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Welcome to the Semen Retention General!
Daria Edition.

>What is Semen Retention?
Semen retention is the practice of completely abstaining from masturbation and ejaculation, often with the intention of preserving and redirecting vital and sexual energy to oneself.

>Why do it?
Reported benefits include: increased vitality, mental clarity, reduced stress, increased motivation, increased energy, improved focus, healthier hair/skin/eyes, deeper meditation, improved AP/Lucid Dreams, deeper voice, improved mood, greatly improved testosterone, improved physical strength and many more.

>Wet Dreams?
They happen because you had a sexual dream and you coomed. Learn to be conscious on your dreams and stop the succubus.

>What causes wet dreams?
The causes are many: Illnesses, telepathic bad actors fucking with your dreams, excess energy build up, watching too much sexually-inducing stuff, lusting during the day, lack of an adequate transmutation activity, eating too late at night, excess nutrients overall, stimulants like maca, ginseng, ginger, excess protein, excess carbs, tight clothes (pajamas) for bedtime, bad sleeping posture (this varies, find the one that suits you best), going to bed with full bladder, exposure to hormonal disruptors via food (pesticides...) or body care products (soap, deodorant etc)...

Previous thread: >>38771326
Hey guys, I'm planning to stop mastubating on a certain date (numerology) and I have a question. Should I jerk off a single time or multiple times? Cause whenever I jerk off multiple times, that doesn't feel right for me and I feel like I'm committing a sin. If I jerk off a single time in a day, it's somewhat different and I don't feel like absolute shit.

My question to anyone that stopped fapping, how did you remember the last time you masturbated in a long time age? Was it multiple times or just a single time? I'm having an OCD about it and it will really help me if you guys clarify me on this subject.
So, I have a feeling my reasoning is different than most. But I finally made the commitment to give up porn and masturbating. And something about the clear break instead of the bargaining and "just gotta make it to tomorrow... tomorrow... tomorrow..." knowing that I'm trying to do this as a lifestyle, that I've truly cut myself off, has made the negative effects hit me full force, way faster.

I have personal issues regarding sex I used to (unhealthily) cope with by engaging in porn. Without that, I've slowly begun to feel disgusted with myself and other peoples lifestyles. Am I just a little crazy, or is this sort of worsening of ones sexual attitude part of the process? I've had a much shorter fuse, and in particular I feel sort of isolated in my friend group. I'm also getting the feels for women I either missed my chance with, or otherwise it would be impractical, or non-preferable to date (close friends who I prefer to keep that way), and I notice the difference in my and other peoples sexual morality in a very... painful manner.
Next time also type srg,people quicksearch for srg and the thread has more engagement that way,thank you for making the thread
You should do it just once if you have a ritual,the more you do it the more you loose your life force and if you really must do it do it once.The longer you abstain the more you build up the more your sacrifice will be accepted.
>They happen because you had a sexual dream and you coomed. Learn to be conscious on your dreams and stop the succubus.
More on this? I had two sexual dreams recently but luckily neither was a wet dream.
Yeah, I was confused when I checked the catalogue, typed " SRG " and nothing popped up.
Thank you OP for baking another thread.
>Without that, I've slowly begun to feel disgusted with myself and other peoples lifestyles. Am I just a little crazy, or is this sort of worsening of ones sexual attitude part of the process?
I can absolutely agree. Currently on a 34 day streak (not counting WDs), but I lapsed on a streak lasting for 327 days. I noticed that I became more assertive but also more aggressive, and my moral compass and sense of righteous anger magnified. When you live in a shithole surrounded by shitty people and you finally start to gain more self-awareness about your own shitty attitude, feeling a degree of anger at yourself and others for self-destructive behavior is normal. The trick is not to let the anger fully consume you, but instead trying to focus it on improving yourself or trying to improve others.
You are going to hell for posting that pic in the semen retention thread. I would not be surprised if anons are casting curses at you right now
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>will anything magical happen if I go past 7 days
Depends on why you are doing SR. If it's to increase your physical strength, absolutely. If it's to increase your willpower and knowledge about yourself and the world, absolutely. If it's ejaculate inside a woman during casual sex, then you won't get any benefits because your are just replacing one form of masturbation with another.
>I can never make it past that point
First step is to not horny post like you are doing now and to delete any lewd images you have saved on your phone/computer.
Not him but she isn't even cute, just some fatty with a good angle
You are not the usual baker, make the thread properly, It's a general so add a title, and what's up with this "Daria Edition" edition? are you (((gay))) or something?
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Through my faith in Jesus Christ, sheer willpower and the removal of any potential triggers for relapses, and because I'm an autistic schizo conspiracy theorist unable to fully relate to normies and detect if someone is flirting with me.
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there's power in these balls
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Ah, so the shill lays bare his hand. I will pray for you, and hope that you have an easy time getting your ashes scrapped out of the chimney much like your ancestors. But this time, it'll actually happen for real.
On a long streak I had a child like joy in creating and writing lore for my RPG’s world.
Good for you anon. Doing SR for long enough really ignites or reignites one's creative energy. Keep at it.
If you didnt post nigger porn i might have,because you posted interracial my dick is small as if caught in a snowstorm
Very kikey of you,here is proof srg is working,because shills attack it.
My own experience is that multiple relapse next to each others (same day or a day appart) are the worst in adverse effects. Sometimes a single relapse can yield positive results but avoid adjacent ones like the plague.
I was doing fine but then I got stressed out and I gooned for the past 5 hours. I stopped myself from finishing and worked out for an hour and then took a cold shower instead, and that distracted me.

Now my brain is totally fried, but I'm still wide awake and the only thing I can really think of doing is jacking off. I can't focus, I can't read, I can't do shit right now and I've already exercised. This has happened before and I recognize this as a pattern I fall into.

Do you have any advice for being in this situation, now that I'm in it? Obviously, I should avoid even getting in this situation.
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Yeah anon I know that feeling, quite unpleasant. I do not have a remedy per sei but I use to get back on track doing healthy ritual, you mention exercise and cold shower, I'll like to add nutrition too, which can be as simple as a ginger / golden chai tea, some chia seeds and maybe some magnesium supplements.

You may want to look into POIS (post orgasmic illness syndrome) recovery threads and Mediterranean diet for others suggestions. I don't believe SR benefits are due entirely to POIS avoidance, however there are good info to get there.
Thanks anon. I did make myself dinner too, but it didn't really help. I could try some tea and vitamins. I will look into those things about POIS, never heard of them.

It's such a weird state of mind to be in. I feel like I'm on drugs or something. My brain is fried and unable to focus, I don't even feel like I'm here right now. Very disassociated.

I decided to make myself look at a tutorial on youtube about programming and do it even if it's painful and I have no attention span.
Thanks bro. Yes, so I'll be sacrificing this one last time. One and done forever.

Yes. Multiple relapses are literally hell.
>My brain is fried and unable to focus, I don't even feel like I'm here right now. Very disassociated.
Yeah I know exactly, it's infuriating. You feel useless at the time and deprived of any will. For me at the worst it might take 2 to 3 days to pass, this is why I believe double relapsing in this window is not the greatest of idea (even if sometimes nothing happens, go figure).

For POIS-diet, for what I gathered the general consensus is to focus on foods that are histamine antagonist (helping against allergies), fighting inflammation (which I suspect is one of the main culprit), and helping testosterone productions.

There are plenty of foods for that, mostly linked to the Mediterranean Diet, but a quick synergistic powerhouse would be scrambled eggs (Vitamin D and healthy fats) with fresh garlic (Allicin, supports testosterone and immune function), onions (rich in quercetin, a natural antihistamine & also supports T), mixed with some ginger, curcuma & black pepper (the three of them you can drink in a golden chai). It helps.
I just had a nightmare about entities forcibly taking my energy. Can someone tell me goodnight? I'll be heading back to sleep again, but your intentions are with me.
Thank you for the dietary advice.

