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Welcome to Divination General!

Come here for readings and discussions of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

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•Some readers will refuse to do certain readings - respect that choice. Don't harass readers if your query is refused/skipped.
•Traders should respect that a traded read will be granted, as per an agreement of trade. Free readers have the option of picking their queries.
•Bullshit queries get bullshit answers. Vague queries get vague answers.
•You can make an AQ (air query) by not addressing a reader in particular, but it doesn't guarantee an answer.
•Avoid making the same query repeatedly and/or to different readers in a short period of time, as this may lead to more confusion.
•Provide feedback when applicable and be considerate to the reader. We're a growing community, many readers are beginners and need feedback to know what they are doing right or wrong.

Previous thread: >>38828325
hi. bye
Nice, thanks OP.

Any readers present that do something other than Tarot?
Who's my (Libra female) soulmate?
To spice things up like a spicy meatball, everyone does tarot cuz anyone can just buy a deck, shuffle and draw cards. The people that practice other methods are more interesting

Have I already met the woman I will spend the rest of my life with?
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Hello, I asked about a year and a half ago if your cards saw my wife and I getting pregnant. It was bad news and we've been unsuccessful since. Could you please draw for me once again and ask if there's a natural conception is in our future?
Men can't get pregnant though, only women can.
Metabots is gay
trans women are men trans men are men
>Ace of Cups, 10 of Cups, 9 of Pentacles
The journey has been long and tiring, perhaps frustrating, but rest assured. It will work out very soon and you will be very happy. :)
Thanks fellas, my mistake.
>trans women are men
>trans men are men
Will I have kids with j?
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Thx bro
the hanged man. not anytime soon
the high priestess. someone you haven't met yet, they might seem a bit distant or introverted when you do meet them

2 of pentacles. no, not yet
Trading lewd query
I'll answer if not outright degenerate

Will that message come?
Where's your Mars at?
the empress. yes, eventually it will
Why is V (F) flirting with me and my wife, is she out to get us both or is she just making fun of us?
Thank you!
How will the remainder of the year go for me?
Will it happen?
Will I enjoy it?
What does D(female) think of me(male)?
starting yours
the hermit. lots of self introspection and lots of self improvement and finding your own path in life

6 of pentacles, 3 of cups. it'll happen and you'll enjoy it
vii of cups, emperor, knight of pentacles
She still seems to be making up her mind about how she feels about you, if there is any feeling beyond friendship. She sees you as a very trustworthy person, with a little difficulty in expressing her feelings, a little too serious, perhaps not as romantic as she would like.
the lovers, high priestess, charriot R, hierophant
I don't know about flirting with BOTH of you, but she's clearly trying to wedge herself between you, I'd say be cautious
the charriot feels like she's trying to take control from you
it's strange, at first the cards don't seem overly negative but the priestess warns of hidden intentions
Interesting, when you say she's trying to take control of me do you think she's interested in my wife? I can trade again if you need me to.
AQ quit or continue smoking
AQ or trade
what will the rest of the month be like for me?
Will I get a job in my home town soon? I don't have a working vehicle so I'm saving up for a moped to get to a close job. I'm trying to rebuild my life. Thank you.
Should I bite the bullet and buy a house, or rent awhile?
quit-the fool
continue-8 of pentacles

i say quit

king of wands. pretty solid month, i'll say. you'll be feeling a lot more confident at your work place and at home as in dealing with family matters, etc. you're going to be content with how the rest of september goes

5 of cups. not anytime soon. sorry :(

buy-the lovers

rent for a little while longer
Depends. How old are you? And how many years did you smoke?
Ill trade you. How will the weather be where ill be at starting Thursday?
my Q, is there any chance of a relationship between me and V?
starting yours
Should I enact karma or let The Universe take care of it?
ace of wands R, 4 of pentacles R, 5 of wands
she's not interest in your wife, she's interested in you as a couple, she wants to toy with you for her kicks
28. Been smoking weed with some tabacco for about a decade, chain smoking cigarettes only last 2 or 3 years.
Thank you!! I'm looking for a new job so this is good to hear :)
You can't check the forecast ? lol
Yeah quit before its too late. Think about if you want to drop weed too. Weed stinks
Forecasts is a lie. Its guess work at best
hiero, viii of wands, wheel rev, queen of wands rev, v of pentacles, star, ace of wands
Your vision of a relationship seems to be a little more traditional than hers, she seems to like things that evolve more quickly, which could be a problem and this could end up driving you apart because staying with this person means a lack of control which may not be what you like.
You're very compatible and seem to have mutual feelings for each other, but there's a lot of neediness and selfishness, so be careful with that. You would have a very pleasant and intense sexual and emotional life.
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Have I met the man/woman I'll spend the rest of my life with?

