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I need help finding the best easiest remote jobs possible in the US with pay of at least 45K. Field doesn't matter. Would prefer something where you do only a few hours of work per day and there's little supervision.
I have biochemistry degree and a juris doctor if that matters.
I need anything any scrap of knowledge and advice regarding getting any kind of easy remote job at any pay level at least 45K.
I would like to be able to fly and there be popcorn trees on every corner.
Make an Onlyfans account and take pictures of your feet.
Once I wrote "Onlyfans" autocomplete finished the rest of that sentence
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wagie wagie
Doesn't sound like you're a team player, _necessary_ for office jobs.
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>that OP considers bumping this thread as adequate effort towards landing an easy job is hilarious
>I have biochemistry degree and a juris doctor if that matters.
just imagining someone would go through that just to ask on 4chan for easy remote job for 45K is pretty funny
Yea I realized too late I can't handle being a wagie in a cagie, itsover
I should have just gotten a job during covid lockdowns and gotten grandfathered in to remote work.
Back to work wagie
wagie wagie please helpy

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