad out the crowd of Medicare zombies
the average american is cucked by HR, they cope by saying it's just a job
>If you were in Afghanistan for any reason other than making big war bucks you deserve your fate. Here's hoping Iran turns Israel to glass next.

My thoughts too. People used to openly say the war on terror was for Iraq oil.
If you didn't get free oil, then the war wasn't in your interest and there is no way you should fight it.
Same thing with jewkraine. Let hunter biden fight for his oil&gas job. Ukrainians aren't helping us fight off invading mexicans
Your a fag though
>the average american is cucked by HR, they cope by saying it's just a job

Like the animals working shitty jobs in The Flintstones
>literally zero information about anything
oh my god this is so accurate it hurts
>The American Way
She is basically superman.
Haha nice
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The Democrats are literally mocking us with DC comic book slogans.
Buck status: broken
Lol. Why are they obsessed with a WW2 faction, 80 years after the event? Must be a powerful force to still be feared
Post her falling out of a coconut tree.
Totalitarians tend to be idiots
You don't remember right then. Palin was only brought on as a piece of ass to look at then when she opened her mouth everyone realized what a fucking idiot she was. She made the whole campaign look stupid and that's part of why McCain lost. Moronic "political strategists" thought throwing in a VP that half of the men in America would fuck would save their Chickenhawk candidate.
McCain also didn't help himself by turning into GW Bush 2.0 during the campaign.
Republicans and Democrats have been calling each other Nazis alternatingly for the last 5 election cycles
not really, republicans keep mostly to themselves
Republicans dont call people Nazis generally
Probably because this world has very little mainstream truth.
>okay guys, participate in the games we host, it's fair and public knowledge so cheating is impossible
>anyway, I'm gonna rig it because we host it so we can literally do anything we want with it and you'll never know lmao
This isn't just for voting, but virtually everything from moderators/site owners faking trends, upvotes, etc. Steam actually does this too with their "top selling" games. Top selling actually just means who gave them advertizing money to be temporarily put in that position most of the time. This is why you'll only see new releases that have no fanbase yet have an aggressive shill campaigns appear for a few days, then completely disappear.
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RDJ really pulled off blackface with no.laahback
>You do realize
No dawg I didn't realize. This is some schizo shit
Wow what complicated webms you weave. How about 9/11 - nano thermite?
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It started.

I think so, but I could be wrong. I never paid her any attention until 2020-ish.
Holy fuck. That's...he might be dumber than her.
Yeah, she's way too self-absorbed and can't really read the room.
They argue that "semi-autonatic assault weapons didn't exist when the Foundung Fathers penned the 2nd Amendment." And now they're arguing that "hate speech didn't exist when the Founding Fathers penned the 1st Amendment, either." Making up new categories to create exceptions in how to apply the law/Consitution.
Why did you feel the need to explain this
The Democrats are now just trying to play at peoples' emotions to get their votes. They say what they think people want to hear while sweeping the true reality under the rug. You can't fix problems until you acknowledge and confront them.

Trump says the reality, the real truth, that people aren't comfortable with but NEED to hear if thing are to ever improve.

Immigration is out of control, housing is being ruined by corporations (and illegal immigrants competing for resources, jobs, benefits, etc), inflation is running rampant, and the Democrats literally fueled the push to defund the police for years. Violent criminals are simply released onto the streets and end up killing again under the Democrats.
(see the recent metro shooter in chicago: https://abc7chicago.com/post/forest-park-cta-blue-line-shooting-what-know-suspect-rhanni-davis-criminal-history-goes-back-10-years/15264920/)

Kamala failed to address, in any capacity, why she has done nothing but make those issues WORSE during her 3 years. They lied about Biden's condition for as long as they could to the whole world. They made a big push for an 'open border policy' with Kamala as the 'border czar'. They blew the Afghanistan withdrawal, killing soldiers, leaving behind Americans for torture, and handing over billions of dollars worth of taxpayer military gear to the Taliban.
They have nothing but ruins to show for their term.

Trump has tangible, positive, results. He built the wall and increased border security before the Democrats began hauling millions of illegals in through their open border policy. He created the Space Force to protect the country, paving the way for a future of defense in space. The unemployment rate under trump was 3.5 percent, the lowest in half a century. No wars started under trump and he had productive relationships with countries like China, Russia and North Korea.
not cringe, that's how boomers talk to each other.
The Democrats are now just trying to play at peoples' emotions to get their votes. They say what they think people want to hear while sweeping the true reality under the rug
>They're eating the dogs!
Ah yes definitely not an emotional appeal that's ignoring reality.
Right, because one small story was misrepresented that means that the entire immigration issue is totally made-up.

