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Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

Your assumptions right now decide how long that will take for you.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

> Can I manifest ___?
Yes! Creation is finished.

> Curious? Do the Ladder Experiment

> The Simple Technique

> Who is Neville Goddard?
Neville was a mystic who taught the Bible as a parable of the human psyche — a great psychological drama — and not a record of historical events.

Recommendations for beginners:
> How to manifest your desires (Core 5 Lessons & Radio Talks)

> Neville's Feeling is the Secret
>> Audiobook

>> Audiobook

—/ Extra resources /—
>Master Index

> Universal Line

> Library

>Previous Thread
It is Done.
>What are you standing on? What is your foundation?
Well I don't go begging for the big man in the sky thats outside of me, I think im still playing puppet master with myself. I really think I might be resisting learning the faith part of LoA but not sure why. Despite all I have done with LoA so far doesn't make sense why I haven't become a fully devoted LoA user

Afraid? Perhaps, trauma related? Wouldn't doubt it. I prolly talk too much, more than simplifying what I need to say and develop that focus I've been asking about. With the fact that I struggle to relax is something I need to closely at, if my body is tense for example im clearly resisting but I don't know how to just release EVERYTHING or really relax in sats.

It may sound obvious but is it really possible people and things irl can project the old man? If so that prolly why I may resent some people to some extent

>Also, when your manifest sets and the ball is rolling
I just don't get this part in practice to be frank, I've tried don't get me wrong but I'm not surprised I gave up because I fail a few times doing so. I've been itching for sats since I found out that does help in accelerating this part I'm stuck at. Only thing left is for once achieve a successful attempt and have that conviction it's done

>"I can't make that decision for you, sir..."
I think I would prefer if I could somehow just have the same level of interaction Narrator has with Marla. I ain't worried about being crazy with my imagination or being seen as a lunatic by others irl, more concerned on reaching that level of dedication Narrator has

>A bunch of chemical reactions chained from previous chemical reactions?
My mind, everything else is the byproduct of my consciousness. I see what you're tryna say. Uncertainty is def my issues though but...
Reminder that 90% of Neville's practical advice can be summarized in one sentence:
"Fall asleep in the feeling of the wish fulfilled"
Practice before you waste more time on here

Peace out
Continuing on, whenever I'm not being at least somewhat efficient with my methods or see how things are ran improperly irl I can be quite unsatisfied and prone to wrestle myself by asking why. Ironically sometimes I just can't seem to find the solution even though I know it's not right. Like my LoA foundation, there's things missing however I know what could they be

My take so far is my mind is completely scattered around in general, I mean if I were to look again what I said here shows there's my mind is completely lost with a lot of things. Overcomplicating what I need to say, not being faithful to I AM and sticking with the process of setting a desire. Shit I thought my bad attention span only effected other things but it manifested itself to effect me with LoA. In the end I think what I knew initially I need to control my mind before I dare consider controlling something else, that's first cause after all. Logically I followed your blueprint you wrote and I get it, its the implementation is what I need

Really, what good can I do if not only do I lack inner peace but discipline with my mind, or else I'll keep experiencing my current state and be very resistant with things I don't want and expecting my own state of mind to fix my issues

The guy prolly just told me to chill since those are my issues, not sure if he showed me by hand but maybe he did but idk
how do I actually feel the wish fulfilled when it's not fulfilled?
tried faking it until making it
but it doesn't work when you can physically experience the lack of your wish every waking moment of your life
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sats/trance/daydreaming to the point you feel it is done
it's real.
>how come coins flipping
maybe noone wants to flip coins for faggot from internet?
none of that works for me
can't daydream all day
desire doesnt manifest, belief does
>The truth is that magically wishing for something to happen like a little girl doesn’t do anything.
I have live through enough times where it can't be coincidence. everything can be explained logically if you search for it, confirmation bias etc.

now tell me, if I think of a green car of a certain brand, and in the next days at an old side job where I used to clean a shopping mall I find the exact model of the car in the exact color as a toy on the ground. Is it coincidence? Did that kid who was playing with his toy let it drop on purpose and forgot it there?

If I think of a 10 dollar bill and the next day at work I find a 10 dollar bill on the ground. Is it coincidence?

If I think of an old car brand that is not here anymore and they use an empty store to put in there a car of that long lost car brand. Is it coincidence?

I think of how I hate that job and want to quit. Next week boss calls me up and says the job is done because they have to fire some people due to refinancing. Is it coincidence?

Live in the city and think of an exotic bird near my house to challenge LoA. There's a pet doctor near that has a parrot now that you can hear in the whole vicinity.

I could go on, but I stopped bothering writing everything down.

Then some dude is going to tell me those are too small of manifestations that don't prove anything and are meaningless.
Changing belief isn't easy. I don't know why you think that. I will never be able to do this coin bullshit because changing beliefs is hard and I have no motivation to change it for some coin bullshit.
the world has a base form where it works. it has statistical odds. physical limits. you can alter them but not to the point where they loose meaning as in your coin flip. that would imply that you could also do shit like teleportation or slowing time or whatever. you can alter the end result, to imagine yourself in that situation. how it will get there is still bound to physical limitations. If you imagine an apple in your car it still needs to travel there somehow, it won't appear there magically.

you're not here to change the idea of the physical world, you're here to use it to experience what you want within those limitations

there's no point in trying to believe otherwise, if you are set in your mentality that LoA doesn't exist then that is what you are going to experience. and you will always find logical means to prove it. For example let's say you miss an old friend. you end up running into the friend the next day. You can X say this is because I missed my old friend and imagined seeing that friend again. You can Y say this is just a coincidence, we were bound to meet anyways sooner or later because the friend moved to this place again. But again, why exactly that friend and why exactly in that timeframe after you set your intention (willingly or unwillingly)?
That's the guy. He explained it as simple as you can. Good details vs bad.

I honestly hope Cousin fucker manifested his desire. We were all rooting for him.
The people here are "experts" to the same extent that the average /fit/ poster is an IFBB pro. Which is to say, most of us here are also struggling and trying to figure out how this works and what are the limitations. If you want to argue that's one thing, but if you're looking for scientific proof that loa is real in the way you define it then you're wasting your time here.
>But flipping a certain amount of heads is physically possible. It’s literally one of the possibilities.
Use thing that was intended to be random (by God) to see if isnt random aka the musings of a materialist retard

>I’m open to the possibility that it’s real
No one gives a shit what you think, imbecile. If you want to know if the law works then test it yourself, you've been told how to. No one gives a shit how your utterly retarded test (coin flipping) goes. Stop shitting up the thread with your imbecilic rubbish
So is he saying that being in denial is based?
>phenomena that was intended to be random (to express the concept of randomness) by the operating power is the same as regular random events
They're obviously different. You would've already figured this basic shit out for yourself if you weren't a materialist simpleton
>none of that works for me
>can't daydream all day
Those are the techniques. If you cannot commit to having your desire sufficiently it's not going to set and you will not get your return.
>so I guess you’ll be sure to tell everyone here not to mess with the lottery right?
I tell people not to mess with the lottery all the time, but probably not for the reason you are thinking.

Is it impossible to win the lottery? No. Is it impossible to LOA a lottery win? No, multiple people have done it doing deliberate LOA. The reason I don't recommend it is that unless you are trying to show off, there is no reason to specify how a return gets to you. Your deeper mind will pick the easiest and fastest way to do it that will not disturb you. If you insist on specifics you will most likely run afoul of beliefs that will take more resistance to overcome or extend the time required for your return.

Your coin flip shtick was funny at first but it got old quick, especially when we delivered successes to you in quick order and you moved the goalposts. Proof for LOA is there if you look, we even provided it for you since it was initially fun. Running around saying basically that gravity doesn't work because you refuse to see us tossing things in the air is pathetic.
Then why are you always here?
Nah. I have so much doubt and anxiety and I still get most what I want
I'm at a crossroads hoping for advice. If someone is really pissing me off, and I do want that person to change 180 in the 3D, really be a new person in the old body as much as possible, should I engage in the 3D as if that person was doing what I wanted so be sweet and pleasant, or minimize contact and be super cold, withdrawn (to avoid getting pissed off) and only interact with the person in imagination until they started acting right in the 3D? It's not a romantic issue, and it's a family member, so the advice for SP oneitis doesn't help
>always here?
I'm not always here, but I do always enjoy my time here. Don't you?
>I still get most what I want
So does most everyone else. Some do worse. The people in this thread are trying to get to a good space and get to 100%. That's where the work comes in.
Then what's your process?
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>John Paolucci started a subscription service
How is this not proof that he is a hack? I wonder if he can create a 30-page PDF to disprove that
Why would someone who can teach you how to manifest 10k need to do this?
This is why only Lilanon can be trusted as he gives the gold for free.
>Why would someone who can teach you how to manifest 10k need to do this?
I know right. But if you think about it the person who is manifesting paolucci offering subscriptions is you. You're manifesting it. So I would take what is useful and just ignore the rest
>This is why only Lilanon can be trusted as he gives the gold for free.
Maybe if he were to speak like a normal person instead of typing without really saying anything.
When it just boils down to “just believe” what else can you write?
Everything beyond that is redundant.
>This is why only Lilanon can be trusted as he gives the gold for free.
You want something free
> *whispers* It's all bullshit
> define delusion
> a false belief or judgment about external reality, held despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary, as a symptom of serious mental illness
The fact that delusion is a thing is proof that belief does not create reality.
Lildickfag should start paid coaching so he can become an even bigger fraud.
The only way to justify this is if JP became so wealthy that he wants more, but he thinks he has to do something to get it. In addition, he still wants to coach people. In that case, coaching is taking him away from the other things he wants to do, so now you must pay him, because he doesn't want to do it anymore, but he hasn't accepted that yet.
Tom dropped a strange video about schizomaxxing
Based truth. Why won’t they listen to this whisper of wisdom?
Now this is some maximum schizo for real.
I need to watch this in more detail but it seems you can shift to your ideal life because a Star Trek episode has it as a plot?
The episode teaches that you still exist in the past, and your wife never died in totality. That means you can still be with your wife in totality if you stop focusing on linear time. Why do you want it now when you already have it in the past and the future? I have a feeling I'm going to dedicate myself to SATS for 2 weeks in a row as a final test before I'm done with this shit
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Do you guys have any tips or like a masterplan to increaes height (my goal is 6'4 starting from 5'6 but not sure how relevant the starting height is)

what I plan to use is subliminals and SATS
not sure how to go about the SATS (should i visualise a single scene and loop it many times or multiple long ones)
I also tend to get bad thoughts about my height and my self value is heavily tied to height so any reply would be appreciated

