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illegal migrants
Venezuelan gangs
great replacement theory

post it all from the US to UK and Ireland
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MS13 new tactic
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is this just for brown illegal immigrants or could i get in on this action too? enter america illegally and claim i'm there illegally and get 30% on a house? or would they turn me down for being able to speak english and having white skin?
you're part of the problem
i think he is just trying to point out the hypocrisy through sarcasm
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forget about the left-right narrative, we are in a transitional period from a bureaucratic dictatorship to flat out totalitarianism
Seriously just unload on them with full auto
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very possible.
thats fucking insane
I really dont understand why countries dont do this.
In logical terms they are invaders, a foreign occupancy coming into the country. they aren't guests.
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any shred of sympathy goes away when you realize that people like this absolutely voted for the predicament they're in.
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busn them in
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poles guarding their border for muslims
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deportation flight. one of 4 in the last month.
>Being starved
The retarded irish starved themselves by only planting one crop
facts. i'm just waiting to rub their noses in it. first mom that loses a kid to these turds i'm gonna track her down and tell her to hold her head up high. she may have sacrificed her son but at least she can say she never voted for trump, so it was all worth it.
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i have a hard time believing that anyone would have 'voted for this' there were no signs this was their game plan
if you have something that proves this was their plan all along i'm open to being wrong
i know they voted for dems bullshit but how was anyone supposed to know they were going to flood the US, UK, Ireleand, etc with criminals and migrants
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lets just give them all houses
thats a great idea
>the california dream for all
A scene never begged for napalm so much in history
what's her onlyfans?
Venezuelan here, remember all these gang members (Tren de Aragua) and useless parasytes that live for free with American Tax money are trained by our gov. to cause as much trouble as they can to give us a bad rep out there so countrys make it harder for us to migrate.
this is literally a massive operation so Nicolas Maduro's government can keep exploiting venezuelan citizens and our territory.

its already happening here in South America, with Panama, Chile, Peru, and Ecuador requiring us to have a Visa to enter their countrys. it wasnt like that 4 years ago.
i know this wont change the point of view of anyone, but please, when you hear news about venezuelans causing trouble, despise those criminals, and the corrupt government of Nicolas Maduro, not our people.
>illegal migrants
>Venezuelan gangs

Gangs of migrants actually take over some parts of the city and the police seem unable to do anything about it. The migrant gangs go from apartment to apartment and CHARGE FEES that the resident must pay or else something may happen to their property or person.

Is this similar to the ancient Sicilian mafia racket of charging protection money? At least the mafia stops others from doing the same thing on their territory. But these migrant gangs don't add any value to their extortion as seen in the news report below.

yeah get rid of all white people
you still have problems, massive massive problems. and even new problems which you choose to pretend isnt real.
based poland
>this is free
thats the playbook right there
i wonder if they're going to pull the rug out from under the illegals that are dependent on the government to cause chaos
Found the potatonigger, go back to lining up for the dole
>and the police seem unable to do anything about it.
because they're either in on it, or the people who command them are in on it, or some other variation of subversion or corruption is at work.

even if the residents form together to buy weapons or hire actual protection, and the next time some gang faggot shows up and gets vented, the police would absolutely crack down on the residents or the people who are actually trying to protect the public from these criminals.

> crims are running wild on this server, go full FFA PvP
> actually do a better job than the cops do on the server
> gets arrested for it because "muh vigilante-ism laws"
> banned by administration for random death-matching and non-value of life
shit game.
Yeah, we've been having that shit for decades in europe. Get ready for the fall of the western culture.
>look how awesome this is
13 min of migrant crime
mostly sexual assault against minors in this compilation

Full clip: https://files.catbox.moe/lc4dnh.mp4
venezuelian migrant leaves behind a receipt with their current cash and food stamp balance
for anyone who's used any of these programs know that the $$ balance rolls over to the next month if you dont spend it
people are thinking/saying that they get this per month which is probably untrue
they still get a fuck ton more than the homeless do
>anyone who calls me out for being retarded is ___
yeah you're very mentally stable
you know why they do this...
so they can have an anchor baby when they get to the US
fake news
>In fact, U.S. citizens can participate but must qualify under other “economic equity risk factors” outlined in state law.
In actual practice, the american citizen is put at the bottom of the list. So a citizen can technically apply, but will not receive the benefit because the migrants are always given a cut in the waiting queue.

Thus, it is essentially TRUE that US citizens will not get the benefits.
>Can't say nigger
Back to redddit, faggot
UK asian market
>delivery, its amazon
read it again retard
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It's honestly too much to expect your average person to think about the second and third order effects of voting for any given ballot measure. Its even more unreasonable to expect an elected lawmaker to do the same thing. There could very well be a select few cabal members who 100% knew what they were doing, but the majority of politicians are just as retarded as everyone else and they see the nominal value of a law without actually considering the implications.
serioulsy, where's the link?
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whats he saying?
The only invaders are the Southern cracker White Trash that stole Texas & the so called "southwest US" (Northern Mexico)
>illegal migrants
>Venezuelan gangs
The governor of Colorado state said all that talk about Venezuelan gangs taking over apartment complexes, intimidating the management/owners, and collecting the rents from residents is all imaginary hoax.

