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/x/ - Paranormal

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Listen up, bucko.

You know what really grinds my gears? All these self-proclaimed gurus spouting off about "Natural Law" and "objective truth" like they've unlocked the secrets of the universe. Well, let me tell you something - it's a crock of horse manure.

Now, don't get me wrong. This Mark Passio fella might be onto something with his "do no harm" and "golden rule" spiel. It sounds peachy keen on paper. But in the real world? It's about as useful as a screen door on a submarine.

Here's an example:

You've got two knuckleheads sharing an apartment. One's a neat freak, the other's a slob. They're at each other's throats over a few knick-knacks on the coffee table. Who's in the right according to God?

Or imagine this: You're circling a parking lot like a vulture, eyeing that last sweet spot. Just as you're about to swoop in, some yahoo in a beat-up Chevy claims he saw it first. You both think you're right. Who's the almighty arbiter of truth gonna side with?

I'll tell you who - NOBODY! Because life ain't black and white, kid. It's a messy, chaotic, beautiful disaster painted in more shades of gray than you can shake a stick at.

This Passio character wants to slap an "objective right" and "objective wrong" label on everything? Ha! I've got a bridge to sell him.

The truth is, most of life happens in the murky middle. It's a constant negotiation, a dance of compromise and communication. Sometimes, there is no clear "right" answer. And you know what? That's okay.

So here's the real Natural Law for ya: Life's complicated. People are complicated. Deal with it. Learn to navigate the gray areas, because that's where the real living happens.
Who owns the apartment in name and deed? Who pays more for the rent?
They're both on the contract and they split the rent 50/50.
they need couples therapy equivalent shit for their things to get fixed, heh.
am i supposed to know who this mark passio faggot is
Well, he's a very famous individual in the occult space.

Science of Natural Law Documentary:

Website (his show is currently live):
honestly, if you post on /x/ not knowing who he is, you should lurk 2 moar years b4 posting evar again.

He's a giant faggot, but he is a giant faggot you should be aware of.
I can’t decide whether this post was written by an old man who wears a fedora or a Redditor
>You've got two knuckleheads sharing an apartment. One's a neat freak, the other's a slob. They're at each other's throats over a few knick-knacks on the coffee table. Who's in the right according to God?
The one who renounces the knick-knacks.

>Or imagine this: You're circling a parking lot like a vulture, eyeing that last sweet spot. Just as you're about to swoop in, some yahoo in a beat-up Chevy claims he saw it first. You both think you're right. Who's the almighty arbiter of truth gonna side with?
The one who concedes the space.
>Who's in the right according to God?
What does the Bible say?

>So here's the real Natural Law for ya: Life's complicated. People are complicated. Deal with it. Learn to navigate the gray areas, because that's where the real living happens.
You get that from a bumper sticker?

>couples therapy
Makes sense, a couple fags living together bickering over their coffee table.

A giant faggot lives rent-free in your head? Why "should" I keep in memory some giant faggot or bother to look into such a man to learn about yet another e-grifter?
your post is no coincidence. I was thinking about this earlier today. Although I have no idea who Mark Passio is (and I do not plan to find out), here is my five cents to this conversation

assholes can be assholes and not get a single drop of karma, and the Logos of the Universe (God, if you will) won't do a thing about it.

I think that's why organized religion is so obsessed with the idea of Hell, whoever cook these ideas saw wicked people getting away with wickedness and living a quite good life. (as long as they didn't break whatever law was back then) The cope is to preach that they will pay for it all in the next life. Well, they won't.

Because the Universal Logos is not about "nice guy points". It's not like Santa Claus' list where, in the end of a cycle, you will get rewarded according to your behavior. "toys for the good boys, coal for the nasty ones."

But the question is, if it's like this, why shouldn't we simple become douchebags to one another?
For me it's simple. Because being an asshole is not your True Will.
As a kid, you didn't want to get a leverage on people, you dreamed about being, idk, an astronaut, a fireman or a trucker. You probably dreamed to make ma and pa happy, and that gramps would never get old, and that your pet wouldn't die.
You learned to be an asshole because life happened to you and taught you that. You learned it when kids were pushing each other down the corridor, you learned it when you found out your father is not as rich as the other kids. You were fucking distracted from your True Will and disappointed about it all, so you started to behave like others.

