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I want that dog so badly
Good boy
>the 2000s was just the 60s gogo look
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are they doing something off screen to upset him or can he tell from the size of Simba, that it's a "small dog"?
mmmboy are you fa-NANII???
instant weight loss
What breed is that?
He's just a smart dog.
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With modern TVs dogs can now see the full motion range, as too can cats. CRTs would have just been flashing images to them.
They can see full animations now like we can and they are intelligent so can click onto things.
Plus keep in mind its a disney cartoon made for children with the most basic but subtle character designs that even a child can infer characterisation from them by visually seeing them. i.e the darker lion with a deeper elusive voice, beady eyes and a deformed face is "bad"
my smile and optimism: gone
name of song?
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Focus on the bottom right.
This scene is extra sad as of today :(
Crystal Castles - Kept
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That is fucking AWESOME!
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>wake up! get a job you lazy pig
>nnnnooo, nooooooo
>wake up or i'll delete your /wsg/ folder
>please no!
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I think your dog has autism.
File: secret dog.webm (4.02 MB, 1920x1080)
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>bitches talking
My parents dog absolutely hates this commercial that has parrots and barks like crazy at them
>Requiem (Ligeti)
My wives
Weird dog
>Put me in the game, coach! I'm ready!
I used to have a gif of this where he explodes at the end
is that how rabbinical disputes are settled?
File: The Rope.webm (1.1 MB, 640x360)
1.1 MB
Oh no.