What would you say the best approach for affirming is? throughout the day affirming that I'm 6'4 (i find this hard to do since i always feel short) or affirming that i am growing everyday (a lot more believable) or maybe even future tense (i will be 6'4)
How can you stop focussing on linear time if you have given yourself a deadline of two weeks? You just focussed on it real hard so it’s clearly wasted. Best just stop now.
I woke up into new reality this morning

All is restored

All glory to the Father, Jesus Christ , and the Holy Spirit.

Mark 11:23-24
So what are you here for?
>Best just stop now.
You're a failure so no one else should succeed? Is that it?
To lead people to the truth about the law. If reality is created not by thought, not by feeling, not by desire, not by belief, what is it created by? What do all those have in common? And what is one thing which is entirely different?
>You're a failure so no one else should succeed?
It’s weird because that quote must be from a different post or something.
>Is that it?
So you can’t read….
No. That isn’t it.
Best of luck in your seething. Maybe read the posts next time.
>To lead people to the truth
Do you have that truth? If not, you are not a leader, you are a seeker.

Nothing wrong with that, but leave your ego at the door. Some of us already know the truth. It's not some grand mystery that you are the first to try and discover. We've been doing it since the One first had a thought.
>It’s a Lilanon knows the ultimate truth episode
He knows the ULTIMATE truth. The full reason behind it all. His ego is small though.
Don't you? You've been here long enough to see it multiple times. It's not a secret.

"Man moves in a world that is nothing more or less than his consciousness objectified."

Neville Goddard
> All glory to the Father, Jesus Christ , and the Holy Spirit.
Praying to that trinity is not LoA
>Mark 11:23-24
Not LoA. Prayer.
In Lilanon we trust.
I trust in Jesus Christ
One of them is real.
>retard keeps yapping
Shhhh, retard-poster.
That anon is smarter than you.
>useless retard samefags
Holy shit you are pathetic
to have something is to not need it but it's difficult to get rid of that need feeling for it is the reason why you are trying to manifest it in the first place
i had the nicest feelings of having it when i stopped doing things and entered this calm peaceful state of mind. unfortunately 3d would always suck me in back but when those moments lasted they were wonderful like neville describes
It should be clear I’m not that poster from the posting style. You are pretty obvious though. You just post retard a lot. You are like the anti-Lilanon, Your posts have no values
So, yeah. I haven't been here in literal years. Kinda had grown disenchanted with this whole thing.
Anyway, like a month ago I was down in the dumps, and decided to try the same stuff I did back in the day. Just lied in bed and focused on an idea. Kn this case, I wanted to finally make something with a friend that I had reconnected after a year.
Long story short, we started dating 3 days after I did this. Now we ended up breaking up after a few days, but this definitely reignited my belief on this.
Stay strong fellas
>muh posting style
Even an absolute retard like you can manage that
>You are pretty obvious though
Lol. That's exactly what an absolute retard would think
>Your posts have no values
Calling out useless retarded shits like you is highly valuable. Keep crying
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Word to mother, I didn’t do this intentionally but I haven’t seen my best friend in several months and was telling my girl as we were falling asleep that I missed him and needed to see him this weekend or “I don’t feel we’ll be friends anymore”

Dude messages me randomly at 1am, not sure I necessarily manifested him reaching out to me after so much time but it kinda wigged me out how he’s leaving the country and I had placed so much importance on this particular weekend
Saying retarded repeatedly with no content is trolling.
It’s against the rules.
Desist. This is a LoA thread, not a describe your family thread,
Someone open Universal line general
Do it yourself. Be your all encompassing cosmic beau.
Pay your subscription too.

Nope, doing nothing to accomplish everything
But you got a gf without manifesting? How old is she?
how do I adjust how much time I need for a Manifestation using (gateway files\ monroe tapes) One Month Patterning?
it says one month in the name, but the booklet\guide explains that's an example..the bigger the manifestation, longer time needed.There IS, tho, another tape specifically named "one year patterning"
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Manifesting a more wholesome /loa/
If you are taking longer than 2 weeks you're not manifesting correctly. If you've been trying for 2 months you're not manifesting shit
Things are wonderful. My family easily helps everyone in need now and receives endless abundance in return. Things are better than ever and they continue to improve daily. Everyone who has ever helped me or my family is incredibly blessed and happy to see the immense wealth and endless happiness and success my family now enjoys

If we were all consistent like this dude, we'd all be living our dream lives.
Thanks :)

Cousin Fucker responded a few threads ago and hadn't fucked her yet but i think he also said that he hadn't really gotten SATS good either. I encouraged him to keep trying till he feels it as a memory or as "set" and then let it go. That's the last I heard
No, no, I just sorta tried manifesting like in the past and it worked. She's 23, I'm 26, I ain't a weirdo
When I do SR, most of the energy gets stuck in my solar plexus, do I need to open my heart chakra or something?
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Okay. Here comes the airplane.

Thoughts, feelings, beliefs, doubts, desires - what they all have in common is that they just come out of the subconscious, to some extent spontaneously, and to some extent based on where you are directing your attention - it's spontaneity or randomness within confines. But, none of that has any influence on what you will manifest, it is rather a part what you are manifesting. The only thing you have any power over in any given moment is where you are directing your attention. Things can steal your attention, yes - that doesn't matter - when it happens, just bring your attention back to the story you are writing for yourself. Habitually do this and you will over time restrict the spontaneity of what comes into your reality more and more. Attention brings order to chaos, but not if you allow your attention to be led by chaos.

There are two important points to keep in mind in making this actionable.
1. Do not fret over the negative things drawing your attention. Do not worry about becoming anxious, having doubts, fears, and so on. Allow them to come. Don't "try" to ignore them or shut them out. Worst thing to do. Thinking negative things isn't going to cause anything to happen. Negative thoughts are simply the result of where you've habitually been putting your attention. So if you have a negative thought, and you have something else to do, or which you are doing, focus on that thing. If the thought is insistent or persistent, don't worry about it. It's fine. You aren't going to cause something bad to happen by thinking something.
2. Always give your attention to that which you want in life. When those thoughts related to who you want to be, or the life you want to live, come to mind, entertain them, follow the trains of thought, see where they take you, explore. Otherwise, live your life, and keep doing everything which you need to (the necessities of life), as well as those things which you enjoy (as in find meaningful).
To add more to this, last night I was speaking with a friend about the break-up, and told her "I wish I could at least get a job so I could keep my mind busy from stuff"
Well guess who got work to do today
"Man in his attempt to find security in this world is misled by the false lights of greed, vanity and power. Most men believe that fame, great wealth, or political power would secure them against the storms of life, only to find that in their search for these they gradually lose the knowledge of their true being. If man places his faith in things other than himself, that in which his faith is placed will in time destroy him; at which time he will be as one imprisoned in confusion and despair"
-'Your Faith is Your Fortune [1941]' by Neville Goddard
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Reading Neville Goddard was like the missing piece of the puzzle and it shone a light on all the myriad fringe or esoteric books that I had read and not understood in the past.

The law of assumption IS the process that sages, mystics and alchemists have written about for centuries. LoA is at the bottom of every occult book, it is the thing that they are all based on, and it is the same concept that is the end goal of these practices; gnosis, enlightenment, and so on.

I didn't understand the occult until I read Neville. And I'm just now starting my journey of re-reading the occult with an entirely new understand of what it all means.

If you are interested in this stuff and you haven't read Neville Goddard, you are doing yourself a disservice. Those books were supposed to be viewed through the lense that Neville offers.
>The law of assumption IS the process that sages, mystics and alchemists have written about for centuries. LoA is at the bottom of every occult book, it is the thing that they are all based on, and it is the same concept that is the end goal of these practices; gnosis, enlightenment, and so on.
Indeed it is. Congratulations, and welcome to the end of it all.
Observation moves the already established forms of reality nigga.

If u want more i can say more.
Loa definetely not the way, but its okay for starters.
It is the beginning and the end.
But there is a reason "true will" "ego death" shit exists.

