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Welcome to Divination General!

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Previous thread: >>38814718
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Does he know he fucked up and there's no chance we'll ever get back together?
Will I ever have a girl of my own race/ethnicity? I keep getting that my next gf will be of a different ethnicity than mine, but I don't really care about girls from a different ethnicity than my own. It makes me feel broken to think that it's not possible for me to attract anyone who is not from my own race.
We told you he's a cheating piece of shit but you bitches love your bad boys so freaking much you never listen.

That's what you get for being a basic bitch.
what does he feel for the slav girl?
Will I receive a job offer by the end of october ? starting
6 of swords, page of swords, death (5 of cups), 8 of pentacles
it's tending towards a yes, you get it for come as a person capable of learning how to solve things or for being quite fast to think and come with proposals. I think once you get into it, you will feel a bit disappointed, like you would have liked to skip it for certain things you could accept in the moment, so be honest about your dealbreakers if anything. It still shows, you'll be working at least for a time, even things look rocky at the begining
Huh? He didnt cheat dude. This is my first time asking this too? What are you on about? Could I please just get a reading
ignore them, its a troll
Bumping my q because of some trollposter
Nine of Swords R
Four of Wands
Ace of Coins
He feels like he can really get over past hurts with them and move forward, a happy future and good opportunities for life.
how will my life change in the next 6 months?
10 of cups, king of pents, 4 of pents, 6 of swords
yeah he know he messed things up, but now he is in acceptance phase and it feels like he is closing the cycle being grateful for the experience, and really valuing your company for that period of time, like he is not being petty, just nice, he also knows that his actions make him to step on the ground and now he just have to deal with it, he seems to trying to think less on you, by doing other stuff, or doing less actions towards you, since he knows that will lead him to move on and pass the page

he cares enough to treassure your hisotry together, that's what comes srongly, but he also knows it is time to just pass the page
thank you
hey wait dont just run off LOL what's your query?
Thanks. I'm glad we can both move on. Is there a chance for platonic friendship do you think, or would that still result in dwelling on the past too much and not moving on?
>>death rx, queen of wands, 2 of cups, justice rx, 9 of wands rx, 10 of cups
It actually looks like you will be stuck for a while, possibly due to a romantic interest that is not leading anywhere or something else of a great interest to you that will keep you occupied, like a hobbie or interesting subject where won't see a major progess despite how much time you dedícate to it. After a while it seems like you will realize this intestest is not doing you any good and once you will drop it you will start to see improvements in your life.
i decline this energy but whats your query, im no tradecuck
Sorry, I'm drunk. I don't have a query. I justo wanted to do a reading. I hope the cards can at least give you some clarity about your query.

He wasn't who I was supposed to meet, isn't it? What message should I keep from everything that happened Friday Night?

How does she feel about our relationship despite recent conversations?
Taking a couple of readings.
Post your query according to what is written below.
>NO "what does (love interest) think about me".
>NO "when sex".
Yes to everything else!

>Pay me with a picture that has a significant emotional meaning to you. Don't skimp. If you can't think of one, come back when you have it.
>Provide a name or alias for yourself and all people involved, and context where needed.
>If occult themed, names of entities involved would help too, if available.
>No personal journey queries either, figure yourself out!
>Feedback welcome whether positive or negative.
I am R. I am moving back to the town where i went to high school for a few years because i got expelled from university

starting again at a new university, new start, leaving my family behind

can you tell me how my year is going to look like next year? Pls tell me if this counts as a personal journey query ill find another query

Could you please provide me some guidance about this query? >>38824492

Any insight would be very much appreciated, I need some sort of wiser help to be able to truly figure out this one out with enough clarity. Sorry in advance if my energy feels a bit off, I'm still anxious because the whole deal brought back a few bad memories that still linger around my mind.

>Alias: Shimmer (female, me), Copycat (male)

Back when I was a child I used to love Dofus, it was my first positive social experience as I've always been kind of isolated irl. It's what I used to play with my first love ever as well, who I met online and never even saw on pictures.

I remember he made a dedicated server back in the day, we didn't have many players but I used to expend evenings just trying out polymorphs of all those NPCs I used to love. This one, was one I discovered in the server and totally cautivated me.

Those days felt simpler, they weren't exactly happy but evenings with them playing there or in the OG game felt so peaceful and so good. I cherish them because I was happy with so little. Maybe I still am in some ways, but back then it felt more wholesome and bright.
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Omg it’s you hi!!!
What will bring me closer to who I’ve always wanted to be, staying here or leaving to F?
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I like NYC and always wanted to live there
What should I do with my interests with artistic stuff? I like music, art, movies, and etc… I want to try them all and learn about it all. How would not be overwhelm about it?
An is dope
Can I have her number?
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I had a deep conversation about spiritual stuff with a friend of mine.
What will he take away from it?
Name is chris his is j
Technically a general but can do, please post an emotionally significant picture as asked in the OP!

Also suspect this MAY be a love reading but f it, will make this the one exception for today if that's the case!

