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hi again. without getting into the details, i've been knocked down to a phone until microsoft gets their shit together and releases windows 12 and i get my shit together with my financial situation. don't want to argue about this

apparently the paid version of google docs has spreadsheets, and i could also pay micro$oft for access to office
is there any decent spreadsheet program for android that has basic formula stuff? i don't need anything too insane, i just want to prototype the math behind an idea i have for a video game before i deal with anything in the video game itself, and this one of my many on again off again projects before my computer got bricked. in particular, i'm trying to design the most bat fuck insane retro jrpg ever, so a giant spreadsheet actually works for prototyping stuff
i actually am just considering seeing if office365 is worth paying for, because i need to take someone to court, self-represented, and bury them in discovery, so it might pay off in the long run
thanks for your help :(
Christ, you sound so unhinged. You probably need to get a fast food job and buy a computer. No, there isn't a spreadsheet app that's as good as what you can get on a computer.
>i just want to prototype the math behind an idea i have for a video game before i deal with anything in the video game itself
Yeah, you're 100% retarded and living in fantasy. You don't even have a computer. Get a fast food job.
i'm recovering from what was supposed to be minor surgery that developed immediate complications in the OR and now i'm on oxy, which takes someone who's totally unhinged and makes it even worse

believe me or not, but i was personal friends with Tom "Zileas" Cadwell, the numbers guy behind wc3:tft, original wow, dota all stars, and league of legends, he taught me a lot of game design math, so i actually can balance this clusterfuck, and i have a really good story to back it up that i've been working on in my head since i was 16

i was prototyping ideas in rpgmaker and a lot of the ideas were working well, but that source code is completely undocumented and i realized i need to use gamemaker and make my own engine

thanks for the mcdonalds flame though, i am way too sick to work any sort of conventional job, so i am trying to get myself off autism bux by making some sort of board game or video game or novel
if openoffice365 is as powerful as office on pc (so does anyone know the answer to that?), then i can do what i was doing in this absurd spreadsheet, and run simulations on the combat based on what gear they got and what level they are and what they're using in magiesperteriajunction system, and then experiment with different combinations of things and progressively make the enemies more powerful as i discover ways to minmax the game

i had like *20* random encounters worked out this way in the excel file on my dead computer, and i might just do fucking everything, because one of the things Tom "Zileas" Cadwell told me is that a game is essentially a math problem, and before you figure out anything in the game, you should figure out the math problem first. and that was his approach to both wow and lol, and regardless of whether or not you hate those games, you have to admit someone out there likes them

the core mechanic is to take my idea for a novel, and just turn into a jrpg, and then as a result, instead of having an airship or some other sort of hub to rotate your party, everyone is in your party at once, and by the end of the game, the number is absolutely insane, most likely something like 24
That looks, on track, but when I took a look at its reviews on google play, it has that U shaped review curve that's usually a red flag, so I look at the 1 star reviews, and people are complaining about 2 problems. Tons of bugs, potential to be a 5 star app, not ready yet. Two, invasive data collection practices on par with tiktok. I'll consider this, but I'm starting to think I should just look into what office365 on android can do, and if there's anything it can't do on a desktop, because having word back would be very helpful for my upcoming court case.
>until microsoft gets their shit together and releases windows 12
Sir, you know Windows 10 LTSC is literally supported until 2032 right
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here's my take on the cybersecurity situation. you can run windows 10 if you want, but the machine needs to be *capable* of running windows 11, or you're fucked. i don't want the thread to get derailed into this, because now that that I'm looking into office365, i'm guaranteed to get a large check from the govt sometime between halloween and thanksgiving, and that's when i can pay my yearly sub for office365. it will also help me balance this mess, which i've been running basic formulas on a solar powered calculator and wolfram alpha if the calculator can't handle it, but a proper monte carlo algorithm in an excel sheet would help a lot with balancing this clusterfuck. there's a third army not even on the board. it's like chess, mtg, and starcraft had a threesome, and chess isn't sure who the father is, and ever since my computer died, i've been balancing off my gut, and while the game is definitely way more balanced than it was when my pc die, balancing off your gut is a terrible way of doing things
i missed a sentence. so basically, i want to see if windows 12 is going to require even higher specs than windows 11, because i don't want to buy some cheap ass laptop that i can't upgrade to windows 12.
Bro that game sucks ass. Games are all about the graphics and how they do everything for you while you just click some buttons. You seem to be thinking a lot about the math, but ultimately that's an irrelevant part of the game; that's not what makes it good or what makes people buy it. Somebody else is gonna make the same game but with random damage within a range and great graphics, and that game is gonna sell, not yours. Also
>so i am trying to get myself off autism bux by making some sort of board game or video game or novel
is not a realistic plan. The money you can make from those things if you're indie is lower than a job or even welfare. You need to figure out a better plan. Maybe stop being addicted to drugs first.
they can't rip off my plot, and that's what makes it interesting. books are a dying medium, and i've come up with a way to rejigger this game into an 80 hour text scrolling game like xenogears is

