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/x/ - Paranormal

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Okay, has anyone heard of Century City? My cousin sent me a wild website that connected the Illuminati with Hollywood, Flouride Water and 9/11 --everything--all through Century City in Los Angeles.

Seems like it checks out. Almost too obvious once you see it. Like a magic art picture.

long story short: the Illuminati HQ used to be in Pittsburgh during the Industrial Revolution (the steel city).

The information age was next so they needed a place to make media. Los Angeles. So the Pittsburgh-based Aluminium Company of America (Alcoa who also produces fluoride) built Century City by using the master mason who built the twin towers. In fact, there is a set of twin towers in Century City nearly identical to the 9/11 ones. Except this one was blown up at the end of Fight Club, the movie.

What do you guys think? Pretty spooky or am I off base? Or everyone knew this already? Old news? Or is this a huge break in the case....

Nope the Illuminati is not real stop looking
Yeah, sure it's just a random chance there's a pyramid with an eye in the middle of CAA's courtyard.
Hadn't heard of this. Might check it out.
Oh look.... they did the thing again.
it isnt its called jews dumb fuck
>Verification not required.
>it’s the jooooos guys stop looking
every time
All right, so what did you think? Crazy or just so crazy that it's real?

For me, seems hard to ignore. Double pair of twin towers? Reagan palace? All in one city?

What the fuck.
Seems real.
But who cares?
The time of the "Illuminati" is already past.

In the past? Century City aint a ghost town. It's growing. Did a little research and they built another set of twin towers just a year or two ago behind the hotel (which forms the eyebrow for the eye-shaped street fountain).

Predictive programming. Subliminal messaging. Subversive media.

And they're laughing in our face. /shrug?

Who says their time is done?
>Who says their time is done?
The Times.
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Messing around on that site some more. Looks like all the info was pulled from some book. Save the Cat, Save the World.

Book was posted on 9/11. Right around the time Trump is talking about saving the cats in Ohio.

Something there? Or coincidence?
It's them, that's for sure
Okay. I’m sold.

Anyone start reading the book? Had no idea the nazis were killing the cats. Now trump is saving them. Fucking weird.
>Illuminati confirmed legit?
Yeah, legit retarded
The Vatican has been increasing the number of exorcists out there.
All the streets being named after celestial bodies is a bit on the nose, no?

Someone packe David Icke!
Yooooooo. Found this on the book from the century city website. Is this loss????
Lol... I checked out the site and the book.... what in the fuck did I read?

This "Super Jesus Project" reminds me very much of the Nobody archetype and GATE programs combined.

how so?

PS this image from the book goes hard
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Okay. But I think I would go to war for this cat. Tell me I’m wrong.

>save the cat, save the world.
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Yeah this whole Super Jesus / Saving Cats thing is kinda freaking me out, considering the other synchronicities going on w me.
Forgive me, but what do you have in synchronicity with The Super Jesus Project?

You Jesus?

>save the cat, save the world!
ARG? These are ai generated.
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>You Jesus?
I'd be crucified by now if so. Then again...
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Chat, is this real? The elites look like this?

>save the cat, save the world.
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This got me dead. Who wouldn’t want a cold glass of fluoride from your local aluminum company???
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All right. Admittedly, this is a reach. Save the cat got me thinking:

Egyptians worshipped cats. People are currently trying to exterminate the cats. Trump trying to save the cats. People who own cats proven to live longer....

>“A Metatron’s cube transforms the atoms within the beam into the atoms of another
dimension, allowing them to cross the veil between universes, which the cats call the ‘Heavy
Side Layer.’ Think of it as a phaser beam, not a laser beam.” Margot laughed to herself.
>“And where am I being transported to, exactly?”
>“To the cats’ dimension. Beyond Orion’s belt.”
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Well, so far it is a pretty terrible book. Very millennial cringe, i will keep pushing through it, but it is bad.
hollywood us the propaganda wing of the us government.
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'save the cat' is a famous screenwriting book.

