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This shit is a trap and I fucking fell for it

Ever since I made a bunch of sigils and charged them I've been having some BAD LUCK

And usually my luck is good or comes in clutch

"iT bLOOdY WeRKs"
Shut up Grant Morrison

Only thing that happened is more synchronicities than usual, NONE of the things I've wishes for came to pass this week

I really wanna an hero
>inb4 cHrisT sAVeS

If he did me nor my loved ones would be having dumb shit happen to them

In fact I did a sigil to make my girlfriends stubborn fucking stepmother stop smoking (she's obese and 60, literally has a heart surgery device and had a tumor but STILL smokes newports like a fucking chimney, even her bio daughter is pissed at that)

If she at least stopped I can put up with this stupid shit but nooooooo chaos magick and God have to be a fuvking faggot

I don't care if I'm a faggot, God is a colossal faggot by default for making Me
(I didn't need to exist. In fact I wished I was aborted instead of the other two abortions my mom had before she had my other siblings. Yet I'm here. Fuck this.)

I should make a sigil to die a quick painless death today at 5 pm at work from a crazy bum with a gun
You sound like a whiney little bitch. Find a bum and ask them how much it would take to rape and strangle you to death and send us their financial details lol. I bet some anons will pass around the hat so you never need post again lol. In Minecraft.
>I'm whiny
OK and?
>Ever since I made a bunch of sigils and charged them I've been having some BAD LUCK
Any spiritual action carries with itself more karmic results than ignorant, mundane one. Just because someone shortcuts some shit to have certain acts of magic work without the usual level of spiritual mastery necessary for such acts doesn't absolve them from results.
check out all these other magical disciplines in the dreamwalker thread
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>redditoid managed to fuck up literally the easiest magical practise in existence
Fuck do you care what your girlfriend's stepmother does? Are you even old enough to post here?
Fuck it maybe I'm bitching for nothing, my non literally didn't care that I was late today

And I got yet another synchronicity today thanks to the music playing (danger zone)

I mean there's a positive, the paranormal is without a doubt real

And I guess for my family's sake I'm still alive
Are you following a daily banishing, divination, meditation routine? A lot of chaos magicians think they can just forego structure.
...Because I care for other people's well-being?
Little man is talking to demons for his girlfriends fat mother good lord my friend we need a stronger word for simp. Youre throwing pearls at swine(literally in this case)
and you're never going to make it
You are quite the vile person, take your own advice scum
You have to be a special kind of retard to screw up chaos magic. Especially if you're seeing synchronicities.
Man, shut the fuck up. No wonder it's not working for you; you're an annoying cunt and even your subconscious doesn't like you.
I did a chaos magick spell once and it backfired so bad. I asked to get like $200 in one week (I was broke at the time) 3 days later my PC suddendly broke down and I had to borrow $200 from my uncle to pay for the repairs. I got exactly what I asked for, but not how I wanted it.
Sounds like you regret being a filthy whore. But really who would want a filthy whore? A divine being is required to look at filthy? By what? Your rules? But you don't make the rules or set the bar.
That's chaos magick lmao; I did a lot of sigils and practices to get a gf (or a bf too because I was horny, undisciplined, and desperate), and I ended up attracting toxic men and women who I had and still have nothing in common with (I had sex with a woman and realized I was desperate for nothing, so I broke things off from there).
To this day they sporadically contact me saying they like me, even though I haven't seen them for years.

What's been giving me good results is specifying I'm to get what I want without it affecting anything around me, and in ways that build upon what I already have.
you simply fucked it up in some way otherwise it's really powerful
Seemingly you arent understanding the concept of CHAOS.
>make it
Make it where

The quote only works on /fit/ and /ic/

And I already got out of fat fuck mode and bench 225 so I ain't stressing

Essentially my post was just an emotional shit
I was pissed because I didn't want my good attendance record ruined by today's lateness
I thought divination was for more advanced and elaborate magick?

I will say strangely my luck...turned up today

A customer randomly gave me Five bucks
I had almost forgot I made a sigil to have a black guy gibe me $50, but this is a white lady
I'm not complaining because in some way im now seeing some results
I believe it, it's not like I'm some Uber advanced magician like Morrison (sorry for getting pissed at you morrison, it's not like YOU did the sigils I did, that's on me) or crowley
I ain't gonna lie im a retard eith synchronicities, I get synchronicities a lot (even before I did chaos magick in full, when I did the Goddard manifestation techniques I got a bunch.)