Follow your True Will and you'll be a good human being.
>What does the Bible say?
"When a foreigner with a spacious wagon get in front of thine wagon, Thou shalt bring the matters to the Sanhedrin and the Judges must declare war against the foreigners. For thy wagon is Mine, for thou art my chosen people."
>A giant faggot lives rent-free in your head? Why "should" I keep in memory some giant faggot or bother to look into such a man to learn about yet another e-grifter?
Because you're clearly a newfag if you don't even know about someone like Passio. Use all the fucking lingo you want to make it appear like you fit in, but if you don't even know who fucking Passio is, then you're a newfag. No question about it. And all newfags should lurk 2 years b4 posting. So, get to it, newfag.

>What does the Bible say?
Go back to twatter.
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Maybe I'm paranoid or suffering from brain rot, but I have a gut feeling this post was made with ChatGpt.

>about as useful as a screen door on a submarine
>some yahoo in a beat-up Chevy
>life ain't black and white, kid. It's a messy, chaotic, beautiful disaster painted in more shades of gray than you can shake a stick at
>Ha! I've got a bridge to sell him.

This post is structured like a chatbot reply, and uses a bunch of phrases that you never see real people use here.
Be careful bros. You're the greatest group of faggots I've ever known.
I feel like natural law is real but no one has a concrete definition of it, and i'm not gonna listen to a satanist for 8 hours
What do you think someone can do to understand their True Will, if only a small step towards? I really want to find someone that completes me in this journey, true love, but that may be too gay and not what I want
You know JACK SHIT
If you've never seen the laws being enforced and the "loops" soem beings use (they'll pay for it, they just choose to pay later, where they believe they would have a chance to change them. Key word: believe)
Anon, this is noob tier shit
And you're 89% a glowie, trying to demoralise people here
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>Libtshit seething about the idea that some things are objectively morally wrong
Not paranormal, spam thread that does not belong on /x/. No bump on this post. Moving on to next thread.
Look, newfag, i despise mark passio as much as the next scumbag, but literally not knowing who he is outs you as a turbo newfag. Stfu.
I seriously doubt mark was a serious satanist. He knows next to nothing about the occult. He did some metal and some larping, then went on the grifter circuit. Satanists don't turn like that, unless they go full christcuck- and even then, it's questionable if they really did convert. Compare bill schnoebelen, another 'ex satanist', to mark. Mark knows no specifics about anything.
>You've got two knuckleheads sharing an apartment. One's a neat freak, the other's a slob. They're at each other's throats over a few knick-knacks on the coffee table. Who's in the right according to God?
Neither, overpopulation destroys your soul so it stands to reason neither party is good with God since they live in an apartment together and at some point have no doubt sacrificed their own desires to appease the other.
>Because life ain't black and white
It's pretty black and white.
>So here's the real Natural Law for ya: Life's complicated. People are complicated. Deal with it. Learn to navigate the gray areas, because that's where the real living happens.
That's not natural law. Natural law is you reproduce and pass on your genes or you are a literal failure in the eyes of God.
>Natural law is you reproduce and pass on your genes or you are a literal failure in the eyes of God.
Possibly the stupidest take in this thread so far, which is impressive considering how bad the OP was.
Tell that to what remains of all the monkeys who didn't impregnate all the other monkeys. Oh right, you can't, because even their genes have been purged from the book of life.
>Tell that to what remains of all the monkeys who didn't impregnate all the other monkeys. Oh right, you can't Oh right, you can't, because even their genes have been purged from the book of life.
Who gives a shit? Macroevolution is a false theory btw, didn't happen. And you wouldn't be so obsessed with sex and reproduction anyway if you weren't a basement dweller.
lol, genes are all that matter and it wouldn't fluster you so much if you weren't a basement dweller.
You can go back to /pol/
An argument for 'might makes right' wouldve been proper, but this gene shit is retarded. What about plato? Is he a failure because he had no children? When two thousand years of culture were built on his back? Gtfo.
nta but defs too gay and not what you want. you want to find your true will. through living this will (and essentially forcing your will into the world) you become complete. no one completes you but you.
>What about plato? Is he a failure because he had no children?
>When two thousand years of culture were built on his back?
Plato was a dipshit darwin-awardee and his influence on culture is people making vague references to him without actually having read any of his dribble.
>genes are all that matter
First you're going to need to show the "genes" under a microscope and then we'll talk. Otherwise they don't exist.
>muh no children muh darwin
Again, nobody gives a shit here.
Of course you hate Plato because he contradicts your materialistic, incel bullshit.
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this a pretty cool website...I found this guy's rant once and put it to the test. I can't remember where I found this copy pasta. It seemed special and seems to have been written by quite the gifted.
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We don't need God, God needs us
He needs us
Like how a cat kneads us
You don't need God, God needs us

He needs us
Please us
Feeds us
Needs us

Not Jesus
Needs us
Freeeze us

We gave monotheism to THE WHOLE WORLD. The Christians
Right over their heads.