Communion with what you are, a bigger part of thyself. Look deeper, fren.
lilanon post body. If you truly live by the law your body shall look gorgeous. Mine does.
Can you tell more?
Sound like you are saying something similar to what I described in >>38812091 , and I agree that LOA is more a stepping stone than anything, so I'd be interested in hearing more from you. Please do share.
So I should just magically turn into a biological female in 2 weeks?
If it works as some here say, all you have to do is "believe". And apparently you can choose to believe. Lmao
>And apparently you can choose to believe
...You've never tried?
Show me. The next powerball draw is tomorrow. Post the ticket you bought this night, post it now, and we will review tomorrow. $152 million, bud.
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Filthy tourist here.

Just discovered this thread earlier this week and it's piqued my curiosity. I've spent the last few nights attempting to practice the law and while I can't confirm anything concrete as of yet I've found solidifying my belief in myself to have a rather a beneficial effect on my life. Particularly in the gym. I've deliberately avoided reading too much on Neville or surveying the threads for long durations as per the pastebin to focus on practice over hearing. Yet I can't quite silence these small niggling voices of doubt rising from my subconscious which I fear may sabotage me in the long run.

In particular I've been trying to manifest a partner. I worry though that I'm fixating too much on minor details and delaying my own return. Getting into the minutiae of personality facets and having a perfect mental image of how they should look. Is it better to paint a broader picture and establish a few core values? How far would you go if you weren't focusing on someone you already knew?

thank u for reading my blog
Anyone got any screengrabs of nobody posts? or anything like that.
>no content
The content and value is in calling out retards like you who shit up the thread with your retardation. Only retards like you cry about it, non retards are unaffected

>belief is how things work
>the person who says the above statement therefore must now possess perfect belief
Classic case of a useless fucking retard right here
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Well why not win the lottery if this actually works? Or grow to 6’6 and join the NBA? Id like to see some tangible results not just “I got laid after I fell asleep after jerking off during a dry spell”
>Step 1: don't believe in the law
>step 2: experience absence of law-evidence
>step 3: profit...?
>>belief is how things work
>>the person who says the above statement therefore must now possess perfect belief
I'm going off of what the person I was responding to has previously said, which are: that belief creates reality, that belief is a matter of choice only. Please keep up.
I didn’t say I believed or didn’t, I really don’t draw conclusions until I’ve thoroughly investigated something. However
Posed a simple question and everybody evaded

There’s not a soul on here who couldn’t use a couple of million dollars but they’re manifesting the same type of shit Christians thank God when they pray for
> Came across LOA materials
> Decided to "put my intention out there" with regards to a specific desire
> My desire was fulfilled that week, creating belief in said law
> Had other things I wanted
> Believed I'd soon get them
> Years pass
> Didn't get many of those things
> Give up LOA and begin to work diligently and intelligently towards the things I want which I wasn't getting
> Get most of what I want quickly
Turned out I just needed to focus my attention towards those things I want in life and work hard towards them.
Do you normally take everything people say for granted? Somebody says the Earth is flat (or a globe for that matter, not picking on anybody - it's just an example) and you just believe it, because you like the idea?
>retard still doesn't get it when it's explained in simple sentences
>same retard tells me to keep up
So why come here then?
Never ask a psychic to buy a lottery ticket or a medium to solve a crime
To steer people away from this bullshit, or rather to encourage people to put it to the test for themselves, and to be scientific about it.
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Set it in stone, or in this case, concrete
Whatever it is, belief is all that is required
Maybe you should go back to your CEI video
>The next powerball draw is tomorrow
That's your desire, why aren't you manifesting for it?
>and to be scientific about it
Most people here are illiterate, even if we tell them how to do it step by step, they mix concepts, try multiple things at the same time and lack a clear vision of what they want
Show him how it’s done and you can give the money away to charity or family thereafter since you don’t want it, seems noble and takes no effort on your part
YES!!! Of course i can.

The unestablished forms of reality is what some call the other world layer. Heaven , THE underworld, you know it.

Consciousness acts over matter. Matter too, acts over matter. So be of both worlds.

One experiment, i want you to start reading what i'll recommend you to start you over on the rabbit hole, is, first, start reading about randonautica/chance/synchronicities. God presents to others in chaos, randomness, chance. The butterfly, per se.
So, collections of random numbers, maybe they will mean something. And time and time again they have been proven so. An intention and not faith, but knowledge of the "hidden world layer".

It doesn't evade direct observation. But intention in and of itself changes these teeny tiny results, which are not coincidence. Quantum Random Numbers are a great way to prove that intention does move the world. (look at r/Randonauts. Coincidences do still exist, after all, if nothing is just noise, then nothing is the truth. The experiment is, convincing yourself, dont know, maybe read the american journal of clinical hypnosis. Studies consistently show that hypnotherapy actually does make women's breasts grow permanently. 4chan being a fag does not let me post, but the title is Breast enlargement through clinical hypnosis. by Richard D. WIllard M.D
And you are half-correct if you think its just the placebo effect. But placebo in an of itself is a part of the law. I have seen others do crazy stuff to me though. Like healing kidneys, alzheimers, recovering a part of dementia,hormonal imbalances and even "chronic" diseases. It's not purely belief. Say for example the chakras are just the centers of the body, they're literally the hormonal messengers creators of impulses in a way. And, lastly. Do you honestly, with 100% certainty, will tell me people burned others against the truth, and yet all societies up until now believed in some form of spirituality collectively, and its all just play pretend? like not even a liiiiitle bit true?

I think its fine you're a skeptic. Im just sayin' though. Like, levitation is seen in almost all cultures. Same with flood myths. It may not be flight, but it may be "getting away from gravity" possible.
Finally, the simple experiment after you've read the muh peer reviewed scientific papers and evidences, and start thinking a bit outside the box.

Simply put the intention, with the knowledge, not faith, that you can move a random number generator. qrng.anu is a great source for quantum ones. Which are the most easy to influence. Simply write down how many times each one appears. Maybe do it in automation, with a python script.
>I worry though that I'm fixating too much on minor details and delaying my own return
You probably are. It's a common thing in this thread to worry too much about the how.

Define your desire. Be as specific as you feel like you need to be but don't overdo it- your deep mind knows what you need. Manifest until you feel it set and let it go. It's yours.
>Show him how it’s done
Every one of his goofy 3d wishes has already been accomplished multiple times by LOAs. There's no value in it to anyone in thread except if they actually go for it. If I wanted that much money I'd do what 110MillionAnon did and manifest that much coming in every year after taxes. The non-LOAnon is drooling over something that is designed to attract people with no imagination.

Ironic, no?
Tell me how. I've read everything by Goddard, Murphy, and Holmes, tried out the techniques they gave, and it didn't lead to anything.
> I can provide substantiation of my arguments I just don't wanna even tho I spend every day all day in these threads
That's a good action plan for people like you who are too stupid to figure out how reality works.
>and it didn't lead to anything.
You literally had no successes? You can't remember anything in your entire life that you thought was impossible for you to have but you believed you could have it anyway and it came?

I don't believe you've read any of it if you can tell me that with a straight face. I learned without any of it and manifested things that should have been impossible for me, including still being alive.

You're either lying to us, to yourself or both. Which is is?
Purportedly, someone winning the lottery and then saying they used the Secret/Law of Attraction isn’t nearly as great of proof as a vocal proponent of the belief system with a tangible track record (tripfag) of manifesting declaring his intention to win the lottery, buying the ticket and posting it online prior to the drawing, and then winning.

If anything it be selfish not to given you’d be proving how effective manifestation is for many people as well as being able to donate your earnings to those in need since you don’t desire money.
>I can provide substantiation of my arguments I just don't wanna
I don't have to. Multiple lottery winners claimed to use LOA. S3Anon achieved a height of over 6'6. Kobe Bryant uses LOA.

The Non-LOAnon thinks he's being clever, but he really just doesn't get it. LOA isn't about doing everything, it's about doing what YOU want to do, not what everyone else thinks you should.
>You literally had no successes?
I've had tons of success, just not any consistent success with "believe it and it'll happen" or any of the other LOA ideas that I've come across. Obviously one will have desires that are satiated without any work being put in. We wish a million things and every day ten billion things happen. There is bound to be overlap. Obviously. Broken clock is right twice a day and all that.
> You're either lying to us, to yourself or both. Which is is?
Neither. Nice try though. Well, not really, but you get a participation trophy. Well again, not really. Maybe you can manifest it!
Why didn’t Kobe manifest his helicopter landing safely with his child inside of it?
>I don't have to.
No, you don't. Good job. You've wasted another hour of your life arguing a point you weren't willing to bring to its conclusion. Thumbs up. I'm clapping.
Yes clearly loa is fake. So quit.
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Hey, that's a nice mountain that you've got there OP. Also, some pretty sweet trips. You know what I have to say to that fucking mountain?
Jesus.. that mountain just moved.

Mark 11:23-24
>just not any consistent success with "believe it and it'll happen"
So you admit that it works, you admit it worked for you, but you wanted the grind.