This is exactly the flawed type of logic Reddit/Democrats use to manipulate peoples' opinions. "Oh look, one small detail was potentially misrepresented, so the whole thing is a racist lie!"

It doesn't matter if they're eating pets or not. There are over 20 million of them, growing each day, and they ARE stealing jobs, resources, homes, and benefits from you and your family. That is a fact.

And yes, many of them are criminals from dangerous gangs as Trump has said. The pet thing is totally irrelevant.

Also, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. It very well may have or may be happening, and just hasn't been verified yet.

from the post:
- Friend was looking for her lost cat, then one day came home and saw her cat dead, hanging from her neighbors (Haitian immigrants) tree as if it had been butchered like a deer.
hey champ, make these into webms if youre going to post on this board
Nah, I'm good
you either say "duh-ridos" or "dough-ritos". she's so fucking unrelatable here.
2024 will prove to you, and the world, that women dont belong in power :)
This is what happens when you allow frat bros into politics.
>we need immigrants to Due

There fixed it for you. And redistribute all orc assets to non-boomer Caucasians since these are the victims of Globohomo
Did you think you would see the day. Shills are now defending orcs that steal, kill and eat cats.
Also how do the boomer parents not attack that orc?
For the first probably 30 minutes of the debate she didnt actually answer any question.
>Shills are now defending orcs that steal, kill and eat cats.

It's how it always goes, there's always a subset of people who are slower to catch onto things, but once they or someone they know is affected they'll quickly have a change of heart.
Then it doesn't help that you have places like Reddit spreading flat out lies and manipulating content to make certain things appear to be the popular opinion.
Entities like that hate Trump because he exposes them, so naturally they're going to manipulate content to try to make him look like the bad guy out of self-preservation.
Did Reddit talking about the orcs stealing, killing and eating cats and dogs.
Also Reddit used to be good before commie lao took over. Immediately started getting rid of the best content
>Keep cringing. When she's in charge America will just get better every day.
So that means Trump winning is a good thing?
>implying anything of substance will be different with either
How the fuck is "home of the brave" choosing between two scumbags (and most likely pedos) for decades now?
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PBS News Hour - Ohio city with Haitian migrant influx thrust into spotlight [3094353786].mp4

honestly neither did trump. These things are less about candidates having an actual debate with eachother and more about posturing and demeanor. both their performances were pretty standard but kamala was unfortunately more collected and level, even if she didnt actually say anything meaningful
>posturing and demeanor
Kamala looked like she was about to cry the entire time. There's 0% chance she could negotiate any kind of relationship with Putin that doesn't end in disaster.
Trump's previous record speaks for itself, as does Kamala's. She's been in office as one of Biden's puppet masters for years now and the country is a complete wreck. Open borders, defunded police, no housing, skyrocketing inflation, etc, etc. All of it's worse than it was under Trump. Period.
I dont understand how people buy the "if we elect trump again it'll be a disaster and he'll be a dictator and abolish the constitution" etc. He didnt do that last time it mak s no sense as a talking point
It's because they've been literally brainwashed by propaganda. The media hates trump so they spam false negativity about him.

I used to be a Democrat and supported Obama. So I actually disliked Trump at first, but once I began researching beyond the headlines and found how many were flat out lies (to our own detriment), I changed and now I will be voting for him. The Dems lied about Bidens condition, and they lie about all sorts of shit, it's wild.
They downplay crime, they downplay the border crisis, and inflation too.

Trump has accomplishments under his belt that we haven't even seen in our lifetime. He promised he would create the Space Force and he did. He promised he would build the wall, and he did. Lowered unemployment, and much more.
I mean I get that IRS brainwashing but people can literally just look at their lived experience. He didnt do anything except the odd weird tweet. Thats it. Idk why people feel like this alternate reality they didnt experience is the "real" reality. Are people that gullible?
Sadly, I think a large portion of the population is pretty gullible and susceptible to being misled. Some people are just sticking to their 'team' that they've always been on, but some buy into the lies and fake headlines without doing any of their own research.

And we all saw it on the debate, Trump told the truth about the immigration crisis, then right there on live TV Kamala and the moderators denied it all.

It's out there for anyone who spends all of 2 minutes to research it, but people are just too stupid/lazy.