Part of me thinks I should just cut my losses and jack off right now. This all started 2 days ago when I started gooning again, and I haven't been able to resist it yet and just do it more and more. I kind of think I already lost when I started looking at porn and jacking off. The brain fog I'm in right now is hell.

I don't know, maybe I can exercise Until I'm tired enough to fall asleep even though Im' pretty tired already.
Have a good night anon, you will be okay.
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I'm gonna resist. I'm going to go exercise some more until I pass out. Jfc what a terrible situation I'm in right now.
I can almost see it, I can almost see myself doing it
Selecting that one folder, then pressing shift+delete
Based Anon.
>be me
>resist transgender feeli gs all my life and try my best to embody masculinity
>fail because most women see me as a closeted gay and other guys don't take me seriously
>turn to Christianty and SR to become stronger in repression
>worked well, felt genuinely cured
>have a breakdown where all the years of denial and repression hit me full force
>barely eat and pray across 3 days suffering panic attacks and can't breathe
>pray to the Lord for forgiveness, worried I have sinned or be abanded for an unconfessed sins
>have to accept I'm a transformation

I havent done anything, just been honest with myself, I still believe in God and I'm worried I'm being deceived.

"Oh Lord do not abandon me to delusions or desires that are against you, help me know the right path."

But my heart felt so full of love and guidance in a religious experience when I said the words to myself

Have I been possessed? Parasites? 5G signals (went into city to travel)

Still retaining of course, but confused

Just want to know how I can discern what to do. I truly felt the Lord in my heart reassuring me but the heart can be deceitful, it happened after I prayed to be kinder and more empathetic, to have a heart of flesh and not a heart of stone, to be baptised in the holy spirit and purified.

I had been quite hateful and wrathful towards others and wanted to change that.

Did I do something wrong? I was sure that God would want me to repress all lgbt urges and keep strong and true as a straight man.

Sorry to bother you guys with this shit.
Transwoman *^
This, no straight man watched that feminist show.
This is probably a troll, but if not, seek therapy. Stop acting victimized.
Oh I do intend to.
Lots to unpack.

I just feel like I let God down by it breaking through to the surface again.
What about the people in your life you let down by constantly obsessing over your own outward identity instead of being there to support them like a normal person?
Haven't been counting the days, but I'd guess my streak is around 20 right now. I've come up with a really good system for resisting temptation, especially lust, but what's causing me to struggle is just how frequently it's attacking me. Even if I can do away with it relatively easy, it's like being attacked by a swarm of ants; easy to kill individually, but difficult in numbers. What's tempting me to masturbate the most right now isn't lust, so much as it's my wanting for a mind that's unclouded by constant urges, a mind that the refractory period provides. Has anyone here dealt with something similar? Any advice would be greatly, I can't stress enough, greatly appreciated.
Found a book recently called the eye of revelation by Peter Kelder. Its not religious fyi
It goes over 5 exercises or rites for individuals to practice that promote health and apparently slow aging considerably. These were practiced and taught by a school in Tibet
The interesting thing is that there is a 6th rite, that is recommended to only be practiced while retaining, or leading a primarily sexually abstinent lifestyle. It reverses the flow of sexual energy downwards, so that if flows up instead.
I will be trying these exercises beginning today including the 6th rite. I will update in the threads in some weeks if I see/feel a change in myself
I recommend the read if anons are interested, it's an alternative POV outside of mantak chia and yogic schools of thought.
It looks interesting anon. Do you know anything about the 2 different versions of the book on Amazon? One with Carolina something.
Personally I downloaded it from here:

Not sure about Carolina something, in the first result of the link above he says many other teachings were taken from the original text but usually altered somewhat, impacting their effectiveness, or trying to tie the psychic vortexes into the chakra system, which is not correct.
...many *of the* teachings were taken...
My penis is already sensitive and I don't last long during sex already. Will Noporn/Nofap/Semen retention cause my penis to go back to how sensitive it was when i was way younger? My gf knows about semen retention and agreed to let me pratice it but she wants sex weekly but doesnt require me to cum, I wanna still be able to get her off..any advice? does it get more and more sensitive the longer i dont touch or play with it? I used to not be able to handle the shower head on it for cleaning. Would regular sex without ejaculating keep the sensitivity tolerable? Anybody with experience or long streaks?
Its probably parasites,try it
You will get laid though quicker than if you were masturbating, and attract more women. It’s really amazing how quickly it works you become the idealized version of self in several weeks

Whenever I’ve been the most in physical shape with 3+ girls I’m seeing at one time it’s been with semen retention. Fapping to porn everyday I’m the opposite alone in my room depressed

Everyone here knows more about this stuff than I do but it’s crazy amazing like a cheat code
What do you mean? I support lots of people irl

I just had this stuff under the surface, in fact. Others were a great distraction

Part of why I'm a workaholic at my job
Have you ever done a longer term water fast in excess of two to three weeks? I’ve heard those can heal many mental health issues

This is probably a troll but if you’re earnest I’d be down to do it together, I love long term fasting there are many health benefits.
I have ramped down my eating recently and plan to fast to see if I can make sense of it

Sad part is I was acting more mentally ill before this breakthrough compared to after.

I wish you the best with yours. But I think SR might only work for non-mentally I'll like yourself

For me I was the crack in the dam that broke my repression. Darn emotional awareness.

Will continue retaining to keep mental clarity

Will try to do a parasite purge thanks.
Scary to think my will and emotions could be controlled like that
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This isn't what we look like idiot lmao
Thank you.
Anons going
>muh urges

The super secret technique is this...

Just don't jerk it. Hands off. No touchy touchy.

Its impossible to unconsciously jerk off. Just don't do it.

and if the horn won't leave you alone... just allow time to pass, it will pass.

or if you're working energy... time of the horn is when to perform transmooooooooting.
anyone else can't even face the day after giving in?

Then when I'm on a big streak I feel like a peaceful sage.

But then if I even indulge in lust, not even spilling seed (ofc it's worse if I spill), but even if I indulge I feel like I have to hide away for a bit.
Me lol. I can't even get past day 0 for the past year. It's getting incredibly hard.
when on streak:

"Wise Peaceful Sage Vibe"

When relapsed:

"Skeevy Skaven Dweller Vibe"
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Tbhs, I'm like this. On a long clean streak I love going out and specially interact with women.

After a relapse I even skip the boxing class. I don't want them to see low t weak coomer me.
does humping the bed count
Been going strong the last 3 weeks. I feel like if I relapse I will blow a hole in the ceiling. This could be a new form of warfare. Like imagine if a chaste monk after like 80 years, he could probably destroy a country.

In all seriousness though, my longest is like 2 months or so. Trying to beat my old record and take this to new heights. Strong urges today but that just means the power is returning Feeling very confident this time.

Bless you guys for making these threads. You really are doing Gods work.
>I don't want them to see low t weak coomer me.

Checked mate. Words cannot put into how much I'm exactly like this. When I jerk off, I don't want to interact with any humans at all. So much shame and so much failure in myself after I masturbate.
how do i stop cooming in my sleep?
i can never get past the end of the week without cooming the bed which always ends up in me losing morale and jerking off again
I had this happen yesterday by surprise. Switch your mindset up, I have coomed in my dreams many times and it always feels amazing when on a SR streak but I don't take it as a total loss. Take it as a sign the universe is noticing your progress and (if you believe in such beings) negative beings are trying to stop you. I always laugh with my buddies at the succubus threads saying, if you want a succubus to come to you just stop masturbating.