32F, leo
okay I can trade you but I can't promise any sort of accuracy. Never done a weather read before. Let me know if that works
Should I buy G.B a chromebook?
don't take it take it the wrong way but it doesn't sound plausible
I'll trade you another for some clarification
Ill start once you give me query
have I already met the woman I marry?

What are V's feelings about me helping B?

how should i start to open up to mom about G?
sure, october general. Starting.
Mom, I like it up the anus
What am I?
6 wands R, 7 Pent R, Emperor
Its seems its got something related to work. Seems like you won't be getting recognized for something you'll do at work. No praises. You'll go through a period of trial and error but in the end you will master whatever endeavour you got going. Again idk your situation so its hard to gauge
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A black man with a traumatic brain injury

Wake up, Jamal.
An imp
I'm unemployed lol
sun rx-temperance-three of swords
Looks like a lot of cloudy weather and storms or weather before storms... again I've never done this type of read so grain of salt
she already knows that
are you tracking my ip anonii?
hot dang ahhahahha
i'm trying to mend the mom-trans daughter bond that desu we never actually had
he's one of the most vulnerable things in my life that i can explain to people, but i don't know how
you guys are the smartest on 4chan as of now so, yeah that's why i asked
I'm watching you masturbate right now
I like it
Oh in that case you might try something new. You're a neet? What do you do in your free time. Im unemployed as well lol
got my pics too?
man you must be the all fighting guy i saw everyone talking about
obssesive, i was there
we can chat up about you if you'd like
I just quit my job last Friday, I'm applying to new jobs as I have enough savings for a few months. I also just moved so I'm unpacking and such. I lift and run too and such, nothing interesting honestly
Next relationship
sorry, pass, I'm not good at describing people
i can take it, altho dunno if this is a reading as much as personal advice>>38836485
Where will I get money from next?
Trying something new
Okay starting
Kos temperance 8ow
You have to just do it, however if their reaction is negative in any way don't let yourself get upset but instead show calmness and maturity. You're going to be much happier after doing so and everything will prgress nicely

Is there a satisfying career in my future?

Thank you
Trading next gf
Should I wait for her or just forget about it?
Next bf
she might have binge eating stuff or you'll find hera lil chubby >>three of cups reversed
won't be easy to talk to at first >> nine of wands
she might seem self absorbed but she's likely just extremely introverted and loves deep things >> queen of wands reversed
you may tend to think she's rather snobish and uncaring for people but she's just afraid and doesn't like to remember how lonely it gets >>queen of pentacles reversed
you may actually met during a confrontation and it all depends on wether or not you can do things with compassion >>judgement reversed
would you elaborate on this method?
temperance iknow, 8 of wands?
Im a girl tho...
Kos is a card of action and communication
Temperance is keeping emotions in check and being balanced in how you express yourself
I interpret the cards literally and also use intuition
crap, how did i miss that??
lemme restart
trading dumb query...
What is the outcome if I find other retro gamers? Starting
2 cups R, chariot, 5 pent
Move away from her and forgive and forget her
Koc 6os 7ow
Someone very intelligent, emotionally mature, very romantic. She may he getting over a bad breakup when you meet her. She will make you work for it .
Could be older than you and could have lighter hair than you
what did AG think of me outside the pie shop today? you?
>4 of pentacles rx, the hermit, 9 of wands rx, queen of wands rx, 7 of cups rx, 3 of swords
He seems to be an introverted guy who is trying to open up to people, be more adventurous and communicative about the way he really feels and think with confidence. It seems like he will struggle with it, despite making the effort to change and be more sociable. The reason being that he has a tendency to see slights or problems where there are none, likely due to overthinking or some sort of past unpleasant experience that will keep triggering him. Maybe PTSD?
I'm getting that he will either have black or red curly hair and be on the taller side.
Knight of Swords reversed, Hierophant, Justice clarified by 3 of Swords
I think you'll be disapointed, but if you go ahead do not bend your opinions or tastes to fit in a group
Aq or trade
Is d my next bf?
Outcome of using dating apps while on vacation?
Aww sounds cute
Water sign, huh? I think I may know who it is, unless that was not a typo and you drew a King instead of a Queen.
Page sword, 7 sword, 3 pent
Seems like you already painted a target on D's back. You will try to do whatever it takes to date them and it will work. It may start off as friendly banter or like working together. Women hunting for men really are like spys lol

Continue on at my current place?

