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Fictional girls that women look up to, like picrel. Preferably from video games and japanese media.
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>Fictional girls that women look up to, like picrel.
Women have their
>literally me
characters too
these are not one of them
They are for a certain segment of internet obsessed women, like vtubers. I want more mentally ill women they idolize.
post them then
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Chainsaw Man's popular female cast
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very Bateman-core.
I've seen guys relate to her way more
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The series' name says it all: just like my soul.
Yeah she has that relatability for guys definitely because of her strong drive towards her goal, but I could see her being a more /literally me/ type for girls.
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Has a sense of cuteness and smartness.
Nope, this is a man's literally me character.
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That's because her anime is more popular with men in general. But Bocchi's relatability transcends everything.
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I wonder which one of the K-On's is more relatable to girls?

Amy from Gone Girl
I haven't seen Oshi no Ko, but Ame is definitely one.
Tomoko from Watamote is another obvious one.
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Look, I love Needy Streamer, but at best KAngel/Ame-chan are mentally ill trannies' Patrick Batemans

If you wanted a more mainstream answer, probably Regina George from Mean Girls
>Regina George from Mean Girls
>western sloppa
You said "preferably from video games and japanese media", not "must be from video games and japanese media". More women look up to Regina George by sheer volume/popularity of mainstream American media than [waifu #307]
Doesn't matter. Only quality matters.
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Nicole my beloved they could never make me hate you idgaf what anyone says cope and seethe
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I know this isn’t from Japanese media but Elvira is just such an icon (sorry this is the only image of her I have saved)
>westoid ironic sloppa
my little pony.
So literally the definition of women’s Patrick Bateman lmao, OP asked and I delivered, cry about it I suppose
If you want me to be honest? None of them, though don't get me wrong, I love the show and it's very sweet with some cute and relatable moments, at the end of the day of of them are cute-sified, idealized versions of high school girls. Sure, on a surface level they are relatable to a degree, but they simply don't have enough character-depth for girls to be like "wow, she's just like me!" or someone to look up to, and usually if they do it's because that person is already a superfan of the show in the first place.
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real answer
Women don't do this with fictional characters.
They do it with Taylor Swift.
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>but they simply don't have enough character-depth
I'll press X to doubt. If you love the show I don't know how you could say it. But I see your point of them not necessarily being literally me characters for women or males, they're their own people. This is why there are anons who "waifu" either of the girls for their own very believable reasons. For me personally Yui is the most relatable and the one whose positive qualities I want to be like the most. But maybe as time goes on it will shift to Sawa-chan-sensei. I already see myself relating to her more on every subsequent rewatch.
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how did I forget her.
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Agree with Yui.

What about the Shirobakos?
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It's actually pretty great if you were a teenager around that time.
>pseudoanime ironic westoid sloppa
Sorry, I have good taste.
I'm just gonna assume you either can't relate to being a teen in the US in the 2000s or you haven't actually played/seen any scenes
Kylar is fucking hilarious.
I can't relate to liking ironic pseudoanime westoid sloppa because I have good taste and love anime.
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The real female literally me of Bocchi.
Any (biological, real) female here that can tell if she relates to the characters ITT?
I've been watching anime for 17 years, weirdo
yes hi im a girl!

can confidently say yes for some, however this board is missing some totono stuff :3
Sadly many people watch anime for a long time but still fail to see the true essence of it and still don't learn Japanese.

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