No shame in that. You're not accomplishing anything here though, and simply trying to disrupt the people who will accomplish what you did not allow yourself to. Good day to you.
>So you admit that it works, you admit it worked for you
No. You've somehow misunderstood what you read. God. How fucking low is your IQ?
You touch it with a needle, my friend. Those are words of truth.
>useless retard whines and cries
Tried to what?
well said, it does make me think whether i truly believed in the big lottery win. 120 million euros is the kind of money that is used to surround one self with true beauty and i don't think i ever could imagine that properly. a more modest sum and a more modest first home would be much more feasible for me, in the end a bit of privacy, a really fucking good gaming pc, food to fill my belly and my mother's love is all i need.
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I've been far away from the general for a long time and the retarded coinflipper is still here? And now he's posing as a dr. stone "muh science" animeposter? Wow. That's a lot of effort to be doing it for free.
Lmao. Reading about Cousin fucker anon makes me laugh because that was one of my proofs. I did the cards method from The magic of psychotronic power by Robert B. Stone long ago when I was a horny teenager and one of my cards was to fuck one of my cousins. It almost happened but we chicken out when we were about to do it.
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I can time travel.

no, you'll never turn into a biological female, at best your "choice" of "gender" will be accepted by libtards
Not LoA.
You aren’t even a Christian. You can’t read the Bible.
>i-i never really intended to win
>I only post that I’ll win every thread because…..I’m an idiot
>w-why can’t I just be normal.
Sickening cringe.
so what you're saying is you can't do it, basically
it's not cringe, it's a learning experience.
yeah, that's lilanon for you
S3anon achieved nothing that we know of other than rage quitting these threads. That’s the only thing we know he did.
You saw him have a breakdown and did nothing to help because he had a trip and you treat other trips like brothers even though they mostly have extreme issues.
S3Anon went out ranting and raving about cursing other posters and you didn’t even try to help.
It’s not a learning experience, it’s a blog of failure.
You are reinforcing constant failure by announcing it.
Learn the basics.
what basics?
Do you even make the slightest effort to do any LoA?
He believes he's a vampire and that he talks to some succ god called Lilith. So it's definitely pretty low kek.
>in b4 lilanon spins it into S3anon quitting the threads because he achieved his goals or some shit
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I'm bad at paint so it's very crude, but I created a visualization image of the body+face I want to achieve through intense study, use and practice of the Gateway Files--I will try to master Focus 10 and 12, do the other Waves more or less superficially until I can reach One Year patterning or Wave V--all that, to just start the one year of daily training to achieve my goal face+body form
this perpetual go nowhere thread is only making everyone worse at this
Your conclusion is your command
So what can you do?
Things really do happen that we have no say in. It could still be there for whatever small or big reason to serve us, but it's navel gazing bullshit what most "enlightened" guys in these threads are saying – making the placement of every subatomic particle in our respective universes an individual responsibility

You're always taking shit too far
Someone like Bashar is cleverer.
And it's not "really all just me bro"
Stop talking to yourself if that's the case? Start experiencing everyone else and not your subjective self if that's the case. Zoom out and all is one, of course, but you can't throw away the other side of the coin in the process.

Yeah, law of assumption works, we really can create with imagination – because consciousness is fundamental and we've all got our own partition of it – but there's more to the process of everything and life too. None of us would be here in the way we are, interacting the way we are and everything else if that wasn't the case. Not even Jesus claimed to be fully supreme

Stick to the basic instructions and stop over complicating if you want to master manifestation.
>S3anon achieved nothing that we know of
Thank you for making my point. I don't care about proofs because they are available if you want them, but you don't because you have an agenda. If you don't want proofs, you can argue them even if they are right in front of you.

This is not a proofs or recruiting thread. This is a place of resources and help if you want it. As other Anons have pointed out, you are not very clever. You are not successful. You aren't even funny or edgy. Missing the mark all over the place.
>Things really do happen that we have no say in.
You conclusion is your command. You believe you are subject to outside forces, and so you are.

“Chance or accident is not responsible for the things that happen to you, nor is predestined fate the author of your fortune or misfortune. Your subconscious impressions determine the conditions of your world. The subconscious is not selective; it is impersonal and no respecter of persons. The subconscious is not concerned with the truth or falsity of your feeling. It always accepts as true that which you feel to be true. Feeling is the assent of the subconscious to the truth of that which is declared to be true. Because of this quality of the subconscious there is nothing impossible to man. Whatever the mind of man can conceive and feel as true, the subconscious can and must objectify. Your feelings create the pattern from which your world is fashioned, and a change of feeling is a change of pattern.”

Neville Goddard
Why didn’t you help S3anon?
You let him break down and and cry like an insane overgrown baby. Which he was. Just because he had a trip. You could have let that go and done something,

Why didn’t you do something about that trademarked asshat that got banned every post. He just came here and gave abuse. But you were like
>you are so cool TM because you have a trip.

Why don’t you help mother anon who is the most useless poster here and can barely stay on the same off topic blog for two posts without contradiction.

You are biased for shitty trips. Your judgement is impaired.
>Why didn’t you help S3anon?
>You let him...
I think you missed the part where I am about free will. Also, S3 specifically started name posting so he could share some successes. Someone who tried to help that community that was spiritually attacked by an /omg/ poster over a watch. He and I disagreed on some points but that is ultimately meaningless- he has a method that works for him and we're walking different paths to the same destination.

>Why didn’t you do something about that trademarked asshat that got banned every post
Why would I do that? TM is fucking awesome. He's insightful, he's not afraid to dive right into the most dangerous things and he's surprisingly helpful under that goofy troll mask. Fren is Fren :)

>Why don’t you help mother anon
Everyone learns at their own pace. He has a lot to overcome from his old life, and he's doing it. It's shocking how impatient we have gotten in the last few years, if it's not ready in 5 seconds we think something is wrong.

I think it's flattering that you guys want to ascribe some sort of ascended master status on me but I'm just the guy that's been around the block a few times and got an unwanted shortcut to seeing what's at the end. I'm not sure what you are trying to accomplish on your end though- you are not contributing, you are not raising discussion quality, you don't have any real sense of how any of this works.

Do you have ANYTHING meaningful to say to to the class?
>Why don’t you help mother anon
because i don't need Lilanon's help? i have made huge progress already and will continue to make even more.

>Everyone learns at their own pace
this, i have already overcome so much of it. the old people, the old habits. it's barely even a bad memory any more. i have resurrected in a far more divine form will continue to get even better in the future.
>i have made huge progress already and will continue to make even more.
Lmao. Same shit out of you every thread with no change. Getting worse if anything.
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I hate your guts tripfag. You contributed a significant to the downfall of the loa generals
what was it like before the tripfags came?
The true paradise.
Those days are gone forever.
every user should remain anonymous, if anything you should have an ID to know if it's an user posting from the same device during a thread like on pol. the idea of creating an online personality doesn't belong to 4chan.
the same as lilanon, m*theranon and the other posters here (fuck all)
He is our king tho.
Not true.
Here’s why.
Even if the others can do nothing mother anon is different.
He can actually make things worse. For himself.
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>The magic of psychotronic power by Robert B. Stone
Pretty based. that book has served plenty of anons here. Remember when everyone was cloud busting. Those were good times we had good discussions then. The faggot troll's were tolerable back then too.

Wtf are you on about? As both a trip fag and avatar fag I can tell you that lilanon hates my guts.


If people want to have an actual discussion here then we should do some sort of book reading to get everybody on topic. Start with Neville first book and go from there. Or maybe start with someone that's easier to understand like florence scovel shin.

Manifestation is easy and actually works. You just have to deal with the command you make and the return you receive.

No matter what technique you use, you will manifest something. For noobs, the return is not 100% what they expect. Once you get experience it actually gets worse and you learn stuff from the manifestation. There are some other caveats.

manifestation isn't instant. That's a fucking sales tactic to lure in retards.

If you actually manifest an SP, they have free will and can walk away from You if you're an Incel or cat lady.

You can manifest money but getting actual cash money won't be enough to survive long term. It's easier to manifest businesses and jobs.

Winning the lottery is a pipe dream. The lottery, casinos and scratch tickets are gambling so you're going to have to deal with the RNG. This will play out like this, you start the gamble, you know you're gonna win, but then RNG kicks in and fucks it up in the end.

Curing illness is possible but most disease/death scenarios are brought about through your astrology so you're better have your shit together before trying to cheat death.

>Inb4 that's a limiting Beleif hur durr.
Kek. Most of you faggots refuse to read the books or change who you are. Don't come at me with that type of bullshit.

Good luck anons
>because i don't need Lilanon's help?
correct, lilanon isn't a licensed psychiatrist, which is what you need
Why are either of us here then?
what does that book do differently than say SATS by neville? why should I bother reading it.

let's say I want to manifest a specific car. what does that author do differently?
IDK, me personally, I keep hoping some anon will post a technique that works 100% of the time
Lilanon loves you.
I stopped reading past that point. His love is infinite.
Did you read any news today man? Your beliefs manifested all of those. You didn't know what they were going to be. So and so many dead there and in that place. All that. Your beliefs. World peace not arriving? Your beliefs.

