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what are some good games to kill time on a low-spec work laptop

further details: none provided
also no cookie clickers, give me something with SUBSTANCE
or if not substance then at least some decent gameplay
please... i'm begging you.....。
cave story
Postal 2
I'm in the same boat, here's some i tried
>Vampire the masquerade bloodlines
kino incarnate, pretty good rpg
>Arx fatalis
really good dungeon crawler with the best magic system i've ever seen (you basically draw spells with the mouse)
one of the best stealth games
really good action horror game with a time slowing ability like max payne
>max payne
>Metal gear solid 1,2,3 (native or emulate them)
etc, you can google games from the mid 2000s for the best performance assuming you have an integrated intel gpu. You can probably emulate any game from the ps1 era and ps2 games with some settings tweaks
yume nikki
FTL: Faster Than Light
Vampire Survivors (there is even online demo you can try first)
classic rpgs like Fallout, Baldur's Gate, Planescape: Torment, Diablo, Arcanum
less classic still good games like Shadowrun, Amazing Cultivation Simulator, Underrail, ATOM rpg, ...

>Arx fatalis
>the best magic system
the idea was great but the execution was a bit more controversial
Also RPG Maker games
A work issued computer is incomplete without a copy of Doom.

>>fun time shooting demons
>>endless variety of level packs
>>tired of the same gameplay? add a gameplay mod
>>runs on a fucking toaster

The Steam port runs fine but some source ports like GZDoom let you add a ton of other gameplay mods. If your work restricts Steam for whatever reason, you can just take DOOM2.WAD from the files and run the game on a source port. Can’t go wrong for 4 bucks
File: file.png (253 KB, 595x1080)
253 KB
253 KB PNG
In the browser? Maybe slowroads.io for relaxing or play.fancade.com (which is actually a mobile game but whatever) that I play in a thin window
I'm using this bookmarklet to open a popup to a 9/16 screen ratio in the center:
javascript:(() =>{ const screenratio_width = window.screen.height*(9/16); const window_features = `popup,height=${window.screen.height},width=${screenratio_width},top=0,left=${(window.screen.width/2) - (screenratio_width/2)}`; window.open("https://play.fancade.com", "fancade", window_features); })();
I have used ublock to remove the cookie banner too
awkward ass controls but whatever :P I sometimes play on my phone as well

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