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Post cringe.
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While watching this, I pictured a 1000lb man sitting in a dark room scrolling tiktok and looking at this with a blank, empty look on his face before continuing to scroll.
RIP George Floyd ;_;7
Why'd you hang a mirror in front of your screen?
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kino not cringe
Big smoke? wtf???
This is clearly ironic. Which makes it sorta funny.
Where's the full video?
>no sound
I bet you make off topic threads on /pol/, /v/, and /tv/
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What? How is he supposed to watch the video is there's a mirror. Did you even think that through?

It would have made more sense to say "sounds like a nice bit of projection" or something, but no. Your two brain cells could only come up with that. Besides, it's true. Literal dirt provides more comedic value.
If he hung it above the screen at an angle it could work.
Yes, cause everyone just so happens to have a mirror over their screen for seemingly no reason
You're right, that wouldn't make much sense.
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I appreciate your honesty, so I'll contribute
quote this daily
>This is clearly ironic
It isn't
If he's dumb enough to be fat then he's probably completely serious.
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Believe it or not, some people shitpost ironically.
I hate wiggers.
i actually lost fuck this stupid board for turning me into this
man ye looking tired asf these days. the jews really did a number on him
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This thread sucks.
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hard kek @ the slope stare
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Ban burkas
what has happened to formal speech and manners in an official setting, its all gone downhill. they all talk like blathering baboons.

I imagine this how zooms talk in an interview and wonder why they cant get a job
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Today I learned when someone says Chud it's not some false larp it's real lol.
wrong thread bro

TAKE IT BACK!!!1!1!! LeArn SoMeResPect. That hurts my feewings, cause I am a little bitch that got offended that my stupid joke was retarded... oh wait.
The level of pathetic he must be to be stumped by such low effort, IQ rotting belligerence makes him honestly about as valuable as a rock. Both are retards, but ninja turtles is worse.
The person who made this is an ftm tranny btw.
As if smelly jeets would ever be in a position to reject someone
Bet they are you fat slob
Ew, explains a lot.
This feels ironic
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What sparked this?
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Sounds like a nice bit of projection
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that last clip is harsh as fuck holy shit
depressing that they made this into an episode
I can't even imagine having feelings for an Asian woman.
Plenty of asian bitches I wanted to fuck.
Never felt anything but mild disappointment if they rejected me.
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It's just his responses to telling him to use a toilet.
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>Using Ozai to justify hurting children

Holy shit, whoever made this is retarded.
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You're not funny or clever you lispy faggot.
What language is this?
man I thought my very short speech was bad. holy shit
>then I tried the dark web
hope this retard realizes the 14 year olds she's speaking to can't vote
You're so dumb
Based retard!
This feels fucking cursed
I don't know why, but this makes me angry
Literal manchild, goodness fucking he should've been aborted
She needs to be stoned
Whoever made this faggotry needs to be hit by a car
File: cringe_isis.webm (4 MB, 640x336)
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lmao she literally has herpes
love to see it
I'm actually for this one. I've seen a few too many awful kids go uncorrected cause their parents took on the "kids amirite? mentality

Usually, it's because the parents are too lax/don't care.

This is especially common in mother raised homes. She is either too harsh (mentally crushed from the get go) or not harsh enough (very mother-like and caring). An unsympathetic (but caring) father is needed to correct the trouble ones, but that's not usually part of this equation. If the father is the issue (overbearing or not strict enough), than it tends to stem from their own mental inadequacies.
so... they know what no means
I wonder what no is in jeetspeak
you made your bed, bitch. I paid the $3, let's go
retarded fuck
why white person try so hard to be black
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I don't know, anon. I really don't.
Oh no, terrible, such a shame, gosh, I hope nobody else tries this, wow, gee.
>muh gorillions dead
>revenge fetish
>muh prophetic vision
>dead eyes pretending to be tough
i guess they are jews after all
Usually said by the people that look like one, like you
this nigga needs speech therapy and regular therapy
imagine being autistic and your special interest is being gay
Alfa af
pretty sure it's supposed to be bruises as if she's been beaten
if she had herpes, why the fuck wouldn't she cover it up with makeup?
If you're going to advocate for beating children, at least actually show beating of children. Don't use cartoon violence. Use violence people are actually capable of and demonstrate its actual effects. If it makes you look psychotic, maybe consider the possibility that you are psychotic.
Try harder.
Do better.
that was you, your screen was turned off
What a fucking irrelevant and useless people they are.
I feel like people in YLYL threads would lose to this
I was laughing the whole time.
Sweet merciful lord if you can hear me I'm going to smash my flaccid penis in with a brick until it becomes a mushy mixture of different shades of red.
Pfft lmfao
definitely staged but cringe nonetheless
This isnt cringe its kino.
Disgusting, glad they're infertile.
this isn't cringe at all lol, just friends messing with each other
>MTF tranny 4 FTM tranny
so it's just a heterosexual couple but they're both attention whores
Kids throwing rocks at each other build character

