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/x/ - Paranormal

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>Load your chart [EXACT BIRTH TIME]

>Additional Resources:
https://sevenstarsastrology.com/ - methods
https://astrologyking.com/ - aspects
https://www.skyscript.co.uk/ - general
Trying to do something fun this time instead of just the same charts posted over & over again.

Question of thread - how do you see yourself?

previous >>38777405
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L 7, 14 Jan. 1976, 3:37 pm, St Eustache, QU (CAN)

Sun in Capricorn
Moon in Gemini
Ascendant in Cancer 13°02'
i see that you are ascendant in cancer, that means you are going to have cancer

You are my least favorite poster.
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Point 1: The Thinning of the Veil!
Between September and December, we will be living through a time of 2 'Friday the 13ths'
Anyone got a clue what this means?

Point 2: Another moon incoming!
Ingo Swann used to preach about these things- how cemented astrology was not enough. Solar movements and giant celestial bodies provide ever changing variables in the affected Cosmiognomy.
Any ideas how this will change things?
Interesting. I suppose things might get a little bit more "lunar" for a while.
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I would be highly grateful if someone would do a reading for me.
Stop. Delete this part of the OP
> Trying to do something fun this time instead of just the same charts posted over & over again.

That was for ONE thread and it’s annoying and cringe that you keep trying to act like you wrote it or are doing anything interesting. Asking vague stupid fucking questions. Don’t use my words if you’re not going to ask legitimate questions, games or make the thread interesting. Why is it so hard for any of you to have an original idea
>hOw dO yOu sEE yOursElf

no one cared about the game q’s or talking about astrology anyway. So it’s ironic that the OP asked this bc these threads are strictly for people wanting to be told about themselves or talk about themselves. none of them give a shit about astrology so putting in effort to have fun is just as cringe
>no one cared about the game q’s or talking about astrology anyway.
I did, but sadly almost nobody in these threads ever care to discuss topics, or answer questions, and that's probably due to the sheer lack of Astrologers who actually know what they're doing, and have a healthy appreciation for the topic; which I can only attribute to the all dipshits who just post their chart and say "how fucked am I", that clog up the threads.
And at least the games provided a means for idiots like me to apply some amount of praxis to my study. I thoroughly appreciated them.
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How fucked am I? I dare all of you to read my chart. Every person who has read my chart, has been shocked over the fact they've never seen something close to mine. Only few people could unravel my chart stats, I dare you to be the next and prove yourself worthy of being an astrologer.
you’re lucky Venus in Pisces trines Mars and the Moon in Scorpio

Scorpio Moon is rough, and it’s conjunct a really strong Mars. it’s a night chart so at least Mars is more constructive and less of a negative influence

the Moon/Mars configuration also squares Mercury. how was your upbringing and do you have any issues with your mother? sun in cap - absent father?
This isn’t paranormal, this is basically a religion based on pseudoscience, doesn’t belong on this board. Most of these threads are fucking nonsense.
This board is supposed to be about the discussion of paranormal experiences but instead it’s just a containment board for schizos, religious/spiritual people, and insane conspiracy theories.
astrology threads have been on this board for years. just stay out if you have a problem with it
Just had my first child a couple days ago. He's a boy. I wanted to post his chart here and ask if any friendly Anons could give me some pointers to help me raise him right. Thanks in advance!
I feel like I could be as exalted and high as the clouds above my head, but most of the time I am like the dirt that is beneath my feet. I desire and crave both things. Most of all I wish I could be a thousand different things but in the end I am only myself. I despise all limitations.
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what can anons tell me about myself?
I am moving away just before christmas with my gf to her home country for a year. I'm having doubts though i'm staying hopeful.
Perhaps I do not know what I am looking for in a reading of this chart...
how long have you been together?
You sound stupid.
>”strong mars”
Explain how mars is strong or weak
lmfao why do you retards always lie about stuff like this?? no one has EVER been “shocked” by your chart or told you any such thing. there’s literally nothing in your chart that’s out of the ordinary or interesting. i don’t understand what you dumb fucks think is going to happen when you say this. we all read charts and have for years, do you think that just because you lie and say you have an interesting chart that we would agree?? when we can see it with our own eyes? so tired of seeing this stupid claim
Do you want me to be honest? Or do you want to let him live his life. Very problematic situation in the fourth house.
Uh because it's in domicile?