Maybe you think you had a childhood, parents, friends? Ha easy. Belief. Next

You think you need to drink water to survive here? Lollll get a load of this guy

That the world (or man's inescapably subjective perspective of it) is malleable doesn't mean that it's the be all end all to everything. Reality is greater. The physical world, though ultimately illusionary much too big for our human imagination, wonderful as it is. At some other plane of existence maybe it's different – but none of us are talking from that perspective. If we were, we'd be channelers at the very least, dead and somewhere, something else if greater

And if you want to have it that other anons –individuals– have free will all of a sudden, you're gonna have to forfeit the idea that there's no one around you but you. The beauty of paradoxes is that they're paradoxical. You're not going to be able to state one absolute truth as a higher, truer truth than the one it's coupled with.

You're all taking it too far.
I AM ...[doing that through you]
this general should have more bible study.
most of us get results, just not in the exact timeframe or form we want them (unless they're stuff like favorite food, favorite movie etc.). that's what gets you hooked, you want more of it, perfect. In a controllable manner, exactly what I want, when I want it. Or even better one big manifestation that will solve it all, big amount of money that will set you free. Which for most would be the same as being free to do what they want unless they have some medical issue or whatever.

The best results I have gotten so far when it comes to exactly what I want and in a timeframe where when I really felt decoupled from the physical world. you really need to believe that 3d doesn't matter, that you are the OP (operant power). 3d tries to constantly reel you back in because it gives you security, it's "base mode". The best way you can do is to limit your interaction with the outside, reduce the conversations with others. All these things 3d

The technique was something like
1. Remind yourself that you are the operant power, universal line
2. Imagine power from up your head, through your head through solar plexus towards infront of you. Like a sunbeam.
3. Imagine you 3d printing what you want infront of you. For me the printing was rather slow so I would just sit there until it was complete. In my case it was once a 50 dollar bill and the other day a 100 dollar bill.

All this was around 10-15 mins. Both times I had the money in my hand under 24h
But I do had to work for it. Once a friend called me up to help her move furniture and gave me 50. Other time I sold something online for 100.

So I'm not saying that this technique is the end of all. In fact I stopped doing that and went back to SATS cause it felt more natural and faster. doing just a 5 second scene in my head.

My point being, first work on your I AM, your removal from 3d. Then communicate your intention (whatever method works for you). If anybody can add to this. Would be great
The best way I can describe the feeling of feeling distant from 3d is like doing an all nighter. that feeling a 3am where you just watch random youtube videos. the feeling after a nap in the afternoon. life feels lighter, like things don't matter. almost a bit like going insane, finding things meaningless
Everytime I am awake and visualise and feel something in my desired frequency there is always a feeling in my spine and it can go upwards. Why do I never see anything mentioned about the spine In loa stuff. It happens especially when i push away negative stuff quickly and replace it with desired positive things. Also If I stay in the negative I only feel it in my heart and then head but never spine.
I just listened to a video of excerpts on YouTube, and then found a pdf of it. Starting to read it now. It looks pretty good!
I'd love to hear thoughts from either of you or any anons about it.
I checked it too but I can't be bothered to read through all it. I've read through enough books and watched enough videos trying different methods that I honeslty can't tell this would be a breakthrough
>raining heavily in the morning
>i don't feel well mentally and would love to get out and go to a certain place
>spend the day lying in bed, looking out of the window whether the weather has calmed down
>look at the weather forecast, rain not stopping
>look at some loa stuff online since the thing I've been manifested hasn't manifested in 3D yet
>feel a bit discouraged
>watch Elmer's video where he talks about one of Neville's lectures (pic related) saying he does this quick visualization all the time – he visualizes something for a few seconds and then lets it go
>tell myself whatever i might as well just try it
>i close my eyes and visualize myself looking out of the window and see the rain has stopped
>after a few seconds I open my eyes and continue watching the video for another minute
>then i look out of the window
>the rain has stopped
>look at the weather forecast, it's still saying it's raining right at this moment
>i open the window, the rain has truly stopped
>i immediately change my clothes and go out
>i even took my umbrella with me in case it would be raining on my way back but i didn't need it
elmer is a weirdo but yeah that's how manifestation works.
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I've audiobook'd the following:
>The Secret (Rhonda Byrne)
>The Science of Getting Rich (Wallace Wattles)
>Your Invisible Power (Genevieve Behrend)
and I'm currently working on
>The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science (Thomas Troward)
I find all of this fascinating. I haven't done much with it yet.
Where to go form here?
Any good audiobooks to continue with? I got most of this from Librivox (ganked The Secret elsewhere).
What do you guys think of Joel Osteen? I feel like he echoes a lot of what these authors have said, just with a lot more emphasis on how it fits with the Bible.
Also, does Law of Assumption fly in the face of most of this which references Law of Attraction?
It will teach you how to use a technique that can make clouds disappear if you concentrate on them.
The weird thing is that clouds disappear all the time.
The same technique somehow does not make solid buildings disappear.
Very strange
It’s strange I tell you.
Why do you advocate for methods you don't personally use? You keep hyping random methods up for being able to break reality but we never hear any personal success stories from you, and especially nothing about shooting fireballs or anything like that.

With astrology, shouldn't it only be a problem for people who believe in it? Wouldn't anything else contradict the whole principle of LoA that imagination/thoughts/feelings create reality? Astrology isn't like gravity or physics where it's extremely difficult to believe you have control over it as a beginner.

You said UL is more powerful than Goddardian Assumption, but both UL and LoA claim God is everything and can control the world, and both make you assume said state. So what would the improvement be? If it's a time thing, you said UL takes time also, and is affected by mental states just like Goddardism is (you said in UL people with bad thought processes only get something kind of related to what they asked for).
There's a channel on YouTube called Master Key Society that has a ton of great audio books.

I highly recommend The Game of Life and How To Play It by Florence Scovel Shinn.
yeah but the problem I see is there's 100s of books on the same subject. and all claim the same. so you should optimally just need to read one and have enough success with it for you to stop dwelling in the subject infinitely
Don’t even bother reading one.
They’ll all say
>just believe bro
Thank you, I will look into this.
I disagree.
The Secret was built off of the works of many, including Wattles. Wattles' work was built off of Troward (at least in part) and Berehnd directly builds off of Troward as his student (I take her book as a more-layman type interpretation of Troward) but everyone of them have offered unique details the others lacked.
I would not stop at any one book on the subject.
I liked reading Genevieve, it was interesting her success story, her affirmation. Troward is an inspiring character with his misterious background of freemasonry and how he interprets the bible. I've read them all yet none of them have me helped manifesting any better. if anything neville helped me simply by giving me the baseline. but reading all these books around it hoping to finetune manifesting or try new methods didn't really do anything at all. yes they do broaden the metaphisical horizon around the subject but they don't really help you manifest any better.

it's like wanting to write a certain song. so you start reading about music creation, different genres. hoping that in some book you will find more info. you broaden your knowledge about how to write a song, why it's written like that etc. yet does all of this help you write the song? and if it does do you even like what you create?
So, I was thinking. When you are in a relationship (even when dating someone) the chances of other people noticing you as a potential partner seem to multiply.
Could that be that's because your assumption is (at that time) that someone is into you, therefore you attract more of them possible partners?
Do you think you're just being too negative and non-believing about it, bro?
No, women are just whores.
>No, women are just whores.
But I've seen it working the other way around aswell, anon.
Not sure about them gays tho
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I really, really need a cute chubby adorable femboys to fuck, breed, cum, and cuddle. How can I attract the perfect femboy bottom girlfriend? How can I use the law to manifest the perfect chubby femboy girlfriend with the best body and sweetest personality?

(‿!‿) 8====D
Exactly like this cute girly boy in this image?
So are you like Lilanon except you drink poison?
I don’t see the point. Lilanon was already immune to poison.
>will post a technique that works 100% of the time
And there we have it. You want someone to do the work for you, and in the meantime you whine.

Participation trophy? Oh, right, we don't give those out...
It's simply because not being in a relationship is an indicator that something is wrong with you
>>will post a technique that works 100% of the time
>And there we have it. You want someone to do the work for you,
But just yesterday you said that it doesn't require work.
if it works, it should be easily reproducible
This could be the case if they knew you are or are not in a relationship.
What I'm writing about is the cade in which you start dating someone and out of the blue several other potential partners/dates start noticing you.
It doesn’t, he means work in the context of finding your LoA rhythm
It is, the challenge with LoA is literally yourself
The reason is because you exit the state of lacking a partner.
People will mention this idea of not giving af about women and miss perfect will pop into your life and it's quite true.
When you're in a relationship you're no longer in a state of lack, alpha male types will just tell you women can sense desperation but this is false.
So yeah, stop giving af about women, and I MEAN truly stop giving af and the universe will give you a gf.
LoA is not paranormal. There isn't a single shred of evidence to even suggest that it's paranormal. You're not going to accomplish anything paranormal with it. You're not going to grow back missing limbs, or bring back a deceased loved one, or become immortal. LoA is pure psychology.
LilAnon none of these people are in a good enough mental state to manifest that kind of technique. That's why they're holding onto a thread which has sometimes given good advice, because maybe they'll finally find something that eradicates the doubt that makes their lottery wins and harvard scholarships impossible.
So are you the kind of person who thinks LoA is only good for improving your mental state and confidence?
I can totally manifest a lottery win and easily prove this to all the anons in this thread, but I don't want to do that because I just don't okay!!1 totally could if I wanted to though
>And there we have it. You want someone to do the work for you, and in the meantime you whine.
That's not what he said, though
It could be, if people saw it for what it is, and not some magical manipulation of reality. As it is, it serves no good to perpetuate ignorance and belief in the supernatural.
I’ve seen some bizarre shit in my life after learning LoA, even before I knew it I managed to pull off things that were deemed impossible by everyone
If you're not prepared to provide evidence, then statements like these serve no purpose
>grow back missing limbs
>bring back a deceased loved one
>or become immortal
Can you actually achieve any of these via other paranormal practices tho?
>LoA is pure psychology.
If that's what you think it is, then that's what you're gonna get out of it, I guess.
>Did you read any news today man? Your beliefs manifested all of those. You didn't know what they were going to be
I didn't bother, all of it is predictable to me, so I guess on some level I did know what was going to happen.

