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I'm autistic, with ADHD. I can't focus on trying to get better at all or even come up with anything to draw without just giving up and going back to looking at my phone and doing something else.
I've legitimately never been able to commit myself to any serious hobby and have gotten lazy over the years with my only actual one which is writing and the only reason I'm good at writing is because I wanted people to be able to understand what the fuck I was saying and I wanted to write good stories because I thought I'd never be able to make them in a visual medium, but that's it. I've never been able to commit to a serious routine, schedule, or anything. I just sit in my room online doing basically nothing.
Everything I try doing looks so daunting and impossible. I tried learning Source Filmmaker as a teen and I gave up immediately because it looked too complicated. I tried learning how to make my own games in game maker, gave up immediately and never touched it. Even something like drawing just looks so complex and impossible. This is what it's like for everything I try doing.
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Will you give me advice on how to get better at drawing? That's what I'm asking for.
Read any of the infinite books on the subject
I tried Loomis and gave up on the body construction part
Have you tried not giving up?
Okay, but I don't understand it. That's why I gave up.
Nobody's good at everything, anon. I'm in a similar boat, except I've given up on pursuing creative endeavours almost entirely. But, if you're really determined to learn, I'd recommend looking into local art classes. Go for something in-person that gets you out of the house and interacting with other people, because if you're anything like me, trying to do it at home on your own isn't going to work. Therapy might be helpful too, if you can afford it.
How do you get better at anything?

By doing it over and over and over.

You didn't learn to write or talk in a day. It took you years.
own it you coward
Damn mate, time is getting really close
>So yes. I'll give myself a year to become an artist, otherwise I'm committing suicide.
Any progress to stave off your fate yet?
some people have a knack for things. I made good grades in school but cant learn a foreign language for shit.
i've been making music for decades but I make multiple mistakes when playing. studio trickery allows me to edit but I'd never make it as a studio musician in Nashville. if after years of trying and still no improvement you'll just have to accept the fact of your limitations and strive to work within them.
slightly more than two more weeks!
Oh my god, you're still here. Don't reply to this guy, he's been doing this for years. Honestly can't tell if it's a dedicated troll or insane person, but at this point it's gotta be both
Then am I not interested in anything at all? Because this is what it's like for everything that I've ever tried doing even for non creative hobbies or just anything in general. I have also been writing obsessively for the past 12 years and gave up on that too.
I have literally tried doing several artistic hobbies and gave up each of them immediately when I was a teenager.
>Gave up on Source Filmmaker
>Gave up on GameMaker
>Gave up on FireAlpaca
>Gave up on Photoshop
>Gave up on writing
I didn't know how any of them worked or what to do. I don't even know basic trig. Even when I look art guides, I literally cannot comprehend them or figure them out. I don't want to be stuck with no creativity or being unable to express myself. This is what it's like for literally everything I try doing. I'm not able to try and keep up with any hobby. Even writing, I do it sporadically and very rarely.

The only thing I've ever been able to do was writing by myself in my bed, otherwise doing nothing but jerking off, looking at videos and going to sleep. I've never been able to do any hobby that didn't give me instant dopamine.
you should stick to your promise made in >>1490453 and end yourself next month
at least you'd have accomplished something you set out to do for once
Just fuck off, Howie. You've posted this EXACT post over a hundred times for over a year now. Stop wasting your time and ours and get professional help.

Searching for the phrase "Gave up on Source Filmmaker" on the 4plebs /adv/ archive alone brings up 103 results.
>I have also been writing obsessively for the past 12 years and gave up on that too.
Explain what this thread is then?
Now you're mad because you can't just dismiss me as making excuses.
Because I want to make things in a visual medium.
your entire life is making excuses
Are you now making excuses to not give me advices?
oh my god shut the hell up
Ah this thread again, always gets a laugh out of me, thanks OP.
>Everything I try doing looks so daunting and impossible. I tried carbon monoxide poisoning as a teen and I gave up immediately because it looked too complicated. I tried learning how to shoot myself with a pistol, gave up immediately and never touched it. Even something like jumping off a building just looks so complex and impossible. This is what it's like for everything I try doing.
>I will now greentext and make memes out of genuine attempts to explain your problems to people in hopes of getting advice
we have already tried giving you advice for years howie, you've dismissed all of them so the only thing left for us is to tell you to kill yourself
I haven't been able to actually do any of the advice because I can't focus long enough to actually do any of it.
that's your problem and it's unrelated to drawing. we've tried giving you drawing advice and you keep dismissing them because of a different problem none of us can help you with, and you've used up all our goodwill in the process. kill yourself
I've been on multiple different medications and seen a teleheath therapist. Nothing has worked.
that's your problem and it's unrelated to drawing. stop shitting up the board until you have that worked out, or alternatively kill yourself
As somebody who was diagnosed with "ADHD" "ADD" etc etc, concentration is a learned skill and it's not easily learned. One thing that I find helps is "forcing" myself through a book or something long, then pivoting from that. I have to enjoy it somewhat, but I find that when I get done reading I have more focus for other things. Really, just finishing anything kind of builds that momentum. Just start finishing things. Big things. Small things. But try not to undertake anything too big that too try or you'll just drop it. You have to really want it and find enjoyment out of it.
The other thing is, I'm an artist of ten years (somewhat accomplished both financially and in popularity) and a little secret, gitting gud isn't nearly as important as the journey, especially with the introduction of AI. Just draw things. Draw from life, draw from your imagination, just draw. Doesn't matter if it looks like a retard did it, draw. SOUL is a commodity in art now, and uniquely placing down onto paper how you see things, even if it's imperfect, is now infinitely more important than technical skill.