How will that trip turn out?
2os thmoon emperor
You're not sure about this. Are you scared of love or woman or something? Try to not be too forceful .
Qoc aop 9ow
Try to look for woman who are kind and stable also try to be more open and less guarded ...
Does this make sense??
10 of wands. its time to move on

ace of cups. it'll turn out fine, better than expected
We broke up but i want to get back together maybe
have I already met the woman I marry? what's ur q?
2ow reversed, you won't feel sure about him liking you at first
6op reversed, you may feel like he's only trying to be a better self, glad that he can be around you
temperance,sometimes passion is something to indulge into, perhaps trying to remain on the right path is going to keep you from it
7os reversed, don't make getting close to you a chore, it hurts to be vulnerable, specially for gim but you can be patient with it-
temperance, i'd say it is likely to be a nice one, enjoy it fully
not really a Query, I need a 2nd opinion, I'll trade you for your interpretation of this spread
>Will anything happen between me and her this year?
>Four of Swords, The World, Nine of Pentacle Reversed

I'm feeling very torn about a current situation in my life. Any advice?
Uh idk if you were the anon i replied to but I can post my interpretation yes
Same query as >>38836808
Ty :)
sorry I just couldn't help it
The Emperor, 9 of Swords, King of Pentacles
well, it says it's not as bad as you think and you'll coe out better from this, just keep a straight head don't let fear close your mind
So my interpretation is that not much will happen with her this year, the cards seem to be saying the remaining of this year is an important period of personal growth and focus on yourself, as this is the priority, things wont develop with her until you are done with your inner work
Eight of Coins Rev/Two of Coins/King of Cups
You very much have to put in more effort and find a balance in your life by really working on your own emotional intelligence.
3 of cups rx , page of cups
No not yet
Will j or e be famous?
two week gen? starting
moon, five of wands
page of cups rx
no to both...
10ow pop 10oc
After a lot of hard work. It's all going to start working out for you. You're getting some money possibly a new job if you are looking for one. Your family life will also be bringing you a lot of joy and if you are not married it can be your friends or community in general. Just make sure to not overwork yourself
Thank you!
Trade again?
Does G have attraction to R?
yes query?
Will j and I live together?
what will my next job be like? starting
Will I experience workplace bullying if I work there?
I'm getting a no for this one, or at least not at the moment.
hanged man nine of cups rx four of coins
Qoc the devil 5oc
Hmmm okay a little tricky
If you are a woman you are someone who is very kind and caring if you are a man then you may meet someone with these qualities
You have to watch that people dont take advantage of your kindness..
9oc 9op the world
I pulled some more for clarification
This job will help you flourish into yourself. Something involving traveling perhaps like a travel advisor or even fligt attendent , vlogger etc
Nobody has money lol
Trading occult
that makes sense lol
I'm a man, do you see something romantic here at work? or is this a good friend?
and idk about traveling lol I've never done a job like that
I can pull more if you want to trade again
How will I do on the roadtrip?
I want to drink some milk first though...
hehe me too
Starting yours
Taurus, Male 21

Is Pietra interested in me? In a sense that she would date me and make out etc.
Oh god, yes I think I do know who this is. I just checked their profile. I think I'm gonna skip this one.
queen of cups ten of cups three of swords rx
I see this going very well actually. Are you a woman? You're going to have a blast and have some really good times with friends. And it'll help you put bad times in the rear view mirror.
Does E have any tattoos and if so how many?
Is this you?
I can trade you
Someone at work?
The world
Yes, i dont know if you're working yet or not but looks like you will neet that qoc at work.
word let me know if you want trade more
i just wanted more detail on her is all
I think though i need to tell you not to just focus on love . You have to show that you are a good worker and this will make you confident which will draw her to you
Hmm there's only so much I can find out physically but if you wanna trade again
Will I live in LA successfully?
Q? I'm single and working on myself and my life, what sort of man is the universe trying to put me into the life of, romantically?
Oh my Q is G attracted to R? I’ll get to yours now
actually scratch that query, can you just tell me more about my next job ?
I'll see what I can find out!
Lovers 9 of Cups 10 of Cups RX 2 of Swords 8 of swords 4 of Wands

Yes, they are attracted to them.
2os 4ow hp
Looks like youre still undecided about this. What you really want to do is have a family? You know apparently what needs to be done to have this and what job you need to do.
Im sorry I couldn't give you more details :( im starting to get a headache I have to stop now
I got Page of Cups, Two of Pentacles, and King of Wands. This person seems to sweep you off your feet and be engaging and passionate. You may have to make a choice regarding them with the Two of Pentacles or they may balance out certain aspects of your life. Overall good prospects though!
Anyone wants to trade this Q again? I'm not interested in dating someone who spends a great deal of her time throwing shade online about her numerous ex boyfriends and flirting with other men when she's already in a relationship
six of wands rx empress nine of wands rx
To some extent yes. Perhaps not wildly successful but you'll be comfortable at least and you'll be okay with that. You might not get everything you dream of however.
Kind of crazy that you pulled Lovers and 10 of Cups reversed being that both G and R are in relationships with other people right now. Wild.
what?? sorry yes a family would be nice but job for a family? idk mang that's a few years away at least.
Yeah I'm not too great with specifics
Have you applied anywhere?
a few places, cover letters and resume changes in the works for other places
I've been moving too so it's been busy
Where can I expect my next cash flow to come from ? You?
Where will I work next? Starting