But minimize how much lustful content you are looking at. I am a regular poltard so theres always porn everywhere you go, although now I just laugh at it.
sometimes i have a sex dream and cum in the dream and it feels very real but then i wake up and everything is completely dry.
other times i dont dream at all, i wake up and the exact second i gain consciousness my brain decides now would be a great time to coom all over the bed sheets, making sure i witness the end of my streak before i even have the energy to move my body. this is what annoys me the most because i feel like i can do nothing about it and have no control over myself as it happens, after it happens i feel like i lost and lose motivation to keep going and decide to fap another 2 times and start over again the next day.

>minimize exposure to lustful content
i absolutely did, the most lust inducing image i have seen in the past several days was a random roblox avatar. sometimes i get lustful thoughts / remember that one porn i watched. at one point i got so angry at myself not being able to stop those thoughts that i straight up started hitting myself whenever i got a sexual thought, the idea being that maybe i can train my body to associate sexual thoughts with pain so that it would stop giving me those thoughts, which to my amazement actually seems to be working.
yes i know i sound crazy.

Methuselah detected. Piss off.
How do I get past day one? I’ve done a month max before
First of all ignore that faggot below you. Yeah Ive had dreams why I coom in them but wake up completely dry, I had the other thing happen the other day just as I was waking up. Its not that bad brother, it happens. You need to learn to not be so hard on yourself, your trying to walk a path that many people dont even care to tread. Don't hit yourself (unless you really want to I guess) or beat yourself up for what happened in the past, let it go and just try to learn from your mistake. Like I said, change the mindset.

But I get it, when I relapse, its usually bad. But Im done with the guilt.
i dont know how to change my mindset, i really started experiencing the benefits of nofap that everyone is claiming and the longest i have ever gone is 9 days. i can only imagine what its going to be like on day 20 and so on. the idea of me cumming and the counter resetting is so infuriating because it takes so long for the days to go by, especially since im a neet and have nothing to do all day
I did it bros, I didn't coom.
same here. had big temptation today.

Then I thought of the aftermath. How bad I feel after.

How un-sagelike I feel after.
How I want to hide from the world after.

Nothing is worth that, I'm done with cooming unless it is with my future wife.

By God's Power I am done with this.

Mark 11:23-24
Good on you anon for resisting. Yeah, the feeling afterwards is awful. Makes me feel like scum. It's better to suffer for a few hours until I calm down, than to do that.
Bro I know that feel, I am a neet too. Being alone all day isn't for only but the strongest of people, being isolated takes strength and will power. Being terminally online is what can really mess your streak up since naked whores are everywhere on the internet, real or anime. You just have to keep telling yourself the benefits are worth it and remember that a the temporary pleasure isn't worth days of depression and anxiety. You need to not be so hard on yourself man, society and all those judgmental people can fuck right off. This is between you and God, no one else and if you are trying to conquer lust you are doing better than 90% of dumb society.

Find something to do with your time, anything, especially if involves not being online. I will watch anime, play games on my phone, read and study religion, watch history, anything. This morning I woke up ridiculously horny on a 21 day streak. I just had to relax for a moment and realize this feeling will pass, and the feeling means the testosterone is building and that I am winning. Like other anons have said, its better to relapse once than go on a 3 day gooning session. Godspeed brother, Ill be here in the thread.
I’m a NEET as well and it sucks when you don’t have anything to do all day. Can’t afford the gym anymore, times goes by faster when you’re working for sure and then you get to socialize as well

I think for me jerking off has always been a response to loneliness/boredom
I screenshoted this shit gonna try and pull it out when I feel a relapse coming. Only on day 2, I had sex yesterday but couldn’t even cum (girl makes me wear a condom) because I have no sensitivity in my cock from jerking off three times a day completely embarrassing having to take the rubber off multiple times to get head and stay he’s
i cant think of anything that would interest me that isnt online.
i always remind myself that the urge i have at that moment will go away just like every previous one but sometimes its really hard to endure it, i make sure to pay attention to when my urges do disappear so that i can remember those times when i get next one

someone in another thread posted this, its been very helpful for me
I don't know what kinda crazy shit you guys believe in but I'll give some help
Sexual energy is creative energy. If you want to fap, draw something or write something. You'll forget that "impulse" in an instant
You don't need the gym, push ups, cardio, and ab work outs are easy to do at home and are free. As a neet I never make fun of "wagies" or people who work, only their mindset for doing such things and how they judge people who don't participate in their system. It just usually takes money to socialize, I am in a rural area and all my friends are very far away. You are right jacking off is a response to depression, loneliness and boredom, you just have to keep it in your head to move past the urges and realize its a trap to make your life worse. Nofap is the real deal and your life WILL improve by abstaining.

Dang bro, I am honored to make an impact like that. I am a 31 wizard myself so you are quite ahead of me haha! I know this might sound weird coming from someone like me (reincarnation baby not like I havnt been on this rock before) But yeah when you build up your "charge" by not masturbating you can definitely perform better. Save that seed for her bro.

Blessed, all these digits.Just remember guys its about you and the Divine. All the major sages of each religion practice semen retention and only coom with their wives if they aren't celibate hermits (like me). Semen is powerful and its your life force, don't waste it with women you don't really love or intend to marry. The benefits outweigh the temporary pleasure, the material world and body is all a lie to trick you and defraud you into giving yourself away to the other side.
I bookmarked it, I feel depressed cause I’m such a loser and I know I have potential to be better. If I didn’t have the internet I don’t think I’d ever bother with porn/masturbation and have more friends, probably enough confidence to work consistently, and sex I as well as my partners can actually enjoy.

I might just turn my web browser off entirely and try to stick to just YouTube because as a NEET my days are long and fucking boring
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Daily reminder that its almost impossible to be a loser a on long clean streak
Pun intended?
>All in the same day:
>Wet dream
>Removed from my friend group
>Went back to this twice and highlighted it before all of this happened
Always remember that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
When I do SR, most of the energy gets stuck in the solar plexus, do I need to open my heart chakra or something
day 32
past 2/3 days have not been really good, i cant really even feel accomplished with the one month milestone because if im being honest i feel like im mentally not doing much better and if anything going for this long only made me realize just how much i actually dislike being a man/having a male body and I'm honestly starting to really worry this is not getting fixed
Yesterday I had fell asleep praying (every prayer i've done so far I have asked God to be cured/have this removed) and in my dreams I was still praying but I noticed I had a female/feminine body. In the same night I dreamt that I jumped into a pool and got stabbed all over my body with sharp objects
I'm really feeling frustrated with all of this. What do I even do with myself? I wish God would just take this away. Like why do I have to go through this? I'm not even sure I even chose this for myself. Why would God want me to go through this? I feel like I can't even have a life. Why live? I have no motivation for anything at all. I keep thinking that if I was a woman at least I could just get married have a husband and children and live a normal life. What can I do with my life as a man? Do I just hate myself all my life? On top of being a tranny I'm also gay I can't even feel the desire to be with a woman. So what now? Do I just wait until god decides to cure me? Or what? Everything I want is impossible or a sin. The feelings of wanting to be a woman are not going away. If it was possible I'd do it so fast.
I don't know why god wouldn't take this away, am I fucking up somewhere? What else can I do? I intend to keep on going with SR but what do I do if it doesn't work...

I just noticed you wrote some similar things. Keep on going so at least I know I'm not alone in this haha. I'd say you'll get through this but I have no idea if I myself can even get through it.
Don't post here too much, but keep up the good fight lads. About to complete 3 months of retention, naturally with some wet dreams in between, and feeling pretty good. I'm thinking better thoughts, more amiable among my peers, even helping them through their tough times as well as talking more to strangers, and continuing to build the world around me.