--He wasn't who I was supposed to meet, isn't it?
>Was Copycat the person Shimmer was supposed to meet on Friday?
>Was it someone else?
>Was Shimmer supposed to meet Copycat?
>So Shimmer was not supposed to meet Copycat?

--What message should I keep from everything that happened Friday Night?
>Two of Pentacles, Five of Wands, High Priestess, Eight of Pentacles, Ace of Swords, Four of Swords, Three of Wands
I see a theme of struggling to balance between different elements here.
Have you been juggling yourself through some drama or social difficulties?
I get a feeling it may be a nudge towards that situation -- sometimes you need to pick a side, trust your gut and act on it, and be ready to be a LITTLE MORE confrontational when it comes to boundaries, even when it's uncomfortable.

The theme of balance seems to be reiterated by the Eight of Pentacles and Four of Swords. Learn to pace yourself when it comes to work and rest, too. Don't be too self indulgent when it comes to rest, but don't lose focus of what must be done to forge ahead and build up, either. Focus on the prize if you feel you're losing direction.
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has a curse been placed upon me (IA)? if it is true, is it who i think it is? (GR or LY)
hi, thank you for considering my request! I shall post the image, its a little cartoon but its bittersweet
Who's my future husband?

Thank you a lot, such a complete reading! I'm 625.

I'm honestly not sure if it's love themed, because it has been really weird latelly. It's like something inside of me is preparing me for a change and I just keep thinking of this person I don't really know yet and I honestly feel a bit like I'm losing my mind. It's really strange to me.

I recently had a huge social drama that kind of took away a big part of what used to be my day to day life and I've been struggling a lot with it. Sometimes I just wake up and do a million stuff trying to keep my mind occupied, sometimes it's just really hard to wake up to begin with.

I also have a lot of problems with being confrontational so it resonates a lot... Maybe things would have been better if I was more stern on my boundaries to begin with.

This relieves me a lot, so again, thank you. Focusing on the prize is something I feel like I needed to be reminded of too.

I don't know what you've always wanted to be, but.
--Staying here
>Justice, The Hanged Man rx, Page of Pentacles, King of Wands, Three of Pentacles
If you stay, you'll have to really weigh your choices and moves with care to get to the goal, to avoid getting stuck in a rut. You'd need somebody with more experience by your side to guide you towards it, or to advise you in order to make it truly work.

--Leaving to F
>Four of Cups, Knight of Pentacles, The Star, Three of Cups, Six of Cups
You'd be initially dissatisfied with the decision, if you'll move. Likely because it will take more work and inner focus/strength than you'd initially accounted for. There's the potential to make it work out, and to reconnect to a part of yourself that has been kind of left behind in your childhood. All in all I don't think this would be what you had wanted, but you would grow a lot more as a person.

Both choices would present their challenges. Without knowing what you want to do I cannot say which is better, so you have it laid out like this.

i suffer from poor sex life. will i get any till the end of this year?
Sorry to not have been more specific your reads are amazing x
Should I delay doing this thing again or is my body ready for it?
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>Wheel of Fortune, The Tower, Nine of Cups, Ten of Cups, Eight of Pentacles, The World

Now this is a story all about how
Your life got flipped turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute, just sit right there
I'll tell you how you became the prince of a town called Bel-Air

While the situation may be outside of your control, you have the power to decide which choices to make, so going there was already a good start.

There's no mincing words, you'll have to work your ass off to make this work at all, but you'll see the benefits soon enough. Mostly on an emotional level.
The Nine of Cups is emotional fulfillment for yourself, while the Ten of Cups is emotional fulfillment shared with a group (friends or family). If the circumstances surrounding your move had put a strain on things with your family, or an excessive worry on their shoulders, showing you're locked in will smooth the situation.

There will be a tendency to take impulsive choices and towards stubbornness in your ways, so make sure to discuss things with somebody more down to earth before acting. And be sure to listen. Overall, if you bear that in mind, it'll be a banger of a year.

>Six of Wands, Three of Cups, Eight of Cups, The Sun
Fished for a money reading, got cards on social life... Let's roll with this, guess it means that the financial side will simply not be of note. Nothing unexpected, at least.

You'll miss some of the people you have left behind. It will sting. But it won't be lonely. The Six of Wands, Three of Cups and the Sun are all extremely good cards when it comes to the social side. Harmony, celebration, satisfaction. Your circle may not become huge, but it'll be tight. I also see the Three of Cups as a reminder not to indulge in superficial ties. Try to keep it real, look for people who will keep it real.

tl;dr You will have to werk, but it won't suck at all. People around you will be nice and that will be your main comfort.
Don't do this query
I want to know if I will succeed in my chosen career field instead

Thank you so much for this detailed reading, its a big move and the next step in my life. I trust hope everything will be alright and this reading has been very comforting.

I guess the maintakway point is i got to work hard and not stubbornly cling to my old views/ways.

