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Welcome to Divination General!

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Previous thread: >>38823740
Thread virginity mine
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Spirituality AQ

I'm doing things right, spiritually? I have no guru or masters, so my pratices are all self-made based on vedic and tibetan doctrines, I need some evaluation.
I will evaluate you. Answer these questions:

>what is the will?
>what do you think about Jesus?
>do you think you are cool? What do you think is cool?
>last time you orgasmed and to what
are the insights I've gained from using THC actually insightful and true or is it just schizo bs/my insecurities being heightened?
Good one, just give some insight or advice about where i'm working, starting.
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Hello /div/
A bit depressed today, so doing some reading to pass the time, I promise that my state of mind won't influence the reading.
Gender and sun signs of the people involved can help with interpretation.
I only ask for feedback in return.
Thank you, reader, blessings!
>>what is the will?
To know the truth. Getting free from reincarnations for me is just escapism. Knowing the truth, incarnations are no bondage.
>what do you think about Jesus?
I don't know.
>do you think you are cool?
I don't know.
>What do you think is cool?
I don't know the word to explain, but it's that sensation of imperturbability when we see a far mountain, or a secluded groove.
>last time you orgasmed and to what
Months ago. Atma vichara, one of the pratices I'm doing, removes identification with other people, so sexual desire don't manifest well.
The last time was almost 2 months ago, and I think it was with fighting girls, I can't remember well, sorry.
What subliminals are working from the ones I'm listening to?
6 of Swords 2 of Pentacles Queen of Cups
Your new workplace is unlike the last one you had, you're environment will be temperamental and at times unpredictable, not in a bad way you'll just have to deal with drama as well as meaningfully connecting to your coworkers, think of it like a ship sailing and keeping it steady through tough weather
Can trade for this too
Libra female.
Who's my future husband?
Greetings, reader. Can you get a glimpse from the other planes? How I'm perceived there? I'm doing well or I'm getting into trouble?
Does H want me to stay in bed?
Libra male asking about cancer female

How is G feeling?
Could I know how the next 3 days will go for me? Thank you reader
The cards seem to indicate that there are some more wheels to be spun in the process of your life. While your words seem thoughtful, you lack real world experience. You must try and fail at all sorts of seemingly unrelated things to understand more about yourself and how these arcane topics actually relate to reality.

You're doing great. Keep going with your practice.
Female pisces aries male
What's next for us?
Feel better anon.
M Virgo. Tired of 1 step forward 2 steps back. Any near future improvements professionally & financially?
Male, capricorn
Does she love me?
hope you feel better soon
Hello M. Virgo sun scorpio moon mercury venus and mars in leo, why does she keep trying to keep me miserable after I've moved on?
Thanks, reader! Things are so strange with those pratices that emotions get into a malestrom in one day to an comatose like on the another, it's no wonder why I lose all the perspective on the road in this process.
Blessings! I will keep on trying!
>3 of Wands, 10 of Wands, Priestess
You'll meet him somewhere new that you're going to start frequenting (or have already met somewhere new in your life). It's going to be an intense relationship, but at first he might not show his feelings for you as much because he's busy with other things in his life and feels he doesn't have time to have a relationship the way you deserve.

I can try.
>Chariot, 3 of Cups (R), Emperor (R)
You're on the right track, but you're being a bit too selfish or arrogant, too dominant, and you're making a bad impression.
Try to be gentler and kinder with your energies, perhaps more respectful.

>3 of Swords
No, it seems to be hurting him somehow.

>5 of Wands, 5 of Swords, Queen of Cups (R)
She's very insecure about something, maybe you've had a lot of fights recently, it seems to be something to do with someone who feels they're trying harder than the other in this relationship or to make it work.
But it doesn't seem to be anything too serious, it seems like you're just having conflicts because you don't know how to deal with your own feelings and you're sabotaging each other.
>>3 of Wands, 10 of Wands, Priestess
Thank you very much, anon.
I want to leave the bed but feel like I can't.

Can gratitude everyday helps me with manifesting?
>38828510 here
This relates well. Some days ago I dreamt of fighting an alien queen. Did it easily, but I was not satisfied with that death. Somehow, I relate that queen to the divine feminine, and dealing with that aspet of life like an enemy to be destroyed is not the answer.
I will mediate on this, and will pray for your depression, I hope you get better soon.
I'm wondering if she got fat or something.
Gemini F, last night I dreamt of my mentor, L, telling me that it's not meant to be when i let him know that i had no luck with my job search

should i go for a career change?
A bit of a vague question, but I'll try.
>Ace of Wands (R)
It's helping you with something to do with not knowing what to do with your life, feeling purposeless or something along those lines.

>2 of Cups, 2 of Wands (R), 9 of Cups (R)
You're going to be a bit upset, you won't be able to make the progress you want on a project you're working on. You may feel that even though you've achieved something, it's still not enough for you to feel the satisfaction you were hoping for.
But you're only being unfair to yourself, maybe you need to come back down to earth and start being grateful for the things you have. Because it seems to me that you have a lot of good things in your life to be grateful for.

>Queen of Wands, Page of Pentacles (R), Justice (R)
You're being very unfair to each other, there's a certain immaturity about both of you, a total lack of commitment. You seem to have a certain habit of doubting that this person is the right one or of looking at other people too much.
It can work, but you'll need to be more open with each other. This honesty, which can sometimes be frightening because of the fear of conflict, seems to benefit your relationship a lot.
Gemini Male
How am I perceived?
Male, Aries
I think my reader left, here's the Q I traded for
Ty itis scary
Male Taurus

Do I have a better shot at her now?
Male leo
do i have the heart of a warrior?
Thank you very much for your kind messages :)

>Page of Cups, King of Cups, Hanged (R)
There's an idea here to keep trying, even if it seems that your sacrifices aren't paying off, know that everything is working for your good and putting you on the path you want.
There's also the advice to not only look for a mentor or someone who can help you, but also to perhaps be a little more grounded at the moment. It's fine to have dreams, but dreaming too big right now may only serve to pull you down.
One step at a time, everything will work out soon.