Who is this Jesus?
He needs us.

We don't need God, God needs us.
Don't tease us
Needs us
He needs us

Why? Why? Why?
Because he needs us
He wants us to grow
Into treesus

Not a fetus
Needs us

I don't need a prescription, prescriptions need us. They need us

This Jesus
Who "freed us"
Comes backs
Then leaves us?
Bruh, just learn biotech.
>Of course you hate Plato because he contradicts your materialistic, incel bullshit.
A) not an incel B) plato was fucking pathetic as far as philosophy goes, being the first guy to write down a bunch of obvious horseshit doesn't make him special, it just makes him the smartest and most privileged tard of the tard times.
The gods mostly avoid Humans because they fear our ability to create self-fulfilling prophecies. Not too hard to meet a god face-to-face, but it usually goes badly for them because at the end of the day they're gods, they can take on a Human form, but they are still as highly limited as they are omnipotent - they can do anything in their domain as though it's nothing, and nothing else whatsoever, which causes issues a lot of the time in Human-god interactions outside of ritual spaces.
>An argument for 'might makes right' wouldve been proper
This is the key. This is what it's all about. Might literally is right.

You can say that there is objective morality and that the government is in the wrong when they put a bullet in your skull. But that doesn't make a difference. You're dead and they're not.
It's basically structured in such a way that the more lesser-known words and longer sentences you use, the higher your IQ score.

I bet if you just inserted 50 unusual words from a lexikon it'd show you're a genius.

In reality though, it takes intelligence to explain hard to grasp concepts for the layman.
>We don't need God, God needs us
That is the Jewish attitude on their "God" in a nutshell, basically.
I say there is no omnipotent "God".
>Bruh, just learn biotech.
Bruh, just show me it in the microscope or shut up about it. Completely unverifiable = garbage.
>Might literally is right.
>You're dead and they're not.
So stupid, you're acting like that would have no negative repercussions, like unrest. Remember George Floyd and Jesus, or Martin Luther King Jr.? Killing and creating martyrs is a bad idea.
>So stupid, you're acting like that would have no negative repercussions, like unrest.
It might. But as long as you're powerful enough, you can stop any uprising.

Or, the people who rise will take over. And thus proving again that might is right.

The one with the most muscle, brains and balls make the rules and the others just follow.
>Or, the people who rise will take over. And thus proving again that might is right.
Except when it failed the tyrants by causing a revolution. Then not so right.
>The one with the most muscle, brains and balls make the rules and the others just follow.
Is that why the US is run by senile geriatrics and flabby billionaires?
Yes. You dont need muscle yourself. You just need slaves who possess it.
>The one with the most muscle, brains and balls make the rules
>You dont need muscle yourself.
Yes, contradicted yourself already. What an idiot.
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>You've got two knuckleheads sharing an apartment. One's a neat freak, the other's a slob. They're at each other's throats over a few knick-knacks on the coffee table. Who's in the right according to God?
The one who has the power.
>Or imagine this: You're circling a parking lot like a vulture, eyeing that last sweet spot. Just as you're about to swoop in, some yahoo in a beat-up Chevy claims he saw it first. You both think you're right. Who's the almighty arbiter of truth gonna side with?
The more powerful one.
Power is law.
Sure thing, pal. Plato is a failure and your dad is a god.

True true. But the government fears some powers even beyond them. Iron and lead have their limits. They'll just never admit to it.
that's what I've thinking as well, but the desire of someone to come and give you all the answers persists
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>Bruh, just show me it in the microscope or shut up about it. Completely unverifiable = garbage.
It's not completely unverifiable, in fact you can DIY and oligonucleotide printer in a garage if you try hard enough, I know this because I have. Science is just highly-refined occult work. What the fuck do you think the "subtle forces" are, you fucking nit. If you are attuned to it you can turn it into an aspect of science, if you aren't you're just a dumbass muggle.
>Sure thing, pal. Plato is a failure and your dad is a god.
Plato is a failure and my dad is a narcissist who believes he's god.
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Hermetic law of Polarity: All opposing polarities can be reconciled.
In this instance it is not about who is right or wrong it's about the solution where the extremes meet, in this instance looking at the cause and effect of the factors that created these disputes. When the factors creating the disputes are determined via the Hermetic law of Cause and Effect then a solution can be found. Your looking at the result when the solution is within the cause. Not to mention that navigating the grey areas wothin any sort of spiritual wisdom often leads to one becoming a crusty cynical fuck who projects their insecurities onto others like you. Try some self esteem some time it might help you.
The person in the right is in the right.
A shared space is "biased" towards being clean. Clutter is not a valid "subjective preference" in reality very little is.
If might is right what happens when someone proves you wrong? The next generation always usurps the old you can either give help the next generation prosper or you can crumble into dust.
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natural law dictates i am objectively correct 100% of the time 24/7/365 and disagreeing with me is a moral failing <3
Well, he did ejaculate into a vagina and produced a spawn. Can you say the same?
The only law is Do What Thou Wilt.
The rest grows out of the barrel of a gun.
I think it's a noble goal, my friend.