Will miss family but its got to be done. Thanks a lot!
what karmic burden this day will bring to my future
Hp 7os 7ow
You can't hide from your intuition you know what you have to do and you must do it or it will get harder
>Wheel of fortune, the sun, 10 of wands
This day was somewhat important to you! Like you starting to feel consequences of some action from the past. Everything will came in order you just must give some work to it. But anyway, this day seems good for you
One thing at a time, or rather, two.
I asked about different arts -- got a no on starting with music, no on photography, no on painting... yes on movies and writing. And honestly, the two go hand in hand. Both are about storytelling.
I don't know if it is because you are more receptive to those, or because you just have a better leaning talent towards it, but that'd be a solid beginning.

>Should i watch that movie tonight?
>Would i have a bad reaction?

Taking that maybe as a "sort of". I have the feeling it may leave you with a major ick, or you won't end up liking it at all. Choose another movie and save yourself the headache.

Sorry, late response, but sure, so long that it's within my OP's parameters for readings.
I've already did very hard thing like this today
Maybe it's a bit general.
I need some financial advise/outlook. When will I increase my source of income or what should I do to make that happen?
I'm male, currently employed, and changing fields.
Let me know if that falls within your OP's and your query.
Works, will see what I can get!
Any kind of query you would prefer not taking, before I ask mine?
I can read anything.
Aries - Cancer rising
Why do I feel better all of a sudden?
Is it because of that thing that I did?
Or some other reason?
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Will my dog's paw heal?
I am A and my dog is R. Thank you.
Got a strong no on being a pedo, yes on liking them young.
Probably the kinda person to think a 20-something looking teen is hot, but won't make moves if there's any chance of getting caught, if they're aware of the person being underaged.

Ok, mine is: Can I trust C (m)?

Is life gonna get better in the next 3 years? Feeling kind of stuck and I really hope moving out is gonna be the change I need.
Can you?
Devil, 2 of swords Rx, 4 of Pentacles, World Rx, 5 of Swords Rx
Well, C is shady to say the very least, but he's trying to keep himself in check there. Is this a financial relationship? Because I kept seeing a man looking like he was about to plot something but at the same time he needed some allies to help him.
C is what he is and he probably won't really change for a damn, but he's apparently realising that he needs some people along the way to help him and he shouldn't bite the hand that feeds him(but that can change), for at the end of the day he would like to get on that top position and he knows what needs to be done to get there. I believe that the dynamics of your relationship with him is already going to be something secretive for one reason or another.

3 of cups Rx, 10 of Pentacles Rx, Sun, Hierophant, 4 of Swords Rx, Lovers.

If you trust him you're pretty much going to either screw your friendship with him or with someone else because of him and that's going to cause a direct hit to your overall stability, probably work-eise. However, despite all that, you're going to feel yourself happy and a bit satisfied- the door is closed but the window is open.
While you find yourself entangled in this mess you're going to find out some good things about yourself and you're going to have a sense of direction and purpose, something that you may or may not have put on a hold before. You're just going to know what you want in life and how to get there - you're going to put yourself out there and make sure that it happens. Down the road you're going to find connections deeper than the friends you lost in the process.
>Will it be within the next few months?
>Will it be within the year?
>Will it be over a year?
>Is it something they can start preparing for right now?

>The Fool, Six of Cups, The High Priestess, Queen of Wands, Three of Cups, The Hierophant, The Devil

I am perplexed about that Fool, but it couldn be read in two ways: It will either be something related to a completely new field, or related to the field you are switching to. Likely a chance acquired through old networks or acquaitances, people with whom you actually were on good terms with.

It will take a while before it turns up, which is positive because the accumulated extra experience you'll mature will be necesary to make the most of it. Even so, you could prepare by keeping in touch, or getting back in touch with people you think may be a potential lead. Go with your gut on this one.

The devil comes as a warning -- while it will be an extra source of income, it won't be fun or pleasing. It may feel suffocating, and you'd better read the fine print before jumping into it.
Forgot to add this, but
>Six of Pentacles
Whoever will have that proposal will be the one to approach you about it. Can't stress enough on the importance of being present for it to happen. You need to be noticed or jump to their mind, and that is the easiest way. Be there or be a square.
What’s wrong with its paw? I can give you some general advice since I’m vet tech
Me(m) and douche (m)

Was douche as involved in what happened as I think he was?
I think he has an interdigital cyst in between his fingers but I'm worried it might be a tumor. It feels like its full of liquid but I'm not exactly sure. He's had it for 3 days now and it's not getting bigger, maybe shrank a bit but a little bit of his skin is coming off and it's starting looks like its turning into a wound though surprisingly bleeding less compared to the first two days, those days it bled quite a bit particularly after taking him on his daily walks. I've been keeping it clean with chlorhexidine and ketoconazole wipes 3x a day.
>Will Chris succeed in their chosen career field?
>Judgment, Two of Swords, King of Swords, Knight of Pentacles, Nine of Cups, Two of Cups, Ace of Wands, Ace of Cups, Three of Wands
>Clarifier: The Star

Yeah, the elements are there.
Be warned that there will be critical choices to make, and you will need to weigh them with care. The best route towards a successful resolution in that field is relying on a mentor, someone who has more experience and can advise you in order to prevent falls that will delay or derail you. Even with that help, you WILL have to lick a few wounds before you make a dent.