I don't see the problem. Libra Venus in the 4th house is fine, good even
I prefer honesty. I want to be prepared to help in any way I can. I accept what I cannot change.
I think he may be connoting Lilith and SN in the 4th towards potentially hard home life. There will be a pull on him from a young age to put up his share, and maybe more, of the responsibilities of the household. Because of this he may not feel comfortable at home; the classic dark rebellious nature of a teen. There could be darker aspect to this, but a his greater benefic being co-present in her domicile should lessen the potential for a truly negative outcome. But I also don't really know what I'm talking about, so your mileage may vary.

I'm also curious about how that Aries Chiron in the tenth plays out, especially given it shares a house with the NN, and Mars conjuncts the ascendant.
How am I doing for the eclipse on the 17th?
That’s not at all what Lilith implies but yes Lilith is the problem in the 4th.
Hmm I'm a Capricorn father with a lot Saturnian influence I'm my chart. I could understand if my stern leadership style could feel cold or callous but Saturn has taught me many great lessons in my life and I definitely want to pass that on to him. His mother is a Cancer so I'm hoping she can help provide the warmth that I know is also necessary.
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Insight pls
Are you talking about how he may grow to view his family as his enemies in life, because I certainly alluded to it (just lightly), or are you talking about the implication for worse abuse by the father, and family as a whole? You could elaborate, I would appreciate it.
Anyone wanna take a stab at my chart? It's my birthday lol

I can read your chart in return, have been doing astrology for a few years and kind of know what I'm talking about
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An astrology hobbyist girl I know in real life looked at this chart and just went "oh, of course, it makes sense" and to this day refuses to elaborate on what they meant by it.
I like to study up on this stuff on the occasion but today I thought I would post this and see if anyone gets something cool/weird about it.

What I'm mostly curious about is if there's meaning to having many planets in Capricorn
>those houses
fuckin lmao. placidus is different kind of animal
What jumps out to me:

• Mars, Venus, and Neptune conjunct in the first whole sign house. Mars - Neptune aspects are a red flag for some

• Retrograde Saturn, debilitated in Aries, conjunct the Moon in the 4th. I'm an Aries moon too from the post above yours, but can't imagine having Saturn on top of it. Aries moons tend not to hold grudges and get over things quickly, but I wonder if you might repress emotions with Saturn or there's something blocking the expression. Or you've had to act tough or older than your years in life? Us Aries Moons like to be independent and self-sufficient, but might be to an extreme in your case with all the Cap too

• Sun in the 12th - loner, into esoteric subjects, should channel energy into helping others
Interesting, thank you for your time!

I do get over things really quickly, and indeed I have been described as old minded since childhood. It's a joke among my friends how I act old sometimes but I was blessed with a eternally young looking face...
We would have a quite nice synastry going on.
Whats your experience (as a girl) having Aries Moon?
Nice! I actually like having Aries moon, it balances out all the Libra energy. I kind of oscillate between being extremely blunt and overly diplomatic because of the Moon/Merc opposition though.

When it comes to expressing emotions, I'm the opposite of passive aggressive and like to get things out in the open right away. Can catch people off guard at first but they usually come to like it. My needs are simple and I don't need much to get by.

I have like no water in my chart so some people read me as tom-boyish or like more logical than emotional.
How has that Pluto conjunct chiron in your first played out for you? Do you have deep-seeded self-image issues and a constant need to reinvent yourself, because of it? Has Jupiter had much of positive role in that as well?
I mentioned some of what I think might be linked to it in the last thread, but didn't touch on the transformation side as much. I have had to reinvent myself + my identity multiple times and heal from a lot of shit. It feels normal to me but I forget maybe it isn't. Have done a lot of psychedelics

But yes, I think Jupiter helps provide an outlet (and the aspect is almost exact). When I've read about Jupiter opposite Pluto, war generals, political figures, etc are mentioned. I do have really strong opinions about social reform / ideas that don't really gel with the collective

