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/gif is full of degens and twisted porn addicts now. They have lost the battle of lust and control, somehow.
I cant even go there anymore, because they have turned into a bunch of disgusting porn whores.
They cant get that damn board straight, (pun intended), So BBC and tranny porn has become their fate.
They have lost their way to influence of destruction, and now shit up every corner of the internet with open masturbation.
Only death and despair awaits when one walks that path, and they become narcasstic psyco & sociopaths.
No wonder they are so lonely and confused, their brain cells are no longer in use.
Making excuses to continue while denying reality and the path ahead, So here we are, posting another Anti Porn thread.
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Truth is the only anti-porn remedy. Women are succubus by nature, never play by their rules. Be strong frens, stay focus.
>says the regular porn gooners ruined the board
>before the regular porn gooners arrived, this board was literally filled with dudes that jerk off to wrecked threads.. as into people getting butchered and murdered...

reminds me of a guy the other day getting offended saying beastiality wasn't all over the internet back in the day.. even though most people I knew used to troll the desktops of the computer rooms in their high School by googling horse cock or beast on girl and setting it to the home rooms desktop. it was so easy to find that Google was filled with it. LMAO
came here to post this
it literally made me stop cooming 5 years ago

You're fucked in the head.

Leviticus 18:23
Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion.
Leviticus 20:15
And if a man lie with a beast, he shall surely be put to death: and ye shall slay the beast.
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jews want you to fap
hamas make you stop
good choice of music
I mean just look at the webms. I'd rather be the most retarded coom brain to ever fap than think this shit is normal. Thankfully I'm neither
Thank you anons for your reminder
just gay
I'm gonna bump I'M BOOOOOOMPING!!!!
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Can we get anti porn without nazi's or jews being involved????
I intend to remain a virgin until I can find a marriagiable virgin woman to have sex and children with. I have not found a virgin woman until now even when I started looking at 11, being 19 now.

Where is my sexual energy supposed to go if not to masturbate and ejaculate roughly once a day so that I may think efficiently, unclouded by sexual thoughts and urges?
I finally learned how to masturbate when I was about 18 and a half until then my mind was clouded frequently with sexual thoughts if there were no immediate problems at hand waiting to be solved.

My main problem with masturbation is that it depletes the body of minerals and vitamins. Which, when being dirt poor are already a struggle to find them in your diet.