Whatever success will come in that field will be earned through patience, too. Progress won't be fast. It will bring personal satisfaction even so.
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My Q is about me (alias: Zup) 26 F aries
Are there any books or knowledge my angels/any higher being that is looking out for me can recommend me to learn?
Not much context other than i’d like to get into more x/div/occult knowledge but dont know where to start so i wonder if they have guidance. Thank u cute anon
How old is he?
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do people 'feel' me when i think of them? please say no
male, name's carpet o7
he's around 10 years old
Not a work relationship, just an acquaitance. Something about them always felt dodgy so I never opened up completely, and I'd been wondering if it would be wise to. But that kind of confirms my initial thoughts... Thank you, cyberanon

>Has a curse been placed on IA?
>Has a spell been placed on IA?
>Is it just misfortune?
>Is it misfortune caused by GR?
>Is it misfortune caused by LY?
>Is it evil eye?
>Is it done on purpose?

Someone, either LY or a person they are close to, seems to be seething a little or to be jealous about something, and that energy is throwing a stick in your wheel, so to speak.

They're not doing it on purpose or with intent, so confronting them would be pointless, and you'd just sound like a schizo if you did anyway. Any classic remedy you can find that agree with your beliefs should be enough to lessen it.
How foes RX feel about me?
will i be ok today without anymore meds?
>The Tower, Wheel of Fortune, Five of Pentacles, Four of Cups, The Moon
Not the answer you wanted to hear, but no, not unless you do something about it. It may set you on financial hardships for a while, but it's either that or keep coping and hoping it will get better until it's too late to do anything about it.
Please find a way.
help that dog ma nig
>Was douche as involved in what happened as anon thinks he was?
>So it wasn't douche?
>Was it someone around douche?

Even pendulum'd this one just to say I actually read on it, but nah bro lmao

Will get on this one later tonight, and you'll be my last one! Taking no more queries after this

I'm really not feeling like myself lately. I don't feel close to anyone anymore.

Can I get some advice from the tarot please? Thanks
Thank you. I plan to take him to the vet this week if it doesn't heal on it's own. I'm gonna be essentially penniless after it though. I'm more worried about it being something I can't realistically pay for like an amputation or chemo.
813 very good thank you sir :)
Aaa thank you anon! i feel special
Can I get the girl that I like that begins Jo to like me and become my wife?
I really like this girl
I want to be her husband
Was it doucheTD then?
Thanks that’s interesting
It's a happy spread, you remaining as friends is pretty possible.
Willing to do gypsy cards, what's yer query?
How does RX feel about me?
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what's the deal with the change in her behaviour with me? did she met/fucked someone else?

I've laid everything bare. How will she take it?
should i apply for a transit job?
Seems to be that there's a shift in perspective. Previously it wasn't the best and now it's turning a new page. There's some kind of communication at play right now that'll steer the relations between the two of you to better terms.

I'd like a similar Query but for one S
Who's my future husband?
Not gonna read on medical matters, sorry. Please get a refill ASAP!!!
Sounds like an interdigital cyst. If vet care is too expensive try to get your pet on insurance for the future. As for right now keep that area clean. You can try an iodine soak. Warm water and a few drops of iodine. Place the paw in for about 30 seconds. Dry the paw and then do it twice a day. Alternatively you can try baking soda. 1tbsp per gallon of water and dip paw in.

Anti-inflammatory meds will be vital but you will need a vet prescription. You can grate 1/4 tsp of ginger in your dogs food and a bit of banana that does help a bit. Ideally vet would be best bet but until then these can help at least keep the paw clean.
Also one more thing I want to add, if the vet is too expensive see if there is a MASH hospital. They have lower costs or research low cost vets that have payment plans. I don’t think it should be too costly since it’s nothing too serious from what it sounds like. Avoid ER vet hospitals if you can. They upcharge like crazy (at least in the US).
I dunno if this posted, the reply doesn't seem to pop up so I'll go with it again - tldr you're doubting it way more than you should. You should doubt her less and work on your trust issues, but at the same time you'll have only abstract hopes to cling to, no confirmation or dispelling of your doubts.
Dunno if you're here to read this but looks like you've had some dire catastrophe, especially hitting your budget and that seems to be a big source of you feeling down. You seem to be having a strong wish to change this and it'll only turn itself when you get to apply yourself to it, in a way, if that makes sense. There'll be some kind of test for you which will ultimately lead to a cutoff point in your life so be wary.
Can I ask for a read? A trade even?
Sure, let this be mr gypsy general
Leave your queries o mortals
Can you please help Mr gypsy in regards to this question>>38826001
Can you take this?