i am an ex-employee of MLG, before i ended up on disability, i am elder god of the internet who has had multiple 10 minutes of fame, and i have faith in myself. i personally wrote the ban code to this site and just handed it to the admins and i'm pretty sure they're still using it as is, because what you need to do to evade is still the same, and they haven't come up with any improvements. if you don't believe me, a thread in [s4s] just hit the archives where i was rambling on about the good old days in >>>/s4s/11772566 where between proto b and my own site, we were completely destroying something awful in traffic, and there was a lot of cross pollination between your tripfags and my members, and your board was mostly the retard containment board, while mine was for 9000IQ insane people

i didn't make enough money i could do whatever the hell i want, but i know i'm a talented writer when i sit down and revise things and i think i can do it again

someone might rip off my ideas for gameplay, but they can't steal my plot
i think ur too high. get off 4chan and get sober. or dont i reallly dont care
you are also absolutely wrong about everything you said about games being nothing but graphics, unless you're one of those guys who likes AAA linear corridor trash. every single successful game starts the same way, they figure out the gameplay first, then the figure the graphics out second, and because i'm doing a retro style jrpg with modern twists, i have some insane abstract ideas how to do the artwork. i know how to make beepy sound effects pretty well, and the one thing i have no skill at all, and might need to just pay someone to do it, is write music, but there's a program called famitracker that is for making nes music, i can download a lot of nes music, see how it works, and rip it off somehow

basically, i'm not your normal idiot on this board, i'm a high functioning autistic savant who's been working on the same novel for nearly 20 years, and i'm thinking the zoomers might like it more if it was an rpg, and if the combat system gets ripped off, then yay, i'm the binding of issac of these things, and people will always remember mine
and i think you don't have any reading comprehension skills, and if you hate league, your mechanics are trash, so there's two reasons you're not the target demographic for this game

btw, league is not balanced on purpose to sell skins and make money. he told me point blank this was his idea for a dream game to have hundreds of characters in a "tidal meta" where it worked like football where they excel at certain things, and then dota got invented, and it gave him an idea for an economy model to work with

this guy sent me his MIT thesis, and if i had the common sense to save that, i'd be holding on to a riot trade secret, how they calculate the gold cost of speed.
i would actually be in a very good financial position, if i didn't have to dump $2400 in my car this year, btw. unlike most autists, i do a really good job of managing my money, and take care of myself. i don't have a job, and i don't live in my parents' basement. a former psychiatrist of mine told me to never ever attempt to try to do regular white collar or counter serving work, but i seem like the sort of designer type guy who could do something like write the script to a tv show, make a video game, write a book, something i could collect royalties off of, and i agree with him, because i made bank off google ad banners in my 20s.
whatever, >>>/s4s/ it is, because if you couldn't tell from the namefield, that's where i belong. after doing my own googling around, it seems like office will be the way to go, and i can get it when i have some disposable income to blow