Chiron opposite Jupiter - idk if this means I've experienced deep wounds to my sense of self (1st house) but also have the capacity to heal and help others heal - given that Jupiter also trines Mercury pretty exactly.
>I do have really strong opinions about social reform / ideas that don't really gel with the collective
care to share a few?
not trying to start an ideological debate, but I have a lot of marxist views lol

maybe some of my other takes aren't as idiosyncratic as I made them out to be but:

our society is deeply sick. I want to live on a commune where my work directly benefits the community, or just live off grid with my future family, grow my own food, and homeschool my kids

antidepressants are being passed out to the youth like candy so they can be good workers, the root cause doesn't matter, therapists are scam artists / protectors of capital. our conception of depression is wrong

most people (w/o serious mental conditions) should take shrooms/LSD at least once. and almost everyone should make art in some form
Mars conjunct Ascendant in Cancer. In a child & well into adulthood this will translate into outward displays of anger, which in the long run is probably better than having it suppressed eventually causing a snap. This can mean public displays of emotion, outbursts in public, people will find him generally emotional. Cancer is emotion, Mars is anger. However this placement also makes him brave, courageous, and prone to accidents. He will be driven by his feelings rather than logic, wears his heart on his sleeve. In the beginning of his life you’ll have to manage these outbursts and be ready for public humiliation. Especially when Mars returns (terrible twos). To soothe him, again, he responds to emotion, so where some people may let their baby “cry it out” or ignore them, your baby would be better consoled by nurture, love, hugs, reminders that you love him. Explaining to him as he gets older how it makes people FEEL when he acts a certain way. He will naturally understand empathy. His Mars is also sextile Mercury, meaning verbal affirmations again are how to get through to him.

Chiron in the 10th, cares entirely too much what other people think. The NN is also here. He will be uncomfortable with being perceived, he will often change his interests and ideas to please his peers before he enters adulthood and comes to his own.

The most concerning is the 4th house Lilith. Often shows up in the charts of people who were sexually abused as a child. That’s the worst case scenario. Either way, it represents simultaneously a controlling parent, there is a dark energy surrounding the home life. Lilith rules lust, dominance. If there is a family member like a grandparent or uncle that you are already suspicious of, trust your gut instinct. Also you may not like to hear this but Lilith in the 4th also represents the mother, or otherwise the bloodline of the mother. The child is likely born out of wedlock and will have a grandmother of particular importance
These are literally what every zoomer in the world thinks and feels. You know that right?
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Based kitebro. I dunno why everyone else gets to have crazy lines and we just have drawings of kites with a weird line off to the side. Are you my evil twin?
I mentioned that in the comment. By no means do any of those statements feel super original or groundbreaking, I've thought them for years. But there could be a mixed crowd here, not everyone is a zoomer, and society IS still very much against that stuff

I feel like people in my generation state those things but continue living their consoomerist wageslave lives, not in accordance with those values
I try to be a good guy, would rather use the term morally ambiguous.
We were born at very specific times I suppose, everyone is destined to be something, we were destined to be homosexual mentally but not physically.
Can someone tell me what stands out to them about this birth chart? The person in question is maddening to try to understand
Oh fuck didn't post pic
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Neptune enters Aries end of March next year. The last time Neptune entered into a fire sign was 1970. Any predictions for the decade that will follow?

• Uranus in house 1 - strange appearance or come off as eccentric and forward thinking

• 2nd house Venus in Virgo - you can be too picky or critical towards partners, you care about money and your possessions. could indicate spouse has money or you like wealthy women? (idk) my dad has Venus in Virgo and channels it into acts of service and helping others which is a good manifestation of the placement.

• 4th house Sun/Mars/Neptune in Scorpio - how does this manifest? I could see your identity being closely tied to your family and home, and you work to improve your home. other people's perception of your ego and will is foggy. possessive streak?

• Mercury, Jupiter and Moon conjunction in Sag. I have Mercury/Jupiter as well, and you're probably smart and learn quickly, can digest lots of information. Mercury in Sag can lack tact and come off a bit dogmatic sometimes, but your thinking is expansive. focus is broad rather than on details (aside from virgo placement). philosophical probably

• 6th house Saturn - day to day work or health problems

• Chiron in 7th house - hurt by a close romantic partner, or not having one?
sorry this reading was a bit lazy and for some reason I didn't realize it wasn't your chart

with the 6th house saturn thing, may have just needed to develop discipline at work or with health stuff, because saturn is at least in domicile. not necessarily bad

7th house chiron could also have been pain as a result of a business partnership, not just romantic partner

did he ever work in a tech field or invent stuff?
Any ideas of what the incoming eclipse in 2/3 days will do to those who are affected?
Well I suppose it's not hard to see you're a stick in the mud.
>Trying to do something fun this time instead of just the same charts posted over & over again.
This applies to every single one astro thread. If you dont like it, just hide the thread or head for r/astrology
elvis presley + his death

always some kind of nodal involvement
but i do think it’s funny that they say no drugs were involved