It's a good thing twitter was bought out or else there would be a solid censorship front banning people for posting misinformation or racist information about Venezuelan crime. And that the Biden government failed to implement its council against online misinformation (and racist news and information). That council would evaluate postings and then issue a recommendation to the ISP or website to ban the people. Such a ban would be a "For Cause" ban due to the official federal government recommendation, so if you had prepaid any fees, or had signed a contract, you would be obligated to "buy out" your contract without receiving any services. That makes a "for cause" ban quite nasty especially if you got a free phone with the online ISP contract. Because you were unable to complete the contract normally, you might have to forfeit your phone BECAUSE cessation of service occurs PRIOR to the contract requirement of buyout. Thus, your phone might have to be returned due to failure to live up to your part. And because it is "for cause", that section of the contract requires you to buy out the remaining term of the contract.

Hooray for Lawfare. Historically, censorship stuff is typically implemented by any political party with "People's", "Democratic", or "Socialist" in its name.
X is great for those small independent journalists who aren't bought and paid for to go along with the official narrative
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they'll get migrants out of the cold/weather but not the american homeless
i like how the wall just stops
stupid AI caption
What about relief for the taxpayers? The activists have funded job positions from the city to perform these advocacy jobs, so those costs are also borne by teh taxpayers in my city. They are always filing discrimination claims on behalf of their clients, so it is like paying lawyers to sue yourself.
fdr highway in ny
they all have a predetermined destination
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>shit game.
They've taken over parts of New York City. What happens is that the Venezuelan groups stake out "terriotories". When you or I pass through such a terrirotory, we must pay a fee to live there or travel through. If you have a car they want or need to use for a crime, they carjack it.

It doesn't take much to make the USA fall apart. Imagine if this diversity was spread far and wide. Then more of the USA would fall apart into non-productive social welfare "affordable housing" districts.

Venezuelan Illegal Immigrant Gang Members released on $1000 Bond

Deporting them is racism cited by democrats.
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Migrant Children are being trained to be Expert Looters. Kids explain how their moms tell them to go put on shoes they like and walk out, pick up purses they like, jackets, whatever.

>they'll get migrants out of the cold/weather but not the american homeless

Meanwhile, the migrants break into Ware houses and raid the whole warehouse. Everything in a high-trust society is free for the taking.
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>look ma we got our first house
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part 2
never give up Ireland
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kek need this with sound
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wow terrorist propaganda and russain news in one webm
good job
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Anyone have any webms about Venezuelans migrating to Iceland? I have a bunch of screenshots, but no videos.
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So they are taking back there land from white folks, i see no issue.
all used to be from America
i learned something
>kit with condoms and morning after pills allows migrants to get raped more safely in the jungle
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absolute mogger at 0:27. they cant keep letting in all these poochads
How the fuck is that happening? Icelanders are big ass moggers who would beat the living shit out of them.
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>coming to a town near you
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>make me a sammich
seems fishy. in the original video the apartment is clearly full of shit and looks lived in like only people south of the border can make a place look lived in. Now it's completely empty and this young fighting age Venezuelan male is there saying the whole thing was just a random mystery. Kinda like how the cops said they went and everyone who lived there said there was no problem with the gangs, it was the property management... of course we know they never asked those people if they themselves were gang members.
so anyone with a VPN can vote Kameltoe, remember this
If you are an average height average weight white male you can beat the shit out of the average spic, the only thing is they don't fight fair
If you know anything about Ratalian mafia you know every single big leader ratted, was an informant/agent, or was working for jews. 90% of the mafia's dealings were for the government.
90% of cartels dealings are for the US govt

the US govt officially denies the existence of take trees and commands to cut down evidence that would harm their trafficking enterprise

US govt directs the cartels to keep a lower profile

google ai is tranny cope slop

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Am I supposed to feel bad for these gun loving hicks who can't defend themselves against some Venezuelan guys? Stand up for yourself bitch.
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its about whats happening
not how he reacted
Am I supposed to feel bad for these redneck hicks?
send $$
Stay strapped or get clapped, it's almost time to go open season on every illegal.
You're allowed to carry knives and blades in Canada. I regularly walk through forests with a machete.
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It is not far fetched, it was his ideology from the beginning and no one is even trying to hide it.