fuck all yall haters. i made the #2 map in all of halo for 1v1, but no one ever remembers the second most popular thing, and it was before the era of twitch streaming, and mlg is basically a dead meme company now, so there's no records left of it now
that should be all the evidence you need that i'm actually capable of writing an 80 hour text scrolling jrpg with the most complicated fucking plot ever, and that's my final comment, i'm making dinner, and i'm going to a nicer board
Plots are worthless. Nobody is buying games for the plot. People buy the pew pew bang bang and the graphics.
>i'm not your normal idiot on this board
You clearly are. Thinking that you're special is part of it. Ask yourself if making it big with a solo indie game when you don't even have a computer is a thing that has ever happened in reality. You're deluding yourself big time.
>i'm a high functioning autistic savant
>i know i'm a talented writer
Look at your posts here and realize that you're missing whole words in some sentences and they barely make sense. You can't even into grammar my dude; you are clearly a casualty of the Dunning-Kruger effect. Tell your plans to a therapist so they can bring you back to reality, figure out a way to quit the pain drugs, and then get a job.
>been working on the same novel for nearly 20 years
That's how you know you're not a good writer. If you call a writers' podcast and tell them this, they tell you to drop it and start writing a new one. You seem to think that that novel is worth 20 years of quality, but it's actually 20 years of mistakes.
>i would actually be in a very good financial position, if i didn't have to dump $2400 in my car this year
If $2400 are what makes the difference between a good and bad financial position for you, you were poor all along.
>a former psychiatrist of mine told me to never ever attempt to try to do regular white collar or counter serving work
See? He was telling you you're retarded in a polite way.
>but i seem like the sort of designer type guy who could do something like write the script to a tv show, make a video game, write a book, something i could collect royalties off of
The flaw in that plan is that royalties are peanuts. You're gonna take 3 years to make your game, then sell 10k copies, and end up with $80k in the bank; and that's a successful case. May seem like a lot of money considering that you're poor, but it's actually only $27k a year, which is less than what you could make working, but many times riskier.
because you responded with something resembling constructive criticism, you et a reply, i suffer from high functioning autism and a severe sleep disorder. in the winter, i do fine, in the summer i don't sleep for 5 days then next thing you know i'm talking to the area 51 aliens, and my idea is so insane that it's likely to just get frontpaged on steam and be the next undertale. it took them years, but now i'm now on the sniper wolf medication, diazepam, and it's kept me sane for the first summer in years. no one has made an 80 hour text heavy rpg like xenogears since uhh...xenogears? and the combat mechanics i've got up my sleeve are so novel the game will most likely instantly get front paged on steam as unlike most faceroll jrpgs, this one has such a depth of gameplay mechanics i'm not going to waste my time, and the book in my head is as complex as lord of the rings. i could probably crank out a 1000 page novel, but zoomers don't read books

i've made it big twice in my life before, but the first job, i didn't properly monetize things, and i mismanaged certain aspects of my site, whereas with MLG, THEY fucked it up, and if they listened to me at all, that company would still be in business
u sound retarded as fuck. get off this board. ur lowering everyone's intelligence u god damned faggot slurping jew enabler
i'm sorry you have no reading comprehension and need to result to racial slurs to do anything

mods, just delete this fucking thread, i'm never coming back here
>my idea is so insane that it's likely to just get frontpaged on steam and be the next undertale
it's so funny to hear this from such a nothing of human being
>i'm never coming back here
no. ur gonna stay here and ur gonna take my abuse u fucking queer. listen here u god damned cum licking ass sniffing fucktard. i come to this board to get ACTUAL help. not read some schzio get a fucking mid life crisis because they like taking it up the butt by some black troon.
>i suffer from high functioning autism and a severe sleep disorder
So you're pretty much a normal person then? That's probably like 10% of the population; you are literally a normal human.
>my idea is so insane that it's likely to just get frontpaged on steam
Look up how that works. Ideas don't get your game on the banners. Your game gets handpicked for the banner if it has been selling really well for a few months and also fits the theme of the thing they're trying to advertise. A new game doesn't get featured in a banner. Your game could make it to the top 10 best selling list, but that's near the bottom of the page, and for that it needs to sell. Ideas don't get your game sold, execution does. Ideas are worthless; everybody has a lot of them.
>no one has made an 80 hour text heavy rpg like xenogears since uhh...xenogears?
Nobody has tried to cure syphilis with mercury in over a hundred years. Does that mean it's a genius idea? Maybe there's a reason behind it?
>the game will most likely instantly get front paged
This is impossible. You can read their FAQ on how they pick the games they showcase in there. You need to kickstart your own traction with marketing and basically social stuff; it doesn't just happen because your game is unique. And then there's the fact that being unique doesn't necessarily mean it's good, just different. Something unique could be exactly what the consumers don't want to buy, and that's why companies do market research and other stuff. None of this is as simple as "make it and they'll come."
final comment, because i somehow missed it. this is 4chan, there's no edit button, i'm firing and forgetting. when i'm working on revising something, i actually pay attention, and i'm only on the painkillers because i had minor surgery that went horribly wrong and i hate taking them, i'm not some drug addict. every time i come here asking for advice on what android equivalent app might exist, all 99% of you do is flame me for having no pc, when there's lots of reasons why. i had a desktop from 1996-2022, bought a high end phone and bluetooth keyboard, and just adapted. i know how to program in *ASM* if i'm that fucking bored, the only thing i might get stuck on is music.