And don't come at me saying that I should work until I cannot to solve both my sexual thought and financial problem. It will only exhaust me and muck up my time as I can only make minimum wage as an industrial electrician living in a shitty eastern european nation, that's if I can even find work for my trade, which I cannot.
Jews own the porn industry so yes they must be discussed.
Since Jews own most industries we need to discuss Jews when discussing those industries.
Likewise, when discussing the evil of industries it becomes very relevant to discuss the inherent evil of Jews as this is the probably cause for the evil in most industries
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You know prostitution existed before jews. Putting JEW on everything makes people not take it seriously.
Why do you people always quote the old testament? I thought that shit was irrelevant after jesus died?
I couldn't find any scientific evidence to back the claim of vitamin loss through ejaculation. Whacking it is pretty normal among young men, and it isn't going to do the damage you think it will. It's when you fry your dopamine receptors with over-the-top porn that you start to run into problems.
>It's when you fry your dopamine receptors with over-the-top porn that you start to run into problems.
About that, even when little I prefered chubbier women. At kindergarden one time I went under the table to kiss the chubby knees of a greek girl my age when I was 3 years old.
Another thing to note is that in 2012 while browsing youtube on the family computer looking for cartoons as the cartoons here on the national tv program are bad I watched my first porn video of fucking rouge from sonic the hedgehog engaging in feederism(a fetish).
As you can tell I still enjoy this kind of pornographic material even if just photos or my imagination. I do not know whether this influenced me in some regard or if this was just a pure coincidence.
I have tried for the longest time to dislodge this from my brain however this has been futile.
>I couldn't find any scientific evidence to back the claim of vitamin loss through ejaculation.
I dunno about that, to me it's obvious just like loosing blood makes you lose minerals since it automatically gets replaced.
But the Jews do own almost all industries. The tobacco industry was the last wasp owned industry so the Jews created fake lawsuits to fuck them over and propaganda
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Holy shit.
Yeah I'm into some pretty degenerate shit as well (wetting if it matters). I've been into it for 10+ years, and I think that kind of stuff is permanent in your brain, but that's just my 2ยข. The point of my post was that jacking off in and of itself isn't bad for you, regardless of what you think about when you do it. You make it sound like you're going to lose all of your strength the moment you nut, and that's just not true. Unless you ingest it, your body is not going to absorb the nutrients in jizz. That being said, don't let some fag on the internet like me tell you what to do. If you think semen retention is right for you, then go for it.
Yes most women are master manipulators and liars, as they are not physically strong as men are and therefore can be honest.
If you keep feeding the synapses that connect cooming with wetting, you reinforce and strengthen the connection. If you stop, the connection will be weaker over time, as long as you don't keep doing it. The connection will always be there but you can handle it easier the longer you break away from the habit. Every addict is just one relapse away from sobriety, but it gets easier the longer you resist.
Did I read it right or you miss "can't"?
I can't even read the post at 1:46
Hey, I'm just as much of an antisemite as everyone else here but I honestly can't see Jews being responsible for porn addiction. I mean, wanting to see porn is just part of our biology and look at countries whose porn industry is not run by Jews, such as Japan. If all Jews suddenly disappeared, you don't think all the porn sites would just be run by White people and other races? Come on.
still not too bad honestly
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Based Thread
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I don't even mind the looks of many of those women without makeup (I hate women because of their "personalities"). But the outrage is hilarious, hahah.
Good point. Better to keep in check then to let it run wild lmao.
This is the first thing a woman learn, painting their face like a clown to catch the attention and as a sexual being, men. If you touch women's makeup and the industry behind it, it's the whole faรงade going down and they're in control damage mode. When the charm of desire is broken by the truth behind the mask, only fools should continue to watch porn and fall for women's complete bullshit.
I dunno man, once a day ain't that bad. Right?