Though there is still much more path to cover, it is good to have at least reached this point. For you anons still going through it, keep at it. For we all are going to make the light. Until next time.


"The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God." (Deuteronomy 22:5)

God is not going to tell you to sin.
So I am going to go out on a limb here and declare that I am a kaballah jew. There is a belief that men/women can be born into different bodies and not feel the attraction to the other sex because of this. Keep on going with day 33, being ahead of you. Being gay or trans really in our view is a sickness of the mind, but that doesn't mean God and his sages don't love you. We are princes of Mercy and God's love, just because you might sin and hate yourself doesn't mean we turn our back on you, our hatred is solely for the wicked, and his hatred is perfect.

Love yourself brother, just because you aren't in a perfect situation where you don't feel like a man doesn't mean you are less of a person. You must conquer the lust and find yourself and try to be what God has intended for you in this life. He doesn't make mistakes and placing you in a different body might be your judgement or salvation. Like I told the other anon, please change your mindset and don't be so hard on yourself. There are much worse people out in the world than you. By confessing before the Holy One, you shall be forgiven, please dont be so hard on yourself. By abstaining you are doing Gods will.

Much love Brother.
>Semen retention
>previously known as "no-fap"


>You must conquer the lust
Well I don't really feel like masturbating since like day 2 ignoring a few speed bumps along the way
>and find yourself
>try to be what God has intended for you in this life.
Is there really any way to do this? I've been praying to have some clarity about this/what my path should be but I can't really think of anything. If anything I wish I could just die sooner and go to heaven but you know.
idk what im doing
This is kinda like my NoFap experience.
>day 1-3 start feeling more confident and happy, think that this time I’m going to permanently unfuck my shit
>day 4-7 usually get whatever job offer right on the spot, start hitting the gym consistently, feels like every woman in the world is check me out
>day 8-11 become insatiably horny wanting to fuck every living woman to the point it’s all I can think about not fapping
>day 12-15 have sex with a drunk or fat chick, I’ve had some instances where I came inside them raw on some complete animalistic retard shit and had to deal with the anxiety of them being pregnant for a few weeks thereafter
At that last point I either go back to daily fapping up to 3-4 times a day, feeling like shit and depressed, quitting whatever shit job I accepted in a manic haze and rinse and repeat
It seems to be that nofap just tricks people into not thinking clearly so that they take dangerous risks and then regret it too late, when it could potentially ruin their life. I think that's the evil secret goal, to get men to accidentally mess up for one second and ruin their own lives while all of haters watch and laugh while eating popcorn. It's an evil prank and psy-op.
There is nothing wrong with "doing some exercise" once in a while. Too much is bad, but too little is also bad.
2 Days is nothing, not trying to be mean here. In Judaism the heavens aren't a good place because there are wrathful angels there who want to judge you. We say the world to come, but I understand what you are saying. I am not trying to convert you to anything by the way, just being truthful with what we do. We study the Bible and find that it has multiple layers in coded hebrew script etc etc.

However this isn't for everyone, try to find a job or hobby that helps others. Tell others about the struggle online, make good posts or videos on jewtube, try to uplift others who are going through the same experience. Everything you say has impact for good or evil. Why do you want to die? Because you most likely feel like you are worth nothing and have made too many mistakes. Just by your post I can feel your regret and repentance, God loves you bro you just need to accept his love and forgiveness. Like I said before, thejre are much worse people in the world, the truly wicked, who we look at. You aren't the worst person in the world by billions of souls. Just relax and imagine what you want to do and what your dream is. It doesn't matter how big or small it is, I for instance want to own a tiny little cafe in a rural area. Thats just one dream.
Methcel faggot

Defending shit eating jeets with your life eh? Kek. Shitskin.
If you have loving, wholesome sex with a woman its cool to expel semen right?
If it's with your wife and for the purpose of procreation, then yes. If it's not for that reason, then simply don't have sex and continue retaining.
>shit eating jeets

Many such cases.
Do you really need an anonymous person on the internet to tell you when you can cum?
FUCK why did you have to post daria i just lost my streak now
Has anyone else noticed that one sperg that hangs around /x/ generals and writes entire essay-length posts on how fake he thinks the topic at hand is? He usually chooses the more overtly magic-related ones, but he's been here too. He does a whole lot of trying to get anon to jump through hoops with tedious trials knowing damn well nobody will flip a hundred coins in a row to prove the existence of manifestation, for example. He's smarter than most of the tards that use this board so they usually just end up debating with him until he's engaged in enough pointless arguing to satisfy (annoy?) himself. I only bring it up because im tired seeing dozens of broken-record, three-paragraph posts fly by till bump limit. No progress or meaningful discussion is ever made when he posts, because everyone's to busy debating with him. I cant be the only one annoyed by it.
its not really every thread but yeah
Whiter than you brother. Negative energy flows off you, I don't even think you should be in this thread. Attacking others does nothing. I will not engage with you anymore. Heres your only (you), negative faggot go back to /pol/.
It's that paki bot once again. It's a rare one that pops once in a week. Just report it and move on.
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I'm still struggling to get past the first hurdle
>knowing damn well nobody will flip a hundred coins in a row to prove the existence of manifestation
Kinda of pathetic. People who are actually interested in probability have performed this act tens of thousands of times.
This just says manifestation believers don't actually have the will and determination to convince others.
Which you'd think would be a lot easier to manifest than actual tangible things.
Did it once for 6 months. Nothing happened. Got no spiritual benefits of any sort. Got no spiritual powers. Back to fapping one out when I'm too weak and get the passion.

I can believe it for 30 seconds, but if that was really the case that the universe needs you to procreate to feed the cycle, why do you need to abstain at all? The man jerking and the monk should be the same under the universe.
>simply dont have sex

It doesnt work that way kiddo
>Negative energy
>go back to pol
>whiter than you

Not him, but your statement contradicts itself. Zero chance you're remotely white.

>Le embrace diversity

Fuck off jew. I'd rather be a negative white nationalist than a positive pajeet.
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Any retainer bros want to hook me up with a tried and true breathing method for transmutation? I do wim hoff occasionally, but it usually gives me tinnitus. I'm at 92 days and i feel like I'm simply not utilizing retention optimally.
Checked. I do meditations and the way to get ready is use 3 3 3 method (Google it). Literally perfect for retention.
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for the real benefit the streak must be CLEAN
do i need to restart if i edged in the past then
Duh. If you feel like you messed up, jerk off and start a fresh one.
i like to play and fiddle with my balls when im bored, does this count as messing up?
No. If not in a massive sexual way, it doesn't count.
Is retentive sex with a loving woman who is not my wife, for the sake of connection, not just, considered clean?

I have been sr for 3 months now with only 2 hiccups. I finally found a woman I really like, but she’s not wife material. I have been working up to having sex with her, we didnt because she is on her period, but she gave me probably the best head ive ever had in my life.

Thing is x, even on my streak I didnt want to bust. I wanted her to keep going because it felt like she really wanted to please me, not because I wanted to nut.

I imagine retentive sex will be similar. I dont want to nut, I just want to please her and be pleased and connect deeply over that.

Is it clean?
>loving a woman who is not a wife

Does she love you back? I don't want some ugly, midget, balding simp to jerk off to a insta model or a supermodel to say I love her or something. If she loves you back, then its good. If you are a gooner nigger who masturbate over a woman who doesn't even know you like an incel nigger, you're a faggot.
Cooked him.
what if i just consider this as day 1 of a new streak without having to nut

Wtf. Did I use the word love at all?