i'm waiting for a windows 12 machine to be like $500, and then i'll get a pc again, i'm not wasting time with windows 11. i have a long term plan, because i'm almost 40, and a year isn't that long anymore. then i'll get gamemaker and get cracking. i lost all the art i already drew in the ransomware incident that lead to a literal out of court settlement with comcast corporate HQ, which is part of the reason i don't want to fuck with windows 11, but I can draw it again. i'm realizing my board game is fun but it's unbalanceable unless you throw something like watson or deepmind at the problem, so i've considered taking an alternate project out of the vault

half of you guys are just straight up breaking blue board rules calling me a jew and a retard, so i don't even know
>final comment.
ur just an attention seeking whore. i hope u get raped by fifty two nigger troones u window sniffing guzzler. get off this fucking board already. this isnt ur place to blogpost. all ur gay ass posts do is dump some anon's help thread.
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It doesn't sound like you have any of the skills.
>you flame me for having no pc, when there's lots of reasons why
You're trying to make a game without a computer. I don't care if an angel came and stole your computer, the reality is that you don't have a computer.
>i had a desktop from 1996-2022
My uncle had legs from 1958-2001. Can he run a marathon tomorrow? He had legs for a few decades.
>bought a high end phone and bluetooth keyboard, and just adapted
My uncle also adapted and got a wheelchair. Can he run a marathon tomorrow?
>i know how to program in *ASM*
Which is completely useless. You need to know a useful language, and then you need to be good at it; knowing it is not enough. You also need to know stuff about software and hardware to make the right calls regarding design and architecture. You also need to know best practices to avoid a lot of trouble, and you need to know design patters too. Knowing how to write code that works is just the bare minimum.
>i'm waiting for a windows 12 machine, i'm not wasting time with windows 11
Hardware and software are separate things retard. Just buy the fucking computer that you need. If you don't even know how to install Windows you have no chance of building a game.
>i'll get gamemaker
You need a real engine... You don't even know how to use an engine, and it's gonna take you like 2 years to get good at it...
>i lost all the art i already drew
It wasn't any good and you know it. You would have backups if you thought it was any good.
>ransomware incident
So you also don't know jackshit about computers? You should be using best practices, version control, backups, and all sorts of stuff, but apparently you don't.
>i don't want to fuck with windows 11
So ignorant about computers that you're afraid of them instead of using them.
>i'm almost 40
It's safe to say that you're not a genius at anything. Don't dream too much about the game, because it's not gonna happen and you'll be hurt. Have a plan B.
i'll get one when i get one. i have patience, i don't need it right now.

