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Why are you spending your time doomscrolling when you could devote your time and energy to learning a stringed instrument?

After listening to the gateway/astral projection tapes I realized that tuning a guitar is a similar experience, but this is a loose association after just listening to the first one.

As you listen to each string's waves "bounce" off one another and their dissonance when tuning an acoustic, that may play some similar role to the tapes unintentionally. You tune the 6th string to E and then each string down is tuned by ear to the previous string by pressing on the fifth fret of the last tuned string. The third string is pressed down on the fourth fret to tune the fifth string in standard. (so, both strings will sound the same when in tune).

As you listen to the waves you get into a natural hemi-sync. I'd say this is why Pleiadians play stringed instruments. Drums lack this nuance but are more possessive as a force which make them inherently demonic, whereas strings emulate how energy waves interact with other waves and require more intention to play.
why the fuck are you persuading me? i browse this board and also play instruments. i don't doomscroll. fuck you nigga
They're both forms of escapism in a way
>you could devote your time and energy to learning a stringed instrument?
Did that, done that. Also I used to play keyboard, when I had one.

Music is a good hobby.
I'm already a professional violinist, though I do think my practice has helped me to be able to pass chi through my arms
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Roughly 2 years ago i picked up an electric bass, i went through a course, some basic music theory, hundreds hours of practice, some of them enchanted by drugs. You definitely feel the waves, even if it's an el bass i can feel the slight vibration from the strings going through body and my hips. Now i start to think that acoustic instrument would be a better fit, something small and portable as i move around a lot, something like a ukulele or whatever this beautiful thing the women on your pic is holding.
>Drums lack this nuance
babby's first guitar, cute, is it a hello kitty one?
I used to doomscroll and play guitar a lot
>beautiful thing the women on your pic is holding.
Looks like a mandolin
I'm wasting my time, i know how to stop and i know what i gain by being productive, but i just can't let go
>Drums lack this nuance but are more possessive as a force which make them inherently demonic

>rhytm (forexample heart beat)

Drums aren't bad, mkay.
>literally just bangs on drums
it's called percussion for a reason
>rhytm (forexample heart beat)
then you get to timbre and you piss and shit yourself
Do you even math drum? You basic bitch
Right hand 4/4, left hand 3/8 while kickin 3/5
You are a worthless slut
But I do love guitar sweeping arpeggios n sheeeit
Currently have my 6 string in drop G#, it's a six string lmaool
>muh polyrhythms
keep seething drummie rain man
This thread just makes me sad for my guitar. It's still there, waiting for me to play it. It's missing strings and I need to tune it.
you don't even know drums are tuned and make distinct notes, you know jackshit about all this, poser.
I do kind of want to learn the gishgudi and the Sumerian system of music.
I keep getting songs stuck in my head that don't exist and some of them are pretty good, but I don't play any instruments so I can't do anything with them. I took guitar lessons for a couple years and can't play. I think I had bad teachers. They tried to teach me notes and never showed me chords.
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yeah like how a motorcycle can rev certain notes kek, based retard
not my fault your hearing is shit
you know you can make unga bunga "noises" on a guitar as well right? with the strings, not just by banging on it.
you can make rythm and drones and mix sub/overtones with any instrument, you donning-kruger on legs.
>you know you can make unga bunga "noises" on a guitar as well right
you probably do
also it's Dunning, ironically
i don't respect the english language don't correct me on that
nta but tuning drums is exponentially harder and more of a pain in the ass than tuning a stringed instrument
and you sure af can tune them to notes
t. plays drums and strings
Whats your opinion on 432 hz vs 440?
Why not do more than one thing at a time?
I multitasked guitar and other things. Shit's cash.
It's how I learned about pitch shifting and how some songs were already recorded in different reference pitch tunings and what the effects thereof are, thus enticing me to tune my guitar to A432 and feeling why ACDC got so huge and lost that energy after Bon Scott died, how Michael Jackson got to be so huge, how others suddenly got a hit out of nowhere without being pushed by the labels.
But also why certain artists suddenly get a successful comeback.
A440 isn't destructive btw, it's neutral sterile stale and flaccid. That's why they set that as the standard pitch, so when the labels present a new "celebrity" to influence the masses, the "odd tuning" reverberates stronger through the masses and that "celebrity" becomes more popular than the legit artists.
Not him.
The violin requires precise fingering which is trained intensively by listening for pitch.
The problem with this is that 432hz is a far, far more resonant pitch in any room than 440, so what they're looking for is the position just sharp of good, which is counterintuitive and unnatural.
>position just sharp of good,
What exactly do you men by that?
The difference between A440 and A432 is 31,8 cents.
A semitone is divided in 100 cents, you can see that on guitar tuners.
What you're seeing in your image by the way is a structure of solitons on the left and every individual pulse segregating in the right.
The left looks better and feels better because there's more energy transfer and less energy loss from mechanical resistance (walls, your body, the air).
The right does nothing, but it's easy to think it's dissonant instead of harmonic.
So its just slightly warped in your opinion? Since the body is about 80% water it seems to be quite a huge difference.
It's not warped.
The signal is not directly resonant with water molecules due to the wavelength, it doesn't exactly fit within the molecule's shape.
That's why there are more waves on the right than there are on the left, and why those wave have different shapes on the right.
The signal bounces into the middle of the molecule and carries through to the other side of the molecule where it bounces back to the middle.
At 440hz the wavelengths are too short to allow for this, so instead of standing waves you get that weird excess of energy.
I guarantee you though, there's more energy in the left than in the right, because soliton waves are the path of the least energetic resistance.

