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May I please have some recommendations for MP3 players and flip phones? I'm tired of my slabshit phone and am looking to replace it with a flip phone. It probably wouldn't be the best experience to play my music from it, so I'm looking for a dedicated MP3 player as well.

Requirements for both are that they are relatively new yet not all that expensive, have a USB-C charging port, both have a microSD card for expansion (I can do without it on the flip phone since I'll only really be using it for calls), and have a long battery life.

Regarding the flip phone, I'd rather not have to deal with that shitty KaiOS, I'd rather have it be Android. It seems like the only flip phones running Android nowadays are ones made for the domestic Asian market. I'd prefer an Asian phone since they seem pretty ergonomic and it looks like a lot of thought is put into their design--I know of one model which is able to be flipped open using one hand with the press of a button. How would I go about obtaining one without paying to get fucked over by gaijin eBay sellers? Should I go the route of a proxy shipper?

Regarding the MP3 player, I'd really prefer that it has an LCD screen. Size doesn't really matter all that much, but I'd prefer it to not be the size of my slabshit; somewhere around for 6 cm x ~12 cm or 6.5 cm x ~13.5 cm are the ideal dimensions. Battery must be relatively easy to replace, and it must have a 3.5 mm headphone jack. Bluetooth isn't a requirement, but it is a plus.
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>inb4 just use an old phone for both cases
I already am supplementing my slabshit with an old phone that has no service for the sake of playing my music. I use it as little as possible since it rustles my autism with how big it is. It's on its last legs, soon I will have to send it off to Valhalla with a Norse funeral pyre.
>inb4 why flip phone
It's been around 6 years now that I've been looking to use a flip phone just like in my Japanese animes. When I woke up from my coma and saw that Zoomer faggots were nostalgiafagging about them I decided against using one for the sake of not wanting to look like a Y2K frutigger retrofag, but you should never let anyone stop you from doing what you
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Nigga...I'll be pulling zero bitches with this shit. It'll be like Android niggas giving Apple bitches the ick, except it's actually real and not just a scapegoat for some other reason they get no bitches. I probably should have mentioned that I am a Zoomer as well, and in school, so something like that one CAT phone wouldn't work either; I payed attention in school, I'm not a construction nigger, I have soft hands. Otherwise, I'd just go with any ol' flip phone offered by my carrier, which btw, most of them are ass.
>I'll be pulling zero bitches with this shit
Anon, you'll pull 'zero bitches' using any flip phone.
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WRONG! Y2K--whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean--is all the rage with Zoomer girls nowadays. It might just be for the sake of muh aesthetics, but at least I'll satiate both mein autismus regarding phone form factor, and form a bit of interest around me--if not at the very least around my retrofaggotry. It'll form a mutual interest from which we can build our relationship around. Granted, that should not mean that I will be "drowning in the pussy", as I've previously heard, but I will at the very least make a few female friends. It's always nice to have a female company; I want a pseudo harem. Who knows, maybe I'll get close enough to one girl in particular, with her friend acting as a side piece, and maybe I'll be able to convince them to be my consorts. Of course, most of this is said for the sake of satire--unfortunately--and even if it were a possibility It'd all depend on my own charisma, but I still think it'd serve as a nice conversation starter.

Imagine you're expecting a call so you put your flip phone inside a vachina, let it ring for a few seconds, flip it open from within, and then answer with "moshi moshi?". I think you simply the creativity of am over the top doujinka.
if you need some tech gadget to pull ladies, you must be too autistic
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You have ass burgers
Me on the bottom right.
>MP3 Player
Refurbished iPod or SansaClip (I know it does not fit your description, but they can still be bought new). RCA had bretty gud MP3 Players too. A lot of guys on >>>/mu/ had Zunes, do not bother, Microsoft bricked them.
>Flip Phone
Refurbished Motorola

I know you want *new*, but there really are not too many options. My next phones is going to be a Nokia 3310, once my "housebrick" dies (T-Mobile REVVL 4 that, for some reason, refuses to quit (it has taken several falls from a bicycle handle bar bag at 25+ mph).

I suggest refurbished as these are being advertised as "good as new".
>Imagine you're expecting a call so you put your flip phone inside a vachina, let it ring for a few seconds, flip it open from within, and then answer with "moshi moshi?". I think you simply the creativity of am over the top doujinka.
you would look like an absolute retard.

Just get an ipod. Nobody makes new good mp3 players. It's a similar thing with cassete / CD players. If something new comes out, it's an absolute garbage that's riding on muh nostalgia. You're better off with something from the era and taking proper care of it.
>which one ?
I would go for a mini or a 1st gen nano if you care about looks. If you hate apple then get rockbox on it.

>flip phones
There's no such thing as a good modern flip phone. It's either a senior phone or a crappy HBM branded as nokia. It's all the same plastic shit with KaiOS or android 6
Bumppu 二
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lg wine smart
Well, it's OoP now but I have a Sony Walkman NWA-55
After Mr. Walkman mods, it was perfect, so I'd recommend whatever sony's current entry level dap is with mr. walkman mod
check out /iemg/ on /g/ for more info

>flip phone
the best flip phones are ironically the foldable glass slabs, which are still compromises over normal glass slabs, but it's where the market is at
We know you're a zoomer. Who else would start a sentence with the n word

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