i assume you're the same person who said to talk about my therapist about this. because they consider me a max difficulty psych case, where i also have severe ptsd from being a washed up e-celeb with multiple attempted murders on my life, my therapist works directly for the state and comes to my apartment. for most of his clients, he's making sure they're not doing something stupid like hoarding, but because all i do is live on the internet, i keep showing him the hot new memes, and one day we were talking about earthbound, and he mentions that he couldn't figure out how to beat that game because he couldn't go back forward in time to get more bottle rockets, and at first i'm like uhh that's actually not how you beat the game at all. then very recently i showed him the sans undertale fight, his mind is absolutely blown to the point where he's considering picking the game up, and when i start talking about my insane idea for a retro rpg he says "i think you can do it" then when i start giving him a tl;dr of the plot he actually wants to work a double block into the schedule so i can talk about this insane idea set in the post-post apocalypse, where humanity went extinct and only the trillonaires were brought back to life, so unlike other jrpgs, you aren't going to have to pretend there's more people in the world, you are actually talking to everyone who really exists. so that's the only reason i'm responding, is you told me to talk about my delusion with my therapist, when it's on the todo list, and he thinks i have the autismo to actually pull this off
>somebody who doesn't know shit about playing games told you that your game is good
>the same person, who also doesn't know shit about making games, told you that you can make one
You're a fucking retard for believing him. He was just trying to use it to make conversation with you because you're his patient. It's as if you had asked a random dude on the street. Ask the people who make games instead. Go on some gamedev subreddit and ask there so professional developers can answer.
the very specific questions i've been asking /wsr/ lately, have all been what equivalent of X can i get for android, so i can work on my game while i wait for my financial situaton to clear up and i can afford to get something decent. one thing i can do, is just sit on work on the mathematics. as far as art goes, it was drawn in an abstract multi sprite style using the actual proportions of the human body viewed at a side profile, and it wouldn't be doable in 256x224 rez, but at 1920x1080, it looks pretty good

i can keep myself busy doing all the mathematics behind the game while i recover my financial position, and then when M$ finally gets its shit together, i can just start banging numbers into the engine fast. i've done a lot of experimentation with opengl on how to make the world map look, and when i looked at the documentation for gamemaker, i was like yes, i immediately understand all this

if the game flops, oh well. i stay on neetbux, but i got my magnum opus out there, and maybe it will only be a cult hit.

i do have a backup, with drafts of some of the dialogue, but for some reason it would connect to my old phone, but it refuses to connect to my new phone. not sure why, and if i had to rewrite it, i could. wouldn't matter. my creative process is to just keep thinking until i bang it all out at once, and i have a theory based on nothing but my own studies of english lit, called author prime, where i noticed that most people don't write their greatest work until they are like 45-60 years old, so i'm like why bother writing anything at all then.
this is why i dont like therpaists. they're just trying to squeeze more and more money from you by keeping you hooked to their shit. of course they're going to tell you that you have problem x y z, of course they're going to secure future appointments - they want your money not to "fix" you.
going to r/gamedev is actually on the todo list. but because i wasn't expecting to be on oxy for a few weeks, that's on the back burner.