"Thousands of Haitians have arrived in Springfield since the COVID-19 pandemic, and residents have been pointing to an uptick in crime, mayhem and car crashes due to the massive influx of new residents. In a town of 58,000 people, about 20,000 Haitians have arrived, according to city officials. "

It's fucking crazy that the Democrats have allowed this, there will be no country left if they have another term.
>but some buy into the lies and fake headlines without doing any of their own research
Personal anecdote, I work at a food pantry and was making general conversation with a retired person who was taking some classes at a local college to brush up on modern topics, one of which was AI. I mentioned how AI is very promising but can be used maliciously, and he straight up said ""Yeah like when the republican make fake videos of biden to make him look bad". It was shocking to me that someone who seemed relatively intelligent would actually believe that Republicans are making AI generated vidoes of biden and purveying them on the news etc

And then there is also shit like:
>The original version of this story mischaracterized as false Donald Trump's statement accusing Kamala Harris of supporting “transgender operations on illegal aliens in prison” As a presidential candidate in 2019, Harris filled out a questionnaire saying she supported taxpayer-funded gender transition treatment for detained immigrants.
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man, I think I'm voting kamala, this video broke me. I know both sides are jewish puppets and I like trump, but at the end of the day, he's a fucking billionaire. I recently turned into a father and it feels wrong to vote for trump now. If he had a competent VP or anyone on his side that is not retarded, I would have voted for him
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>but at the end of the day, he's a fucking billionaire
And.... This is a reason to not vote for him?
Yeah, I mean, I hardly ever see anything positive about Republicans or Trump on the media. All of the sudden, it's all smearing him, which is what began to draw my suspicions. There was so much anti-trump stuff that it became clear it was a deceptive/coordinated campaign against him and not something natural.

It's all taken way out of context or out of proportion as well. Like the Project 2025 thing which Trump has said multiple times he has nothing to do with and hasn't even really read it himself. Or the JD Vance couch thing which apparently never happened, and many more.

They try to make it appear as though the popular opinion is to be against him, but I've been a part of multiple online polls now which were administered to large audiences by streamers on Youtube and Twitch. In ALL of those polls, Donald Trump has won and was the more popular choice. So, it's very clear they're trying to manipulate things by only showing anti-trump stuff which is largely false.

The saddest part is that in the end, the people who are being tricked by it will be the ones hurt the most by Democrats continuing inflation, open borders, and going easy on crime. They're literally supporting their own decline.
>They're literally supporting their own decline.
This is the worst part and I see it very clearly in society. People know that the economy is in the toilet and inflation is way too high. People understand that the Democrats foreign policy is garbage. And they'll still vote left leaning because they think that the candidate is "nicer". You don't really see this anywhere else. You don't pick a plumber because they're nice. You don't decide on someone who's going to work on construction on your house based on how nice they are. In fact, it's the opposite. If you see a big, burly guy with a lot of body hair and sweat and who doesnt take crap, isnt that waht you want on a serious job? idk man the country is nuts.
>I recently turned into a father and it feels wrong to vote for trump

Not to be rude, but Trump is the only one promising to protect the futures of children by deporting millions of illegals who have been allowed in by Democrats.
If that doesn't happen, your children will be competing against millions of illegal immigrants for rights, jobs, houses, benefits, medical care, and more.

Democrats are handing away birth rights to illegals.
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Holy fuck imagine having to listen to this shrill deranged voice give speeches for the next 4 years. It's worse than fingernails on a chalkboard. Is there anyone in the history of politics or public speaking in general with a worse voice than her?
Imagine thinking they won't hide her like biden
At minimum she's going to have to give 4 state of the union speeches. And what about the fact that it's very likely she's going to start World War III? Is she going to be hiding the entire time we're fighting in a world war? How does a country even win a war without strong competent leadership?
Did you mean to reply to me because nothing you just said is relevant to my statement
You said they're going to hide her. How will they be able to do that when we're fighting a war that the commander in chief will directly be making major decisions in? If she cowers away from the public, nobody is going to accept being drafted and I could easily see it devolving into a civil war at the same time we're being attacked by Russia and China, and that will most likely lead to the total annihilation of America.
Hide her from the public dude
Reread my post again.
That doesn't look good
life was pretty good when trump was president but life sucked on a whole over level when biden was president. not just a coincidence either if you know anything about finance you know biden's fiduciary policies regarding covid was a form of unrestricted quantitative easing. His cabinet just had the federal reserve print more money and that's not even an oversimplification. Biden directly caused record high levels of inflation with his insane policy that seemed more like an experiment.