Is there a version of this with sound?
long live the king
lol what the fuck? did someone add the bars in post production?
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Eurobeat subtracted 10 meters of braking distance with ultra-super-late-breaking-technique.
But where are they going? Dog school?
dog park probably.
simbas a cat you fucking retard
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Did you make this post ironically, or did you legitimately not understand what he was saying?
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This'll probably be me once my parents die.
Take care of your four legged friends.
I miss you, bro.
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finally some filenames that make sense
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this reminds me of those webms where some indian pulls out a gun while and everyone else starts acting a bit scared
just kinda hoping things don't go horribly wrong.
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yjk, the thread
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My old dog didn't gibe a shit but the new one demands I put on dog videos on YouTube every couple of hours lol
What does that even mean?
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Dog UwU
No dogs are intelligent.
If yk yk
That's genius. This is the kind of engineering that got us to the moon.
If no dogs are intelligent then explain guide dogs.
people who traumatize their dogs with ritualistic bathing are assholes, dogs don't need regular baths ffs. if they play outside a ton it's good to do it maybe once a year but if they swim or you hose them down outside it's unnecessary. dogs constantly shed to a point where bathing does very little to help them, any dirt is on the outermost layer of their coat which is shed within 1-2 weeks on average
When the dog starts to smell they get a bath.
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t. home reeks of dog stink
t. incel
He's so addicted to memes that his brain now relates any dog footage with bestiality. Sad case.
dog paws typed this post.
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oh god the memes are real
one of the best webms i've seen and it's not about cats, omg
>oh no... my son is retarded
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1.73 MB GIF
lions are dogs you absolute buffoon. who ever heard of cats that live in packs?
the duality of dog
>ritualistic bathing
I can smell you all the way across the internet.
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yeah they must've
you can see the cut they made
still funny tho
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>we've all agreed, the refugees will go to western nations
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>pron cocktail
never seen that flavor
Usually I hate the "YJK" meme but she is 100% having relations with that dog
that bitch riding my cock
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Improved version
If we define "intelligence" as being smarter than you, then plenty of dogs are intelligent. Pretty low bar, but still.
Those are some short borzois
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does it even need to be said?
why the long faces?
The dog just wanted the stick. It was a lovely stick.
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somebody should put this side by side with that jeet who drives a motorcycle onto a flooded street and goes over the side never to be seen again
>what is skin, what are paws, and lol nobody believes dogs have ears or butts thats bs
No, dog "shower"
Are you suggesting that assertions can be made?
Some things are simply known.
me when i finally get a big tiddy goth gf
we'll meet again
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there is nary a requirement for deliberation
Dogs dont smell because they dont get showers. They smell because of low quality food. If you feed them right and they are otherwise healthy, they will not smell under normal circumstances. In fact they smell pleasant on their own. Bathing a dogs is not necessary. Disinfecting the paws with soap and cleaning ears and teeth the only thing that is occasionally required. But those dont do change a dogs scent. Removing dirt from.their fur can be done sufficiently with a towel, or with a quick hose down and without soap. If scent is a general issue, theres probably a more serious issue causing it and won't be because they have not bathed in a couple of months.
t. Nose blind dog owner
Does it make you uncomfortable to see an animal experiencing the world the same way we do?
The quiet snarl from the one on the right at the end of the video is creepy as fuck.
How were these dogs bred to kill wolves? They don't look that brutal.
Long range biters.
They would apparently chase the wolf and pin them down for the hunter to kill, for the sake of preserving the pelt
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I think I love Ollie
I'll admit the filename got me
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Imagine the ecstasy of being bred for a purpose and getting to fulfill that purpose every day. There's not even a good human analogy because a man can get bored of anything. That son of a bitch will love herding sheep until the day he dies.
Extend a loan at brutal interest rates
upvotes please
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Idk. Boarders like most working lines have tough lives, at least traditionally. Many would live outdoors their whole life, get minimal treatment and once incapable of doing their job would get killed off. Huskies during the western frontier era were also just doing what they were bread for everyday, but were ultimately just a tool and a means to an end. When too weak they would get shot and fed to the pack, if no other food was available on the ice. Pulling a sled everyday, until the day you literally can't anymore, is tough work, regardless of the genes you may have. Depending on the circumstances, some of these dogs also endure a lot of hardship.
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beautiful dog
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american education
amazing dogs
When i was a kid i wanted to have a nice dog and do this
The first guy was not nearly as popular as the last 2
imagine all the drool
I have a feeling that some of these behaviors are enforced by anxiety, the dog is bred to be anxious about the goddamn sheep not going where the goddamn boss wants them to.
At least the guard dogs look calm as fuck and with their spiked metal collars they kill coyotes with impunity and look chill
Just finished watching the Terror s1, so when I i see this, I'm magining a tiny man going
> "n-n-nice p-poochiieEEee..... AAAAAAAAGH"
>muh traumatization
nigger, you're actually retarded if you think dogs get traumatized by this.
Guard dogs are some of the most anxious. They bark and confront everyone and everything that looks remotely suspicious. Large birds. People getting out of their cars abruptly next to you on the sidewalk. Strangers raising their voices in public. Large men with sunglasses and hats walking towards you. Waiters bringing you food. People who walk up to ayou to shake your hand or give you a hug are an immediate threat. You name it. In my experience, you need to go out of your way to teach dogs with a distinct guarding instinct to be calm in most everyday situations. That means the second you get them, they need to be socialized as much as possible. Otherwise you have a problem.
> You died.
Anyone have the webm of a super fast boarder collie running next to a quad bike, over grassy hills in the early morning, with feel good music in the background?
Nah man.
It even looks stupid when dogs do it.
That's a left handed batter.
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884 KB
Nvm. Found it.
Although there is another one with music. Probably a different dog.
>”no Bill, I don’t want to hear you and your friends play flamenco guitar at a hipster bar open mic, you can stop now”
It’s like he thinks if he can tear one off it’s a life hack to always have free milk wherever he goes from then on out kek
This dude looks like such a massive faggot, 1000% one of the owners of those dogs with faggot owners that "mysteriously" got monkey pox.
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You sound like you've never experienced joy in life.
Inferences have been made in the right places
Kek my dog does that look at his happy tail
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Do you lads know what kind of breed is this?
Looks like there is either some Australian Shepherd or Boarder Collie in there.
File: Run boy Run.webm (4 MB, 406x720)
4 MB