>Maybe you think you had a childhood, parents, friends? Ha easy. Belief. Next
>You think you need to drink water to survive here? Lollll get a load of this guy
Excellent points. "Do you think that's air you are breathing?"

I've had both points demonstrated to me btw.

>That the world...
I didn't really follow this point. Was it where you are struggling? All is One, One is All. Have you ever had a dream you "wake up" from into another dream? I've done that multiple times in one dream- there is no limits to our imagination, and we are living in it. There is no "real."

>And if you want to have it that other anons –individuals– have free will all of a sudden, you're gonna have to forfeit the idea that there's no one around you but you
I'm not 100% integrated with EIYPO, but the POV that has resonated most with me beyond this simply being a big game of pretend with ourselves, is that each person you see is you living a different life. I choose to respect that and observe as they find their way, but I do allow myself to manifest an easy path through it all.

>You're all taking it too far.
That's an odd way to look at it. I think? I mean, we are infinite beings, it's kind of our thing to see how far infinite goes. Sometimes that goes in places we probably don't want to be, but that's up to us to determine and correct for.

Why? You have every right to be your role.

>I AM ...[doing that through you]
And I probably AM too :)

Funny how that works.
Are you implying that there are limitations to LoA?
What are those limitations exactly?
>b-but you can't do it with any other methods either so it's okay
> Imagination creates Reality
so what's it gonna be?
>Can you actually achieve any of these via other paranormal practices tho?
Can you?
Good post, and nice to "see" you again :)
I'm not one to talk about LoA limits that I haven't experienced myself, but I'm guessing you can't grow a new arm if you're lost one, be it with assumptions or other paranormal practices.
Still, you never know...
Has anything been written about what happens if you ask God for something and it is provided and then you never actually use it for the purpose you'd intended to acquire it for? Like God gives me a shirt I wanted because I wanted to wear it but then I just put it in the closet and never actually wear it and even forget about it?
100%. I hope you are having good successes.
I've just realized that I honestly feel like I don't deserve affection because I'm boring, lazy etc, but nevertheless girls flirt with me sometimes so I'm not manifesting this as expected, I just don't respond to them properly when it happens because I'm too shy and awkward. What should I do...
if Elliot Rodger believed he deserved girls then why didn't they manifest for him? did his victim complex of being a virgin over ride his entitlement?
Isn't it obvious? You'd work out the reasons why you feel as if you don't deserve affection. You can do this with the help of a therapist if you like.
>LoA is not paranormal
Everything comes from LOA. Every paranormal story you've ever heard came from this.

>There isn't a single shred of evidence
You didn't bother to look, you assumed, and thus your conclusion is your command.

>You're not going to accomplish anything paranormal with it
We do it all the time. You do it all the time. You're just not aware that you are doing it.

>You're not going to grow back missing limbs, or bring back a deceased loved one, or become immortal
Why not?

>LoA is pure psychology
...Is that fear I hear in your words? Does some part of you need to believe that none of this can affect "The real world"? You're living in a dream, Neo.
You're literally the worst, LilAnon. A classic charlatan. Selling these people on snake oil. Disguising psychology as something supernatural.
The things you'd have these people believe is a fiction. Shame
Well, in addition to what I mentioned, I don't like saying that I deserve affection since this would imply an obligation on another party. In particular as affection can't be given under duress.
But anyway, why is this belief not manifesting completely then? I do receive some kind of affection after all.
You want to be loved without reciprocating. You cannot commit.
I don't know. I haven't tried.
Not my point tho. I was replying to the dismissive words towards LoA.
By all means, be boring. Hide under your bed. Run from the truth and scream at anyone that gets close to it. You know it's real, otherwise you wouldn't care what I say- it's only the possibility that I can inspire others to do what you fear to that motivates you here.

“If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home, and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here! It's wondrous...with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross; but it's not for the timid.”

Star Trek TNG
the point you were trying to make is that since it cannot be accomplished by any other paranormal means, then it shouldn't be expected to be accomplished by LoA?
It isn't real. It's quite unreal. You don't inspire possibility, you foster empty hope and belief in something that simply doesn't exist.
If you really want to inspire, i suggest severing your own arm and growing it back. A minor sacrifice to inspire not just the desperate of this board, but the world. But...you can't do that, can you?
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>Finally manifested cunny
Okay i just need the million dollars now and more stuff this is amazing i don't eant to kms anymore
Even if I did, you’d probably wouldn’t believe it. No one else can prove the law of assumption to you besides yourself
I'm going to manifest myself out of replying to the newfag that comes to a thread to play the contrarian. Starting now.
Another limitation of LoA then? I see.
I'd appreciate that, thank you.
Anyone doing UL? I realized I don't like 10 minute sessions, too long, so I just started doing 1-2 minutes ones instead
Well, there you have it. An open challenge to LilAnon and LoA. An opportunity to inspire the world. And we will see that all the fear and doubt that LilAnon attaches to others, was really his own all along. Fear and doubt in both himself and LoA.
By the imagination creates reality rule of /loa/ I don't think anyone here is in a good enough mental state to manifest like that with how shit the threads have gotten.
Wow pack it up /LoA/ we got single Handedly BTFO’D by this anon.
Why would it be any different than manifesting anything else? What is the limitation?
you're welcome to take up the challenge in his place
Anon... please be careful what you wish for
I will i have been growing my mental state i have less lust than before but im really not fond of money i have trouble now with lack of desire
Anon i dont care about any of that, I'm telling you not to get yourself sent to prison lmfao
He could just manifest himself out of prison.
he could just manifest himself not going to prison at all
But what if he subconsciously wants to go to prison?
How long do you all spend actually practicing LOA? A lot of the times I go deep in, at some point I feel an urge to return to reality. In my view, I need to ignore this urge and continue to press on, especially after reading what another anon said about how the present reality is simply "security" for us.

What is so concerning about the deep dark unknown of the mind, of totality, of everything you could ever want? Why is it so repulsive and almost frightening to us that we could have everything we wanted?
>Why is it so repulsive and almost frightening to us that we could have everything we wanted?
Because it isn't real. It's lonely because the experience cannot be shared with anyone else who is real.
using the simple technique, do I continue to create that scene every night until it is reality, or do I let it go once I wake up with the feeling of it being done?
>do I let it go once I wake up with the feeling of it being done?
This. If you dont get the feeling keep going until you do or your desire shows up.
Like the Matrix movie showed us we been raised in a world that loves struggle we as humans love struggle even know we struggle through techniques and battling our own consciousness just to live a decent life.
Man it's crazy just looling back and seeing how we are just trapped in our own minds we must be free there's nothing wrong with having it all with getting all for nothing the struggle is fake we just amuse ourselves. So nothing wrong with getting all our desires without it
Struggling never gave me what i truly wanted
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>There’s not a soul on here who couldn’t use a couple of million dollars but they’re manifesting the same type of shit
>Well why not win the lottery if this actually works?
The short answer is: some people actually have won the lottery. The more complicated, and truer, answer is that loa is not just a method but an explanation of mind and reality and how the two interact. You don't just place an order for a lottery win. You have to repeatedly get yourself to believe in the reality of a state while you're on the verge of sleep, and that's not easy. I would guess that 99% of anons doing SATS are either thinking, "OK, I'm trying, but really this is bullshit," or just drifting off into a blur or trying it once and then whoring off into UL or Chaos Magick or whatever. Allied to this is the fact that most of us don't really want to win the lottery: we want something immediate and personal--that SP, that new laptop. We know _intellectually_ that a million-dollar lottery win would help us get the SP or the laptop, but it's head knowledge not gut knowledge, much less the gut certainty that we have it when we don't. The people who get the big money are in fact the people totally focused on it--the Musks, the Trumps, the Soroses--and they are so focused on it that they actually go after it, building the bridge of incidents instead of waiting for it. They wouldn't have gotten it without a loa-like ability to constantly envision it. The difference is, they haven't baked in a passive, doubting attitude. They never say, "Maybe I'll get what I want, but maybe not, and the way I'm going about it is probably bullshit, and the key to success is sitting on ass or posting on /x/ instead of taking advantage of any opportunities that pop up."
I could use a million-dollar lottery win too, but have I ever gone out and actually bought even one lottery ticket, much less one every day? Nope. And I'll bet you haven't either.
practicing loa and seeing zero results made me feel like a fool. now i only believe in what i see and having no desires and I am much happier this way. i gave up but i am free. not to mention placing so much importance of your mental diet and thoughts is extremely stressful.
It's impossible not have desires even if you supress them temporary
i should say that i am content then. no longer yearning for an sp or lots of money. i have a good job and enjoy my own company now.
>I would guess that 99% of anons doing SATS
The fail rate is much lower. One of the biggest misconceptions of this thread is that the posts by Anons having trouble are the true sample size. There are many lurkers here getting things done, and many will never post a thing, nor should they feel obligated to.