You are basically making the argument that drug dealers aren't responsible for drug addiction.
No, I am saying there doesn't have to be Jews for there to be porn addiction.
What you are basically saying is that in order to get addicted to drugs, the drug dealer has to be Jewish.
I don't mind porn threads on /gif/ or /b/ I just hate that that's ALL it really is anymore. There is never anything else interesting. Never anything new. Though I suppose you could argue the entire site had taken a steep decline in quality in the last eight or so years.
Hello fellow jewy jewingtons
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>have failed to network with people to the point i've completely ran out of options
>libido decides to hang itself
i guess that's one way to stop watching porn
>and now shit up every corner of the internet with open masturbation
here's a quick educational lesson
>nsfw board named gif
>sfw board named wsg
>nsfw board has porn
>sfw board does not have porn
you're going to a porn board retard
The reality is they need to go to /gif/ because they enjoy threads filled with death, gore and murder. Otherwise /wsg/ would fulfill all of their needs. They cry about porn because they're significantly more sinister individuals who most likely find entertainment in otherizing people and then watching them die.
yea I realized that pretty quickly when /gif/ users started pearl clutching over white beatdown threads kek
there has been a thread for blacks and browns dying pretty much nonstop for as long as I've used the board and literally no one has ever complained about it. When the premise is spun around and offends them, suddenly they moralfag about how "threads like these will create the next generation of serial killers".
Same shit, slightly different premise with porn on /gif/. porn has always existed in HIGH quantity on /gif/, its the main premise of the board. and its always had freak shit on it (scat, violence, sounding, piss, and general shock porn) but the minute the porn has a political bend to it, people come out of nowhere talking about how /gif/ used to not be about porn and how they need to take the board back blahblahblah. Its all bullshit from weirdos.
hes lost his arms and the best innovation that they came up with is so that he can fucking use his fucking phone. kinda makes you think
Be alone kills your libido ? That's exactly what porn is about, virtualizing, faking your real libido into reality without interacting, it drains all the will to actually socialize for having sex. Porn is the reason most people stay in celibacy, not because they're ugly or broke, women like that exist a lot more than men, but porn only. Sluts are not enough today, they're obsolete.
>so i went to nsfw board and it had nsfw content
>how can this be happening to me?ยฟ
retarded much?
Its not about masturbation or the basic idea of 'porn addiction' though. Nothings stopping you from jerking to your own imagination, or even shit like fashion magazine or even lazy google image searches. What they want is you to be addicted to THEIR porn on THEIR websites that THEY run. You got to bare in mind that pretty much all normies go to porn sites are whatever few appear on the first page of a google search of 'porn' and they want people to keep doing so. And pretty much every other site is probably just shit stolen from those major ones anyway.
You can still be addicted to porn but just not addicted to the jewish run shit. Its like saying I can be morbidly obese but I don't eat at McSlopies. Its still bad, but not jewishly controlled bad, kind of.
If you think the damage of porn is only done by jews and their crap, you've no idea how deep it goes in your brain when you see a naked woman or any soft pic on screen from "normal people" to your life yet. There is a scale of addiction by the content sure, but you're still hoocked on something by watching even the most soft erotic art that can be found in the street or reverse image, and it could trigger your past experience of hardcore porn in a instant. There is no mystery about this, try to remove TOTALLY the image of a woman body for months or years in your head for sexual pleasures, and you'll understand how the simple view of a REAL naked body can trigger beautiful things without the will to fuck everything moving on sight. Porn kills that magic, the primal libido.
if every drug dealer was jewish I would probably say that jews are responsible for drug addiction retard
I'm just going to produce porn and have infinite sex
>Without nazis or jews involved
I dont get it. How else are they supposed to derail well-intentiones threads?
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Yeah, sorry for the retard typo.
Jewish Frankfurt school and cultural marxism ruins dating and marriage post WWII, then other jews profit from porn and women turning to whores. The owner of Pornhub is a jewish Rabbi lawyer who reduces sentences for pedos, and the owner of Onlyfans is jewish and donates a lot of OF profit to AIPAC.

