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After seeing Jack Black wear a blue shirt and become Steve. I am requesting anybody to make a edit where I become Steve. Considering the budget of Minecraft im sure 4chan can do better.
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You mean this guy?
Yes sir.
>there's a Minecraft movie
Fucking hell, are you serious.

Okay, what do you mean by "become Steve"? Do you mean tint your shirt more like the character's and keep you live-action, like Jack Black? Shop your head onto the character's body? Make you blocky like a Minecraft model? Make an actual texture for the game that people could use? Need a bit more to go on.
Well considering the movie used Live action id go with Live Action. Tint the shirt add weapons armor whatever but keep my face. You can even make me a slight bit pixeled if you wish. Background is optional.
This sadly is the official Minecraft Steve from the movie.
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Here's an extremely basic transparency job, in case I can't complete this due to other shit I have going on and no one else wants to start from scratch. A bunch of fly-away hair got clipped due to it being a pain in the ass, and that grate in the background a complication. Minor touch up on the (photo's) right shoulder where the hair used to be. Also cut off and rounded where a finger made contact because it looked fucking weird without the environment for context, but I can always undo that.

I'll try for a shirt tinting in a while, then maybe sticking a background on. The lighting of the Minecraft shit would do best to match that of the original photo since you can clearly see its effects on the subject (warm glare over the left shoulder, neutral on the left side of the pic, cooler natural light on the mid to lower-left, &c.). Not sure how to go about armor without it looking like a photo booth sticker due to design discrepancies, but maybe I can leave that to someone else entirely.

Checked and pure fucking brand name cash grab. Something like Minecraft doesn't need a movie, nevermind a live action one. What's there even to show? Jack punching trees and digging in the dirt for an hour and a half for house materials until he falls in lava? If money weren't the answer, it'd just be confusing.
>neutral on the left side of the pic
*right side of the pic
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Whats even worse is hes in every box office failure. Borderlands Movie being one of the worst offenders. The fact this has costed hundreds of millions is truly gross. If standing with a blue shirt makes you Steve then anybody could be Steve really. This makes me sorry to hate on the Silent Hill Movie so much when they added Pyramid Head to the SH3 movie.
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I'm willing to hear anyone out at least once since they managed to make LEGO into an ad that was also a pretty decent movie somehow despite being just blocks, and maybe the same thing can be done with Minecraft. HOWEVER, that's coming with a grain of salt the size of the fucking moon, and it's up to them to deliver something that won't just confirm my skepticism that it's a mindless cash grab.

I've done my best to forget Borderlands even exists since the third game was released. Any change to the hue/saturation for the shirt color here or nah? Aimed more for the game pic I posted than what Jack has on.
Shirt color is perfect. Its literally what Jacks shirt color should have been.

Yeah theres a very small chance the movie sells with kids but I do not know if even kids want to just see Jack out there with no makeup or outfit desu. The animals also are straight horrifying desu
nice nips dude
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i really didnt need to see that thing and my week is objectively worse for it thanks OP

>Shirt color is perfect.
Okay, so now the rub: weapons and armor. I don't know how the fuck to go about this. I could grab screencaps from the game or model renders, try to awkwardly stick it on, and hope I get the resolution mostly correct. It would look video gamey but possibly retarded, and would need to be resized to your body type somehow without just turning you into a fridge. Though "literally just a rectangle" is pretty Minecrafty, it's probably not what you're looking for.

We could go the irl costume route, but it has the same problems and also runs the risk of making you look like a modern jeet version of that Maynard Tron guy. There's also the option of drawing it from scratch; custom art is more flexible, but would have to at least sorta match either the realistic look of live action or the game graphics aesthetic, while running the risk of being neither and just looking like a painting that was drawn on top of the pic. Because it is. Thoughts/input?
I do not think the casting for Jack Black thought that out either LOL. I have the same body type as Jack so id say the only way this would ever make sense would to add custom armor as itll literally just look like jank shit.

I also do not know why the didnt go with one art style for the movie it kinda is like a bad Spy Kids lmao.

It doesnt have to be perfect either but anything is better than the efforts Hollywood has made thus far.
I've worked very hard on those nips. Very Hard
This post leans more in the armor direction, but weapons have a similar problem. A sword may not need to be fitted over your body, but it still needs to be there in a way that makes sense. The pose you're in isn't one where you can easily sneak a sword into a hand and have it look natural. Hmm... hanging at your side MAY be okay, though it'd be well above your hip because of where your hands are, which is a bit awkward. A back scabbard setup could work, I guess. Or bow with a butt quiver for the arrows. Basically eliminate fitting anything over the body itself as a factor. Easier than armor, at least.

Doing it all from scratch is art commission shit and my tablet is buried in moving boxes right now. May have to enlist some help from /ic/ if we go that route. If I can find it, I am actually open to giving it a shot to practice my textures whenever I have free time. Gonna decide tomorrow because I should have been in bed 5 hours ago. Anyone else is free to take a crack at it, though.
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I took a full body one with sword shield pose.

If this helps lmk.

Have fun with it.
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Here you have it anon.
Is that Dr Disrespect's house? Hahahaha
Stuff happened. Bumping as an apology to show I haven't forgotten about the thread.
You unironically look like a better Steve than Jack Black.
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No anon, you deserve punishment >:(
>put OP in jail to punish me
Easier to know where he is, I guess. Good idea.
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haha sorry, I thought you were OP

OP here, get me out of here
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Ok fine anon, you got trips, you are free.

Where do you wanna be Steve now?
Please move me to the 2016 GOP Debate Stage
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haha wtf, ok then
Lmfao. After losing the debate. I went into a coma and woke up to being in Wolfenstein: The New Orders, New Berlin.
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While being in a coma I start to dream about Pipes and Mushrooms
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Checked and sorry for delays. Looks like people were having fun so no loss. Here's a new transparent in case shit happens again. Black pants are always a pain in the ass to colorize without losing shadow contrast so I may tweak that, and maybe remove the color adjustment from the white stripes on the side so it looks even less janky and unprofessional (I am definitely not a professional).
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Ill bump this with a Wolfenstein pic.
What AI is this?
Wasn't me but a friend of mine I think used Instagram for it according to him.
I tried to make an AI of Steve with my face and I got this.
Mr Beast Steve ig
Dog edition
Pixel Dog
Too many dogs
God of War prompt
lole bump i wana see dis
page 9 bump

bump coming bak 4 more lole
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This is absolutely amazing. 10/10
Finally a Lorr accurate Steve picture from AI
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Oh no what have I become. What the fuck

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