I shop at walmart and bread is like 6 bucks, and that's the shitty bread. Most other stores it's like 7-8 bucks. Explain how life was better under biden or how it's going to be better under kamala harris. What the economy needs right now is CONSERVATIVE fiduciary policy. Printing even more money and trying to keep interest rates low through a depression is just going to make it worse, and that's exactly what kamala harris is gonna do bruh. She's gonna make it worse with this hogwarts liberal hero syndrome bullshit thinking she has to pump the economy to save the lower classes when that will only hurt them more. I don't understand why you people can't see that. All harris does is spout banal platitudes about bring people together like le big happy family and stupid gullible idiots vote for her. There isn't a single policy issue that she has a sane rational approach to she's just biden on steroids and with the emotionality of a woman which makes her susceptible to concerns of the poor lower class single mothers (i'm the son of a poor lower class single mother btw) who need even more free money... she is just gonna make everything worse tenfold trust me, screencap this post, do it, screencap this shit rn and tell me in 4 years has kamala harris made life better or worse.
So was Biden the one keeping her from making America better these past 4 years?
He probably meant to say "prosecutor", but he clearly said "prostituter".
Trump lost
I don't see what her hiding has to do with being drafted. No one is going to accept being drafted even if she showed her face everywhere. Same thing would happen under Trump.
"Dont tell me what to bitch" nut
Fuck all other countries. I dunno though
People at work talk about it and just tell them it's bullshit. One of the smarter guys in the shop started looking into what I said and i heard him basically repeating it to somebody else today. Was so proud.
Will be interesting to see if your attitude about it holds up when we're fighting a civil war against immigrants.
Her voice is shaking
it's fear
Yeah I got that
a whore forced to run for POTUS, what could possibly go wrong?
I didnt ask
Why do they never stop her when Harris starts by going on a tangent that will never result in an answer to their questions.
Do you not understand how conversations work
I do, but neither Harris nor the journalists appear to be able to hold one.
So to you conversations are characterized by interruptions then
When your conversation partner clearly isn't staying on topic, you'd usually interrupt him and give him another opportunity to answer.
An interview isnt a conversation.
>How the fuck is Trump losing to this?
Because he's a establishment right wing hack retard who completely surrounded himself with right wing establishment hacks that made him backflip on basically all his 2016 populist positions to standard (R) playbook.
Trump in 2016 actually outflanked Clinton to the Left on much of his platform. He was the protectionist, anti-war, industry, infrastructure guy, she was the cosmopolitian, neoliberal, warhawk.
Now Kamala has basically backflipped on everything and is running as a Blue-Dog with the support of the Bush Jr Neocon regime, and Trump sounds like retarded boomer facebook, so why in fuck would "moderate" conservatives vote for Trump, when they can have a rerun of the Bush 2000 admin.
Trump to fix this needs to return to his 2016 populist platform, more FDR paired with Social Conservatism.
Honestly, Trump should support Medicare For All. That would be a handgrenade into the Democrats support base since the Democratic party now oppose even a Public Option.

He's not losing, media / certain social media sites are only giving the APPEARANCE that he's losing in order to try to sway people to their side. Look at Elon Musk's X.com poll for proof of this. He did a simple poll asking everyone Kamala or Trump on X.com:

"over 3.4 million users cast their votes on Elon Musk’s poll, with 75.2% favouring Trump and 24.8% favouring Harris."

Kamala got completely decimated in that poll. I've also been a part of several online polls in large audience streams and Trump has always beaten Kamala in those polls.

The polls and sentiment reported by mainstream media and the is manipulated to fit their narrative and does not reflect what most people actually feel. In summary, they're cheating. These polls they release in the news, who's taking them? It certainly isn't me or anyone I know. Any poll that says Kamala is ahead is manipulation.
Are you insinuating that X is representative of the general population of the US?
Given he embraces the enemy, he had it coming
Out of 3.4 million people, in terms of an average, yes. I've never seen any other "poll" released by the mainstream media reveal how the results were collected. It's just "Oh hai, a poll said Kamala is winning, kthxbai". There are infinitely many ways those could be manipulated.
If you're not voting, why are you here?
I disagree with you but its alright everyone is entitled to their own view. I personally think the fact that it was a poll from musk, on a specific internet platform narrows the demographic of who would be answering those polls dramatically.
Well, Elon's poll was publicly available for anyone to get on and take it. The polls I hear about in the news, I have no idea who they're giving those to, so those aren't publicly available.
Trump sounds tired and Kamalas voice is super annoying. What a boring election year
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Her voice is always shaking. She's an incredibly cowardly person.
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Damn those actors suck
that's how corporate america operates, extracting consensus from listeners
Needs to be edited to where the advice she offers is 'don't spit, swallow'. I love how she has a set bullshitting face where she's almost smiling, as if she's almost about to laugh at the ridiculous bullshit she's saying and acting she's doing.