>3 of Pentacles, 6 of Wands, 9 of Pentacles
Is she someone you work with or have a project with? Asking out of curiosity lol.
Yes, she seems to be starting to take an interest in you, not only does she seem to be more open and accepting of your advances, but she also seems to want it to happen.

>Page of Swords (R), Temp, 6 of Cups
Strange reading for that question.
She seems to be doing it unintentionally, she seems to take a certain morbid pleasure in acting in this way that she can't control.
The advice here is to try, as difficult as it may seem, to stay calm and try to understand where this feeling of hers is coming from, maybe have a serious talk with her. This situation seems like it will pass eventually.
Female cap
Will I still go on the roadtrip?
M pisces
Will people only realize what I was doing all along until things happen in the world and they realize AFTER the fact that its happened?
Should I bring them inside?
Male, Taurus

Is it about time for a new romance? Got the feeling a woman I met last night is interested in me
Male, Libra
Will i finally find the love i desire?
>Ace of Cups.
Yes, absolutely.

>Ace of Swords (R), Emperor, 5 of Cups
You seem to have got the message wrong, it seems more like a warning, that you should be more disciplined and focused on what you want perhaps, it seems that difficult times will come or are already occurring and will demand a lot from you.
Changing careers now seems to me to be a very tortuous and dark path for you.

>3 of Cups, Sun, 6 of Pentacles
You are seen as a good friend, a very generous, good person who people like to be close to.
You play the role of the Sun in the lives of many people who are close to you.
an entity, it's been a while
I think
>Ace of Wands
They're true.

>Tower, 6 of Swords (R), Hanged
No. She's still in the process of recovering, approaching her now wouldn't be the best time, you could be misunderstood. Have more patience

Yes. :)
Oh, so it made a lot of sense.
Good luck and go for it.
Male Aries, does RX Female find me attractive? I don’t know her sun sign lol
Sagittarius Male

I have made a deal a powerful ancestor for strength under the condition that I serve as a vessel, will this be to my advantage?
i hope that you feel better anon. i've asked you about this person before and you gave me an incredibly accurate reading on the situation so i hope it's alright if i ask again about it. i gave my feedback some hours late but i hope you saw it!
was he (taurus male) receptive to the voicemails i (gemini female) sent? and will he contact me in the coming months because of it?
Hi there. I feel what you're going through. Lately things haven't been great, but I'm holding out for better times.

Just want to know what to look forward to in the coming months.
743 i feel like i do
Aries Female
How physically attractive do others perceive me as?
Male leo
what does C aries think of me after everything?
virgo female asking about virgo male. What has changed recently, what is going on with him and how should I respond to this change in our friendship?
hope your blue feelings dont encompass everything else
Male scorpio
Female scorpio
What does N think of me?
Male Aries, Cancer rising
What am I doing right and what am I doing wrong?
feel free to talk to me today
if you may do a reading
did i make the right choice not allowing that old friend in?
Do you need a reading yourself?
Im a woman with the same sign figuration. I have virgo moon tho
oh, female gemini
old friend who we grew distant with and just saw to-day
I have a sag moon. It seems like an odd combination of impatience, adventure and deep feelings.
thanks anon. i received another rejection just around half an hour ago for an interview that i was quite hopeful about. i'm guessing the dream was specific for that one application. i'll work harder towards my goals. thanks again.
TrDing dumb query
what did that girl wearing green think of me today? was she into me? what's yours ?
Nah fuck off with your incel query. If you didnt talk to her and get her number this is just sad and pathetic
everyone struggles man
they're just a troll ignore them. I ask these queries to better learn about women and eventually get a gf. That's also why I say it's a dumb query, the event already happened lol
Still trading this one, don't need a long answer
is it ok to be friends with J? or something fucked up is going to happen
i'll do it for free
tell me more about this girls and wwhat happened when you met
what did she think of you? king of pentacles. she thought you seemed like a solid dude, one who has his head firmly on his shoulders

was she into you? 3 of cups. she's interested, that's for sure
Trading weird abstract Q
Hey, still trading?
What does he want to see me for?
Yeah, my Q: I did psychedelics with friends and everyone one of them looked like an abstraction of their personality, one looked like a lanky snooty goblin/dinosaur, one looked like Guybrush from monkey island and the other looked like Snow White. After I came down from the trip I was able to soberly come up with an explanation about how I perceived them that explained why they looked the way they did, it wasn't random it was just a reflection of how I perceived them, my Q is what would I have looked like if I had been able to like at myself?
male gemini
i'm depressed too. will it pass?
that makes sense!! I thought she was hitting on me but it was kind of the middle of a crowded train so I wasn't 100% sure.... thank you
thank you!!
That's absolutely crazy, I was going to pass desu but I wanted to give a try and crazily enough world reversed came up, and desu I think that makes sense.

For me this means first and foremost you literally seeing a reflection, that's the first thing that comes in my head. But also, seeing yourself as any representation of the world, or a world, makes sense as you're literally your own world in your life. Maybe you would see a planet, maybe you would see just yourself, but nothing more than a reflection anon, if you wanted to know something deeper about yourself, you gotta look inside, cause like you saw your friends, it was how you see them already, so I don't think you would be able to see anything more than what you already see of yourself. Maybe that's part of the reversed world, the limitations of not seeing the true true self. Also I didn't took more cards because that one did all the job :) will make another roost with my query for the trade ok??
I have no idea what those desu's are doing there sorry. Anyway, my query is: I have a very good friend, M, love the dude a lot, he's very special to me, I hooooope I'm also special to him. I just want to know like, our friendship started by sexual interested in eachother, the sexual stuff stopped and we kept developing a bond above that, I want to know what is next to us.