Considering the magnitude of the question I did a bigger spread and boh; you've got a mixed bag of cards in here.
You have a woman that's in a sorrowful state, not in her prime and seems like you've had some tribulations pertaining to her. You see a lot of serious hurdles within and anticipate some kind of trouble with this ordeal.
It seems like right now you've got nothing but trouble and, in fact, there's a great shift coming your way. Looks to me that you'll actually fill out your ambitions but with another girl, as the good energy you have will persevere into something constructive. In order to do that however you must be dispel all doubts and doubtful people and continue working on yourself. In terms of the material necessities you actually have just enough but you still need to work on it or maintain it, but a more serious commitment would be working on yourself and your character.
Hope this helps and best of luck.
What should I do with that crap in my driveway? Put in house?
thanks for the reading, Mr.
It'll really be rocky. You did this in good faith but the results aren't really what you might expect them to pan out to be. What the cards reccommend is to be patient and work in good faith from here on out.
How's bout someone takes my Q considering this Anon is off
Thanks anon, I hope that I can.
Thank you mr gypsy! I will remember this
OK, my Q is what does my romantic life look like in the near future?
Male, single
May I ask what will become of me and N now?
Female asking about a male
Is Rb attracted to me?
Looks like there'll be some turbulence. You've had it good in the past with some backstabbing but now you'll hit it off either with someone who is trouble or who you'll have a troubled relationship, so beware.
Care to trade on this further? As in their appearance, do I know them etc?
Okay so you had some pretty big plans but you've encountered a stall in it. It's on his part looks like and it'll warrant some major thinking and rethinking in the following period. This id the time when you'll be sorting things out - with an inconclusive yes or no to it.
AQ: Should I go to film school?
You mean darlingweeb? What has she done?
How will my life look like in 6 months?
Will I make any progress?
I can't really expand on appearance and the like, best I can tell you is that this person will come from your sense of loyalty you've developed right now, if that makes any sense.
Trading occult.
2-3 q's if someone's willing.
I don't get it? Do you mean I'll stick with her despite her being a bitch etc?
Your luck seems to be behind you. From now on, you'll be in a period that'll place you amongst a snakes nest, for all intents and purposes. There'll be a shift at the end of it, a new paradigm if you will, a whole new epoch of your life and seems it'll be warranted mostly by bad things.
Yo chill lol
What did she do tho?! Her readings were always nice and accurate :(
hii mr gypsy !!!

How can I be confident in my appearance? Being looking younger than I am and I'm afraid people will not take me seriously or think I'm lying about my age?
Malicious rumors and div drama. Ignore these ppl they shit up the thread
How about a quick rundown on whatever this is chaps
> Anonymous 09/15/24(Sun)15:23:42 No.38826678▶
>What did she do tho?! Her readings were always nice and accurate :(

Because she exposed a pedo (Martin). A pedo should be hanged and shamed in the public eye.
Don’t talk about weeby like that. She’s the best here. Idc what she did she fucking changed my life with her scries and helped me when I was at my lowest.
Wtf?! This leaves me with more questions than answers. Why, where is this negativity coming from? Who are the snakes, the new epoch? Will I go to jail or something? I've not committed any crimes
Holy shit, this means a lot to me. I'll get on it right away. Thank you so much!!!!
Uh this is a really confusing question and it's a confusing answer. This seems to be coming from some encounter and it was filled with nothing but malice. However, this doesn't seem to be an outstanding issue but you'd have to work on yourself heart and soul instead of anything physical really.
Agreed. I used to message her on discord and she always took my queries and helped me want to live again… she rlly did good by me
This definitely resonates, thank you
More importantly, can I change the trajectory of this course? Things have been bad for me as is these past 2 years or so, I was hoping I'd get out of this in one piece and now your reading is telling me things will only get worse...why live?
Should I ask A to be my wing woman?
this right here, for no reason bro
Could I have a reading please?
>libel purposes

Martin stfu
we pressed that bihh and she didnt give us valid answers hence fuck em
Yeah ... but it was Martin, who cares about him?
What doxxing? It’s just a trip bro relax
she slimed two others too
all for gamer LMAO
Whom are the other two? Also do you guys have a feeling that Weeby is Asian? Like Vietnamese?
some gutterrat who pops out here time to time
a reader? or what?

How come she didn't call this weekend, is she going to?
Oh I just need confidence then? I hate the little jokes that my extended family gave me about my appearance
he’s like in his 20’s which is not underage you retard
Please for the love of /div/ stop this shit. Take this somewhere else and stop shitting up the thread with drama that nobody cares about.
So does half of /div/
Happens at least 3 times a month
yea but everyone chastises him for being routinely incorrect he fucking sucks and hes racist..

chances are darlingweeb is actually gamercum and you all got cummed on
because he wanted to do spiteful shit and talk to women while pretending to be a woman
doing weird shit in one of the discords, having a connection with gamer and doing things he'd do to people he doesn't like.

either way darlingweeb was posting selfies of /div/ readers, and she's likely actually gamer. make of that what you will.

nice grammar, Amarillis
nigga couldn't even get my shirt color right
if DW is gamer that is the ultimate gaming move holy crap
33 its only based if you overachieve in other sectors of life, like mel gibson for example
You still there??
Pls man, u can't leave me with a read like that...I'll trade if you want.
Sounds more like “Isabela” kek
nigga stfu thats not the point here, everytime i pay for readings its a waste of time unless they include some energy work
all based things
whats ur point, fag?

