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/x/ - Paranormal

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Is there anything weird/paranormal about the periodic table or the chemical elements, other than Carbon being black and 666.
it's believed that carbon uses some kind of black magic. that's what allows it to bond so easily with other elements. ask any chemist and they'll tell you it's all about magic
prime numbers as a foundation
The periodic table was supposedly revealed to Dmitry Mendeleev in a dream. Make of that what you will.
Members of the Theosophical Society used clairvoyance to discover the existence of isotopes. It was published in the book "Occult chemistry" by Annie Besant and Charles Leadbeater.
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I mean chemistry is literally just the scientific method applied to alchemy.

Chemists are notorious superstitious. Holding grudges against chemicals, techniques, and omens.

For example in organic chemistry when a reaction goes yellow it's probably fucked.

In my mind this is a punishment for the hubris and avarice of alchemists. Trying to make gold and eternal life.
Why is charge hard

13 is aluminum. Aluminum is an Illuminati metal and number. Also aluminum production is for flouride.

Learned about it from another thread on here


Also blocks the pineal gland


not poison ones like titanium, platinum, gold, silver, tin, carbon

Aluminum is also the capstone to the Washington memorial obelisk.

Also a good conducted of electricity (the whole tin foil hat thing is a psy op to get the skeptical to don the dunce)

>fuck aluminum.
>all my homies hate aluminium

>save the cat, save the world

got em
Always thought 33 (Illuminati) being arsenic (rat posion) was odd

Those NWO fucks
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Polarity. Yin yang they are part of the Dao.the monad the multitude. One thing two things all things. There is no separation. You are the philosophers stone. Turn lead into gold. Transmute for betterment. Be the platonic Good you always wanted to be. Peer into the fire, the earth, the sky, be it. The water cycle, thermodynamics. Things are all the same substance changing from one form to another. The moon has a secret, "This light is not my own." Cultivate and meditate until all colors bleed into one, then erupt into Arubis, then come back down and realize you are union. I am she is he is we and they are all together, love.thats all it is.
This is all liberal propaganda. Everyone knows there are only 5 elements.

Since this graph ultimately binds to some dimensional stuff, may be a Laglands program could benefit on putting a chemist, particle physicist and algebraist in a locked room for a year or two. BTW a nice book you've got, keep readin'!

Hell yeah
The myth of silver killing vampires and werewolves comes from silver's natural antimicrobial properties. A dollar of silver in a barrel of drinking water keeps it clean on a long sailing voyage. No microbes, no smell, no miasma, no evil spirits, you don't get sick when you drink it, therefore silver wards off evil. This is just how people thought before we discovered microscopy.
PhD organic chemist here,

I've NEVER been able to activate Mg with an iodine crystal. I'm dead serious, I always use dibromoethane or methyl iodide. Similar experience with organozinc reagents. I also always get bizarre side products using EDC for peptide couplings, everything else works except EDC. Also, NEVER trust "dry" THF from a bottle, always distill it yourself.

Neat do you have the reference

Chemistry from First Principles, Jan C. A. Boeyens
goldRush = AuGust

"It is a myth that chemistry derives from quantum theory. More fundamental than both is the periodic table that reduces the properties of matter to a number basis, which is revealed only peripherally in the differential equations of quantum theory."

Nice to see some other chem bros up in here.

Also - this looks familiar...
Have you ever tries to use the pendulum and this or a similar table to test pure elements?
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Anyone wanna chime in here?
based and dream pilled.
a pendulum of the element? explain more so we can repeat said test.

the periodic table does fit into these categories roughly speaking.
Take a pendulum, put the element in the middle of the circle. Note down the number where it goes. Try different elements and see if you are able to replicate it.
can you dumb what you are saying down for me as how it applies to chemistry and what your pic means?
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so....gravity affects this idea? what is the material of the pendulum? sounds spoopy
No because it doesn't
then what is it?
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"The most conspicuous failure of quantum physics, as a theory of chemistry,
is the demonstrated inability to account in detail for the observed periodic
order of the elements, the single most important feature of theoretical chem-

"The field of stability, outlined by the converging straight lines
in Figure 4.1, is better defined by the two zig-zag envelopes with common
inflection points on 11 vertical hem lines that divide the nuclides into groups
of 24."

Hence the number spiral, the prime numbers occuring along a spiral with the same periodicity pattern. Hence, a huge chunk of esoteric knowledge being known since at least dendara zodiac times in Egypt or, "Al-Khem" in Arabic.

Quotes from the book the phd dude asked a source of.

oh yeah, and 24hr time and whatever.
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i'd postulate the 30(60)decans and their relationship with the zodiac 12(24) had a direct correlation to the primes as related to randal carlsons explaination of the unit of measure and the distances/ratios between the celestials


It's a long video, but explains the occult relation between 5 and 6

vesica attached is known from durer.
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what book is this. i'm reading about the moon dude and how he uses the platonic solids to give a structure to space which is cool. can you explain more about how 24 is an important number? is there a chart showing the 24 nuclide groups?

Here is a nice image of a puch vehicle for answering my questions.

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