We both have partners, so romance is not something Im really counting at all, and don't need, but I do love that dude a ton :)
>those desus are doing there sorry
It's ok my sweet little newfag, 4chan will automatically autocorrect t*b*h to desu, same with the work s*o*y, it will autcorrect it to onions, starting yours
9 of Swords, Knight of Pentacles, The Devil
No matter how much you two progress the temptation of the devil will always loom over the two of you and there will always be sexual tension, you two are cursed to experience anxiety and temptation when talking to each other for the remainder of the relationship unfortunately
What do I need to hear and do now?
Tbh that's accurate but not bad, idk about his side but that do be mine, I miss the sexual, I get flirty sometimes and then get anxious it'll upset him this time, so lmao yeah you got spot on how I feel towards him, and that's fine by me.
Would you be up to a second quick trade? I just would want to ask directly what you can feel specifically from M towards myself
sure, mine is more clarity on what exactly it is that I'd look like, also was I right on assuming you were new to 4chan lol
Haha damn I'm getting read I'm more than a way here

> 4 of cups Rx, Magician, Emperor
Many strong cards about your question, the 4 might signify a feeling of you seeing something a little less exciting than you expected, like probably won't be something crazy as a dinosaur, but you would see something rly touching. Im assuming you're a man yourself, but if not you would see a masculine image, a man at his best and most powerful self, imagine the vision you have of yourself when you're the proudest with you, what you would see is that, you at the moment you shine the most, at your best. That's the best the cards can tell me rn anon, very very likely a human, very very likely a man, very likely your own self
Do I give up smoking, for at least 3 months? Weed and tabacco. Weed is nice for squeezing some focus out of my tired brain and flushing out the repetitive mind, tabacco is just pleasure. Sobriety is boring and zombifying, but I'm working on improving my health so I'm curious how decent it can get after a while.
Is Pietra somehow interested in me??? ty!!
M gemini
What do I need to do to improve my love life?
Will I pass my exams tomorrow???
Will I spend eternity with my nymph wife after I die? I don't want to go to heaven or hell, I just want to be with her
Will I meet my goals this time?
Air query
Is texting C a good idea, as in will it lead me closer to the desired sexual encounter with her?
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Thank you kindly and blessings on to you, good health and prosperity to you and your kin.
Should I call someone who hasn't texted me back tomorrow?
Trading 6 month gen
Should I get a rub and tug tommorow or the day after?

Has she cried for me recently?(M)
Will post when you post
>6 of swords, 7of swords, 10 of cups rev
She has done in the past. Mentally she's still hurt but she didn't shed any tears recently. She's acting as though everything is fine
Seems someone got cucked. Want to trade?

Thanks for the read.

Your reading: >3 of pents, death, 6 of pents, Hanged Man, Wheel of Fortune

Mainly work related and no emotional stuff happening. You might wanna play give and hate with someone else rated emotionally but you're feeling the situation is stuck.

Give or take, sorry
A friend and I, call her EK, parted ways last month. She did the honors of blocking on everything, and was very insistent that this was it for us.
She left me unblocked and as a friend on one avenue I know for an absolute fact she could not have overlooked.
The query is why would she do that?

Did any of those women at the gym think I was attractive?

Why did she ignore what I wrote to her? We just spoke as if nothing really happened.
How will she react to the vid I send her?
is there anything else I am supposed to do at this point to grow my audience and presence online?
>10 of cups, Page of cups, king of wands
Yeah, you can become more friendly or more active in your videos. Let your inner fire shine through. Say or do things you might avoid saying irl, be more outgoing and try to create a parasocial relationship with your audience and the like. Just let them see you the person, not just you the content creator.
adjustment, aeon, princess swords
she will react accordingly to the video and will "adjust" herself as a result, this will trigger her into responding to you or create a conversation

Is there anything going on between her and the guy from that band or am I just making shit up?
You still here? What is her initial? Mine is what kind of endeavour should I do in my free time for the next 48 hours?
Starting after you confirm
If you still up, I wanna know currently how does MN perceive me. Not a romance reading, I think, we both male friends, he's very special to me, just wondering what I mean to him. Lemme know if you starting this I'll do yours
Could I please have a reading? What did last night's dream mean? Thank you.
What did last night's dream mean?
Have a series of occult and occult-adjacent queries, happy to trade for any type of q as long as you're willing to read mine. Going to be around for a couple of hours, will be answering a couple AQs, queries if you have them but trades take precedence.
Alright I’m starting yours if you’re still here
I would trade but I don't read occult, that being said if you have non-occult queries let me know.
AQ: What sort of endeavour should I do over the next 48 hours?
Deal, same
>Why did she ignore what I wrote to her? We just spoke as if nothing really happened.
Not divination but I do happen to know that women will pull this shit with their partners, where sometimes they will ignore what you wrote them. Even in a "good" relationship (no modern relationship in the Western style is really that good...). Sometimes you just have to chalk it up to the bitch having a PMS. Ask her again later in person if it's something important; she won't be able to pull the "not responding" bullshit as easily if you ask her in her face.
Sure I have a non-occult one - How well will using my new verbal-persuasion techniques go?
Also, starting your AQ
ace sword, prince cups, power
This will lead you to initiate more conversations and will get you feeling good about making talk with people, mostly women perhaps? however you are being told not to guard yourself or to let the flow of conversation go, don't try to streamline into "snares" and catches of the persuasion techniques. Its like trying to force things into happening too much. Cramps the style
What did last night's dream mean?
Ok so, here's what happened, I tried to focus on what could be happening between her and the band guy, my cards didn't react, nothing happened, no jumping or falling or nothing. I asked if you're imagining things, 4 of wands just popped up. So yeah, I would say it's in your head.

Trying to reach out a little more I got four of swords, knight of wands and chariot, I think you're rushing things in your head and need to rest a bit, the emotions are not helping you to think straight. Take a deep breath anon, it's ok.
will TF play my game?
>he's one of those shufflers who shuffles cards until they fall out and doesn't pick his cards intuitively.
>probably a zoomer who picked up that shit from watching tik tok and youtube tarot readers
yeahhhh you're a fag and your shit stinks. learn 2 shuffle and pick cards poser
Two of swords
Ace of wands
Ace of pentacles

I get the impression that this may be a newer friendship but I could be wrong.
This person has some uncertainty toward you but overall they feel like you could end up being a really good friend and they have generally very positive feelings about you. You get along well and they feel like it’s a really fun and grounded relationship.