There is nothing natural about watching porn or the porn made today, it is hypersexual stimuli we were never made for. Voyeurism aka being a peeping Tom is not a good thing, it makes you passive and gives you a cuck mentality of watching instead of trying and participating.
"It's impossible for a non-Jew to create porn"
I'm aware that the porn industry is run by Jews, but I'm still not convinced that there wouldn't be hardcore porn if it wasn't for Jews. Also, dating is a relatively new thing in western culture.
it is hypothetically possible for non-jews to own a porn company but we're talking about the actual real world where jews own 99% of porn
/wsg/ and /gif/ are mostly the same barring the actual inclusion of porn and feces, but the /pol/ infection makes up 80% of both so I might as well see some fat asses.
I've talked with people who frequent gore threads before
They say it's to help with their PTSD not to be le epic gore fetishist
As someone who struggled with homicidal ideation ut also helps me too
Who said worksafe gif was actually worksafe anyway I doubt hr is gonna be happy with me saying nigger
Its obvious it was created just to disprove of coomers nothing is actually worksafe
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>I've talked with people who frequent gore threads before
>They say it's to help with their PTSD not to be le epic gore fetishist
>As someone who struggled with homicidal ideation ut also helps me too
the % of people this is true for is certainly small. its also the same excuse loli defenders use.
>im not sinister, i just need to watch people die to stop myself from becoming a serial killer
you sound insane m8
And if Jews disappeared, non-Jews would just take over the porn industry and there would be as much porn addiction as there is now.
yes but the overall situation would improve
Violence and sex is not the same coomer
Dont be a faggot about it kek a surprisingly high amount of people struggle with this stuff I met at least 3 in my small class of around 10
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No, it wouldn't. JAV is just as degenerate
its no use arguing with people like this. they look at porn trends and make retard claims like "it came out of nowhere!! (((who))) is pushing this?" when its a trend thats slowly gotten popular very obviously over the course of months, sometimes years. often these trends (like incest) were already popular in other mediums as well. None of these faggots actually know about porn despite wanting to talk about and insinuate so much about it. every time something pops into their sheltered radar they think "this came outta nowhere" with literally no further knowledge kek
>if Jews disappeared
I'd be willing to do that experiment
prove it :)
see >>5681133
>ye shall slay the beast.
the fuck, is the jew god implying the beast came on to the man?
>dating is a relatively new thing in western culture.
Not really, it was done without internet with announces and other forms back then, and people meet in discotheques for as long as they existed. It wasn't as openly subversive as today but oh boy degeneracy existed since forever sexually speaking, exactly like *synthetic* drugs, wars and whatever makes this stupid and infantile specie we are concerning pleasure and reward. Jews have only exploited the biggest industry at the beginning and people wanted, not obligator jewish, play their role to make a quick buck doing this for some status in Hollywood so everyone in this industry is guilty of what they believed was right. Mistakes of the past are now exploited to the max today.
eat your cum then. it's just weird snot
anyone have it in higher quality?
>nofap motivation being literal gay porn
Thanks for giving me motivation to not submit to your retarded cult KEK
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Finally attained no nut status but i'm still gooning and edging for most of the day, finally able to sperm retain though. Godspeed anons
disgusting tranny sodomite
these javs are always influenced or straight up made by jewish too lol
I have heard about this before, but I can't be bothered to find info on that
Some people are just into incest, you can't force someone to become attracted to it. There has also been incest throughout all of human history.
Its beyond that in my opinion
incest in the context of porn is a faux taboo
the people you are watching do not tap into your disgust with incest at all because relative to you, they aren't related to you. its pretty obvious why someone might enjoy incest porn and still be disgusted personally by the idea of incest. its not really the taboo it appears to be at first.
also incest porn happened to supply a lot of nuanced scenarios that people were thirsty for in professional porn. many of the same scenes could be rewritten to be about old friends or roommates and be just as effective more or less. there's a lot going on in an older Alex Adam's video that made them stand out and prosper. Since his setups and sometimes acting was so good, and since "incest" porn doesn't actually tap into any disgust, most people even if they thought that part of it was weird didn't give a shit. It was just extremely well done POV professional porn at the end of the day.
All of that aside, incest has been a pretty popular thing in erotica for as long as I've known about porn, years before it was popular in videos. Not to mention it was wildly popular in JAV way before too. The idea that anyone pushed the trend is just kinda retarded to me when you understand the context of it all. When offered in other mediums and regions, its a very popular premise. It was just finally offered at a good enough quality in western adult videos that people took to it. There's also the fact that incest porn in western adult videos existed way before too, even involving some pretty popular stars. it was just lower budget scenes and they were all dogshit so it didn't get popular. But the brilliant minds of the internet who are certainly experts on whatever they talk about cannot fathom where it came from. iT cAmE oUt Of NoWhErE!!!
Porn is bad no matter what it is, BBC-fear anon.
Whats the name of the songs?
/gif/ is unusable if you're normal due to the garbled mess of vile homosexuality that is mixed into every thread over there.