So start working with that, really work with that.
If this is your True Will, no price is high enough.

Be the best man you can be, if you can't find the right person where you are, move someplace else. Learn with people, talk to old couples in order to learn insight, change the things that need a change, get rid of all the bad things that prevent you from it.

Have you accessed all the things you need?
Relationships are a lot of responsibility, are you responsible enough?
If you want an attractive partner, ask yourself if you are attractive enough and what you can do in order to be attractive.
Do you have enough income for two? If you don't, what can you do to improve your income?

But make it happen! Just make it happen by applying all of your strength in it.

If that's your True Will, EVERYTHING ELSE is a distraction not worth your time.
This is true, in a way I agree. But one can have a True Will centered around family and relationships. It's not wrong.
The problem is when you depend on someone else.

If this comes back over and over again and you can't go around it, then it might be your True Will.

But I will give you an advice, first "marry" the "inner woman"
Oh I know, that sounds very gay, tranny, faggy, [insert another /pol/speak], etc. But you should give a thought over it.
The book in pic related might help you, it's a very short book exploring the Jungian archetypes of Anima. It honestly helped me.
Because, in a way, if you are not tuned with this inner part of yourself, no woman will be good enough for you.

The man who is telling you this is a guy who been into good relationships and looking for other women while on that because, apparently, no woman could fill the void inside of me.
Only when I accepted my "feminine side" that I was able to stop chasing women and be content with my current relationship, because I realized that, in order to be happy with her, I needed to not depend on her.
So, maybe you should consider that.
holy shit this rant is mental masturbation at its best.
this pretty much.
it's the oldest law/concept that's ever been conceived. sanatana dharma (hinduism) literally means the eternal dharma or eternal duty and what it essentially is, it resorts to that post. that is basically natural law. whoever is naturally stronger will naturally be the one that makes the law. however, your actions are bound by karma, the law of cause and effect. sure, everything may go your way for a while but then everything can go extremely downhill one day without any warning. if you cannot lift a rock with your mind then nothing is actually going your way automatically. also, with regards to your example, no one is in the right. both are different wills who try to obtain something, whoever wins takes the cake. it's as simple as that. also I don't get why you try to talk like tony soprano lol.
Moral differences are due to a lack of knowledge. I'm not including cases where someone is just being evil of course, since that is possible.

But honest moral differences are due to a lack of knowledge.

If all knowledge was perfect, and people were not being evil, then we could converge on morality visibly.
Uhh, that book looks rather interesting. Thanks.
>explain hard to grasp concepts for the layman
the very definition of intelligence. difference between an artist and an intellectual. the latter are soulless.

i definitely agree with you there. there's also the trap of mistaking quality vs quantity in terms of relationships (familial, friends, relations) and time spent.

i was going to say the same thing as >>38839547
as faggy as it sounds, he's not wrong in the slightest. the other books that are in the same vein are 'when i say no i feel guilty' (more practical) and 'king, warrior, magician, lover' (more jungian)
although with the latter, you have to take it with a grain of salt as there's quite a bit of the 'toxic masculinity crisis' seeping through it.
Mah dollar value. Mah penny.
God doesn't need vaginas bruh, he just likes making them.
Hey you long nosed mentally ill kike that is afraid of pitbulls and jerks off to gore nice try at trying to "ban" me again but how many fucking times do I gotta tell you I'm immune to your kike trickery