What's the deeper meaning with them?
That what's happening is destiny or something?

Are we psychic?

A number of my recorded synchronicities seem random like "hungry hungry hippos" (which happened yesterday)
Id love to hang out with the great Grant Morrison. And talk about something really normal, like favourite things to cook at home.

Probably pitch him an idea for a piss take of a comic book where some random anon randomly meets famous people and discusses favourite food to cook at home.

The twist being he spits in their coffee when they aren't looking and has a wall of celebrities he crossed out from how many coffee's he's spat in. But not grant Morrison's coffee, he likes him and just wants him to come laugh at the celebrity coffee photos with him.

"Really, prince Phillip?"

"Oh yeah totally, hard one that, had to spend 3 months as a lighting technician for Jamie Oliver to get in and spit in his coffee, but it ended up a two fer, so, worth it"
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>be me
>make a sigil a couple of years ago about how she still loves me and wants to be with me still
>find out she is married and had two kids
What if we're all just characters in his next comic

I did sigils nothing happened
Even came at piece of paper. Still waiting for that hot milf
lmao this
Your asshole will be blacked.
>this week
nigga can't even WAIT
stop it.
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Op here
I hope a better girl comes your way ejo blows your fuvking mind

You got dealt a worse hand than me, I'm definitely not bitvjing anymore.

We got you fren.
>didn't make a sigil about how she loves you and IS with you
Ngmi. It's like 90% of this board never watched Wishmaster. Chaos magic is Wishmaster, but in the movie he intentionally fucked people over while in reality it merely goes along the path of least resistance and anything that wasn't specified is arranged automatically. It's not only so with chaos magic btw, but with anything that's supposed to grant you the object of desire.
You people don't understand. You have hate in you on this board. You are nazis. So when you are charging your sigils you are charging them with hatred. This hatredcharging can't be gotten around in any meaningful way because the fundamental materials of your souls are black and hateful.

You people on this website are vampires. That's what a blackmage is. A vampire. You're people who have learned how to feed upon suffering, despair and hatred. You feed on the negative side of the emotional spectrum instead of the positive side of it. So the only magical power that you have is to inflict more pain upon others. Magic is never going to work in your favor or give you anything you want.

Money and power. Those are the 2 things you can get for yourselves as black mages. And you can only get them for yourselves inasmuch as you're willing to use that money and power STRICTLY to hurt yourself and those around you.

That's it. That's how the energy works. You don't get it here on 4chan and none of you have ever been able to understand how bad of decisions you've made by choosing this path of hatred and darkness.

In the contrast I myself as a white magician can write out whatever I want in a sigil and I'll get it. But there has to be a respect for the rights of others in the things I ask for. Like I could ask for 10 million dollars (which I do have) and financial security, but I could never ask for 100 million dollars. Cuz 10 million is financial security and 100 million is obscene mongering of power. Understand? Unless I have an entirely specific purpose to use it for for good.

It's this way because I am a Jewish democrat leftist and my soul is full of positive and loving energy. When I see other people I don't see an enemy, or something to be feared and admonished. I don't see something to hate. So when I'm writing out a sigil or something I'm putting all of this positive energy and holy energy into it (cuz I am genuinely Jewish religious).
And you people...as rightwingers...as nazis...you made our choices to become vampires as I am discussing above >>38838561 this is what you chose. You want hate. You want pain. You want death. You want murder. You want suffering. Surprise surprise to have to inform you that these energies you're so politically obsessed with are parts of your souls. So whenever you're charging something magically it is LEAVING you and going into whatever these sigils you're making are and then it's seeing you as a monster and a pathetic piece of shit in the same way you see everyone else. Because it is YOUR energy and once it detaches itself from you then it doesn't give a fuck about you anymore in the same way YOU don't give a fuck about anyone. And it hates you in the same way YOU hate everyone. And it wants to hurt you in the same way YOU want to hurt everyone. This is what you chose man.
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You sound like a retarded, pretentious teenager. You neither have a clue about politics nor about any esoteric art. Fuck off.
As chaotic as Chaos is, it chooses individuals very selectively

not for you OP
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You may be onto something