a new board gay gif board, /ggif/ is the only thing that could save /gif/. all male-on-male and tranny/trap porn should then be banished to /ggif/. everybody would benefit since everybody gets more threads in total and they are easier to find, the only people that would object are the worst kind that want normal people to constantly be exposed to their filth in the hopes of turning some of them over into their victims.

/wsg/ covers non-porn perfectly, there's only like one non-porn thing that goes on /gif/ and that's death and gore or i guess stuff that accidentally shows nipples or something. such a thread would be a lot easier to find, and get more viewers due to normal people not closing the catalog in disgust, if gay stuff were just banished to /ggif/.
i appreciate that they make themselves prettier, if they just keep it up forever it's not much of a problem.

man we didn't know how good we had it before the era of advanced face filters. back then you at least knew she were capable to put on the makeup, what you saw is what you got. today you can't even trust the jaw bone or hair to be real.
>women are succubuses by nature
>questioning God's design
if jews are a part of your mythos you are completely lost spiritually.
>god makes women's brains so that they will behave in such a way that men assigns the label succubus to their behaviour
who are YOU to question God's design of women sexualizing themselves?
*clap* x5
Why is it that basically every nation that's had a problem with extreme pornography has had Jews at the center of it? Also, why do they brag about that fact?
>every nation that's had a problem with extreme pornography has had Jews at the center of it
Completely untrue, take, for example, every single country in the world that either doesn't have Jews or is made up of a demographic where Jews can't easily blend in. Porn is a worldwide phenomenon, there was even an isolated tribe that became addicted to porn after they got Starlink internet. North Korea has banned possession of all types of pornography but gives a lighter sentence for possession of porn produced in the country, meaning that porn is so prevalent there that they just decided it was best to incentivize the use of North Korean made porn over outsider porn. Jews would obviously have no influence over the North Korean porn industry. Porn is the result of our biological instincts, not some Jewish conspiracy. It has only become more widespread because of technology making it more easily accessible. By the way, I am not for banning porn, I think it's fine if you want to make the personal choice to give it up, but why should the government have any say in whether or not a consenting adult is allowed to see other consenting adults engage in sexual activity?
>Also, why do they brag about that fact?
When do they do this? Care to give some examples?
The totally ripped right arm kills me.
I never said Jews didn't own the American porn industry.
You missed the point. Good job.
Would you say Jews are responsible for porn addiction? I am saying they're not.
Jews exploit the weakness of humanity whenever possible. If people lack money, usery. If people can be addicted, put that in front of them endlessly. If the law would inhibit their exploitation, lobbying, bribery, and coercion.

I'm saying that if porn is legal and Jews are present, they'll be the first to deploy it, and they'll proudly brag about it. This has been a behavioral pattern for centuries.
Do you think porn should be illegal?
In public distribution, I'm going to go with yes. If private parties wanna do that, that's their business. Effectively, no more easily accessible stuff like porn sites that merely ask if you're 18 or some bullshit. It's like offering drugs to kids. I'm not the sort that thinks kids shouldn't be educated either. It's just that kids don't have the willpower to control their urges when something so addictive comes along and pairs with their jacked up hormones.
Don't you think that would be a violation of freedom of speech?
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not him, but you could force all these big sites to just ask for IDs. Its shit, yes, I don't want to give even more of my data to strangers, let alone my personal ID, but you can just not watch porn then, or resort to piracy. Isn't also illegal to sell alcohol to kids in most places? That is the same thing, I guess, I don't think its a violation of freedom of speech.

I don't think its possible to make porn completely illegal, no one would ever manage to enforce laws like that, they can't even enforce bans on heavy drugs and illegal guns, lmao. Also, no one would take banning porn seriously, would be like trying to ban alcohol, it would only create black markets and make the whole thing hard to regulate. The education and awareness is the most important thing, you can't buy a pack of cigarettes in my country without ugly picks and warnings trying to scare you, porn sites should be forced to come with something like that, also no more porn ads everywhere.

The only bad side, I believe, is that harder to access porn would allow the industry to charge more and milk more money from customers and that could make the industry even more attractive to jews? I may be talking shit here, but sites like pornhub make money on what, ads? If public sites like this didn't exist anymore, I imagine people would be more likely to pay premium to access other paid services, offer and demand. Maybe these sites and the professional porn studios, that can be touched by law enforcers (because shit like piratebay is almost impossible to kill), should be taxed to hell and back on top of all the regulation, to make it less profitable, not sure if that would work.