There is a serious fork in the road, looking for guidance on the situation.
Somewhere really fast paced, you may not like your boss they could be really controlling and you migh leave or think of leaving
emperor six of coins eight of swords
maybe from the government or an older member but it won't be as much as you want.
How smooth this second semester in university will be for me?
Is he ready for me?
did that shit actually happened this last weekend?
One card?
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How would I feel if I started killing people?
aq read energy

Do I need to move out west?
Will I find people to match my artistic intent once I start working tomorrow?
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AQ or trade

How will I meet my soulmate? Hopefully I haven't met them yet.
How does he feel about it ending?
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Doing as many reads as I can
>genuinely wish me good luck in my travels
> sun sign and age
Capricorn 26
Did the subs bring him back or was it free will?
Pisces 31
Good luck on your journey!
Will I travel with d ?
Good Luck!
Gemini 29
Is the dream I had a hint of what to do or just a reflection of my insecurity? (Not occult)
Good luck on your travels
leo 21
Will I work at z?
Good luck fren, hope your travels will bring you a lot of blessings
can you do this one >>38837547?
I wish you good luck and happiness in your travels, dear anon.

Can you tell me what is going to happen to the relationship I have with my dad? I have a feeling I will never see him again.
Thanks and good luck

gemini, 35
Sorry also good luck!!
Good luck m8
Money reading for the rest of year?
GOOD LUCK!!!! <3
pisces 33
What is the outcome if I upload my gaming content of FV next on my channel?
Good luck on your travels !
Taurus 25
Will I get the career I want next year?
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Not typing cards today up to you if you still want a read, I’m using a physical deck and answering as I would with a read for a friend.

Both? Seems like his life was going through a difficult time too.
The dream was hinting about being patient with yourself, you make your goals as high as possible without thinking of long term achievements.
Too vague
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He’s going to eventually come back and request money from you, or you will have to support him during some ailment.
Save up as much as you can your money is drying up
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You’ll get further reach that you expect if you time it well
Yes, it will be difficult yet possible
>Save up as much as you can your money is drying up
Fug, will try to do just that
Thank you!!
Ty :)
I wish you the best in your travels
Leo 56
Will I get back with my ex j?
Leo 26
I hope everything goes good as you travel, stay safe, ignore any weirdos, if you’re a woman remember to make it look like a man is with you as it’ll make people wanna mess with you less

How hard is my game gonna flop?
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> nine of cups
Lmao it couldn’t be better keep the positivity and try not to get vacay hangover
Capricorn 28
What's coming for me with this moon in Pisces?
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Against your better judgment you will probably try again
It’s not
Take care anon

Time for me to leave
Safe travels!
You are in my prayers
Scorpio, 27

how's the outlook for me finding a new job?
second, thank you
stay safe <3
Am I being mildly stalked?
Why won't R's little brother get a job, is he actually depressed? You?
Does g love and want to be with me?
Judgement 6 of Pentacles Sun
I don't think it is love but it can certainly lead to it with the amount of happiness, reciprocation, and fated/karmic feelings involved.
Does G want to be in a committed romantic relationship with you? 10 of swords rx, 2 of swords, 9 of swords rx, queen of swords Empress 3 of wands
Yes, in the future, seems like they're working through some hang-ups cuz the initial cards are kinda weird. Maybe trying to get to a better place mentally or in life.
Hierophant empress qoc
He's probably being coddled at home too much so he doesn't feel that strong of a need to
Is he depressed?
Temperance kop 8op
He is working on being more balanced, he just needs some time, but it looks like he does want to work on himself and work in general. Or work on something maybe even a trade or school.
Thank you so much
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General pull/read from last night.