Am I going to be married to G before 2028?
Trading general read
what happened to your old tripcode?
>calls dw a bitch
>pretends not to be martin
>deletes all posts

martin coded
She doesn't remember the password ever. I don't know when ches ever did the trip cover consistently with same password
retarded fuck thats not the point, if you cant deduce something so simple with your 'abilities', while others here pass with flying colors then you suck turds and i could say that
martin and the 4 fags from the discord? lol
everyone h8s martin
who? she's very beloved in these thread. go look in the archives.
she reads for EVERYONE w. no bias
i said he couldn't get my shirt color correct -_-
Apologies chaps, I was afk, the readings shall continue
a shirt color query is a serious read you spastic?
I meant like she doesnt tell anons ur q is dum kys instead she reads the stupid shit too
u sound so retarded
how do i stop making stories in my head about people i barely know but desperately want to?
Trading anyone? Or we just flinging shit now?
case in point good job conceding dumb fuck
Yes! she read a lot of next bf/gf queries. i wish my next gf query came true though .. oh well
move that goalpost further yea
says the middle aged professor who can't keep himself from being doxxed online kek
Pls man... for once in my life i want something to look forward to>>38826719
she read my next gf and it was accurate to a t especially the meeting place
Well the destination won't be bad at the end of the day, but you have some tribulations. I can see why the cards say what they do because you'll have a lot of predicaments down the road. Really what you should do is brave through them as you'll swim out of it all sooner or later.
her aura is bright
Shoot a query fella
alright you got it im sorry
chessie wut r ur thoughts on this whole dw thing? she rlly gamer?
you got it you got it no curses im a virgin thats true good job
Are you the dude who posted his selfie and people said he has poop aura? LMAO

Hey mr gypsy, I'm >>38826769 if you can get to it, thanks!
hopefully, i'll met mines, she said i'll meet them at a party over the summer. Summer is over in like 6 days. And I don't go partying lol. Anything can happen!
What happened to sun? What happened to angelic messenger? Or oldhelp? Who is dw? She must not have been here in 2022 (golden days of div)
i come here for illumination and insight not conflict, dont wreck my shit for nothing. its not gonna end here for either of us lets just let it go i apologize
im telling you right now i wont take it lying down please let it go. please im not playing i got friends
keep in mind summer could be this or next timing is a bitch to get
doesnt have to get ugly i apologize, we could still turn back
Mr can i ask u a Q also
Guys ffs just drop your Qs and I'll get to em
i was mad you were defending gamer someone i dont like, i apologize profusely miss, yea im young and brown so what
Do i have psychic abilities or am i mid af and will never properly interpret the cards? How do i get better or is it just that i lack the innate ability
Ty cute sexy mr gypsy senpai
>Guys ffs just drop your Qs and I'll get to em
martin and a few other fags from some circle jerk server have been calling dw doxxer because shes friends with gamer and they hate him for whatever reason
Who's my future husband?
ahhhh that's right! DW said it's some hot DJ person who's facing insomnia now. And likes sleeping at my place, which I don't have one lol. I'm looking forward to this!

I talked to dw the other day and they never even talked to her personally to ask. They just assumed it was her. Pretty fucked up if u ask me
Who's my (Libra female) future husband?
martin mad cuz weebster called him out for being a groomer
ugh you fags are so unfunny
sound like the song of a gassy astral parasite
Martin is a divine Being and karma will rape
isabela go take ur meds u schizoid retard and stop threatening to off urself to him. it only gets his lil weiner hard
OMG hes a freaking vampire too i Saw his fangs!!
Are none of u readers? u cant just read it instead? lmao

Martin chill
is that a way of you offering to take it or no?
he did that with several of the yunger girls in the server lmao
take pics of your meds again isabela and send them to him lol or perhaps u will send him ur bathrobe tie
Yes! Some of the better cards I've got. Trust the messages/hints you've got as you're about to embark on a new chapter in your love life.
dw got screen shots of him asking a 14/15 year old girl for pics of her skin and calling her breasts nice
Good god. I shouldve never asked...
>reign for mankinds sake
>slither of soul

martin ur so pathetic. go stalk sandra and blame sergio for ur short cummings
Will something eventful happen to me within two weeks?
no there was a diff one, these were recent like this month iirc
im not martin nigga
Well off the books I think you should see a therapist but what that cards ell me is simply that this is going to turn out for the better. Right now you're in a bad spot with the aforementioned habit but it'll turn out for the better, pretty unexpectedly imho. And - you'll grow wiser from it
Martin is a gemini
lol didn't your post the first time around get deleted?
hes fucking disgusting. someone get rid of him
Isabela sweetheart go take ur meds otherwise ur mommy might call the Russian doctor on u again
Seems like a broken promise to me. She won't do justice to your expectations. It'll only go downhill from here, so, sorry.
sergio fucked him in the azz
Neat. Thanks!
I can't really answer that kind of question really. That's too meta, you should really ask me something more pedestrian like love or dying of cancer or something, this is kinda too esoteric
martin is probably the most retarded fag ive ever known
PSA: If you want me to answer your queries drop em here thanks

It's a relief to know - thank you!
how will the remainder of the year go for me?
Will I get laid this or next month?
Sorry Ches, I dont take your meaning?