You sound like you grew up in a glass house, with no rock time.
This gives me the intense innate urge to deport all minorities
>no reason to be an incel that's why god invented hookers
based boomer nigga
haha nailed it
That is the hardest thing to watch
>tfw yo wife been actin up
I don't get it.
I bet they have a very unsatisfying sex life
thanks Ivan
i'd bet on the opposite
>fleshwound on fleshwound
It would be very fiery indeed.
most transsexuals dont have bottom surgery, they both most likely have their original parts still.
Describe in detail what you think sex between them must be like.
depends if the transwoman one would be comfortable using her penis or not, theres just far too many possible scenarios.
this is raw comedy
I used this thread as a YLYL. We need an actual YLYL that isn't full of trollposts.
can't do it. can't even watch it. please someone give me the transcript
so she stuffs her inflatable sensation-less flesh tube into his open wound, does it count as sex or is it just jew made horrors beyond my comprehension
he makes a better she than she does
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Is that joe rofan?
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Sir this is a cringe thread not a gigachad thread
>not a gigachad thread
>proceeds to post a low inhib gigachad
Chud if he had a positive attitude.
low testosterone
nta but honestly it's probably good. trannies are sex addicts, it's the reason they changed their sex. so it's safe to say they put a lot of time and energy into having sex. So the only thing stopping them from having good sex is health issues.
Why do you know these things?
because i'm a sex addicted tranny myself and have had sex with 2 Trans men before. it was way better than sex with cis men
>had sex with 2 Trans men before. it was way better than sex with cis men
said no woman ever, what do you gain from lying?
fukken lol'd
bait, this guy is alpha
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It's inconceivable to me how oblivious normies are, even in 2024, to 4chan subcultures. Actual people with PhDs have studied this place and they're still no closer to understanding it than they were 15 years ago.
pussy magenta
This is the only one in this thread I can't watch
I just cannot do it
Blacks are COOL CHUD
You hit too close to home for them, lol
ahh yes the "both sides are retarded" post
Never shoulda shown this to my girl
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wrong thread but holy kek
I told my dad that chud is the newest hip version of "nigga" for white people so now he'll call random people chud before he laughs and does the finger gun gesture.
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Covid was a free-for-all for the weird twitchy types who crave structure and compliance. People like the obscenely autistic boy in your vid.
Personally, I think covid it was a probing to see how many people kowtow to edicts predicated on bullshit information. How do they enforce compliance on the ones who rejected?
I don't know. it's an educated guess fuckwit, hence "probably". or are you really unaware that trannies mutilate their bodies for sexual reasons. what are you missing retardanon?
They also said they were a tranny though, which feels more believable.
whats with the attitude?
I'm sorry. There was no need for me to be that rude and I apologize.
More animated cringe, please.
I would've rathered she detonated a vest in the senate than this.
Just like my isekais!
There are people here who think this isn't a comedy act? Go to his tiktok page.
its not a comedy bit, when i watched it my pussy got incredibly wet and i camed in my panties
absolute spine chilling GEM
My gran walked into my room while I was playing this and now she is in intensive care because of the toxic exposure of cringe contained in this post.
fuck you.

just a bit of bantz m8. if you've been on this site more than a week you should be aware of what a hyperfixation anons here have on trannies. damn near every moral debate on them has been discussed here, offtopic of course.
I would marry her.
Boomers and sheltered millenials maybe, but every zoomer and older aoomers know all about it. 4chan isn't even shocking or relatively all that edgy any more. You can find the same talking points, videos, and users on twitter, instagram, and a million other edgier forums these days. Though I guess that's not surprising as most videos on this site come from twitter or reddit anyway.
this is unrelated but god I fucking hate iphones and their stupid retarded camera notch that they plast all over their fucking videos. makes these so unwatchable.
Those poor trees.
no sar thanks
Thanks anon, this one always lifts my mood
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eh, i'd hit that.
RockyRakoon iz source for content from cringe this came from
sorry mate
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iirc, this was a quote from the person in this gif
I love my asain gf :) and she loves me
>her penis
I know a kid IRL that's exactly like this. Fucking horrible.
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warning: don't click
>cop: "how do incels exist? just use hookers!"
>also cop: arrests you for using hookers
land of the free my fucking ass
you're just in the wrong state to do said activity.
also most likely retarded for getting caught
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This wouldnt be that cringe if he wore a shirt
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blast from the past
This is not cringe this is YNostalgiaYL
This ad simultaneously thinks I both have and have not been living under a rock.
fuck off this one is genuinely funny
no its not
not cringe. just someone who hasn't practiced for speech and is not great at telling stories on the fly. also public speaking is hard. :C :C :C
not cringe. pretty cool they worked hard to learn how to play a song they all like. they probably are good friends to each other and have fun on the weekends .
What's the point of the face on the left? Also feet
Funny, not cringe
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Anyone have the other video of this kid? The one where he's gaming while denouncing racism.
She is not asian .You should feel for the chink race is anything
In what world is that a white person?
Same, but she has to keep the pink hair and cat ears
>her penis
I actually ran into this guy when I visited the Shivering Isles. Honestly he seemed a lot happier than most of the people in Tamriel.
it's him