In radiotherapy, harmonically resonant frequencies are used to target specific tumors and destroy them from within.
That's not done with 440hz. It's done with the harmonically resonant frequency of the tumor.
Water's harmonically resonant frequency is 432hz. The 2,37ghz microwave spec is an octave of it.
If you turn the amplitude up on a 432hz signal, the water stops looking pretty and "explodes". Changes phase from superheating super quickly and becomes steam.

Info like this is a little like the "being high frequency" which spiritual people talk about.
What they're saying is "and you can meditate a lot to reach a state of higher frequency energy flowing through your body".
What they're describing is "you can lower your electrical frequency to one that's more harmonic and allows for greater amplitudes of energy to flow".
It's all electromagnetics.
I'm surprised in years of 4chan use that not one poster made the correlation between spirituality and electromagnetics.
Frequency is wavelength, "vibing high" is amplitude and voltage.
Thanks for the in detail explanation. I was always curious about this topic and had a musician friend who ranted about this but never really went into detail.
>between spirituality and electromagnetics.
I correlate these all the time as Im sensible even to natural changes but I guess I havent posted about it. Maybe way back when birds where falling from the sky and fish where swept on shore dead you could find some interesting threads on 4plebs.
Check the 4plebs /pol/ archive tho. Dont know if it was discussed here too.
https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/252472769/#252472769 Here is a example of a more recent thread- a few years previous to corona it was a huge topic. Didnt read the whole thread, its just so you know what to look for. Dont make me responsible if it turns out to be garbage.
I remember those threads.
They focused on this harmonic resonance principle, and on how the Jews could use it to kill people through the covid vaccines.
That it applies to every atom and molecule and to music as well wasn't part of those threads, from what I recall.

As is typical with /pol/, they focus on how these things can be used to hurt people (know thy enemy and all that), rather than focus on how you can use this to rig your health and improve your mental state, enhance your physique, and even fix your eyesight and things like that.

Remember: you're the weapon, the blade is a tool.
The ones I was referring to where long before the vax and rather about energy weapons and dead animals. Dead birds where falling from the sky so the christ is king anons where rotating about end times.
The vax seems to change the dna by itself which is your roots you connect to your ancestor with. We dont know yet what they really did to the poor fuckers that complied.
I know exactly what you mean. The solution: there are tons of pre-existing loops for all sorts of instruments (GarageBand is the best example, but if you don’t have a Mac there are tons of free or almost free music programs like Reaper and lots of sites with free loops like Looperman). Just go and “hunt” for the closest loops to the music you hear and then assemble the loops like a puzzle and have fun with that, you’ll get into a sort of “flow” state and you will surprise yourself with what you are capable of creating. All without knowing how to play any instrument.
Spoiler alert: chances are it’ll sound 1000 times better than anything on any “chart”, at least in the ear of the beholder, which is you. :)
The jabs destroyed some genetic markers, thus severing ties and cutting ancestral ties in those people.
Poor bastards. Imagine getting shilled into loosing the protection and accumulated wisdom of ones predecessors and ones own previous lives too most likely.
Thanks OP, I need to play my ukulele more.