Seeking further insight on the combined meaning/energy of these three.
Alright gimmie ur query
Nta but I can trade
How hard will my game flop?
Was that meant for me or someone else?
How hard will my game flop?
>king of swords
>4 of Wands
>queen of swords rev, 3 of cups
Not as bad as you'd expect. The problem with ur game is that it won't reach a large audience, a small number of people will play and enjoy it but that won't satisfy you and leave you bitter.
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Made a deal with a powerful entity for strength in my fighting career, will this be to my advantage?
six of cups, two of wands r, the fool, the lovers

No, don't project. You could very well be keeping yourself in the past by having rose tinted glasses over what was lost and yearning for a time you remember to be happier, but the grass is greener, anon. Don't give too much stock into whats meant for you/whats not meant for you, just live your life, keep going forward, it's the only way you for you, forward, not back. You need to encompass the energy of the fool, he doesn't care he's about to tip over a cliff because he trusts in the universe's process. The unknown is scary, but it's only because we don't know what's coming. There could be a giant cushion at the bottom of the cliff for all he knows! Have faith in that cushion. I hope that analogy makes sense.
Aha, I see...trade again?
thank u
that makes sense, i'm honestly bracing for it to do horribly
trade again?
we posted literally at the same time, that's so funny.
how will the game i'm planning for that upcoming game jam be received?
Forgot sorry, Sagittarius 22
Outcome of going there to see her?
>page of cups, wheel
>Hanged man
>8 of swords rev, 8 of wands rev
Again, better than you fear. You seem to go into making a new game with the idea itll be rejected or disliked. That cant be further from the truth. Sure some people might be uninterested but youll find people wholl look upon it and deem it q good game. You need to let go of the stress regarding the outcome and go for it. Don't panic so much
the devil, king of wands, wheel of fortune rx, temperance, three of wands, ace of cups

I think at first you'll go there with more emotionally ramped up intentions, like going for an extremely specific purpose that has to do with passion, whether it be bc you wanna fuck her or you're mad at her etc etc, take what applies. But you'll come out a changed man with a changed viewpoint of her, you'll be feeling much softer and more loving towards her, like something will happen during that visit to just get you invested emotionally, idk if you actually start falling in love or if you dont like this girl you may decide to change your ways and try to live a life without so much malice idk like I said take whichever passionate emotion applies here. It's a good outcome though

sorry for the delay it took me a second to understand the spread
I understand anon. I think I get it. Last trade?
yea no prob, thanks for your reading btw it makes sense
30 day financial gen for me
Why did she delete the messege?
>moon, Page of pents
>9 of swords, temperence
>5 of swords, queen of pents
You might have some suden expenses appear in your life in that time. You'd do well to not spend too much but to also not panic if you have to. You'll recive support and have enough money to get through this. You might have to refuse yourself some comforts you're used to as this could lead to shooting yourself in the foot financially. If you remain stable, don't overspend and refuse yourself a pleasure or two things will be fine but some unexpected expense is likely to pop up.
knight of cups, two of cups rx, justice rx, emperor

Bc the message felt too risky to her, she was scared it would blow up into something she didn't want and she wanted to take it back before anything bad could happen. She doesn't like that feeling of vulnerability so while she still wants to talk about it (she really wanted to have that conversation at first) it's just too much for her heart right now, so she took it back.
thank uuuu
How am I gonna do with my remaining exams
Will I study next year as well? Will I graduate next year?

If that's tmi think of one question out of them all

Will OP play my game?
Trading lewd
three of pents rx, six of cups rx
queen of swords rx, justice, ten of wands rx, seven of wands r

You won't do very well with your remaining exams, I think it's kind of out of your hands, three of pents rx makes me think someone will get in the way of your exams and six of cups rx makes me think it could have to do with a home emergency or someone generally close to you screwing things up for you. This event may cause you to need to take a break from school, causing you to not really study next year as well as not graduate, but you won't be that upset about not graduating and you'll actually be relieved to have a gap year.
Can I trade a lewd Q with you anon?
sure, q?
How will the sex sesh with her go today? Will she like what I'll do to her?
You sound like a creep anon talk like a normal person
I can see you have some kind of exchange started and right now you're really in on it. However, looks like you won't be having the best experience. It'll really be a bit sluggish on their side and you'll be dissatisfied, but the cards suggest that you'll prevail by means of loyalty.

(Captcha is GGYS0Y btw)
remainder of 2024 general
thank you
good luck with everything
"Shawty gon lik hw I fuk er or nah?"
Have I (Libra female) met the person I'll spend the rest of my life with?
How positive are you that I'll have a gap year though? Will I abandon Uni or will it be just a gap? I'm really wanting to continue studying and right all wrongs but there's a lot of wrongs to right.
queen of wands, eight of pentacles, page of cups

She'll really like it and be super into it and want more and more, she'll wanna do it with you much more often and will probably be the one to initiate next time, hoping for more like what you guys did. She'll be really excited and passionate and enthusiastic.