I thought women couldn't be politicians in islam?
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since everyone is posting cringe gigachads, here's one
in my cunt in yuroop the only hookers that exist are 2/10 human trafficked romanians that are forced to do it by eastern european mafia
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Despite how cringe the video is in general, this line was kino.
This guy has autism
>calling them "aoomers" because calling them alphas make you feel inferior by default
aoomers is just funny
>whoevheruhrhrh whoever's racist
kek, gets me everytime
I used to bartend at a "gentleman's club", that is 100% herpes. I saw it all day every day. Never fuck a stripper, they WILL give you herpes100% of the time. Thank you to my boss for warning me on my first day kek
This is just some dumb tard brainrot meanwhile this: >>5685138 is genuinely extremely aggravating. This one has to be the worst of all though >>5686559 because the fact that she’s talking to her camera means people actually sit there and watch this vapid shit. I hate that fact, how retarded are teenagers these days, this looks like the most uninteresting bitch I’ve ever seen in my life and that’s saying a lot because I’m from the west coast where there is no shortage of pedantic mouth breathing bimbos who aren’t even worth a pump and dump because they're legitimately that annoying
Something funny about that sort of turbo retarded behaviour
Nigga is that Howie Mandel
that was a strong stance
Fucking Kek
>let me take time out of my day to ask a grown man in a teenage mutant ninja turtle shirt his opinion on abortion
>using tik tok as a grown man
There’s really no high ground here.
Why is animated cringe so much worse than the normal stuff?
For me, it's how deliberate and time consuming animation work is and the creator not deciding that it is too cringe to be released to the public.
>Dont make me go naked in here
damn gad a good laugh. Pretty funny guy
fucking kek
...bro just stick to lurking. Nobody reading that mess.
This sounds like some sort of sober version of Stamper.
>The spic just kicks him
As a normal run of the mill bisexual degenerate I would happily plow both
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the ending was not comedy gold :(
I can't even mock this because I really am lost. what the fuck does this mean
>her penis
absolutely lost it
This can't be real...
you read it.
I get made fun of for worrying about herpes but I've managed not to catch it and am nearly a wizard.
Congrats. I made it less than an entire second before turning it off. That's why I use image hover.
ALL attempts at 'freestyle rap' are cringeworthy.
Does AI need guidance to do this? Why does it make no sense? It's like dreams.
Is anyone at 'movie night' not on their phone? WTF?
Is her nose really that narrow? Weird.
It's cringe, sure, but Trump is the real threat. I can be a Caucasian male voting for Harris without applying the title they have to myself. I want no association with that kind of thing. I'm not sure who it appeals to. I guess that's their idea of a dumb Trump supporter who can be turned by some vaguely Brooklyn sounding 'regulah Joe' type. I'd laugh at it myself if I weren't so embarrassed that this is what my team is stooping to. I guess try everything. Trump needs to go down and she has three times his advertising budget because more of us contribute to her.
>the real threat
To what?
>more of us contribute
Yeah, try everything I guess. Even if it means gaslighting 4chan about who you are and how much people of various demographics actually want and ought to want someone who's as much of a bigot as Harris in charge, as long as people are afraid to suggest trump would be a better option despite all the things I just know you're going to list (for me, it comes down entirely to guns and being able to appoint judges who will even allow people to speak relatively more freely about things), even though I know at best it's just an attempt to delay the collapse into pure authoritarian nonsense and dysfunction. As long as anyone who doesn't want to just go along with every current thing is living in fear, everything's okay.
>I'm not sure who it appeals to
This ad is probably meant to appeal to appeal to women to show to their boyfriends and start arguments. Because they want everyone fighting each other.
>but I love myself just the way I am
>well te way your are right now sucks
that could be said about every "being the true me" faggots/trannies
Lol retard
He could look less indian if he just shaved the mustache and got another haircut.
>i used the Dark Web
Nigga just use Urban Dictionary. Or YouTube
man this guy sure seems like his own master
but what is that store he's working at?
it looks like a luxury gas station
Not the same without the music
new revision of english
You will not like this change, but you will accept it :)
Basically admits he had a crush on the bride but it didn't work out and calls his brother (the groom) a douche to end it off.
We get it, you don’t have the attention span to read a tiny paragraph. Or maybe the words are just a bit too challenging, is that it?
im scared
>pretending to give a fuck about you as usual
my images and video folder got corrupted and i lost everything. do any of you have the webms of the south east asian kid photoshopped with anime girls? the one song i remember is that song "i love children" by manjar

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