is there any place where you can talk about business, tricks and tips? /biz/ is crypto, reddit is reddit. Where do i find places similar to the old web's forums?
>>1505590when I was a lot younger, Motley Fool was the only place, but I haven't been back in a long time
>>1505590>>1505599or do you mean "business" as in operating a business, rather than investing? in that case you probably have a lot more of an uphill struggle
>>1505590it depends of what exactly you want, for most people over 30 are either on linkedin, slack, notion or facebook private groups
>>1505600operating a business. I joined my family's business a couple years ago and want to grow it.>>1505602fucking hate linkedin, but open to other stuff. I looked on discord and facebook but all the ones i found are just thinly veiled promo channels to sell courses and shit.