Thanks so much
>4 cups
>5 wands rx
>ace swords
>10 pents rx
Yeah it looks like you've been putting something off that's not going to be fun but really needs seeing to, and the next two days are the time to do it. Reads as "see to some financial issues" to safeguard / rectify something before it becomes a real problem.

Oh interesting. It's really an experimental - nlp thing I'm going to be trying with my gf (which she consents to and finds fun), to test the efficacy of it and see what can be acheived. Your right in the "talking to women" part, for sure. Thank you.
Will a game dev see any of the games dream content I will post?
devil, knight sword, pleasure
Yesssss they will and they will likeeee it a lot
>page pents rx
>6 Pents
>Knight Swords rx

...Seems to read like your dream was about you being unfocused, impatient, immature and needing to grow into a new phase of your life where you provide for others instead of taking their help (but not to rush things either).
That's nice, thanks a lot as well!
seven of cups r - nine of swords - six of wands r

No because you're too preoccupied with the idea of showing stuff off and being noticed that it's decreasing the quality of your work, like you're so obviously trying to appeal to others that the passion in your work is going down therefore the overall quality is and this will cause your work to suffer as not a lot of people will really care for it
>Page swords
>6 Wands,
Yes, but as a fuccboi, if that helps.
Does DR (male) have real feelings for me?
Thank you.
Did she cheat on me last night?
>4 Pents
>Chariot rx
>Ace cups rx
>Knight cups

Yeah she doesn't want to part ways. She wants you to reach out with some gesture or thing to say that re-charges or re-ignites the friendship (In a bf-gf situation this is usually a relationship threshold where love is declared or explained, understanding / empathy is shown, so on). Basically, that's the way she wants you to reach out and let it be known you (if its the case) that you dont want to lose her in your life.

This spread could be shortened to "women srs" (even if you are F)
Hey friend, willing to do a reading for me? Trade perhaps?
>6 Pents
>4 Pents
>3 Pents
>A swords R

I don't think so. Seems she was idk, working or helping someone out or generally with a group working on something. It's more that your mind's racing, going down the "paranoid bf route" (I read this twice - the first read didn't answer your q but focused heavily on this), not that she's doing anything wrong.
sure senpai. Whats your q?
Is Sagittarius seeing someone else romantically atm? Not her ex who divorced her
Is she (P) interested in me?
If I answer you will you get peace?

These are the kind of questions that destroy... could be a relationship, a heart, a weakened mind or anything near those.

Do you really need to know this?
2oc r, devil r, qos r
sorry but no she like you as a friend
She's got a history of cheating and I can't/don't deserve any better so I'm just trying to figure out why it feels like her mood changed. (Went from her being angry with me to being content seemingly overnight)
Justice Rx, World, High Priestess Rx
There could be some temptation in her heart and there's some vulture(s) around her trying to predate on her weaknessess but this is a no... not last night that is.

I don't know if she came clean on all her cheatings but there's something weighting down in her heart, this just puts more pressure on you and your relationship on a conscious and subconscious level.

Talking things out after a walk in the park or having a good night together should help you bond together and open up about hard issues like those.

I don't think cheating or lying should be a thing in a relationship but it does hapoen even with open relationships, but this usually speaks about insecurities and traumas more than anything in my opinion.

On the counterside, if you can't stand being together and it's a pain being away from each other you should seriously re-evaluate your priorities.
I'm blocked on everything possible by a girl and I'd like to know does she want to get on good terms eventually or remove me from her life entirely
thank you for the reading. I don't think cheating should be a regular thing and it's not something I've consented to or would ever consent to. I obviously enjoy being with her but I'm always looking for someone to replace her with because of the betrayal though I'm certain that I won't get a chance to replace her with someone better because I already passed on those better options and things have only gotten worse for me over time.
are you >>38831195
Dude if you're not happy just leave there's plenty of fish in the sea. Work out work on your image and get out there again younger women prefer older men desu men have better shot at finding women but yeah become a man of value have some money and look good and you could find yourself a good woman, no women would ever date poor fags and those that do are probably fat, ugly or insecure
There are literal billions of women in this homosexual planet.

Under normal circunstances I would recommend you to do perform a cord cutting and work your way out of a heart breaking relationship like yours, but if she ever performed a lovespell or binding of any kind this would only bring total wreckage to both of your lives.... this could even have a lot of colateral damage...

But I seriously think something should be done.

In today's age and timr we can't judge open or poly relationships, but in my opinion these are only fair and square when everyone involved consent and agree... but maybe I'm overthinking...
" she ever performed a lovespell or binding of any kind this would only bring total wreckage to both of your lives.... this could even have a lot of colateral damage..."

Yes a binding spell has been performed though its efficacy is questionable. The issue is that things in my life seemingly only get worse with time and I feel much worse without her than when I'm with her. Everything feels good and better when I'm with her but the humiliation, disgust and regret is what burdens me. I have another girl in my life but I'm not in a relationship with her and switching to this other, older girl would confer no benefits because it's like she's a rubber stamp copy in that they're similar looking and both whores. It feels like it's impossible to find a woman that isn't a whore in the USA. Again my best options are behind me now.

The women I can choose from is in a pond that is drying up and no amount of money can fix.
Nope but I have a similar enough query, that's why I asked. It's S. C. in this case (or S. D depending how you look at it)
Polygamy sucks t b h
It always ends with one person getting the shit end of the stick and only agreeing because they don't want to lose their partner. Women hate each other and they hate sharing men, they are competitive and love to push each other down. Even if it's someone they don't like they make sure the other one doesn't have him just because. Men don't like having another man bang them no matter how much they "agree"

I'm happy with my wife, and I don't need another person to be involved in our relationship, say what you will but monogamy is based.
Pfft please, go to a bar or some fancy expensive hot spot and you will find suitable candidates. You are just comfortable because you don't need to do an effort with your cheating partner, but you do need to tell her that betrayal she did still hurts and she needs to find a way to earn your trust again
Will Gemini blonde try to contact me anytime soon?