Yesterday went better than expected
>lady gave me $5 like mentioned before
>then coworker gave me pork rinds unprompted at lunch
>another gave me a cheesestick wuth salami
>hung out with my work friends at a bar yesterday
>different guy in group let's me take a bunch of hits from his weed vape (I actually did a sigil for free weed and I forgot about it, I'm actually sering results)
>friend pays for my food unprompted st diner at 1 am last night
>get home at 3 and watch archer with gf, find a nugget of weed that I use of my pipe, more free weed

Huh I just had to be patient for my results and expect the unexpected, yiu were right anon (and not rude lol)
Stopped rearing at nazi, I'm not white lol that shit dont apply to me
You're projecting real hard there. Lurk for at least 1 year before you start posting like you do in reddit, especially if you can't handle being called out and rightfully made fun of.
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You should have just gone directly to Satan faggot. Enjoy your spiritual AIDS.
>Thinks making it applies only to one thing
>Thinks his emotional outbursts are fine because of inconsequential events
You're never going to make it with that attitude.
You keep saying I'm not going to make ot but this is /x/, it doesn't work here

Also read the /fit/ sticky and pick up some weights, you're ngmi fr by taking this board seriously
Like the other guy said, give it time
>Still doesn't get it despite having it pretty much spelled out right in front of him
Never gonna make it.
>didn't read the /fit/sticky and lift
>still trying to push the goalpost to avoid taking responsibility for his little bitch attitude
>desperate to portray himself as strong despite his string bean physique
Definitely never going to make it.
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ngmi dyel
>seething hard over not being able to do the most basic of basic magic practices
Never gonna make it.
Why do nazis always vehemently deny their nazidom?
>desperately trying to bait interaction
>refuses to just walk away
Never gonna make it.
>assumed It didn't work when I was just griping about being late to my job
>tfw I listened to the other anon, stayed payient and calm, began sering results during my shift and with friends after work
>STILL didn't read the sticky and lift
Damn I know people think I'm retarded but you take the cake, this must be bait

I'm not white, I don't even qualify for nazi lol
>Assumes I was talking to OP of today instead of faggot OP of yesterday
>Doesn't realize I'm shitposting in between sets
Never gonna make it.
>shitposting instead of doing supersets
I would gladly superset you Tuesday for a shitpost today.
>Not knowing how to use chaos magic to make every set have the same effect as a superset
>Not knowing how to charge sigils and mantras with shitposting energy
Never gonna make it.
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>does chaos magic
>expects logic
>didn't realize I use my own outbursts to charge my sigils for free weed
Yeah its chaos

And that new stonetoss was funny
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>Use your imagination
>But...everything I like to do is illegal....

True power lies within especially when it comes to saying no (embracing the positive coming down like manna from heaven with quail birds is a given)

Prove only a positive and realistic attitude.
>forgot to tell me ngmi
You might just make it.
None of this answers my question. I just want to know one simple thing..."Why do always vehemently deny their nazi views?" What's up with that, you know? Because you always all do it so I'm just wondering why.
would it maybe help you if I made a sigil for your stepmother to stop smoking and coomed on it and burned it?
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Well you're lifting, I gotta respect that
I'm just gonna give it time on the sigil I already made and destroyed, maybe next time I should burn it
Most of my sigils I ran through really hot water and ripped apart and threw in the trash, so far it seems to be working

No.way this ain't bait

I have significant melanin.
Interesting pic, Ironically I love to envision my guardian angel as angewomon (even had some synchronicities and angel numbers woth that. I know angel numbers are Facebook tier hit they give ME power)
I'm just gonna repeat what I posted up here >>38841833 "None of this answers my question. I just want to know one simple thing..."Why do always vehemently deny their nazi views?" What's up with that, you know? Because you always all do it so I'm just wondering why."

And each time you doubledown on your gaslight you're proving my point even further for me so allow me extent my biggest thanks.
Also anon there is this Joseph Goebbels quote about you which I found and you might be interested in:
>“The Fascist is immunized against all dangers: One may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Fascist and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I’ve been found out".” - Joseph Goebbels
That's you and the rest of your nazi "frens" he was discussing.
Didn't read the bait but thanks for the bump
OK. I mean I'm not out on any form of crusade that would revolve around trying not to bump your 4chan thread. IDK why you would think I was but good to know that you had no answer
Any anons thoughts on making or charging a sigil on a full moon?
Thanks for the bump
>Most of my sigils I ran through really hot water and ripped apart and threw in the trash, so far it seems to be working
Im going to need you to do semen retention for three days then coom on your sigil. itll hit different
I did a few sigils this weekend and i mostly do positive things for myself or loved ones. But for the first time I did one with negative intent towards an asshole neighbor. I made sure to specify that I just wanted him to comply and wished no harm to him. Well I think its working but now I am worried about blowback. Is there something I can do to protect myself?
You cast a calming spell, not a harming one. There won't be any blowback.
Are you requesting assistance? You need to be specific.