At most maybe read this if you find it entertaining as I think this guy gives a really strong foundation to build off.


But right now is seriously one of the best times to be an artist. There's no stress involved anymore. You don't really "need" to push yourself to get better because if your end goal is just to be better than Joe shmoe you can just generate a pic in the same style with ai. Only you can draw uniquely you (as cheesy as that sounds) so embrace it... and maybe read that book
>your entire life is making excuses

OP doesn't seem to believe in getting a psychiatrist to prescribe something to reduce the ADHD problem. Year after year, I see similar posts about ADHD. The concrete advice is to get it treated. Instead of coming here to get pity from others to satisfy an ego that got bruised by giving up.

If OP refuses treatment to get a refillable prescription at cheap places like walmart pharmacy, then so be it.
Not OP, but I don't think you guys realize how bad the "treatment" is. I remember one pill in the cocktail of things they've given me in my life made me hyper focus so much so that I could see the spit leave people's mouths. I began to throw away my food because I could just see their spit land on it. The nurses the school I was at had to give me crackers in plastic bags then keep their distance from me before I'd eat. They eventually took me off that and suddenly, no weird issues and I returned to a healthy weight. Later in life they put me on another pill, and while it did indeed work and I could focus, I could no longer think. You'd just go through life following people or doing what you were told while feeling like you were in a sort of "fog". If nobody told you to do anything, you wouldn't really want to do anything at all.

I think it's much, much better to build habits of focus more so than seeing some professional who's just going to drug you into a "productive member of society".
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I drew this not too long ago. I have adhd and it's so bad that I zoned out during presentation in school. I can't pay attention during meetings without having to writw down and even then I can't keep up. And yet I made this, I copied it from another artist sure, but I made it and I barely even practiced my drawing skills before manking this. I am super bad at managing drawing too, I do it less than two times a week and yet I made that. Find something you want to draw and draw it, then take some notes for how you're gonna do it and pay attenstion to the width of the lines on the thing you're copying from. It's that simple and I just got a proportional divider which should make me even better at thid now.

Maybe copying isn't "real drawing" but at least it's something and it looks good and I made it, just not from scratch.
And I've only really lazily been doing it a few times a months. So I've been "learning it for months" but really I just scribbled something every once in a while.
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You're getting down line techniques and picking up things through osmosis. My only thing is I'd say be careful of picking up too much from others. One of my biggest regrets now is that I have a hard time truly drawing like "me". Mind you it's a very metaphysical thing, and in the end somebody who really worked at it may end up right back where they would be if they just learned the proper ways, but I'll never know and before AI everyone had the same goal of reaching a certain skill ceiling and drawing like various artists they liked. It's why I think the book I posted earlier is so good now. I think it builds a solid foundation without telling you how to do to much.

Also, notes are a lot more useful when you aren't on a timer or trying to keep up with a speaker wondering what's important and what isn't (ie: what you'll be tested on). You can decide for yourself what info is vital and pause to take it down. It's huge. A lot of my art that I had become I had a HDD loss were absolutely covered in notes that I'd go over from time to time. School and life in general aren't geared towards people with adhd/add and because of that you come out of school thinking you're some big failure because you weren't properly equipped when in reality you just need a different approach to learning. (It's also hard to say if these issues weren't learned from a lack of needing to focus before getting into school as well as the detrimental effects of the cartoons we watched growing up. There's a whole slew of things that could be at fault, but eh, just throw a pill at it.)
that I had before* I had a HDD loss