sorry for the short read but not much else to say, she'll be really happy
>Ace of cups, star, chariot, temperence
Pretty well. You might make a new friend or romantic interest. Thugs will be looking up for you and its likely your actions and perseverance will be the reasons as to why. things you planned for the rest of the year will go well and you're likely to leave this year satisfied, calm and driven for the year ahead.
Beyond over
Well it was the feeling of resignation but also feeling like everything was working out for the best. Ultimately I'm just a card interpreter and reality may be slightly different, I don't have literal future sight. I've had many readings here come true, just in a different way than what the anons said because tarot is reading energy wavelengths and not having a thats so raven moment. I did consider that you may just leave uni, but the cards felt like you were destressing and feeling like things were happening for the best, which is why I assumed it was a gap.
thank you! i love my boyfriend so whatever happens is platonic, but i'm hoping my gamedev work will lead to a better future for me :) this is reassuring.
If we are so compatible
why should I just forget about her

mine is just a next gf read. Starting
King of Cups, Judgement Reversed, Ace of Pentacles Reversed, clarified by Justice Reversed

you're gonna find someone that's already in a relationship that's probably going through a rough patch and is looking at you for some affection, I'd avise to be careful, nothing good will come out of it
seven of cups r two of cups r nine of swords
You may not be as compatible as you think you are, one of you or both of you struggles with delusions and choice which will end the relationship quickly.
trading next gf appearance read if possible
The effort sucks
T minus 14

On inconclusive evidence
Same Q. Starting when u are
Trading next bf
starting yours
waiting on you now
trading next gf appearance still
Should I reach out to Shir again? What's urs?
What don't I see coming?
What's wrong with your car?
q (implying you're not trolling )
Why do you think i could be trolling?
I had to let go my relationship and friendship in this year, for the sake of changes i must make to myself as a whole. Is letting go of them will pay me off?
i'll start when you state your Q
sorry mate someone's been posting trading and disappearing
mine is just a next gf read? if not that just a seven day general. Starting when you confirm
uugh i'll go with seven day spread if you don't mind, im not confiden't enough with next gf readings and similar Q's
that's okay, starting
>the hierophant, the sun, page of cups, the hanged man
You going to resolve some thing that you were clinging for a past few weeks, therefore, you gonna get some extra days for chillin' and for self reflecion that could lead to new challenges.
Hermit R
Five of Coins
Page of Wands
Yes these changes will pay off, although not immediately. You must go through your dark night of the soul first and struggle, but on the other side of that you will come out much more empowered to receive the blessings of the future.
Ty, i realy need words like this right now
ofc and nice quads, let me know if you want to trade more

Please provide the following:

>Age, Gender
>Query (preferably no romance queries)
>One thing you're grateful for
Maybe later, i must go now
26 male
grateful for a roof over my head
Best thing for me in what's left of the month ?
Your query?
I also need your gender and age
are you trading or reading?
Only trades? Oof.


26F. My query: I'm not sure about the query exactly, if there's a way to word it. I'm a socially anxious person, have been most of my life. I feel insecure because people tend to interpret me as looking defensive and cold - most people avoid talking to me, I'm always frowning which is probs the problem too. Anyway, I've only got a handful of friends and honestly, pretty much don't have a social circle or any networks or connections.

I guess this is to ask, what can I do? What's the best way forward? How can I make new friends and keep them?

Thanks, anon, I appreciate it and hope the query wasn't too long.
so that's a few queries right there, you want to condense this into one question?
Thanks anon, hmm. I guess it would be, how can I keep friends and be the best social version of myself? Would that work?
M 28
Grateful for family
Just asking for a social general for the remainder of the year
Will I have a social circle by years end? Been a bit isolated for some time
Why did B (female) block me on social media? She was a friend , not very close but we still got along until yesterday and today I found out she had blocked me. Did I do something wrong? I always try to be careful with what I say because I dont wanna be hated...
Grateful for having my family
Eight of Cups, 10 of Swords, Knight of Pentacles

You'll overcome an extremely difficult situation with the help of a young earth sign.

Eight of Cups is a card that indicates being able to emotionally detach from something. It's a card that sort of says, "I'm done here" and it leaves things behind, mostly without any negative feelings. It can be a somber card, you could say it's a card that indicates no hard feelings, just closure and the ability to move on.

10 of Swords indicates that something's going to reach a breaking point in your life. The 10 of Swords tends to be like one of those mini-ego killing issues, like maybe getting doxxed, or being evicted or fired at your job - they're not terrible, but at the moment, they feel embarrassingly cruel and can crush your pride. The good news is, it's one of those cards that only seems terrible in the first place. It tends to have a comedic effect when you look back at it - but it feels huge if you're in the moment.

You'll face something like that this month, prior to the end. But the good news is, you have someone in your life whether a son, a best friend, a young Earth sign dude who has your back.