Your q?
How much will I enjoy this Pink Floyd album?
>say what you will
If you wish.

Cuck! Your waifu already cheated on you.

Ayyy lmao!

Now seriously... money isn't a fix all for your life problems. I still hold that there's plenty of women in the world and more are becoming adults everyday too.

If we ignore the "Grooming" argument and other feminist bullshit you could land a decent partner IMHO. Of course, this also implies you would be picking a mature and well grounded partner instesd of some spoiled and materialistic bitch obsessed with music trends and trash fashions.
When will this loneliness end?
Ah ok, I'll do it but I have to go for a couple hours. I'll read it for you in 2-3, uniess you get someone else to do it the meantime.
Old people go to bars, yuck.
Hit up prothymon on discord if this isn't up
What he say fuck me for ):
>suitable candidates
Damn no! What are you? An old boomer or something? That's the kind of shit tier dating advice my dad would give... no offense.

>need to tell her that betrayal she did still hurts and she needs to find a way to earn your trust again
This is more based and solid.

You really need to talk things out... or bail out once and for all.
You would be surprised anon

Let's agree to disagree then, my wife actually comes from a Muslim background so I really doubt she has cheated. I really had to prove myself in order to marry her.

Sadly in this world money talks, no matter what you say. There's decent women in this world even in such trash culture countries as the US, but of course one knows need where to look, republican Catholics are usually very strict with how they raise their children especially their daughters. There's women around, of course needs to be a man of value if you want a woman of value
>Queen of wands, 7 of swords, 8 of cups

Well it looks like relatively soon you'll have somebody to fill this loneliness void coming to your life, doesn't seem like it's going to be his genuine as you would expect or hope though. Seems like it's going to be a quick fleeting thing for this person to be in your life as they won't serve you or benefit you and probably use you to the benefit. They'll probably have to move on for that and look for something else. Take this as a learning experience to what and who you keep in your life.
Will he install discord again to talk to random whores on there?
Meh... then she whoreships the same God as everyone else in the west.

He only real issue is the cultural background and the esoteric knowledge shared around within their group if any.

Point taken on every other regard, but if you already got married then you were a man of value at some point.

You should return to your roots, become more in tune with your best version of yourself and then everything will just fall in place.... or so it should.
Will he cheat on me again?
You still here?
She asked me a question and it's one she's kept asking me so I gave it to her. It was kind of an emotional question so she got an emotional answer. She's not the type to ignore my messages like this so it's a bit odd.
8 cups R, judgement, page sword R
No they wont. You'll cut ties with them and go off to find new ppl
AQ: General Reading for Health, Career, and Love.
sag 32 M
Nta but a lot of women cheat regarless of religion
>saw some pics from a blog
>guy moves to neighbourhood
>has muslim family as neighbours
>woman early 30's with 70 old husband
Long story short the neighbour started fucking the married muslim woman and he took vids and pics and shared with everyone
Can never trust too much women anon. Mashallah
Trade again?
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Don't leave me hanging bros.
Should I bring some soothing items with me on vacation? Not drugs btw.
Is anything going to happen today in my country?
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How does TP feel about me recently?

I'll post after you if that's ok. Starting
Princess disk, gain, pleasure, truce
They are making peace with you and feel like they got much to gain from your relationship. There might be pleasure coming up soon w them such as a hook up and they seem to be pretty dedicated to you
>Queen of pents, king of pents, 8 of cups

I would say definitely yeah you would like some creature comforts, just don't overdo it to the point where you overload yourself with too many "comfort's" if you know what I mean. Seems like it'll be an enjoyable good time and you'll be prepared. I don't think you'll have a lot of time to be relishing in whatever you bring though.
That's good, we haven't talked in awhile so that's a relief. Thanks
They feel like shit
I wouldn't be surprised if they do
Why are you asking about other women when you're already in a relationship
Boi they were the last person I was in a relationship with. I don't got any hoes unfortunately
How is she feeling about our relationship?

Should I add more music to my playlist or is the library extensive enough already?
Knight sword, 3 swords R, tower R
There was a fight recently or arguments? Seems like things are recovering now. However there's a minor tower moment coming up. Nothing too crazy just a stir up
3 of cups
King of wands
4 of wands

Add more music. It’s already a pretty solid set up but you can benefit from seeking out new music and sharing it with others.

Thanks. Trade again? What direction is our relationship heading in?
Should I seek to add older music from the 90's or 80's or should I go for more 2020 to 2024?
9 pent, 7 sword, temperance R
Someone is fooling themselves or the other party here. Its heading towards an inevitable rupture. Sorry to tell you but your gal may already be seeing elsewhere or talking to potential mates preemptively (or is that you? Idk) either way the time of harmony is disrupted. Time to walk away
Could somebody please tell me why I feel this way? (Pic related)
I just want to know if I am meant to feel this way or if there is something that I am missing?
2 of cups
4 of swords
2 of swords

Find a meaningful balance. Seek out all types and time frames. It isn’t the time of the music so much as the variety in this case. Don’t stress it too much just keep an open mind
Its normal human condition. Humans are affected in waves. Nothing is constant. Sometimes we are social and other times we are loners. Just go with the flow
It feels much more like a slope or ravine honestly. Which is why I was hoping for a reading.
Can you draw to clarify on this? I can trade again. Everything seems to be going really well. We had a small argument but I didn’t think it was that big of a deal or that she’d actually go astray that fast
why did i dream of the men's us Olympic basketball team all eating cake and socializing on a table in my room? i couldn't stop complimenting them LMAO
Well thing is it hasn't happened yet. Thus it all happening soon.
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king of pentacles
wheel r
four of pents
nothing good, this was an unplanned occasion and something too impulsive (in a bad way)
six of pents
if you study yeah
four of cups
really up to you t b h could go either way
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page r
seven of pentacles r
(distractions / working for no good reward)
count on it, expect him to not even get them to like him lol
he will, likely the last time you’ll let him get away with it
Can I also ask for exams? How will they go?
Can I ask for a love general for the next 2 weeks? I'm a straight Gemini man
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it’s eclipse szn soon my dudes
> sun sign
> age
> a photo or a cool drawing of a lunar eclipse
i reserve the right to skip and im only reading one batch