The most remarkable part about this video isn't the paid child actors, it's the fact that Kamala's acting, and the way she speaks to them is the way she speaks on the debate stage and at her own rallies, concealing what she really thinks and putting on an act fit for children. But this is not unusual as actresses, since ancient times, have usually been prostitutes as well.
Yeah I got that
Fake it, till you make it.
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>me towards the MAGA's when she's is Ma'am President in November
For that Biden would have to die by November, mind you.
The election winner isn't sworn in until next year.
>actresses, since ancient times, have usually been prostitutes as well.
and somehow they got elevated to the top of the social hierarchy
This is exactly why I'm pro abortion
Another unhinged Democrat... Shocking

Once again, god chooses Trump
she's still running so .. bump
>I'm a father
>that's why I'm voting a goofy childless rich woman (that's not a billionaire so its ok)
You new?
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She is going to win.
You actually need medication
Look at Oprah's face. She knows She's full of it
His VP cam from a literal trailer park what?
>She's full of it
She is full of bs.
>We have more in common then what divides us
I have nothing in common with orcs. Answer that gypsy curse woman. Don't tell me she has another 2 minute bs baguette
How do you prove someone to be a member of a Ww2 faction, 80 years after the event?
Nope. That is different. Go to a fast food restroom in a orc neighborhood. Compare that to the restroom back home.
Now do you think orcs have similar bowel movements
Because it's all fake and the rest of the world laughs at you retarded faggots.
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Yeah. They want to steal the election again. This bitch couldn't even win the primaries.
No one with a normal nose likes her
non american here
what's so bad about this chick besides being cringe
I read she wants to destroy israel
that sounds pretty based
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woman president
Peter Thiel. Also the hillbilly schtick is hilariously oversold.
She has zero idea what's she is doing and zero plans
>fox news
literally just as dogshit as any other network news source, please try harder

shes a gimp that was chosen as a sidekick for another gimp but now that the original one dropped out she was the next logical choice.
Bitches walking into a gas station like they stepped into another, alien planet. They probably sanitized their hands once they walked out.
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Reminds me of the time Hillary stepped foot in the average person's home and her brain blew a fuse trying to understand it.
This feels like this videos where people film themselves doing something good or charitable, when really it doesn't make a difference.
>just one more election and we'll instill democracy in the constitution, guys
>just one more election, please, you'll all be stronger
>just one more election
>our country
She's not a natural born citizen. This isn't her country and she is not eligible.
No she doesn't. All she wants to do is flood the country with browns
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After everyone stopped pretending that Biden wasn't an invalid we've entered an era of politics where the presidency is now *openly* irrelevant and the government is run by an entrenched, unaccountable bureaucracy who fuck everyone over for the benefit of Lockheed and Goldman Sachs. Kamala isn't even pretending to have any actual policies or platforms other than "vote for me or Trump will win". You're literally just voting for an empty suit who'll be there to sign whatever the State department or CIA puts in front of her.

>I read she wants to destroy israel
Lolwut? The establishment left is just as far up Israel's ass as the right and the only reason they occasionally pretend otherwise (in between sending them billions in cash and military hardware) is because half their base thinks the Gaza war is genocide and it's killing them in the polls.
I don't know guys, I'm not american, I'm european, every time I hear Kamala's laugh it makes my skin crawl, it is the most fake and ungenuine laugh anyone can do.
Do overseas american frens feel the same way about this?
she's probably worse for israel than trump (who is strongly anti-iran) but she doesn't want to destroy it, that's something trump says
she isn't as weird as hillary used to be tbqhon
It's just a regular middle aged latina.
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Hillary wasn't 'weird', just evil.
ESL fail
The average middle aged latina is 5'2" and 300 pounds.
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Kamala Harris’ first solo network interview as 2024 candidate I MSNBC Exclusive [36ovmQj7gbQ].webm

Why does her voice change pitch and tone every single time she speaks to someone different
continuation thread


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