Metal, Punk, Rock, No AI slop. Previous Thread: >>5668542
song has been rent free in my head since guitar hero iii cameout
>>5706119idk why. its not good
>>5706166wrong thread
man shitty punk really is the worst form of "music", if you can even call it that
>>5705561David Coverdale was so charismatic he really should've pursued a TV career. 73 now though, Still, at least Britain would've taken him to their hearts .
>>5706459at least shitty punk rock music is better than shitty nigger mumble rap that uses stolen samples and beats of 70s/80s funk/soul music or other shitty rappers.
>>5706634>at least state the obviousbruh know of anything else like this?
>>5706634>would you fucking agreeee? would you fucking agreeeeeee?
>>5710735wrong thread
>>5711999>muahahaha wasted trips you fell into my evil trap
>>5712864You wouldn't happen to have occultivated by any chance?
>>5715159Not him but made it anyway.
Take a load of that. To the end. brain cover by Brian kmetz
exterminate whichever kike created this new timer thingjust made this webm
>>5716281I'm glad it exists.fuck the spammers, fuck the election tourist, fuck the bots.if you want to blame anyone, blame them.
Listened through The Way of All Flesh today.I forgot how good of an album it is.>>5716246I thought this was supposed to be a gimmick band, why does this go so hard?
>>5716332Rest in power, Paul.
>>5715751Thank you kind sire
>verification not required
>>5716332Damn, that sucks.>dead at 66Hell yeah.
>>5716891see >>5717818
>>5719088>>5719090screechy shrill ass voice I hate it
please webm this: Chant for Eschton 2000
>>5720048I'll pass
>>5708522Scar Tissue right? Good band>>5709315They had some good songs, like this too:
>>5720907>>5720911Noice. More good band like this?
I'll contribute i guess. but just because of - >>5717818>>5716332>>5710725
>>5722930Also, Paul Di'anno clears Bruce dickhead
>>5722930not sure if this fits here, but i love Zevon.
>>5722936This is OP, and I insist you post more tracks.>rock on
>>5722943love Dio as well
>>5722952Can someone convert the rest of this album? please?
Im done for now, but if you guys like what im posting, ill post some more soon.
Looks like every time i get round to making some more 4chan introduce another blocker to hex hacking. or im retarded and cant follow my own instructions
nevermind, I was just fucking up
What's the best/most approachable Meshuggah album? I like a couple of their songs and want to see if it extends
>>5723053Nothing, probably
>>5722944>>5722947dio is trashgtfo
>>5722871>>5722873>>5722880get out
>>5722932What's wrong with Bruice?
>>5723348Eh, just never liked his voice. Im really picky when it comes to my singers. Hes fine on some songs though
>>5723159Fuck ya mudda
>>5723706You tell dat raasclaat, Benji.
requesting a conversion of this
>>5724134I'll do one better.Type "Youtube downloader" into search engine.Grab mp4.Type "Mp4 to webm" into search engine.Convert and download.Upload here, profit.
>>5705005Damn. Thanks. Haven't heard that one in a while. I guess I finally found mine. She says we been together 18+ yrs, married for 10+. Her heart definitely shines.
>>5723180>>5723401>>5723706listen, I know it hurts, but its the truth
>>5725089Then go listen to Nigger rap, dumb fuck.
>tfw all the songs you want to post exceed webm time limitProbably a sign that I should listen to something besides melodeath
>>5725513you can get around itffmpeg -loop 1 -framerate 2 -i "cover.jpg" -c:v libvpx-vp9 -auto-alt-ref 0 -tile-columns 1 -row-mt 1 -pix_fmt yuv420p -vf scale=w=300:h=-1 -t 00:00:00.50 -shortest video.webmffmpeg -i "song.mp3" -c:a libopus -b:a 90k audio.opusffmpeg -i video.webm -i audio.opus -c:v copy -c:a copy "song.webm"Use hex editor;Replace the 8 bytes after first instance of "44 89 88" with "41 12 4F 80"
>>5725531I don't really know anything about hex editing. What hex editor program should I use if I'm on Windows?
>>5723162>do not believe our metal woman
>>5725570nta but hxd, its freeware and good
>>5725588imho its pop metal
>>5727042cap lock lol
>>5725442Hated that song then, I hate it now.>I cut my life into piecesWhat does that mean? It just sound stupid like something the class's retard would say before he jump somebody.
>>5725893>nawh its just killer live but i'd imagine the band that beat ozzy at ozzfest is popular yeah
>>5727153cruise control for cool
>>5727565>the band that beat ozzy at ozzfestlolwutspeak English, riddler
>>5722155Neurosis, Cult of Luna, Rosetta, The Moth Gatherer
>>5706196good stuff
>>5727701>my riddles are too strong traveler, you know not what you ask.
>>5727780I liked their first album.
>>5725570Or use a simple cmd line, with cygwin if on windows. A reminder that bypassing the limit isn't an excuse to upload crap audio quality webms.xxd -ps -c0 your.webm | sed -r 's/(448988).{8}/\141000000/' | xxd -r -ps -c 0 > output.webm
>>5727162It was another time anon, nu-metal was targeted for teens. Look at Linkin Park for instance, lyrics are crap most of the time but the music is ok.
>>5725442I thought this was so badass when I was 12
>>5731952what a waste
>>5732868She's the angel of death, ruined everything around her. Just like a woman.
>>5727792mucho grito poca melodia
>>5706140>>5706146>>5706172>>5713309>>5715118>>5715132>>5721651>>5722840>>5727780>>5727783i lost thank you.
>>5738666>ez mark of the beast trips listen to the lyrics
>>5738694>and finally