We're a resource here. We post the thread, we make the library and links available, and we discuss whatever topics come up. Even the trolls do their job by keeping the thread bumped and provide of the example of what new LOAnons don't want to go back to(3d addicts).
>We're a resource here
Yes, come drink from the poisoned well. It's free!
It's crazy how much your mind fights you when you try to change your beliefs and thinking patterns. There is a lifetime of momentum behind these mental programs, just reinforcing themselves every day without your knowledge, that by the time you finally decide to observe them directly, it's like they have a mind of their own, complete with defenses set in place to prevent you from eliminating them. It like evolution, in an ocean of events and chemical reactions, that which has the most 'will' (for lack of a better word) to survive, is what sticks around. You own mind will try to fight and even manipulate you back into your old habits. I can completely see why people used to believe you can get possessed by some form of external intelligence like a demon or a spirit, because if you're far gone enough, these mental programs can exert so much power over you, you'll feel like you're not in control of your own actions sometimes.

That explains why beliefs are much harder to change than you may think. If a rock has been tumbling down a mountain with increasing speed for the last 20-30 years, it's going to take alot of effort to roll it back up. I guess the first step is to identify the rock, and then stop it from tumbling down even more. Aka stop reinforcing negative beliefs, don't engage with self pity and defeatism. Alot of these mental systems engage with each other in ways you may not expect. Maybe if somebody tells you that LoA is real, and you can use it to get a nice car or a job, you'll do the ladder experiment and have no resistance to it, because you believe a car or a job is attainable to you. But maybe your mind goes to thinking of your SP, but then your blackpill thought patterns emerge and remind you that all women only want Chad and you're stupid for even considering you can get a girl, leading to you dismissing the whole thing.

Whether or not LoA is real, this is a useful thing to be aware of.
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>verses supporting law of assumption
>Against law of assumption
>That explains why beliefs are much harder to change than you may think
Absolutely. We're on autopilot most of the time. When you do self-improvement you have to re-evaluate what you are doing and why in order to make improvements, and you have to willing to make those changes.

To be in that mindspace you already need to be committed to changing, committed to self-reflection, and believe you can make the changes you need to. If you are having trouble doing so, that's not weird, but you should try to figure out why and address it.
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Yes it did you subconsciously wanted the struggle don't struggle just desire and receive
Finally heard the voice of God my subconscious i asked he answered. Said we are one asked for my wish and responded with a yes.
Also the headache i had disappeared
>Why do I never see anything mentioned about the spine In loa stuff.
Look into Kundalini.
how does Immanuel kants teachings correlate to loa?
"objects form from the mind" is an interesting theory and sounds like loa to me
I don't care about it either way, but if we take Neville's idea that God is the human imagination, then these verses could still align with LoA. Ie the human heart desires one thing (conscious mind) but things happen according to God (subconscious beliefs).
James 4:13-15
>If it is the Lord's will
The Lord is your imagination. This does not go against LoA.

Proverbs 19:21
>The Lord's purpose prevails
The Lord is your imagination. This does not go against LoA.

1 John 5:14
>according to his will
According to your imagination. This does not go against LoA.

Matthew 6:10
>your will be done
God is your imagination. This does not go against LoA.

Jeremiah 29:11
>the plans I have for you
God is your imagination.

Matthew 7:7-8
>God's response is based on his wisdom
God is your imagination.
Matthew 7:7 is blatantly for LoA. Ask and it will be given to you. How much clearer could it be?
Because of this video yesterday, I thought LoA was a massive lie. Your imagination is limitless, but that's not the point of manifestation. When people say they want to manifest something, they mean they want to bring it into the linear now, not the eternal imaginary now. After schizo'ing out about this yesterday, I watched this video today. I've released the negativity surrounding LoA that I had yesterday in favor of practicing being.
Malachi 3:10
>Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in my house, and test me now in this
Tom says "whole tithe" is your whole self or your full faith. The storehouse = the eternal mind, the one divine mind that you are the center of. Food in my house = the creative spiritual substance that you are. Test me now that you are one, whole, that you are not modifying your desires.
>The faith of a mustard seed
The mustard seed knows with complete conviction that it will become a mustard tree.
They are all clearly not LOA in any way.
You are trolling at this point and you are an idiot.
Mustard seed can’t become a tree.
A mustard tree is different.
That’s not a quite about believe or knowing or inevitability (a mustard seed knows nothing and has no imagination).
That quote is simply about big things having small beginnings.
I don’t know why the Christian larpers here don’t actually read the Bible sometimes instead of wrongly applying it.
there is only one will and that is the will of god, you are one with god thus the will you exercise is god's will.
Unrelated to the image.
Anyway you are contradicting yourself because that anon’s will is opposed to yours, I also think you are stupid. So there is at least two wills on this level and they do not agree.
These generic posts of yours are of no assistance to anyone. Empty words from an empty poster.
All of those suggest the Lord is external to you.dkxd
Blatantly in fact. Please take meds in your Bible class.
We get shit like this sometimes here in waves. I’ve seen massive amounts of “loa is Buddhism” posts too for a while and then they die off. Just give up, you are posting shit.
why are you describing yourself to me?
he is you pushed out, is he not? you are describing yourself to yourself
EIYPO simply means that the state of the external world reflects your internal state, not that everyone is literally you and you need to walk on eggshells around yourself.
EIYPO literally stands for Everyone Is You, Pushed Out
>no u
So lost you can’t even address the truth?
I’m not saying this to insult you - please stop posting any advice or uninformed opinions. You are making the general worse. The very little you do know about LoA you don’t even try to apply.
you're the one who hasn't addressed any arguments that i have made, you only attack my character. if anything all you do here is waste your time trying to attack me, in doing so you have shown yourself to have no understanding of the law nor any desire to follow it in your life and are thus making this thread worse for everyone else.
is everyone pushed in
Let’s take a look at your arguments
>unrelated to the image you commented on
>completely wrong
>not a bible study general
You have not been resurrected in a far more divine from. This is total junk.
>what basics
Holy shit. You sure dont like LoA at all.
You change your mind about the lottery every thread.
If I went back to other threads the contradictions in your posts get even worse.
I don’t need to comment on your character but I can. If you don’t like that then don’t blog about your life and don’t use a trip. Your character is even easier to attack. It’s just constant shame.
Repeating other posters comments back at them is pretty weak as well. You really have nothing.
you didn't address any of the arguments i made, you're simply attacking my character (which means that i am automatically right).
I addressed them all and you are fucking stupid.
Your character is a disgrace. Why is your character in a LoA thread anyway? Attention seeking.
Maybe I will attack that later.
Imagine not believing because you’re running an ad populum fallacy in your mind.


So what, accept that you could be among the few who have enough faith in God to bring miracles back to the battlefield.

Accept that. Don’t fall into ad populum. They’re looking at you and you’re looking at them? Web of doubt.

Undirected graph of doubt has been constructed by enemies. We live in it. You can break it. We can break it. Through faith in Jesus Christ.

Mark 11:23-24
Like when a bunch of people are in a room waiting for a direction to be given.

Like the silence between topics in a conversation.

Perhaps we are collectively in an awkward silence right now.

You can break the silence. We can break the silence.
We’ve given doubt a mask and called it pragmatism.

I am finished performing for doubters.
And I reject the “schizo” quirky title as well.
“ For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring.” (Acts 17:28 )

Christ is everywhere.
Or what about this.
A revival is here and there won’t just be a few who heal the blind, but a tidal wave of people healing the blind.

Imagine if we all believed.
>oh that's because you don't believe it bro, that's why you don't see any evidence
we can move the goalposts ad infinitum like this
no anons reporting lottery wins? you don't believe hard enough that someone could win the lottery using LoA!!1
it's always you, never the underlying principle itself perhaps being wrong
This thread is so pathetic
Why can’t it be the case that no one is believing it, but you can.

Let’s not use ad populum.
Let’s rely on the Word over our sight.

Mark 11:23-24 tells me that if I believe, I receive.

That’s it. I don’t care if no one around me shows it, the Word has authority over my sight.
>waaaaa loa is fake
>waaaaa loa is a scam
>waaaaa loa is wrong
>waaaaa loa isn't real
Lol. So why are you here retard?
because I'd like it to be real, would be neat if it were
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how can I manifest myself winning the jackpot of the lotto like that woman.


Mark 11:23-24

and apply it.
I spent the night daydreaming about having a gf and didn't sleep at all. Am I doing it right or what?
I'll be praying to Jesus Christ again tonight before I go to sleep too
Make sure you believe that you have already received your petition, when you pray to the Father in the Name of Jesus Christ.