one of the things i got out of you guys, is apparently there's no way to disable mouse accel in android, and that will drive me insane. so unless i'm making haha funny maymays for [s4s], that's not gonna help. most of you guys are acting like this game is coming out tomorrow when i figure it will probably take 3-7 years of dev, and in AAA jrpg games, the task of doing all the character and enemy stats is usually the job of one person, so i can do that while i wait to see what's going on with what i hope will be secure hardware. i prototyped a lot of concepts in rpgmaker, but i gave up on using that engine, because it has no comments, i can't figure out where the code i want to edit is, and i'd be importing completely custom sprites into their game, so it's pointless to use it.
i don't pay shit for a therapist, i'm on autism bux for almost a decade now. i was a complete mess for a while, and now while mentally i'm doing a lot better, i have serious physical problems that prevent me from working for mcdoland, and whenever i do get my pc back, i don't think i'll be plat in league anymore, i'll be iron, because my nerves and reflexes are shot, even though my mind is still there. so i chill out playing chess960, oldschool rpgs i can find for my phone, and my own insane board game, things that dont require millisecond reflexes
wtf am i reading man. get off this board already holy shit
i'll show you one concrete idea i had, then i'm gonna go masturbate to anime girls. this is the map i plan on using of the world in my rpg, so it's actually set on the earth. i did stuff to do it to make it a monochrome file in gimp, copied it pixel for pixel into the biggest map rpgmaker could handle, then realized i could make the UK, Japan, and Antarctica twice as big, and was planning on overlaying it with a political version of this map, to place some dungeon or other area in every major capital in the state/country of the world, so you are actually on the earth, and it's a weird earth that seems like it experienced continental drift
i'm just responding to your guys comments with whatever i got, and after this thread, i ain't coming back to this board, and it seems like a lot of you can't read more than a 2 sentence paragraph
>while i wait for my financial situaton to clear up
That's not how reality works kid. Poverty doesn't just go away. Get a fast food job.
>when M$ finally gets its shit together
You're projecting. You're the one who needs to get his shit together.
>maybe it will only be a cult hit
It's just gonna go unnoticed. Why is your worst case scenario being a cult hit?
>my creative process is to just keep thinking until i bang it all out at once
And that's why you've never achieved anything. That's not how stuff gets done.
>most people don't write their greatest work until they are like 45-60 years old
Most people don't write. The ones who wrote good stuff at 45 were already writing and selling stuff 20 years before that. You're not in that group.
>going to r/gamedev is actually on the todo list
Asking is on the todo list you stupid motherfucker? Why don't you have 3 minutes to go and ask right now? You're never getting shit done like this.
You think this is anything good? It's just whatever. If this is the level of idea you consider good, I'm afraid you have nothing.
>So you also don't know jackshit about computers? You should be using best practices, version control, backups, and all sorts of stuff, but apparently you don't.
i was being lazy with backups.

there was a literal fbi investigation into this. my previous psychiatrist and i were hit by ransomware back to back. they locked me up in the psych ward, because they didn't want to believe this autistic neet had his computer glassed, then my psych admits to the ward, yes, i did get ransomware, my phone was jammed, i had to pay the ransom, and i'm released after 5 days, even though i'm a 14 day hold.
when the fbi gets involved, he goes full hillary clinton, says i do not recall, and all the fbi figures out is how i got hacked, not who hacked me. that's the nsa's job. my xfinity router got 0-dayed, they found out i had tpm 1.0, and they glassed me with a russian death screen. this leads to an out of court settlement with comcast corporate hq where they waive 2 months of service i didn't actually get, and the early termination fee, and because these guys have pretty good lawyers, i figure this is the best deal i'm gonna get.
>it seems like a lot of you can't read more than a 2 sentence paragraph
no dude. ur delusional. high on pain meds. retarded. and a attention seeking whore. ur the definition of a faggot.
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what i'm actually trying to do is crash this thread with no survivors and get it to fucking 404
when it was set up in rpgmaker, i had a lot of fun walking around. i set up a literal alsakan land bridge and you could wall all the way from the coast of south america to the tip of africa, and it took a very long walk. i was having a good time
finally, before i go love it when the animes are kawaii, none of you even know what the concepts behind my game are. you just automatically think they suck, when that wasn't even the point of the thread in the first place, you derailed it, i responded to your derailment

once i'm off this awful med i do have plans to post on r/gamedev the core gameplay concepts and see if i'm living on planet earth. the one thing i don't feel like adding, but think i might have to, is a difficulty setting, because this game won't appeal to frothing retards with poor reflexes, the way i have it designed in my head
yknow, i can't actually remember this
>none of you even know what the concepts behind my game are. you just automatically think they suck
it has nothing to do with the concepts. you have created nothing and expect people to be impressed.
>you derailed it
no, you did. you explained your entire life story in the OP. you could've just not done that.
Exactly. This guy thinks he has something, but so far it's just air. Anybody who's trying to get attention on an anonymous place has to have a terrible life. This namefaggot is no exception. It's probably just a troll thread, because that's more likely than somebody being this clueless. Just a troll whose time is worth nothing.
>i need to take someone to court
>considering seeing if office365 is worth paying for
Anon just buy a fucking laptop. You can get them used for like $39.99
You guys are gonna be real sorry when he comes out with the next undertale on the front page of steam!!
lol. i think the dumbfuck op passed out. ass wipe is probably going to wake up and completely forget this whole game idea thing.

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