I hate the androids autocorrect with a passion
I honestly want to draw like others. Other are much better at drawing than me so why not just take from them and mish-mash together into something original?
Feel free to pursue that mentality, for me it was a dead end. Especially once AI was introduced. Of course, doing style studies or incorporating techniques is another thing, but when drawing and doodling it should feel very natural and therapeutic. I think the dead end of trying to draw like others is that in the end you'll end up becoming a knockoff no matter the skill level and if that's the end goal then you might as well just use AI as it's going to be able to draw closer like the artists you are trying to draw and mix together, But art is different to everyone. If you enjoy replicating styles and mashing them together by traditional means and, more importantly, enjoy the process, keep doing what you're doing.
Okay but how do I get myself to actually do it?
Keep a little sketch book with or around you. I recommend even a little lined flip notepad so you don't trip yourself out and thinking you're wasting nice paper. Then just doodle. Maybe turn on something you like listening to on your phone, then just grab the notepad and doodle. If you're having trouble focusing or "drawers block" try drawing a bunch of circles, or squares, or blocks, or try "seeing" into the circles you draw and turning them into spheres. It's not really rocket science, don't over complicate it. You want to learn to draw but having trouble focusing or starting, draw circles.
You'll often find that those basic shapes you're mindlessly doodling will often evolve into full on drawing. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is simply touching the pencil to paper.
Bear in mind this is with stimulants as well. Even with stimulants the most I can do is make myself play a video game for a few hours.
The most I can ever make myself do is careless lines or circles on my sketchbook for like 30 seconds at most before I stop and look at my phone again, jerk off and go to sleep. Even if I didn't have my phone I'd just stare at walls or the ceiling boredly. Bear in mind, this is with stimulants. Even on stimulants I just stare at walls and space out.
>I honestly want to draw like others
You are aware 90% of humans have zero drawing skills, right? Even your garbage skills make you *above average*
Did you think I was referring to the average person in that statement?
Please reply in a less retarded way if possible.
But can't it turn into something original by the end? Sure ai can do it better, but using ai also takes some skill and often a paid subscription and a computer. This should be made clear by the amount of art around where one can clearly tell it's ai.
If I have the skills to draw like my favorite artist, then I can reproduce it anywhere anytime with any character I like + there's a lot ai can't do (a matter of time maybe, but not for sure) like comic strips.
I want to borrow from all the artists I like to create the 'ultimate' style with the characters that I love and I don't think it needs to take that long if am just smart about it. I can fine tune it much easier with my hands than with computer code I think. If I wanted to make realistic stuff ai would be better, but I really just wanna draw cute girls and boys doing cute things and I've never seen an ai do it in a way that I liked. That image I posted before isn't really what I am interested in drawing either, just a test to see if it was possible.
>Did you think I was referring to the average person in that statement?
You are well below average, so yes. Do you not want to be normal?
>I want to borrow from all the artists I like to create the 'ultimate' style with the characters that I love and I don't think it needs to take that long if am just smart about it
Well, there is a problem, it's this
>I'm autistic, with ADHD. I can't focus on trying to get better at all or even come up with anything to draw without just giving up and going back to looking at my phone and doing something else.
>I've legitimately never been able to commit myself to any serious hobby and have gotten lazy over the years with my only actual one which is writing and the only reason I'm good at writing is because I wanted people to be able to understand what the fuck I was saying and I wanted to write good stories because I thought I'd never be able to make them in a visual medium, but that's it. I've never been able to commit to a serious routine, schedule, or anything. I just sit in my room online doing basically nothing.
>Everything I try doing looks so daunting and impossible. I tried learning Source Filmmaker as a teen and I gave up immediately because it looked too complicated. I tried learning how to make my own games in game maker, gave up immediately and never touched it. Even something like drawing just looks so complex and impossible. This is what it's like for everything I try doing.
yes and that's unrelated to drawing so you should fuck off and get that resolved first because none of us can help you with that
alternatively kill yourself
I'll bite.
>You are well below average, so yes.
Weird that you somehow got triggered by my drawing. I've never said anywhere I think I'm good or even necessarily "above average", but for some reason you went out of your way to reply to me just so you could tell me that.
Your next reply should contain something you've drawn btw since you're giving me shit.
>Do you not want to be normal?
By "other people" I was referring to artists I like, not the average person. This should've been obvious from the context of the reply.
>This should've been obvious from the context of the reply.
Kek, you think we read all your worthless nonsense
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If you want to get better at drawing, the best option is to draw something and then posting it in the /int/+/beg/ thread on the /ic/ board.
I did it and they called me a faggot, but also gave me advices that I couldn't disagree with because it was shit.
See the difference of quality before and after.
I know you're totally unbothered, right?
If you have anything post it.
Then why not make the thread about that issue, instead of about drawing.
Well you’ve certainly committed to making these threads.
I feel the same way but I'm clinically depressed
early on in high school is when it started because I had a violent sperg outburst and got expelled, causing me to believe I'd never get a job with my criminal record, which then made me give up on every dream I ever had. it continues to this day, I think because I trapped myself in an endless cycle of "I feel like shit so I don't want to do anything, I don't want to do anything so I don't do anything, I don't do anything so I'm not good at anything, I'm not good at anything so I feel like shit"
back in school (after I got readmitted) they gave assignments asking me what I wanted to do so that I'd be prepared for the future, and I remember every time I'd end up just sitting there for the entire class period just staring at the paper while everyone else was writing. one time I wrote down on one of them something along the lines of "I hate everything, I don't enjoy anything, and I'd rather end up homeless than work a job" and I ended up having to get a psych eval over that, and I narrowly avoided getting sent to an asylum just by telling them I didn't want to harm myself or others.
I have no advice for you, I just made this post because your situation reminds me of mine.
Give me actual advice.
Recieved advice. Ignores, asks for advice. You know this isn't even the advice board, right?
You've gotten plenty of actual advice in the past 100 threads you've made Howie.
go to the the top floor of a high rise building and defenestrate yourself
>inb4 "BUT HOW"
I want actual advice.
Eh, you need an explanation for everything
>throw (someone) out of a window.
"she had made up her mind that the woman had been defenestrated, although the official verdict had been suicide"

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