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File: wechokinnow.jpg (22 KB, 602x359)
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So my homework has a problem on it that I think I'm solving right, but I keep getting it wrong.
It's just a compound inequality
So it's:

I know you split it up into two, so:

3x+2>2x-3 and 2x-3>x-11

Add three to both sides

Subtract 3x from both sides
Divide by -1

subtract x
add 3
x >-8

So the answer would be something like (-8, infinity), which discounts the -5

Problem is, that's not right, and I know it's not right.
I don't know what I'm fucking up here. I feel like it's braindead easy and I'm going to be really mad at myself for not getting it.
are you absolutely sure you copied down the question correctly
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I am going to post it here and make sure I did.
You discounted wrong.
You have -5<x and -8<x.
So the solution is (-5, infinity), not (-8, infinity)
I discounted wrong?
I mean, that's the right answer, and I thank you, but boy I feel retarded.
Don't feel bad, it happens to everyone. I only figured out what was going wrong when I put the entire thing into Wolfram Alpha.

"Discounted" maybe isn't the right word. -5<x gives (-5, inf) and -8<x gives (-8, inf). Since you need x to be in both of these intervals, you take their overlap, which is (-5, inf).

Every step you yourself wrote down was correct, the error was in the part that you didn't write down. Checking mental math is hard, so you should write down every step (even the obvious ones) in detail to catch stupid errors. Because when you are smart enough to know how to solve all problems, only stupid errors remain.
See our thing doesn't have a number line, you just write down the interval notation and it checks.
Good to know.
There's other shit I don't think I'm going to solve fast in this but at least nothing's taken me as long as this little chestnut has, thanks again.
dude this is math I learned in middle school
A blessing for you.
I wish you happiness and success.

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