What will this eclipse season bring me regarding my love life (I'm single) and career (currently unemployed)?
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it is a good idea to do what i'm thinking? if so, how i'll do?
Forgot pic, sorry
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(Not an eclipse but a representation of one)

What awaits me with the girl I'm infatuated with? Will she contact me? Should I contact her? We had a rough patch and I was an idiot
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Anything I should know about her?
What does she really feel about me?
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23 leo
what is in my pisces house which i will let go of?
can you do this one >>38833269 ?
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Will he see me again after he leaves?
>1 cards
Ebin trolle?
I played subs and he broke no contact
He gave me his ring and we had car sex then got drinks. I know it was mostly for sex he saw me but he's really cute and i did want the ring ... how much was it because of the subs that he came to see me vs his own free will?
Taurus, Male 21

Is Pietra interested in me? In a sense that she would date me and make out etc.
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32 Virgo
What is the safest way for me to move forward?
If still here: general for the rest of the week?
Trading intrusive 3rd party query
Can you do it now? I'm still around
Why am I experiencing so many synchronicities as of late?
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you’ve being warned to not give into the temptation to stay in the past
good news, mostly… vulnerability has never been easy for you she will expect you to be more open in general
this can potentially be the best relationship or the worst, i see hesitation on her end could be because of the past or she’s just not willing to open up right now
too lazy to type full spreads
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sorry I couldn’t continue more folks good luck
Okay can you do this one for me?
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can someone do this one >>38833269 please?
no worries

Continue with the trip to Am or change it to the other option? Thanks.
Qow 4os temperance
You're going to feel really motivated and driven to do a lot the beginning of the week. Be careful not to spend too much money though. Its also possible that you will meet a woman with these characteristics. Later on in the week you will then be slowing down and will need to rest give yourself time to evaluate the situation and do everything in moderation. This will prepare you for what's to come.
I totally get it, no worries. Being wished luck in my situation is appreciated.
If you're still around, I'm starting

Do I have offspring with A?
If i dont get my reading im sending the most rancid vibes ur way
nta but I can trade for it

>8 Wands rx
>6 Wands rx
>Lovers rx

Sorry to make you wait so long to get the bad news but it looks done: There's negative sex-conotations, ending and transition, low-point of the psyche and lovers rev'd really putting a nail in it. It seems that whatever it is, her blocking you is part of her moving past you and whatever it is you did (or that she perceives you did), this is the price you pay for it. Sorry anon, hope it resonates or is at least helpful.
Ill wait for u to post first btw
lol its ok, my Q is will MF be dtf? And if so how likely are we to have sex at all? Starting
So am I being punished for some time or is there a chance to turn it around? I've gotten various suggestions from other readings
Come on, decide my fate, stoner or sober...
High Priestess Knight of Swords 3 of Swords
You've been putting up walls against them in the hope of not being so heartbroken by their choices but unfortunately they will end up hurting you deeply with their choices, I'm not sure if that means they'll see you or not before leaving but I'm guessing it means they won't see you and it will hurt, im sorry anon.
Trading occult :DDD
why was mb looking at me like that? your qs?
Honestly it looks like it - maybe not punished, but whatever it is that caused her to cut you off is what you've got to reflect on. It really reads as a closed chapter and a broken union.

Pulled a card just now: "Is there a chance to turn it around?"
>8 Cups.
So again, really doesn't look good. Sorry.

That said, if I can /adv/ here, if you really want to know you might as well just go ask her yourself. Without scaring her or anything, you know? You can get reads from now til the end of time that will give you varying levels of hope, better off biting the bullet and sorting it out irl.
Ehh I'm already expecting the worse lol
Strength 8os empress
It may take some time and self control from you. There will be a period of time you feel stuck in this situation but play your cards right and she will be yours.
Trade again? I'd like more clarity on how likely are we to really do it all or no, at this point I just wish I could have a detailed walkthrough on how to it with them since if I went for I at the wrong time a lot of things could go sour
Sorry I'm good enough for that kind of thing and it's imo not something you can rely on 100% look into loa i was no contact with an ex and started listening to subs and he came back. Hope this helps.
q? mien is >>38833893
How likely/difficult would it be to have sex with MF?
mf doooom
Page of Swords Moon 7 of Pentacles
I'm getting that MB is just someone who's overtly judgmental in general so It is reasonable to assume they were looking at your for a reason but moon says there was no reason in particular for them to look at you that way, it was just in your head
Sorry anon, was eating
my q is: would knowing this spirit's name help me, or would it make no difference?

What is yours?
makes no sense, she was staring for a while. One card until you explain this shit
Ten of Wands R
very difficult
also your interpretation is shit these cards don't mean that shit at all
>10 of Wands reversed
Opposite of what you said

I'm sorry anon that you didnt get the "oh she was staring at you all because you were hot and she wanted to fuck you" answer you were desperate for, you're a shit reader who can't put their feelings aside from their read (trademark sign of a shit reader), dont bother with a reply I dont wanna hear anything you have to say
lmao typical defensive faggot troll lying to others. And if you're so sure about the answer why do you ask? You seem delusional and a faggot ass larper who doesn't understand how to read. Cope seethe and dilate tranny, kys
utter retard with a deck, do the board a favor and abstain from reading, if you're so desperate for validation stick to posting AQs, and stop with the 4chan word salad it reinforces how insecure you are
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Folks I've had a mishap right now
The glass jar where I hold my cards fell on the ground and shattered a bit. I've gotta throw it out but I'd like to see if someone can tell me is this some kind of sign or telling me something? Consider this a sort of Q.
That’s what you get for keeping them in a glass jar not a plastic one
Was it a "mason" jar?
>Ba dum tiss
Who's my soulmate?
You first faggot, since you're clearly shit at everything you do
9 of swords, temperance, 6 of disks
It's not a sign but if you are not careful you will make a sign and attract bad things to you.

anon use a wooden box!!!
Plastic is the flesh of Al Dajjal
I blessed you with a read, frankly I dont think you're capable of reading accurately even if you wanted to
Still trading this occult q since anon disappeared :(((

Stop projecting incel
how do i devote my life to progress?
projecting what? stop throwing words you read on 4chan onto your screen like a monkey throwing shit at a wall and learn to think for yourself you retard
Will I meet her irl?
Best thing happening for me in the next seven days? Starting yours
Would it be better to change my trip farm what I planned to go to and event in a different location called ‘ptc’ instead?