>north node conjunct natal mars
mars — arteries, blood
pluto also here, death
10th — public image

>neptune conjunct ascendant
lies and deceit revolving the cause of death
opposite lilith/lilith conjunct descendant

saturn/sun/lilith/8th house

No, it doesn’t. It applied to one astro thread and this person is too lazy to remove it AND thinks that asking “what do you think about yourself” is equivalent to “fun” and interesting. At least follow the trend and theme of the original thread it was posted in if you’re not going to remove it.
Hello. Is there someone here versed in horary astrology?
I have a question and a chart, but I'm not sure how to interpret it, if someone can help it would be very good.
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I would really appreciate help from someone who is good with transits (I am just beginning to learn them). What would be a good time to begin a new schedule and change some health related habits? Was thinking 22nd of September so that Mars will be precisely conjunct with natal Moon (and Jupiter still only 1 degree from perfect square with Midheaven). Please tell me if I'm missing something, or if there is a better day. Thank you in advance.
You have the craziest chart I've ever seen
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I'd love a reading if anyone is able to decipher this and not be the usual overly positive
Explain? I'm scared now
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first time doing a reading here
You’re giving them out?
I'd love a read
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worded that wrong i have no idea how to do a reading i want a reading
Can someone please read my chart?
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Please elaborate. Someone else was surprised by it too, but they wouldn't say why.
I'm still fairly new to astrology, but your chart looks cool to me. You have a really well placed stellium for becoming rich and famous if you want to.
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New to this, what the fuck does this mean? Could get it down to the hour but don’t know the minute.
Were you ever a gang member?
Wtf are you talking about
then this isn’t an accurate chart sorry
can’t say I was though that life sounds fun. How are you supposed to know what minute you’re born? Do you guys just have your birth certificates lying around or really autistic parents?
I have a different question, I posted my chart multiple times and I keep getting replies if I have daddy issues. My relationship with my dad is nice, even though he has flaws. But he’s a hilarious person!
If your parents dont remember the exact time you were born it probably didnt mean very much to them :(
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What are some good sources on explanations of these? I've tried reading up on it and on occasion I'll listen to a podcast that says like someone's chart has like an archetypal pattern
Can a fellow astrologer answer my questions? I've been studying, and I'd rather not post other people's charts, but I have some questions about people with an unhealthy obsession with love. I've noticed that they tend to have 7th house placements. Obviously I don't intend to believe that just having placements here means that they're fucked entirely, so what are some other things to look for? How do I help these people to heal?
Further notes are needed. I'm mostly interested in this gal I know with her 7th's ruler (Moon) in Aquarius on the anaretic degree, but both her and this other guy have mars and venus respectively in opposition to jupiter, and both have venus in the 7th. As someone who also has Jupiter in opposition to Venus this is interesting to me, as I feel like I have an unhealthy relationship to love as well.

I feel like we have good intentions, but that some aspect of the Jupiter(?) gets in way of love.

I guess what I'm asking for is if anyone knows how to fix whatever these kinds of oppositions mean, because I'm noticing that the cause is different, but that it takes on the themes of the Jupiter so far.

I have issues with love because I have strong views of right and wrong (Jupiter in Libra) and my sense of justice can get in the way of love for instance. I've been told that I can't see the other person's point of view, but from my perspective, and from many other people I've asked about it, I'm usually in the right.

In other words, my heart and actions are utterly unclouded, they are all those of justice.

I also have a lot of issues where the other person is being very unfair to me, or that's atleast how it feels.
What do you mean by unhealthy obsession with love?
Obsession with love, but things keep fucking up somehow.
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Is there a playlist for Saturn? As a saturnian white man I want to listen to melancholic, deep songs resonating with my soul. He taught me the courage of stars, how light carries endlessly even after death. Discipline and courage, being a brave man thriving in chaos and dark times. With my shortness of breath I beg Saturn to have mercy on me; the coldness of the planet forged a stoic mindset in my life, no matter how hard is the obstacle, or how many opponents I have in front of me. After all, I learned how to handle the shittiest experiences of this life.
Your natal sidereal Aquarius Saturn tighly trines my Descendant and creates/completes a synastry Descendant Grand Trine with my natal Sirius Moon in the 9th house.
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I've been thinking lately... Pluto left Aquarius and is in Capricorn now, retrograde. Those who run this society want babies dead. The answer is that we're heading towards the Age of Aquarius and there will be an entire generation of rebellious and individualist children trying to make a change or long-lasting impact in the world. The current situation in the USA elections is concerning because Kamala Harris is gaining more popularity and Trump is losing its inherent shine.
Pluto in Aquarius children will defy Bill Gates, the vaccines, the climate change and clear up the concepts that have been infesting the collective mind these last years. The poisonous culture of feminists, the left and all of those subhuman hedonists aiming to destroy this society and the world in its entirety. It will be a masculine-oriented paradigm emerging from the individualistic traits of the human beings. First escaping from the shadows of the collective consciousness and then claiming rights for the inherent repression of traits that have been destroying society.

