Hello. Big fan of Klaus Schulze, this is a (unfortunately low resolution) scan of one of the pages from his 1972 release, Irrlicht. I'd love to know what everything here is saying, please and thank you.
Kek, I tried using yandex translator and it just converted this page to Russian.
>>1509383-IRRLICHT-Quadrophonic symphony for syn. orchestra + E-machinesMusic is Aestheticized frequency FREQUENCY SOUND(NOISE)ordered disorderedMUSIC NOISEworks on the works on theINTELLECT SUBCONSCIOUSNESSbecomes becomesREFLECTION SUPPRESSIONremains remainsCONSUMPTION CONSUMPTIONconsc. unconsc.REACTION REACTIONby tradition by experiment on CONSCIOUSNESS PRODUCTION(The scheme on the bottom doesn't seem to contain any German text except "E-machines syn. orchest. choir)Central circle: TRADITIONMUSIC AESTHETIC NEW MUSIC THERAPEUTIC NEW FUNCTION
>>1509487>>1509477Thank you very much lads. I know how humble he got later in life, so it's cool to see him kind of "knowing" he was producing something good (experiment on consciousness, new music therapeutic, new function, Aestheticized frequency). Feeling himself a little bit. Fuck yeah. Thanks again.