I will not let the sun set this evening without at least strumming a few good chords.
It is literally, physically impossible for a vaccine to alter your DNA.
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you're overthinking it. don't bore the muses. that's the kiss of death.
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Are you retarded? There is even studies about it.
Some of these are about this topic. But I know you ill ignore it and bitch and moan at the few purebloods that managed to survive the attack.
>Are you retarded?
No, but maybe you are.

A shot can't change your DNA. This isn't Metal Gear Solid. If it were possible for a doctor to just casually edit your DNA, troons would be using it to change their genetic sex. Did you ever even think of that? Maybe thinking isn't your strong suit...
You didnt look at the studies AND you didnt read my post to the end because as I predicted you bitch and moan. KYs - oh you already did. Well then move on, no one to talk to here. I dont want to waste my time with idiots incapable of reading.
>what is RNA reverse transcription
I don't read science babble, because I know that laboratory studies can be manipulated to "prove" basically anything. My previous statement stands: If it were possible for a shot to change your DNA, troons would be using it to change their genetic sex. And troons are not using shots to change their genetic sex, therefore it's impossible for a shot to change your DNA. A little common sense goes a long way anon
>what is RNA reverse transcription
A phrase you learned on the internet that you're using in a sentence to sound smart.
Does your whole live revolve around troons? Have you ever heard of CISPR?
well shit

If I was vaccinated then how do I get my DNA back to normal? Am I just fucked?
>If it were possible for a shot to change your DNA, troons would be using it to change their genetic sex
Well it's not like it just magically alters the DNA of every cell in your body, lol, it can only alter DNA of cells that are around the injection site. That's still enough to probably fuck you up in the long term though
>My previous statement stands: If it were possible for a shot to change your DNA, troons would be using it to change their genetic sex. And troons are not using shots to change their genetic sex, therefore it's impossible for a shot to change your DNA
this is nothing but logical fallacy
you are a retard
>this is nothing but logical fallacy
No it isn't. It's called a contrapositive and it's used all the time in formal logic. What clown college did you go to where that's considered a "fallacy"?
shut the fuck up you troon
it does not logically follow at all that if some bits of RNA can reverse transcriptase itself into DNA, then troons would necessarily be able to go so far as being able to change their gender
you are making a flat out false argument
and some other fag on plebbit told you a bigword that you didnt already know existed to try and get around it
I dont know. Its up to you to find out about the situation. I tried to warn all of you.
Let's get this back on track. Thanks for the replies.

I'd like to iterate that the phenomenon I speak of here is inherent to relative tuning of a stringed instrument. Drums are only "demonic" in my eyes because they're more primal and less nuanced. This is speaking from personal experience. I also prefer the lumberjack rock rhythm as opposed to more experimental drums synthesized. Maybe due to the more body feel of a drum, they can be seen as more "possessive" and demonic in that sense, but I don't want to correlate that term with evil nor do I intend to dahs away the value of drums.

There's a reason armies were led with a little drummer boy.

But for the upper end, I find that a harp is for the palace and a drum is for the club. Nonetheless, I made that statement to spark debate and I'm glad to see a discussion here. But the vaccine talk is off topic.

Drums aren't bad - but they are different.

I encourage you to try Celtic tuning. DADGAD. Just play around with the D's or the A's on different frets. When you tune back up to standard it will hold better. That's what sort of led me to this thought.

Thanks anon. If you know that "somewhere over the rainbow" song, I'd appreciate the sentiment of you playing that song in particular in respect for this thread.

I'm inclined to overthink most things and I think I agree with you here. Too much hypothesizing and not enough practice.