What’s your q?
Will she come back eventually?
should i go with option HSH or HCB? starting
Trip from* correcting that typo lol

Ok starting yours now.
>fool rev
>knight of swords
A correction. You'll say or do something stupid that could put off someone you need on your side. This energy could be reversed with you being victim to such behaviour. The key isn't an apology but new found wisdom as a result. You'll look uppon what happened and decide "that was stupid! Why did I let/caused that to happen?" Essentially You'll become smarter and avoid stupid people/behaviour more after this week. That's all I got
Who's my soulmate?
Nine of Swords
Ace of Coins Reversed
King of Cups Reversed
Looks like a strong no, sorry.
Aq or trad3
Is g a soulmate or what?
Before I take the trade, what kinda readings do you take and which do you not take? AND is G a person you already know, or something else?
> The Tower Rx, Knight of Swords, Five of Swords

> Two of Swords, Six of Wands, Ten of Wands Rx

Not sure what they are but it looks like HSH is trying to fix something that failed while HCB is much more price but would be more work on your end. Or there is some type of price to it that you don’t want to pay that makes you think of the other option. I think it will be the correct one long term though. Pay the price for that one. Could you tell me if that resonated? Could you tell me more about what those options actually are?
Got yours now. Pls post your read.
Trading occult
sh is a more reliable thing but not my style, hcb is older and might require more maintenance but more stylish and easier to work on
No, stick to your current plan, or you'll find yourself stuck in an unexpected mishap that will end up ruining your trip.
I got very strong signs that I followed to perfroming a ritual over the weekend - I performed it, it's result should have manifested at the weekend. Will the result manifest later?

hcb is also cheaper
What can you gauge about the spirit that's been around me recently?
Will take me some ten minutes to settle down, won't cuck tho
no worries, starting.
G is someone I know
Im not the best at generals
Decided to not pick cards for this one, pendulum and ouija'd it.
1. Try again during the full moon, and at night.
2. If you haven't set up an altar, do.
3. If you have, the quality of the offerings and setup will matter, so see if you cheaped out on anything. It's not about money.
4. In general, there needs to be a stronger physical medium involved.
5. Needs to be fed more energy.
6. If you need rapid action you use fire, it was lacking; write on paper, burn the paper.

I can ask more questions to pinpoint issues, if you can think of anything specific.
I'd have an occult q if it's ok, can take yours too, lemme know
>Knight cups rx
>4 Wands

Seems that despite finding it a negative or unwelcome presence (idk if you do, but that's how this reads) this entity has only positive intentions for you, developing a closer relationship with it will really help you grow and transform. The thing this reads to me as - I'm not actually experienced with to be truly comfortable saying but it *is* what the cards state - it's almost like it's your HGA knocking on your door to let you know it's time. I might be talking far out of my ass here, you can judge for yourself.
Hope it resonates
Huh, no way. I guess I read for myself completely down the wong path. Thanks anon, I needed to hear that.
Yw, lemme know how it goes! I'll be lurking
More curious about it than anything, there was another spirit I worked with but it was dissatisfied with me and bailed... This one came and started helping instead. Old one set me on edge for some reason, but this one does not, which is a good start. Answers seem to come easier too
Okay sounds good
What has B said about me? Starting when you reply
What major/profession would be right for me? Feeling unsure over my own atm
Ah awesome. It seems like this one is very well-intentioned to you if nothing else.

thanks - I might do it at the next full moon, I'll be lurking here and will make mention of it.
Is there any deity in the hellenistic pantheon that would genuinely enjoy working with me?
Starting when you confirm

What opportunity is coming my way?
>Devil rev, Page of Wands rev, Two of Wands
Sounds like your options for employment are going to be limited by your aimlessness. Maybe you should do something temporary that lets you make money while you set your sights on something superior. I heard "drawing" - Perhaps you could do some form of freelance art? Even if you have no such skills right now you could probably learn, Can do more
Ace of Swords with Ace of Wands
Queen of Cups
9 of Swords
Likely a slightly mean spirited gossipy comment said in the heat of the moment, both parties here have blown it out of proportion since it's something that wasn't that deep to begin with
Does resonate, trade again? I'd like to know if I could still get the future I had wanted for myself in those limitations
Could you post the cards or the method you used? What would be the thing that comes up?
Can we trade?
Starting sorry we lost wifi for a bit
It looks like you like hcb more. Man up and compete the maintenance. Other that that it appears to be the one you want. Go and get that obstacle out of the way. You literally mentioned that you like it more overall
Hello /div/, I'm back.
Same “rules”.
If you requested any reading yesterday and I didn't do it and you're still around, just mark which one it was and I'll give you priority.
It does. Will this argument ever get resolved?