This one?
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The look in his eyes at the end, the knowing between human and hound... That's an appreciated fren who appreciates life.
Need one with actually fixed audio quality, song is Woodkid - run boy run
fucking lol
Successfully trolled
Stop spreading deadly diseases to humans
Stop fucking dogs
Stop spreading deadly diseases to dogs
I love animals, specially doggas
are they doing it for them?
nta but whenever you see a female and a male dog yjk
Ed...ward oni chan
she is definitely being gang banged
This is the one. Ty.
I'm glad I never watched this tripe
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no fucking way
become water my fren
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I think it is more the voice actor. The dog didn't start whining till he talked. The dog could be smart enough to sense a person in distress, and the barking could be similar reasoning for the cause of the distress
I guess that's what happens if you lock them in the bathroom all day while you're at work.
>When too weak they would get shot and fed to the pack
If only we humans were so lucky. We are a weak race, too egocentric and clinging to life. Me and you as well as a consequence of this genetic blunder of ours. Better to live a life a peak performance and die than be a burden and live a half-life for years of misery.
Absolute unit
Few years ago I had a dog that would tilt her head like that if somebody said Pepsi.
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every time I take shit on toilet dog do this
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Was the dog lucky not to get stabbed by one of the catfish spurs?
strange looking water-dogs
I had a sheepdog growing up. Amazing animals. Need work, though. They don't do well as housepets.
my younger self trying to wake up future pigger me
>being bred for a purpose and getting to fulfill that purpose every day
>he doesn't know
Such majestic beasts.
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974 KB
Hello fellow dogs
import more pitbulls to wolf countries
The smell
truth nuke, some reddito posts it and it gets all the upvootes and then some faggot posts it on 4chan formally 4channel
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Dogs do that whenever you don't come home for a couple of days+.
now this reddito is telling everyone to leave their doggies home alone for 2 days
nice one cunt
more proto doggos if OP allows
I thought dogs couldn't watch tv, they only see unrecognizable shapes?
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1 MB
How the mighty have fallen
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howdy fellow canine
There is, I don't have it though

Also that's a cat
One simply...comprehends.
I always wondered why he waits so long to bite, maybe that's the reason, he needs an angle where he won't get stung.
Don't pick up your dogs like that. Do it properly or don't do it at all, you can fuck up their joints pretty badly.
What's the proper way to pick up a big fat dog like that?
One arm under in front of his front legs the other arm under his hind legs from the other side
They absolutely can, there's thousands of videos of them watching tv.
File: bonedog.webm (1.06 MB, 520x720)
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1.06 MB WEBM
>can't spell hyperborean
Many such cases.
More pls
>autist doesn't get a joke
Wow, 3500g!
Mmmm, yum, I bet that would taste good in a stew.
of course hes black
>got us to the moon.
about that...
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2.48 MB WEBM
Of course Mischief jumps the gun
>The legend of Saint Christopher
She's not black so I wouldn't think so
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993 KB GIF
You just know
the duality of dog
Did COVID take your smell or are you just retarded?
* pack pounded
...why does that husky look like a midget husky but not a puppy husky.
Human: "Aaww he saved that dog!"
Dog: "Give me that FUCKING STICK"
They're from the UK. They taste way better than you'd expect
I can't do this anymore.
Ever since my four-legged brother passed, life has lost it's colour.
Take care of your friends.
I love animals so much it's unreal...
I think this video is so old that at this point it might be safe to assume that the puppy from this video may have already died from the old age.
Weird to think about it.
They look like those twin brothers from tiktok who pretend to be dumb and do dumb shit for clout.
Ollie is based, he has been in Scruffts like 6 times and its always the same chaotic performance.
This dog is called ninja, from Berlin. He has absolutely boundless energy, met him and his owner while doing parkour there once
>ninja, from Berlin
>met him and his owner while doing parkour there once
They won Top Dog Germany last year, right?
my dog is a slob like this and now my basement ceiling has severe water damage
The knowledge is inherent.
He would pull faster if they placed a baby in front of him instead of an adult.
I think dogs couldn't see image on old CRT TVs, but they can on the modern displays.
>it's not about cats
I mean, it kind of is...
On my end it just made me never get a pet again because it hurt so much, it's been 15 years since.
It's something I've debating with myself.
Would it be right to get another dog? Would it tarnish the love I had for my friend?
When my parents, brothers and family die, I wouldn't get someone to replace them...
The hurt was just... Unbelievable. It all happened so fast. Still makes me tear up.
But, on the other hand, I love animals... Do I just shut it down?

What was your dude like?
lions are cats and you are a lying nigger.
They could see it, but the flickering of CRTs bothered them at times.
>pack animals
you're not fooling anybody
what's he saying?

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