Better luck next time you coward pussy

You can dish out hate but can't take it huh? Typical kike parasite
>whoever is naturally stronger will naturally be the one that makes the law
Varnasrama dharma directly contradicts this, and varnasrama dharma is applied sanatana dharma.
Your idea is wrong. You have a bad understanding of sanatana dharma.
Dharma is law and duty, but this is an incomplete definition,and one that suggests dharma is imposed on things.
Completely wrong.
Dharma means ESSENCE. The dharma of something is that which, if removed, removes the concept of the thing.
Fires dharma is heat and light. This is not LAW. This is not DUTY. This is simply what it means to have fire. It is the essence of fire.
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>You've got two knuckleheads sharing an apartment. One's a neat freak, the other's a slob.
What does the Odd Couple have to do with the false framing in picrel or this shite pasta? This is copywrite infringement.
I'm just framing him through his own worldview. God is a woman, btw (male).
I disagree with natural law simply because it's a baseless claim to absolute moral and legal authority which is obviously an absurd thing to claim yet they try

>It's good because I said so
Works on children maybe
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I don't really pay much attention to these type of arguments but it appears this particular application of 'natural law' is, itself, subjective and hence flawed.
Natural order is observable by the observer.
So it is with the metaphysical.
They are not the same except in that both are flawed and imperfect/ fallen. How we get better is what matters.

>You've got two knuckleheads sharing an apartment.
false premise. Apartments wouldn't exist, as land would be appropriated equitably for once in existence.
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>land would be appropriated
Whose land?
The world government's which enforces international borders and protectionist markets, of course.
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Thank God.
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>This Mark Passio fella might be onto something with his "do no harm" and "golden rule" spiel. It sounds peachy keen on paper. But in the real world?
Ignore Passio, he's just a seething sperg.
Read this instead. It shows how Natural Law can work in the real world.
Ecce homo.
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Yeah, but you just posted a video of him and this is already his thread. He didn't even buy an ad....
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Neither did he.
The video is funny though. He impotently seethes that people don't take him seriously. It's a bad look for him so I don't see how my post could be interpreted as an "ad", 'all publicity is good publicity' is just a cope.
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no publicity is good publicity
especially if it is advertising disguised as discussion or trying for a streisand effect
The video is a supercut by a guy that doesn't like him. Mark literally says he hopes the human race gets wiped out, this isn't favourable PR for him. If anything I'm advertising Hoppe's book as an alternative to Mark, which you can read for free here.
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I already pointed out you were advertising above. Looks silly, too, since democracy didn't fail and monarchies come and go. Since you're on a first name basis with the guy, perhaps you should get a room and work things out between yourselves?

First name basis with whom? Hoppe or Mark, because neither is the case.
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>Unironically posts tumblr tier movie gifs as an own.
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I'm a professional amateur troll, newfriend.
I never pwn, I enjoy the show.
Check this out.

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>sage 09/18/24(Wed)19:14:34 No.38845960▶
>File: 1696219214885879.jpg (30 KB, 619x403)
>>>38845948 (You)
>I'm a professional amateur troll, newfriend.
>I never pwn, I enjoy the show.
>Check this out.
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmZoQFYYx8U [Embed]
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That's terrifying. >chud
I know yellow hair's cult is bad enough but both sides are becoming equally unhinged. Politics ruins everything. Ah well...
Have fun.
>Mark literally says he hopes the human race gets wiped out
Damn I need to check this Mark guy out!
I'm thinking it's a redditor using chatgpt to sound like an old guy.
The little "old man" ticks are scattered too evenly throughout the post, and I just don't see a redditor being that committed to the style.
Bottom line: I am now even less trusting of anything, which I didn't think was possible.
And yet, here we are.
>God is a woman, btw
No it's not you fucking retard.
>I'm just framing him through his own worldview.
More through your own.
God is all, it's beyond good and evil because it's both, it's beyond masculine and feminine because it's both. Polarity and gender are dimensions through which we are limited, don't apply your limitations to God, it has none.
I've been on the chans since 2006. And I don't know who the fuck this passio guy is. Am I a newfag because I don't fit your arbitrary parameters to fit in your super secret club? What a poser. Kill yourself fake ass wannabe.

Just proving how much of a hylic and unenlightened you are by getting butthurt and trying to belittle someone for something so pathetic. Typical dualist insults "4chan is better than reddit". Take a deep thought abiut that and see how much of a hypocrite you are.
Thanks for the tip. I'm going to start reading it tonight!
>I've been on the chans since 2006
No, you haven't--at least on /x/. Every anon who has been on /x/ since 20-fucking-06 knows who Passio is.

>Just proving how much of a hylic and unenlightened you are by getting butthurt and trying to belittle someone for something so pathetic. Typical dualist insults "4chan is better than reddit". Take a deep thought abiut that and see how much of a hypocrite you are.
The level of projection is unreal.
It's a shit book btw.

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