In your very webm he says "learn english" very loudly to sound tough on immigration then ends by proposing a loophole, that if someone has "roots" or has children on US soil they deserve a "comprehensive approach" to gaining citizenship. A Guatemalan family manages to cross the border and stay under the radar, they contact an agency and get their kids into a state school, get free healthcare falling under emergency services, get food and housing assistance, perhaps have a child here, eventually gaining citizenship after a number of years because they learned a few words of english. This is why so many are trying to get into the US, they don't even need a job, and if they do they won't be paying more in taxes than they receive from the government. It is middle class Americans who are paying taxes to people who hate them while working classes must accept the decline in living standards. These brainwashed immigrants then become lifelong voters for the Democrat party, guaranteed power over the US government.

It is machine politics on a massive scale so of course you get consummate professionals in its orchestration like Obama. They may have strong beliefs, but they understand strategy and can put them aside to maintain the deception. And race is the perfect vehicle for this, most of said noncompliant middle classes are white, this is why they declare they are not "diverse" and try to get rid of them. Obama and the social justice movement are also fans of Frantz Fanon who proposed white people are tainted by colonialism and inherently evil, he possessed extreme racial hatred towards white people throughout his presidency undermining them wherever he could and so will Kamala.
Elon summed up why the democrat party is doing this to America. It's to create a permanent unbeatable quantity of votes that ensures democrats will always win even if people blame them for fucking the country up. With a permanent welfare class dependent on social welfare, the democrats will always have enough of a majority vote to remain in power permanently.

The welfare class may hate the democrats, but they hate republicans even more out of fear that making the government more efficient means (1) less money printing (2) lower deficit spending (3) streamlining government to remove waste // These three things are all hated and feared by those living on welfare.
Nothing brings me greater pleasure than knowing that the white race will cease to exist in the next 100 years or less.
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Illegal aliens* they are not migrants, because they're not supposed to be here.
>Venezuelan gangs
>Capitalist rightwingers who don't want to be taxed by the Chavistas are fleeing to the US start gangs
LOL. I think they'd rather go to Columbia
We know my jewish friend, we know.
White people took your messia, saw his wisdom and decided that it would be a white man's religion.
Then you saw a white man trying to get rid of your lice using DDT back in the 1940's and decided you should accuse him of genocide.

All your reasons for hating people supperior to you are documented.
>coming to a town near you
hope you all are ready for migrant law enforcement
hawley is such a G
They've not seen dirty fighting until they meet me.
Oy fucking vey!
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These guys are basically modern day vikings. Except instead of taking over forts and castles they take over apartments and warehouses, and their "Danegeld" taxes are collected through welfare and EBT instead.
ask me how I know you're not white
>hope you all are ready for migrant law enforcement
Good thing I don't bother to vote, shit is rigged from the beginning.
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>they're just here for a better life
She's still too stupid to realize that they're not here for a better life. They're here because there's more loot to steal and easier people to abuse. And all the while, the government helps them do it.
Talking is all anyone seems to do on this issue. Nobody is taking action. That's why their stupid soft invasion is working. They don't need to invade us by force because our government works for Israel instead of it's own people. I just wonder how long it'll take before people realize it. Given the rate at which the populace catches on, it's going to be after 2030, which is far too late.
I'm a disabled citizen, and I get like $150 a month to eat. It's times like these that make me grateful that my disability is a mental one, so I'm not just trapped here when my own ZOG nation gives me the finger for a bunch of brown criminals. The future is going to be fucking gay...
These 70 iq mixed race mutts voted for this, this woman 100% supported this exact thing for the last decade.
[spoiler]not a single drop[/spoiler]
aw... my only regret is not having a life expectancy of 200 years to see the declining u.s. fall from the world hegemony for good. or to see the miserable middle working class that defends our system with so much conviction to be reduced to the very thing they hate... the cheapest meat of the market, even with assets and education.

you cannot expect the rest of the dried up world population to not invade the countries that most consume resources. even if you shoot them at the borders it won't matter.

i just laugh. maybe I belong to /pol/

burn moar
Hey Rabbi, nobody cares what you think.
Migrants start contributing to society at an early age
Based. Hook noses always post about what they find interesting or what things they like.
Fuck you jewy jewington, we aren't your friends. Lmao.
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>coming to a small town near you
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>phones without WiFi can't make calls
mainstream media competency crisis
>cause the economy, education, and socializing to go to shit and blame all of the effects of that
>import your African brothers (as a jew)
seems like a good way to get kicked out of another country deau
in Oregon they are setting up camps saying its for wildfires in the woods but they are like 4-7k tents without anyone out at daytime besides security all of which look Jewish, every road nearby is closed too with guards on them
they are using green firetrucks to transport them too
no fire in sight, was raining hard when I saw this too
>where are they getting their cash
>meanwhile, holding up, posting a fucking kike for president sign on their property or in front of them
ayo wake up whitey u not gonna vote deez niggers out
So tell us about that mass shooting you're planning.
I wonder which small hat he answers to.
>great replacement theory
no such thing, would never happen
So tell us about the dicks up the ass you have taken
Yeah, we don't need a theory anymore. They're doing it, and they're bragging about doing it.
Where the fuck you live, israel?
That's an octaroon

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