Videogames and shit like tik tok need more studies around their effects too and need more awareness about their dangers, they are designed to provide absurd levels of dopamine, there is no way that something like this doesn't have any ill effects, even if temporary.

webm unrelated
Fuck no. The distribution of obscene material with highly addictive attributes to a very public place is not what I would define as speech. It would be like giving cocaine to kids and labeling it freedom of expression. Besides, the same people pushing for porn will quickly silence others who use specific words. We all know what words those are.

Society used to understand that protection of children was important. We keep them away from alcohol, tobacco, firearms, gambling, and graphic movies. Now we just tell them to watch debauchery because it's normal and fine.
>you could force all these big sites to just ask for IDs.
>Its shit, yes, I don't want to give even more of my data to strangers, let alone my personal ID
>I don't think its possible to make porn completely illegal, no one would ever manage to enforce laws like that
>no one would take banning porn seriously, would be like trying to ban alcohol, it would only create black markets and make the whole thing hard to regulate.
>The only bad side, I believe
What do you mean "only bad side" you just listed a ton of bad sides.
>The distribution of obscene material with highly addictive attributes to a very public place is not what I would define as speech.
I wouldn't consider a porn site "highly public" but you might have a point with a website like X.
>It would be like giving cocaine to kids and labeling it freedom of expression.
Porn is in no way comparable to any drugs, especially not cocaine.
>the same people pushing for porn will quickly silence others who use specific words. We all know what words those are.
Looks like you're just trying to make assumptions about people based on their views on porn.
>We keep them away from alcohol, tobacco, firearms, gambling, and graphic movies.
But we don't ban adults from those things to try to keep kids away from them, now do we?
>Now we just tell them to watch debauchery because it's normal and fine.
I don't know what you mean by this because it's literally illegal to show kids porn.
Almost any kid can type stuff into a search engine and get porn within 10 seconds flat. If that's not public, easy access, I don't know what is. It's easier than accessing most Twitter profiles without an account. As for the drugs comparison, you create a stimulus, get a high, and form an addiction. Sounds a lot like drugs to me. For the argument of who pushes for it, it has nothing to do with my personal perception. I've watched them do it. For banning, if you'll read my previous argument, I said to keep it legal in private. Adults won't have any trouble like that. Finally, what do you call the material being dumped into schools? They're literally telling kids it's normal to watch porn, offering erotic fiction in the school library, and creating secret clubs to push kids to a state of non-reproductivity.
I'm not the guy, but fuck off you argumentative pretentious dick. Porn is just as addictive as drugs though, it frys your dopamine
>Almost any kid can type stuff into a search engine and get porn within 10 seconds flat.
And how is banning it going to prevent kids from accessing it? They would access it in the same way everyone else would after the ban.
>As for the drugs comparison, you create a stimulus, get a high, and form an addiction.
It is nothing like drugs, you literally compared it to cocaine. For one thing, you're not putting a toxic substance into your body when you look at porn, and secondly, you don't get the extreme high, altered cognitive function, or the chemical dependency for it. Comparing the two is disrespecting the shear devastation cocaine can do your body and mind.
>For the argument of who pushes for it, it has nothing to do with my personal perception. I've watched them do it.
You're still making generalizations, from what I can tell most people who are against banning porn are against it because they are pro-freedom, and they know that a porn ban would be a slippery slope to more authoritarian shit. It doesn't matter if some people want to ban slurs but keep porn, both those things should be protected by the first amendment. (By the way, when I say porn ban, I mean a law that bans any porn, not necessary all porn.)
>They're literally telling kids it's normal to watch porn
It is. Almost every teenage boy watches porn, that doesn't mean it can't be problematic, but any straight teenager with a normal sex drive wants to see titties and ass. You were a teenager at some point, so don't pretend like that's not true.
>offering erotic fiction in the school library, and creating secret clubs to push kids to a state of non-reproductivity.
There has always been erotic fiction is schools, conservitards have only started caring after claims of erotic fiction that were LGBT related. I grew up in a very conservative town and there were many hardcore adult books with themes of rape, incest, etc. Some of which they even made us read as an assignment.
First one is nightcore huken x murkish wasted bootleg edit juice wrld x lil uzi vert
(Yes, really)
Find a mirror. Look at yourself as you read your post out loud.
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Go back to your leddit nofap board so you can recharge your marvel superpowers or whatever the fuck it is you guys think that stupid shit does.