He'll be able to help you out and be a shoulder to lean on. You'll need his help. Physical attribues to watch out for, he's young, works in STEM particularly the sciences or in Finance, he's a good and generally patient guy and he'll stabilize you. They will be one of the best people in your life before the month ends

This is for you anon, sorry didn't reply correctly
29, Male
Grateful to be alive

Will she ever make herself known to me?
I'm just starting yours ....
Male, 24
Was she being truthful?
I'm grateful to have been blessed with fortune always following my misfortune

Short Q for me anon, will my next job include travel abroad?

Knight of Pentacles, 8 of Cups, 6 of Wands
Anon, did she try to sound sad when she told it to you? She was really feeling happy, not sad. The 8 of Cups is an empty feeling card while the 6 of Wands has a feeling of joy and exuberance. She was just pretending to feel bad or sad about it - when in reality she was quite happy, or believe that she succeeded in her bluff.
I think that knight of pentacles might be me honestly.
Four of Coins Rev Two of Swords Rev Three of Wands Star Rev Ace of Coins
Looks like you need to take a chance and stop playing things so safe. Are you wracked with indecision and over thinking every step that you make? You need to stop that and be more optimistic that things will work out, the future can be bright if you imagine it to be so.
It was a messege, not something said in person. She sounded sad but I had a feeling she wasn't being genuine.
Can we trade again? Is she fucking someone else rn?

>4 of wands, 7 of pents, 7 of swords
Nope, I don't think you will. Any attempt will have to be planned out and you might have to wait a long while for that to happen. Your next job is gonna be far more local than you want it to be
(Me) also sorry, please leave me your q if you wanna trade
Q for me Anon: Will I get paid my desired asking? And thanks, 4 of Wands seems clear to me

Knight of swords, Ace of swords, Princess of Pentacles

I'm of two minds about this - but one thing's clear, yeah. She's definitely in a relationship or situationship or whatever with some other guy, an Air sign.

The Ace of Swords tells me it's just early stuff, either they're just sexting or they've entertained the idea of it, still not sex sex but they could get there.
By asking, I mean my asking rate or desired monthly salary goal
trading love gen for eight days
Are you asking me and the other anon both?
Starting after you confirm, or if you have other Q let me know
Sorry Anon, I'm directing my response to the anon asking for an additional trade, thanks!
So she's doing the same stuff with him as with me? Cool, should I just block her and get rid of her? Last trade?
>knight of cups, Judgement, 5 of cups
Not quite. You're gonna have to know your strengths and weaknesses to have them consider it. It's still likely they'll say no but if you sweet talk your way into their good graces they'll be more likely to say yes
32, male
I'm grateful I made peace with myself, sort of
Money situation for rest of year?
Best or safest way to navigate out of the situation I'm in?
I'm grateful that I feel my relationship with my brother has been strengthening over the years, even moreso as I realize how we feel about certain elements of our childhood.

When will I go back there??
25 F
What don't I see coming?
I'm grateful for my family.
When next work? 30 male

I’m grateful is still get to live a nice life in great city despite the things in life that make me not happy. Overall I do have it ok.
Requesting AQ. Im 29 and my life has never been better in almost every way, materially, socially, philosophically, and yet I've never felt so alone with my thoughts. I can't tell if I'm scared of success or if actually I'm unhappy with something and I'm trying not to see it
October general. U?
Why does she bother with me? To play with me? To use me?
Is it over?
Funny, I have the same question
>2 of swords
Could be but doesn't have to be. Could be a standstill
Could I have a reading please?

Black woman when?
AQ - future of E and S, given recent events
I got the lovers 4 u
October gen? yours?
What kind of major should I pursue in college?
So that's a yes or no? How do you see it?
Will I see her?
here? waiting on you
Tell me something that will make me happy.
Depends on your query
2 of cups Star Devil
Clear message of “be careful what you wish for”, you’ll be at a risk of falling for a connection that’s looking to backstab you
2 cards?
two of swords r - ace of cups r - ace of wands r

Clear no.

Drew ten of swords r as a clarifier. My deck is not upside down, fyi.