Give us the wiki summary version, if you could be so kind. Much appreciated!


Lizard men. Not my favorite flavor of Illuminati. But oh well.
Call me a millennial I guess (I am), but I’ve enjoyed it. Though this all smells like some sort of psy op. No?

>save the cat, save the world

Found the fed. Probably doesn’t even want to save the car
century city
33 degrees

Not the save the cat spoilers :(
CAA building is known as the Death Star. Star Wars was produced in Century City.

Secondary sources boys

That's actually mental
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You mean metal?
As a ravens fan, can confirm every aspect of the Pittsburgh problem


I giggle at this. No such things as coincidence. I'm beginning to believe that Trump actually thinks he has power and can change world. He is so predictable that they can write scripts around his reactions. He is an unknowing agent, fricken pottery!

But stop thinking like a Westerner, think global. One hq is not THE hq.l, which is clearly in Antarctica.

The save the cat book seems to share your conclusion. I was doing some ctrl+f around and toward the end it describes the Illuminati set up by disciple. Like war, politics, entertainment.

Century city must be for entertainment.

So what’s Antarctica for?
Can't believe I'm saying this........ but I think we're onto something about the cats.

Predictive programming: Men in Black.

>Bugs/Lizards from space hiding in human skin.
>Climax of the movie is saving a cat
>Cat is named orion who protects a galaxy
>Mind erasing the public once they know

Sounds stupid and yet.......I bet you "forgot" all about this, didn't you?
I started reading a couple days ago, about half way done, actually kinda love it. Gotta be a little patient and let the momentum build but there's some solid writing in there. Lotta dry wit, weaves a bunch of plausible conspiracies together. Right up my alley, had no idea about Century City. I'm sold.
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GTFO. What next? You going to tell me Josie and the Pussycats is about the Entertainment Industrial Complex? Retard.
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It was

This is fine pull, sir. a fine pull.

Let's keep it rolling.

>Cat from the Matrix
>Black cat.
>Signals deja vu
>foretells death of a character (mouse).
>Masonic checkered floor.
>check mate

Who else got one?
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Alien. The cat won out over humans and the alien. Maybe the cat was the alien we met along the way…..
Published on 9/11???

>I'm sure it's nothing!
"I too like to live dangerously."

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Smart catch. The cat book got 33 chapters. Also the 17th (Q number) chapter has a black mass.
Any one else see Under the Silver Lake?

Seeing a lot of connections between this and that. Secret societies. Los Angeles. Jesus as a pop figure.

Instead of save the cat, it's beware the owl lady.
Twin towers (9/11). Twin towers in Century City. Can't be a coincidence. What's the significance?

Could it be a nod to the free mason columns? Any mason experts out there?

Going to really blow your mind to know the same guy designed both twin towers. One set at the financial capital of the world, the other in the entertainment capital.
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They need to exorcise themselves.Mirror half of the image and tell me what you see.
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Seems like a good opportunity to mention that the Cat which is integral to saving the world in the first Men In Black movie is called Orion.
Mb, didn’t read far enough down before posting about the MIB cat.

As an anecdotal side though, we have a running joke in my house because whenever we talk anything /x/ related out loud (Mandela Effects, aliens and other shit) my cat starts acting really fucking weird and distracting like she’s trying to stop us from talking about it. I like to think she’s protecting us.

You should probably read the book. It’s almost as if this is exactly what it’s talking about :3

>save the cat, save the world
what the fuck do you get out of samefagging a whole this hard? just stop
Nobody wants to read your shitty book faggot
I miss the ip counter. Having no id here is bad but having no ip counter is a disaster.
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Can’t forget this guy.

>Egyptians worshipped cats
>lion king of jungle
>christian book turns god to lion
>trump identifies with lion.

Pretty neat trick.
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Oh. Forgot one other. Cheshire Cat. Alice in wonderland. Follow the white rabbit.

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