On the other wise of that, there is no doubt it will give you need rather than what you want.
Perhaps what is happening you see as bad because it conflicts with what you want and, what needs to happen to get you what you want?

Remember, magic is a trade of energy and not a "Create All From Nothing" button.
If its giving you the bad, take it so it can finally give you the good.

Honestly, y'all think magic is some IRL cheat code you can pick up when it suits you. Smh
Is there some way to imbue it with the energy it needs? An offering?

"Take this from me here so you wont take it from me there"
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christ OPs a right faggot LOL
Write out your intent in a post and make a sigil with the captcha figures.
Hmm, I'm almost on day 4

Today's a full moon
Should I give it a shot?

Should o just jack off or Should I have sex with my gf and then meditate on ny sigils?
>Should o just jack off or Should I have sex with my gf and then meditate on ny sigils?

Nta but sex is better because of the masculine/feminine polarity.
>Should I have sex with my gf and then meditate on ny sigils?
can you make her cum while you cum at the same time while you are thinking only about the magic you want to happen?
Turn you gf's face into a sigil. You know what you have to do.
This polarity is enhanced by the full moon no?
I can do that, funny usually I try to hold it in longer because I love the fucking tightening feeling inside

What are some other common ways to charge sigils, I'm thinking of also meditating and staring at it

I domt need to invoke any outside deities right?

I'm obviously not going to be accepted by other Christians but I always think of Christ when I do it.
Sure I've seen hindu deities on psychedelic trips and I believe they're real but I feel most safe with christ, my faith is in him

>inb4 someone does chaos magick with a hindu god and gets cosmic indian scammed
>try to do Chaos Magic using the Hindu Gods
>nothing happens
>try to ask for a sign or message as to why my money sigil didn't do anything
>find a message on the wall smeared in human excrement
>"Donut Rihdeym"
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Fucking kek

I hope the Indian scammera get punished by Shiva for their transgressions against the (innocent) elderly
sorry im new to this, but what are good banishing, divination and meditation routines/practices?

Yeah, it doesn’t work. I did the magickal sex ritual thing and did it correctly down to a T to get a girl, and it never happened. I added the bitch on instagram and she never even accepted my request lmao
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that is inconvenient to what my life is rn
what if i made a sigil for someone else to get something? How does that work? I pretty much asked for the person to have good luck cause they were down on there luck.
I think its down to belief bud

If you feel it's how it works, that's how it is
You did it to yourself. Now go unfuck yourself you reverse virgin.
Good. Now read Agrippa, the Lemegeton and the Picatrix to learn REAL MAGIC.
Will I learn how to hurl fireballs and summon thunderstorms from that?
>anon tries to fuck with free-will
>pikachu when it backfires
Go to the deep dark sewers of any major city in North America and tell the sewer dwellers what you just posted here.
>In fact I did a sigil to make my girlfriends stubborn fucking stepmother stop smoking (she's obese and 60, literally has a heart surgery device and had a tumor but STILL smokes newports like a fucking chimney, even her bio daughter is pissed at that)

You should probably do more study on what can be practically expected from magick. You can't just usurp some woman's freewill or hardened addiction with a sigil, especially without their involvement in her own healing and consent.

You wouldn't even able to pry them Newports from her cold dead hands with brute strength let alone the light touch of the subtle forces of magick.

You are starting from a losing position by basing your contentment or peace of mind on the behavior of a chain smoker.

Chaos Magick, in my opinion, has some useful ideas but the community itself is so full of selfish nihilistic edgelord bullshit that I'm not surprised you ended up feeling this way, especially if you're a total noob and you just start plugging away at sigils for whatever the fuck you were doing without understanding some of the basic ideas regarding how to protect yourself or avoid obsessive thinking.