You're clinging to something that's not meant for you, looking at it through rose tinted glasses and trying to make something happen that is just simply not logistical. There's not as much of a fated destined connection as you may think there is, there's just too many factors against you to get this off the ground like you'd like yet your feelings are so prevalent that you're lying to yourself.
six of cups three of coins knight of coins rev
Something you were into in your childhood but eventually gave up, it involved helping others.>>38841214
not what these cards mean but ok
>Hanged man, strenght, 8 of swords
You're stronger than you think. If you suffer problems you have the nessecsry grit to get through them. Don't be harsh on yourself, see the good in yourself instead
What do I need to know about next year?
If that's too general
Should I move to Mexico?
nah i'll take the first q np
how will my career as an indie gamedev go for me?
shitty fake reader...
is se coming back one day? you?
Should i block her and be done with it?
10op kop justice
Wow really good my guy
Lots of money to be made in this field for you. Keep being just and upright and do not let yourself be corrupted you deserve this success.
Did him getting the tattoo tie him to me?
Chariot 9os kop
Looks like a yes
temperance r - strength - empress rev - king of wands r

It'll be a really tough year for you unfortunately, but you'll persevere. I think you'll lose a lot of support and empathy from those around you and this will cause you to struggle and begin to lose your balance but it'll teach you the true meaning of hardship and how to persevere though I do think you'll wind up doing some unsavory things in order to keep your footing, but it'll be justified honestly. Not rly something youll take pleasure in but it's for the long haul of your overall survival so you detach from it.
lmk if you wanna trade againnnn
Trading next gf
Haha damn
Will I get a bf sometime next year?
Should I block her?
Starting when u are
HP Rx, two of cups Rx, Five of Wands
No, I don't think so.
how will my career as an indie gamedev develop over the next 2 months?
8os 8ow 5ow
Starting out will be a little difficult. Something is holding you back initially but then you will charge forwards. You're going to have competition also but keep going.
>queen of swords rx, ace of swords rx, two of cups rx, 8 of cups rx, 4 of cups, the devil
Yeah, you probably should. It looks like this situation will worsen over time as well as the effect she will have over your life unless you do something fast to cut off the negativity from your life. I see someone being unwilling to move on, possibly her. She will try to tempt you make you stay, but if you take the offer it will be very hard to leave. Your relationship will turn very toxic if you give her a chance to stay in your life.
king of pents - page of swords r - three of swords r - ace of wands

Yea, your relationship will be a bit rocky at first but it'll sort things out, page of swords r tells me that its just you guys warming up to each other and having differing communication styles, but you learn to communicate proper. It'll be a serious catharsis when you realize nothing was malicious and you just needed to get to know each other better, it'll be the start of something wonderful and new and he'll be your rock.
Hell yeah
thx anon
lmk if you wanna trade more
Will j move to cali with me?
>Ace of wands rev
>2 of swords rev
>ace of cups
She'll be a bit down on her luck. Kinda tired of life and in this weird stasis. She might have made some mistakes in the past, some wrong choices and is reeling as a consequence but she marches on. She's got a good heart, just no fire to fuel it. You meeting her could light up the spark she needed and things could go well from there.

She looks tired and depressed. Not unkempt but not really in high maintenence mode right now. I see brown or chestnut hair. Casual clothes, think hoodie and leggins
just tell me what i need to know rn
Trading October general
7op 4op the devil
Stay the course, be careful with your finances and don't give in to temptation like any kind of addictions, spending money, drinking, sex, food etc...
Just don't let these things become an addiction, a little bit of being bad sometimes is okay but don't let it consume you.
queen of swords - nine of cups r - death - ten of pents r

I think he will but it'll be the type of thing that was better on paper than actually executing that reality. You guys are not really that compatible with roommates and one or both of you will regret the move, at least with each other. One of you is cleaner and more responsible than the other and that will be a serious point of contention.

sorry its late, my internet shit itself
thank u fren
Oof yeah I can see that happening lol
Thanks so much gl with everything:)
AQ bc im dead inside to trade

Should i go to to the public mental hospital without saying a word to anyone? Im scared if i'll regret it but i cannot take it anymore. I feel so sorry for my son.
Sounds different to what I previously got. Seems more like the type I'm looking for. Thanks.
Who will I (Libra female) spend my life with?
Knight of Wands
Definitely yes, anon.
I'll keep positive thoughts for you and hope you get better soon.
Am I doing the right thing by keeping this distance so that M misses me? Starting when you send yours.
sorry, gotta shoot a dookie. i think you should try getting someone new
Trading October romance gen
I'll trade, next gf? starting when you confirm
Thank you, I hope to be able to give you a reading back when I recover
starting yours
>5 of pents
>7 of swords rev
>Ace of wands
A girl who's either insecure or not too well off when you meet her. She'll try to keep this fact a secret or try not to show just how scared she is. She's attractive in a sense and she's got a giddy side to her, she enjoys her life and she'll enjoy you. Just be weary there's more under the surface
>Three of Swords Rev
>Ten of Cups
>Five of Wands Rev
You'll most likely find someone who you want to spend a very long time with next month if you haven't already. This will be the start of a pretty solid relationship that will put a lot of your fears and conflicts to rest.
trade again?
Sure. Next gf? That's a good follow up isn't it? :D Like who is this chick?
Sure! Mine is how do I meet my next gf? Starting

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