Don't look around for it, believe before you see it. That's what Mark 11:23-24 conveys.
Yup. Retard 100% confirmed
why didn't you win the lottery yet?
>in b4 "I don't need money"
>/loa/ is when you win the lottery
Would you rather spend all day posting on 4chan about LOA or use it to win the lottery and travel/fuck bitches? It’s fake
you would know, m*theranon, it's been all you were yapping about for these past few weeks
You talk about it constantly. Switched your meds?
Not LoA
Also constantly repeating Mark is spam.
You seem retarded.
Ok the best resource on manifestation is here
6613 nuggets of the purest wisdom. Learn from the best and ignore the rest.
My most successfull and intense prayers were made in urgency about important matters, things that in my mind were essential to the survival of my family. I don't know how I'm gonna pray on this one since it's about finding love and there is no real urgency except for me craving companionship.
Also I do remember that when I was praying I would pray as if God has already said "Yes I will grant you those things" and sometimes I'd pray convinced that God would listen but I never prayed believing that God had already granted it to me.
>muh lottery
This is one extremely retarded muthafucker
Well, you ask and then believe that you have received it. That's how I interpret it.
let's say there's a bridge in the town you grew up. you get the feeling that that bridge is wobbly. you being to think that one day it will surely be the end of that bridge if too much load is on it. you grow older move to another town. one day you read about it in the local news that the bridge collapsed.

you had this security in yourself, the complete assumption that it would fall one day. but you didn't go on daily thinking about that bridge. in fact you couldn't care less if that bridge exists or not. now change it up for the lottery win.
I don't know why you guys keep engaging with the trolls. Those are clearly some very stupid people who can't seem to understand much of anything. Just leave them to wallow in their own stupidity. Why waste your attention on them?
the problem with lottery win is that you have to setup an automatic system. because if you go and play it weekly you're constantly focused on it.
by having faith in lottery win and living in the end of having won in the lottery. the difficult part is of course actually having the faith for something that is so difficult to come by, or even thinking from the actual end not just about the lottery win.
that's literally the easiest way for anons to manifest money (if this shit worked), shortest "bridge of incidents" and it only requires a few numbers you picked being drawn
>thing that everybody believes is extremely hard to win
>easiest way
Extremely retarded muthafucker
Entering the LoA general just to read half of the posts being from self-proclaimed skeptics is getting tiresome.
What's in it for you, other than petting your tiny ego by being obnoxious to people that are actually interested in learning about it?
what's easier, guessing several numbers correctly or toiling away for years at a shitty job, if your imagination has mastery over reality?
lotteries are literally the lithmus test for this woo woo ass magic shit, if you can manipulate reality, why don't you manipulate a few numbers and enjoy the rest of your days (provided you're not braindead, which doesn't bode well for most of you LoA wizards)?
>hasn’t won the lottery
So this advice is demonstrably 100% useless.
Would you prefer it if every poster agreed with every bit of garbage here, no matter how stupid? I’ll take some skeptics over mother anon any day,
i would prefer actual discussion instead of personal attacks and manipulation.
Ok so why are you stating how to win the lottery when you have not won the lottery? Let’s discuss why you did that when your success is zero in that department.
Because he can’t, women sell pussy every single day that don’t want to and men commit crime and go to prison. People watch their children starve to death, the Secret was a best selling book decades ago.

Why the fuck would anybody so much as punch a clock if there was any validity whatsoever to Law of Attraction? Every single person in the world would just win the lottery it’s nonsense
Lol. Observe the level of retarded monkey we're dealing with folks. You know what to do
Prayer isn’t LoA.
It’s prayer.
There were several reports in these generals of people winning the lottery.
You can choose to believe in their report or not, since well, we're all anonymous over here.

There is, evidence of people just willing themselves into fortune. Timothy Dexter is one of them. And while it's not strictly tied to LoA, you can make your own conclusions about wether individuals can manifest things or not.
Lmao. Manifest yourself some new material.
This idiot >>38825453 isn’t anonymous and he’s stating how to do it. It won’t work but that’s the kind of schizophrenic creature we have to put up with here
Why would you take the time to engage with actual confirmed retards? Stop wasting your attention.
majority of people don't know about the law and thus cannot live by it. not everyone needs to be winning in lottery either, it's just money in the end.

>schizophrenic creature
schizo board, you can go back to >>>/r/eddit if you don't like it.

it's just one dude pretending to be multiple people.
I don't read post of people that fill in the name field, so I wouldn't know what that individual is up to.
You seem aggravated, however.

May I suggest you avoid that individual and proceed reading the material, if that suits your fancy?
should be orders of magnitude more
It doesn’t matter if the majority know about it, Rhonda Bryce’s The Secret was on Oprah and constantly got airplay in the mid 2000s I wanna say. If all the people who purchased the book won the lottery (none of them did) then anyone who would observe them would do the same fucking thing

What do you think everybody else is just fucking stupid? Why are they taking their dumb asses to work when they could be vacationing 365 days a year with their families? Why aren’t you, don’t you know about the LOA?

And don’t tell me you’ve won the lottery because if I did I wouldn’t spend a fucking second on 4chan, shit why not just keep winning lotteries and by yourself an island/end world hunger while you’re at it? It’s stupid
>it's just one dude pretending to be multiple people.
It doesn't even matter if it's one retard or a few. Once they've proven themselves to be actual retards you stop engaging with them. You waste your attention and get nothing from it.
Because I'd like to encourage them to give LoA a chance and test it for themselves. The subject is interesting, regardless you are immediately sold on it or not, and there's wisdom behind it.
You're right, tho. Attention is the most valuable thing.
although it is better to just ignore them sometimes they need to be addressed, otherwise they will begin to poison the idea with their vitriol. btfo'ing them isn't that difficult either so it is almost like a sport.
Well, as any other type of practice, it may take time to master it. Also, not every LoA "adept" wants to manifest a winning lottery ticket.
It’s an interesting suggestion and I’ll consider it but his evil ways cannot go unpunished,
Lmao. You are hated by just about every poster. This guy is either new or filtering out names >>38826007
You are already poisoned. You know you’ve failed so those posts are triggering you and you are now getting angry in a weak way.
If you actually did good posts then you wouldn’t get that sort of feedback to this extent,
Lilanon gets a lot of abuse but there are also posters who thank him. All you get is called a schizo, a failure etc.
This is all your own actions.
As >>38824986 predicted.
Lilanon doesn't hate me and you are the only one calling me a schizo and a failure.
Has any /loa/ poster ever won the lottery or made themselves 7ft tall and joined the NBA or anything tangible?
not a hater but why would you claim to win the lottery in a post and then not win it and make up some cope that you didn't intend it to win it or it's some kind of lesson from the universe.

also having a persona on 4chan serves no purpose, it's actually deprimental to the discussion.

most of use came here in the lowest of our lives. searching for something to grab something to make sense of it all. either by being broke, lonely, stuck in some wagie job or whatever. if you're rich and happy you surely won't bother with LoA.

we start by manifesting small things because that's what everybody says should be done to build faith. Manifest an apple, manifest gift, manifest vacation, manifest etc. ultimately the waters get muddy somewhere in the middle getting inconsistent results to the point where LoA isn't viable in a modern world to live by it but rather as some kind of side hustle to keep live interesting. Over all what we want is financial freedom without having to constantly work for it. if LoA is real then it should be entirely possible.
Money is not the main subject of LoA. It's, among other things, becoming aware of a four-dimensional space in which every option there was during your whole life is already fulfilled.
What's proposed by Neville Goddard is that, provided you tune yourself to/into a specific state of awareness you can will your third-dimensional awareness into one of them states that already exists.

Apologies if that's not what you're into, because your time and attention is valuable and I might have deprived you from a fraction of it, anon.
what if it is simply that most here haven't done it yet and are in a sort of 'lobby' mode where they lurk looking for a new insight when it really is just going to take them sitting in silence and contemplating their own faith.
no, he's not, I'm calling you a schizo and a failure too
That may be the case for this particular thread or series of threads but money is the main subject of life my man, if the law of attraction existed nobody would be homeless.
>money is the main subject of life my man
I don't know what's more depressing, the fact that you genuinely believe this or that you take it for granted that everyone else thinks like this too.
New Universal Line general
LoA doesn't stand for Law of Attraction, as far as I know. It stands for Law of Assumption, meaning you assume the mindset of one particular instance of yourself that you want to experience.
>Simulation Theory

Do these two overlap? Has it been discussed here before?
I've read the verses. Now how do I apply them?
Manifest it, retard
It tells you how.

You pray, asking for what you desire. Then you believe that you've received your desire.

Ask the Father, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Most homeless people I've met did not believe they had everything needed to survive. Many of them openly wailed at God, asking why they had everything taken from them.

You are in Barbados. It is nonsense to discuss how you got there. It is even greater nonsense to discuss how you will get there. You're already there.
>Do these two overlap?
Simulation theory (the way I understand it) implies that the simulation is currently running, and that whatever you experience is the result of neighboring variables and a world that renders as you go. LoA, on the other hand implies that a 4th dimensional space exists and that your awareness is navigating through it.
>Has it been discussed here before?
Prossibly, but can't say that I've witnessed that myself.
>Then you believe that you've received your desire.
Well, lay down and visualize about how you’d be feeling internally when you see your desire.

Then translate that feeling to your current self.

I was surprised at how much peace and faith I got from just visualizing for a little bit with no distractions. Imagining waking up and seeing my desire manifest.

Another point is this;

If you trust in Christ, you have the mind of Christ. In God we move and have our being.

A Christian has all he needs via the Holy Spirit. Including faith. This realization has to be noticed and believed.
Does visualizing = believing?
No, it's just a tool to help you feel how it'd feel to believe and then adopt it.

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