I said connection.

Ive known her for 2 years now, but weve only flirted at parties and what not. We hit it off recently because she seems to be very based and redpilled and she also has a phd like me.

Your reply makes me think you’re projecting. We spent the entire night humping and listening to each others stories. It was pretty mutual, I mostly led, but she followed graciously which is her power.

I dont think she is wife material though because its not obvious that she is high altruist and wants to help save the world in any way.

Retention sex is an experiment for me. I feel amazing today after retaining through amazing head.
I know there's growing hate and racial issues between Indians and whites, can we just set it all on the sidelines please? We are here for a redemption, not to hate against black and brown people especially Indians and like the other racist said, “paki”. Let's work together and fight for the existence of /SRG/. We as men can unite under sen retention umbrella. Indians are out brothers, Muslims are our brothers, Jews are our brothers and whites are our brothers. Ignore racism and ignore negativity. Negative energy is extremely toxic and harmful to our soul. Please ignore negativity guys.

Any anons have some literature on retention sex? Rituals, psychology, etc?
No cause it doesn't work like that. When you edge, the cum in your balls has to be extracted or otherwise, the entire streak goes to shit. Cause edging is a process of fucking up the purity. If you edge, relapse and start fresh. There's a specific reason for that.
yes but except for jews
Pls kys.
Dont tell me youre not retaining for the chance abby shapiro might sniff you and go crazy for you?
>sen retention
>out brothers

Learn English first ya cunt.
>Did I use the word love at all?

>sex with a loving woman

Memory loss is a symptom of being a gooner nig.
no i am completely abstaining from sex and women, i want to be just like hitler
Guess who's back.
>capitalized Muslims and Jews
>small letter for the word white

Your nose is showing.
Hitler hired prostitutes lmao. He was a coomer.
Retards took the bait. Fuck. I shouldn't even reply to your liberal bait ass. I hate 4chan so much it's unreal.
Benito Mussolini was a coomer too.
Let it. At least someone is posting instead of thread being dead 90 percent of the time.
What happened to that based SR copypasta anon? He used to post redpills about it after the thread starts and I don't even recognize this new OP too. What happened to him?
stand strong
Whiter than you brother. The phone autocorrrected it. Nmf.


Losers. Ignore these toxic people and focus on the mission.
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Nowhere near the image limit here we go

So I made a comic...
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He's dead lol. Glowies got to him. Found literally had half his body. Even it's at that news at some time. It was supposedly an accident but I don't believe it one bit.

He's dead y'all.
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I like your positivity, anon.
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Good noticing.
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Pen and paper
Source or you're lying. Give me the source faggot.

Stop shitting up the thread you schizo faggot. This has nothing to do with semen retention. Mods. Stay on topic or go fuck yourself.
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The gaslighting thread are you fycking serious?
It was on the /sig/ discord. You know the discord group which was posted on the ad here (/pol/) sometime ago?
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Technically not masturbation
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What gaslighting? Nobody is here to see your random gibberish drawings. Either share the SR posts/pictures or just don't post at all. Give me a single relevance this has to do with semen retention?

I'm scared not gonna lie.
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Number #1 paranormal topic

Why anon masturbates?
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Do your job jannies.
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Meant to reply to this.
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Almost there anon they will survive and learn things they only teach in. /x/
It was on general chat a few days ago but don't believe everything you see on the internet. Could be completely a hoax or just plain lie to make up bullshit. There's not even a credible source so fuck that.
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I hope so.
New shill strategy just dropped: just spam random gibberish
Effectively the Sixth tibetan rite.
Be careful tho.
Don't try the sixth rite if you are not developed enough
i clicked this thread expecting r9k losers touching themselves and instead got actual schizophrenics with penis related neuroses
still not sure how any of this is paranormal
i dont want to be a an addicted rat any longer
Lel kinda true
that's not nofap you're just bipolar
guys help i'm horny
No. You heal faster if you only edged.

Fuck off
This verse was written in a specific cultural and historical context where clothing had different social and religious implications. Some scholars argue that the prohibition was more about maintaining distinct social roles and avoiding practices associated with pagan rituals
persist against your monkey brained impulses
if you start to feel urges watch this:
day33 - had a dream i had a female body again

>Why do you want to die? Because you most likely feel like you are worth nothing and have made too many mistakes
i honestly really feel like a failure as well. at basically everything
>Just relax and imagine what you want to do and what your dream is
i have some short term goals but nothing really for my life
isnt there some supre jewish prayer to force god to make you righteous or stop being a faggot and a tranny i feel that there should be something like that
i just dont really want to keep thinking about this evry day every time i pray its just to get this taken away
ive asked god for guidance and everhthing but maybe im praying wrong
I love the sensation of watching porn and masturbating so much. What can be done
did you watch a lot of tranny/sissy shit before you started retaining?
you die either way. may as well do what you love
no i stopped watching porn for weeks before i started retaining, ive had dysphoria since around puberty and im really trying to stop/be cured/whstever
Good morning sir
You guys were right. I can coom every other day and live a good life. I can stop coming and fight every day and live a great life. I didn't realize everything on your life will be challenged. Finally figured it out.
Why not?
How does one know if they are “developed” enough?
I just "relapsed" after 6 months out of rage and never felt better. I never experienced any of the purported benefits. Fapping is the only way to experience sexual pleasure for me because magnetism is bullshit and sexual pleasure IS happiness. The fact I could even go this long is because of my low T.
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>I just "relapsed" after 6 months out of rage and never felt better. I never experienced any of the purported benefits. Fapping is the only way to experience sexual pleasure for me because magnetism is bullshit and sexual pleasure IS happiness. The fact I could even go this long is because of my low T.
Ill clarify

Loving is in the nature of every woman.

Love is a sacred bond between spirits only special women need apply

Then I guess my question is, is having retentive sex with a loving woman, but lacking real love, considered a violation of SR?

I didn’t even edge, but I did really enjoy her company and the sex opened up deeper dialog.

If I retention sex with a girl to connect with her on an emotional level, is that a violation of SR?

Im actually looking for feedback
You're the same whether you goon or not
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>You're the same whether you goon or not
lmao you have nothing but basedjaks, what a joke this is
I just busted another nut on ya bitches tits
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>lmao you have nothing but basedjaks, what a joke this is
>I just busted another nut on ya bitches tits
nta but I'm never streaking longer than 2 weeks again. no benefits scientifically

I've been repressing for most of my life, refusing the transcended urges has created a split personality in me

One that is male, feels little pain, is confident, strong and normal

And the buried transgender one that comes back every few years and tries to wrest control of the psyche and ruin my life

But it's getting tiring, I cannot be a full truly realised man, because that shame and secret lies within, I lack the proper full manhood spiritually, this curse has been with me since childhood, no wife or girlfriend because everything I have sex I fail before the final base, a deep subconscious panic and pain takes over if I attempt to sleep with women as a man. So fapping was the only thing for a while, until I did SR, But that might be worse because now emotions are more potent and I cannot just dull the senses to keep personalities stable

And the trans personality cannot have what it wants either, because it's delusion, weakness and femininity it cannot have

Currently fasting, retaining and training hard everyday out to maintain control
this is the funniest post ive ever seen
people should just not use... im gonna call it "corn" but it's a word that sounds like corn.
>Loving is in the nature of every woman.