Should I carry on with the project I started last thursday?
She's saying your girl is already thinking about riding some other guys dick, not yours
This one?>>38827254
Why has L gone cold on me all of a sudden when she seemed so happy with me a few months back?
F asking about F
uh... okay then.
Temporal questions are a bitch but here goes

Okay Love in Present so must be this month, but also see Hope in the next one so idk if that means you'll be itching for more later or something along those lines.
The cards say you had some kind of predicament affecting your project and that's causing you distress. However, they also recommend you keep being invested in it so there's that.
It's what she meant, doesn't mean she's right. Ches is a bitch and I love her for it. Your girl could just not give you what you want from her like gypsy said.
Nice, is it the cutie I'm sexting?
>Hi if you are in the mood,just draw a few cards for nice things i can expect for the rest of the year
>Ah I get it. Thanks to you too then senpai
Why, that's because that's fornication, a deadly sin!

Jokes aside, the cards actually show good results. Maybe the situation isn't as bad as I imagined, as there seems to be some kind of clutch in the near past, as opposed to a commited relationship in the further one, but now it should become pretty rosy or at least intimate. It looks like you'll be faced with more longing, however, and reflection leading to logical conclusions about the matter down the line.
Will gratitude help me with manifestation?
thanks for the reading
I'm the female Libra querent. Where's my reading?
Will M (f, Scorpio) be contacting me (m, Capricorn)?
Who was i in my past life?
Also if i was a man how big was my penis?
yo did i really get beheaded in france for stealing bread?
Will they add me on social media?
Will O find a perfect partner for her life?
girl last I saw you here was on 2020 and you said my man didn't want to marry me. YOU WERE SO RIGHT, IT BLEW UP HILARIOUSLY BAD LAST YEAR
dammit, i was always idealistic, can you please tell me how i took the walk up to the guillotine?
Get fucked, schizo
>devil, 5 of wands
>4 of pents, tower
No. Is there bad blood between you? Some disagreement or conflict? A convo between you two could head in thar direction regardless of your dynamic. Silence is the best way to avoid something falling apart
Am I going to get married to G before 2028?
>3 of wands
>king of swords Rx
>hanged man Rx
Yes, but may show some reservation in interacting with you going forward. Avoid acting on impulse or repeating old patterns of behavior.
>4 swords Rx
Ultimately heading towards a good outcome if you play your cards right.
No, not at all. We had a fairly brief liason that she unexpectedly broke off. Thanks for your reading; I wasn't planning on anything but keeping my silence in this matter.
Wanna trade again?
Sure. Q?
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What about my last past life
Outcome of sending her that video I have planned tommorow? Will it work?
Asking about someone else.
Apologies I have something where shit hit the fan so I'd have to abort any further readings for now
Feel free to hit me up whenever you see me around though, as well as the other wonderful readers around
Mine pertains to the same person: were the reasons she told me truthful?
thank you bro
>the devil rx
>queen of swords rx
>10 of cups rx
It's probably not the best idea, the person may find it offensive, and the whole thing has the potential of backfiring spectacularly. Based on this spread, I would refrain from doing it.
>6 of wands, knight of pents, 8 of wands rev
Essentially they were. She mightve fumbled what she wanted to say somewhat, rushed it or couldn't put it ad eloquently or gently etc as she wished. She was being honest though
That's odd...she said she'd like that exactly
What does I think/feel about me?
Male asking about female
How does Rx feel about me? Starting
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In the previous thread there was an anon who read my fortune and told me I would have to build something and wear it on my body constantly in order to have my desire realized. I told him or her that I would post it. Here's the thing I made. I dremmeled it from clamshell and it was a challenge to make. I now have a lot more respect for artisans who carve these things out of natural materials.
Asked about most practices but the ones I got a strong nod to on your behalf were enochian magic, divination (the method is up to you, see what calls to you the most), reiki/energy healing. Asked about goetia and general work with qlippothic entities and got an strong NO for you.

For divination you can check the /div/ OP, which also has a bunch of books up for download.

For a general introduction to /x/ stuff, see the link I will post below, and download the Beginners folder. Liber Null & Psychonaut is very easy to digest as a first read, but honestly, you can start with anything you're drawn to in that folder.

As for enochian magic... That is not my field, but the old /omg/ mega had a bunch of stuff on it. You can download it via torrenting, the magnet link is here: https://controlc.com/f90157e6

If you don't know how to download a torrent:
https://www.utorrent.com/web/ client if you are on pc, then open the magnet link on any browser. You can filter the enochian folders if you don't want to download the whole thing.