>"Jung’s prediction has come true. The anima is certainly present, but it is presented to us in shadow, or in some cases as a possession: radical SWJ’s which claim to act solely out of compassion, militant feminists who declare the existence of a patriarchy and vow to bring it down and those people who want to police speech /actions to defend or protect the people they consider to be in harm's way. Who knows where the over-protective mother will take us? "

How are we gonna cope with this, astrobros?
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Wat means?
You will be dead before it’s ever the Age of Aquarius. What is with the weird obsession? The ego among your generation is out of control. You all want to feel special so bad.
Why are Virgos so powerful?
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Tell me about myself bros. what stands out in my chart? Aquarius sun capricorn moon is hard... and saturn in aries

consistently the dumbest sign
You're minimizing the actions of elites and their inherent need to reduce society because they hate competition. They're aware of the Pluto in Aquarius transit and it's an undeniable fact it will bring an entire generation of revolutionary children. Nice try though.
You have blood in your hands. You're supporting the murder of thousands if not millions of babies in the world. This is a concerning problem and people like you think they're smarter for being contrarians.

You're not that different from vaxxies. Same vibes.
Pluto in Aquarius is not the Age of Aquarius. I’m not going to entertain this conversation you’re too retarded to have an opinion.
And you're accomplice in this social crime called Western world. Rewards feminazis with the propagation of their poisonous ideologies. I have nothing to discuss with someone lacking on empathy.
Here I'll give you guys something as payment. Shakespeare's plays are coded to the Zodiac. Romeo and Juliet is Gemini. Macbeth is Aries. King Lear is Capricorn. Merchant of Venice is Virgo. Hamlet is Aquarius. Midsummers is Cancer (the moon, get it?). The Tempest is Pisces. These are all fairly in depth in the symbolism they use as well. "Two houses, both alike in dignity" is talking about Gemini for example. That is why the plays constantly talk about the stars
Guys I need some advice, I made a deal with basically a powerful ancient entity which used to be a warrior ancestor, I called to him and saw him and he jumped into my body.
I basically made a deal where he can have my body (pause), under the condition he helps me out in my fighting career to get me to the top (also at the cost of my long term health)
What advice could you give me based on my chart >>38832091

I need advice from experienced magicians on how to ride this thing out based on traits which I cannot myself suss out as some things remain in the subconscious level even to the most organized psyches.
Are you fucking retarded
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Cry about it.
I want all of you to legitimately kill yourselves or get a job. Like i genuinely can’t believe that weird idiots like you even exist. “a REAL magician” like either you’re 14 years old or live in your moms basement and never leave. Magic isn’t real, you know it isn’t real, you’re just fucking dumb and performative
your socks will be wet tonight
Cope and dilate schizo cat lady.
it's so annoying when threads get derailed like this. the quality of these threads has decreased significantly. why is everyone so angry or just using this thread to schizo-post?

a couple years ago there was a guy who was really into traditional astrology and gave amazing readings that taught me a lot about the subject, even when it was other people's charts. what happened to that guy?

it doesn't help (as someone who reads charts here occasionally) how people don't even respond to readings. it's actually baffling to me and it's probably the #1 reason charts don't get read anymore. if you can't even respond, DON'T POST YOUR CHART.

even if a reading is wrong in some way, you should tell the astrologer so they can improve. there are a lot of ways placements can manifest, and posters often don't give readers anything to go off of
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I think that is a symptom of the elections pumping up botnets to a 100%, you need to filter a good 60% of the /x/ catalogue at the moment to browse the quality content.
The derailer in thread argues like a retard AI, feds are way more venomous
for real. these posters can't even stay on topic, and it's a broad subject.

astrology is a science and has objective qualities. you can't just ascribe your fringe ideologies to pluto in aquarius like it means something. that one is probably a bot lmfao

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