Hey anon... This may sound weird but your posts have been making me really anxious.
I saw you in /lgbt/ (I don't usually browse there but I too have been feeling increasingly weak in relation to dysphoria), and I just want to mention that I was about to sleep but while I was praying I did ask God to help you (and me) in relation to this.
I know its hard but I am completely convinced that transitioning is not the answer... The bible says that our bodies are an essential part of who we are, we are not just our souls/what we think we should be, and when we'll go to heaven we'll have to take our bodies with us... And God doesn't make mistakes even though I know how truly shitty it feels to not feel right at all, all the time. I'm not saying I'm cured or that I'm over it but please do not give up, I'm also not trying to give up, I know the anxiety and self hatred but don't give up.
I also feel failed as a man, and I haven't even had a girlfriend too because I'm not even attracted to women, and I completely understand what you mean about SR because every time I try to do this the feelings get almost unbearable... But I know that God doesn't want this for us, and I also know how it feels "soothing" to just pretend to be a "woman at heart" or that transitioning would be the answer but this can't be it... But I also don't know what the solution is, and I know that maybe in a few days I'll be back here in this general writing an almost incoherent post again but I'm sure that God will help us if we just persevere...
So please anon just don't give up... I'll go to sleep now and I'll keep you in my prayers... But don't give up please there really must be another way for people like us
Thank you.
I do not know what to do.
I did have signs that point me towards transition, things only God could know and then there's me that needs to know if the scriptural context really is anti lgbt and it's just been used politically through mistranslation

I'm tired and fear a life unloved and unlived, if it was always allowed, why am I denying myself all these years, hurting myself

Do not listen to me or follow my words, I fear I am becoming insane and lost to this

I'm going to go to therapy, I think I'm going to break and stop fighting, there's nothing left of me if this fight continues, my soul feels empty

Ghayor expressing his desire to become trans kek.
Third post is me

There are two distinct trans afflicted posters here, myself and dys
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>came while sleeping
>no orgasm or any sexual dreams
>back and head hurt
Not sure if this is age related but to feel the benefits it takes a month for me.
At least I'm a week in and starting to feel like a man again, slowly. Need to quit the weed as well.
How old are you mate?
Wait, you did 6 months of "pure" retention, ie no edging, no porn, no repressed fantasms, and you have not one benefits ? Quite hard to believe as it should come at least as punctual peaks in the first month.

That being said relapsing after some time give good energy too and can be amazing, I strongly believe into partial retention. The worst you can do imo is cooming every days. Once per week / two weeks is probably best for most, but there is benefits to stronger streak if you channel the energy right (granted it is not a given).

I believe SR teach us first about balance, whatever you do I hope you'll restrain against too much gooning anon.
He's larping you dumbass. You both faggots aren't in semen retention. Elevate.
Pretty sure that you had dreams (most likely sexual) but you just don't remember them.
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Post foreskin
>You cant
You're a kid, aren't you ?
Almost 12 weeks in. I feel great. The key to fighting urges for me is to stop the sexual thoughts as soon as they enter my mind. I shake them off and immediately start thinking of something wholesome instead. Or I just meditate and watch the thoughts go by me without letting them affect me.
The other factor is thinking ahead to what it would feel like after a relapse. Do I really want to feel rundown and shameful for days maybe even weeks on end? Do I want to give up the calm and inner peace I’ve developed?

I still these trannies tho
^still hate these trannies who troll every general now
day 48
II failed this morning, I reached over and started initiating sex with wife ..who doesn't reject my advances but is clearly not really into it and wouldnt of intiatied herself. We had sex for about 2 mins before she okay thats enough "teasing" for now and got up and went about her day ((I didnt cum)). How do I break this cycle? I wake up horny and want sex, I basically EDGED with her vagina so now I consider it a relapse, im impure and let impure thoughts cloud my head, intiiating sex with her was like relapising to porn and edging. She seems to rather masturbate and would go a long time without intiation, the only reason shes initiated before is if it seems odd that all of a sudden ive stopped gropping her or trying to get on her all day... How do I break this terrible cycle? I want a clean 100 day reboot streak and now im on day fucking 1 again because of my animalistic thoughts, any advice? How do i keep my hands to myself and not intiate sex? She wouldnt care if I stopped having sex and I cou ld have a long streakKK
Anyone else here divorce or breakup with someone while on retention? About 20 days in I decided I don't want to be with my wife anymore. Long story short there are a lot of things I'm not happy about in the marriage. Wondering if this is just due to being on semen retention and not thinking straight or if I am in fact thinking clearer than ever.
I don't know what you mean by "long clean streak" but it is possible. I have been a complete celibate for a year now (only wet dreams) and I am still a socially isolated virgin living with his parents. If you ask others they would probably consider me a loser. I am socially awkward, meek and silent most of the time. The only benefits I notice is I can look people in the eyes, less shame/more confidence and the psychoenergetic feeling of being a bit more dense and powerful due to not wasting the vital essence. However, like I said, I am still pretty much a friendless loser with no social skills. While I do run, exercise and try to eat healthy I wouldn't describe myself as ambitions, high testosteron or full of sex drive. The "benefits" nofap/sr people report are just them experiencing the state of being normal which seems like a superpower after being highly addicted to pmo for so long.
>I reached over and started initiating sex with wife ..who doesn't reject my advances but is clearly not really into it and wouldnt of intiatied herself. We had sex for about 2 mins before she okay thats enough "teasing" for now and got up and went about her day
Look at the youtube channel Jay - Quit PMO and binge watch his videos starting from around 9 months ago. It will change your life. PMO is the single sickest spiritual disease I ever suffered, but now I can say with confidence I won't fall into that horrible pit again any time soon.
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you know what, to me this thing is HARD because it's, in my understanding, is not inherently a 'vice'.

i can understand other vices. envy is ugly. pride is blinding. eating all the time is lame. anger has this destabilizing effect. etc. vices, even like alcohol, all what u might say as vices often have this certain tinge of 'badness' to it, like the ugly noise that inherently comes when u ride a vehicle, even if's enjoyable.

but with CUMMING... it doesn't have that feeling. sure, u can have the feeling of 'wrongness' when either u have religious guilt unto it or the tinge of shame of 'im an addict theres no way around admitting that', but beyond that the act of CUMMING itself doesn't seem to have the tinge or taint of badness in itself. the species reproduce using it, that's why the act itself is neutral, pure in a sense...

...and because it's inherently pure that IT MAKES THIS SEMEN RETENTION A HARD THING.

i easily can shake off other vices like rage, envy, sloth or the like, because they don't feel much like inherent part of me. add-ons, if u will. things that are more like 'external' and only pop when situations make me react,... but... CUMMING? FUCK. it's kinda hard. im born to FUCK and CUM. im not born to rage. to envy. to sloth around, these are not really truly me. but FUCKING feels purer and deeper than all those.

and thus i can see why trying to control it is more 'spiritual' in a sense than controlling the others.

im more than a month in,
and I STILL HAVE DESIRE TO FUCKING CUM. this battle doesnt fucking end....! but i have to do this. for myself and
>is having retentive sex with a loving woman, but lacking real love, considered a violation of SR
Yes, because you are just using her body to masturbate with. You either embark on a quest for celibacy or have sex with your wife. Having sex with a woman you have no feelings for is deeply cringe.
>she seems rather to masturbate and would go a long time without initiation
If that's true, then your love life isn't going to last long. The thing is, a married man is going to have a harder time doing SR than a single man, because he has obligations towards his wife and her need for physical intimacy. Be honest with her, say "I'm trying to abstain from sex for [up to however long, but I would say a maximum of 1 month, because any longer and your relationship runs the increased risk of falling apart] because I want to [whatever your reason for SR is, whether it be increased testosterone for weight lifting, mental clarity for introspection, etc.]". You still get some of the benefits after 2 weeks have passed, more after 3 weeks. I would hate to have an anon's marriage fall apart because he wanted to practice esotericism without realizing the difficulties associated.