There's a great book on chaos Magick, it's actually where I originally started this Journey. It's called "stealing the fire from heaven." It's out of print and kind of pricy but you could probably find a pdf somewhere.

Anyway, forget whatever you think you know about higher powers or a lackthereof.

The easiest way to get out of the hole you're in is to reconnect with whatever cultural belief system you were born into, and for you to drop all this shit, throw away whatever sigils and other occult stuff you have, and start spending more time with normal people and engaging in normal shit.

If you dint want to do that, then you need to learn more about the nature of the occult and specifically concepts such as egregores, powers, principalities, intelligences, spirits, or whatever you prefer to call them.

I'm not sure exactly what did, but if making a few sigils fucked you up then you're probably woefully impressionable and weak willed or you're way too sensitive to be fucking around with this stuff. I'll check back in a bit if you have any questions.
>It's out of print and kind of pricy
I fookin hate grimoires always being out of print and expensive
Not that anon, but usually it's Lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram, Middle pillar ritual, and meditating for like 5-15 minutes per day. I don't know about divination though, that's the one thing I've neglected to practice.
In all fairness I was overreacting to being late and falsely attributing it to the sigils

The fact I got free weed and had a good couple of days means it is working for me

(And I think my emotions may have made it stronger, I noticed with LoA, which got me to manifest my job around new years, I was also in an aggressive state of mind)

I'll still look into those resources you mentioned
Good point

It's a sane because we all sense that she does want to quit, and I've gotten to really know her this past year

I just did NOT want to lose her to something fucked up and painful like tobacco, I hate losing people

Call me a softy but I don't like seeing people I'm close to suffer, especially if groups like newport profit
Fuck it, charging some new sigils

I got this.

This time it's sigils only with my will.

Making sure if anything goes wrong, it only affects me.
Learn to say this ancient Chinese prayer out loud while waving incense throughout your house:
惡魔 鬼魂 靈魂 滾出我的房子

Or you can say the shortened version:

Make sure you walk in the pattern of the Big Dipper while doing so, and I would suggest you find a sword made of Peachtree wood to swing in front of you while doing it.
i mean nothing has happened different since i made the sigil for the person. They still are down on there luck and my life is still the same. I think I might've not made a good enough sigil.
can chaos magick be used on someone and a letter/sigil appear on the person it's intended for? it's multiplying.
whats a trap is that like a girl or the moon is that what a trap is is it the moon
What a terrible post, who hurt you ?
Don't know how much you're willing to dive into this but this is why making a bunch of sigils and recording them in a journal (how you charged them, how you made them etc.) is key because at some point, one of those sigils will work better than the others and will give you a method that works for you.

Feel free to join me for this sigil September thing that people are doing online. You just try to make a sigil a day and fire it off.
honestly i don't even know what i truely want anymore so i feel like it won't really work for me.
in lieu of sigils, have you tried looking into Jung for shadowwork that leads into esoteric stuff or at rituals focused on gnosis with a certain entity?
yea i been trying to talk to my shadowself its not working
What were your sigil? Angelic stuff? Lemons?
>anon is a fucking loser
>his life is a mess and he can't help it
>accuses chaos magic after a bunch of sigil
Anon, don't you think that your attitude may be the problem?
Kids these days...
You know, out there people are having panic attacks over being called scrubs at game matches.
Synchronicities aren't just coincidences. They are the ones that are significant for the construction of your own self. Seeing synchronicities everywhere suggests that you let the persons around you construct your self. Like an empty shell.
It's not a grimoire, more like experience feedbacks
Bait of the highest caliber.
>uploading demonic sigils to ai models and divining from them
You can see a bait where there is only a reference to Jung's work. The very guy who invented the concept of synchronicity.
Are you jewish?
A reference.

Not an actual representation.
That post was mental well poisoning.
my luck stat is already in the negatives, i guess if the con is a luck malus, it cant get much worse than it is im gonna give chaos magick a try.
write out a new character sheet and charge it as a sigil in whatever method you use
thats actually a brilliant idea
Remember, Charisma is secretly the god stat. You'll level up fast. have enough constitution and you might find people see you as taller
Christ saves
On his saving throw
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Sounds like you fucked up somewhere, OP.
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Chaos magick works only if you stop lusting for results. Do it for the lulz, expect nothing and watch the ensuing hilarity. 23
...and still takes half-damage.
Get down with the sickness! 17

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