I was quite surprised to see this thread still alive, thanks y'all.
Everything is a form of escapism, What do we escape ? Fear and emptiness and self doubt
No, it's a Marilyn
No, it's a Merlin
keep speaking it though language-cuck
for me its the synthesizer. The amount of times that ive fallen into a meditative state and just lost hours playing around while i hardly make any real adjustments is unreal and sometimes the intention is to get lost. Its a very beautiful instrument that is very easy to just throw a delay and reverb in front of and make something really beautiful sounding but to actually compose is quite difficult. Especially with eurorack i take the patch i make apart at least once a week and remake it regardless of what i have cooked up. Even if i never get back to something that ive made before, its a very freeing feeling that the nature of it is that it will always change. Its the ultimate combination of man and machine especially if you stay analogue.
Although i fully believe that you are wrong about drums and have a severe misunderstanding of them in general based on your responses. having played for close to 16 years. Guitar and drums speak to the soul in very different ways and percussion as a whole is extremely nuanced. In regular music or rock where the beat is very similar throughout most bands, its easy to fall into that trap. However the drums amplify the emotion and are a driving force that can carry the guitar to a whole new depth or bring some where the guitar might not be providing in the first place. Changing the tone of the drums can severely effect the encompassing nature of a song which is one of the reasons why there are about 800 different lines of cymbals and heads. The wood/metal/acrylic, depth, shell width, ply count, wrap, choice of a drum affects the resonance and what tones can be pulled out of the drum along with how its mounted, what weight of stick you use, the type of wood of stick, if it has a nylon tip or not, the shape of the tip. All of it. A badly tuned drum sounds like shit but you can get away with it if the guitars are loud enough but when theyre tuned well, its like auditory sex.
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whoops forgot synth picture.

But, i didnt really mean to take up 2 posts but as an example.


would not sound nearly as good or even close to the same songs if they borrowed anything from each other in style, tonal choice of drums/cymbals. OM being one of my favorite bands
are what i consider one of the highest examples of the drums and a bass guitar that compliment each other in a very special way. Their softer music being much more nuanced.
The drums are as capable of creating tension, releasing it, and creating emotion as a stringed instrument can. Its just that most people who play drums cant into it and not a lot of popular styles of music allow for it.
white pleadian niggas and their vibrations.
i read akashic records while listening to -hz like rectum by thomas bangalter and it makes me feel like a god.

bass and dark voices kills your whale videos, i really doubt whales would listen to 4444444444444hz meditation with some shitty stock photo.

Marilyn's astonishing voice was also like this, not 7162514hz.
This is why I made this thread. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on drums. I agree with you wholeheartedly and due to you writing that I've acquired a better understanding when I approach this conversation in the future.

Godspeed anon.
Wow, she's extra cute.
I appreciate it. I could go on a little (a lot) longer but i think i nailed down the main points i was trying to get at and was afraid that i came across negatively.
A lot of the same applies to the guitar, string choice, gauge, tension, wood type, hollow/semihollow, amp, speaker, cabinet, choice, any pedals you might use and whatnot.
The beauty of music is that you can "get away" with quite a lot if we're speaking more modern styles of music. where bad sounds can be EQd out, and triggers can make drums sound like whatever you want. And i think that i used the wrong language in the second post. The songs wouldnt be the same still. However, what i was trying to get at mostly was the tone of the drum, much like a guitar can severely effect the feeling of a song. Much like a tagleharp would sound strange playing songs that were written on a saz.
Intent is a large part of the drums. when to come in big, accenting and complimenting the guitar, when to flourish things or when to be just the guy thats holding the beat and keeping the songs backbone steady.
The phil collins drum fill is as dead simple as it gets but it rings through the years and continues to be an iconic piece of music. Had the drums been recorded differently, or he used it as a "show off-y" moment to do something intricate, it might just be another song that gets lost in the catalogue of his other works.
>possessive as a force which make them inherently demonic
is something i wanted to touch on too. That specific fill almost guarantees that someone stops what theyre doing and air drums along with it. I think it is possessive but in about the most human way possible. It evokes a very strong and positive feeling. Percussion can create music from nearly anything as long as you are willing to listen
Just in a plank and hammers so many tones and expressions can be had. If you watch anything ive linked, watch this
Ignore the OP's mumbo jumbo, but learn the guitar
>buy the cheapest electric guitar
>on amazon get good strings, picks, some shitty usb headphone amp, and the rocksmith+ cable
>pirate rocksmith 2014 with all dlc songs
>practice every day for like 30-60 minutes

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