Jeet worshippers deserve the rope. Fuck outta here.
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You just described my experience to the letter. Fuck. Recently had a partial relapse (edging once) after almost an entire year of celibacy. Now my counter is back to 38 days.
Lust is a vice, don't deceive yourself. I've often heard (and agree with) the three biggest downfalls of man are his lust, his desire to gamble, and his urge to indulge his anger more than necessary.
You can first cut back to your favourite porno and then cut it out
i can help you learn programming, i am not a master myself but i have some experience, and it is a good hobby, it would be great if you wouldnt need to stare at the screen and sit inside for hours

i am also doing sr and trying to break the porn addiction
oh wow thats nice, im trying to break my adderall addiction but it seems like its gonna intensify since im re-learning math from the very beginning
math is just a langauge, look at it as sentences and stuff,
if you are re learning math getting into programming will help you, something like python with matplotlib and jypiter notebook is super helpful
I don't count days or think about this type of stuff and I don't feel tempted as masturbation is simply something that doesn't exist as an option in my mind. I can browse this site and other places and see fan service, erotic or pornographic stuff but most of the time it goes over my head as I see it only as an image on a screen.
>all what u might say as vices often have this certain tinge of 'badness' to it
I understand what you mean. With cooming this badness is not overt, all of us here having been doing it for years and the lower state we were reduced to because of it became normal to us, we got used to it. Only when you stop can you begin to realize what you've been missing.
just do something else, empty hands work for the devil
if you are busy you wont have time to even think about porn or masturbation and over time you wouldnt even want to do it because of how much time you waste gooning
It's not a feminist show and you're an imbecile for calling it that + demonstrating that you've never seen it. It's a good show.
>Do not listen to me or follow my words,
I know, but man this really is affecting me. I know what you talk about and I honestly relate to everything you wrote. It feels so fucking hopeless to see someone that tried and.... idk it's really making me feel that I'm just wasting time too, but I have no real doubt that it's a sin and that this is just some sort of perversion.
Even though it does feel so close and almost "essential" to me in a way
>I fear I am becoming insane and lost to this
I also feel every day that I'm going to be lost to this. I do feel empty and alone and that my life is a waste. I also do think that if God told me that I could go back and live again as a woman from the beginning I wouldn't even doubt it. I don't think you're wrong in these feelings, just that... Transitioning really can't be the way... not to sound like the copypasta but it really can't make you have children, and if even normal people can tell the difference surely God can, and he made us how we are for a reason, even if it seems unexplainable or some sort of mistake.
>I think I'm going to break and stop fighting, there's nothing left of me if this fight continues, my soul feels empty
I really hope you can heal and rise above this anon... but its really starting to feel that there's no one that has, I'll be praying for you please pray for me
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>Wet dream earlier on Monday
>Experience the worst of streak stacking
>Want to jerk off to porn but at the same time in the middle of being creative in vidya games
Surely I'll make it to day 70 tomorrow... R-right ?
Saw this cool post yesterday - https://x.com/truthache68/status/1834665239293706676
I somehow came to this realisation a couple months ago from the spirituality side of it - but it's cool that media also portrays it as well.
Get a load of this gay little male feminist.
Quit aderall, check Ashwagandha out.
Try killing yourself. No one cares about your shilling. Stop spamming.
Lust is based if you use it correctly. Too much pussies in this world who waste their energy on their hands rather than fucking a living, breathing woman. To say lust is bad, is extremely jewish.
If you're still at the "labelling everything you despise as gay" stage, you're clearly not retaining enough son. You're not the cool kid you seem to want to portray to us.
You are a boomer balding bitch. Stay away from blabbering, ole man. Fuck your anime show and fuck you too, old ass motherfucker.
It's sad we can't have proper /srg/ threads without lonely bored kid.

Anyways, on day 10 or so I go to this restaurant with relative, that sexy waitress came to place us and I kind of naturally "take command" in a relaxed way, just to say where to place us and the like. No cap she lean on me and said something like "you're so chill that's sweet" (not in english, rough translation). Not my type but definitely "sexy", and at the same time I didn't really care like it was natural, but it was still that "cherry on top" feel good like "yeah, that's natural". This kind of things only happens when I retain btw, so weird.
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i miss the Long clean streak state so much bros..
Anon just stop masturbating and make love to your wife. Semen retention if for single men, not married or dating men. No fap no porn is for everyone. Men and Woman.
tried ashwagandha and it only made me more depressed
Modern science proves, masturbation reduces stress, prevents colon cancer. This victorian idea is about vital force a be life you mastarbats away your health you can go blind, get tumers, back nervous disorders retarded kids. This group drank poison mercury when I'll and hade a strong belief wigs would heat the brain and course insanity, funny shit. Sex should only be once a week and men should never see thair wife's nude, as wemon hade less vital force than men. You could fuck your wife blind, or course her to have cancer. Read the teachings of Elen G white. If you thing only a few people belive in vital forse, your wrong , the acult church Sevinth Day Adventist seventh largest church in the world. Teach vital force. Imagin your 12 and your afraid your going to go blind, and God is going to punish you fore masturbating.
jewish post, hide and disregard it brothers

remeber that the main creators of porn are jews, and they are doing it to corrupt you
holy shit your english is so shit i dont even know what you are trying to say
>colon cancer
the prostate cancer prevention is a myth and you couldn't even get that right anyway
6 weeks here lads.

1 year minimum target
>1 year minimum target
Based, same.
One thing I’ve realized on this journey, which I’m sure many if not most of you have also uncovered, is that one cannot get far in retaining without also meditating on or at the very least maintaining a positive outlook at all times. One iota of negativity or doubt and my streak is gone. But it has gotten easier to avoid porn or any sort of external stimuli when relapsing. This journey is lifelong and you’re only a “loser” if you give up.
Lust is by definition bad. Lust is an excessive sexual desire not rooted nature, i.e. reproduction. Sexual desire inherently is neutral, since it just is, but there can be a positive use of sexual desire (having children with the woman whom you love) versus negative use of sexual desire (masturbating or having unproductive sex with multiple women). Also, Jews owned the pornography industry, a well-oiled machine that exists to produce/profit off of lust, so being anti-lust is not Jewish but anti-Jewish.
At the moment that you're close to relapse, you tell yourself that it's out of your control or that you're being "forced" by your addiction. Actually, you're choosing to relapse because you want to cum, but you're telling yourself that you were forced so that you can look yourself in the mirror and still say that you hate cooming. Everyone wants to view himself as a fighter, nobody wants to say that he relapsed because he didn't want his goal strongly enough.

I was forced to notice this thought pattern in myself when I was on the verge of relapse and happened to think about the things I'd be giving up to coom (vital energy, time spent on other more important things). When I had those other things in mind, I realized that if I still wanted to coom, I'd have to actively say that I preferred cooming to achieving my goals. I couldn't do it. Nobody who wants to quit will ever consciously pick relapsing, we only relapse when we blame something outside ourselves for cooming, when really we should be recognizing that we CHOSE to relapse. When we put the blame on something outside of ourselves, we make those urges unconscious. And until you make the unconscious conscious, it will control your life and you will call it fate (Jung).

Just wanted to share in case it helps anyone. May we all be guided to the path of victory.
Fair enough, it might happens for some. I believe there might be non aderall solution through a combination of nutrition and some supplements though (maybe L-Tyrosine, which is a precursor to dopamine).
>"Modern science proves"
>Fails to provide citations.

It does not work like that pal.
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Nigga I don't understand a single thing you just typed, what the fuck
If you're disciplined and generally body-clean and aura-clean. The 6th Rite demands it.