>I'm a failure because I fap.

Like no nigga, you're a failure because you don't know how to exist around people outside of a screen.

Your ability to talk to a person has jackshit to do with how much you jackoff.

The fact that NoFap started on le reddit goes to show how onions it is to begin with.

Virgin NoFappers worry 24/7 about accidentally getting aroused by the sight of a woman (which is what is supposed to fucking happen btw)

>I'm going to completely ignore one of the most basic human impulses for as long as possible and expect positive results.

Based Chad Balanced Fappers bust nuts as they wish and keep fucking going and growing.

You think the richest, most successful people in the world don't touch their dongs every once in a while?

If you're jackin' your package 7 times a day, then yeah, you have a problem, and it's not the porn, it's you.

Same people that think guns kill people are the ones think porn is the problem. Like nigga, just look away from the screen.

It's literally no different than any other vice. Keep it under control and you'll be fine.
>I can't refute anything he said, so I'm just going to make insinuations about his appearance over the internet and if I'm lucky, maybe they will be true, and he will feel insecure.
Not one
This is true. Good post.
Hmm, I'm guessing you're from the city, early 20s, and don't look particularly manly in the slightest. You talk like that demographic. I agree with the other guy. You need a mirror and a reality check that goes beyond your short span of life.
It's not really much older than a hundred years or so, which would be considered relatively new.
As I said, I grew up in a conservative town. Sure, just keep making guesses about my personal life, much easier for you than to try to use your brain and have a decent conversation.
You really do sound like an ignorant little kid. This level of access to porn has CLEARLY had a devastating negative effect on society.
It's easy to see so much of the youth having these wild expectations that are also resulting in anxiety and depression. Go be gay somewhere else
I never said anything about porn having no negative effects, so what in my post did you disagree with?
thread is about porn, not fapping
There's no middle ground with somebody like this. Somebody that will argue for something without caring that there are negative effects. It's human nature to stick forks into outlets and choke on small objects as babies, but we prevent these things because decent people look out for others. This guy gives no fucks about the effects. He just wants to coom.
having a romantic partner is as old as human history itself, nigger
Jews literally invented filmed pornography and have ruled the industry since its inception.
Pornography isn't the same things as personal expression. At that end, you could argue any insular and profane act is just passive self-expression and should be protected by the first amendment. There are blatantly obvious reasons why that is not the case, and if you look into the lobbyists and history within the porn industry you would understand instantly why it is the only exception and hasn't been demolished outright.

>Jewish guy has a lot of money so he owns porn companies to make more money.
Okay I follow

>Jews tend to have more money and are a higher portion of million/billionaires than other groups

>A cabal of Jews want people addicted to porn so they can emasculate men and take control of the world..or something
You lost me. I need a single argument as to why this is the case other than they...they just are okay.
Weimar. Republic.
Remember when /b/ wasn't just a porn board? Sure there was always porn there, but there were also lots of other things going on. Now it's just lame shit 24/7 and you can't have a conversation without some faggot posting pictures of his wife and asking what you'd do to her
The Jews believe that they are superior to non-Jews, to the point of being cattle with no rights. They also believe that they must manufacture a mutually consuming war between east and west, leaving Israel in a place of superiority to rule from.

If you sounded like a sympathetic Zionist, they'd probably tell you all this flat out.
The hydra's heads regrow when cut, wouldn't you curse the one who put the hydra there in the first place?
Read from the Jewish spoken word:
>Pornography thus becomes a way of defiling Christian culture and, as it penetrates to the very heart of the American mainstream (and is no doubt consumed by those very same WASPs), its subversive character becomes more charged - Al Goldstein

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