Starting yours
Knight of Wands
4 of Swords
I'm getting a very clear message that this is something that could be put to rest very easily, most of it is in both of your heads and could be easily ended if you were direct with it, approach them and talk about it if you can

Sure, my Q is clarification on what kind of Major/Profession should I apply myself to
Who sabotaged my car? Was it my upstairs neighbour?
>Page of Swords, 5 of Wands, 10 of Swords, 7 of Wands
You stand a chance but only if you put your full effort into it. You need to stay sharp (and do things that help you keep this clarity) and be willing to deal with some level of conflict that may push you to a breaking point. I think it will be really hard unless you get rid of the unsureness you have about your career choice. Dive headlong into something and don't look back. Maybe you need to do some art anon
I'd like to know if she still cares about me or has she moved on to some other guy
This query
Qoc 3op kow 3ow 2op
Yes definitely, I don't know too much about this but it will help you become more confident and to expand your knowledge. You may have to watch that you keep yourself balanced in some way my guess is the spiritual aspect of life and the material aspect of life as well.
>6 of wands, 10 of pentacles, 9 of pents rev
Something you're good at that could make you a living. The downside is that the major might be demanding and the job could restrict your private life. Like you'll make good money but the major might grant you a job that means you don't really get to enjoy said money. Think game design or programing etc. Well paid but taxing
King of Pentacles
4 of Wands
Knight of Pentacles
Seems like both, she's fond of you and feels like she could always return to you and pick up where you two left but she also has been with other people
Ouija'd this one and got a no, asked more questions. Your relation with G is definitely karmic on some level, and should it go romantic, it would be difficult in the long run. I'm not saying don't try if you really wanna pursue it, but temper expectations. Your best match is someone you currently don't know, outside of your usual circles.
>5 of Swords, 4 of Wands, 6 of Pentacles
Even if she finds you irritable and there seem to have already been some conflicts between you, she sees you in a good light, as a loving and generous person.

>Ace of Swords, 2 of Pentacles
It probably was, but be careful what you do with that information.
Hmm... you might be reading someone elses energy? You do appearance reads? I'd like to trade on that if you do to confirm if this is in fact her
Thank you
Why was I fired?
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Female, Gemini

This one please?
Also. I hope you are feeling better today anon. I've been feeling miserable too.
Lets hope it shall pass for us soon
45 shes a turd everytime im finished she always comes around

Why was I let go? Not that other anon.
>8 of Wands, 9 of Cups, 10 of Pentacles
The bad time you were having has passed, good news is on the way, all your efforts will finally begin to bear fruit and you'll soon be very happy.

I'm feeling a bit better, thanks for asking, I hope you get better too anon, if you want some reading just let me know :)
What do I need to know about sep/oct?
>Gemini man
Love general for the next 3 weeks?
This is something I am genuinely so happy to hear. Thank you friend.
I hope good things will also be coming your way also. I will keep you in my thoughts
male leo
is her C(aries) appearance in my dreams a part of the process of me finally letting go and moving on?
Please and thank you
Tyy, now to figure WHICH lol. Bless you!
Ty! Gl to you!
Trading rest of year love gen
Trading 1 card
sure gimme juan second, shuffling
Kk shuffling
>Page of Cups, Ace of Wands, Star
It may not seem like it, things have probably been difficult and gone very wrong for you this year, but it's going to be a great time for you to either get back to chasing your dreams or be more open with your feelings. Things will flow the way you expect them to.

>4 of Cups (R), 5 of Cups, 6 of Cups (lol)
There's a certain feeling of apathy, mainly because things haven't worked out the way you'd hoped, but there's a feeling that you shouldn't let this block you. Find new things to do, occupy your mind.
The result tends to be positive and very good for you.

Yes. Just keep going, you'll be fine.
Four of Swords, time to chill out my g
I got the devil

Will it happen this week?
You can't imagine how right you are! The past year or so has been incredibly rough for me, so your words feel like something really good is about to happen for me and it is such a relief! Thanks for the reading|
Will he take me with him?
This one
405 i dislike her but i miss her
Apply in g,f or d?
Will he come from LA to meet me?
Hii anon, will this full moon strenghten me? F, Cancer
AQ quit smoking or continue smoking?
>10 of Cups, 8 of Cups, 3 of Wands
Apparently yes, she thinks so, but I don't believe she's going to make any headway or is open to any headway. She seems to be looking for deeper relationships at the moment.

>9 of Swords, 6 of Swords, King of Swords
You feel this way because you're in a period of maturing, of transition from one phase of life to another and this causes you deep anxiety because you don't know how to deal with the things that are changing and the new responsibilities.
You don't need to be afraid or feel this way, it's part of life's journey, conquer your fears, you seem to be an intelligent and fair person, use this to your advantage and to make your decisions.

>Ace of Swords (R)
He doesn't know yet, the decision hasn't been made and his head is very confused about what to do.
Aries female
Male leo
did my reproductive system finish healing from the vaccine?
Male virgo
A love gen for the rest of the year please?
Aries Sun and Pisces rising
What will happen to me during the eclipse?

When will things get back on track?
G: Devil (R)
F: Hiero (R)
D: Page of Wands
G would be chaos, F would be an unconventional place, D looks the most promising for you.

>Knight of Cups

>Judgment (R)
Not yet, you still need a break that you're not allowing yourself.
Libra, male asking about a female Aries

Platonic relationship

Should I ask her to pay the $100 cost for the laptop?
What’s something that will happen soon in my life?
What are the consequences to the people for having sabotaged my car and terrorized my housing?

Was that email the thing that messed up that opportunity?
661 should i sleep more then?
Going there later <3
tysm anon
>Moon, Tower, Sun
It's not going to be easy, as it probably already is. Some big change is going to happen, but no matter how bad things get, don't be afraid of these changes. Things will get worse, your feelings will be more confused than they already are, but in the end everything will be fine.

>4 of Swords, 8 of Swords, Page of Swords
Some very important revelation or solution related to a situation that is making you feel stagnant or too defensive.

>9 of Swords
I can't tell you why, but I don't think it's a good idea, it seems like it will cause a very unpleasant situation for you.
Sagittarius male. Oops my bad.
Male pisces
How will the remainder of the year be for me?
Will she respond to me? If yes how?
Starting when u are
Libra, male asking about a female Aries
Platonic relationship

Should I even get her that computer?
New thread?!
This one for me>>38835900

Who's my (Libra female) soulmate?
You there?im >>38836101

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