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File: she gone mate.webm (3.73 MB, 680x425)
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file limit reached, previous >>5671546
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what game is that?
Superpower 2
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Meanwhile, I'll likely never have 4mil in my lifetime. I don't understand people who throw all their money to Jews.
India no longer has a pollution problem.
Impossible. I have no tiny cock to jerk.
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QRD? What's wrong? Did they make the main character black,gay,trans,pedo or something?
>first game has you playing as old dude protecting young girl in zombie apocalypse, end of the game has you killing a hospital full of rebels because their doctor wants to kill young girl to extract a zombie cure from her
>second game takes place 5 years later, group of people led by butch girl torture first game's MC to death and cave his skull in with a golf club while first game girl watches in horror crying and telling them to stop
>first half of the game you play as the girl going on a revenge quest to kill butch girl
>second half the devs make you play as butch girl and explain she kills fomer MC because her dad was the hospital doctor
Game tries and fails at making you feel sympathy for her in such a way that when they force a boss fight between the butch girl and the first game's girl players let her kill (You) and considered it the good ending.
Thanks fren, that helped. While that does sound like it was done in bad taste, I can give them credit for trying to do something unique.
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third time is the charm
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So bizzare, this spoken transmission in this ai song reminiscent of that movie Frequency from y2k
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There's nothing 'unique' about leftshits trying to force people to sympathize with villains. That has been going on for a long time.
Man, Hollywood is disgusting. Glad I quit giving those fags and kikes any money.
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File: Old Dead.webm (4.08 MB, 400x275)
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I kneel
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more on this? what are you looking to make? what engine?
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you're poor and hunrgy because you keep reproducing and having children even though you are already poor and hungry
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>t-t-the word is spelled wrong!!!!!!!
>screeching in the background
women were a mistake
File: pas mal.webm (559 KB, 624x669)
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>>screeching in the background
Women defend pedos/fags
Are you surprised?
welcher Film?
Echoes of Wisdom has furigana so it's perfect for learning Japanese.
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lol the projection.
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Ahh those were the days when most of the atheists were liberations. Seems so far away now
i have n ocock and i must jerk
i will make a woman simulator and this will be its title
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Making a stealth game in Unreal, you can see the lockpicking here >>5687398
This is from a film in case anyone didn't know.
It fooled me for years. Really well done.
What's the film called?
Mail Order Wife.
I didn't know that, thanks.
File: Slash his throat.webm (1.85 MB, 576x1102)
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Isn't that the guy who almost killed Trump?
No, that's some libshit with a similar phenotype spazzing in the leadup to the 2020 election in AZ. Crooks would have been like 16 at the time and would have had no reason to be on a random college campus on the other side of the country. Not to mention there are photos of him at that age and he kept short hair until shortly before the assassination attempt.
He looks like Cooks but slightly younger. Has the body of a teenager. He could have been visiting. Maybe looking for a college to go to? Same thing with David Hogg sightings outside of Florida during the summer before his school was shot up. People doxing him found out that Hogg's father was an FBI agent. It seems they use their kids for various agendas. Good way to use and off a mostly useless psycho kid who couldn't act civil. David Hogg on the other hand can be civil and is paraded around as a spokesman.
why you need to know about chlorine dioxide
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>He could have been visiting. Maybe looking for a college to go to?
It doesn't look anything like him up close. There's a reason well poisoners who post that video never show the second angle or any high resolution shots of the guy's face. It's always the one angle that hides his fucked up hairline and compressed to shit.
File: Garp Attack.webm (5.93 MB, 1066x600)
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Protip: You have 120 seconds on /wsg/.
>The Mail Order Wife is a 1912 silent film short
this is lower than shit. kill yourself.
you might want to work on that.
great job champ
>a writer is very stupid
wow, I'm shocked.
>refusing to learn
holy shit. it actually believes that too
yes. that is what I pointed out.
no idea why you are so assblasted by that.
でしょうねー、この理由は ゼルダの伝説とポケモンゲム好きだよ!!
I try to wander away, and the guards redirect me and highlight 城 so I know to go to the castle next. I highly recommend Echoes of Wisdom for anyone learning Japanese, BotW was fun too
that is not Barack
sounds like socialism.
>この理由は ゼルダの伝説とポケモンゲム好きだよ!!
I'd almost read that as "This is because I like Zelda and Pokémon games."
Because the video is making a point in the context of a war against empire and colonization. The point is that Jesus will side with the poor and the persecuted.
You chose to ignore the entire message, complain about a misspelled word, and make an utterly irrelevant point about having too many children.
Next time don't reply. Keep your hebraic dialectics to yourself.
Such a well-versed post
Thanks for the advice, my grammar is atrocious. I've been learning Japanese for 7 years now and I've never attempted grammar, only kanji memorization, stroke order, and conjugation (見た is past tense of 見る)etc...

橘田 I can't tell if you think I'm using AI or if you're telling me to use AI to help myself. I'm not using AI or any translator.
Couldn't even be bothered to type the captions. It's putting incorrect words all over the place.
I'm not thinking you are using MTL: I was suggesting to speak Japanese with an LLM like GPT and to ask it to fix your sentence.
LLMs generally speak a more than decent Japanese. I mean, you know yourself when LLMs fuck up in English and the situation is similar in Japanese.
The worst thing he did was going to India at all. That polluted hell hole pretty much needs to be lit ablaze until we're left with nothing but ash, then let nature do its thing for about a decade to heal the land.
No, idiot.
That is INSANE India is so incompetent this broccoli-haired man almost died multiple times.
>First doctor gave the wrong medication
>Emergency room staff would check on him just cause he's white
>Nurse left the valve open and he was BLEEDING OUT
Just shows how little life is valued over there, insane. I work in healthcare so this was crazy to me.
Woah, that is uncanny. Thanks for sharing, that was bizarre to watch my /biz/raeli
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/g/ here, this is great stuff, thank you.
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Feel free to steal this
The grand finale
Full clip for context if anyone cares.
Whoops that was the one without audio my bad
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File: stayin alive.webm (3.7 MB, 720x480)
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