That's because that rite is too powerful, and because you're increasing energy and the quality of said energy will affect you; and because if you don't, you either won't have enough energy to work with, or it will be dirty and will fuck you up in varying ways and degrees, maybe a little, maybe too much.

But most importantly, in the midst of your goals, one of a life of celibacy and overall purity must exist. That is, you have to want to do that.
still wondering
>failed 1 month streak
ITS OVER ITS TIME TO GOON 10 times since my prolactin spiked anyway
Marvelous comment anon. This cured my urges for the time being. Godspeed!
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The binge post relapse sadly inst rare.

To other anons, DO NOT DO IT. The more you relapse, the more you will take to heal.

If you relapse, try to figure out why did you do it and prepare to avoid that same mistake.
full moon got me bros
It's not even full yet lol
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>being a pussy after months of not masturbating

Are you both vegans? Last time i reached a long clean streak i felt like a man in a world of pussies.
Why the fuck does he cause wet dreams, is fucking with the oceans not enough for him?
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OP what do you think of the diet of this book?

Since you promote swami sivananda you probably follow his diet


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Did you know that in japan the phrase "hervibore men" is an insult?

Eat meat for peak benefits. Specially red fatty meats.
What are the /x/ explanations of during nofap you being more attractive to women, having more motivation and feeling more confident?

How can I use this energy? I can stop thinking about sex sex sex
If you only fail once after a month, you can recuperate in about three days and be back where you were.
But if you binge, it'll take another month or more to get back.
So don't binge.
Finishing day 13. It's been a dirty, dirty streak because I'm an idiot, but I'm feeling great irregardless. The most significant benefit I've felt is that I just ENJOY things more. I'm listening to my favorite music with the volume up, and it's BEAUTIFUL. We're all gonna make it. There's power in these balls.
Retard. You're supposed to cycle retention, the pipes are meant to be cleaned every once in a while. The sweet spot is 2-3 weeks, the longer you retain after this sweet spot, the worse it gets. Call me jewish rabbi whatever. Idc. This is the truth.

Lust isnt love tho. The bible broke this down perfectly.
Anyone has the meme of Enron and Issildur?
my balls hurt

>the /x/planation
i remember you. you are the tranime homosexual that can't stop talking about men with pussies.
>the pipes are meant to be cleaned every once in a while. the sweet spot is 2-3 weeks
So the average interval at which a wet dream can occur? So that means that masturbation serves no purpose in "clearing out the pipes" since your body will do that anyways in your sleep through a wet dream (assuming you aren't having instances where it's more frequent that once every 2 weeks, then it's probably because you are indulging lustful thoughts). It sounds to me like you are trying to work backwards to justify why you are allowing yourself to jerk once every few weeks rather than having learned an fact about a man's body.
Jewish rabbi.
lust being bad is a christian concept, jews are much more open to being freaky in the bedroom and experiencing lust (towards their wife) I've read this and heard this from jewish people
>lust being bad is a christian concept
Explain Buddhists, early Indo-Europeans polytheism, the Greeks, the (early) Romans, pagan Vikings, and the Aztecs.
I meant in modern times it's more of an ethos that pertains more to christians compared to jews.
wtf? kys.
>wet dreams 2 nights in a row
I've started starving myself when I relapse. My stupid mind wont win over my body!
be kinder to yourself, you've relapsed but the efforts you made weren't in vain.
I've been battling this for four years, since 2020. I've been addicted since 2012 I think. Have been wasting my seed since I hit puberty in 2005. Its over. The least I can do is starve the beast. I'm already weak and skinny anyways, it wont matter. None of this matters.
>Lust is based if you use it correctly.
Nothing good ever comes from lusting. Much like anger. Only when you can transmute those energies into something creative can they be useful. But those types of energy are really instinct base level survival programs preinstalled into your hardware. It's up to you to overcome those
if someone makes a new thread remember to use the whole copypasta from last thread
Is ass play okay if you don't come out your penis?
just stop going online you stupid fucking faggot.
>muhhh id rather be a woman than a man
Not how this shit works. But hey, it's probably your fathers fault unironically. Tough it out.
Significant Drops in IQ Scores Are Noted

doesnt work
> imagine if a chaste monk after like 80 years, he could probably destroy a country.
There are stories of Orthodox monks jumping over mountains
Ignore trans posters. They’re just trying to get attention or troll.
>The more spiritual warfare there is, the bigger the blessing.
The more spiritual warfare there is, the bigger the blessing.
>The more spiritual warfare there is, the bigger the blessing.
The more spiritual warfare there is, the bigger the blessing.
The last few days have been nothing but U R G E S which is annoying. The last 60+ days there's been almost no desire to masturbate, but now for the last week they just come up for a short time, then disappear.
The fun part is: I DO like my energy, my clear headedness (majority of the time, right now it's animal mode), but apparently this is dangerous in the spirit - or my body is undisciplined, and is currently acting out.
I'm tired of it bros, but I know that I'm so close to a break through.
Do you have links? They sound like my kind of stories.
Do i reset my streak after a wet dream?
>"please give me permission to coom"
Weak minded NPC
No, there is not such things a straight counter anyways. If you're really that dependant of a number tight to a set of rules, keep N counters in parallel, for example :
> days since last relapse
> days since last edging
> days since last PMO session
> days since last strawberry milk sausage party

Well, you get it.
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Wet dreams don't count because they're involuntary.
Fellow retentioners. Any way to get rid of WD's. At this point i am not even dreaming when it happens, i just understand that i am going to cum and i stop it (like edging), still some precum and cum gets out .Any advice?
dont eat before bedtime
This Jotakak shipper slop makes me not want to fap anymore.
Are you fucking retarded? I just had my first wet dream in my life and my streak was only 60 days and im asking if i need to go from day one cause i feel like shit

yeah but what about the fucking nutrients and energy lost.
love you all brothers, we are all going to make it
I just comment to end this parody of a thread and have a proper /srg/ thread going on.

There is no linearity to this stuff so sure, "reset" your counter if you want, but he's more important than you're on the path that just looking at a number, some could justify binge-relapsing to porn or by themselves just because "muh wetdream reset", when it's involuntary. So like anon said just use two counter: one since the beginning and one since the last "involuntary relapse". But you do you.
>but he's more important than you're on the path that just looking at a number
*but it's more important to be on the path than just

My brain fucking died or something.
Keep a counter for "how long since I last masturbated" and then keep a separate counter for "time since last ejaculated". The first counter should be the primary one you focus on and try to maintain, since masturbation is harmful. The second counter is just for tracking wet dreams, but don't beat yourself up too bad if it gets reset, since otherwise that might make you want to say "oh, I had an involuntary wet dream or I woke up with jizz in my underwear despite not remembering the dream, i might as well relapse".
Thank you anon.
Try and avoid drinking a lot of water before bed, and try not to indulge in sexual fantasies either. Don't edge at all.
>no wet dream for months
>Take b vitamins for the first time in a while
>Wet dream the next night
Wtf man
Sometimes it happens even if i fast , 3rd or 4th day of fasting but thanks from now on i will sleep 4 hours after dinner
Bingo, i think its the water. Thanks anon. Also i dont edge (used wrong word in my last post) , only when wd happens i stop full ejaculation . Also wich diet u believe is better ? Thanks in advance
in my case it was just eating a lot of protein before bed
Vitakin c makes me feel like shit and ill
Makes me really wonder if vitamins and otther supplements are really good for us.
I think water, much protein,cheese and milk before bed cause WDs
If you're taking straight ascorbic acid the acidity might be messing you up. I take calcium ascorbate powder cause it's neutral and has no additives.
someone make a new thread!!!! with the full copypasta (i would do it myself but i dont have any pictures saved)

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