LibreTorrent app if you are on android, same instructions as above from there on - use the magnet link to download, can filter only the enochian folder if you don't want to download everything and blow up your phone's storage.
low test, pointer finger bigger than the ring finger
Oh, you have made it!!! That turned out beautifully, considering the material you used. It can't have been easy.
Thanks for showing me, that was a fun reading. The art really resonated. I hope she will hear your wishes!
Taurus-Scorpio has the potential to just explode in a bad kind of way, but it works so well at the same time.

Hi Cheswick :)
>king of cups
>7 of pentacles
>10 of pents
You're a good person to them. Kind, wise and level headed. They feel you have a good heart. You put them at ease. They wish to keep you around for the long run and enjoy your company. If this is romance related they see you as serious relationship potential further down the road. If not romance then you'd make a good close friend.
I would hope low test bc I'm a woman, but I guess still more test than you :)
Ches why did I meet this aries ?
Will he bend to my will?
Thanks! It made me feel a lot better bc I'd been having a pretty bad time, thank you for your reading again.
thats alright just make its not the case for future father of ur kids, it means they weren't exposed to a good amount of test pre-nataly
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Hey Ches, there is a specific past life I'd like to look into, could you try a read on it?
I wanna know about my past life as the British scumbag G
That is applicable to men, not women you dolt.
My read anon. Is it safe? Is it alright?
What about Sag - Scorp pairing
duhhh wtf i thought it was guy at first
I would have to see the rest of the chart, but with only that info, no. They're right next to each other so the suns don't really interact and they have nothing in common.
Got tradecucked. My Q is this>>38827747
they both have a lot of similar planets like venus in scorpio etc
Cancer and Virgo?
Sure what is g's next move towards me?
Starting. I'll wait for you first tho, don't want a repeat, I'm sure u understand
8ow 5op 3ow
They want to communicate to you or go see you. They want to work on things with you and move past the separation or ask you for help.
Let me know if this resonates

What’s her relationship with M(m) ?
>Hermit rev
>queen of pents
>hierophant rev, queen of wands
Is G a girl you're romanticly involved with? She might go silent on you for a bit, not cuz she doesn't like u, it's a shit test to see if she's as valuable to you as it seems. To sort of pull you in
Anon even just one card would suffice
G is a man
Ty haha he is manipulative
Idk, others say shes done with me and others that she wants to keep going.
Idk if I want to, she's very demanding
They get along nicely. As a rule of thumb feminine signs (water and earth) get along and masculine signs (fire and wind) do as well. When a sign of the same modality interacts with you, that's when potential trouble comes in. It'll come down to how graceful you two are. If you're mature then troubling placements can become the strongest and cause both parties to grow.

Venus has it's debilitation there, but it should help with some understanding since their sense of beauty will reflect those values, but that isn't necessarily a good or bad thing. Learn your chart and theirs and see how the pieces interact. If a planet is the problem child in their chart and it's interacting with your chart it can be a problem on some level, but it can also be the saving grace that helps them get their shit together.
Woman are going through a movement atm so that men stop taking advantage of us
In that case he might try the same cuz you caught his eye and may wish to see if you bother to seek him out or smth like that
I know anonete, shes not demanding in that sense...
Try what?
I broke things off cause he was being too sketchy and disrespectful
If you love her try again?
Why not?
they will always need logical and emotional anchors. gender wars is suicide but by all means fall for the Marxist conjecture
>he is manipulative
describe some manipulative behavior
Also I used subliminals and he reached out in wee hours of the morning lol
I wonder if it's been me all along... I dont know why I met this person
He will say little remarks about me or other woman around me to make me jealous. He tells me he loves me all the time but gets pretty violent if he doesnt get what he wants sexually haha its a doozy so I've been way more demanding cause he is fun but not worth it if i also dont get what I want . Im water sign he is fire sign
if he doesnt have the decency or common sense to see how thats disgusting leave his ass bro
The whole going silent or cold. To see if you care
Yeah he said I make him act that way for some reason lol
Its all good I think it's over anyways ty :)
>so they contact entities that take advantage of them
a good partner would hate to put their counterpart in distress unless its necessary like you doing something you don't want to do in the moment but you should really to do for a better future
It's that I said I don't have much time to myself, even less for her yet she almost seemed to not care, like its not that I don't want to, it's that I can't
fuc that geiy u desurve bettah
She probably has an anxious attachment style that will be hard if you're someone who needs to be alone alot or just not always with your gf you can maybe try to text her more?
>cold and quiet
>you deserve bettah
>muh anxist attachment style
>there there queen
the perfect storm XD
Stop fucking with the humans
Maybe I could...
I don't have an anxious attachment I just want $$$ especially if you're gunna take out your mommy issues on me lol
Could just find someone who gets off on it.
What entities?
Yeah I mean I do have like the guy too though I'm trying but I'm really not the best at this

I'm not talking about one who "gets off" on giving you money, by the way.
Wdym then?
What else is left?
Thank you so much anon!! This is beyond helpful! I was wondering where the omg library went. I will look into all that you mentioned i should. thanks again for the read and resources!

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